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On love/hate for the sake of Allah

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    On love/hate for the sake of Allah

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    Someone asked:

    Salaam Alaykum

    By the grace of Allah I have been muslim since I was 14. However, I have met many brothers who state that we need to have hate against the Kuffar.

    If we hate the kuffar. than how can we feel that sense of sympathy where we can strive to invite them. As hating can effect the way a person deals with an individual.
    My mother whom I love, is not a muslim. Neither is my father. Should I have kariha in my heart for them. If so this is something that is very difficult to accomplish.

    As they never turned me away when i became muslim. They gave me a place to stay when I got married etc....

    Loving and Hating for the sake of Allah as I understand is as follows; we hate the actions of kufr but not the individuals. Can anyone clarify.
    Barak Allahu Feekum

    The student of knowledge responded:

    My dear beloved brother you need to differentiate between:
    1) Disbelievers who show enmity to Islam
    2) Disbelievers who are not fighting your religion in any form

    You need to differentiate between:
    1) Natural feelings of love i.e. parents, children and etc..
    2) loving for Allah sake and hating for Allah sake in general.

    An answer to my beloved brother's questions:

    This is the answer for your question from the Quran: {لَا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ أَن تَبَرُّوهُمْ وَتُقْسِطُوا إِلَيْهِمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ }

    { Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice.} [ Sura Al-Mumtahana: Verse 8]

    This is the answer for you from Sunnah:

    فعن أسماء بنت أبي بكر رضي الله عنهما قالت : قدمتْ عليَّ أمِّي وهي مشركة في عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فاستفتيتُ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قلت : قدمتْ عليَّ أمِّي وهي راغبة أفأصل أمي ؟ قال : نعم صِلِي أمَّك

    Asma' daughter of Abu Bakr reported: I said: Messenger of Allah, my mother, who is inclined or scared has come to me. Should I (even An her position of being opposed to Islam) treat her well? He said: Yes.[ Agreed upon; Sahih Muslim:1003 and sahih Bukhari: 2477]

    My brother loving your parents, pleasing them and obeying them - as long as they do not command you to commit a sin- is something that pleases Allah - Subhanu Wa Ta'la.
    My beloved brother the reason that drive you to hate a disbeliever for Allah sake in such case is because of the Kufr they are upon and not because of them as individuals ( smile). Did not you see that at time a disbeliever enters Islam the much you hated him for Allah sake immediately change to a love for Allah sake (smile)

    May Allah make it easy for you and open your parents hearts to Islam, especially after knowing how they treated you after entering Islam, which is a bliss from Allah, Alhamdullah.

    Wallahu A'lam

    A non-student of knowledge then said:

    Its waajib to hate the kaafir himself and not just his kufr.
    You cant separate between the deed and the doer this makes no sense at all, as who is doing it?

    This confused the initial questioner, who said:

    If I understand you correctly than I should hate my mother and my father???

    Another student of knowledge clarified:

    Jazakumullahu khairan.

    We should not understand love and hate from the way they are depicted in Hollywood!
    In Islam, love and hate are not just emotional feelings. They are positions which one takes from someone or something.

    Omar RAA told the Prophet ASWS: I love you more than everything except myself. Then a few seconds later said: Now I love you more than I love myself.
    Had love been just an emotional feeling, Omar RAA would not have been able to change it so soon. It takes time for emotions to change.

    Love is a positive position which you take between you and yourself toward something. It includes respect, appreciation, admiration, affiliation … etc. Hate is a negative position.

    Having emotional feelings towards your Christian wife, the mother of your children, is normal. However, you have to have a Shar’ee hatred, a firm negative position, toward her because she adopts a belief which is insulting to Allah SWT.
    Wallahu A’lam.

    The first student of knowledge told the initial questioner:

    My dear beloved brother do not confuse yourself with it because this confusion is a result of understanding the terms ( hate) and ( Love) from a western perspective. Thus, if you wish to explain this matter you need to explain first to them what hate and love stands for in Islam so that they do not mix it up with their own understanding to such feelings.

    As a result, distinguish between Human being emotions and feelings and Islamic feelings which do not contradict each other in such case ( smile)

    It is correct to say: I love my wife as I am ordered by Allah ( treat her with love, mercy, respect, justice and kindness) BUT at the same time i have "a firm negative position, toward her because she adopts a belief which is insulting to Allah SWT."

