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10-24-2008, 06:21 PM
General knowledge test.
If someone said that "I am the Maahdi" And his name and everything matched except one thing. What would it be and will you believe him?

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10-24-2008, 06:23 PM

Good question bro :) ...

No, I wouldnt believe him, because he has to fulfil ALL the signs, which our Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi sallam) said.

10-24-2008, 06:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Bro
General knowledge test.
If someone said that "I am the Maahdi" And his name and everything matched except one thing. What would it be and will you believe him?
No one is required to take him as the real Mahdi, until I believe, when the Earth swallows up an army which tries to invade Makkah (I believe?) which would confirm he is here and then you must accept him.

10-24-2008, 06:25 PM
the dajjal is gonna be earlier than the Mahdi isnt it?

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10-24-2008, 06:25 PM
Interesting I will tell the correct answer when the poll ends:).

10-24-2008, 06:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Güven
the dajjal is gonna be earlier than the Mahdi isnt it?
Hmm, I think its Mahdi, then dajjal - then Isa (as).

10-24-2008, 06:31 PM
Yes that is what I think. He will try to interogate us as much as he can before the Maahdi comes.
Let someone with more knowledge answer to Guvens question.

10-24-2008, 06:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SixTen
Hmm, I think its Mahdi, then dajjal - then Isa (as).
hmm I always understanded that the Dajjal will come first , and then the Mahdi right after and at last Isa ( Aleyhi Salam )

10-24-2008, 06:34 PM
I could be wrong.

The Khan
10-24-2008, 06:36 PM
Is the Mahdi mentioned in the Qur'an? If so, I would believe that the Mahdi will arrive.

No, I will not believe anyone if he says he's the Mahdi, because firstly, I don't even know if the Qur'an mentions this person or not. Most Sunni I know don't believe in the concept of Mahdi.

10-24-2008, 06:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SixTen
I could be wrong.
Let's stay on topic brothers inshallah. Nobody is perfect.:)

10-24-2008, 06:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by The Khan
Is the Mahdi mentioned in the Qur'an? If so, I would believe that the Mahdi will arrive.

No, I will not believe anyone if he says he's the Mahdi, because firstly, I don't even know if the Qur'an mentions this person or not. Most Sunni I know don't believe in the concept of Mahdi.
Yes high scholars think this is a imagination of the Shia but it isn't. Allaah knows the best.

Ibn Abi Ahmed
10-24-2008, 07:30 PM

The Mahdi will come, and he is mentioned by the Prophet sallalahu alayhi wa sallam in the authentic hadeeth. He is not as the shia claim - hiding in a cave somewhere nor is he the same person that they claim. He is going to be a man from amongst this ummah who Allaah will rectify in one night. He will not claim to be the Mahdi but the people will force him to take the oath of allegiance in the Masjid al-Haram between the Rukn Yemeni and Maqam al-Ibrahim. There will be an army sent to out to Makkah but Allaah will cause that army to be swallowed up by the Earth. ONLY after this clear sign has come, that is when the Muslims are to go to him.

And there have been many individuals in the past that have claimed to be the Mahdi - but the second any person claims to be the Mahdi, by default he is not the Mahdi. The real Mahdi will never claim to be so.

So in regards to the poll, no I wouldn't believe anyone that says "I am the Mahdi".

The Khan
10-24-2008, 07:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Bro
Yes high scholars think this is a imagination of the Shia but it isn't. Allaah knows the best.
Can you please show me where brother? Jazakallah in advance. :)

10-24-2008, 07:42 PM

10-24-2008, 07:46 PM
Abu Saayad you hit the jackpot the Maahdi will not tell anyone that he is the maahdi. Show you what brother?

10-24-2008, 10:52 PM
As Salaam Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu

No, I wouldn't believe it, because you should be aware that some liars have fabricated ahaadeeth about the Mahdi, and others have even claimed to be he, or that he belongs to a group other than Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah. Some of these "false mahdis" have tried to deceive the slaves of Allah Taala for some worldly gain and to distort the picture of Islam. Some have started movements and revolutions and gathered those people and supporters whom they were able to deceive. Then they were destroyed, and their lies and falsehood were exposed. None of this affects the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah in the Mahdi, upon whom be peace, and that he will undoubtedly appear and rule the earth in accordance with Islamic Sharee’ah.

Allah Taala knows best.

10-25-2008, 04:28 AM
I wont believe him.

Imam Mahdi will be forced to be the Imaam by the mass in the Haraam...he doesnt want to be one.But due to persuasion he'ill accept the demand.

So...anyone who declare himself 'imam mahdi' is definatly a 420(con man).

10-25-2008, 05:13 AM
my reasons and I am not sure it has been posted already-- is that the Mehdi won't know he is the mehdi.. in fact the change in happen will happen overnight as per many ahadiths I have read -- also his name won't be 'the mehdi' .. when he realizes who he is, as in that moment he takes refuge in Mecca, will be the same moment everyone else realizes who he is as well..
funnily enough a few yrs ago when my brother made the Hajj some poor guy claimed he was al- mehdi .. but it was rather tragically comical ... needless to say he was arrested, and most likely underwent a psych. consult.
anyone who claims he is a Mehdi is one of two things
either suffering from schizophrenia with delusions of grandiosity or is a malingerer who can stand to gain something from deceiving people....

and Allah knows best


10-25-2008, 05:37 AM
Excellent post. Really than could it be anyone of us?

10-25-2008, 10:41 AM
I would believe depends on the signs. He doesn't have to fit everything that are said in the traditions, because some of the traditions might be fabricated. Similar thing happened to Jesus (pbuh) with the Jews; Jews had traditions that didn't fit Jesus (p) as their Messiah.

But main sign for Madhi will be about the army and Mahdi won't claim to be Mahdi in the first place.

10-25-2008, 11:42 AM

as a revert, i'm not very knowledgeable in Islamic Eschatology, BUT my understanding is that after [or while] there is a problem with "succession" in Saudi Arabia, that the one who becomes known as Imaam Mahdi [who will be on his way to Makkah from Medina] will be declared as such by the people of Saudi Arabia who will demand that he take over ruling the country!

one of the proofs is that when an army is sent against him, the land in Saudi Arabia will open up and swallow it.

his job, as i understand it, is NOT to declare his own identity, but the declare the identity of Isa ibn Marriam, Alayhi Salaam, when he arrives [as Yahya, Alayhi Salaam, did 2,000 years ago].

if Shabir Ahmed ibn Abdul Rahman replies, i'm sure we will get a better answer!

but as i not POSITIVE, i didn't vote...


The Khan
10-25-2008, 11:50 AM
Ok, I just checked it up..

The concept of al-Maahdi is not present in the Qur'an, nor any "reliable" hadith such as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.

Now let's look at people claiming to have been Maahdi in the past, shall we?

a) Salih ibn Tarif, the second king of the Berghouata, proclaimed himself prophet of a new religion in the eighth century. He appeared during the caliphate of the Ummayad Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik. According to Ibn Khaldun's sources, he claimed receiving a new revelation from God called a Qur'an, written in the Berber language with 80 chapters. He established laws for his people, which called him Salih al-Mu'minin ('Restorer of the Believers'), and the final Mahdi.
Islamic literature considers his belief heretical, as several tenets of his teaching contrast with orthodox Islam, such as capital punishment for theft, unlimited wives, unlimited divorces, fasting of the month of Rajab instead of Ramadan, and ten obligatory daily prayers instead of five. Politically, its motivation was presumably to establish their independence from the Umayyads, establishing an independent ideology lending legitimacy to the state. Some modern Berber activists regard him as a hero for his resistance to Arab conquest and his foundation of the Berghouata state.

b) The Qarmatians - In 931, Abu Tahir turned over the reins of the state in Bahrain to a young Persian in who he had recognised the expected Mahdi. However this proved a disastrous decision for the Qarmati movement. Manifesting strong anti-Arab and antinomian sentiments, he cursed Muhammed and other prophets in addition to instituting a number of strange ceremonies that further shocked the Muslims. At any rate, after some 80 days, when the Persian Mahdi had begun to execute the notables of Bahrayn, Abu Tahir was obliged to admit that the Mahdi had been an imposter, and had him killed. The episode of the Persian Mahdi further damaged the image of the Qarmatis of Bahrain and weakened their influence over the Qarmati communities in the East.

Indeed, under Abu Tahir "Islam was to be abrogated, for a complete revelation of past hidden esoteric truths was to take place.... The Isfahani Messiah abolished the Shari'a and sanctioned the worship of fire and the cursing of Muhammad and his family... the truth meant a return to a Persian past.

c) Muhammad ibn Hasan ibn Ali, the twelfth Imam of Twelver Shi'as, is regarded by his followers as the Mahdi in occultation and is called Muhammad al-Mahdi by them.
The son of the eleventh Iman Hasan al-Askari and of Narjis, he was said to have been born in 868 and to have gone into minor occultation from shortly after his father's death in 874 until 939, and then to have gone into major occultation. His followers believe this will continue until a time decided by God, when the Mahdi will reappear to bring absolute peace and justice to the world.

d) Said ibn Husayn, the first Caliph of the Fatimid state, established in 909, was one of only two claimants who succeeded in establishing a state. (See Muhammad Ahmad below).
His Da'i Abu 'Abdullah Al-Husayn Al-Shi'i helped secure for him parts of north Africa using the support of the Berber locals. The Fatimids later built Cairo as capital in Egypt and their descendants continued to rule as Caliphs (the sixth, Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah, is believed by the Druze to be in occultation and due to return as Mahdi on Judgment Day) until Saladin took over Egypt and canceled the Fatimid state. He imprisoned the last Fatimid Caliph and his family in the Fatimid Palace until death.

e) The Moroccan Muhammad ibn Abdallah ibn Tumart sought to reform Almoravid decadence in the early 12th century. Rejected in Marrakech and other cities, he turned to his Masmuda tribe in the Atlas Mountains for support. Because of their emphasis on the unity of God, his followers were known as Al Muwahhidun ('unitarians', in western language: Almohads).
Although declaring himself mahdi, imam, and masum (literally in Arabic: innocent or free of sin), Muhammad ibn Abdallah ibn Tumart consulted with a council of ten of his oldest disciples, and conform traditional Berber representative government, later added an assembly of fifty tribal leaders. The Almohad rebellion began in 1125 with attacks on Moroccan cities, including Sus and Marrakech. But as Muhammad ibn Abdallah ibn Tumart died in 1130, his successor Abd al Mumin took the title of Caliph -claiming universal leadership in Islam- and placed members of his own family in power, converting the system into a traditional sultanate.

f) Muhammad Jaunpuri (1443 - 1505), another historical claimant was born in northeastern India, in Jaunpur, (presently in state of Uttar Pradesh). His father's name was Abdullah and his mother's Amina. He was descendant of Husayn ibn Ali & through Musa Kadhim.
He claimed being the promised Mahdi on three occasions. He announced his claim; first in Mecca and then two places in India. He attracted a large following, and received opposition from the ulema.
Muhammad Jaunpuri died at the age of 63 in the year 1505 AD while at Farah, Afghanistan. The burial location is a preserved sanctuary, looked after by the local inhabitants.
The widespread but lesser known community of the followers of Muhammad Jaunpuri, who find him being the Promised Mahdi are called Mahdavis, who follow strict sunnah as stressed by him and their belief is called Mahdaviat. Now centralized in the Indian city of Hyderabad, yet larger settlements are found in Gujarat. Wide spread in Karnataka, Maharashtra. Some other states have minor populations scattered, while some in southern Pakistan. Many have recently migrated and settled in United States and the United Kingdom.

g) In 1844 in Shiraz, Ali Muhammad declared to be the promised Mahdi, taking the title of "the Báb" (Gate).
The Báb established a religion independent from Islam. He established his religion as a precursor to an even greater message yet to come. As most Bábís believed the claims of Bahá'u'lláh to be the author of this greater message, the Báb's religious tradition continues today by way of the Bahá'í Faith.

h) Muhammad Ahmad, who founded a short-lived government in Sudan in the late nineteenth century, made a claim to be the promised Mahdi. His army laid siege to Khartoum starting on March 13, 1884 against the defenders led by British General Charles George Gordon. The heavily damaged city fell to the Mahdists on January 26, 1885. Muhammad Ahmad died later that same year, but the Mahdist state he created lasted until 1899, when the British once again took control of Sudan. Descendants of Muhammad Ahmad are sufi religious leaders of the Ansar sufi brotherhood and Umma Party in Sudan.

i) Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian (1835-1908) claimed to be the awaited Mahdi as well as the promised Messiah (Second Coming of Christ) being the only person in Islamic History who claimed to be both. He founded the Ahmadiyya Movement within Islam in 1889 envisioning it to be the rejuvenation of Islam, and claimed to be commissioned by God for the reformation of mankind
Ghulam Ahmad appeared within British India. He was actively engaged in religious polemics and controversies with the Christian, Hindu and even Muslim priesthood. He authored around 80 books on various religious, spiritual and theological issues. He promoted the peaceful propagation of Islam and emphatically argued agaisnt the necessity of Jihad in its form of physical fighting in this age.

j) Mohammed Abdullah Hassan was called the "Mad Mullah" of Somaliland by the British, although he was neither mad nor a mullah. He was a problem for the British and Italian authorities in Africa from 1900 to 1920.
He was a charismatic figure credited by his followers with supernatural powers. At first peaceful, he began attacking neighbouring tribes friendly to the British and declared himself the Mahdi.

k) In November of 1979 the Grand Mosque in Mecca was seized by a well-organized group of 1,300 to 1,500 men under the leadership of Juhayman al-Otaibi. A former corporal in the Saudi White Guards (National Guard), he declared Mohammad Abdullah al Querishi to be the Mahdi, the redeemer of Islam.
After the two week long siege of the Mosque by Saudi special forces, foreign paramilitary troops from France and Pakistan were brought in to end the fight.

