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Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

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    Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.) (OP)

    Asalaamu 'alykum warahmatulahi wabarakatuh.

    What is Istikharah?

    Many times you be stuck in some sort of situation and you hear brothers and sisters shouting out 'do istikharah!' You've never heard of that word before, or you've heard of it but you've never known how to perform it?

    You have questions in your head but you might feel too embarassed to ask, or you may not have the right person to ask.

    You think to yourself; -

    What is istikharah? What is the proper method of performing it? Is it true that for Istikharah to be valid, one must experience some kind of a dream indicating the proper course of action to follow?

    Insha Allaah (God willing) you will learn abit more about istikharah and how to perform it. By the end of reading this article, if you still need a deeper understanding - then please dont be afraid to ask or voice your opinion. Learning is an important factor in islam so please dont be afraid to ask. Jazak Allaah khayr.

    Istikharah Prayer

    Istikharah prayer is a two-rak`ah non-obligatory Prayer by which one seeks Allah's guidance when he is confused or can't choose between permissible alternatives. In this case, the Muslim should pray to Allah the Almighty to guide him to whatever He sees fit for him and make his heart satisfied with the decision.

    In the Prayer, one asks Allah to facilitate the matter if it is good and turn it away if it is not. Thus, after praying Istikharah, one should decide on a course of action, and trust that if the matter does not work out, it is because it was not good for him. One should not then feel disappointed if things did not go as hoped.

    Istikharah is only prescribed for matters deemed permissible by the Shari`ah and not for any issue that plainly opposes Allah subhanahu wa ta'aala's Laws. It is when you have two permissible options and you do not know which is better for you that you should resort to Allah the Almighty to seek His guidance.

    Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

    “Istikharah means, "seeking the best course of action." In Islam, it is used for approaching Allah through Prayer for guidance in a case when one cannot make up his mind. It should, however, be pointed out, that Istikharah applies strictly to cases that are halal (lawful or permissible), since there cannot be a question of choice concerning matters that are considered haram (unlawful or impermissible).

    When faced with important decisions in life, a believer is persuaded to use all of his Allah-given resources, as well as to consult people who are known for their knowledge, piety and sound opinion. After having done so, he can turn to Allah for guidance.

    Humans are limited in knowledge, and Allah alone possesses perfect knowledge. Allah has told us that He alone possesses the keys to all that is good. He has also promised to help us if we turn to Him earnestly and sincerely.

    We see around us people doing all sorts of things for confirmation when faced with important decisions in their life. The Pre-Islamic Arabs resorted to the practice of divining with arrows or the stirring of birds. In modern times, even some of the most prominent people consult astrologers, psychics, gurus or so called spiritual masters. Islam teaches that since Allah alone knows the unseen realities, and He alone is aware of what is good for us in an absolute sense, we must seek His help.

    Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be on him) taught us how to do so. He told us that if we are faced with decisions in life and are unable to make up our mind, we must approach Allah through Prayer. This Prayer is called Prayer of Istikharah. It is a Sunnah or a highly recommended act. The specific method of doing it, is as follows:
    First, one must offer a Prayer of two rak`ahs with the intention of seeking guidance from Allah. Then he should offer the following supplication:

    02674 1 - Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    "Allahumma inni astakhiruka bi`ilmika, wa astaqdiruka bi-qudratika, wa as'aluka min fadlika al-azim, fa'innaka taqdiru wala aqdiru, wa ta`lamu wa la a`lamu, wa anta `allamu-l-ghuyub.

    Allahumma, in kunta ta`lamu anna hadhal-amra [here mention your case] khairun li fi dini wa ma`ashi wa `aqibati 'amri (or 'ajili amri wa`ajilihi) faqdurhu li wa yas-sirhu li thumma barik li fihi.

    Wa in ta`lamu anna hadhal-amra sharrun li fi deeni wa ma`ashi wa `aqibati 'amri (or `ajili amri wa ajilihi) fasrifhu `anni was-rifni `anhu, waqdur liya al-khaira haithu kana thumma 'ardini bihi.”

    (O Allah, I seek Your help in finding out the best course of action (in this matter) by invoking Your knowledge; I ask You to empower me, and I beseech Your favor. You alone have the absolute power, while I have no power. You alone know it all, while I do not. You are the One Who knows the hidden mysteries. O Allah, if You know this thing (I am embarking on) [here mention your case] is good for me in my religion, worldly life, and my ultimate destiny, then facilitate it for me, and then bless me in my action. If, on the other hand, You know this thing is detrimental for me in my religion, worldly life, and ultimate destiny, turn it away from me, and turn me away from it, and decree what is good for me, wherever it may be, and make me content with it.)
    After having done so, he should follow the decision that he is strongly inclined to. If he feels no such inclination, then he should choose one of the options; he can rest assured that Allah will guide his steps. It has been reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "One who asks Allah for guidance in choosing the best course of action will never be a loser."