    He (student of knowledge) continued:

    My dear brother,

    I believe that you do have misunderstanding about what love means here!! Again you need to distinguish between personal feelings and Shari'a feelings and stand. The prophet loved his uncle and he was a disbeliever!!!
    If you refer to the Hadith which is:

    Narrated By Anas: A man asked the Prophet about the Hour (i.e. Day of Judgment) saying, "When will the Hour be?" The Prophet said, "What have you prepared for it?" The man said, "Nothing, except that I love Allah and His Apostle." The Prophet said, "You will be with those whom you love." We had never been so glad as we were on hearing that saying of the Prophet (i.e., "You will be with those whom you love.") Therefore, I love the Prophet, Abu Bakr and 'Umar, and I hope that I will be with them because of my love for them though my deeds are not similar to theirs. [Agreed upon]

    Imam Al-Nawawi said:
    From the virtues of loving Allah and his messenger is to obey their commands and stick fast to the manners and etiquettes of Islam
    it is not conditional to do as exact good deeds as the pious people you love because if you do you will be one of them.

    As you can see here: this love is combined with the wish to follow what those he/she loves. Thus, if this love, which is a normal feeling to have, toward a disbeliever i..e wife, parents without the wish to follow their way or what they do which is against our religion then it is fine. However, on the same time this love must be combined with what Islam implements on us to have ""a firm negative position, toward her because she adopts a belief which is insulting to Allah SWT."
    Wallahu A'lam

    He answered another question, saying:

    My dear beloved brother,
    I believe you still confuse the meaning of love and always bring it back to the western understand of such feeling. Thus, I blame only myself for not being able to bring out my words in best way so that it is clear, so inshallah you forgive my short come.
    Let me put it this way:

    There is a big different between love that comes out as natural due to blood relationship i.e. parents, family, children and such so and the so called love that happens due to admiration to some traits in people. I still argue the second type is not love but rather just an admiration. Thus, this differentiation will assist you to know which type of love that leads to imitation!

    The First type of love does not lead to imitation, although it may happen if Islam is not there, as it is the Fitra , which Allah planted in your heart that caused this love whether the father or the mother has bad characters or not. On the other hand, the second type of so called love happens after anticipating some aspects of someone or something that your initiative feelings toward him/her/it is neutral which makes the shift of feelings a personal choice you have made.

    You argue that loving family members who happen to be disbelievers will lead the person to imitation them!! I ask you here: which type of love you mean? If it is the first type of love then I say you are wrong because of the following evidences:

    1. The Prophet loved his uncle as it is known and that was not criticized by Allah.
    2.The companions showed their love to their family memebers who were disbelievers and the prophet never criticized them for that because it was natural feeling.
    3. Allah says: {Lo! thou (O Muhammad) guidest not whom thou lovest, but Allah guideth whom He will. And He is best aware of those who walk aright.} [ Sura Al-Qassas: verse 55]

    Yet, let me remind everyone that this love should not be on the account of Allah's love because in cases where confronting to happen, Allah's love overpower the natural emotions. So, as can be noted, This natural emotions of love is not left loose but put into the right path.

    The second point here, is about the Hadith you quoted and we explained in my previous reply. Please note that this type of love, mentioned in the Hadith, is listed under the second type of love which we explained.

    This type of feeling is completely different to the natural love because this love is a result of a personal anticipation to someone's character and other external factors that led this person to love that particular person. Yes, this type of love leads to imitation therefore we must pick the right ones to love in this case as this will lead to imitate them in some point. However, if a disbeliever has some good traits like honesty, trust worthy and such so then we can love these traits in him as exactly the

    The prophet loved the traits of Hatim Al-Tai'e.( anyway the reason behind having such love is because such traits are already existed in Islam).

    Sum up:

    Love is either a natural feeling ( blood-relationship) which is allowed in Islam even if the person who we love here is a disbeliever as long as it does not affect our love to Allah
    and his messenger. ( Note: this type of love normally does not lead to imitation)


    It is type of feeling that resulted upon a personal choice to people whom nothing linked us to them. In this case, we must pick the righteous and the good ones to love as it will lead us to imitate them and be a reason for us to be gathered with in the Judgment day. Yet, that does not forbade us to love specific traits that some have even if they were disbelievers.

