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Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

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    Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking (OP)

    This is the one question I ask to scholars, Muslims, etc. No one ever gives me a straight answer to this, they always come up with the usual:

    "Everyone is beautiful to Allah"

    While this may be true, why is it that good looking Muslims have much easier life than ugly Muslims.

    I am a physically unattractive Muslim. My friend from Iraq, he is Muslim, and handsome. He gets treated by people differently than I do, he is desired by women, while women say "eww" when they see me.

    I can understand that a kafir or unbeliever who is good looking, is in a worse position than me. I can understand that and respect that.

    But what I dont understand is, why does Allah make some Muslim men handsome like Yusuf and The Prophet Muhammad. Also I have a few handsome friends. THEY DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. They are complimented by women here in the USA, they reject the women and smile but say thank you. THEY FEEL DESIRED AND HAPPY.

    Me and my Iraqi friend went to a dance night club one time (I know, haram, I did not do it again)

    But anyways, all the women danced with him and even tried kissing him, being so nice to him etc. He was so happy after the club.

    Me on the other hand, I couldn't even get a dance, a girl called me "ewww" and I was completely ignored and rejected the whole night.

    Why does Allah make some people handsome and others ugly? It may be true, that my good looking Muslim friends are not getting these women anyway because they are rejecting them for the sake of Allah, but they still get the validation that they are attractive, that people like them, I will never get this.

    So please, answer my main question, I will put it in bold here:

    Why does Allah make some Muslims physically attractive and other Muslims not?

  2. #21
    presa1200's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

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    format_quote Originally Posted by Cakbatter View Post
    Why does Allah make some Muslims physically attractive and other Muslims not?
    Salaam brother, this is the very reason i stumbled across Islamicboard. i'm also an unattractive muslim, i used to be so depressed and even envious of other beautiful men. i couldn't help myself with it until my friend told me it's not good to feel jealous of others. Allah has made every life a test and we must be patient with it.

    Also I have a few handsome friends. THEY DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. They are complimented by women here in the USA, they reject the women and smile but say thank you. THEY FEEL DESIRED AND HAPPY.
    brother, please consider this hadeeth:

    The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "The similitude of the people of this Ummah is like four individual. One whom Allah has given wealth and knowledge, so he handles his wealth with the knowledge. One whom Allah has given knowledge but not wealth and he says, 'Lord, should I have wealth like so-and-so I would have handled it like him.' So they both have the same reward. Such a person loves to have wealth like others so he can do good like others without wishing that the others lose their wealth. Another man, Allah has given him wealth but no knowledge and he spends his wealth in disobedience to Allah. And last, a man whom Allah has not given knowledge nor wealth but he says, 'Should I have wealth like so-and-so, I would spend it in the way he does.' So, both will have the same sin against them." [at-Tirmidhee and Ibn Majah]

    although the hadeeth speaks about wealth and knowledge but i think the same could be applied on physical beauty as well. many people get married because they want to marry, but how many of them are doing so for the sake of Allah and prophet? you see, everyone can get married but his aim is very important in order to win Allah's favor. yes, it's true that your friends are handsome and obedient but you can also wish that Allah gives you beauty so that you can easily find a spouse and build a happy family to live in accordance with the sunnah of our beloved prophet. if you make a good wish, you will be rewarded equally like those beautiful men.

    i'm not well versed in English but i certainly hope that you can get the drift what i'm trying to say. thank you and salaam.
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    First things first, as many say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" To one person someone may be hideously ugly looking but to another they may look beautiful, stunning etc etc etc!But I wonder the weakness that Allah tests you with, and if you pass his test he will replace that weakness with an amazing strength in the hereafter. For instance if you consider yourself to look ugly (I hate this term :/) but you are still thankful to Allah for what he gave you and worship him gratefully maybe in the hereafter he will make you be one of the most handsomest. But then I heard that everyone looks alike or something in heaven, I never got around to researching this..I shall go do that
    Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    "Make the most of your life before your death." ~Islamic Quote

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  5. #23
    Ğħαrєєвαħ's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    format_quote Originally Posted by Cakbatter View Post
    This is the one question I ask to scholars, Muslims, etc. No one ever gives me a straight answer to this, they always come up with the usual:

    "Everyone is beautiful to Allah"

    While this may be true, why is it that good looking Muslims have much easier life than ugly Muslims.

