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View Full Version : Nobody

03-02-2008, 07:47 PM

Dear Listener

im so upset right now and feel i have nobody in this world, i know Allah is always there... but come on... you need human affections sometimes...
"Allah tests those whom he loves most" i keep remembering... but i dont know if i can go through this test or if i will even survive it. :cry:

I feel so close to relapsing and im scared to be sectioned ( admitted under the mental health act ) how can i stay rational, i cant even do my Salah because i keep breaking down. I am feeling so close to just giving up. Im failing as a muslim and failing in life. All i do is try and its never good enough. imsad

There are so many pressures in my life right now and all i get is people telling me
"your so strong"
"you can deal with anything, look at your past, how you survived that"
"look at everything you achieved, the emotional demons you put to rest"
Blah Blah Blah. :-\

My spouse is in another country and getting fustrated with our situation of being apart because embassy visa demands are crazy and changing laws all the time :exhausted

Im practically begging for employment - only 12 hours a week - and nobody is willing to give me the chance - ive applied to 27 places since january.:enough!:

I've got workmen in my home causing a riot because the local council decided to do an upgrade of the houses. - Im living in one room with 2 cats, not pleseant when your trying to eat ur dinner and one decides to go for a smelly number 2. :omg:

My mother is having dilema's which her marriage breaking down so im also trying to support her, even tho she is happy about the split as he was an egotistical abusive self obbsessed alcoholic twit, who has made it his next goal in life to get a young thai bride :raging:
My mother cant see me often because she has work commitments and also has my younger siblings to look after.

I have no friends, i quit them all when i reverted. Im craving some human interaction, a cup of tea and a friendly chat 15 mins here and there.... but no one in my town wants to know, you see im the only woman here wearing a hijab and labled a freak. ( ive heard the comments ) :X

Forget about my past i aint mentioning that here, but that aint the issue. Its the here and now, this moment which seems to be lasting forever and its tearing my heart apart.

I've seen my doctor who has refered me back to the psychiatrist.
The waiting list is 2 months.
How am i going to survive this?

I have nobody.
and nobody wants to know.

Yours Faithfully.



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03-02-2008, 11:55 PM
I have just read about your situation and my heart goes out to you. I wonder if you can start off with the little things that make you happy...simple things.
Also you say that you have been to see your doc i suggest that you keep pounding on his door until action is taken.
I don;t mean to :)patronize but there must be something that you are blessed to have, e.g. you have a man who loves you. I know it must be hard to be apart but you must concentrate on the future that you will have.
Don't worry about missing salah as Allah is most forgiving and will understand the hardship that you are going through. You are a good muslim as you chose this faith and nuff respect for that.
You are an excellent muslim as in times like this you still have the strength to wear a hijab without worrying about other people...that takes great courage.
I think that you should focus on your love and your love for religion that will be enough for Allah. Don't forget you chose Islam and willingly embraced it whilst so many that have been born into it are abandoning it. Don't look at the negatives and the positives will come.
Be a love and don't be too hard on yourself. Good luck. May Allah give you all that you deserve.

03-03-2008, 12:05 AM
As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

My heart felt to you. Remember that you are not ALONE! Allah Ta'ala always there for you, not matters what you do.

Take your time to getting better and thinking of postive things. Shaytan the cursed took your happiness away but you can always ask to Allah Ta'ala for bringing the happiness to back. There are millions of people who you can friends with. I am sure your man from another country will be always remember you.

In al-Saheehayn it was reported from Ibn ‘Abbaas that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to say, when he felt distressed:

“La ilaaha ill-Allaah al-‘Azeem ul-Haleem, Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah Rabb il-‘arsh il-‘azeem, Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah Rabb is-samawaati wa Rabb il-ard wa Rabb il-‘arsh il-kareem (there is no god except Allaah, the All-Mighty, the Forbearing; there is no god except Allaah, the Lord of the Mighty Throne; there is no god except Allaah, Lord of the heavens, Lord of the earth and Lord of the noble Throne).”(Bukhari 7/154 and Muslim 4/2092.)

This is very good dua to cure for stress and anxiety, Insha'Allah.


May Allah Ta'ala Blessings be upon you

P.S. We are your friends sake for Allah Ta'ala

03-25-2008, 09:02 AM
"I've seen my doctor who has refered me back to the psychiatrist"

Don't do that. Its a black point on your future job application. The boss usually wants women without any emotional issue.

Why you don't try to apply for regular jobs - like 4 or 8 hours/day :? Its very difficult to find a job with only 12 hours/week.

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03-25-2008, 10:47 AM
aslam alaikum my dear sis,

I am here for you sis. Why not make a separate hotmail account to keep yourself anonymous and pass it on to me. We can swap phone# there and I will do my best to see you through these hard times inshaAllah. I'll remember you in my duaas inshaAllah.

wa alaikum asalam


Eric H
03-26-2008, 05:32 AM
Greetings and peace be with you somebody special,

First of all you have to change your name and your perception of yourself from nobody to some one very special to God.

Then you need to do something in order for change to happen, if your mum is busy and has no time then maybe you could help her. If you help your mum she might have more time to sit and talk with you.

Volunteer for something, ask at your Mosque if there is one near by, do they need help, even if it is washing and cleaning. If you live in the UK they have volunteer bureaus in most towns with a range of jobs that can bring you into contact with people.

By doing voluntary work it will help you to get a job, simply because you will feel you are doing something worthwhile for others. It will change how you look at yourself and other people will look at you differently too

Life is a journey always one day at a time and you just need the strength of mind and body to get through today. You need to push yourself one more time, pray as if everything depends on God, work as if everything depends on the efforts of your brain and your hands.

Tomorrow you repeat this process all over again,and you keep repeating; always one day at a time..

In the spirit of searching for hope


Eric H
03-26-2008, 05:33 AM
Greetings and peace be with you somebody special,

First of all you have to change your name and your perception of yourself from nobody to some one very special to God.

Then you need to do something in order for change to happen, if your mum is busy and has no time then maybe you could help her. If you help your mum she might have more time to sit and talk with you.

Volunteer for something, ask at your Mosque if there is one near by, do they need help, even if it is washing and cleaning. If you live in the UK they have volunteer bureaus in most towns with a range of jobs that can bring you into contact with people.

By doing voluntary work it will help you to get a job, simply because you will feel you are doing something worthwhile for others. It will change how you look at yourself and other people will look at you differently too

Life is a journey always one day at a time and you just need the strength of mind and body to get through today. You need to push yourself one more time, pray as if everything depends on God, work as if everything depends on the efforts of your brain and your hands.

Tomorrow you repeat this process all over again,and you keep repeating; always one day at a time..

In the spirit of searching for hope


03-26-2008, 05:45 AM
Just wanna ask, are Anonymous, and AnonymousGender the same person? They seem to be writing up similar posts?:?

Eric H
03-26-2008, 06:10 AM
Greetings and peace be with you
format_quote Originally Posted by Ebtisweetsam
Just wanna ask, are Anonymous, and AnonymousGender the same person? They seem to be writing up similar posts?:?
I often get confused by the anon names, I think we need a change.

Take care


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