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The Islaamic Concept of al-Walaa' wal-Baraa'

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    mujahida3001's Avatar Full Member
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    The Islaamic Concept of al-Walaa' wal-Baraa'

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    Khalid El-Gharib


    The topic of Walaa' and Baraa' is of great importance for three main reasons:-

    Firstly: that the concept of walaa' and baraa' is one of the greatest fundamentals of the Islaamic creed ('aqeedah).

    Shaykh Ahmad ibn 'Ateeq, rahimahullaah, said:

    "There isn't in the Book of Allaah the Exalted - after the issue concerning the obligation of tawheed and the forbiddance of its opposite - any issue which has as so many proofs, nor so clearly explained, than the issue of walaa' and baraa'."

    As regards walaa' (allegience), it is manfesting sincere love and help for Allaah, and for His Prophets, and for the Believers. Whereas baraa' (enmity) is manifesting enmity and dissociation from falsehood and its people. And these matters are actually from the most fundamental issues of faith (eemaan).

    Secondly: that the Muslim live in a very crucial time in which many of the basic and vital Islaamic concepts have either been forgotten, missunderstood or neglected; and from such basic concepts is the concept of walaa' and baraa'. The consequence of this is that many Muslims are no longer aware of those qualities that distinguish a believer from an unbeliever; which has in turn caused the faith of many Muslims to be severley weakened and has led many of them to take the unbelievers as intimate friends and allies - imitating their manners, ways and aspirations.

    Thirdly: that because the concept of walaa' and baraa' is so central to the meaning of: laa ilaaha illallaah, then any errors concerning it, actually means an error in understanding the very kalimah itself.


    Understanding the essentials of Walaa' and Baraa'

    In order to understand the issue at hand, we need to discuss the following six matters:-

    [1]: THE MEANING OF laa ilaaha illallaah

    It means: "None has the right to be worshipped, except Allaah. So with this, the worship of all other deities has been negated; and worship has been affirmed for only Allaah alone."

    Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, rahimahullaah, said:

    "There is no happiness for the hearts, nor complete delight, except in loving Allaah and drawing close to Him with whatever He loves. And it is not possible to [truly] love Him, except by turning away from all that is loved besides Him. This is the reality of laa ilaaha illallaah and it is the Religion of the close friend (khaleel) of Allaah; Ibraaheem 'alayhis-salaam, as well as that of all the Prophets and Messengers."

    So love of Allaah, and doing that which He loves and is pleased with, is the reality of laa ilaaha illallaah.

    Al-Haafidh al-Hakamee, rahimahullaah, said:

    "The signs that a person loves his Lord is: [i] that he gives precedence to what He loves, even if it opposes the person's own desires; [ii] to hate what his Lord hates, even if his own desires incline towards it; [iii] to show sincere love and help (walaa') to those who ally themselves with Allaah and His Messenger; [iv] to show enmity to those who show enmity to Allaah and His Messenger; [v] to follow His Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam; and [vi] to accept his guidance."

    Imaam Ibn al-Qayyim, rahimahullaah, said in poetry form:

    "A condition for true love is that your love should agree with;

    The love of the one whom you love, without there being disobedience.

    If you claim to love Him, yet show opposition;

    Then your love is but a false pretence.

    Do you love the enemies of the Beloved, whilst claiming to love Him;

    Yet still seek love in return.

    And you fight and show enmity to those whom He loves;

    Is this true love, O brother, or the following of Shaytaan.

    There is no worship without singling Him out exclusively;

    Along with submitting the heart and limbs to Him in humility."

    [2]: THE IMPLICATIONS OF laa ilaaha illallaah

    The declaration of laa ilaaha illallaah implies having walaa' and baraa' for certain matters.

    The kalimah implies showing walaa' (sincere love and help) to Allaah, His Religion, His Book, His Prophets, and His righteous worshippers; as well as taking them as close allies and helpers:

    "Indeed your helper and protecter is none other than Allaah, His Messenger, and the Believers." [Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:55].

    It implies dissociation for those who worship other than Allaah and enmity towards all that is worshipped besides Him:

    "Indeed there is for you an excellent example in the Prophet Ibraaheem and those with him, when they said to their people: Indeed we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allaah; we have rejected you, and there has arisen between us and you enmity and hatred, until you believe and worship Allaah alone." [Soorah al-Mumtahanah 60:4].

    "Whosoever rejects at-taaghoot and believes in Allaah, has grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:256].

    Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab, rahimahullaah, said:

    "And know that a person will not be considered a Believer, except by rejecting all that is worshipped besides Allaah. The proof is this Verse."

