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One explanation of Shirk in Attributes

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    knightrider786's Avatar Limited Member
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    One explanation of Shirk in Attributes

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    The word Shirk is derived from the root letters, Sh{een}, R{a}, K{af} Shrk, and its generic meaning is ‘to share’. Its Shara'ee meaning sharing the qualities/quality of Allah with the creation of Allah which should be uniquely reserved for Allah.

    Shirk Of Attributes: A form of Shirk in which attributes of Allah are given to the CREATION of Allah.

    Note: Seeing, Hearing, Knowing, Sustainer, etc: All are Attributes of Allah tallah, but the Makhlooq of Allah does share with Allah these ATTRIBUTES, and stating this fact does not mount to SHIRK. Allah tallah as out of His will as confered these Atributes to His creation, and the quantity of these Attributes differes from invidual to invidual as well as between Allah and His creation.

    Attributes Of Allah & Their Qauntity:

    Rauf & Raheem:

    - Allah (subhana wa tallah) states in Qur’an:

    Surah An Nahl (16) Verse 7: “And they carry your heavy loads to lands that ye could not (otherwise) reach except with souls distressed: for your Lord is indeed Most Kind, Most Merciful. (i.e. Rauf ur Raheem).”

    According to The Holy Quran Qualities of Rauf, Raheem are of Allah (subhana wa tallah) as well as of Messenger of Allah (sallalahu alayhi was'salam):

    Surah Tawbah (9) Verse 128: Now hath come unto you an Messenger from amongst yourselves: it grieves him that ye should perish: ardently anxious is he over you: to the Believers is he most kind and merciful (i.e. Rauf ur Raheem).

    If a person was to believe that Prophet Muhammed (sallalahu alayhi was'salam) is Rauf, Raheem but with the aqeedah that Allah (subhana wa tallah) granted, bestowed, given (i.e. Atahi) these qualities to Messenger (sallalahu alayhi was'salam) are not his own (i.e. Zaati) or was to believe that his qualities of Rauf, Raheem are limited (i.e. Baaz) and are not equal with Allah (subhana wa tallah) in meaning quantity (i.e. Qulli) or believes these qualities were given to Messenger Muhammed (sallalahu alayhi ws'salam) at a time in creation, and negates possession of these qualities from eternity, then that person does not committed shirk

    Sami & Baseer:

    - Allah (subhana wa tallah) mentions that He has given the Jinn & Insaan (Jinn & Human) the abilities of hearing, seeing:

    Surah Al Mominoon (23) Verse 78: It is He Who has created for you (the faculties of) hearing, sight, feeling and understanding: little thanks it is ye give!

    Qur’an also affirms the qualities of hearing, seeing for Allah (subhana wa tallah):

    Surah Al Ghafir (40) Verse 20: “And Allah will judge with (justice and) Truth: but those whom (men) invoke besides Him, will not (be in a position) to judge at all. Verily it is Allah who hears and sees.”

    If Zahid was to believe that X creation's attributes of Sami, Baseer are granted, given, bestowed (i.e. Atahi) by Allah (subhana wa tallah), not his own (i.e. Zaati) like Allah (subhana wa tallah), and believes that they are relative/limited/partial (i.e. Baaz), for X creation not absolute/perfect (i.e. Qulli) like Allah's (subhana wa tallah) in strength, quantity. And believes that this X creation's attributes of Sami, Baseer, are created in time, and given to him at a time, and negates possession of these attributes from eternity, and negates possession of these attributes continuously to eternity, but believes that X creation’s these attributes were removed from him/her and then restored. Then there is not a question of shirk.

    Allah, Sees, Hears, Knows ALL, none is hidden from him NOT EVEN A ATOMS WEIGHT, He Sees ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, He Hears ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, He Knows PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that has happened in these THREE TIME PERIODS. Allahs Seeing, Hearing, Knowing is absolute in every term, neither He makes mistake in judgement on WHAT HE SAW, HEARD, AND KNOWS, nor its part of His Attributes to make such mistakes. He is Perfect in every Attribute.

    What Consitute 'Shirk Of Attributes':

    * If X claims that He/She SEES everything - JUST LIKE Allah
    * If X claims that He/She HEARS everything - JUST LIKE Allah
    * If X claims that He/She KNOWS everything - JUST LIKE Allah

    Or takes any Attribute of Allah and implies that X is equale with Allah in this Attribute, it would be Shirk Al Akhbar, which in other words results in KUFFR. Any creation if it takes the attribute of Allah which Allah shares with creation and implies that X is ABSOLUTELY EQUALE WITH Allah is this respect, such a person is MUSHRIK & KAFFIR.