    I am a physically unattractive Muslim. My friend from Iraq, he is Muslim, and handsome. He gets treated by people differently than I do, he is desired by women, while women say "eww" when they see me.

    I can understand that a kafir or unbeliever who is good looking, is in a worse position than me. I can understand that and respect that.

    But what I dont understand is, why does Allah make some Muslim men handsome like Yusuf and The Prophet Muhammad. Also I have a few handsome friends. THEY DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. They are complimented by women here in the USA, they reject the women and smile but say thank you. THEY FEEL DESIRED AND HAPPY.

    Me and my Iraqi friend went to a dance night club one time (I know, haram, I did not do it again)

    But anyways, all the women danced with him and even tried kissing him, being so nice to him etc. He was so happy after the club.

    Me on the other hand, I couldn't even get a dance, a girl called me "ewww" and I was completely ignored and rejected the whole night.

    Why does Allah make some people handsome and others ugly? It may be true, that my good looking Muslim friends are not getting these women anyway because they are rejecting them for the sake of Allah, but they still get the validation that they are attractive, that people like them, I will never get this.

    So please, answer my main question, I will put it in bold here:

    Why does Allah make some Muslims physically attractive and other Muslims not?
    Assalaamu Alaaykum

    Okay firstly i would like to say you have recieved really good advice from the brothers and sisters so far.

    And secondly good looks arent always the way to attraction or success as they call in todays world or your world. in real the person may be good looking from the outside but actually really ugly from the inside, e.g. they might hate helping out, only care about themselves, have hate for people who they dont know without knowing them for many reasons etc etc you get the point insha'Allaah

    But i do not mean that all people who are good looking are this way, vice versa for those who may not have the 'good looks' as you said. I know it can be hard to accept this, but you have to accept who you are, thinking about it will only make it worse, many times sadly there are some who resort to suicide.

    Your Iraqi friend just might have the looks to please the girls, but do you think hes using them in the right way? Does he fear Allaah? Allaah has the power to do anything, he can take away his looks. Its like saying to a sister wear the Hijaab but in the right way, the right way is meaning 'cover' the hair and not show the hair. Shes basically wearing the Hijaab for her own desires if showing the hair, because there is no other reason she would show her hair , either for herself or someone else, its wrong if shes intending to wear the actual 'Hijaab' prescribed by the prophet SAW but has half of her hair showing with make up, etc, but you cant really judge because there are women who dont know may not be muslim and maybe wearing the 'scarf' in a fashionable way or may not be fully aware either way we are not to judge. In other words what i am trying to say, it is between Allaah and that individual, Allaah will judge that person through his actions not his appearance and also what intentions he may have. Seriously are you giving up? Do you feel when Allaah swt said ask him for help and he said he will help you, does that not ease your situation, comfort you inside? I feel this is something to do with not getting girls around you? If so, your answer is having patience, asking Allaah with Ikhlaas-Sincerety. Has he not promised he listend to your prayers? Asking him to grant you a wife who loves you not for your looks but for you being yourself and not some person Allaah didnt create!, But someone Allaah your lord created for a reason.

    Okay i quote you "Me on the other hand, I couldn't even get a dance, a girl called me "ewww" and I was completely ignored and rejected the whole night."