Fancy that, the last of these fanatics took over masjid al-Haraam by force!

I hope you all understand my reasons for rejecting this concept now.

10-25-2008, 11:57 AM
The_Khan, ALL of that is from wikipedia. Now you see, why we will reject your opinion of holding any value.

The Khan
10-25-2008, 12:14 PM
True, I don't regard wikipedia as a good source either. I'm a contributer to citizendium. However, there are citations present in that article, and no disputes. Until citizendium is out of beta stage, wikipedia & encyclopedia Britannica will be my main sources of info.

Seriously though, if Allah (SWT) wanted to appoint a Mahdi, wouldn't he have mentioned it in the Qur'an?

Btw, the info that the Mahdi is not mentioned in the Qur'an or Sahih hadith is from encyclopedia Britannica. I just copy-pasted the info of people claiming to be the Mahdi from wikipedia.

10-25-2008, 12:19 PM
Its badly referenced...

The Khan
10-25-2008, 12:27 PM
Ok brother, show me where in the noble Qur'an where the Mahdi is mentioned. If you can't find it there, show me where in the Sahih hadith.

As far as I know, encyclopedia Britannica has been in print for the past century with very few disputes regarding their research.

10-25-2008, 12:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by The Khan
Ok, I just checked it up..

The concept of al-Maahdi is not present in the Qur'an, nor any "reliable" hadith such as Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.
Mahdi might be a reality or not but he is not important for all times in my opinion, or he would have been mentioned in Quran. If he is real then true muslims will recognize him when he comes no matter what. To wait for him is not that important imo, because that has never worked. Jews were waiting for Jesus (p), but they didn't follow him when he came; Jews in Medina were waiting for a Prophet, but when Prophet Mohammad (p) came to them, they didn't follow him (p) either.

So waiting for somebody like Mahdi is not the best criteria from historical experience. But in both cases, most of the people who followed were not the ones who were waiting, rather they were with pure heart and fearful of God.

On top of that Mahdi won't even claim that he is Mahdi so what it is there to wait for him?

10-25-2008, 12:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by The Khan
Ok brother, show me where in the noble Qur'an where the Mahdi is mentioned. If you can't find it there, show me where in the Sahih hadith.

As far as I know, encyclopedia Britannica has been in print for the past century with very few disputes regarding their research.
Encyclopedia britannica =/= wikipedia just FYI.

Secondly, I didn't say its in the Qur'an.

Thirdly, you reject hadiths anyway so - you should just stay clear of this thread.

10-25-2008, 12:48 PM
That would be a time where Islam has been forgotten in the hearts of men. Even though we are really close to that, it isn't time yet.

Before the coming of the dajjal, you can ignore everyone, that makes this claim.

The Khan
10-25-2008, 01:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SixTen
Encyclopedia britannica =/= wikipedia just FYI.

Secondly, I didn't say its in the Qur'an.

Thirdly, you reject hadiths anyway so - you should just stay clear of this thread.
I know. I love encyclopedia Britannica. However, they don't have an article on people who have claimed to be the Mahdi.

Here's a part of their article on the Mahdi -

The doctrine of the mahdī seems to have gained currency during the confusion and insecurity of the religious and political upheavals of early Islām (7th and 8th centuries). In 686, al-Mukhtār ibn Abū ʿUbayd at-Thaqafī, leader of a revolt of non-Arab Muslims in Iraq, seems to have first used the doctrine by maintaining his allegiance to a son of ʿAlī (Muḥammad’s son-in-law and fourth caliph), Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥanafīyah, even after al-Ḥanafīyah’s death. Abū ʿUbayd taught that, as mahdī, al-Ḥanafīyah remained alive in his tomb in a state of occultation (ghaybah) and would reappear to vanquish his enemies. In 750 the ʿAbbāsid revolution made use of eschatological prophecies current at the time that the mahdī would rise in Khorāsān in the east, carrying a black banner.
Belief in the mahdī has tended to receive new emphasis in every time of crisis. Thus, after the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212), when most of Spain was lost for Islām, Spanish Muslims circulated traditions ascribed to the Prophet foretelling a reconquest of Spain by the mahdī. During the Napoleonic invasion of Egypt, a person claiming to be the mahdī appeared briefly in Lower Egypt.
Because the mahdī is seen as a restorer of the political power and religious purity of Islām, the title has tended to be claimed by social revolutionaries in Islāmic society. North Africa in particular has seen a number of self-styled mahdīs, most important of these being ʿUbayd Allāh, founder of the Fāṭimid dynasty (909); Muḥammad ibn Tūmart, founder of the Almohad movement in Morocco in the 12th century; and Muḥammad Aḥmad, the mahdī of the Sudan who, in 1881, revolted against the Egyptian administration.
And we all know very well that the Abassids promoted Shi'a ideology prior to coming into power. It's only after coming into power that they changed to orthodox Sunni Islam.

Actually, I don't reject all hadith. I do use certain hadith for interpreting certain ayas of the Qur'an, provided that they're been narrated by over 10 companions, that they don't slander Allah (SWT), any prophets, the wives of Muhammed (S), the sahaba, women in general, etc. Basically, I accept few.

10-25-2008, 04:13 PM
No anger in this thread this is a thread to understand the concept of The Maahdi.
PS to Admin, Super mods or mods shouldn't this thread be sticky. Pm jazakallah kayr in advance:).

The Khan
10-25-2008, 04:24 PM
There's no anger, brother, at least, not from my side. Just expression of opposite views. My view is that of many Sunni scholars. The concept of the Maahdi is an interesting debate. :)

Ibn Abi Ahmed
10-25-2008, 05:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by The Khan
My view is that of many Sunni scholars.

Can you firstly name these scholars and show us their statements?

Belief in the Mahdi is unnanimously transmitted to us from the early salaf. Many scholars actually wrote entire books on the Mahdi, one such scholar is Abdur-Razza As-San'ani (d. 211H). Others included chapters in their books dedicated to him. There are over thirty distinct saheeh hadeeth on the Mahdi and the scholars of hadeeth have declared it Mutawâtir.

Ok brother, show me where in the noble Qur'an where the Mahdi is mentioned.
The Qur'an tells us to accept the teachings of the Messenger - and of his teachings is the belief in the Mahdi. The Qur'an itself does not mention a lot of things such as methods of Salaah, specifics of Hajj and Zakah, the Fiqh of Taharaah etc. I can give you hundreds of examples of things that aren't in the Qur'an but are unanimously from the religion - due to them being from the teachings of the Messenger. Likewise, is this belief in the Mahdi.

If you can't find it there, show me where in the Sahih hadith.
Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) said: ‘‘Eesaa ibn Maryam will descend, and their leader [the Mahdi] will say, "Come and lead us in prayer," but he will say, "No, one of them should lead them as an honour to this ummah from Allaah."’" The version narrated by Muslim says: "… Then ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam (Peace be upon him) will descend and their leader will say, ‘Come and lead us in prayer,’ but he will say, ‘No, some of you are leaders over others as an honour from Allaah to this ummah.’" (Reported by Muslim, 225)


If the discussion moves towards this direction, I'm going to close this thread because there's been a similar one in the past which is viewable here:

Others can refer to this thread as well:


The Khan
10-25-2008, 05:22 PM

What I said was based on Brother IslamicBro's post.

Yes high scholars think this is a imagination of the Shia but it isn't. Allaah knows the best.
I personally don't know any.


10-26-2008, 12:12 AM
Hope this helps insha'Allah

Question and Answer Details

Name of Questioner

Authenticity of Hadiths Pertaining to Al-Mahdi

Could you please tell me the Hadiths narrated concerning Al-Mahdi and their significance?


Afflictions & Portents of the Last Hour


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, we are greatly pleased to receive your question, which shows the confidence you place in us. May Allah reward you abundantly for your interest in knowing the teachings of Islam.

There were many Hadiths narrated concerning Al-Mahdi, ranging between being fabricated, weak, sound, and authentic. However, the authentic Hadiths narrated in that respect are very few. Contemplating over such Hadiths, Muslim jurisprudents concluded what should be believed in that regard: that is, the emergence of Al-Mahdi is a fact that should not be denied; he will be born before the end of this life and will grow up to fill the earth with justice as it has been filled with oppression. This does not require Muslims to wait anxiously for the emergence of Al-Mahdi because his emergence will not abrogate any ruling in the Islamic Shari`ah.

Accordingly, he who neglects fulfilling his duties, on the ground that he is waiting for Al-Mahdi to follow in his footsteps, has deviated from the straight path that Muslims are to follow.

Responding to the question, the prominent Saudi scholar Sheikh Salman Ibn Fahd Al-`Udah, states the following:

"More than one hundred Hadiths were narrated about Al-Mahdi. Those Hadiths ranged between being fabricated, weak, sound, and authentic; the authentic ones are very few.

Of such Hadiths are the following:

1. `Ali Ibn Abi Talib quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: “Al-Mahdi is one of us, the clan of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Allah will reform him in one night.” (Reported by Imam Ahmad and Ibn Maqah).

2. There were three Hadiths narrated on the authority of Abu Sa`id Al-Kudri (may Allah be pleased with him). Such Hadiths were reported by Al-Hakim; and some of them were reported by Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Maqah, Imam Ahmad, and others. Of these Hadiths, At-Tirmidhi reported that the Prophet said: “Al-Mahdi is from my Ummah; he will be born and live to rule five or seven or nine years. (If) one goes to him and says: ‘Give me (a charity), he will fill one’s garment with what one needs.’”

3. Abu Dawud also reported a Hadith about Al-Mahdi that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Al-Mahdi will be of my stock, and will have a broad forehead, a prominent nose. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny, and he will rule for seven years.”

4. There is also the Hadith narrated by Thawban (may Allah be pleased with him) in which the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “If you see the black banners emerging from Khurasan, seek to join their supporters even if creeping, because among them will be caliph Al-Mahdi.” That Hadith was reported by Al-Hakim and Ahmad. But the chains of narration of that hadith were all unauthentic, though some Hadith scholars rendered it sound in general.

Some people stated that the aforementioned Hadith is cited to support that Al-Mahdi will emerge from among the Abbasid State. That Hadith might be fabricated altogether or its words might be distorted so as to support the Abbasid State.

Added to the above, I would like to say that there are Hadiths reported about Al-Mahdi that are true in general, but most of them do not reach the degree of authenticity. It may be only one of these Hadiths that is regarded authentic. Moreover, it is only a few of them that are considered sound, while most of them are weak.

Many scholars tackled the subject of Al-Mahdi, among whom was Na`im Ibn Hamad. He wrote about Al-Mahdi in his book Al-Fitan. Although Na`im was an Imam of Sunnah, Ad-Darqatani, Adh-Dhahabi and Ibn Hajar mentioned that there were some weak and fabricated Hadiths reported by him.

Others who wrote about Al-Mahdi are Abu Na`im Al-Asfahani and Yusuf Ibn Yahyah As-Salami, whose book is named “`Uqad Ad-Durar. Ibn Khaldun also wrote about that subject in his well-known book Al-Muqaddimah. He stated: “It is known among the majority of Muslims that Al-Mahdi is a fact.” He further stated that the majority of scholars and Imams emphasized the Hadiths reported about Al-Mahdi in general, though many of these Hadiths were controversial.

There are also many recent scholars who believed in the truthfulness of the Hadiths reported about Al-Mahdi in general.

However, some scholars denied all the Hadiths reported in that regard. Of those scholars was Mujahid, who claimed that Al-Mahdi would be Jesus, Son of Mary. In that respect, Ibn Maqah and Al-Hakim reported a weak Hadith to the effect that Al-Mahdi would be Jesus, Son of Mary.

Among the recent scholars who believe the Hadiths about Al-Mahdi in general are Sheikh Muhammad Rashid Rida, Sheikh `Abdullah bin Zayd Aal-Mahmud, Muhammad Muhi Ad-Din `Abdul-Hamid and others.

Muslims who are of Ahl-us Sunnah (mainstream Muslims) believe that a man of the Prophet’s clan will be born before the end of this world and lead an ordinary life as any other one; he may commit mistakes and will need to be reformed like any other one. Then Allah will choose him to reunite the Muslims and guide them to the right path.

