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Most people do not know

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    Al-Ansariyah's Avatar Full Member
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    Most people do not know

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    "He has commanded that you worship none except Him.”
    This means: do not obey anyone or anything except Allah’s (‘azza wa jall) legislation that He founded. Then, after that, He (‘azza wa jall) says,

    “That is the correct din.”

    And as its known “that” is an ‘ismul-isharah’ (demonstrative pronoun) and the ‘ismul-isharah’ needs a reference (i.e. something it is referring to), and what is being referred to here are the two extracts in the beginning of the ayah:

    “The ruling belongs solely to Allah,”


    “He has commanded that you worship none except Him.”

    So whoever acknowledges that the hakimiyyah (the right to rule) belongs to Allah (‘azza wa jall) and then seeks judgement from the law of Allah (‘azza wa jall), Allah (‘azza wa jall) says about these people: “That is the correct din.” Which means: correct and straight that has no distortion, acknowledging that hakimiyyah is for Allah, and seeking judgement from the law of Allah. And whoever acknowledges hakimiyyah is for Allah (‘azza wa jall) and then acknowledges the hakimiyyah for other than Allah (‘azza wa jall), this one is, without doubt, not on the correct, straight din. Because Allah (‘azza wa jall) says: “That is the correct din,” meaning: for whoever acknowledges that the hakimiyyah is for Allah (‘azza wa jall) alone – not to the committee who writes the man-made constitutions, and then acknowledges seeking judgement to the law of Allah (tabaraka wa ta‘ala).

    The last part of the ayah: “But most of the people do not know,” refers to the three truths mentioned in the ayah. What is that they do not know? They do not know that: (a.) “The ruling belongs solely to Allah.” (b.) They do not know that: “He has commanded that you worship none except Him.” (c.) They do not know that: “that is the correct din.”

    “But most of the people do not know.”

    And know for certain that the words of Allah (‘azza wa jall) do not conflict with the reality; you have seven and a half billion people and of the seven and a half, six and a quarter of them do not affiliate to Islam and do not know “the ruling belongs solely to Allah.” They do not know that “He has commanded that you worship none but Him.” And they do not know that “that is the correct din.” Look with me at the billion and a quarter (who affiliate to Islam). How many of them know? Allah spoke the truth when He related that most people do not know these three truths. However, the fact that they are ignorant of these truths does not prevent them from having the label of shirk applied on them. Being ignorant does not excuse them. Whoever falls in shirk is called a mushrik. But there is a difference between the label and establishing the ruling. For example, if a man falls in shirk, we call him a mushrik; be that as it may, it is not my duty to establish the penalty on him. That is the duty of the leaders of the Muslimin, while applying that label (mushrik) is a part of my din. Whoever falls in shirk, I call him a mushrik, even if he is ignorant. The evidence for that is the saying of Allah (tabaraka wa ta‘ala) in surah at-Tawbah:

    “And if any of the mushrikin seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.”

    Thus He labelled them mushrikin, despite that fact that He said at the end of the ayah: “who do not know.” Therefore, whoever falls into shirk is labelled and called a mushrik, even if he does not know, because there is no excuse of ignorance in the foundations of ‘aqidah.

    Based on this ayah (from the beginning), all people without exception, are divided into three categories:

    The first category: Those who acknowledge the hakimiyyah of Allah (‘azza wa jall) and seek judgement from the law of Allah (tabaraka wa ta‘ala); these are believers, and they are on the correct din, as Allah (‘azza wa jall) said: “That is the correct din.”

    The second category: Those who acknowledge the hakimiyyah of Allah, but they also acknowledge hakimiyyah to those who write constitutions. These are mushrikin, and the type of shirk they have with them is the shirk of obedience. As for their claim of iman, it is only a pretense. The evidence for that is in surah an-Nisa; Allah (tabaraka wa ta‘ala) says:

    “Have you not seen those who claim to believe in what was revealed to you, (O Muhammad), and what was revealed before you? They wish to go for judgement to the taghut, while they were ordered to disbelieve in it. And Shaytan wishes to lead them far astray.”

    And so whoever acknowledges the hakimiyyah is for Allah and then acknowledges hakimiyyah for other than Him and claims to be upon iman, Allah (tabaraka wa ta‘ala) replies to these people: You claim to be a believer?! You claim?! And as it’s known, claiming is the worst type of lying; to pretend to have what is not there.

    The third category: Those who do not acknowledge the hakimiyyah of Allah (‘azza wa jall), and they do not seek judgement from the law of Allah; these are the kuffar, and we seek refuge with Allah.
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    Re: Most people do not know

    format_quote Originally Posted by Yrvhere? View Post
    The second category: Those who acknowledge the hakimiyyah of Allah, but they also acknowledge hakimiyyah to those who write constitutions. These are mushrikin, and the type of shirk they have with them is the shirk of obedience. As for their claim of iman, it is only a pretense. The evidence for that is in surah an-Nisa; Allah (tabaraka wa ta‘ala) says:

    “Have you not seen those who claim to believe in what was revealed to you, (O Muhammad), and what was revealed before you? They wish to go for judgement to the taghut, while they were ordered to disbelieve in it. And Shaytan wishes to lead them far astray.”