    It seems you were either jelous of your friend, is this way a muslim should be towards his brother? If not, either your hanging out with the wrong person. That is why our beloved prophet sallaahu alaayhi wa salam taught us to hang out with those who are devoted to their deen or are atleast trying to get closer to Allaah, it is these little things that take us into disbelieve or doubt. The brothers you mentioned who when are complimented by some girls and then say thankyou and feel happy, this is because it is natural, it is not something out of their nature. This is also why freemixing environments arent allowed in Islaam. You should be aware it is wrong in some way, whether they have girls coming up to them and not to you,

    Also about the girls saying eww to you, what??? What kind of women with shame would go hang around with strange men who they have no relation to? What right has she to say anything to anyone in the first place she doesnt know, yep your right, no right! or any of the women who you mentioned. It is a bad character in a women.

    I hope i helped a little bit insha'Allaah and that Allaah grant you happiness in this dunya and the herafter Ameen

    I apologise if i have sounded harsh, i have indeed not intented to.

    .. peace ..
    Last edited by Ğħαrєєвαħ; 03-18-2011 at 06:13 PM.
    Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    "Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), Al-Hayyul-Qayyum (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists).".."[Al Qur'aan 3:2]
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    When you think about bad things about yourself or anyone thin of all the good qaulities about yourself or the other person.
    Also allah(swt) has created you to worship him and not to worry about what other people think of you only allah can judge you. Once you have this impact in your heart what ever god has instored in you you will come across, and that just might be a wife for you. Inshallah
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    I wonder if there really is such a thing as ugly or good looking? What is the criteria for either? What determines which is which? If you every watch a baby you may notice the baby sees his/her parents as being the most beautiful of humans, no matter what the rest of the world thinks. Perhaps the ideas of beauty and ugly are things that are taught and learned. Perhaps neither exists except in the teaching of the culture we live in.

    What if there was/is an absolute standard for beauty and that to be handsome/beautiful under that standard we all should look like Quasimodo?

    Who knows, perhaps one day the fashion world will dictate that the Quasimodo look is the epitome of good looks.

    Omnia Vanitas ("All is Vanity")
    Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

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  9. #26
    sherz_umr's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    i know how u feel, its nt easy. I undrstnd hw painful it is wn ppl are so mean. Their callousnes is shocking. Im just 4ft 9in.yea,nt evn 5,nd fat..im stil cld funy names. If i wr u i wouldnt even want to be in the same continent as the horible mean woman who said !eww' on ur face! Its natural to fl sad/envious etc..bt plz dont dwel on it.
    Hope these helps. few egs:
    *we had a senior girl in colege, shes tall,fair, amazingly beautiful..on top of tht she was briliant n hr studies..but people who wr close to her and others absolutly hated her. Nt coz of jealousy,bt coz shes an arognt,dominating bully. Ppl feared her.
    *we hd this sir..intellgnt,quiet,serious and vry hlpful. He hd a wndrful personality..bt scord realy realy les n the luks dptmnt.
    Bt EVERYBODY luvd and respctd hm. Nobdy evn botherd abt hs luks.
    If ths makes u feel any better, smart sensible women always prefr intelignt charming men. Some peopl are just so nice,u jus cant hlp likin them.

    What u can do? Develop ur mind,personality and be the best u can be.. Thr r lots of beauty stufs availabl,u cud go to the gym..b fit and healthy..

    Pray..Allah will giv u the rite grl.
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  10. #27
    Muhammad Aseem's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    This may come across as shallow.

    The reason people think others to be ugly is because we have seen so many images of the ideal woman / man (think miss universe, miss world, mr america, etc etc) By being bombarded with constant images of what a handsome man looks like or a gorgeous woman looks like we think anyone who does not look like that is ugly.

    Though Allah created you a certain way - however - it is you who have led yourself to think bad about yourself. The way people see you, is the way you see yourself. If your self-esteem was higher, and you thought higher of yourself you would probably not have noticed that woman saying anything bad to you.

    My sincere suggestion is to increase your selfesteem.
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  11. #28
    Cakbatter's Avatar Limited Member
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    I am getting plastic surgery, I DONT CARE IF ITS HARAM!