    Keep in mind that ( love & hate) is understood as Islamic terms not as western terms because Hate here as Shaikh Haitham said, means: ""a firm negative position, toward her because she adopts a belief which is insulting to Allah SWT.""

    I hope my words are clear for you now and to be understood correctly.

    Wallahu A'lam

    Some Arabic: ملتقى أهل الحديث - عرض مشاركة واحدة - هل يجب أن أحب مدينة الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام،،أكثر مما أحب ((نجداً))؟؟

    Something to think about (from a non-student of knowledge):

    We don't say, as the misguided Christians say, 'Hate the sin and love the sinner'

    Think about it- do we love salah, zakat, etc, without having a love for people who do those actions? Doesn't Allah say many times that He loves the obedient, the fasting, etc, and not just the acts themselves?

    With a person, we love them for the good in them and hate them for the bad in them- if they are a Muslim, then their eman 'overcomes' our hatred for them, even if they are a faasiq who should be criticised, and vice versa with kuffar. BUT WHAT THIS LOVE/HATE ACTUALLY MEANS MUST BE UNDERSTOOD IN RELATION TO THE ABOVE PARAGRAPHS!!

    As Ibn Uthaymeen said, we love the cure that Allah provides through medicine, but we hate the fact that it tastes bitter!

    Sometimes some people don't make the distinction between types of love clear, and this is when problems arise- as was said, Islamic love and hate isn't like Hollywood!
    On love/hate for the sake of Allah

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    Re: On love/hate for the sake of Allah

    Al-Muqadimah Li- Al-Walaa wal Baraa Fil Islaam


    The issue of Walaa wal Baraa is a
    very important matter from our Aqeedah and Manhaj that must be learned and
    implemented by every muslim. Shaykh Saalih Al-Fawzaan [hafidhahullaah]
    mentioned: “So the topic of this discussion, it is from the important topics in
    Aqeedah of which many from amongst mankind have remained heedless of: and it is
    the topic of al-Walaa wal Baraa and expressed in another way Al-Mahabbah Fillaah
    wal Bughdhu Fillaah which is the firmest most clearest expression of
    Imaan.[Muhaadhiraat Fil Aqeedah wad-Dawah pg. 255]

    Our beloved Sheikh
    Saalih Al-Fawzaan [hafidhahullaah] said concerning it, “from the Usool of the
    Islaamic Creed is that it is obligatory upon every Muslim to worship [Allaah]
    with this Aqeedah and to align ones self with its people and to take as enemies
    those who oppose it. And that it is obligatory upon him, that he loves the
    people of Tawheed and Ikhlaas [sincerity] and that he aligns himself with them
    and that he hates the people of shirk and that he takes them as enemies. And
    that is the Millah [religion] of Ibraheem and those with him, those whom we were
    commanded to follow their example when Allaah says:

    “Indeed there has
    been an excellent example for you in Ibraheem and those with him, when they said
    to their people: “verily we are free from you and whatever you worship besides
    Allaah, we have rejected you and there has started between us and you hostility
    and hatred forever, until you believe in Allaah alone.” [60:4]

    And it is
    the deen of Muhammad [Alayhi Salaatu wa Salaam]. Allaah the Most High says:

    “Oh you who believe! Take not the Jews and Christians as Auliya
    [friends, protectors, helpers] they are but Auliya to one another. And if any
    amongst you takes them as Auliya then surely he is from amongst them. Verily
    Allaah guides not those who are Zalimoon [polytheist and wrongdoers and
    unjust].” [5:51]

    And this is a prohibition for having muwaalaat [love
    and allegiance] for the people of the book specifically. And as for what is
    said for the prohibition of Muwaalaat of the Kuffaar generally is:

    you who believe! Take not my enemies and your enemies as Auliya” [60:1]

    But rather, what has been made impermissible upon the believer is
    Muwaalaatul Kuffaar even if he be from amongst those who are closest in
    relationship to him. Allaah the Most High says:

    “Oh you who believe!
    Take not your fathers and your brothers as Auliya if they prefer disbelief to
    belief. And whoever of you does so then he is one of the Zalimoon.” [9:23]

    And Allaah the Most High says:

    “You will not find a believing
    people who believe in Allaah and the Last Day making friendship with those who
    oppose Allaah and His Messenger even though they were their fathers or their
    sons or their brothers or their kindred [people]” [58:22]

    many people have remained ignorant of this great principle, even to the point
    that I have heard many who ascribe themselves to knowledge and dawah in their
    Arabic programs say that the Nasaraa [Christians] verily they are our brothers,
    Yaa Lahaa Min Kalimatin Khateerah [oh what a dangerous statement!]

    just as Allaah Subhaanahu prohibited friendship with the Kuffaar the enemies of
    the Islaamic Aqeedah so Subhaanahu has also made it obligatory to have Muwaalaat
    of the Mu’mineen and to have love for them, Ta’aalaa said:

    “Verily, Your
    Walee(Protector or Helper) is none other than Allaah, His Messenger, and the
    believers,-those who perform As-Salat (Iqaamat-as-Salah), and give Zakat and
    they are Raki’un (those who bow down or submit themselves with obedience to
    Allaah in prayer). And whosoever takes Allaah, His Messenger and those who have
    believed, as Protectors, then the party of Allaah will be the victorious.”

    And Ta’aalaa said:

    “Muhammad is the messenger of
    Allaah and those that are with him are severe against the Kuffaar and merciful
    amongst themselves.” [48:29]

    And Ta’aalaa said:

    “Indeed the
    believers are only brothers” [49:10]

    So the believers are brothers in
    Deen and Aqeedah even if they are distant by their insaab [relations] and their
    countries and time periods Ta’aalaa said:

    “And those who came after them
    say, oh our Lord forgive us and our brothers, those that preceded us in Imaan
    and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who have believed, our Lord!
    You are indeed full of kindness, Most Merciful.” [59:10]

    So the
    believers from the first of the creation until the last of them whether they are
    distant by their countries or distant throughout the ages of time are loving
    brothers guiding the latter of them by the former of them supplicating one for
    the other seeking forgiveness one for the other.
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    Re: On love/hate for the sake of Allah

    Alaamaatul Al-Walaa Baynal Muslimeen
    Signs of Walaa [Friendship, Allegiance,
    Loyalty] Between the Muslims
    Extracted From Muhaadhiraat Fil Aqeedah wa
    Ad-Dawah pg.257-258 volume 1
    By: Sheikh Saalih Ibn Fawzaan Ibn Abdillaah
    Al-Fawzaan [Hafidhahullaah]


    And from amongst the signs of Al-Mahabbah [friendship, allegiance,
    loyalty]and that which necessitates Al-Mahabbah is:

    1 At-Tazaawur [to
    visit one another] [from tazaawara yatazaawaru tazawuran]

    The visiting
    for the sake of Allaah between the Mutahaabeen and this is from the signs of

    And in the authentic hadeeth:

    “Indeed a man from
    amongst those who came before us visited one of his brothers for the pleasure of
    Allaah in another village, so Allaah Subhanaanahu wa Ta’aalaa intended to test
    him, so Allaah observed him while he was on his way-meaning throughout his
    travels-and sent an angel to him to ask, where are you going?
    He said: [the
    Man] “I want to visit my brother in this village.”
    He said [the Angel] “Do
    you wish to derive any benefit from him?”
    He said [the Man] “No, except that
    I love him for the sake of Allaah Azza wa Jall”
    So the angel said to the
    man: “Verily I am the messenger of Allaah to you that verily Allaah loves you
    just as you love for His sake.”

    2.The Sitting with the Believers

    And from the signs of Al-Mahabbah is sitting with the believers and
    being present in the Islaamic Jamaa’aat [gatherings] and that is because it is
    one Jamaa’ah! Allaahu Ta’aalaa says:

    “And keep yourself patiently with
    those who call upon their Lord morning and afternoon, seeking His Face.” [18:28]

    3.Enjoining What is Right and Forbidding What is Wrong

    from that which is necessitated by this Mahabbah likewise, is the enjoining what
    is right and forbidding what is wrong…so the Muslim enjoins upon his brother the
    good and it is: to do every type of good and act of obedience and that is
    because in that is a benefit now and in the life to come just as forbidding him
    from what is wrong: and it is from every act of disobedience and from anything
    that contradicts or opposes obedience, and that is because in that is a harm for
    him now and in the life to come.