    And so whoever acknowledges the hakimiyyah is for Allah and then acknowledges hakimiyyah for other than Him and claims to be upon iman, Allah (tabaraka wa ta‘ala) replies to these people: You claim to be a believer?! You claim?! And as it’s known, claiming is the worst type of lying; to pretend to have what is not there.
    Wait...my objection to this post is about this second category of people....So what you are basically saying is to all the muslims who are living in western or non-islamic countries to reject the laws of that country they live in? Did I understand that correctly?

    So if I live in Germany...and German law is different than the shariah...so I have to reject that and I shouldn't obey?

    You will get a lot of people in trouble like that. Why then did muslims that feared percecution fled to Abyssinia because it was ruled by a just christian king called The Negus? What would happen to them if they did not acknowledge the Abyssian laws?

    The misconception is in my opinion in your very first sentence:

    format_quote Originally Posted by Yrvhere? View Post
    "He has commanded that you worship none except Him.”
    This means: do not obey anyone or anything except Allah’s (‘azza wa jall) legislation that He founded. Then, after that, He (‘azza wa jall) says,

    “That is the correct din.”
    "To worsip" is not equal to "To obey".
    Allah commands us to worship only Allah...but He also commands us to obey our superiors as long as it doesn't go against Islam.

    There are countles hadeeths about muslims who obey their kuffar parents...as a matter of fact, I remember the story of Ibrahim (as) who obeyed his father who was an idol maker. His father asked him to take the idols to the market and sell them...so Ibrahim (as) tied the idols to a rope and dragged them behind him all the way to the market and tried to sell them.

    Anyway in general: you should obey your parents, even if they are not muslim...you should obey your chief, boss, the police officer, judge...or whoever in authority (as long as it doesn't go agains Islaam)...But you should only worship Allah.
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    Al-Ansariyah's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Most people do not know

    Jazakallah khair brother. I am glad that you want to understand this. Most of the times, we muslims ignore this matter but very few actually want to understand.
    As we know, today there isnt any country which is ruled by Allah's laws. And we all are living in darul kufr. But are we obliged to obey those laws? No! If we obey, we have taken someone other than Allah as our legislator. There are few rules in our countries without which its impossible to even buy a piece of land. For example, you have to have a voter id or passport etc. but you have to use them only to benefit yourself. You dont have to vote in elections through it. You dont have to disobey Allah. We cant take our affairs to the courts for them to judge because they will judge according to their constitution whereas we muslims are obliged to judge according to what Quran and sunnah of prophet says.

    About the najashi one, when muslims migrated to abbysinia, there were no laws revealed by Allah. The ayahs revealed in makkah focused on aqeedah and not on ahkaam(rules). So there was no way najashi could rule by shariah. When all the ahkaam were revealed in madinah, the prophet did send the letters to kings so that they could become muslims and rule by islamic laws.

    Akhi, worship is not limited to salah, fasts, zakat and hajj. Worship is a broad term which means " Extreme love and extreme obeidience". If we pray salah, we are worshipping Allah. How? Because HE commanded us to pray. We are obeying Him. If a woman is in menses, she doesnt have to pray, so is she not worshipping Allah? She is. By restraining from praying, she is obeying Allah because He commanded it. Allah says in the Quran:

    "Did I not enjoin you that you do not worship shaytan- for indeed, he is to you a clear enemy."(36:60)

    When you see this verse in arabic, you will find the root word for worship here is "ibadah". But how do people worship shaytan? By giving him sujood? By giving money in his way? By doing hajj for him? By keeping fast for him? No! They worship him by obeying him. You see, worship isnt limited to salah. You have to obey Allah in every way. So yes, "to worship" is equal to " to obey".

    Yea, about the ibrahim as story, he never sold those idols. He would take them and drown them in rivers. We should be careful while saying this thing to any prophet. No prophet was ever involved in shirk or supporting it.

    Parents and business thing is different, because they arent saying that we should worship them. They arent taghoot. We are gonna obey them as long as they dont go against Allah. But about the taghoot government of our countries, it is totally different. Because they are telling us to worship them. They have stood against Allah clearly. If we say that okay, we will obey their laws if they dont go against islam, what are we doing here? We are giving him right to legislate. We are saying that okay, you make laws for us but if they arent in islam, we wont obey. By giving them even this right, we are going against islam. We are saying that yes Allah is the legislator, but this human is also a legislator as long as we are able to pray salah and fasts. But in this, we are associating some human with Allah. Nauzu billah. About muslims who dont know about this reality and they support their government, i dont know about them. Allah will judge them.May Allah protect all the muslims from shirk. What is the solution? We have to try our best to bring islamic shariah so that only Allah's word remain high.