    Its not fair. I am treated like crap because of the way I look. I am a Muslim male with an ugly face and I am done seeing all my Muslim friends at the masjid treated nicer by American girls in school because of the way they look. I'm sick of it, I'm done, I have had enough, I will raise money to fix my face and change the terrible fate I received from who ever gave it to me. Whether it was a genetic error, or the sake of Allah, I cant live depressed like this anymore! I'm done with this rejection from Western Society because of my weak ugly face. I know it is haram, but how can Allah make some Muslims an easier happy lives and me not? Its not fair, Allah said everyone is created equal like that of a comb, but this is not true in American society! Handsome Muslim men are treated and praised better, and for anyone on here who wants to deny it, you are lying to yourselves, which is a huge haram.
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    Re: I am getting plastic surgery, I DONT CARE IF ITS HARAM!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Cakbatter View Post
    Its not fair. I am treated like crap because of the way I look. I am a Muslim male with an ugly face and I am done seeing all my Muslim friends at the masjid treated nicer by American girls in school because of the way they look. I'm sick of it, I'm done, I have had enough, I will raise money to fix my face and change the terrible fate I received from who ever gave it to me. Whether it was a genetic error, or the sake of Allah, I cant live depressed like this anymore! I'm done with this rejection from Western Society because of my weak ugly face. I know it is haram, but how can Allah make some Muslims an easier happy lives and me not? Its not fair, Allah said everyone is created equal like that of a comb, but this is not true in American society! Handsome Muslim men are treated and praised better, and for anyone on here who wants to deny it, you are lying to yourselves, which is a huge haram.
    Assalaamu Alaaykum

    Okay you know its haram yet you will to continue because you think your going to feel more pleased? do you only care about this life? Forgotten about the hereafter? trust me you will regret if if you do. You'll be even more depressed! if thats what you want then do what you will, but then keep in mind Allaah is severe in punishment, since you know Allaah forbade something yet you still do so to please the shaytaan. Fear Allaah as he is the one who is to be feared only and stay away from your own desires that will only lead you to more destruction and pain. Do not harm that which does not belong to you, you belong to Allaah, so look after yourself the way you are.

    You say it like your the only one, realise you live in a huge world, and that your not the only world who is in it suffering, and those who are suffering for the sake of Allaah, some will pass and some will fail..In Jannah you will be given what you want for definete, and guess what its eternal! Allaah promises you, so put your trust in him..

    Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    "Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), Al-Hayyul-Qayyum (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists).".."[Al Qur'aan 3:2]
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    Salaam alykum. We should not be looking for people only for looks. Isn't the best thing to look for in a spouse, is their iman? Their Faith? Their Piety?
    Looks matter little to Allah (swt) one would think. What matters is not the physical beauty, but the beauty of the heart. Maybe you are looking it at the wrong way. A lot of beautiful people where I live commit zina. The "unattractive" ones tend to be more modest in dress, and more modest in manners. I think I would rather be unattractive than beautiful physically on the day of Judgment if that were the case!
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    Re: I am getting plastic surgery, I DONT CARE IF ITS HARAM!

    format_quote Originally Posted by Cakbatter View Post
    Its not fair. I am treated like crap because of the way I look. I am a Muslim male with an ugly face and I am done seeing all my Muslim friends at the masjid treated nicer by American girls in school because of the way they look. I'm sick of it, I'm done, I have had enough, I will raise money to fix my face and change the terrible fate I received from who ever gave it to me. Whether it was a genetic error, or the sake of Allah, I cant live depressed like this anymore! I'm done with this rejection from Western Society because of my weak ugly face. I know it is haram, but how can Allah make some Muslims an easier happy lives and me not? Its not fair, Allah said everyone is created equal like that of a comb, but this is not true in American society! Handsome Muslim men are treated and praised better, and for anyone on here who wants to deny it, you are lying to yourselves, which is a huge haram.
    Beware of envy. It's poison and will destroy you.
    Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    It is pointless to watch other people's houses crumbling when our own house is in need of repair and attention.