    It implies having love for what Allaah has prescribed:

    "Follow that which has been revealed from your Lord, and do not follow any friends and helpers other than Him." [Soorah al-A'raaf 7:3].

    It implies having enmity for those laws and judgements that oppose Islaam:

    "Do they seek after a judgement from the times of ignorance. And who is better in judgement than Allaah, for a people who have certainty." [Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:5].

    It implies dissociation from every religion other than Islaam:

    "Whoever seeks after a Religion other than Islaam, never will it be accepted from him, and in the Hereafer he will be one of the loosers." [Soorah Aal-'Imraan 3:85].

    [3]: WHAT laa ilaaha illallaah NEGATES AND AFFIRMS

    The kalimah negates certain matters, and affirms certain matters.

    It negates four matters:- aalihah, tawaagheet, andaad, and arbaab

    [i] AALIHAH: If a person directs his hopes and fears to something, believing that it can bring benefit or ward of harm in and of itself, then such things have been made into deities that are worshipped besides Allaah (aalihah). So the kalimah negates this for anything other than Allaah.

    "If Allaah afflicts you with some harm, there is no one who can remove it except Allaah. And if He desires good for you, there is no one who can repel His favour." [Soorah Yoonus 10:107].

    [ii] TAWAAGHEET: whoever is worshipped and is pleased with it, or claims having some qualities of divinity; such as claiming to have knowledge of the unseen, or deems it permissible to legislate laws in opposition to Allaah's Laws - then such people are transgreoors who have overstepped the limits (tawaagheet).

    "To every nation We sent Prophets and Messengers, ordering: Worship Allaah alone, and turn away from the taaghoot." [Soorah an-Nahl 16:36].

    [iii] ANDAAD: Whatever draws a person away from obedience to Allaah, whether family, chldren, wealth or dwelling, become rivals (andaad) to Allaah.

    "And of mankind there are those who take others besides Allaah as rivals to Allaah. They love them as they should love Allaah." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:165].

    [iv] ARBAAB: those who knowingly give verdicts in opposition to Allaah's Laws, and are then followed in this, have been made into lords (arbaab) besides Allaah.

    "They took their rabbis and priests to be lords besides Allaah." [Soorah at-Tawbah 9:31].

    The kalimah also affirms four matters:-

    [i]: SINCERITY: That the object of our worship should be Allaah, and that all worship should be exclusively directed to Him alone (ikhlaas):

    "And they have not been commanded, except that they should sincerely and exclusively worship Allaah alone." [Soorah al-Bayyinah 98:5].

    [ii]: LOVE: That Allaah should be loved more than anything and everything else.

    "But those who believe are stronger in their love of Allaah." [Soorah al-Baqarah 2:165].

    [iii], [iv]: FEAR and HOPE: that reverential fear and hope should be for Allaah alone:

    "So do not fear them, but fear Me and beware of disobeying Me, if you are true believers." [Soorah Aal-'Imraan 3:175].

    "So whoever hopes to see his Lord and be rewarded by Him, then let him make his worship correct and make it purely and exclusively for Him; and let him not give any share of it to other than Him." [Soorah al-Kahf 18:110].

    [4]: THE COMPANIONS AND laa ilaaha illallaah

    How the Companions, radiallaahu 'anhum, understood and acted upon the requirements of this great kalimah, has been beautifuly explained to us by Imaam Sufyaan ibn 'Uyaynah, rahimahullaah.

    Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Malik al-Musaysee said:

    We were with Sufyaan ibn 'Uyaynah in the year one-hundred and seventy, and a person asked him about faith (eemaan), so he replied: "It is statement and action." The man asked: Does it increase and decrease? He replied: "It increases as Allaah wishes, and it decreases as Allaah wishes; to the extent that no more than the likes of this remains, [and he demonstrated with his hand]." The man asked: How should we deal with those who claim that it is statement without action?

    Sufyaan replied: "This is what they used to say before the rulings and limits of eemaan were established. Indeed Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, sent our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam to all of mankind to tell them that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah, and that I am the Messenger of Allaah. So when they said that, there blood and wealth would be protected, except by right, and their reckoning would be with Allaah. When Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, was satisfied with the truthfulness of this from their hearts, He commanded the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam to order them to Pray; so he ordered them and they did it. By Allaah! Had they not done so, then their first act would not have benefited them.

    When Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, was satisfied with the truthfulness of this from their hearts, He commanded him to order them to migrate to Madeenah; so he ordered them and they did so. By Allaah! Had they not done so, then neither their first act, nor the Prayer would have benefitted them.

