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[General article] Innovation (Bidah)

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    Innovation in Islaam

    Innovation in Islaam is the invention, creation or addition of any religious matter which was not (originally) found in Islaam. Therefore, Islaam warns against it and invalidates any religious deed which does not originate from the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. Prophet Muhammad, salla Allaahu 'alaihe wasallam, says in this respect:

    "He who innovates something that is not in agreement with our matter (religion), will have it rejected." [Al-Bukharee and Muslim]

    This is because innovation in religion is an opposition to Islaam; it implies that our religion is incomplete and imperfect with regards to the matters of worship. Shaikh Ibn 'Uthaimeen says: "Innovation entails the adoption of dangerous ways":

    • It entails the refutation of Allaah's words; "this day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you and have chosen for you Islaam as your religion."
      Therefore, any innovation introduced into the religion implies that Islaam is imperfect and incomplete.
    • It necessitates the slandering of the Sharee'ah (Islamic Law); that is, it was incomplete and the innovator has therefore completed it.
    • It requires the slander of Muslims who are not innovators, since by implication whoever came before these innovations, their religion is incomplete; and this is dangerous.

      Most people who were preoccupied with innovation, neglected the Sunnah. The Salaf (our predecessor Muslims) who were adherents to Islaam, said: "Whenever a people introduce a Bid'ah (an innovation), they destroyed its counterpart in the Sunnah."
    • These innovations also, bring about division among Muslims because the innovators believe that they are the ones who carry the truth and that those who do not follow them are mislead. However, the people of truth claim: "you are the ones (the innovators) who are on the wrong path and hence this is their division".
    There are serious deviations which result from innovation, for innovation is connected with 'a rotten mind and flawed religion'. (Al-Muhaadaraat As-Saniyyah on the interpretation of Al-'Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah, 2/713).

    The Emergence of Innovation

    Innovation (in Islaam) was initiated as a result of bad intention, for a man opposed the Prophet, salla Allaahu 'alaihe wasallam, and said to him 'be fair because you were not'. Consequently, several men followed this man and became dissidents (Al-Khawaarij). Shaikh Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said in this respect:

    "The principles of innovation were based on the refutation of Sunnah principles using doubt and whims, like Iblees (Satan) when he doubted Allaah's commands according to his whims." (Majmoo' Al-Fataawa, 3/286-287)

    Peculiar to the innovators are their ignorant view of Allaah, increasing divisions and severe hatred. Ibn Al-Qayyim, rahimahu Allaah, said about the innovators:

    "If you look at innovators you will find that they are different, divided into sects and as far as worshipping is concerned, you will not find that two of them are adopting the same method. They would introduce innovations to each other. More than that, you will find that their innovations culminate into disbelief. For instance, you will find the son accusing his father of disbelief, the brother accusing his brother of disbelief, and the neighbour accusing his neighbour of disbelief. They are in constant conflict and hate each other, their differences cost them their lives and their discourse has never been common." (Mukhtasar Al-Sawaa'iq Al-Mursalah, 2/425).

    Therefore, their divisions paradoxically unites them on the hatred of the Sunnah and its people, so woe to the innovators in what their hands have earned. Their evil deeds overshadow all evil, and the damage they have inflicted upon the Muslim Ummah is bigger than that caused by sinners. Shaikh Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah says:

    "The leaders of innovation inflict more damage upon the Ummah than sinners. That is why the Prophet, salla Allaahu 'alaihe wasallam, ordered the killing of the Khawaarij and warned against the killing of the unjust followers." (Majmoo' Al-Fataawa 7/284)

    With the foregoing in mind, we must confront the innovators, point out their deviations and protect the Ummah from their evil acts by spreading the religious science and the principles of Ahlus-Sunna Wal-Jamaa'ah's 'Aqeedah (creed) and by advising people how to acquire it (i.e. 'Aqeedah) from its people. 'Abdullaah Ibn Mas'ood says: "seek knowledge before it is seized, and it's seizure means the disappearance of scholars. Do not delve deeply into knowledge, do not innovate and stick to the old (i.e. the authentic)." [Ad-Daarimee]

    However, it is not fair to label anything new as innovation because it might be unknown or misinterpreted. This has been explained by Shaikh Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah: "what has been proved abominable, based on the Qur'aan and the Sunnah, whether it be innovations or non- innovations, when said or practised by a person, this person may have some excuse due to his Ijtihaad (individual judgment over a matter, if he is a scholar) or permissible Taqleed (imitation) of a scholar when this person is an 'Aaammee (Islaamically uneducated) (Majmoo' Al-Fataawa, 10/371-372).