    And Allaah Ta’Aaalaa says in describing
    the believers:

    “They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and
    they establish the prayer and give the Zakaat and they obey Allaah and His
    Messenger” [9:71]

    And these are from amongst the signs of Imaan and
    Mahabbah Fillaah Azza wa Jall.
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    Re: On love/hate for the sake of Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by nousername View Post
    Someone asked:

    Salaam Alaykum

    By the grace of Allah I have been muslim since I was 14. However, I have met many brothers who state that we need to have hate against the Kuffar.

    If we hate the kuffar. than how can we feel that sense of sympathy where we can strive to invite them. As hating can effect the way a person deals with an individual.
    My mother whom I love, is not a muslim. Neither is my father. Should I have kariha in my heart for them. If so this is something that is very difficult to accomplish.

    As they never turned me away when i became muslim. They gave me a place to stay when I got married etc....

    Loving and Hating for the sake of Allah as I understand is as follows; we hate the actions of kufr but not the individuals. Can anyone clarify.
    Barak Allahu Feekum

    The student of knowledge responded:

    My dear beloved brother you need to differentiate between:
    1) Disbelievers who show enmity to Islam
    2) Disbelievers who are not fighting your religion in any form

    You need to differentiate between:
    1) Natural feelings of love i.e. parents, children and etc..
    2) loving for Allah sake and hating for Allah sake in general.

    An answer to my beloved brother's questions:

    This is the answer for your question from the Quran: {لَا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ أَن تَبَرُّوهُمْ وَتُقْسِطُوا إِلَيْهِمْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ }

    { Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice.} [ Sura Al-Mumtahana: Verse 8]

    This is the answer for you from Sunnah:

    فعن أسماء بنت أبي بكر رضي الله عنهما قالت : قدمتْ عليَّ أمِّي وهي مشركة في عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فاستفتيتُ رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قلت : قدمتْ عليَّ أمِّي وهي راغبة أفأصل أمي ؟ قال : نعم صِلِي أمَّك

    Asma' daughter of Abu Bakr reported: I said: Messenger of Allah, my mother, who is inclined or scared has come to me. Should I (even An her position of being opposed to Islam) treat her well? He said: Yes.[ Agreed upon; Sahih Muslim:1003 and sahih Bukhari: 2477]

    My brother loving your parents, pleasing them and obeying them - as long as they do not command you to commit a sin- is something that pleases Allah - Subhanu Wa Ta'la.
    My beloved brother the reason that drive you to hate a disbeliever for Allah sake in such case is because of the Kufr they are upon and not because of them as individuals ( smile). Did not you see that at time a disbeliever enters Islam the much you hated him for Allah sake immediately change to a love for Allah sake (smile)

    May Allah make it easy for you and open your parents hearts to Islam, especially after knowing how they treated you after entering Islam, which is a bliss from Allah, Alhamdullah.

    Wallahu A'lam

    A non-student of knowledge then said:

    Its waajib to hate the kaafir himself and not just his kufr.
    You cant separate between the deed and the doer this makes no sense at all, as who is doing it?

    This confused the initial questioner, who said:

    If I understand you correctly than I should hate my mother and my father???

    Another student of knowledge clarified:

    Jazakumullahu khairan.

    We should not understand love and hate from the way they are depicted in Hollywood!
    In Islam, love and hate are not just emotional feelings. They are positions which one takes from someone or something.

    Omar RAA told the Prophet ASWS: I love you more than everything except myself. Then a few seconds later said: Now I love you more than I love myself.
    Had love been just an emotional feeling, Omar RAA would not have been able to change it so soon. It takes time for emotions to change.

    Love is a positive position which you take between you and yourself toward something. It includes respect, appreciation, admiration, affiliation … etc. Hate is a negative position.

    Having emotional feelings towards your Christian wife, the mother of your children, is normal. However, you have to have a Shar’ee hatred, a firm negative position, toward her because she adopts a belief which is insulting to Allah SWT.
    Wallahu A’lam.

    The first student of knowledge told the initial questioner:

    My dear beloved brother do not confuse yourself with it because this confusion is a result of understanding the terms ( hate) and ( Love) from a western perspective. Thus, if you wish to explain this matter you need to explain first to them what hate and love stands for in Islam so that they do not mix it up with their own understanding to such feelings.

    As a result, distinguish between Human being emotions and feelings and Islamic feelings which do not contradict each other in such case ( smile)

    It is correct to say: I love my wife as I am ordered by Allah ( treat her with love, mercy, respect, justice and kindness) BUT at the same time i have "a firm negative position, toward her because she adopts a belief which is insulting to Allah SWT."

