O Allah, You are the bestower of blessings... the bestower of wishes... the bestower of favours.
Bestow on me satisfaction... bestow on me safety... bestow on me happiness and your gentle care…
Be generous to us, O Allah, and favour us, for You are the Most Generous, Most Magnanimous and the Most Bounteous One.. &"And grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower&" (Âl-&"Imrân: 8). , “Verily, Allah is generous and He loves generosity. He loves nobility of character and He detests low morality” (Narrated by at-Tirmidthi).
&"Al-Wahab&" (the Bestower)
He bestows upon whoever He wishes, and withholds from whoever He wishes.
Aj-Jawad (the Magnanimous, the One Who Gives Generously)
His generosity is unrestricted and limitless, and His endowments are unstoppable. He says to anything: &"&"Be,&" and it is&" (Al-Baqarah: 117).
&"Al-Wahab&" (the Bestower)
He bestows physical and moral sustenance, and is generous with His favours and blessings.
A part of those favours and blessing are the good and beneficial ideas, knowledge, guidance, being able to do good, having one’s prayers answered, and similar beneficial sustenances that Allah grants to many people
&"Al-Wahab&" (the Bestower)
He bestows and withholds. He raises and lowers. He joins and disconnects. All good is in His Hand and He is Al-Qadeer (the Omnipotent).
He is Allah, Al-Wahab (the Bestower), Aj-Jawad (the Magnanimous, the One Who Gives Generously)…
source: islamkingdom