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10-04-2008, 09:28 PM
700 billion-plus Highway Robbery “I have seen members turn to each other and say if we don’t pass this bill, we are going to have a Martial Law in United States,” - Brad Sherman, US Congressman (D) from California; quoted in Los Angeles Times.

On Friday, Jewish Lobby controlled US Senate passed a slightly modified version of ‘Wall Street Bailout’, proposed bt Bush Zionist Adminitration - a US$700 billion lottery windfall for the rich only - the 4,500 American billionaires (mostly Jews) - which was rejected on Monday by US Congress majority. The 74-25 vote saw both John McCain and Barak Obama voting in favour the Bill. Dubya Bush did not waste a moment to sign it - making it a law.

However, the billionaires’ blackmail doesn’t stop there. These vampires are also demanding that Europe pay additional US$440 billion to bailout European banks, many of which will also be be sharing the US$700 billion loot.

Khalid Amayreh wrote on October 3, 2008:

“American leaders and politicians won’t say that openly. But America doesn’t lack the brain power to know the facts and find out the truth about the umbilical connection between the Israeli factor and the ravaging financial crisis now facing the US.

I am afraid there will be more bad news in this regard if America doesn’t reclaim its liberty from the Zionist Rober Barons who have come to tightly control the American financial establishment.

Moreover, should the US decide to act on Israel’s instructions (or orders) and go to war against another Muslim country, this time Iran, one could imagine the magnitude of the financial and therefore economic disaster that would befall America and the world.

Today, Israel is trying to consummate its hateful enterprise of ethnic cleansing in the Middle East, using American money and American power. Israel will fight the Muslim world to the last American dollar and the last American soldier.

Hence, it is time ordinary Americans wake up from their slumber to reclaim their country from rapacious Zionism. Because their very future is at stake.”


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10-20-2008, 04:17 AM
The Charmed Lives of the Crony Capitalists

How the Banksters are Making a Killing Off the Bailout

In 1897, when 8-year old Virginia O’Hanlon posed her Santa Claus query to the New York Sun, she received a heart-warming editorial response reassuring her that “He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist….”

Today, we hand our 8 year olds a $13 trillion national debt while our Congress hands Wall Street banksters the national purse without so much as a hearing to determine the cause of the debt collapse. Worse still, the money is doled out to the very same individuals who leveraged their institutions to casino status.

Americans are correctly outraged at the spectacle of U.S. crony capitalism crashing stock and bond markets around the globe while simultaneously watching the poster boys of crony capitalism on Monday, October 13, 2008 march up the granite steps of the United States Treasury building in their Armani shoes and heist a fresh $125 Billion of taxpayer dough in broad daylight.

The U.S. Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson’s, $700 billion bailout plan to buy up distressed mortgage assets has spun off its own $250 billion subsidiary plan (skipping that pesky detail called taxation with representation) to inject $125 billion in equity capital into 9 of the biggest commercial and investment banks in the country. Another $125 billion may possibly go to smaller regional banks and thrifts, assuming they will sign on to the deal.

And what will taxpayers get for their investment in these financial firms whose stock prices are getting hammered as the public recoils in revulsion at what they have done to our financial system? The taxpayers, who were not invited to send their own legal representative to the negotiating table, will receive a paltry 5% dividend, exactly half of what Warren Buffett received for his recent investment in General Electric, a company that actually makes something real, like jet engines and light bulbs.

Now we learn from the U.S. Treasury web site that it has hired the law firm of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett to represent our taxpayer interests going forward at a cost to us of $300,000 for six months work. But we’re not allowed to know their hourly wages; that information has been blacked out on the Treasury’s contract. Curiously, the Treasury has named in its contract the specific lawyers it wants to work for us. Two of those are Lee A. Meyerson and David Eisenberg. Mr. Meyerson has been a central player in facilitating the bank consolidations that have led to the present train wreck, including building JPMorgan Chase from the body parts of Chemical Bank, Chase Manhattan and Bank One.

Mr. Eisenberg has played a central role in the proliferation of the credit derivatives blowing up on the books of the Frankenbanks created by Mr. Meyerson. Here’s what the Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett web site says about its relationships and Mr. Eisenberg’s work:

“The Firm’s practice benefits from established relationships with all of the major investment banks…Mr. Eisenberg is responsible for creating the asset-backed practice at the firm and has represented clients involved in the structuring of the first asset-backed commercial paper program, the first public offering of credit card-backed securities by a bank and the first offering of asset-backed securities supported by dealer floor plan loans…Mr. Eisenberg represents JPMorgan Chase Bank, as issuer, in its ongoing program of public offerings of its credit card receivables backed notes. In addition Mr. Eisenberg represented JPMorgan Chase Bank in connection with the issuance of notes backed by commercial loans and in connection with its offerings of Leveraged Notes for Credit Exposure, a credit derivative product. Mr. Eisenberg has also represented underwriters, issuers and sponsors of modeled index catastrophe bonds. Mr. Eisenberg has represented sellers and buyers of credit protection in connection with synthetic securitizations of consumer loans, commercial loans and high yield bonds.”

This is an unconscionable conflict of interest given that JPMorgan Chase is receiving $25 billion of taxpayer funds under this bailout and that the program is very likely to be buying the very toxic waste for which Mr. Eisenberg wrote legal opinions and assisted in proliferating.