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  16. #32
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    thankyou!! very much!
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  17. #33
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    May I say, this question and your outlook on life is extremely shallow and superficial; it actually makes me cringe.

    Why can't you be satisified that you can see, hear, eat properly, feel and as well as not being affected with any illness or such?

    Reading your comments OP, you seem really jealous and envious of your friends. Just because they're better looking, you want to be like them too? And who cares about those girls at your school? Like seriously are you going to know them, 10-20 years down the line? No. So why care? Just say Alhemdulilah for what you have. Don't let bad thoughts go round in your mind. Honestly. I just hope you come to see that beauty does not mean happiness. Only faith and obeying Allah can grant you happiness.
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  18. #34
    Riana17's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    you made me smile hehe

    before i forget!!! SALAM BROTHER!!!!

    in my personal view, your problem is nothing
    to make it easier for you to understand me, the truth is that a WOMAN never look at how men's personal appearance.. at first yes she will haha, I mean who doesnt like to see a beautiful looking people???

    but if you will ask women, Muslim or non Muslim, she normally looks for stable man, funny guy, etc , very less will tell you she's looking for Adonis

    Let me tell u, I am Asian and my nose is flat, when people teases me when i was young, i used to think i will make operation and so on (but inside me i have fear of doing this )
    then i realizes i have soo much scars in legs, and darker knees etc... the observation never ends!

    Later on, I observed that many people liked me over the beauties when im growing up bcoz i am positive and cheerful, I am alive!

    despite this i met a handsome husband
    later i discussed this to him and he told me, I look at your heart not your outside appearance , and indeed we are very happy couple, The Ugly (me) and the Best (my husband )

    Now that I am a Muslim, I understand fully why and i wont change anything in my appearance, bcoz it is not necessary

    so pls dont tell me i dont know what i am talking about!!! and pls dont ever think to go under the knife etc or it will be an addiction and you will never be happy...

    your brothers and sisters are here for you, until you overcome this, inshallah
    Last edited by Riana17; 05-26-2011 at 10:19 AM.
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  20. #35
    Ğħαrєєвαħ's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking


    Allaah looks at the heart and not the looks..but remember this life is not worth it when in the next you can recieve what you want/like. So if yougo through plastic surgery and what not then trust me even that wont make you happy, the only thing is you will become a people pleaser and not pleasing Allaah. It will decrease your faith.

    Lets look at this way, by getting plastic surgery you will turn out looking like someone you are really not, but in the hereafter you will look beautiful if thats what you want, but if you fulfill it in this life with fakeness i.e.something that isnt real, can you cope with that? then no need for it in the hereafter, you disobeyed Allaah here, do you think he will be pleased? Then that means you wont get it in the akhiraah..
    Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    "Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), Al-Hayyul-Qayyum (the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists).".."[Al Qur'aan 3:2]
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  21. #36
    Cakbatter's Avatar Limited Member
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    format_quote Originally Posted by Riana17 View Post
    you made me smile hehe

    before i forget!!! SALAM BROTHER!!!!

    in my personal view, your problem is nothing
    to make it easier for you to understand me, the truth is that a WOMAN never look at how men's personal appearance.. at first yes she will haha, I mean who doesnt like to see a beautiful looking people???

    but if you will ask women, Muslim or non Muslim, she normally looks for stable man, funny guy, etc , very less will tell you she's looking for Adonis

    Let me tell u, I am Asian and my nose is flat, when people teases me when i was young, i used to think i will make operation and so on (but inside me i have fear of doing this )
    then i realizes i have soo much scars in legs, and darker knees etc... the observation never ends!