    He (student of knowledge) continued:

    My dear brother,

    I believe that you do have misunderstanding about what love means here!! Again you need to distinguish between personal feelings and Shari'a feelings and stand. The prophet loved his uncle and he was a disbeliever!!!
    If you refer to the Hadith which is:

    Narrated By Anas: A man asked the Prophet about the Hour (i.e. Day of Judgment) saying, "When will the Hour be?" The Prophet said, "What have you prepared for it?" The man said, "Nothing, except that I love Allah and His Apostle." The Prophet said, "You will be with those whom you love." We had never been so glad as we were on hearing that saying of the Prophet (i.e., "You will be with those whom you love.") Therefore, I love the Prophet, Abu Bakr and 'Umar, and I hope that I will be with them because of my love for them though my deeds are not similar to theirs. [Agreed upon]

    Imam Al-Nawawi said:
    From the virtues of loving Allah and his messenger is to obey their commands and stick fast to the manners and etiquettes of Islam
    it is not conditional to do as exact good deeds as the pious people you love because if you do you will be one of them.

    As you can see here: this love is combined with the wish to follow what those he/she loves. Thus, if this love, which is a normal feeling to have, toward a disbeliever i..e wife, parents without the wish to follow their way or what they do which is against our religion then it is fine. However, on the same time this love must be combined with what Islam implements on us to have ""a firm negative position, toward her because she adopts a belief which is insulting to Allah SWT."
    Wallahu A'lam

    He answered another question, saying:

    My dear beloved brother,
    I believe you still confuse the meaning of love and always bring it back to the western understand of such feeling. Thus, I blame only myself for not being able to bring out my words in best way so that it is clear, so inshallah you forgive my short come.
    Let me put it this way:

    There is a big different between love that comes out as natural due to blood relationship i.e. parents, family, children and such so and the so called love that happens due to admiration to some traits in people. I still argue the second type is not love but rather just an admiration. Thus, this differentiation will assist you to know which type of love that leads to imitation!

    The First type of love does not lead to imitation, although it may happen if Islam is not there, as it is the Fitra , which Allah planted in your heart that caused this love whether the father or the mother has bad characters or not. On the other hand, the second type of so called love happens after anticipating some aspects of someone or something that your initiative feelings toward him/her/it is neutral which makes the shift of feelings a personal choice you have made.

    You argue that loving family members who happen to be disbelievers will lead the person to imitation them!! I ask you here: which type of love you mean? If it is the first type of love then I say you are wrong because of the following evidences:

    1. The Prophet loved his uncle as it is known and that was not criticized by Allah.
    2.The companions showed their love to their family memebers who were disbelievers and the prophet never criticized them for that because it was natural feeling.
    3. Allah says: {Lo! thou (O Muhammad) guidest not whom thou lovest, but Allah guideth whom He will. And He is best aware of those who walk aright.} [ Sura Al-Qassas: verse 55]

    Yet, let me remind everyone that this love should not be on the account of Allah's love because in cases where confronting to happen, Allah's love overpower the natural emotions. So, as can be noted, This natural emotions of love is not left loose but put into the right path.

    The second point here, is about the Hadith you quoted and we explained in my previous reply. Please note that this type of love, mentioned in the Hadith, is listed under the second type of love which we explained.

    This type of feeling is completely different to the natural love because this love is a result of a personal anticipation to someone's character and other external factors that led this person to love that particular person. Yes, this type of love leads to imitation therefore we must pick the right ones to love in this case as this will lead to imitate them in some point. However, if a disbeliever has some good traits like honesty, trust worthy and such so then we can love these traits in him as exactly the

    The prophet loved the traits of Hatim Al-Tai'e.( anyway the reason behind having such love is because such traits are already existed in Islam).

    Sum up:

    Love is either a natural feeling ( blood-relationship) which is allowed in Islam even if the person who we love here is a disbeliever as long as it does not affect our love to Allah
    and his messenger. ( Note: this type of love normally does not lead to imitation)


    It is type of feeling that resulted upon a personal choice to people whom nothing linked us to them. In this case, we must pick the righteous and the good ones to love as it will lead us to imitate them and be a reason for us to be gathered with in the Judgment day. Yet, that does not forbade us to love specific traits that some have even if they were disbelievers.