    Kufr bit Taghout-Without it,Imaan is Nullified
    Last edited by Al-Ansariyah; 06-03-2021 at 09:25 AM.
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    Re: Most people do not know

    format_quote Originally Posted by Yrvhere? View Post
    Jazakallah khair brother. I am glad that you want to understand this. Most of the times, we muslims ignore this matter but very few actually want to understand.
    As we know, today there isnt any country which is ruled by Allah's laws. And we all are living in darul kufr. But are we obliged to obey those laws? No! If we obey, we have taken someone other than Allah as our legislator. There are few rules in our countries without which its impossible to even buy a piece of land. For example, you have to have a voter id or passport etc. but you have to use them only to benefit yourself. You dont have to vote in elections through it. You dont have to disobey Allah. We cant take our affairs to the courts for them to judge because they will judge according to their constitution whereas we muslims are obliged to judge according to what Quran and sunnah of prophet says.
    I'm sure there is a misunderstanding here. Islaam is a global religion. It is for everyone, no matter in which country they live in. So if this is true, then every muslim living in a non-sharia country must rebel.
    Imagine this:
    A person living in a random country one day sees the light, converts to Islaam, and the first thing he does is to rebel against the government.
    First, that would not be a very good example for a muslim...it will bring the image of Islaam down.
    Second, he should leave everything behind and immigrate to a shariah country? to a foreign land where he doesn't know the language nor the customs, nowhere to go...where would he start?
    Third, If we do not accept or obey the laws of the country we live in, then that means we constantly get in trouble, and that can also not be the purpose of Islaam.
    Islaam is an easy and tolerant religion...it makes our lives easier, not more difficult.

    So, I think there is more to this than what you are displaying right now.

    format_quote Originally Posted by Yrvhere? View Post
    About the najashi one, when muslims migrated to abbysinia, there were no laws revealed by Allah. The ayahs revealed in makkah focused on aqeedah and not on ahkaam(rules). So there was no way najashi could rule by shariah. When all the ahkaam were revealed in madinah, the prophet did send the letters to kings so that they could become muslims and rule by islamic laws.
    I do not know, but I am taking your word for it.
    Thank you for your clarification.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Yrvhere? View Post
    Akhi, worship is not limited to salah, fasts, zakat and hajj. Worship is a broad term which means " Extreme love and extreme obeidience". If we pray salah, we are worshipping Allah. How? Because HE commanded us to pray. We are obeying Him. If a woman is in menses, she doesnt have to pray, so is she not worshipping Allah? She is. By restraining from praying, she is obeying Allah because He commanded it. Allah says in the Quran:

    "Did I not enjoin you that you do not worship shaytan- for indeed, he is to you a clear enemy."(36:60)

    When you see this verse in arabic, you will find the root word for worship here is "ibadah". But how do people worship shaytan? By giving him sujood? By giving money in his way? By doing hajj for him? By keeping fast for him? No! They worship him by obeying him. You see, worship isnt limited to salah. You have to obey Allah in every way. So yes, "to worship" is equal to " to obey".
    I never said worship is limited to salah. We worship Allah with everything we do that is good and leaving everything that is bad.
    about whorshipping shaytaan, people do not whorship shaytaan by obeying him....they already worship shaytaan by not obeying Allah....there is a big difference there.
    So again, I never said worship is limited to ibadah.

    What I do say is, and I am still convinced of that, is that "worship" is not equal to "obey".
    There are a lot of people I have to obey but none of them is worth to worship. I only worship Allah.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Yrvhere? View Post

    Yea, about the ibrahim as story, he never sold those idols. He would take them and drown them in rivers. We should be careful while saying this thing to any prophet. No prophet was ever involved in shirk or supporting it.
    I vagely remember a part where he actually did take them to the market, after dragging them behind im, put them on display, covered in mud and at least said something like, "come and buy your mud covered useless idols if you still want" or something along that line.
    format_quote Originally Posted by Yrvhere? View Post
    Parents and business thing is different, because they arent saying that we should worship them. They arent taghoot. We are gonna obey them as long as they dont go against Allah. But about the taghoot government of our countries, it is totally different. Because they are telling us to worship them. They have stood against Allah clearly. If we say that okay, we will obey their laws if they dont go against islam, what are we doing here? We are giving him right to legislate. We are saying that okay, you make laws for us but if they arent in islam, we wont obey. By giving them even this right, we are going against islam. We are saying that yes Allah is the legislator, but this human is also a legislator as long as we are able to pray salah and fasts. But in this, we are associating some human with Allah. Nauzu billah. About muslims who dont know about this reality and they support their government, i dont know about them. Allah will judge them.May Allah protect all the muslims from shirk. What is the solution? We have to try our best to bring islamic shariah so that only Allah's word remain high.

    Kufr bit Taghout-Without it,Imaan is Nullified
    I have to research this issue a little deeper. I must admit my knowledge about this, is not so great. But what exactly do you mean by "Governments asking us to worship them"? Am I worshipping Germany by obeying the laws? and how?
    as long as they do not ask me to do something against Islaam, then everything is OK, isn't it.

    Of course, some things we cannot always avoid...like normally salary will be send to your bank account. and then usually interest is involved which is haraam...and it is very difficult to find a bank which doesn't work that way.
    Or they just do not call it "interest". or they have other disadvantages, perhaps not that stable or whatever.
    neither do we have the option to say "I want my salary cash".
    So there are some difficulties for us to overcome, I agree on that...but otherwise, I am not worshipping germany by doing my duties as a good citizen.
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