    Later on, I observed that many people liked me over the beauties when im growing up bcoz i am positive and cheerful, I am alive!

    despite this i met a handsome husband
    later i discussed this to him and he told me, I look at your heart not your outside appearance , and indeed we are very happy couple, The Ugly (me) and the Best (my husband )

    Now that I am a Muslim, I understand fully why and i wont change anything in my appearance, bcoz it is not necessary

    so pls dont tell me i dont know what i am talking about!!! and pls dont ever think to go under the knife etc or it will be an addiction and you will never be happy...

    your brothers and sisters are here for you, until you overcome this, inshallah
    I am sorry sister, I realize your a muslim sister, but you "DISGUST ME". You are a liar. You are lying to yourself and to everyone around you, YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW, deep down that women base a man for his LOOKS. I dont know where you are from, if you live in a different country and it is this way, I apologize to you, but I assume you are speaking in regards to Western Society, if you are, you know that women base their attraction on LOOKS and LOOKS alone. Not only this, but it is proven in science that better looking people are treated better than others. So please sister, do not come on this board lying to people telling them "WOMEN LOOK AT CHARACTER, NOT HOW A MAN LOOKS" This is the biggest lie I have ever heard, one time I tried to ask a girl to help me for an interning job, she told me "ewwwww, no not you" How do you think this makes me feel sister? I thought LOOKS DIDNT MATTER ACCORDING TO YOU? Another time a girl in a coffee shop when I was pouring sugar, she bumped into me and I said "excuse me" she told me "You should be" and she gave me a nasty look. Meanwhile, my handsome muslim friends are doing well for themselves, happy and all. Stop lying to others please! If you want me to forgive you, I want you to publicly post on this forum "WOMEN DO JUDGE A MAN BY HIS LOOKS" That way you will be telling the truth a sister, and not commiting haram and telling a lie. In fact, you contradicted yourself, you said "I JUDGE A MAN BY HIS CHARACTER" Then later in your paragraph you said "I ENDED UP WITH A HANDSOME MAN!" HARAM, HARAM, HARAM ALEIK!
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  22. #37
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    ^ First, I'd suggest you calm the heck down.
    Secondly, the sister you quoted was merely giving her personal view, she said so herself near the beginning of her post.

    "WOMEN DO JUDGE A MAN BY HIS LOOKS" - I'd suggest you to stop generalising... Everyone in this whole world is different. Especially in ones appearance and personality.
    People's opinions differ with one another, thus the infamous quote, 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder', meaning beauty is SUBJECTIVE.

    'in regards to Western Society, if you are, you know that women base their attraction on LOOKS and LOOKS alone.'

    Excuse me? You could have at least said 'some' women... It is not Western society as a whole but the Western Media that are superficial and shallow.
    But to say every single women is in someway or another is a LIE in itself.

    And anyways, stop sulking and just focus on perfecting your deen and strengthening your iman, and try stop being superficial yourself and pitying yourself when Allah, The Creator has blessed you with eyes, nose, mouth ect. Be thankful!
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  23. #38
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    Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    format_quote Originally Posted by Cakbatter View Post
    I am sorry sister, I realize your a muslim sister, but you "DISGUST ME". You are a liar. You are lying to yourself and to everyone around you, YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW, deep down that women base a man for his LOOKS. I dont know where you are from, if you live in a different country and it is this way, I apologize to you, but I assume you are speaking in regards to Western Society, if you are, you know that women base their attraction on LOOKS and LOOKS alone. Not only this, but it is proven in science that better looking people are treated better than others. So please sister, do not come on this board lying to people telling them "WOMEN LOOK AT CHARACTER, NOT HOW A MAN LOOKS" This is the biggest lie I have ever heard, one time I tried to ask a girl to help me for an interning job, she told me "ewwwww, no not you" How do you think this makes me feel sister? I thought LOOKS DIDNT MATTER ACCORDING TO YOU? Another time a girl in a coffee shop when I was pouring sugar, she bumped into me and I said "excuse me" she told me "You should be" and she gave me a nasty look. Meanwhile, my handsome muslim friends are doing well for themselves, happy and all. Stop lying to others please! If you want me to forgive you, I want you to publicly post on this forum "WOMEN DO JUDGE A MAN BY HIS LOOKS" That way you will be telling the truth a sister, and not commiting haram and telling a lie. In fact, you contradicted yourself, you said "I JUDGE A MAN BY HIS CHARACTER" Then later in your paragraph you said "I ENDED UP WITH A HANDSOME MAN!" HARAM, HARAM, HARAM ALEIK!