    We should bear in mind that innovators are not equal in knowledge, ignorance, competence, approval, belief and hypocrisy. This has been explained by Shaikh Al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah:

    "Among the innovators, there are the hypocrite and the atheist; these are non-believers. This type of people is found more among the Rafidites (a Shiate sect) and Al-Jahamiyyah (a sect who denies Allaah's attributes, among other serious deviations). Their leaders were known to be hypocrites and atheists. However, among those who innovate is that who is a believer but has some degree of ignorance and injustice which has led him to deviate from the Sunnah. Such person is not a Kaafir (a disbeliever) nor a hypocrite. He may be sinful or disobedient but he might as well be forgiven and excused because he has mistakenly misinterpreted the issue." (Majmoo' Al-Fataawa 3/353)

    Renouncing the innovators and boycotting their innovation

    In safeguarding the interests of the Muslim community against the damages of the innovators, Islaam approved and legalised the renouncement and boycotting of the innovators. The Salaf, Ridwanu Allaahi 'Alaihim, adopted this method in the fight against innovation and renounced the innovators in order to safeguard the Sharee'ah. However, in order not to fight an innovation with another, their renouncement was based on faith and adherence to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah. "Renouncement should not be adopted unless there is reasonable grounds for it and this entails the following:

    • To be sure of the existence of innovation and avoid hearsay. This is to say that one should listen to what the innovator says or does, or read what he has written, particularly in our era which lacks piety.
    • To fight the type of innovation which is agreed upon. This is to say that matters on which the scholars have different views whether they are innovations or not should not be renounced.
    • To clarify the issue to the person who says or practices an innovation before calling him an innovator. This person may be excused because he was not aware of the evidence he is opposing, or may have understood it mistakenly. This clarification can only be achieved through advising him and calling him to the Qur'aan and the Sunnah with kindness." [Haqeeqatu Al-Bid'ah Wa Ahkaamuhaa (The Reality of Innovation and Its Principles, 2/339)].
    [General article] Innovation (Bidah)

    The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
    "Surely I was sent to perfect the qualities of righteous character" [Musnad Ahmad, Muwatta Mâlik]

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    BIDAH (INNOVATIONS in Allaah's religion)

    Linguistically Bid'ah (innovation) means 'a newly invented matter'.

    The Sharee'ah definition of Bid'ah is: "A newly invented way [beliefs or action] in the religion, in imitation of the Sharee'ah (prescribed Law), by which nearness to Allaah is sought, [but] not being supported by any authentic proof - neither in its foundations, nor in the manner in which it is performed." Al-I'tisaam of ash-Shaatibee (1/37).

    The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: "Every innovation is misguidance and going astray" Reported by Abu Daawood (no. 4607), at-Tirmidhee (no. 2676) and it is saheeh. Ibn Hajr authenticated it Takhreej Ahaadeeth Ibn ul-Haajib (1/137).

    And he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also said: "… and every innovation is misguidance and all misguidance is in the Hellfire." Reported by an-Nasaa'ee (1/224) from Jaabir bin Abdullaah and it is saheeh as declared by Shaikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo' ul-Fataawaa (3/58).

    The Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) also warned against the People of Innovation, from befriending, supporting or taking from them saying: "Whoever innovates or accommodates an innovator then upon him is the curse of Allaah, His Angels and the whole of mankind." Reported by Bukhaaree (12/41) and Muslim (9/140)

    And in his footsteps, we find the Noble Companions and the Taabi'een after them warning from the danger of innovations upon the Ummah, its people and their unity, since it is innovations which have divided the Ummah and split it asunder.

