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View Full Version : Praying taraweeh at home

09-02-2008, 03:24 PM
Assalamu Alaykum

Just wanted to know..
If you dont go to the masjid to pray taraweeh (I dont always go) do i have to pray taraweeh prayers at home or can I just pray regular isha??

Any help appreciated, am really stuck on this matter
Jazakallah Khair.

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09-02-2008, 03:45 PM
As far as I know Taraweeh isn't fard. If you want to pray at home I guess you can or just pray Isha and recite Quran.

09-02-2008, 04:00 PM
as i heard its allowed to pray salaatu Al-taraweeh at home.

Wa Allahu A3lam

Tanya Khan
09-03-2008, 03:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Questfortruth
As far as I know Taraweeh isn't fard. If you want to pray at home I guess you can or just pray Isha and recite Quran.

Is that right? I've been thinking it's farz all this time. So does that mean I can just go home and pray Isha instead of Tarawih prayer?

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09-03-2008, 03:54 PM

^ Yes.

Taraweeh is Sunnah. Not Fardh. It's good if you want to pray it, but you don't have to.

Tanya Khan
09-03-2008, 03:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by - Serene -

^ Yes.

Taraweeh is Sunnah. Not Fardh. It's good if you want to pray it, but you don't have to.

Thank you for letting me know. :D

09-03-2008, 08:03 PM
Jazakallah khair for your help everybody!

09-06-2008, 11:29 AM
For a woman, praying in the depths of her house has more reward than praying in the mosque. Some scholars mention that women attain the same reward praying at home as men get for praying in congregation. So yes definitely one can pray tarawih at home even when one is not a hafizah.

According to the majority of the fuqaha, tarawih prayer is a confirmed sunna with 20 rakahs. These acts of worship are just the means for us to draw closer to Allah Most High. The Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, Anyone who stands in prayers during its nights with purity of belief and expectation of a reward, will have his previous sins forgiven." Also as other hadiths tells us, the rewards for good deeds and acts of worship are multiplied manifold during Ramadan
According to the consensus of Muslim scholars, Tarawih is not considered mandatory on either men or women. Rather, it is only considered a recommended act. There is no evidence in the sources to make it obligatory. As far as I know, no jurist or imam has expressed such an opinion.

Tarawih can be performed individually at home or at the mosque. If for some reason you cannot go to the mosque, you can pray Tarawih at home.

We know from the traditions that the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and other companions often used to pray Tarawih at home. Some of them even opened the Qur'an and read from it while performing Tarawih.

Women and even children should attend it at the Mosque because it displays the unity among Muslims and cements their relationships.

09-07-2008, 01:21 PM
Salamu Alaikum

According to some, Namaz Tarawih is considered Sunnah Mua'kaddah (one of the three types of Sunnah). In the Hanafi Madhab - leaving out a Sunnah Mua'kaddah habitually for no reason is sinful.

09-07-2008, 07:17 PM
^ yea I've heard that too, leaving the tarawih for no reason is a sin, because tarawih is not a small sunnah but a big one, however it is NOT fardh...

as for going to the masjid, its up to a woman if she wants to go....it is completely permissible pray tarawih at home...

i've noticed i like to go the masjid more because praying behind an imam makes you alert and not "race" thru the tarawihs plus the imams usually finish at least one reciting of the Quran...at home i tend to pray really fast and no way can i recite whole Quran by meself dunno...lol...

09-11-2008, 05:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tresbien
For a woman, praying in the depths of her house has more reward than praying in the mosque. Some scholars mention that women attain the same reward praying at home as men get for praying in congregation. So yes definitely one can pray tarawih at home even when one is not a hafizah.

According to the majority of the fuqaha, tarawih prayer is a confirmed sunna with 20 rakahs. These acts of worship are just the means for us to draw closer to Allah Most High. The Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him & give him peace) said, Anyone who stands in prayers during its nights with purity of belief and expectation of a reward, will have his previous sins forgiven." Also as other hadiths tells us, the rewards for good deeds and acts of worship are multiplied manifold during Ramadan
According to the consensus of Muslim scholars, Tarawih is not considered mandatory on either men or women. Rather, it is only considered a recommended act. There is no evidence in the sources to make it obligatory. As far as I know, no jurist or imam has expressed such an opinion.

Tarawih can be performed individually at home or at the mosque. If for some reason you cannot go to the mosque, you can pray Tarawih at home.

We know from the traditions that the wives of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and other companions often used to pray Tarawih at home. Some of them even opened the Qur'an and read from it while performing Tarawih.

Women and even children should attend it at the Mosque because it displays the unity among Muslims and cements their relationships.

"thanks sooooooo soooo much for the info!! but is there any other way of praying Taraweeh other then reciting the Quran i mean with any specific surah?...and is it really okay to pray Isha and then read Quran ?? and is it possible that i can have the Book in my hand while praying Taraweeh????
I'm so soo soo vvery confused here! :-[

06-30-2013, 03:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Camira
but is there any other way of praying Taraweeh other then reciting the Quran i mean with any specific surah?...and is it really okay to pray Isha and then read Quran ?? and is it possible that i can have the Book in my hand while praying Taraweeh????