    Salam to you and May Allah be pleased with you sis Dua

    sorry 1st time I see your post
    i dont need to convince I am not lying
    ... I edit this post as soon as it gets approved,, i replied long ealier that might confuse u of what i wanted to say

    actually i would like to say that Allah looks not how we looks but what is in our hearts.

    That's all that matters to me, even if I am good looking there are many others who looks better than me, and if i am not content then nothing in this world can satisfy me

    however I should compare myself to others in terms of manners,

    theres also way i can be jealous to someone, its for their knowledge in Islam and their Imaan...
    I know its my fate to have him as my husband now but I am more than pleased to be his wife not for his looks as it will fade (actually starting to fade now, he is in 30's now not teenager anymore loooool), he really is good in manner, never disappoint me with his manners, alhamdollelah

    alhamdollelah rabbil alameen

    i hope you can see this video as well as the brother who started this thread

    Last edited by Riana17; 06-17-2011 at 09:03 PM.
    Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    The HIGHEST accomplishment I can achieve in this worldly life is to be a TRUE MUSLIM. (me)

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    Post Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    Brother it seems to me you think that if you were good looking and the girls were attracted to you then you would be happy and content. This is completely false. Sure your friends are happy and content that although they can't go out with the woman they are still content knowing that they are desired and attractive, however even this is false. Prophet (saws) said if the son of Adam had a mountain of gold he would desire another like it. Bit by bit these brothers will break down. No human being is ever satisfied they will always want more. As for these brothers they will get used to girls finding them attractive, however, soon they will either their nafs or shaitan will whisper to them that it is ok if they become friends with the girls they meet and that they will do nothing more. Then again they will feel happy and content, but soon again they will be unsatisfied. Their nafs and shaitan will again whisper to them that its ok if they take on a girlfriend just as long as they don't do anything serious. They will again justify it as being ok, because they will convince themselves they will not fall into fornication or do anything else terribly haram, he just wants someone to talk to and hang out with. Shaitan doesn't tempt individuals to do the most haram thing right way, shaitan is much smater than that, he gradually whispers and tempts you gradually getting you to do the more haram thing until finally you do the most haram thing, and after you've done it you're left wondering how you could've not foreseen that all of the things you've been doing has left you inevitably to do the most horrible sin. I'm not saying that this will for sure happen to them, but the temptation is much greater for them, and in all honesty I've seen many muslims who are attractive take on girlfriends and boyfriends, only muslims who have a very sound and deep knowledge of Islam will be able to resist them temptations of women and men.

    Brother for EVERYONE life is a test, you said that you can accept a kafir who is good looking is in a worse position than you, but then you get upset about the fact that a muslim who is good looking is better than. Think about it that kafir can later revert to Islam, or that muslim can convert to a kafir. Allah(swt) has not condemned anyone in this life, in this life we are given the chance to believe in him regardless of our circumstances and it is only in the hereafter we're truly rewarded for the good or evil we do. It matters not who is good looking or unattractive, the only thing that matters is piety, even people who are fortunate enough to enter Jannah will wish they had done more good deeds and were more pious so that they could get a higher status in Jannah. They won't regret anything else in the Dunya, being more pious and doing more good deeds is the only thing they will regret.