This is all what should be believed about Al-Mahdi. There is no religious text to the effect that it is a religious duty to wait anxiously for him. Moreover, Muslims should not believe anyone claiming that he is Al-Mahdi unless there is clear evidence to that effect, as many people have claimed to be so.

Thus, Muslims are required not to hasten to believe anyone claiming to be Al-Mahdi; they are to investigate and make sure of such a thing.

There is no ruling in the Islamic Shari`ah that has to do with the emergence of Al-Mahdi. That is to say, Muslims are not to delay fulfilling religious duties like the congregational prayers or Jihad or applying penalties prescribed in Shari`ah, etc., until Al-Mahdi comes and guides them in that respect. Muslims are to lead their lives normally — worship Allah, go to work, reform their society, learn, teach, etc., and if Al-Mahdi appears and they make sure that he is truthful, they are to follow him. This was the attitude of the Companions and those who truly followed in their footsteps."

You can also read:

The Appearance of Mahdi

If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to write back!

May Allah guide you to the straight path, and guide you to that which pleases Him, Amen.


10-26-2008, 12:20 AM

Last Update: 05:48 GMT, Thursday, Oct. 23, 2008

Living Shari`ah > Fatwa Bank

Question and Answer Details

Name of Questioner



The Appearance of Mahdi


I have heard about the Mahdi, who will save the Muslim Ummah. Is that true? Could you shed more light on the issue, please? Jazakum Allah Khairan



Name of Counsellor

Group of Muftis


Afflictions & Portents of the Last Hour


In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner! Thank you very much for your good question that reflects deep insight and true search for knowledge. May Allah increase you in knowledge and grant you success in this world and in the afterlife.

Coming to the question of Mahdi, we would like to start with the words of the prominent Muslim scholar Dr. Taha Jabir Al-`Alwani, president of the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences and president of the Fiqh Council of North America, that go as following:

"I think we should not wait for somebody to give us hidayah (guidance). Allah has given us all the hidayah that we need in the Qur'an. He, Glory be to Him, says: "Lo! this Qur'an guideth unto that which is straightest, and giveth tidings unto the believers who do good works that theirs will be a great reward." (Al-Isra': 9) We should read the Qur'an and take its hidayah and see how the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, implemented the teachings of the Qur'an in his actual example, by which he became the Qur'an in his ethics and way of life. With this, we are all responsible before Allah and accountable before Him. We can't say that we didn't do our job because we were waiting for the Mahdi or for somebody else to lead us to the straight path."

Delving into the issue of the coming of Mahdi, Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjid, a prominent Saudi lecturer and author states the following:

"There are more than one authentic hadith indicating that the Mahdi, may Allah be pleased with him, will appear at the end of time. His appearance is one of the portents of the Last Day. Among the hadiths are the following:

1- Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, reports that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "At the end of the time of my Ummah, the Mahdi will appear. Allah will grant him rain, the earth will bring forth its fruits, he will give a lot of money, cattle will increase and the Muslim Ummah will become great. He will rule for seven or eight years."

2- `Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, says: "The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "The Mahdi is one of us and a member of my family. Allah will guide him in a single night." (Reported by Ahmad)

3-Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri states that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon, said: "The Mahdi is of my lineage, with a high forehead and a long, thin, curved nose. He will fill the earth with fairness and justice as it was filled with oppression and injustice, and he will rule for seven years." (Reported by At-Tirmidhi)

4- Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, says that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: ‘‘Jesus, son of Mary, will descend, and their leader, the Mahdi, will say, 'Come and lead us in prayer.’ But he will say, ‘No, one of them should lead them as an honor to this Ummah from Allah." (Reported by Muslim)

You should be aware that some people have lied and fabricated hadiths about the Mahdi. Some of those "false Mahdis" have tried to deceive the servants of Allah for some worldly gain and distort the picture of Islam. Some have started movements and revolutions and gathered support from the people they deceived. But they were destroyed, and their lies and falsehood were exposed."

Editor's Note:

Regarding Mahdi, we can say that we have a firm belief in all the previously mentioned hadiths. However, such hadiths have nothing to do with legislation and Islamic rulings pertaining to Halal and Haram.

A Muslim should strive hard to adhere to the teachings of Islam amidst all these material trappings and temptations.

We can not expect a Muslim to suffer humiliation and failure in facing the realities of life, and then anxiously await the appearance of the Mahdi who may appear after 1,000 years or more. No one knows the exact time of his appearance except Allah. If Salahud-Deen, `Imadud-Deen Zenki, Qutuz , Nourud-Deen Mahmoud and Muhammad Al-Fateh had adopted the same policy of retreat, the Muslim Ummah would have been subjected to endless suffering at the hands of Crusaders, Tartars and others.

Also read:

Authenticity of Hadiths Pertaining to Al-Mahdi

Almighty Allah knows best.



10-26-2008, 07:16 AM
I think your poll question should have rather read. If 'yes' then explain why--
I have my doubts it was Muslims at all who voted with a yes...


10-26-2008, 10:26 AM
oops, i accidentaly clicked 'I would believe him', but my answer would obviously be 'I wouldn't'

10-26-2008, 04:03 PM
I wouldnt ,

btw do you guys know about that big incident in 20 november , 1979??
In mecca when the whole haraam was taken hostage by Juhaiman ibn Muhammad , cuz they tought that the Mahdi was with them?


10-26-2008, 05:56 PM

Wow , well i just heard an new lecture of Yasir Qadhi About the Mahdi and it was quite interesting.

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10-26-2008, 08:54 PM
I wouldn't believe it if someone said they are the Mahdi as a quality of his would be that he will try and hide when people approach him and in that case I doubt he'd try and tell people it was him.

10-26-2008, 09:08 PM
Imam Mehdi, Dajjal, Easa (as), Yajooj Majooj

Anyone heard of ohar Shahi< Hes claiming he's the messiah, imam mehdi.. google his name

10-27-2008, 12:19 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Skye Ephémérine
I think your poll question should have rather read. If 'yes' then explain why--
I have my doubts it was Muslims at all who voted with a yes...

Yes excellent suggestion but i cant now. Anyway Who did click yes? One was a default one the other 3?

10-28-2008, 04:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Bro
General knowledge test.
If someone said that "I am the Maahdi" And his name and everything matched except one thing. What would it be and will you believe him?

If by that you mean he does not fulfill all the signs, especially the 3 major signs ( 1) Army being swallowed up by the earth, 2) Black banner army from the east, 3) People giving him allegiance near the Kabaah between Rukn Ibrahim and the blackstone (I think its between these 2 points)) then no I would not accept him as the Mahdi.

If these 3 major signs of the Mahdi are fulfilled and people claim the mahdi is here and point him out, and his name is Muhammad like the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and his father's name is Abdullah etc., then I would accept him as the Mahdi.

All of the above is from Sunnah btw (yeah I did a lot of research on him because I believe he will come some time soon inshaAllah :o, Allahu A'lam).


10-28-2008, 04:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Güven
the dajjal is gonna be earlier than the Mahdi isnt it?
No, this is the correct order:

format_quote Originally Posted by SixTen
Hmm, I think its Mahdi, then dajjal - then Isa (as).
That is because Mahdi will come and then the Dajjal will come during the time of the Mahdi (about 7 years after Mahdi emerges) and when 'Isa (AS) descends he will come kill the dajjal and take over as leader at one point, maybe straight after he comes or after Mahdi dies, I cant remember/don't know exactly atm.


10-29-2008, 02:52 PM
There is no clear-cut proof on who will come first is there? As far as I know 'who comes first' is based on scholars' opinions and interpretations of ahadeeth- to do with the sequence of events etc

This is mutashabih stuff

wAllahu a3lam

10-29-2008, 07:10 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by IceQueen~
There is no clear-cut proof on who will come first is there? As far as I know 'who comes first' is based on scholars' opinions and interpretations of ahadeeth- to do with the sequence of events etc

This is mutashabih stuff

wAllahu a3lam
Actually these Sahih hadith that brother Abu Sayyad quoted are enough to show the order that they come:

format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Sayyad
Jaabir (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: "The Messenger of Allaah (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) said: ‘‘Eesaa ibn Maryam will descend, and their leader [the Mahdi] will say, "Come and lead us in prayer," but he will say, "No, one of them should lead them as an honour to this ummah from Allaah."’" The version narrated by Muslim says: "… Then ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam (Peace be upon him) will descend and their leader will say, ‘Come and lead us in prayer,’ but he will say, ‘No, some of you are leaders over others as an honour from Allaah to this ummah.’" (Reported by Muslim, 225)

It can be seen there that 'Isa (AS) will come after Mahdi and Dajjal, since we know from the ahadith that 'Isa (AS) will kill the Dajjal using the spear after he descends. I've heard scholars say that Mahdi will come before the Dajjal, but Allahu A'lam about that.


11-01-2008, 05:49 AM
When are they going to come any scientific prediction?

11-04-2008, 08:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Islamic Bro
When are they going to come any scientific prediction?

Not scientific, but even better, we have a hadith. Well there's a hadith that says that the Mahdi will come in the 1430 decade (next year) so that's any time within 1430-1440, which is 2009-2019 in AD years. Though it is not known how authentic this hadith is according to Muhaddithin, it also predicted the world wars and Hitler and the fall of Sadam and those parts have proven to be true. It's in a book in one of Islam's major libraries in Turkey.

For more details, check here:

Here's the full hadith:

Narrated by Abu Hurayrah(?):

"The war of the end of time is the war of the world. There will be a third war after two great wars in which many are killed. He who will light the fires of the second world war will be known as the 'Great Leader'. 1300 years after the Hijra, count a few decades. At that time, the Greek King wants to wage a war against the entire world. Meanwhile, Allah commands the war for that man. A short while later, that is, in two decades, a man whose name is associated with a cat name from the German lands, appears as a scourge on the Romans. He starts to bother people and wants to hold control over the world. He wages war against the entire world, both the warm and cold lands. After years filled with severe war fires, he meets Allah's punishment. Then, he is killed as the Russian's mystery. Count five or six or seven or eight decades after 1300 of Hijra. At that time, a man called "Nasser" rules Egypt. Arabs call him "succa-ul Arab", the "brave of the Arabs." Allah despises him twice, once in a war, and then in another one. That "Nasser" can never attain victory. Upon this, Allah, the Lord of the House, makes a dark-colored person, whose father is more enlightened than himself, the leader of the Egyptian people and the Arab nation. But, he makes an agreement with the thieves of the Masjid al-Aqsa. Then a cruel man appears in Iraq, which is located in the Damascus region. This man, with a slight injury in his eye, is a Sufyaani. His name comes from confrontation (Saddam), and he is confrontational against his opponents. All the world gathers for him in small Kut, the region to which he came previously because he was deceived. There is no good in that Sufyaani except with Islam and he is both good and bad.....and woe to he who betrays the trustworthy Mahdi. Count two or three decades after the year/decade of Hijri 1400. At that time, the Mahdi emerges. He fights the whole world and both the ones who have gone astray (Christians) and the ones who have earned Allah's anger (Jews) join against him with the hypocrites in the land of Isra and Miraj at Mount Megiddo. And there comes out against him the Queen of the world and deception, an adulteress called (America), who incites the world to deviation and infidelity...and the Jews of the world at that time would have the upper hand , ruling Quds and the holy city. And all nations come to fight by sea and air except those in the land of extreme cold and the land of extreme heat. And the Mahdi sees that all the world does plot against him, but he also sees that Allah's plan is stronger than all, and he sees that the World belongs to Allah and to Him it will return, and that the World is but a tree that Allah wills him to rule from its roots to its branches.......and Allah throws down on them (unbelievers) with a disastrous punishment, burning their lands and seas and skies. And the sky rains down a harmful shower, with the people of the Earth cursing the infidels, and Allah wills the defeat of the unbelievers."

(Asmal Masalik Lieyyam Mahdiyy Maliki Li Kull-id Dunya Biemrillah-il Malik ("The Best ways to know the time of the Mahdi, King of the World, by Allah's command"), Qalda bin Zayd, p. 216)


Ibn Abi Ahmed
11-05-2008, 01:38 AM

^ I honestly don't think that's a hadeeth because of the way the sentences are phrased, i.e. it's odd. The Messenger (salalahu alayhi wa sallam) spoke differently, if you know what I mean. He was concise in his speech, while what he (salalahu alayhi wa sallam) said carried a vast amount of meaning.

Secondly, if that were an actual hadeeth it would be literally widespread. Therefore, we need to make sure that the information we get is actually sound and we shouldn't accept it just because it sounds good or plausible. Remember that we are commanded by Allaah to verify information.