What most Americans do not understand, because mainstream media rarely explains it, is the incestuous relationship between the U.S. Treasury and this small band of financial marauders who busted the entire financial system with insane levels of leveraged derivative bets.

More @ http://counterpunch.com/martens10172008.html

10-20-2008, 06:45 AM
Racist garbage (the first post).

The Khan
10-20-2008, 07:38 AM

America's national debt:


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10-24-2008, 04:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Trumble
Racist garbage (the first post).
:sl: I agree.

10-24-2008, 04:31 PM


10-24-2008, 05:04 PM
islamirama, you got to try lay off the crazy propaganda/conspiracy stuff, really :).

10-24-2008, 07:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SixTen
islamirama, you got to try lay off the crazy propaganda/conspiracy stuff, really :).
When the public accepts the real propaganda as the truth, than anything contrary to that is seen as propaganda.

Anyways, i'm just throwing stuff out there that i found interesting. :D

10-25-2008, 09:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by islamirama
When the public accepts the real propaganda as the truth, than anything contrary to that is seen as propaganda.

Anyways, i'm just throwing stuff out there that i found interesting. :D
These things are poorly sourced, and are very much bending truths - or fabricating stuff, its really things with political motives which they try gain via brainwashing.

10-25-2008, 01:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by The Khan
Lets compare this with the rest of the G7 countries:
Public debt (most recent) by country
#2 Japan: 176.2 % of GDP
#6 Italy: 107.8 % of GDP
#25 Germany: 66.8 % of GDP
#27 Canada: 65.4 % of GDP
#28 France: 64.7 % of GDP
#30 United States: 64.7 % of GDP
#60 United Kingdom: 42.2 % of GDP
#43 India: 52.8 % of GDP

Sure, 10 trillion public debt is too much, but lets not overreact. Compared to other countries its nothing special.

10-26-2008, 09:18 PM
of course it is nothing.. let's simply device ways to recover the losses by bleeding poorer countries and engaging in illegal wars where looting is encouraged!

curious as to why you left Lebanon out of that list? it is number 1 after all.. do you think this will cast a shadow on their forward 'democratic' status?

10-26-2008, 11:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Skye Ephémérine
of course it is nothing.. let's simply device ways to recover the losses by bleeding poorer countries and engaging in illegal wars where looting is encouraged!
How much money has the US gained from engaging in this "illegal war" in Iraq you think?

curious as to why you left Lebanon out of that list? it is number 1 after all.. do you think this will cast a shadow on their forward 'democratic' status?
Reading what I wrote wouldn't hurt. I clearly wrote "Lets compare this with the rest of the G7 countries". I also added India because I was responding to "The Khan" who is from India.

10-26-2008, 11:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by KAding
How much money has the US gained from engaging in this "illegal war" in Iraq you think?
You should write your local congressman and ask him/her that question, along with the whereabouts of looted treasures and reasons behind destruction of 2,000-year-old Sumerian cities, remaining sites of Mesopotamia and walls of the mighty Ur of the Chaldee!


Reading what I wrote wouldn't hurt. I clearly wrote "Lets compare this with the rest of the G7 countries". I also added India because I was responding to "The Khan" who is from India.

reading what you write never helps unfortunately!

10-26-2008, 11:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Skye Ephémérine
You should write your local congressman and ask him/her that question, along with the whereabouts of looted treasures and reasons behind destruction of 2,000-year-old Sumerian cities, remaining sites of Mesopotamia and walls of the mighty Ur of the Chaldee!

So you think the US is making more money by looting things like Iraqi art treasures than they are spending by keeping 150,000 soldiers there? You think that is enough to cover the hundreds of billions that this war is costing the US taxpayer?

reading what you write never helps unfortunately!
Ok. Me saying "lets compare this with the rest of the G7 countries", didn't help you understand that I was comparing the US to other G7 countries? Odd.

10-26-2008, 11:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by KAding
So you think the US is making more money by looting things like Iraqi art treasures than they are spending by keeping 150,000 soldiers there? You think that is enough to cover the hundreds of billions that this war is costing the US taxpayer?
Iraq isn't the only country I had in mind-- destroying and looting treasures is sans prix, as is destroying human lives! wouldn't you agree?.. I am not sure many can understand or appreciate that when it all comes down to dollars and 'sense' -- other than that, what do you think the U.S and Europe deserves for illegal occupations, invasions, massacres and looting? applause for savagery and barbarism?

Ok. Me saying "lets compare this with the rest of the G7 countries", didn't help you understand that I was comparing the US to other G7 countries? Odd.
It is odd indeed -- are you a concrete thinker?

10-26-2008, 11:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Skye Ephémérine
Iraq isn't the only country I had in mind-- destroying and looting treasures is sans prix, as is destroying human lives! wouldn't you agree?.. I am not sure many can understand or appreciate that when it all comes down to dollars and 'sense' -- other than that, what do you think the U.S and Europe deserves for illegal occupations, invasions, massacres and looting? applause for savagery and barbarism?

It is odd indeed -- are you a concrete thinker?
I would like to agree with you but I do not yet have permission to do so.

10-26-2008, 11:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by doorster
I would like to agree with you but I do not yet have permission to do so.
you just did


10-26-2008, 11:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Skye Ephémérine
you just did

oopsie! my bad ;D

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