    It is not at all necessary for a person to have visions or dreams following Istikharah. However, if a person does experience a vision or dream, and he feels strongly about it, he should follow it.” (Source: www.islam.ca)

    Imam An-Nawawi (may Allah bless his soul) adds:

    “After making Istikharah, a person must do what he or she is wholeheartedly inclined to do and feels good about doing and should not insist on doing what he had desired to do before making the Istikharah. And if his or her feelings change, he or she should leave what he or she had intended to do, for otherwise he or she is not leaving the choice to Allah, and would not be honest in seeking help from Allah's power and knowledge. Sincerity in seeking Allah's choice means that one should completely abandon what one desired oneself.”

    Also, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, former head of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and member of the Fiqh Council of North America, states:

    “Doing Istikharah does not mean that one should not use one's reason or experience. Allah the Exalted has commanded us in the Qur'an that we should use our intellect and seek knowledge. If we do not know something, we should ask those who know. But human reason has limitations. We do not know everything; only Allah does know all things. When we are faced with a dilemma then we should turn to Allah to seek His guidance.

    After offering Istikharah, you may do whatever is best in your understanding or whatever convinces you. You may repeat the du`a' of Istikharah several times if you are still hesitant. It is not necessary to dream about anything and you do not have to wait for an answer in your dreams.

    Most of the hadiths on this subject do not talk about any dream. However, the famous Hanafi jurist Ibn `Abdeen has suggested in his Hashiyah that one should make the Istikharah Prayer before sleeping, and should sleep after having performed Wudu'. The face should be towards Makkah. If one sees something white or green in one's dream, then the answer is yes, but if one sees something dark or red then the answer is no.

    Other jurists of Shafi`i, Maliki, Hanbali and Ja`fari schools say that one should do that which is most convincing. According to Imam Malik, other people can also perform Istikharah on behalf of someone.

    There is nothing strange about dreams. If you did not see any dreams, then it does not mean that dreams do not occur. After the Istikharah Prayer, some people may see a dream and some may not. We know that some of our dreams become true. Some time we see something in a dream and it happens exactly the same way later. As there are good dreams and bad dreams, so there are also true and false dreams. The interpretation of dreams is a special knowledge that some people have. In the Qur'an many dreams are mentioned. Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) saw in his dream that he was sacrificing his son. Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) had dreams and Allah also gave him the knowledge of interpreting dreams. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) also sometimes interpreted the dreams of his Companions.”

    Allah Almighty knows best.


    Other Questions.

    Salatul Istikharah: Any Sign of Response?

    Istikharah Prayer: Rules & Signs of Response

    more info:
    Last edited by - Qatada -; 07-21-2007 at 03:25 PM.
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

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    Aslam alaykum wa ramatuallahi wa brakatahu
    I would like to ask some advice
    my situation is this

    i live in a muslim country alone with my children even and my husband he lives in my country in the west , it was some thing we choose to do and try save ourselves and children from the hellfire so I see my husband every 3 months and spend the summer back in my country with my husband , i have been living this way for 2 years now and feel very low and lonely and started to think we should return to the west with my hsuband as he cannot affored to live here with us and needs to work so my children can go to muslim school mashallah , so i decided to seek Allahs guidence and pray my istikharah and seek advice from those around me , some say return to your family some say have subr and seek the reward in making hijrah , so i prayed seeking Allah guidence to return to my country in the west but still after felt so confused as my husband was not happy for me to return due to the invoiroment they would return to and go to none muslim school again , so i prayed again and continue to make dua that i do whats good and better for me long term and short term and my deen and life

    i still felt confused shall i go back or not i wont to be with my husband , but the thought of returning to none muslim land is were i get so confused , but jsut recentley i started to feel more content here and almost preparing for next year in my mind and other things here are not as bad as i used to view them and feel very relaxed and not scared to stay like i used to i became so bad i hated every thing here subanallah , but now i feel i no longer care whats around me but content so i wished to ask do you think could be the answer to my istikhara to stay here and put my turst in Allah.
    As i really do seek Allah guidence , even though maybe my naffs are for dunya with my husband , but my heart also wonts what is pleasing to Allah and what will help me do whats islamically best for me and my children