Thirdly, the following parts personally give me certainty that this is not the speech of the Messenger (salalahu alayhi wa sallam):

  • 1300 years after the Hijra, count a few decades.
  • a man whose name is associated with a cat name from the German lands (Was Germany even around 1400 years ago?!)
  • Then, he is killed as the Russian's mystery. (Was Russia even a country back then?!)
  • Count two or three decades after the year/decade of Hijri 1400. At that time, the Mahdi emerges. (Authentic hadeeth indicate that there will be some form of Islamic governorship before the Mahdi emerges - there is none as of today. Plus there are still some minor signs that have yet to occur, and don't forget that the Mahdi himself is a minor sign not a major sign.)
  • . And there comes out against him the Queen of the world and deception, an adulteress called (America), who incites the world to deviation and infidelity (Has the author confused America w/ the Dajjal?)
  • And the Mahdi sees that all the world does plot against him, but he also sees that Allah's plan is stronger than all, and he sees that the World belongs to Allah and to Him it will return, and that the World is but a tree that Allah wills him to rule from its roots to its branches.......and Allah throws down on them (unbelievers) with a disastrous punishment, burning their lands and seas and skies. And the sky rains down a harmful shower, with the people of the Earth cursing the infidels, and Allah wills the defeat of the unbelievers. (Actually, the authentic hadeeth show that after the Mahdi appears the Dajjal will come. Isa a.s. will descend. Dajjal will be slayn by Isa a.s.. Then there will be peace upon Earth the like that has never been seen. Then the other remaining major signs will happen in very fast succession, like pearls falling from a broken thread.)

Lastly, it is of utmost importance that we make absolutely sure about the level of authenticity of a hadeeth before we narrate it, lest we be among those about whom the Messenger (salalahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever tells a lie against me (intentionally) then (surely) let him occupy, his seat in Hell-fire." (as narrated in al-Bukhari).


Ps- I've removed the link from your post because of the doubtful authenticity of the website.

11-05-2008, 01:59 AM
But could they come for instance tommorow?

11-05-2008, 06:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Sayyad

^ I honestly don't think that's a hadeeth because of the way the sentences are phrased, i.e. it's odd. The Messenger (salalahu alayhi wa sallam) spoke differently, if you know what I mean. He was concise in his speech, while what he (salalahu alayhi wa sallam) said carried a vast amount of meaning.

Secondly, if that were an actual hadeeth it would be literally widespread. Therefore, we need to make sure that the information we get is actually sound and we shouldn't accept it just because it sounds good or plausible. Remember that we are commanded by Allaah to verify information.

Thirdly, the following parts personally give me certainty that this is not the speech of the Messenger (salalahu alayhi wa sallam):

  • 1300 years after the Hijra, count a few decades.
  • a man whose name is associated with a cat name from the German lands (Was Germany even around 1400 years ago?!)
  • Then, he is killed as the Russian's mystery. (Was Russia even a country back then?!)
  • Count two or three decades after the year/decade of Hijri 1400. At that time, the Mahdi emerges. (Authentic hadeeth indicate that there will be some form of Islamic governorship before the Mahdi emerges - there is none as of today. Plus there are still some minor signs that have yet to occur, and don't forget that the Mahdi himself is a minor sign not a major sign.)
  • . And there comes out against him the Queen of the world and deception, an adulteress called (America), who incites the world to deviation and infidelity (Has the author confused America w/ the Dajjal?)
  • And the Mahdi sees that all the world does plot against him, but he also sees that Allah's plan is stronger than all, and he sees that the World belongs to Allah and to Him it will return, and that the World is but a tree that Allah wills him to rule from its roots to its branches.......and Allah throws down on them (unbelievers) with a disastrous punishment, burning their lands and seas and skies. And the sky rains down a harmful shower, with the people of the Earth cursing the infidels, and Allah wills the defeat of the unbelievers. (Actually, the authentic hadeeth show that after the Mahdi appears the Dajjal will come. Isa a.s. will descend. Dajjal will be slayn by Isa a.s.. Then there will be peace upon Earth the like that has never been seen. Then the other remaining major signs will happen in very fast succession, like pearls falling from a broken thread.)
Lastly, it is of utmost importance that we make absolutely sure about the level of authenticity of a hadeeth before we narrate it, lest we be among those about whom the Messenger (salalahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "Whoever tells a lie against me (intentionally) then (surely) let him occupy, his seat in Hell-fire." (as narrated in al-Bukhari).


Ps- I've removed the link from your post because of the doubtful authenticity of the website.

Bro, I did mention the fact that the authenticity of the hadith is not known, take it or leave it. Also the name of the book from where the hadith is taken is mentioned and I have given the reference that it's from the library in Turkey. Harun Yahya also used this same hadith in his recent work about Mahdi and 'Isa (AS) coming etc. Though I am not saying he is much of an authority, but basically it is known by people/Muslims who research into it.

Secondly, I agree the TRANSLATION is a bit odd, I think the person changed it around to mean those though the Arabic itself would have been more obscure when referring to Germany etc., as in they would have different names, or the Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) did mention the names as we know Allah gave him the most knowledge out of everyone on this earth, so why wouldn't he know what would happen in the future?! It is even mentioned in a hadith the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) gathered the Sahabah (RA) and told them all that happened before and all that is to happen until the Last Hour. I also linked the site which you removed akhi without even mentioning the fact you did that!! Making my post look silly :(. Allahu A'lam.


1) Majority of scholars say there is no need for a khilafah as a condition for the Mahdi to emerge, though it could be in place before he comes.
2) No, America is correct, it is referred to as the Queen of the world and deception (the land of America). Dajjal would be refered to King of deception if that is what you were trying to imply.
3) Yes I know that hadith, however Mahdi will still rule after 'Isa (AS) comes until Mahdi passes away, then 'Isa (AS) will rule or he will rule some time after he comes. Allahu A'lam. And there is no mention in that hadith that 'Isa (AS) will not come, but the part where the "..." is a part that is missing since from the book since it is really old.

I would also point out that scholars like Shaykh Anwar Al Awlaki and others are saying all the signs point to the coming of the Mahdi soon. And if you read upon the hadith, it makes sense, and one of the main signs before the coming of the mahdi is that they will attack Syria (after Iraq), which they have already started though a full blown attack has not begun yet.


11-05-2008, 06:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Sayyad
Ps- I've removed the link from your post because of the doubtful authenticity of the website.
If you would actually read it a bit, you'd see it's not doubtful at all and any ahadith mentioned are referenced. It's by a knowledgeable brother from another forum.

I'll link the site again, inshaAllah read it a bit before being hastey: http://www.geocities.com/muslimapoca..._for_islam.htm


Ibn Abi Ahmed
11-05-2008, 11:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Z-Blade

Bro, I did mention the fact that the authenticity of the hadith is not known, take it or leave it.
:wasalamex dear bro,

If the authenticity isn't known, then it simply should not be narrated because of the harms that can come from narrating doubtful material, especially when it is being referred back to the Messenger (salalahu alayhi wa sallam).

Also the name of the book from where the hadith is taken is mentioned and I have given the reference that it's from the library in Turkey. Harun Yahya also used this same hadith in his recent work about Mahdi and 'Isa (AS) coming etc. Though I am not saying he is much of an authority, but basically it is known by people/Muslims who research into it.
The book as a reference doesn't really matter, what matters is the isnaad of the hadeeth and what scholars of hadeeth have said about the isnaad.

Secondly, I agree the TRANSLATION is a bit odd, I think the person changed it around to mean those though the Arabic itself would have been more obscure when referring to Germany etc., as in they would have different names, or the Prophet (Sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) did mention the names as we know Allah gave him the most knowledge out of everyone on this earth, so why wouldn't he know what would happen in the future?!
Then the harms of narrating this 'hadith' are even greater because not only does the wording seem to be twisted, it possibly contains interpretation by an unqualified individual!

It is even mentioned in a hadith the Prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam) gathered the Sahabah (RA) and told them all that happened before and all that is to happen until the Last Hour.
Yes, but I don't think there is any one hadeeth that contains everything that he said together.

1) Majority of scholars say there is no need for a khilafah as a condition for the Mahdi to emerge, though it could be in place before he comes.
I've heard otherwise. Can you provide me some references so I can research further?

2) No, America is correct, it is referred to as the Queen of the world and deception (the land of America). Dajjal would be refered to King of deception if that is what you were trying to imply.
Who has referred to America as such? Which authentic ahadeeth state this? And for the sake of discussion, lets say it does appear in the sahih traditions, which scholar has interpreted 'Queen of the World and Deception' to actually mean America?

I would also point out that scholars like Shaykh Anwar Al Awlaki and others are saying all the signs point to the coming of the Mahdi soon. And if you read upon the hadith, it makes sense, and one of the main signs before the coming of the mahdi is that they will attack Syria (after Iraq), which they have already started though a full blown attack has not begun yet.

The signs do seem to indicate that his coming may be relatively close, however the times before the Mahdi will be much much worse than our times. There will be a lot more oppression, injustice, and killing around the world. It reminds me of what a Shaykh once said in a lecture, he said that the times before the coming of the Mahdi will very evil times and we shouldn't wish for those kinds of times because of how great the fitnah will be then. The Mahdi has to come and he will come, but let us focus now on what we can do better the society and people around us, rather than sitting back and waiting for an individual because Islaam is not dependant upon personalities, it will remain regardless whether the Mahdi comes tommorow or 200 hundred years from today.


11-07-2008, 09:04 PM
If he fullfills the signs, then yes, otherwise No.

I really do recommend everyone listen to the Hereafter series by Imam Anwar al Awlaki. He goes in great detail about everything relating to the subject of death and the hereafter as well..as the signs of the hour. I can't recommend it enough. Its fantastic.

11-08-2008, 03:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Sayyad
:wasalamex dear bro,

If the authenticity isn't known, then it simply should not be narrated because of the harms that can come from narrating doubtful material, especially when it is being referred back to the Messenger (salalahu alayhi wa sallam).

The book as a reference doesn't really matter, what matters is the isnaad of the hadeeth and what scholars of hadeeth have said about the isnaad.

LoL OK akhi let's just leave the hadith :p, I just thought I'll post it because the brother was asking for some info on his (The Mahdi's) possible arrival.

Then the harms of narrating this 'hadith' are even greater because not only does the wording seem to be twisted, it possibly contains interpretation by an unqualified individual!
Ummm, you're right but I guess I wasn't clear :o, forget what I said! I mean the hadith has been translated as best as the person could do it.

Yes, but I don't think there is any one hadeeth that contains everything that he said together.
Well you know Allahu A'lam about that. Do you know why? Because we know that Abu Hurairah (RA) had a great memory, one of the best, and in a hadith he mentioned the fact that he has 2 types of knowledge taught to him by the Rasool (Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) and if he were to tell us one of them, we would basically cut his head off (or something like that).

I mean this hadith: Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 3, Number 121:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
I have memorized two kinds of knowledge from Allah's Apostle. I have propagated one of them to you and if I propagated the second, then my throat would be cut (i.e. killed).”

I think maybe near the end of his life he transmitted such ahadith, including the prediction of the bad ruler during his time, he used to make dua to die before this ruler came into power.

I've heard otherwise. Can you provide me some references so I can research further?
Yes, Yasir Qadhi mentioned this in his talk on the Mahdi, posted above by bro Guven. Also, maybe listen to the talk by Shaykh Anwar Al Awlaki "Allah is Preparing us for Victory".

Who has referred to America as such? Which authentic ahadeeth state this? And for the sake of discussion, lets say it does appear in the sahih traditions, which scholar has interpreted 'Queen of the World and Deception' to actually mean America?
It's pretty obvious it is America, who is the world power right now? Also we have the hadith about there being 5 phases of rulership, this one:

5 Phases of Muslim Rule

Hudhayfah son of Al-Yaman reported that the Messenger of Allah sallalluhu 'alayhi wa sallam said,
"Prophethood (meaning himself) will remain with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain, then Allah will raise it up whenever he wills to raise it up. Afterwards, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood remaining with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, he will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up. Afterwards, there will be a reign of oppressive (The reign of Muslim kings who are partially unjust) rule and it will remain with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, there will be a reign of tyrannical rule and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, Allah will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up. Then, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood." Then Hudhayfah said, "The Prophet stopped speaking."
(As-Sililah As Sahihah, vol. 1, no. 5. The same hadith without any change of a word is also narrated by Hadrat Nauman Ibn-e-Basheer Radiyallaho Anhu in Musnad-e-Ahmad Ibn-e-Hanbal.)
Note: The 5th phase of Muslim rule, the Caliphate that follows the tyrannical rule, refers to the Mahdi. This is established by the fact that that other hadeeths, which we shall later see, state that the Mahdi would fill the Earth with equity and justice, as it was once filled with tyranny, oppression, and injustice. The rule of "tyranny, oppression, and injustice" is consistent with the 4th phase of "tyrannical rule", mentioned in this hadeeth.

The Prophet declared:

"This affair began with Prophethood and as a mercy; then it will be mercy and Caliphate; afterwards it will change into a cruel monarchy, and finally into an iniquity and tyranny." He also prophesied: "Surely, the Caliphate after me will last thirty years; afterwards it will be a cruel monarchy."
(Abu Dawud, At‘ıma, 11; Tirmidhi, At‘ıma, 39; I. Hanbal, 5.441.)