    Keep in mind that ( love & hate) is understood as Islamic terms not as western terms because Hate here as Shaikh Haitham said, means: ""a firm negative position, toward her because she adopts a belief which is insulting to Allah SWT.""

    I hope my words are clear for you now and to be understood correctly.

    Wallahu A'lam

    Some Arabic: ملتقى أهل الحديث - عرض مشاركة واحدة - هل يجب أن أحب مدينة الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام،،أكثر مما أحب ((نجداً))؟؟

    Something to think about (from a non-student of knowledge):

    We don't say, as the misguided Christians say, 'Hate the sin and love the sinner'

    Think about it- do we love salah, zakat, etc, without having a love for people who do those actions? Doesn't Allah say many times that He loves the obedient, the fasting, etc, and not just the acts themselves?

    With a person, we love them for the good in them and hate them for the bad in them- if they are a Muslim, then their eman 'overcomes' our hatred for them, even if they are a faasiq who should be criticised, and vice versa with kuffar. BUT WHAT THIS LOVE/HATE ACTUALLY MEANS MUST BE UNDERSTOOD IN RELATION TO THE ABOVE PARAGRAPHS!!

    As Ibn Uthaymeen said, we love the cure that Allah provides through medicine, but we hate the fact that it tastes bitter!

    Sometimes some people don't make the distinction between types of love clear, and this is when problems arise- as was said, Islamic love and hate isn't like Hollywood!
    Why do Muslims have bara for the bani Israel in your opinion? Would this be anti-semitism?
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    Re: On love/hate for the sake of Allah

    format_quote Originally Posted by Muwaahid View Post
    Alaamaatul Al-Walaa Baynal Muslimeen
    Signs of Walaa [Friendship, Allegiance,
    Loyalty] Between the Muslims
    Extracted From Muhaadhiraat Fil Aqeedah wa
    Ad-Dawah pg.257-258 volume 1
    By: Sheikh Saalih Ibn Fawzaan Ibn Abdillaah
    Al-Fawzaan [Hafidhahullaah]


    And from amongst the signs of Al-Mahabbah [friendship, allegiance,
    loyalty]and that which necessitates Al-Mahabbah is:

    1 At-Tazaawur [to
    visit one another] [from tazaawara yatazaawaru tazawuran]

    The visiting
    for the sake of Allaah between the Mutahaabeen and this is from the signs of

    And in the authentic hadeeth:

    “Indeed a man from
    amongst those who came before us visited one of his brothers for the pleasure of
    Allaah in another village, so Allaah Subhanaanahu wa Ta’aalaa intended to test
    him, so Allaah observed him while he was on his way-meaning throughout his
    travels-and sent an angel to him to ask, where are you going?
    He said: [the
    Man] “I want to visit my brother in this village.”
    He said [the Angel] “Do
    you wish to derive any benefit from him?”
    He said [the Man] “No, except that
    I love him for the sake of Allaah Azza wa Jall”
    So the angel said to the
    man: “Verily I am the messenger of Allaah to you that verily Allaah loves you
    just as you love for His sake.”

    2.The Sitting with the Believers

    And from the signs of Al-Mahabbah is sitting with the believers and
    being present in the Islaamic Jamaa’aat [gatherings] and that is because it is
    one Jamaa’ah! Allaahu Ta’aalaa says:

    “And keep yourself patiently with
    those who call upon their Lord morning and afternoon, seeking His Face.” [18:28]

    3.Enjoining What is Right and Forbidding What is Wrong

    from that which is necessitated by this Mahabbah likewise, is the enjoining what
    is right and forbidding what is wrong…so the Muslim enjoins upon his brother the
    good and it is: to do every type of good and act of obedience and that is
    because in that is a benefit now and in the life to come just as forbidding him
    from what is wrong: and it is from every act of disobedience and from anything
    that contradicts or opposes obedience, and that is because in that is a harm for
    him now and in the life to come.

    And Allaah Ta’Aaalaa says in describing
    the believers:

    “They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and
    they establish the prayer and give the Zakaat and they obey Allaah and His
    Messenger” [9:71]

    And these are from amongst the signs of Imaan and
    Mahabbah Fillaah Azza wa Jall.
    Why do Muslims have bara for the bani Israel in your opinion? Would this be anti-semitism?
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