Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

I really don't want to get married because non-Muslims will take advantage of this and mock us with "Islam is fastest growing religion because of birth rate" and this claim offenses me very bad, because I have seen something even more offensive than that, which is that Hindus claim "baby making machines" and now I really don't want to get married just to not give any satisfaction to these chunks and intellectual midgets who seek only to humiliate Muslims, and I will make sure that non-Muslims will have no chance to humiliate every one of us.

And the nearest Mosque to my home is located in distance of 9.5 Kilometers, and there are difficult obstacles such as cars, buses and many other transport vehicles. And I have to go by walking which scares me because it causes difficulty for me to get on time to prayer in Mosque, so it came in my mind to learn to be strategic so that I can find empty spots and places which are clean that no one can nee what I'm doing just to pray to Allah in peace without any abuse, and it also came in my mind that I can somehow turn an empty in the closest Orthodox Church into mini Masjid just for me so that I can present myself there on time if it is impossible to travel in long distances. But if the priest allows me to do my personal stuff and a room then I can use that room as mini Masjid.

So the questions are:

1. Is it permitted to turn any room including the unused old rooms into a small Mosque only for me?
2. Is it ok for me to not get married just to not give any satisfaction to non-Muslims?