From the site I linked before: http://www.geocities.com/muslimapoca...0Muslim%20Rule

Right now we're in the phase of tyranny, the fourth phase, so the coming of the Mahdi is close at hand inshaAllah, and we can see that America is the world power atm, and is running the show. Allahu A'lam.

The signs do seem to indicate that his coming may be relatively close, however the times before the Mahdi will be much much worse than our times. There will be a lot more oppression, injustice, and killing around the world. It reminds me of what a Shaykh once said in a lecture, he said that the times before the coming of the Mahdi will very evil times and we shouldn't wish for those kinds of times because of how great the fitnah will be then. The Mahdi has to come and he will come, but let us focus now on what we can do better the society and people around us, rather than sitting back and waiting for an individual because Islaam is not dependant upon personalities, it will remain regardless whether the Mahdi comes tommorow or 200 hundred years from today.

We all agree here bro (at doing your best for Islam no matter what), however it's good to know the signs and prepare yourself physically, mentally and spiritually if possible, while living your day-to-day life normally. You also forget that the Dajjal will come during the time of the Mahdi, so it could be that he will rule a few years after the Dajjal and restore peace to the world before 'Isa (RA) takes over as leader (which I think most likely will happen after the Mahdi dies). This is mainly to show that 'Isa will come as a follower of Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam), hence why he is taking a descendant of the Prophet (Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam) as a leader, so as to ensure no one will get confused that he is coming with a new message.

Also we do not need times of great strife for the Mahdi to come, this is wrong and I would tell you to seek more knowledge on the Mahdi before saying such things bro, because the scholars have said only 3 major signs need to be fulfilled for the Mahdi to be here, and I have stated that in one of my above posts.

And Allah knows best.


01-25-2009, 11:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Sayyad
^ I honestly don't think that's a hadeeth because of the way the sentences are phrased, i.e. it's odd. The Messenger (salalahu alayhi wa sallam) spoke differently, if you know what I mean. He was concise in his speech, while what he (salalahu alayhi wa sallam) said carried a vast amount of meaning.
I'd just like to point out, that it's not really a "hadith", since as far as I know, it isn't directly quoted from the Prophet. The information was obtained from the Prophet, but what you're reading is translation of a narration from Abu Hurayrah.

01-26-2009, 07:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yanal
General knowledge test.
If someone said that "I am the Maahdi" And his name and everything matched except one thing. What would it be and will you believe him?
I wouldnt beleve him because I'm not sure.

I found many people who call himself (or even herself) "Maahdi", but they have no 'Maahdi signs'.
And I found in other place, an ameer/mufti of mujahideen in (secret), who has 'Maahdi signs' according to sunni version, but if someone say he is Maahdi, he becomes angry !.

02-11-2009, 11:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
I wouldnt beleve him because I'm not sure.

I found many people who call himself (or even herself) "Maahdi", but they have no 'Maahdi signs'.
And I found in other place, an ameer/mufti of mujahideen in (secret), who has 'Maahdi signs' according to sunni version, but if someone say he is Maahdi, he becomes angry !.
One of the important characteristics of the Mahdi, is that he fills the earth with equity and justice, when it would be filled with tyranny, oppression and injustice. This is in fact his primary purpose, and the one consistent description of him throughout all of the ahadith that mention him.

So, any claimant to being the rightly-guided (mahdi) leader prophesied by Prophet Muhammad, needs to fulfill that task, otherwise, he cannot be him.

02-12-2009, 04:07 AM
the Mahdi will not be a conqueror, but a reformer. all the sects need to reconcile with Islam, his revolution will in thought and creed.

02-12-2009, 05:51 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by alcurad
the Mahdi will not be a conqueror, but a reformer. all the sects need to reconcile with Islam, his revolution will in thought and creed.
His revolution is both spiritual and political. Hence, he would be both a reformer and a conqueror:

Hadhrat Abu Umamah says that the Messenger of Allah (upon whom be blessings and peace) said:

"There will be four peace agreements between you and the Romans. The fourth agreement will be mediated through a person who will be from the progeny of Hadhrat Aaron and will be upheld for seven years." The people asked: "O Messenger of Allah, who will be the Imaam of the people at the time?" The Messenger of Allah said: "He will be from my progeny and will be forty years of age. His face will shine like a star and he will have a black spot on his left cheek. He will don two "Qutwaani" cloaks and will appear exactly as a person from the Children of Israel. He will rule for 20 years and will conquer the cities of the Mushrikeen (Idolators)"

(Tabrani, Ref: Kanz-ul-Aamal, Page 268, Hadith No. 3868)

Specifically, we have his conquest of Constantinople:

Reported by Abu Hurayrah:

The Prophet said, "The Romans will surround a leader from my pure-musked children. His name will be the same as mine. They will fight each other at a place called Al-A'maq and one third, or thereabouts, of the Muslims will be killed. They will fight again on another day and again one third or thereabouts of the Muslims will be killed. On the third day they will fight again and the Romans will be defeated. And they will remain there until they open Constantinople. It is whilst they are distributing the spoils of war that a messenger will come informing them that the false messiah is in their home town with their children."

(Son of Hibban, At-Tirmizi, Abuya'li, At-Tabarani, Al Bazaar, Abu Nuaym and Al Hakim.)

Reported by Abu Hurayrah:

The Prophet said:

"If there only remains but one day left in the world, Allah will prolong it until a man from my house governs. He will open Constantinople (Istanbul) and the Mountain of Al-Daylam."

(Ibn Hibban, At-Tirmizi, Abuya'li, At-Tabarani, Al Bazaar, Abu Nuaym and Al Hakim.)

Plus, there's the "Battle of Kalb" mentioned in other ahadith, regarding his confrontation with the Sufyaani. So, the Mahdi does "conquer".

02-12-2009, 06:03 AM
that aspect is the least important, the confrontations will occur regardless of his presence or not, they will be the culmination of millenia old rivalries and conflicts of interest. the spiritual/intellectual message he will preach is the main point for his arrival, otherwise we would need a military genius, not a reformer. notice how most of the traditions speak of him as reforming, not conquering.

right now it's our sectarian divisions that are causing the worst problems of disunity, not our enemies strength which could be easily matched and suppressed. we are more numerous, with more resources and more potential, the major block is our divisions, not military strength/weakness which is only a symptom.

02-12-2009, 02:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by alcurad
that aspect is the least important, the confrontations will occur regardless of his presence or not, they will be the culmination of millenia old rivalries and conflicts of interest. the spiritual/intellectual message he will preach is the main point for his arrival, otherwise we would need a military genius, not a reformer. notice how most of the traditions speak of him as reforming, not conquering.

right now it's our sectarian divisions that are causing the worst problems of disunity, not our enemies strength which could be easily matched and suppressed. we are more numerous, with more resources and more potential, the major block is our divisions, not military strength/weakness which is only a symptom.
The traditions consistently speak of him filling the earth with equity and justice, when it would be filled with tyranny, oppression and injustice:

Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri:

The Prophet said, “The Mahdi will be of my stock, and will have a broad forehead and an aquiline nose. He will fill the earth will equity and justice as it was filled with oppression and tyranny, and he will rule for seven years.”

(Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 36, No. 4272)

Prophet Muhammad said: "If it remains only one day to the end of the world, Allah will elongate that day until a man of my family whose name is the same as mine will be inspired, he will make the world full of justice after it ha become full of oppression."

(Sahih al-Tirmidhi, vol. 5, p. 343)

Narrated by Hudhayfah:

The Prophet said: "The Mahdi is a man from my children. His face is like a glittering star, his skin is the color of an Arab, and his body is like that of Israel. He will fill the earth with justice just as it will have been filled by injustice, and the dwellers of Heaven and Earth will be pleased with his Caliphate."

(Abu Nuaym, At-Tabarani, and Abu Amru Ad Dani.)

Reported by Abu Said Al Khudri:

"A man from my nation will come who speaks with my Sunnah and Allah, the Mighty, the Glorified will send showers of rain from the heavens so that the earth will produce its blessing. Through him the earth will be filled with fairness and justice just as it had been filled by oppression and injustice. He will govern this nation for seven years, and go to Jerusalem."

(Abu Dawud, Al Hakim, At-Tirmizi, Ahmad, son of Hibban, Muslim, Al Tabarani, Al Barudi and Abu Nuaym)

Reported by Jabir, son of Majid As Sadafi:

The Prophet, upon whom be blessings and peace, said: "After me there will be caliphs, and after the caliphs, princes and after princes, kings, and after kings, tyrants. Then, a man from the Family of my House will come and fill the earth with justice just as it had been filled with transgression. Then, the Prince after him is the Qahtaani and by He who sent me with the Truth he is not lesser than him."

(At-Tabarani (in his large dictionary), Ibn Mandah, Abu Nuaym and Ibn Asakir.)

Hadhrat Ali narrates that the Messenger of Allah said:

"Even if only a day remains for Qiyamah to come, yet Allah will surely send a man from my family who will fill this world with such justice and fairness, just as it initially was filled with oppression."

(Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 36, No. 4270)

Abu Is-haq told that Ali son of Abu Talib looked at his son Hasan and said:

"This son of mine is a sayyid (chief) as named by the Prophet (peace be upon him), and from his loins will come forth a man who will be called by the name of your Prophet (peace be upon him) and resemble him in conduct but not in appearance." He then mentioned the story about his filling the earth with justice.

(Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 36, No. 4276A)

The Prophet, upon whom be blessings and peace, said:

"Allah will bring out from concealment, the Mahdi from my family and just before the day of Judgment; even if only one day were to remain in the life of the world, and he will spread on this earth justice and equity and will eradicate tyranny and oppression."

(Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, Vol. 1, P. 99)

This is his primary purpose. Both the spiritual/intellectual message, as well as the battles, wars and conquests he's engaged in, are simply extensions of this primary purpose, as is his re-establishment of the Rashidun Caliphate, and the distribution of wealth without count.

If he resembles the Prophet in character, but not in appearance, it's possible, then, that the way he carries out his mission would resemble the way the Prophet carried out his.

We already see a lot of similarities. They both emerge in Mecca. They both migrate to a city, where their supporters paved the way for the establishment of their government (Prophet Muhammad migrated to Yathrib, and the Mahdi migrates to Jerusalem). They both establish unity and reform with Islam. They both engage in various battles, campaigns and conquests. Plus, they both encounter at least 1 false Prophet, and they both meet Prophet 'Eyssa.

02-21-2009, 06:21 PM
This is an interesting debates and I like a non Muslim point of view in here.

02-22-2009, 01:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by alcurad
that aspect is the least important, the confrontations will occur regardless of his presence or not, they will be the culmination of millenia old rivalries and conflicts of interest. the spiritual/intellectual message he will preach is the main point for his arrival, otherwise we would need a military genius, not a reformer. notice how most of the traditions speak of him as reforming, not conquering.

right now it's our sectarian divisions that are causing the worst problems of disunity, not our enemies strength which could be easily matched and suppressed. we are more numerous, with more resources and more potential, the major block is our divisions, not military strength/weakness which is only a symptom.
I agree but not fully. the prophet salallahu alaihi wa salam said about the "strangers" that
"those who oppose them are greater than them"

and he likewise said
"they will not be harmed by those who oppose them nor by those who let them down"

thirdly, our victories will occur agianst the disbelievers in spite of the existence of our disunity as is narrated that the khawaarij will side along with the dajjal.

lasltly, I would like to strengthen the knowledge of everyone here by a superb an beneficial article that is original one of the longest hadeth in Islam.