    advice would be most appriated
    jazukallah khir in advance
    walaykum aslam your sister in islam
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    thnx 4 talking about this topic its very important ... it really helped me in choosing wich department to enroll to.... also wich job to take ....and about a guy that proposed to me ... so masallah its the best really!!
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    Assalamu alaikum, When one is not clear about the result of the istikhara, the fuqaha mention that it is recommend to repeat it, upto 7 times if necessary (usually done on separate occasions). [cf: Radd al-Muhtar] It is not necessary that you get a dream or even a "feeling." Rather, the istikhara is a prayer that Allah guide you towards that which is best (khayr) for you. If you do the prayer of guidance (istikhara) with the proper manners, the most important of which is to truly consign the matter to Allah and suspend your own inclinations, then Allah will make events unfold in the direction that is the best for your worldly and next-worldly affairs.
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    Errors are common in the concept of prayer istikhaarah

    First: some people believe that prayer will istikhaarah but at the frequency between the two, and this is not true, saying in the hadeeth: ((If you are interested ..)).
    He did not say (if reported), and pre-determined order of concern, as the governing classes of intent stating:

    Five classes of purpose: (obsession) said P (willingly), P (self-talk) Fastamaa
    Followed by (are) P (determination of) the whole, the only recent introduction of it has been signed

    . If a Muslim wants to work, he had no choice but to only one they had to do, Felictakr God to act and then to submit it, if they had been leaving Felictakr Al-Turk, but that it had before it a number of options, it must first consult the following from a trusted of the scholars and the jurisdiction to determine an option and only one of these options, if they do, the hands that istikhaarah.

    Second: Some people believe that istikhaarah will not, except in certain matters, such as travel and so on, or in the larger issue is great, and this belief is not true, according to the narrator of the hadeeth: ((he teaches istikhaarah in all things ..)).

    . He did not say: in some things or big things, and this belief is to make a lot of people in prayer Isahdon in istikhaarah might see small or menial or not significant; and have a significant impact in their lives.
    Third: Some people believe that prayer istikhaarah do not have to be two rak'ahs special, and this is not true, saying in the hadeeth: ((Fleurkaa two rak'ahs of non-DUTY ..)).

    Vcolh: "It is the duty" includes a common greeting the mosque and the traditions of salaries and years of prayer and ablution forenoon and other types of redundancy, could make this one of redundancy, with the chosen faith, and this is one of the images overlap of worship, when one of the unintended Alebadtin same prayer istikhaarah , Vtdzee by other naafil destination.
    IV: Some people believe that it is essential to the chest Anscherah istikhaarah after the act, and this is no evidence, because the fact is istikhaarah delegation to God, even if al-averse to this, and Allah the Almighty says: ((May the Tloa nothing is better for you and hope Tahbua something that is evil and God knows you and you do not know)) (Baqarah: 216) This is the belief that many people in the confusion and hesitation, even after istikhaarah, and perhaps repeated istikhaarah times not only increase confusion and hesitation, especially if it is not cheerful Sadr to act Astkhar, and istikhaarah but proceeded to remove such hesitation and confusion

    And uncertainty.
    There is a belief that we have a sense of comfort or lack thereof after the prayer istikhaarah This is not true
    One feeling is that perhaps one is probably not feeling it gave them any reports of that, but it is true that God is the choice it has is Eetmh.
    And Allaah knows best ..

    Fifth: Some people believe that it is essential to see the vision of post-istikhaarah Tdelh the right thing to do, and may stop doing business istikhaarah in anticipation of the vision, and this is no evidence to believe it, but due to fear after istikhaarah the commissioner to do the work God is already , the opinion of a viable vision of a right, it is light on the light, otherwise it should not wait for that.

    These are some misconceptions about prayer istikhaarah, which may in some cases, some of the associate of science, thereby rooting such concepts in the hearts of the people, and the reason for that tradition of solid, non-management texts should also be legitimate, and I commend this, I blame the fact of all.
    It is wanted in this matter further Fleuradja book: (the secret key to success and good fortune, blessings, prosperity), a small booklet, it has more important issues, and evidence of the factual evidence of the importance of this prayer, and understand the secrets and goals, and Allaah knows best

    Sheikh Dr. Mohammed bin Abdul Aziz Missned
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    JazakAllah Khayr.Thanks alot for Posting it.I Didnt Know that.I just wanted to ask that is there any age limitations for Istikhara?
    Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    2qwlqb9 1 - Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)
    JazakAllahu Khayr
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  9. #86
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    I don't think so.
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    assalaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullah,

    This is a VERY beneficial thread. I have known about this prayer for some time now, yet it seemed to be so confusing. This is a very important prayer in the life of a Muslim. All of these other tricks from the shaytaan or fortune tellers, horoscopes, tarot cards you name it are all evil.

