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Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

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    Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

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    Here is the kalam of Shaykh Uthaymeen, transcribed, by a brother from Madeenah, from the taped lecture "عليكم بالسنة" that was delivered during this summer’s dawrah in Unayzah. The tape is part of his Sharh of An-Nawawi's 40 hadeeth, in the sharh of the hadeeth of Irbaad ibn Saariyah (no.28). The brother has also provided a quick translation [slightly modified].

    يُستفاد من قوله صلّى الله عليه و على آله و سلّم "فإنه من يعش منكم فسيرى اختلافاً كثيراً فعليكم بسنتي"
    أنه إذا كثُرت الأحزاب في الأمة لا تنتمئ إلى حزب. هنا ظهرت طواءف من قديم الزمان: خوارج، معتزلة، جهمية، شيعة، بل رافضة، ثم ظهرت أخيراً إخوانيّون، سلفيّون، و تبليغيّون و ما أشبه ذلك. كل هذه الفرق اجعلها على اليسار و عليك بالأمام و هو ما أرشد إليه النبي صلّى الله عليه وعلى آله و سلم "عليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء الراشدين" ولا شكّ أن الواجب على جميع المسلمين أن يكون مذهبهم مذهب السلف ، لا الإنتماء إلى حزب معيّن يُسمّى السلفيّين. الواجب أن تكون الأمة الإسلامية مذهبها مذهب السلف الصالح لا التحزب إلى من يُسمّى السلفيّون. انتبهوا إلى الفرق، هناك طريق السلف وهناك حزب يسمّى السلفيّين.
    المطلوب أيش؟ اتّباع السلف. لماذا؟ لأن الإخوة السلفيّين هم أقرب الفرق الى الصواب لا شكّ. لكن مشكلتهم كغيرهم أن بعض هذه الفرق يُضلّل بعضاً، و يُبدّعه ، و يُفسّقه ونحن لا نُنكرهذا إذا كانوا مستحقين و لكننا نُنكر معالجة هذه البدعة بهذه الطريقة. الواجب أن يجتمع رؤساء هذه الفرق و يقولون "بيننا كتاب الله و سنة رسوله فلنتحاكم إليهما لا إلى الأهواء والآرى و لا إلى فلان و فلان. كلٌّ يخطئ و يُصيب مهم بلغ من العلم والعبادة. العصمة في دين الإسلام"
    فهذا الحديث أرشد النبي صلّى الله عليه و سلم فيه إلى سلوك طريق الإنسان، لا ينتمئ إلى أيّ فرقة إلا إلى طريق السلف الصالح بل إلى سنة نبينا صلّى الله عليه و سلم والخلفاء الراشدين المهديّين. اه

    From his [the Prophet](صلّى الله عليه و سلم) statement,
    "Whoever lives amongst you will see much differing, so adhere to my Sunnah",

    It can be learnt that if parties (ahzaab) within the ummah emerge in increasing numbers then one should not affiliate himself to a party (hizb). In the past, many groups have appeared; Khawaarij, Mu'tazilah, Jahmiyyah, Shee'ah, even Raafidah. Then there appeared, later on Ikhwanis, Salafis, Tablighis, and all those like them. Put all of them to one side and take [the path] ahead. Which is what the Prophet صلّى الله عليه و سلم guided to. "Adhere to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs." No doubt, it is obligatory for all Muslims to adopt the way of the salaf as their madhhab, not affiliation to a specific party (hizb) named, "The Salafis". It is obligatory for the Islamic Ummah to adopt the way of the salaf as-salih as their madhhab, not bigotry to those called "the salafis". Pay attention to the difference: There is the way of the salaf, and there is a party (hizb) called "the salafis".

    What is the objective? Following the Salaf. Why? The salafi brothers are the closest sect to that which is right, no doubt, but their problem is the same as others, that some of these sects declare others as being misguided, they declare them to be innovators and as being sinners. We don't censure this, if they deserve it, but we censure handling this bid'ah in this way. It is obligatory for the leaders of these sects to get together and say, “Between us is the book of Allah, and the Sunnah of His messenger, so lets us judge by them and not according to desires, opinions and not according to personalities. Everyone makes mistakes and achieves correctness no matter what he has reached with regards to knowledge and worship. Infallibility is [only] in the religion of Islam."

    In this hadeeth the Prophet صلّى الله عليه و سلم guided to the way in which a person secures himself. He doesn't affiliate him to any sect, only the way of the salaf as-salih, to the Sunnah of our Prophet صلّى الله عليه و سلم and the rightly guided caliphs.
    Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    "...You are my Walî in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die as a Muslim, and join me with the righteous." [Surah Yusuf 101]
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    Ibn Abi Ahmed's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    Excellent post. Jazakallah Khair for posting that.

    Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    Do not argue with your Lord on behalf of your soul, rather argue with your soul on behalf of your Lord.” - Dhul-Nun

    "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness." - Victor Frankl
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    MinAhlilHadeeth's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    Nice post sis.