I will upload this article for the benefit of the overall information of this thread

Actually, the file size limit on this forum is really low, I can;t even uplaod a simple 20 page file. So at any rate I'll just post the actual text inshallah

asalamu alaikum

02-22-2009, 01:31 AM
Major Signs of the Last Hour

A. R. Hijazi


First edition, 1415 AH/1995 CE
© Copyright 1995 by A. R. Hijazi
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any language, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express permission of the copyright owner.
All thanks are to Allah, Whom we thank and seek for His help and forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the burden of our evil deeds. Whomsoever He guides will never be misled, and whomsoever He misguides will never find enlightenment. I testify that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.
 O, you who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except as Muslims (3:102)
 O Mankind! Fear your Lord, Who created you from a single soul and from him created his partner, and from them both sent forth many men and women. Fear Allah from Whom you demand your mutual rights, and give reverence to the wombs that bore you. For Allah ever watches over you. [4:1]
 O you who believe! Keep your duty to Allah and fear Him, and speak (always) the Truth. He will direct you to do righteous good deeds and will forgive you your sins. And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger he has indeed achieved a great achievement. [33:70-71]
The best of speech is the Book of Allah, and the best of guidance is the guidance sent with Muhammad  . The worst of matters are innovations (in the religion), and every innovation is a bid’ah, and every bid`ah is a misguide, and every misguide is in the Fire (Hell).
Allah the Mighty and the Exalted said,
 Closer draws unto men their reckoning: and yet they remain stubbornly heedless [of its approach]. Whenever there comes unto them any new reminder from their Sustainer, they but listen to it with playful amusement. Their hearts set on passing delight... [21:1-3]
Mankind, except those whom Allah has bestowed His Mercy on, are in heedless, joyful play, ignoring the Hour and its Signs and the Torment of the Day of Resurrection. This life, with its joys, however temporary, has taken over their total attention. This playful life has made the bulk of mankind unaware of the Might of Allah. This heedless, playful and joyful life will accompany mankind, until the sun rises from the west! When the sun rises from the west, all mankind will believe. However, from thereon is the Day when belief will not benefit those who did not believe before, or those who believed but did not benefit themselves by doing good, righteous deeds. This book is only a reminder:

 For him who has a heart or gives ear while he is heedful. [50:37]
I ask Allah to benefit all from this reminder.
I divided this book into the following chapters:
1. The False Messiah, Al-Masih The Dajjal.
2. Al-Mahdi, Muhammad bin Abdullah.
3. Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah  .
4. Gog and Magog.
Each of the above chapters is explained in detail. Afterwards, I have mentioned the rest of the major signs of the Last Hour which are contained in numerous Hadiths. These signs are: The rising of the sun from the west the; Beast; the Smoke; the three great landslides; and the Fire that gathers people for the Day of Reckoning.
The supporting evidences in this book were collected from the most authentic books of Hadith, such as Al-Bukhari and Muslim, among other collections of Hadith. I also used the books of the master of scholars of Hadith today, Sheikh Nasirud-Din Al-Albani, may Allah grant him protection (from all evils) and grant him the best of rewards in this and the Last Life.
I ask Allah to make seeking His Pleasure the driving force behind writing this book and to help my Muslim brothers benefit from it.
A. R. Hijazi
1415 AH - 1995 CE


Huthaifah bin Al-Yaman said, “The Messenger of Allah  stood in front of us, and left no (major) event (of the future) unmentioned, up to the beginning of the Hour. There are those who have knowledge in it, and there are those who are ignorant in it. Afterwards, I would see a matter that I forgot (from the events of the future that he heard from the Prophet), and remember it, as if a man remembers another man who was absent from him. He sees him and recognizes him.” (Narrated by Bukhari & Muslim).
Amr bin Akhtab said, “The Messenger of Allah told us what has happened and what will happen until the Day of Resurrection. Those of us who are the most knowledgeable are the ones who memorized the most of it.” In another narration, he said, “(He  told us) up to when the people of Paradise entered it, and the people of Hell entered it.” (Narrated by Muslim).


Chapter One
The False Messiah
(Anti-Christ, Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal)

