Imagine sitting in lessons with native Arab teachers from the Middle East who are highly qualified and have considerable experience in teaching foreigners. All our instructors are graduates from prestigious institutions (such as the world famous Azhar University) and many have ijazahs to teach the Quran also.

Learn from the comfort of your own home with our qualified female teachers and immerse yourself in the language of the Quran.

Private one to one online classes using Skype
1 hour 2 hours 1 hour
Mon - Fri Sat - Sun Sat - Sun
5 hours per week 4 hours per week 2 hours per week
£89 per month
Approx. 22 hours
≈£4.05/hr £89 per month
Approx. 16 hours
≈£5.56/hr £49 per month
Approx. 8 hours

£89 GBP ≈ $ 137.75 USD, € 104,88, $ 144.42 CAD.
£49 GBP ≈ $ 75.84 USD, € 57,74, $ 79.51 CAD.