    WAllaahi we have this prayer and it is the most beautiful because it is coming from the Lord of all the Worlds. Allaah, azza wa jall.

    I won't lie though, there are times that I hesitate to make this salaah, solely because I am afraid of the answer that I may get and I do not want my nafs to turn away from the guidance of Allaah, azza wa jall.

    Jazakumullah Khair for all the post.

    Fi amaan ilah

    WAllaahu a'lam
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    [QUOTE]WAllaahi we have this prayer and it is the most beautiful because it is coming from the Lord of all the Worlds. Allaah, azza wa jall.[QUOTE]

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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

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    Istikhara: The Guidance Prayer..

    Brothers and Sisters,

    “O Allah! I ask You, of Your Knowledge, for guidance and of Your power, for strength; and I ask You of Your excessive generosity. Certainly You are Powerful and I am not, and You are the Knower of the unknown. O Allah! If you know this matter (here the supplicant should substitute for the words, this matter whatever it is specifically that he has in mind for example this journey, or marriage, etc.) to be good for my religion, my worldly life, my life in the next world, my present state of affairs or my future state, then decree it for me and make it easy and bless me in it. And if You know this matter to be detrimental to my religion, my worldly life, my life in the next world, my present state of affairs or my future state then divert it from me and turn me away from it, and decree for me that which is good, wherever it may be. And then make me to be pleased with it.”

    istikhara - Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    Oops it is too big for your eyes !


    I need Arabic translation that I easily read it out instead English below.

    '"O Allah, I ask You to show me what is best, through Your knowledge, and I ask You to empower me, through Your power, and I beg You to grant me Your tremendous favor, for You have power, while I am without power, and You have knowledge, while I am without knowledge, and You are the One who knows all things invisible.

    Allahumma inni astakhiru-ka bi-'ilmi-ka wa astaqdiru-ka bi-qudrati-ka wa as'alu-ka min fadli-ka 'l-'azim fa-inna-ka taqdiru wa la aqdiru wa ta'lamu wa la a'lamu wa Anta 'Allamu 'l-ghuyub

    O Allah, if You know that this undertaking is in the best interests of my religion, my life in this world, and my life in the Hereafter, and can yield successful results in both the short term and the long term, then make it possible for me and make it easy for me, and then bless me in it.

    Allahumma in kunta ta'lamu anna hadha 'l-amra khairun li fi dini wa dunyaya wa akhirati wa 'aqibati amri wa 'ajili-hi wa ajili-h :fa-'qdir-hu li wa yassir-hu li thumma barik li fi-h :

    If not, then turn it away from me, and make it easy for me to do well, wherever I may happen to be, and make me content with Your verdict, O Most Merciful of the merciful.'"

    wa illa fa-'srif-hu 'an-ni wa yassir liya 'l-khaira haithu kana ma kuntu wa raddi-ni bi-qada'i-ka ya Arhama 'r-rahimin

    Arabic translation please ?

    Please feel free to add more du'aa.

    Thank you!
    Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    "When the Qur'an is read, Listen to it with attention, And hold your peace: That ye may receive Mercy"
    ~ 7:204

    "Then do ye remember Me; I will remember You. Be grateful to Me, And reject not Faith. ~ 2:152

    How Islam started 1400 years ago?- see Youtube

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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    jazakallahu khayr for sharing that important information....
    does the prophet (SAW) mention about opening qur'an after istikhara prayer and taking the first ayat to be the answer?????????????? somebody pls clarify..it can get really confusing after istikhara prayer and one still cant decide or find an answer
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    Assalamu Alaikum

    format_quote Originally Posted by tofytisa View Post
    jazakallahu khayr for sharing that important information....
    does the prophet (SAW) mention about opening qur'an after istikhara prayer and taking the first ayat to be the answer?????????????? somebody pls clarify..it can get really confusing after istikhara prayer and one still cant decide or find an answer
    From my knowledge, I've never read anything about that being the case, otherwise I think it would've been mentioned in this thread as well.