    Shaykh Salih Al-Munajjid said:

    If a person calls himself a Salafi to express his gratitude for having been guided to this way, or to clearly distinguish himself from innovation, then this is OK and is allowed in Islam. But if he says it only for the purpose of praising himself, then this is not allowed, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “… therefore justify not yourselves…” [al-Najm 53:32 – Yusuf ‘Ali’s translation]. Similarly, it is not allowed if it is said in a spirit of tribalism or sectarianism, because such attitudes are forbidden, as is clear from the following story: Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah said: “A man from the Muhaajireen shoved a man from the Ansaar from behind, so each man’s people gathered around him, saying ‘O Muhaajireen (come and help)!’ or ‘O Ansaar (come and help)!’ News of this reached the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and he said, ‘Stop this, for it is repulsive.’ Then he said, ‘What is this call of the people of jaahiliyyah? What is this call of the people of jaahiliyyah?’” (Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 14105; the hadeeth is also to be found in al-Saheehayn). The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) called it the call of the people of jaahiliyyah and described it as repulsive, even though the words “Ansaari” and “Muhaajiri” are Islamic words, the first referring to those who supported Allaah and His Messenger, and the second referring to those who left the land of kufr and migrated to Allaah and His Messenger. Why were they described in this manner? Because in this instance, the words were not used in a permissible fashion; the usage was a sectarian and political one that could have led to fighting between the two groups. The same applies to the word “Salafi”.
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    'Abd-al Latif's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Wise Words from Our Beloved Shaykh

    Wise Words from Our Beloved Shaykh
    Shaykh Muhammad Saalih al-Uthaymeen hafidhahullaah

    The following is a transcription of some wise words from our beloved Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen from the summer course (2000) he holds every year in Unayzah. A brother from Madeenah transcribed these words from tape and sent them to me. It contains some excellent advice and exonerates some who have already relayed similar words and who were then described as having lied upon the Shaykh.

    Please pray for the Shaykh's well being as his health is still fragile. Please carry on making STRONG du'aa for the Shaykh in sujood, asking by Allah's names and attributes, by your good deeds, which urgency in your du'aa taking full advantage of the "awqaat ul-ijaabah" as I cannot imagine a greater museebah now than losing the Shaykh. Also, exhort all the brothers you know to do this, not to mention praying for our brothers in Palestine in the rest of the Ummah, and the rulers in the same manner.

    AsSalaamu Alaykum,

    Here is the kalam of Shaykh Uthaymeen, transcribed, by a brother from Madeenah, from the taped lecture (Slide1 - Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)) that was delivered during this summer’s dawrah in Unayzah. The tape is part of his Sharh of An-Nawawi's 40 hadeeth, in the sharh of the hadeeth of Irbaad ibn Saariyah (no.28). The brother has also provided a quick translation [slightly modified].

    Slide2 - Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    From his [the Prophet] sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam's statement,

    "Whoever lives amongst you will see much differing, so adhere to my Sunnah",

    It can be learnt that if parties (ahzaab) within the ummah emerge in increasing numbers then one should not affiliate himself to a party (hizb). In the past, many groups have appeared; Khwaarij, Mu'tazilah, Jahmiyyah, Shee'ah, even Raafidah. Then there appeared, later on Ikhwanis, Salafis, Tablighis, and all those like them. Put all of them to one side and take [the path] ahead. Which is what the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallaam guided to, "Adhere to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs." No doubt, it is obligatory for all Muslims to adopt the way of the salaf as their madhhab, not affiliation to a specific party (hizb) named, "The Salafis".

    It is obligatory for the Islamic Ummah to adopt the way of the salaf as-salih as their madhhab, not bigotry to those called "the salafis". Pay attention to the difference: There is the way of the salaf, and there is a party (hizb) called "the salafis".
    What is the objective? Following the Salaf. Why? The salafi brothers are the closest sect to that which is right, no doubt, but their problem is the same as others, that some of these sects declare others as being misguided, they declare them to be innovators and as being sinners. We don't censure this, if they deserve it, but we censure handling this bid'ah in this way. It is obligatory for the leaders of these sects to get together and say, "Between us is the book of Allah, and the Sunnah of His messenger, so lets us judge by them and not according to desires, opinions and not according to personalities. Everyone makes mistakes and achieves correctness no matter what he has reached with regards to knowledge and worship. Infallibility is [only] in the religion of Islam."

    In this hadeeth the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallaam guided to the way in which a person secures himself. He doesn't affiliate him to any sect, only the way of the salaf as-salih, to the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallaam and the rightly guided caliphs.
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    Re: Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    leave hizbiyyah, get the sunnah, hold it until you die...

    do the sunnah the best you can and you will get a lot of benefit from it.

    May Allah open our brother and sister's heart about this so they will run into the sunnah, ameen
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    brotherubaid's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    Best thread ever , leave hisbiyah , adhere to the sunnah , the quran n sunnah , stick to the ulama , the big ulama , Grand mufti sheikh Aal AL shekh , sheikh rabe , sheikh ubaid al jabiree sheikh fawzan .. may Allah protect them n may Allah have mercy on Ibn Uthaimeen .. what a servant of Allah .. Allah blessed hima lot , i ask Allah to accept from him his good deeds n eforts n to look over his shortcommings n have mercy on him.
    Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    079186 1 - Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)
    How perfect You are O Allaah, and I praise You. I bear witness that none has the right to be worshipped except You. I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance
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    OurIslamic's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    I can't agree more. All sectarianism does is divide Muslims.
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  10. #8
    Insaanah's Avatar Super Moderator
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    Re: Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    Excellent post sis Jawharah!

    Jazaakillah khair for sharing it with us.

    If only all Muslims could see this.....
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    Khaldun's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    The Sunnah the Better.
    Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    IK 4 1 - Leave Hisbiyah (Sectarianism)

    Click it and you wont regret it!
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