    Here is another way of looking at. What made your friends beautiful? Is it something extraordinary they did? No one can decide if they will beautiful when they are born, it is left to Allah (swt), so then it stands to reason that it is not by merit or Allah(swt) loves some people more than others, or some people did something to deserve their beauty, it is merely an attribute whereby Allah(swt) tests some people by either giving them beauty or not. Personally I think people who worship Allah(swt) and Allah(swt) enters them into Jannah and makes them beautiful, are the people who are TRULY beautiful. Why? Because these people truly DID DO SOMETHING to attain their beauty, instead of just simply being born beautiful. To reiterate beauty is just a means of testing us to determine if we are true muslims or not. Remember the more pious you are in this world, the more beautiful you will be in Jannah.

    If you have any more questions, or need clairification the please don't hesitate to ask.
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    Post Re: Why did Allah make some people ugly and others good looking

    Brother I think you're having some mis-conceptions about the way this world works.
    I'm specifically referring to how you accept kafirs being better looking than you, but not better off than you because they are disbelievers. Yet you can't accept muslims being better looking than other muslims.

    What you have to remember is that it matters not what situations or circumstances people find themselves in. Every human being on this earth is put to trial and tests, regardless of their beliefs, skin color, or country of origin. These trails and tests come in a variety of different forms. Allah(swt) is not punishing you or anyone else when he's made some people ugly or someone beautiful. Will you be patient and worship Allah(swt) if you are not attractive and conversely will you worship Allah(swt) even if you are beautiful and members of the opposite sex want to hang out with you and go out with you?

    Think about what people have and don't have in those terms. Terms meaning Allah(swt) is just testing us to see if we will worship him or not. See if you're wealthy you might tend to get distracted with your wealth and want to enjoy it and thus forget about your duties to Allah (swt) and conversely if you're born poor you might chase after wealth and try everything in your power to become wealthy and thus also forget about worshipping Allah (swt). In both cases the person is being tested and it is up to them to not let their desires and the distractions of the dunya get in their way of obeying Allah (swt).

    If a person is beautiful then the trail for him is whether he will not go out with women/men, commit fornication, and instead worship Allah (swt). If a person is unattractive then the trail for him is to not resort to plastic surgery, to be patient and worship Allah (swt).

    Brother the essence of life, from what I understand it, is that life is a trail and that the pleasures of Jannah are much much greater, such that we can not imagine how much better Jannah is compared to the pleasures of this life. Instead of trying to focus all of your time trying to be beautiful in this world, why not try to be very beautiful in the hereafter?

    There is a hadith where the Prophet (saws) said I saw Yusuf (as) and he was given half of the world's beauty.(Bukhari) It is also known that the person who will have the absolute lowest rank in Jannah will have Yusuf's (as) beauty. So the minium amount of beauty possessed by a human in Jannah will be half of the world's beauty. Could you imagine the beauty a person will possess in Jannah if he makes it to the 2nd level of Jannah or if he makes it to the 5th level of Jannah? I also remember from a lecture about the Hur Al Ayn that their will be a Hur Al Ayn so beautiful that had Allah (swt) willed a person not to die upon seeing her than that person would've definitely died. Remember this is a just an Hur Al Ayn. The very pious men and woman of this world who fasted, prayed 5 times a day, read the Quran, and avoided all sin who make it to Jannat Al Firdaus will most likely even be more beautiful than this special Hur Al Ayn. Also everyone's beauty will keep increasing in Jannah.

    The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “In Jannah there is a market to which the people will come every Friday. The northern wind will blow and shower fragrance on their faces and clothes and, consequently, it will enhance their beauty and loveliness. They will then return to their wives who will also have increased in their beauty and loveliness, and their families will say to them, ‘We swear by Allah that you have been increased in beauty and loveliness since leaving us.’ Thereupon they will reply, ‘We swear by Allah that you have also been increased in beauty and loveliness since we left you.’” [Sahih Muslim]

    Be patient brother and work towards Jannah, don't worry to much about your status in this world, and Inshallah you will attain a high rank in Jannah so that you will be extremely beautiful.
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