Hadith About al-Jassasah
Imam Muslim narrated that Amir bin Shurahil asked Fatimah bint Qais, the sister of Adh-Dhahhak bin Qais, who was from among the first (Muslim women) to migrate (to Madinah), “Tell me about a Hadith that you heard directly from the Prophet  himself, and no one else.” She said, “I will do this, if so you desire.” ‘Amir said, “Yes indeed, tell me.” She said, “I married the son of Al-Mughirah who was then one of the best young men of Quraish. He was injured (during the first battle) of the Messenger of Allah  (on the Prophet’s side). When I became a divorcee Abdur-Rahman bin Awf, accompanied by some of the companions of the Messenger of Allah  , asked me for marriage. Also, Usamah bin Zaiyd asked me for marriage. I was told before that the Messenger of Allah  said, ‘Whoever loves me, let him love Usamah.’ When the Messenger of Allah  spoke to me, I said to him, ‘(The matter of) my marriage is in your hands, therefore, marry me to whomever you desire.’ He said, ‘Then, move to Umm Sharik’s (house).’ Umm Sharik was from among the Ansar. She used to spend tremendously in the sake of Allah. Also, guests were always present at her (house). I said, ‘I will do that.’ He  then said, ‘Do not do that. Umm Sharik has many guests, and I hate that if your khimar falls off, or that your dress (accidentally) shows your legs, some of the people (there) may see from you what you hate (for them to see). Move to your cousin’s (house), Abdullah bin `Amr bin Umm Maktom.’ He was a man from Fihr, a tribe of Quraish. He was from the same tribe as her. ‘So, I moved in with him (as a guest). When my iddah finished, I heard the heralder of the Messenger of Allah  calling (the Muslims to come to the Masjid), I sat in the row of women that was just behind the men. When the Messenger of Allah  finished his prayer, he sat on the minbar, laughing. Then, he said,‘Let each one of you stay in the place where he prayed.’ Then, he said, ‘Do you know why I gathered you?.’ They said, ‘Allah and His Messenger know best.’ He said, ‘By Allah! I did not gather you to prod or warn. On the contrary, I gathered you because Tamim Ad-Dari, a Christian man, who came giving his baiy`ah to become a Muslim, told me a story that is similar to what I used to tell you regarding the False Messiah. He told me that he boarded a ship that went to the sea, along with thirty men from (the tribes) of Lakhm and Judham. Waves wrecked havoc with them for a month until, when it was close to sunset, they were forced near an island in the sea. So, they boarded a lifeboat and landed on the island where they were met by a beast with very thick hair. They could not tell the beast's front from its back because of the thickness of its hair. They said, ‘Woe unto you! What are you?’ She said, ‘I am al-Jassasah.’ They said, ‘And what is al-Jassasah?’ She said, ‘O People! Go to this man inside the temple, for he is eagerly waiting to hear your story.’ He said, ‘When she mentioned a man to us, we feared that she was a devil.’ He then said, ‘We left her quickly. Then, we entered the temple. Inside there was the biggest man we had ever seen, restrained by the thickest of chains. His hands were tied to his neck. Iron chains were (covering him) from his knees to his ankles. We said, ‘Woe unto you! Who are you?’ He said, ‘You will soon hear my story, but first tell me who you are.’ They said, ‘We are an Arab people. We boarded a ship that went to sea at a time when the sea was furious. Waves wrecked havoc with us for a month. Then we reached your island. We boarded a lifeboat and landed on the island. We met a beast with hair so thick that we could not tell her front from her back. We said, ‘Woe unto you! What are you?’ She said, ‘I am al-Jassasah.’ We said, ‘And what is al-Jassasah?’ She said, ‘Go to this man, inside the temple, for he is eagerly waiting to hear your story.’ So, we came to you in a hurry because we feared her and were scared that she may be a devil.’ He (the chained man) said, ‘Tell me about the date-trees of Baisan.’ We said, ‘What do you seek to know about them?’ He said, ‘I ask you about its date-trees, do they still bear fruits?’ We said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘Soon they will not bear fruits!’ He then said, ‘Tell me about the lake of Taberias.’ We said, ‘What do you seek to know about it?’ He said, ‘Does it still have water?’ We said, ‘It has plenty of water.’ He said, ‘Soon it its water will disappear.’ He then said, ‘Tell me about the spring of Zughar.’ We said, ‘What do you seek to know about it?’ He said, ‘Does it still flow with water and do its people still grow plants with its water?’ We said, ‘Yes. It still has plenty of water, and its people are still growing plants from its water.’ He said, ‘Tell me about what happened to the Prophet of the Illiterates (the Arabs).’ They said, ‘He migrated from Makkah and went to Yathrib.’ He said, ‘Have the Arabs fought against him?’ We said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘And what did he do to them?’ We told him that he became victorious against those Arabs who were close to him (close to Madinah) and they followed him.’ He then said to them, ‘Did this truly happen?’ We said, ‘Yes, indeed.’ He said, ‘It is better for them if they follow him. I will tell you about myself. I am the Messiah (the False Messiah). Soon, I will be permitted to appear. I will depart here and move about through the earth. I will not leave a village without penetrating it, during forty days, except Makkah and Taiybah (Madinah), for I am prohibited from entering them. Whenever I seek to enter either one of them, I will be met with an angel holding a sword aloft, thus preventing me from (entering) them. At each of their passes, there will be angels who stand guarding them.’” She (Fatimah bint Qais) then said, “The Messenger of Allah  then said, while striking the minbar with his staff, ‘This is Taiybah! This is Taiybah’! Meaning Madinah. ‘Did I tell you the same (story)?’ They said, ‘Yes, indeed.’ (He then said,) ‘I liked what Tamim has told me. It agrees with what I told you about him (the False Messiah), Madinah, and Makkah. He is in the Sea of Ash-Sham, or the Sea of Yemen. No! He is certainly in the east (of Madinah). In the east, indeed. In the east, indeed.’” And he pointed to the east with his hand. She said, ‘And I memorized this Hadith from the Messenger of Allah  .’”
In this Hadith, repeating the word ‘indeed’ serves to prove with certainty, that the False Messiah will appear from the east of Madinah (Iraq and areas to the east).
The False Messiah (Dajjal) is a Jew
Imam Muslim narrated that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri said, “Ibn Sa’ed told me, while I was feeling anxious about him, ‘I have done my best with people, (to convince them that I am not the Dajjal), to no avail! What is the problem between me and you, O companions of Muhammad! Did not the Prophet of Allah  say “He is a Jew?”, and I became a Muslim. He also said, “He will have no children,” and here I am, I have children. He also said “Allah prohibited him from (entering) Makkah and Madinah...”
The Prophet  used to suspect that Ibn Sa’ed was the Dajjal when he was still young. This is because Ibn Sa’ed used to deal with devils. He also used to claim that news of the unseen was revealed to him and that he saw a throne mounted on water, the devil's throne. However, he later became a Muslim.
Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri had met with Ibn Sa’ed on many occasions. He said, “I accompanied Ibn Sa’ed once to perform Hajj to Makkah. He said to me, ‘I have suffered from people because they claim that I am the Dajjal. Did you not hear the Messenger of Allah  say, “He (the Dajjal) will have no children?” I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘Here I am, I have children. Did you not hear the Messenger of Allah  say, “He will not enter Madinah or Makkah?” I said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘I was born in Madinah and here I am on my way to Makkah.’” He (Abu Sa`id) then said, “Then, his last words to me were, ‘By Allah! I know when he was born, his birth-place and his whereabouts!’” He (Abu Sa`id) then said, “He (Ibn Sa’ed) confused (and bewildered) me.”
Also, Imam Muslim narrated that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri said, “We went on a Hajj or Umrah trip with Ibn Sa’ed. We rested in an area where people (the riders of the caravan) scattered around (to rest) and I was left alone with Ibn Sa’ed. I felt anxiety because of what people say about him. He brought his luggage and rested it close to my luggage. I said, ‘It is very hot! How about resting your luggage under that tree?’ He did. Then, a herd of sheep passed close by. He left and brought a large cup (of milk), saying, ‘Drink, O Abu Sa`id!’ I said, ‘It is very hot and the milk is hot!’ I did not want to drink from his hand, or to take it from his hand. He then said, ‘O Abu Sa`id! I almost thought of taking a rope and hanging it on a tree to suffocate myself because of what people say about me. O Abu Sai`d! Who has better knowledge in the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah  than you, O Ansar? Are you not among the most knowledgeable in the Hadith of the Messenger of Allah  ? Did not the Messenger of Allah  say, “He (the Dajjal) is kafir?” However, I am a Muslim. Did not the Messenger of Allah  say, “He is impotent”? I left my children behind in Madinah. Did not the Messenger of Allah  say, “He will not enter Madinah and Makkah?” I have just come from Madinah and I am on my way to Makkah.’” Abu Sa`id said, “I almost sympathized with him. Then, he said, ‘By Allah! I know him (the Dajjal), his birth-place and his whereabouts now!’ He (Abu Sa`id) then said, “I said to him, ‘Woe unto you the rest of the day!’”
What further proves that the Dajjal is a Jew, is that when he appears in Isfahan, also called Asbahan, seventy thousand Jews will follow him.
Anas bin Malik narrated that the Prophet  said, “Seventy thousand of the Jews of Asbahan, wearing shawls, will follow the Dajjal.”
The Dajjal's Appearance From Areas to the East (of Madinah)
The Dajjal will appear in the east, the land of fitan. Many of the inhabitants of these areas will follow him, as the Messenger of Allah  informed us.
Abu Bakr narrated that the Prophet  said, “The Dajjal will appear from a land in the east called Khurasan. He will be accompanied by people whose faces are like forged iron.”
As for the reason behind his appearance, the wife of the Messenger of Allah Hafsah bint Umar said that the Messenger of Allah  said, “He will appear, driven in a fit of rage.”
He  also said, “He will first appear for people, driven in a fit of rage.”
When the Dajjal appears, he will try to enter Madinah for an unknown reason. Madinah may then be the stronghold of Islam and the Muslims. The Messenger of Allah  said, “Islam started as a stranger, and it will be a stranger again. It returns to (areas) between the Two Mosques as the snake returns to its den.”
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “The (False) Messiah will appear from the east heading towards Madinah until he reaches behind Uhud. Afterwards, the angels will (force him to) turn his face towards Ash-Sham, and there he will perish.”
Madinah has many good characteristics, one of them is that the Dajjal will not be able to enter it. The Angels guard it, as was narrated by several correct Hadiths.
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “On every pass near Madinah there are Angels (guarding it). Plague and the Dajjal will not enter Madinah.”
In another narration of this Hadith, Al-Bukhari and An-Nasai’ narrated that Anas bin Malik said that the Messenger of Allah  said, “There is not a city but will be penetrated by the Dajjal, except Makkah and Madinah. Every pass that leads to them will be surrounded and guarded by Angels. He will camp close to As-Sabkhah. Then, Madinah will experience three earth tremors, after which every disbeliever and hypocrite will leave it to join him.”
This is why the Messenger of Allah called Madinah “Taiybah (the pure city).” Also, he said that Madinah purges itself of its worst (people), just as fire purifies iron from its rust.
Al-Bukhari reported that Abu Bakrah narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “Horror of the Messiah (the Dajjal) will not enter Madinah. Then, it will have seven gates, on each gate there are two Angels (guarding it).”
There are several other Hadiths about this subject.
Description of the False Messiah
In many correct Hadiths, the Messenger of Allah  precisely described the False Messiah for us. He said, “Indeed I have told you about the Dajjal, because I feared that you may be baffled by him.” This Hadith will be narrated later, Allah willing.
The calamity that will befall all of mankind because of the Dajjal is tremendous. The Messenger of Allah  said, “O people! There has not been a fitnah on the face of the earth, since Allah created Adam, greater than the fitnah of the Dajjal. Allah the Mighty One, never sent a Prophet but he warned his people about the Dajjal. I am the Last of the Prophets. You are the last of the nations, and he will certainly appear to you.”
Of the most obvious marks that will characterize the Dajjal, is that he is blind in his right eye. His left eye is leveled, although he is not blind. The word kafir is written between his eyes. Let us read the description of the Dajjal by the Messenger of Allah  .
The Messenger of Allah  said, “Indeed I have told you about the Dajjal, because I feared that you may be baffled by him. Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal is pigeon-toed and his hair is curly. His eye is blind, but is neither raised nor leveled. If you are confused about him, know that your Lord is not blind in the eye and that you will not see your Lord but until you die.”
Abdullah bin Umar narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “Allah never sent a Prophet but he warned his people about the Dajjal. Noah and later Prophets warned (their nations) about him. He will appear to you. If you feel confused about him, you are not confused that your Lord is not blind in His Eye. However, he (the Dajjal) is blind in his right eye. His eye is like a floating grape.”
The Messenger of Allah  also said, “He will say, ‘I am your lord.’ However, you will not see your Lord until you die. He (the Dajjal) is blind in his eye. Your Lord is not blind. The word kafir will be written between (the Dajjal’s) eyes. Every believer, literate or illiterate, will be able to read it.”
The Messenger of Allah  saw the Dajjal in a dream, and described him saying, “Then I met a man with very curly hair. He is blind in his right eye which looks like a floating grape. I asked, ‘Who is this?,’ I was told, ‘Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal.”
The Messenger of Allah  said, “The Dajjal has a leveled left eye, with a zaferah on it, and the word kafir is written between his eyes.”
Also, the Dajjal’s eye is green and looks like glass as Ubai bin Ka`ab narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “The Dajjal has a green eye that looks like glass.”
The Messenger of Allah  stated that the Dajjal resembled Abdul `Uzzaa bin Qatan, a man from the tribe of Khuza`ah. He said, “Then, I saw (in a dream) a man with very curly hair, his right eye is blind. He looks just like Ibn Qatan. He was laying his hands on a man's shoulder and circling the Ka`bah. I said, ‘Who is this.’ They said ‘Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal.’”
We must note here that the Dajjal will appear after Muslims conquer Istanbul (Constantinople) for the second time. The Ottoman Caliph, Muhammad Al-Fatih conquered Istanbul for the first time during the Middle Ages.
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “The (Last) Hour will not start until the Rum occupy Al-A`amaq or Dabiq. A (Muslim) army, comprised of the best of the people of the earth at that time, will challenge them. When they camp face to face, the Rum will say, ‘Let us fight those who captured some of us. The Muslims will say, ‘Never! By Allah, we will not let you get to our brothers.’ They will fight them. A third of the (Muslim) army will flee. Those are the ones whom Allah will never forgive. Another third will be killed. (Those are) the best martyrs in the sight of Allah. The last third will be victorious. This third will never fall victim to fitnah (calamities or tests of this life). They will capture Constantinople (Istanbul). While they are dividing war possessions, after hanging their swords on olive trees, Satan will shout among them, saying, ‘Al-Masih (Ad-Dajjal) has cornered your people’. They will leave (to Ash-Sham). However, this (warning) is False. When they reach Ash-Sham, he will then appear.’”
In another narration for this Hadith; “While they are dividing war possessions, they will hear a heralder shouting, ‘The Dajjal has apeared.’ They will discard everything and return (to As-Sham).’”
Hadith Narrated by An-Nawwas bin Sam’an
An-Nawwas bin Sam’an said, “The Messenger of Allah  , mentioned the Dajjal one day and kept belittling him and speaking in grave terms about his fitnah, until we thought that he was in (hiding in gardens of) date-trees (in Madinah). When we passed by him (the Messenger) he sensed this (anxiety) in us. He said, ‘What is the matter with you?’ We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! Earlier, you mentioned the Dajjal and while belittling him you spoke gravely about him until we thought that he was in (hiding in gardens of ) date-trees.’ He said, ‘I fear other than the Dajjal for you! If he appears while I am still among you, I will be his adversary on your behalf. If he appears while I am not among you, each one will have to depend on himself. However, Allah will be the helper of every Muslim after me.
He is young, with very curly hair and his eye is smashed. I would say that he looked like Abdul `Uzzaa bin Qatan. Whoever lives long and meets him, let him recite the beginning of surat Al-Kahf (The Cave). He will appear on a pass between Ash-Sham and Iraq. He will wreck havoc to the right and will wreck havoc to the left. O Slaves of Allah! Hold fast.’ We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! How long will he stay on earth?’ He said, ‘Forty days: One day is as (long as) a year, one day is as (long as) a month and one day is as (long as) a week. The rest of his days will be as (long as) your ordinary days. We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! As for the day that is like a year, will the prayers of one day suffice for it?’ He said, ‘No. Count for its due measure.’ We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah, how fast will he move on earth?’ He said, ‘Like the clouds when tailed by the wind. He will come to a people and call them (to worship him) and they will believe in him and accept his call. He will command the sky and it will rain, (he will command) the earth and it will grow (vegetation). Their cattle will return to them with the longest hair, their udders the fullest (with milk) and their stomachs the fattest. Then, he will come to a (different) people and will call them (to worship him) and they will reject his call. He will then leave them. They will wake up (in the morning) destitute, their possessions gone. He will pass a deserted land and will say to it, ‘Bring out your treasures.’ Then, its treasures will follow him as drones. He will summon a youthful man and strike him with the sword, separating him into two pieces, between which is the distance of the archer from his target. He will call him and he will come with his face radiant with pleasure and laughter. While all this is happening, Allah will send the Messiah (Jesus) son of Mary. He will descend close to the white Minaret to the east of Damascus. He will be wearing two bleached thoubs (long dresses). His hands will be placed on the wings of two angels. Whenever he lowers his head, drops (of water) will fall down. Whenever he raises his head, juman that look like pearls will fall down. No disbeliever can survive his (Jesus’) breath. His breath reaches wherever his sight ends. He will then seek him (the Dajjal) and follow him to the doors of Lud. Then, he will kill him. A group of people who, by Allah's help, survived him (the Dajjal), will come to Jesus. He will anoint their faces and tell them about their grades in Paradise. Shortly afterwards, while this is happening with him, Allah will reveal to Jesus saying, ‘I raised a people of my creation that no one can fight. Therefore, gather My slaves to At-Tur.’ Then, Allah will raise Gog and Magog and they will swiftly swarm from every mound. Their front (forces) will reach lake Taberias and will drink all of its water. The last (of their forces) will say as they pass by, ‘There was once water in it!’ Jesus, Allah’s Prophet, will be cornered along with his companions until the head of a bull will be more precious to them than a hundred dinars to you today. Jesus, Allah’s Prophet, and his companions will supplicate to Allah.
Allah will send an-naghaf upon their necks! The morning will come and they will all be dead as if it was the death of one soul. Afterwards, Jesus the Prophet of Allah will come down with his companions to the low grounds. They will find that no space of a hand-span is saved from their fat and rot (rotten corpses). Jesus the Prophet of Allah and his companions will supplicate to Allah. So, Allah will send birds as large as the necks of camels, which will carry them (corpses of Gog and Magog) and will throw them wherever Allah wills. Then, Allah will send rain that no house made of mud (or bricks) or animal hair will be saved from, cleansing the earth until it makes it like a mirror. The earth will be commanded, ‘Produce your fruits and retrieve your blessing.’
Then, a group (of people) will eat from a pomegranate and will take shelter under the shade of its shell. Milk will be blessed. A camel will produce sufficient milk for a large group of people. A cow will produce what is sufficient for a tribe of people. A sheep will produce milk sufficient for a family of people. Meanwhile, Allah will send a pure wind that will overcome them (the Muslims) from under their arms and will take the soul of every believer and Muslim. Only the evil doers among people will remain. They will indulge in taharuj like the taharuj of donkeys. Upon them the Hour will begin.’”
The above honorable Hadith mentions three of the major signs of the Hour; the Dajjal, Jesus son of Mary, and Gog and Magog. Also, this Hadith mentions several events that are explained in detail in other Hadiths, some of which we will mention, Allah willing.
Furthermore, the first part of this Hadith by An-Nawwas bin Sam’an narrates the story of the Dajjal and the story of the young man (whom the Dajjal cuts in half).
The second part mentions the story of the coming of Jesus son of Mary  , his killing the Dajjal, and then the story of Gog and Magog. We will again talk about these stories in detail, Allah willing.
Abu Umamah narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “O people! There has not been a fitnah on the face of the earth, since Allah created Adam, greater than the fitnah of the Dajjal. Allah the Mighty One, never sent a Prophet but he warned his people about the Dajjal. I am the Last of the Prophets. You are the last of the nations, and he will certainly appear to you. If he appears while I am still among you, I will be his adversary on behalf of every Muslim. If he appears after me, each will have to fend for himself, and Allah is my khalifah for every Muslim. He will appear from a pass between Ash-Sham and Iraq and will wreck havoc to the right and left. O slaves of Allah! O People! Stand fast for I will describe him to you as no Prophet before me described him.
He will say, ‘I am your lord!’ However, you will not see your Lord until after you die. He is blind in one eye. Your Lord is not blind in the eye. The word kafir will be written between his eyes. Every believer, whether literate or illiterate, will be able to read it. As a part of his fitnah, he will have a paradise and a fire. (In reality) his fire is a paradise and his paradise is a fire. Whoever is tested with his fire, let him seek refuge in Allah and recite the beginnings of surat Al-Kahf (The Cave).
A part of his fitnah is that he will be permitted to kill only one soul. He will cut it (the body of a young man) into two parts with the saw. Then he will say, ‘Look at this slave of mine. I will resurrect him, yet he claims that he has another god other than me.’ Allah will resurrect him. The wicked (the Dajjal) will say to him, ‘Who is your lord?’ He will say, ‘My Lord is Allah and you are the enemy of Allah. You are the Dajjal. By Allah! I was never more sure about you than I am today.’
Also, part of his fitnah is that he will command the sky to rain, and it will rain. He will command the earth to produce and it will produce (vegetation). Also, part of his fitnah is that he will pass by a neighborhood and its people will reject him. Then (as a result), none of their cattle will survive for them. They will all perish. A part of his fitnah is that he will pass by a neighborhood and its people will believe in him and he will then command the sky to rain and it will rain. He will also command the earth to produce and it will produce. During that day, their cattle will return to them fatter and larger than they ever were; their stomachs will become engorged and their udders the fullest (with milk). No place on earth will be saved from him and his domination, except Makkah and Madinah. He will not reach them through any of their passes, for angels will meet him with their swords held aloft. He will set up camp near the Red Dune, where the salt marsh ends. The people of Madinah will experience three tremors after which no hypocrite, male or female, will remain in it. They will all go out to (join) him. (Through this, Madinah) will purge itself of its evil as the furnace rids iron of its rust. This day will be called the Day of Al-Khalas (the Day of Purging). He (the Prophet  ) was asked, ‘What will be (the condition) of the Arabs then?’ He said, ‘Then, they are few.’”
The Hadiths that we previously mentioned described the Dajjal and how the previous Prophets warned their nations about him. In this Hadith, the Dajjal’s paradise and fire were mentioned.
Furthermore, Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “He is blind in his eye. He has something that looks like Paradise and the Fire. However, what he says is Paradise is actually the Fire.”
The Messenger of Allah  said, ‘When the Dajjal appears, he will have a (pool of) water and a fire. As for what people see as the fire, it is a cool water. As for what people see as a cool water, it is a burning fire. Whoever among you experiences this, let him fall into what he sees as the fire, for it is cool and sweet.”
The Messenger of Allah  said, “Indeed, I am more knowledgeable about what the Dajjal will have than the Dajjal himself! He will have two running rivers. One of which will appear to the eye as white (pure) water. The other will appear to the eye as raging fire. If any of you lives to see them, let him approach what he sees as fire, close his eyes, lower his head and drink from it, for it is cool water. The Dajjal’s left eye is smashed and has a thick zaferah on top of it. Between his eyes, the word kafir is written. Every believer, whether literate or illiterate, will be able to read it.”
The Messenger of Allah  even warned against going anywhere near the Dajjal because of the powerful effect of his fitnah. He ( ) said, “Whoever hears of (the appearance of) the Dajjal, let him stay away from him. By Allah! A man will come to him, thinking himself a believer, but will follow him because of the doubts that his affair will raise.”
Beforehand, we mentioned the story of the young man whom the Dajjal will kill. This man will come to the Dajjal from Madinah. While the armed forces of the Dajjal are behind Mount Uhud, the young man will challenge him, publicly refuting his claim of being the Lord.
Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrated that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri said, “The Messenger of Allah  talked at length about the Dajjal. Among what he said to us was, ‘The Dajjal will come, but he is prohibited from entering through any pass of Madinah. He will camp close to some of the salt marshes on the outskirts of Madinah. On that day, the best man or one of the best men will come to him (from Madinah). He will say to him, ‘I testify that you are the Dajjal that the Messenger of Allah,  foretold.’ Then, the Dajjal will say, ‘Do you think that if I kill this (man) and then bring him back to life, you will doubt me (that he is the Lord)?’ They will say, ‘No.’ He will then kill him and bring him back to life. He (the young man) will then say, ‘By Allah! I was never more convinced about you than I am today.’
He (the Messenger  ) said, ‘The Dajjal wants to kill him, but he will be prevented from doing so.’”
Imam Muslim said that Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “The Dajjal will appear, and then a man from among the believers will come to him. He will be met by armed forces; the armed forces of the Dajjal. They will ask him, ‘Where are you headed?’ He will say, ‘I am heading to the one who has appeared.’ He (the Messenger  ) said, ‘They say to him, ‘Do you not believe in our lord (the Dajjal)?’ He will say, ‘Our Lord is Well-Known.’ They will say (to each other), ‘Kill him.’ Some of them will say to the others, ‘Did not your lord forbid you from killing anyone without his knowledge?’ He (the Messenger  ) then said, ‘They will take him to the Dajjal. When the believer sees him, he will say, ‘O people! This is the Dajjal whom the Messenger of Allah  mentioned.’ He (the Messenger  ) said, ‘Then, the Dajjal will command that he be laid on his stomach, saying, ‘Take him and smash his head.’ His back and stomach will be severely beaten.’ He (the Messenger ) said, ‘He will then say, ‘Do you not believe in me?’ He (the young man) will say, ‘You are the False Messiah.’ He (the Messenger  ) said, ‘He will order him to be cut by a saw from his forehead till he divides between his feet.’ He (the Messenger  ) then said, ‘Then, the Dajjal will walk between the two halves (of the young man's corpse). Then he will say to him, ‘Arise,’ and he will rise.’ He (the Messenger  ) said, ‘Then, he will ask him, ‘Do you not believe in me?’ He will say, ‘My certainty with about you has only increased.’ He (the Messenger  ) said, ‘Then he (the young man) will say, ‘O people! He will not be able to do this again to any of the people after me.’ He (the Messenger  ) then said, ‘Then, the Dajjal will take him to slaughter. From the collar-bone up, his entire neck will be turned into copper, so he will not be able to harm him.’ He (the Messenger  ) said, ‘Then he (the Dajjal) will grab him by the hands and feet throwing him into that which the people think is fire, but it is Paradise.’ Then, the Messenger of Allah  said, ‘Among people, this man is the one with the most honorable martyrdom according to the Lord of the Worlds.’”
These Hadiths explain the following Hadith reported by Imams Ahmad and Muslim from Abu Hurairah. He reported that the Messenger of Allah  said, “The Dajjal will appear from the east and will head to Madinah until he settles behind Mount Uhud. Then the Angels will turn his face towards As-Sham where he will perish.”
This Hadith explains the story of the Dajjal with a few words. He will perish in Ash-Sham by the hand of Jesus son of Mary  , as we will mention later.
A question may arise here, “Will there be signs before the Dajjal that will indicate his imminent appearance?” The answer is, “Certainly.”
A lengthy Hadith narrated by Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaimah, and ad-Dhiyaa’, attributed to Abu Umamah, reports that the Prophet of Allah  said, “There will be three hard years before the Dajjal (appears). During them, people will be stricken by a great famine. In the first year, Allah will command the sky to withhold a third of its rain, and the earth to withhold a third of its produce. In the second year, Allah will command the sky to withhold two thirds of its rain, and the earth to withhold two thirds of its produce. In the third year, Allah will command the sky to withhold all of its rain, and it will not rain a single drop of rain. He will command the earth to withhold all of its produce, and no plant will grow. All hoofed animals will perish, except that which Allah wills.’ He (the Messenger  ) was asked, ‘What sustains people during that time?’ He said, ‘tahlil, takbir and tahmid. This will sustain them just as food does.’”
Abdullah bin Umar narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “The fitnah of Al-Ahlas (continuous calamity) is mass desertion and war. Then, the fitnah of As-Sarraa will start from under the feet of a man who claims that he is of me (of my descendants). However, he is not of me, for my loyal friends are the ones who have taqwa. Afterwards, people will unite around a man whose reign is unstable. Then, the fitnah of Ad-Duhaymaa (will start) and will not leave any member of this nation without severely touching him. When it is thought that its time has come to an end, it will be lengthened. Meanwhile (during this fitnah), a man will wake up as a believer and will meet the night as a disbeliever, until people divide into two camps: A camp of belief that contains no hypocrisy, and a camp of hypocrisy that contains no belief. If this happens, then await the Dajjal on that day or the next.”
There are other signs to the imminent coming of the Dajjal. Mu’ath narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “The flourishing of Jerusalem will mark the desertion of Yathrib (Madinah). The desertion of Yathrib will mark the start of Al-Malhamah. The start of Al-Malhamah will mark the conquering of Constantinople. The conquering of Constantinople will mark the appearance of the Dajjal.”
The flourishing of Jerusalem will happen by the hands of Muslims, by the will of Allah, after it will be retrieved from the Jews.
The Holy Land will be the seat of the Caliphate because the Messenger of Allah  said to Ibn Hawalah, “O Ibn Hawalah! If you live to see the seat of the Caliphate in the Holy Land, then earthquakes, disasters and great calamities are imminent. Then, the Hour will be closer to people than this hand of mine to your head!”
Then, Muslims will migrate to Ash-Sham to join the Jihad against the enemies of Allah from among the Jews and Christians. People of Madinah will desert it, not because they dislike it, but for the purpose of joining the Jihad for the sake of Allah. Then, it will be totally uninhabited, wild animals and beasts will roam through it, and it will stay deserted until the Hour begins.
Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “Madinah will be deserted while in its prime! Then, it will be inhabited by birds and beasts.”
Also, the Messenger of Allah  said, “They (Muslims) will leave Madinah while in its prime. Only wild beasts and birds will roam it. The last persons to be gathered (for the beginning of the Last Day) will be two shepherds from (the tribe) of Muzainah heading towards Madinah. They will be herding their sheep, and (when they reach it) they will find it deserted. When they reach Thaniyyat Al-Wadaa’ they will collapse on their foreheads (because the Hour will have started then).”
Also, Abdullah bin `Amr said, “There will be a time among people when every believer will migrate to Ash-Sham.”
Destruction of the False Messiah
As was narrated in the Hadith by An-Nawwas bin Sam’an, the Dajjal will be killed at the hand of Jesus son of Mary.
The Dajjal’s death will occur after the angels turn him towards Ash-Sham away from the outskirts of Madinah. He will perish in Ash-Sham near the eastern door of Lud in Palestine, may Allah return it to the Muslims.
Before we start mentioning the second coming of Jesus son of Mary, we will mention the story of Al-Mahdi, Muhammad bin Abdullah.
Al-Mahdi will appear just before the coming of Jesus  . He will lead the Muslim nation with justice and kindness and establish Allah’s rule. A righteous Caliphate will reappear after the earth has experienced its share of injustice and tyranny. Jesus son of Mary, will pray behind him. Among Al-Mahdi’s characteristics is that he will spend money on his subjects without counting it, along with many of his other righteous deeds that were mentioned in several correct Hadiths.
Chapter Two
Al-Mahdi, Muhammad bin Abdullah
The Rightly Guided Caliph