    When Allaah, the Most Blessed, the Most High was satisfied with the truthfulness of this from their hearts, He commanded him to order them to return to Makkah, in order to fight their [disbelieving] fathers and sons; until they said the kalimah that they had said, prayed their Prayer, and joined them in their migration. So he ordered them and they did so. By Allaah! Had they not done so, then neither their first act, nor the Prayer, nor their migration would have benefitted them.

    When Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, was satisfied with the truthfulness of this from their hearts, He commanded him to order them to migrate to perform tawaaf around the house in worship of Him, and to shave their heads out of humility; so he ordered them and they did so. By Allaah! Had they not done so, then neither their first act, nor the Prayer, nor their migration, nor their fighting their fathers would have benefitted them.

    When Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, was satisfied with the truthfulness of this from their hearts, He commanded him to order them to migrate to give charity from their wealth in order that it may purify them; so he ordered them and they did so - giving a little and alot. By Allaah! Had they not done so, then neither their first act, nor the Prayer, nor their migration, nor their fighting their fathers, nor their performing tawaaf would have benefitted them.

    When Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, was satisfied with the truthfulness of this from their hearts - which were no in harmony with the rulings and limits of eemaan, Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, said:

    "This day have I perfected your Religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen Islaam as your Religion." [Soorah al-Maa'idah 5:3].

    Sufyaan then said: So whoever abandons any part of eemaan, then he is an unbeliever in our view. However, if he leaves it out of laziness or neglect, then we will discipline him, and he is - in our view - deficient in eemaan.. This is the Sunnah; relate it from me to whoever asks you about it."

    Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab said:

    "If we have clearly understood this, then we will know that many of those who clain to follow the Religion really do not understand laa ilaaha illallaah. Since how are we to explain the patience that the [early] Muslims had to endure when under torture, captivity, beating, and migration to Ethiopia. And this, along with the fact the he sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam was the most merciful of people; had there been a way to spare his Companions [these hardships], then he would have done so."
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    Re: The Islaamic Concept of al-Walaa' wal-Baraa'

    Jazak Allah Khair sis.
    The Islaamic Concept of al-Walaa' wal-Baraa'


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    Re: The Islaamic Concept of al-Walaa' wal-Baraa'

    Removal of Doubts: Part 1 Clarifying what is Tawalee and Muwalaat and its ruling according to the authentic relied upon scholars of Islam

    The Linguistic meaning of al-Muwalaat and at-Tawalee was explained by the Imaam, Alamaah Ibn farris who said in his book "Mujam Qiyaas al-Lugha"

    "the essence (walaa). The waw, lam, and ya, this is a corretc base, asl (root), which indicates nearness (al-qurb)

    Imaam Fayroozabadee said in "al-Qamoos"
    "al-Walaa; is 'al-qurb' and proximity (ad-Danoow), and 'Tawalaahu' meaning took him as a wali (protector or firend) and "waalaa" is between the two matters of Muwalaat and walaa.

    A practicality of this misunderstood principle is explained below

    From the words of shaykh Saalih alu-Shaykh he said
    "And the principle concerning at-Tawalee is to help the kaafir against a muslim during the time of war between a muslim and a kaafir with the intent and purpose (qasd) of allowing the kuffar to gain ascendancy over the muslims. And the basis of tawalee is complete love, or aiding a kaafir against a muslim, so whoever loved a kaafir for his deen, and then he turned to him with tawalee, and this is kufr

    As for Muwalaat of the kuffar, then this is loving them (muwaddah), and loving them for the dunya, and giving them preference, and raising them. And this is fisq and is not kufr"

    The shaykh's words were supported by his predecessor al-Imaam Abdullah Ibn Abdul-Lateef aali-Shaykh who said

    "As for at-Tawalee, then it is defending the kuffar, and assisting them, and helping them with both the body and wealth and opinion (of deen). And this is clear kufr whih expels one from the fold of Islam" [ad-Duraar as-Sunniyyah 7/102]

    And as for Muwalaat, then it is co-operating and dissimulation, flaterry towards the kuffar for he sake of a worldy objective, without concealing an intention of kufr and apostacy from Islam.
    The likes of this has occured from the incident narrated in the hadeeth of Haatib ibn Abi Baltaah when he wrote to the Qureish informing them of the journey of the messenger salallahu alaihi wa salam narrated in Saheeh al-Bukharee #3007 and Saheeh of Muslim # 3081.