If anyone can please answer the questions above, it would be very beneficial to the sisters (or someone who wants to pray taraweeh at home) and before Ramadan approaches.


Taken from: http://islam.about.com/cs/ramadan/a/taraweeh.htm
The word taraweeh comes from an Arabic word which means to rest and relax. The prayer can be very long (well over an hour), during which one stands upright to read from the Qur'an and performs many cycles of movement (standing, bowing, prostrating, sitting). After each four cycles, one sits for a brief period of rest before continuing -- this is where the name taraweeh("rest prayer") comes from.During the standing portions of the prayer, long sections of the Qur'an are read. The Qur'an is divided into equal parts (called juz) for the purpose of reading sections of equal length during each of the Ramadan nights. Thus, 1/30 of the Qur'an is read on successive evenings, so that by the end of the month the entire Qur'an has been completed.
It is recommended that Muslims attend the taraweeh prayers in the mosque (after 'isha, the last evening prayer), to pray in congregation. This is true for both men and women. However, one may also perform the prayers individually at home. These prayers are voluntary, but are strongly recommended and widely practiced.

Allah is Awsome
07-12-2013, 02:39 AM

It is not FARD, it is something that was done by Him (Prophet Muhammad (SWAS). Reading Tarawee is equal to reading fard in Ramadan and FARD is equal to 70 good deeds. It is really good for you to read. But NOT Fard.

Hamza Asadullah
07-13-2013, 12:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Camira
"thanks sooooooo soooo much for the info!! but is there any other way of praying Taraweeh other then reciting the Quran i mean with any specific surah?...and is it really okay to pray Isha and then read Quran ?? and is it possible that i can have the Book in my hand while praying Taraweeh????
I'm so soo soo vvery confused here! :-[

Firstly for women praying in the depths of her house is preferred over praying at the Masjid. Men should pray at the Masjid unless they have a valid excuse not to. For anyone praying Tarawih at home then one may recite any surah one knows and has memorised.

And Allah knows best in all matters

07-15-2013, 01:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by *Marwah
as i heard its allowed to pray salaatu Al-taraweeh at home.

Wa Allahu A3lam
It is definitely permissible to pray Taraweeh at home. :)
For anyone praying Tarawih at home then one may recite any surah one knows and has memorised.
This was my main question answered. As there are times, such as tonight, where I have no choice but to stay hours away from a Masjid, thus making attendence near impossible. JazakaAllahu kheyr.

07-16-2013, 02:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by aflawedbeing
It is definitely permissible to pray Taraweeh at home. :)

This was my main question answered. As there are times, such as tonight, where I have no choice but to stay hours away from a Masjid, thus making attendence near impossible. JazakaAllahu kheyr.
Is there other Muslim at your home or near your home?. It's better if you perform salah Taraweeh in jama'ah, although at home.


White Rose
12-25-2013, 04:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Camira
"thanks sooooooo soooo much for the info!! but is there any other way of praying Taraweeh other then reciting the Quran i mean with any specific surah?...and is it really okay to pray Isha and then read Quran ?? and is it possible that i can have the Book in my hand while praying Taraweeh????
I'm so soo soo vvery confused here! :-[

I would also like to know if we can have the Quran in our hand and read it whilst in taraweeh?


12-25-2013, 07:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Is there other Muslim at your home or near your home?. It's better if you perform salah Taraweeh in jama'ah, although at home.

In Ramdan it is recommended to pray Tarawih with jamaa because of the greatest deeds that one can gain;But after Ramadan one has to do it individually at home even with a few units. but while praying individually at home, someone joins you without a previous agreement ,do not prevent this person from praying with u . May Allah help us to do deeds and forgive our sins .Amine

12-25-2013, 08:03 PM
yes there is no harm if you read from The Quran while performing voluntary prayers.The most important is to persist in doing it even with a few units.Pls pray for me and all muslims

muslimah bird
12-26-2013, 11:25 AM
Taraweeh ought to prayed at mosque for added reward

12-26-2013, 03:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tresbien
In Ramdan it is recommended to pray Tarawih with jamaa because of the greatest deeds that one can gain;But after Ramadan one has to do it individually at home even with a few units. but while praying individually at home, someone joins you without a previous agreement ,do not prevent this person from praying with u . May Allah help us to do deeds and forgive our sins .Amine

Tarawih is another name of salah Qiyamu-Ramadan. So, if you perform Qiyamul-Lail (night prayer) outside of Ramadan, it's not called Tarawih, but salah Lail.


But, Jazak Allah Khayr for your response, akhee.

12-26-2013, 03:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by White Rose

I would also like to know if we can have the Quran in our hand and read it whilst in taraweeh?


Do you mean you hold Qur'an with your hand and you read it during salah?. It's against sunnah.

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