    Ibn Abbaas (d. 68H) said: "Indeed the most detestable of things to Allaah are the innovations." Reported by al-Bayhaqee in as-Sunan al-Kubraa (4/316)

    Ibn Umar (d. 84H) said: "Every innovation is misguidance, even if the people see it as something good." Reported by Abu Shaamah (no. 39)

    Ahmad Ibn Hanbal once said, "The greatest sinner (faasiq) from the Ahl-Sunnah Wal Jamaah is better than the most pious person from Ahl-"Bid'ah".

    'Abdullaah ibn Mas'ood, said, "Follow and do not innovate, for you have been given that which is sufficient and every innovation is misguidance." Reported by Abu Khaithamah in Kitaab Ul-'Ilm (no. 540) and declared saheeh by Shaikh al-Albaanee.

    Abdullah Ibn Abbaassaid, "When "Bid'ah" is created then the Sunnah dies and this continues until that "Bid'ah" is living and the Sunnah is dead."

    Al-'Irbaad ibn Saariyah, , reports that the Prophet said, ".... I have left you upon clear guidance. Its night is like its day. No one deviates from it after me except that he is destroyed." Reported by Ahmad, Ibn Maajah (no. 43) and al-Haakim. It is declared saheeh by Shaikh al-Albaanee in as-Saheehah (no. 937).

    Al-Marwazee reports in as-Sunnah (no. 95) that 'Umar ibn 'Abd Allah-'Azeez said, "There is no excuse for anyone, after the Sunnah, to be misguided upon error which he thought was guidance."

    Hasan Ibn Attiya, one of the Ta'baeen said, "When the people accept the "Bid'ah" , Allah removes the Sunnah from among them and doesn't return it until the day of judgment."

    One of the early scholars, Al-Barbahaaree, one of the companions of Ahmed Ibn Hanbal, said, "Beware of "Bid'ah", because every "Bid'ah" started out as something small and resembling the truth and people were fooled by it and followed it until it became bigger and bigger and were trapped by it and it took them out of Islaam."

    Shaykh al-Barbaharee (D. 329H Rahimahullah) Also states: May Allah have mercy upon you. Know that the Religion is what came from Allaah, the Blessed and the Most High. It is not something left to the intellect and opinions of men. Knowledge of it is what comes from Allaah and His Messenger, so do not follow anything based upon your desires and so deviate away from the Religion and leave Islam. There will be no excuse for you since Allaah's Messenger explained the Sunnah to his Ummah and made it clear to his Companions and they are the Jamaa'ah and they are the Main Body, and the Main Body is the truth and its followers.

    This matter has also been indicated by Imaam Maalik (rahimahullaah) in a reported saying of his that ought to be recorded in golden ink. And it is his saying: "Whosoever introduces into Islaam an innovation, which he deems is good, then he has claimed that Muhammad has betrayed (the trust of conveying) the Message. Read the saying of Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic: 'This day I have completed your Religion for you, and I have perfected My favour upon you, and I am pleased with Islaam as a Religion for you.' [Surat-ul-Maa'idah: 3] So whatever was not (part of) the Religion on that day, is not (part of) the Religion on this day. And the last part of this ummah (nation) will not be rectified, except by that which its first part was rectified by."

    Ibn Taymiyyah has a nice passage in one of his books showing that: "In fact, the kufr of Jews and Christians is because of "Bid'ah". They introduced new things into the religion and those things took them completely away from the true message of Musa (Moses) and Isaa (Jesus) Alaihumma Salam".

    So just as the condition of the Arabs during the Days of Ignorance (Jaahiliyyah) was not rectified except by the coming of their Prophet Muhammad with revelation from the heavens - which aided them in this world and which will save them in the next - then the foundation that the good Islaamic well-being must be set upon in this time, is nothing else but the return to the Qur'ân and the Sunnah.

    In spite of this, this matter needs a little bit more of articulation, due to the vast number of Islaamic groups and parties that are present on the arena and which claim for themselves to be upon the way by which Islaamic society and Muslim rule can be actualized.

    [General article] Innovation (Bidah)

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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