    Al-Muwalaat is of two types
    ash-Shaykh Imaam Abdur-Rahman Bin Hasan aalish-Shaykh

    al-Muwalaat is of two types.
    1. The Muwalaat that is unrestricted, general (absolute), and this is clear kufr, and here, with this characteristic, it is actually synonymous with the meaning of "at-Tawalee",and based upon this are he various evidences that have come concerning the severe prohibition of having muwalaat (loyalty) to the kuffar carried, and tat the one who turns to them, then he has disbeleived.

    2. The Muwalaat that is specific (khaassah), and this is muwalaat to the kuffar for a worldy gain, whilst having a sound beleif,and without concealing the intention of kufr and apostacy

    The words of Shaykh Abdur-Rahman Bin hasan were supported by the earlier Imaams of the religion al-Qurtubi in his tafseer (4/57, 18/52) and also the Imaam haafidh Abu bakr Ibnul-Arabi al-Maalikee in his Ahkaam al-Quraan (4/1770)

    al-Imaam abdur-Rahman Bin naasir as-S'adi said concerning tawalee
    "If it is complete tawalee then this is kufr (that expels form the religion) and below this (meaning this level) there are many levels some of which are severe and others less than that"

    Concerning this matter it is clear that the relevent ayaah that is usually cited in this regard and twisted beyond the bounds of the prophetic manhaj by the khawarij and takfeeeris of our era are the following ayaah

    "Oh ye who beleive, do not take the Jews and Christians as "awliyyah" (5;51)
    "And whoever turns to them from amongst you then he is from them"
    "You will not find a people who beleive in Alah and the Last Day loving those who oppose Allah and His messenger"
    "Oh ye who beleive; take not for awliyyah (friends and protectors) those who take your religion for a mockery and fun from among those who received the scripture (Jews and Christians) before you, nor from among the disbeleivers; and fear Allah if you indeed are true beleivers (5:57)

    It is these ayaah and a few of the narrations narrated by the prophet regardin this same issue that has unfortunately landed in he hands (minds) of the beligerent and ignoamous regarding the correct and authentic understanding of how these texts are understood and applied. And it is due to this that they have abandoned the salafi asl of understanding the nusoos based upon the fahm of the salaf and those firmly grounded upon their way.

    So therefore it is necessary to have the Imaams of gudiance and the relied upon scholars of the reigion to clarify rather than accept religion based on the people's desires and their own opinions as to what the revelation of Allah is meant upon any issue let alone this one.

    ash-shaykh Muhamnmad rasheed Ridha stated
    "Those who speak in the religion without knowledge, and who explain the Quraan with desire and opinion claim that the verse of Aali Imraan and whatever else is of the same meaning as it concerning the general and specific prohibition, such as His, the Most High's saying 'Oh ye who beleive! take not the jews and christians as awliyyah" indicates that it is not permissible for the muslims to ally with or come to agreement with others, even if the opposition (shown) or the agreement (shown) is for their own benefit. And it has escaped them that the prophet salalahu alaihi wa salam used to ally with Bani Khuzaa'ah and they were upon shirk (from the mushrikeen). Rather, some of those who are sentimental concerning the rleigion with ignorance claim that it isn ot permissible for a muslim to be benevolent in his interaction with a non muslim, or in his company, or trust in him a particualr matter amongst the affairs (of the world)"

    he also stated
    "And built upon this it is permissible for the rulers of te muslims to ally with non muslim states for he sake of benefiting the beleivers, in order to repel some harm or to bring about some benefit"

    and the Shaykh Jamaalu-Deen al-Qaasimee stated in his tafseer
    "The Muwalaat that is cautioned against occurs with the hatred, enmity of the heart towards the beleivers, and love of te kuffar for their kufr"

    asalamu alaikum
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    Re: The Islaamic Concept of al-Walaa' wal-Baraa'

    The Following links will be great help in understanding

    Al Wala Al Bara (Affection and Aversion)
    • Al Wala Al Bara According to the Aqeeda of Salaaf - Al Qahtaani - 26p [PDF]
      This book was originally submitted in the form of a thesis for Master’s Degree to the Department of ‘Aqeedah of Umm al-Qorah University in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. It is impossible to provide a literal translation in English of the words al-wala’ wa’ l-bara’, but the meaning of this Arabic term indicates, on the one hand, drawing near to what is pleasing to Allah and his Messenger and, on the other hand, withdrawing from what is displeasing to Allah and His Messenger, may Allah and His Messenger, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.
    • Al-Walaa' wal-Bara - al-Fawzaan - 35p [PDF]
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