    It would not mount to Shirk, if a person states that I am seeing or he is seeing, because for it to be SHIRK the similarity has be ABSOLUTE, if there is similarity on PARTIAL basis its not shirk.

    To make Haram a Halal is, SHIRK OF ATTRIBUTES / To make Halal a Haram is, SHIRK OF ATTRIBUTES :- This right is only with Allah. [Surah 9:31].

    Maut from Allah authority OR holds to the beleife that Malik-Ul-Maut takes life of out of his own choice, such person commits Shirk of Attributes, such a person is KAFFIR.

    {A person who believes that “Malik ul Maut” takes life of a person with the permissision of Allah, with power given by Allah is a Muslim, and such a individual holds to the correct beleife.}


    {Correct beleife about the Miracles of the Prophets is that such as Musa [as] miracle of rope turning into a snake, Isa [as] bringing the birds of clay to life, and Prophet Muhammed [saw], the beloved messenger of Allah, splitting the moon, all were performed with the power and permission of Allah.}
    Last edited by Insaanah; 10-17-2012 at 03:13 PM. Reason: Removal of comment about Hindus, not mentioned in the ayah, and title clarified.
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    Re: One explanation of Shirk in Attributes

    It is also shirk when you do something (that should be done only for Allah's sake) for someone else's pleasure rather than for Allah's. For example, you pray in a calm slow manner because you worry what people will say. or you give charity so people will praise you. that also falls into shirk.

    in a hadith it is written that shirk is more invisible than a tiny ant crawling very slowyly on a dark rock in the dark night.

    so shirk isn't just worshipping idols or other things beside Allah. shirk is really comprehensive and it's important to learn about it and read about it often to remind oneself just what is included in shirk so that we might avoid the things that are included in shirk.
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    Muwaahid's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: One explanation of Shirk in Attributes

    format_quote Originally Posted by WRITER View Post
    It is also shirk when you do something (that should be done only for Allah's sake) for someone else's pleasure rather than for Allah's. For example, you pray in a calm slow manner because you worry what people will say. or you give charity so people will praise you. that also falls into shirk.

    in a hadith it is written that shirk is more invisible than a tiny ant crawling very slowyly on a dark rock in the dark night.

    so shirk isn't just worshipping idols or other things beside Allah. shirk is really comprehensive and it's important to learn about it and read about it often to remind oneself just what is included in shirk so that we might avoid the things that are included in shirk.
    م الله

    قال ابن القيم رحمه الله: و أما الشرك في الاءرادات و النيات, فذلك البحر الّذي لا ساحل له, و قلّ من ينجو منه. فمن أراد بعمله غير وجه الله, و نوى شيئا غير التقرّب اليه و طلب الجزاء منه, فقد أشرك في نيته و ارادته.و هذه هي الحنيفية ملّة ابرهيم الّتي أمر الله بها عباده كلهم, و لا يقبل من أحد غيرها, و هي حقيقة الاءسلام,كما قال تعالى: وَمَن يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ الإِسْلاَمِ دِينًا فَلَن يُقْبَلَ مِن
    ْهُ وَهُوَ فِي الآخِرَةِ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ3:85
    (الجواب الكافي ص.115)

    Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullah) said: "And as for Shirk in Al-Iraadaat [desires] and in An-Niyyaat [intentions] then [verily] it is an ocean of which there are NO shores, and very few are successful [in not drowning in it] from it, and whoever desires with his actions [from his acts of worship] other than the Face of Allah and intends [by it] something other than seeking nearness to Him [Allah] and seeks a reward from it, then he has commited shirk in his niyyah [intention] and his Iraada[desire], and Al-Ikhlaas [having sincerity in worship] is that one sincerely devotes his Af'aal [actions] and Aqwaal [statements] and his Iraadah[purpose/desire] and his Niyyah [intention] and this is the religion of Ibraheem [alayhi salam] that which Allah commanded all His servants with, and nothing other than it [Al-Islaam] shall be accepted from anyone [except Islaam] Just as Allah says:

    And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.
    One explanation of Shirk in Attributes

    فمن كان يريد حقا الرجوع الى الكتاب والسنة, فليزمه الرجوع الى ما كان عليه أصحاب النبي عليه السلام و التابعين و أتباعهم من بعدهم
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