    Istikhara is just about being guided. If you feel good or that some doors have opened about one decision over another, then that may be your answer to continue on that path. If you have some doubts, negative feelings, or find things becoming more difficult about one decision over the other, then that's your answer to choose something else. However, if you are unsure of your answer, then you perform istikhara again. I believe it was sunnah to perform it up to 7 times (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) and if you still don't feel anything at all, then you choose yourself what you feel is best.

    fi aman Allah
    Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    D e a t h

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    the hardest
    of all things before it
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  17. #93
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    Sorry if this has been asked but, how do you initiate the prayer? For the other 5 prayers you say fard al asr or whatever it is you want to pray, but what is it you say when you want to pray this? Thanks
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  18. #94
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    Assalamu Alaikum

    format_quote Originally Posted by I<3Bush View Post
    Sorry if this has been asked but, how do you initiate the prayer? For the other 5 prayers you say fard al asr or whatever it is you want to pray, but what is it you say when you want to pray this? Thanks
    Actually, let me correct you on that. For any fardh prayers, including sunnah and nafl prayers, you don't say your intentions aloud, you say them with your heart. So to initiate the istikharaa you'd make the intention in your heart to pray istikhara so that allah may guide you between two matters. It is just 2 rakaahs other than the fardh salaah (from my knowledge it can be incorporated into your sunnah salaah, but not your fardh), and then you recite the istikhara du'a at the end.

    fi aman allah
    Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    D e a t h

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    of all things after it
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    Thank you
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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    am I allowed to tell someone the results having done the prayer and the results not being that good
    Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    ^why dont you just tell him/her through their family (since you proposed to them).
    Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    ...desperate for husnul-khitaam...

    please make dua that Allah grants me a good end (to my life). please make dua that Allah guides me.

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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    format_quote Originally Posted by Umm ul-Shaheed View Post
    ^why dont you just tell him/her through their family (since you proposed to them).
    pardon? proposed to who? I think you got me confused with another anonymous
    Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

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    Re: Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    JazakAllaahu khairan brother Qatadah.
    Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ
    لقد كان لكم في رسول الله اسوة حسنة

    The Messenger of Allaah said: "Convey from me, even if it is one verse."
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    Thumbs up Re: Istikhara: The Guidance Prayer..

    format_quote Originally Posted by Humbler_359 View Post
    Brothers and Sisters,

    “O Allah! I ask You, of Your Knowledge, for guidance and of Your power, for strength; and I ask You of Your excessive generosity. Certainly You are Powerful and I am not, and You are the Knower of the unknown. O Allah! If you know this matter (here the supplicant should substitute for the words, this matter whatever it is specifically that he has in mind for example this journey, or marriage, etc.) to be good for my religion, my worldly life, my life in the next world, my present state of affairs or my future state, then decree it for me and make it easy and bless me in it. And if You know this matter to be detrimental to my religion, my worldly life, my life in the next world, my present state of affairs or my future state then divert it from me and turn me away from it, and decree for me that which is good, wherever it may be. And then make me to be pleased with it.”

    wwwislamicboardcom - Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    Oops it is too big for your eyes !


    I need Arabic translation that I easily read it out instead English below.

    '"O Allah, I ask You to show me what is best, through Your knowledge, and I ask You to empower me, through Your power, and I beg You to grant me Your tremendous favor, for You have power, while I am without power, and You have knowledge, while I am without knowledge, and You are the One who knows all things invisible.

    Allahumma inni astakhiru-ka bi-'ilmi-ka wa astaqdiru-ka bi-qudrati-ka wa as'alu-ka min fadli-ka 'l-'azim fa-inna-ka taqdiru wa la aqdiru wa ta'lamu wa la a'lamu wa Anta 'Allamu 'l-ghuyub

    O Allah, if You know that this undertaking is in the best interests of my religion, my life in this world, and my life in the Hereafter, and can yield successful results in both the short term and the long term, then make it possible for me and make it easy for me, and then bless me in it.

    Allahumma in kunta ta'lamu anna hadha 'l-amra khairun li fi dini wa dunyaya wa akhirati wa 'aqibati amri wa 'ajili-hi wa ajili-h :fa-'qdir-hu li wa yassir-hu li thumma barik li fi-h :

    If not, then turn it away from me, and make it easy for me to do well, wherever I may happen to be, and make me content with Your verdict, O Most Merciful of the merciful.'"

    wa illa fa-'srif-hu 'an-ni wa yassir liya 'l-khaira haithu kana ma kuntu wa raddi-ni bi-qada'i-ka ya Arhama 'r-rahimin

    Arabic translation please ?

    Please feel free to add more du'aa.

    Thank you!
    As-Salāmu `Alaykum (السلام عليكم):

    Humbler_359 :

    Sukhranallah! Alhamdulillah! Allahu Akbar!

    Jazakillahu Khair
    Istikharah Prayer - (asking Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala for guidance.)

    Lā ilāha illā-llāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu lahu-l-mulku
    Wa lahu-l-hamdu yuḥyi Wa yumītu Wa huwa ḥayyu-llā yamūtu abadan abada
    ḏū-l-jalāli wa-l-ikrām, biyadihi-l-khayr
    wa huwa ‘alā kulli Shay’in qadīr.
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