All those who are gifted with sound comprehension know that the Mahdi, who the Shiites are waiting for, does not and did not exist. The Muslim nation has faced numerous hardships and calamities because of this mystical belief that the Shiites carry and propagate regarding this Mahdi.
In the Shiite mythology, believing in the Imams is a cornerstone of their faith. However, such mythology is similar to Greek and Persian mythology, as well as the beliefs of the other nations of Al-Jahiliyah.
The Sunnis believe that Al-Mahdi will be an ordinary man, born to an ordinary woman, raised by ordinary men and living an ordinary life with the people of his time. He will not live in caves, as the Shiites believe. They are waiting for their Mahdi to appear from an alleged cave, where they claim he has been in hiding for over ten centuries.
In reality, Al-Mahdi will be an Imam and a Caliph, among other Caliphs who rule Muslims with justice. However, what differentiates Al-Mahdi from other Caliphs is that he will meet Jesus son of Mary  .
Also, Jesus, the Prophet of Allah, will pray behind Al-Mahdi. Allah will give Al-Mahdi the ability to righteously rule the Muslim nation in the span of a night. He will fill the earth with justice, as it was filled with injustice. He will lead the Muslim nation to the second conquering of Constantinople and possibly Rome.
A Caliphate That Follows the Guidance of the Prophet r
The Prophet Muhammad  mentioned that just before the end of this world, the Muslim nation will be ruled by a Caliphate that will follow the guidance sent with the Messenger of Allah  .
Hudhaifah bin Al-Yaman reported that the Messenger of Allah  said, “Prophethood (meaning himself) will remain with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain, then Allah will raise it up whenever he wills to raise it up. Afterwards, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood remaining with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, He will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up. Afterwards, there will be a reign of violently oppressive rule and it will remain with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, there will be a reign of tyrannical rule and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, Allah will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up. Then, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood.” Then Hudhaifah said, “The Prophet stopped speaking.”
The reason behind mentioning this Hadith here is to state that Al-Mahdi will live in the last period of rightly guided Caliphs that the Messenger of Allah  mentioned.
In this Hadith, the Messenger of Allah divided the history of the Muslim nation into the following stages:
1. The reign of the Prophet Muhammad himself  .
2. A Caliphate that rules according to the guidance revealed to the Messenger of Allah  . This period is called the reign of the rightly guided Caliphs, starting with Abu Bakr, then Umar, then Uthman and ending with the murder of Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with them all. Some scholars included the short reign of Al-Hasan bin Ali, the grandson of the Messenger of Allah  . These are the thirty years which the Messenger of Allah  stated comprised the reign of the rightly guided Caliphs.
3. The reign of unjust rule. This reign contains some injustice to a varying degree between one king and another. This period started after Al-Hasan bin Ali and includes the Umayyad, Abbasid, Mamluks and until the fall of the Ottoman State in the twentieth century.
This period includes all states that ruled in the Muslim World during those centuries. However, we exclude the reign of those rulers whose rule was similar to the rule of the rightly guided Caliphs, such as the reign of Abdullah bin Az-Zubayr and Umar bin Abdul-Aziz. These two are considered among the just Caliphs from among the tribe of Quraish who ruled or will rule the Muslim nation.
4. The reign of the tyrannical rule. This period started in the end of the Ottoman state and continues. We ask Allah that He saves us from the evils of this period and that we witness its end soon.
This reign includes all the regimes that ruled the Muslim World, whether imperial, party oriented, governments controlled by the disbelievers, like those after World War I, populist or republic, which all sought to deprive Allah from His right as the Only Legislator in all matters of life and religion.
When the Messenger of Allah  mentioned the periods that this nation will experience, he categorized them according to the type of government, whether unjust, or that which follows the guidance of the Prophet, or autocratic and tyrannical, as we experience today.
5. The return of a Caliphate that rules following the guidance of the Prophet  . This period requires the Muslims to be prepared and strive for its imminent coming, by spreading the knowledge of the Book and the Sunnah and the way of our righteous ancestors, As-Salaf As-Salih. This is because nothing can resurrect this nation except that which resurrected its ancestors. Until this final period comes, the religion will become a stranger, the same way it started in Makkah, a stranger to its masters and slaves, the powerful and the weak, its women, and its children.
Those who will strive to establish this righteous period are those ghurabaa, strangers as the Messenger of Allah  called them, who will carry this religion with knowledge, sound comprehension and determination. They will willingly sacrifice their well-being, face hardships, and persecution, with patience and steadfastness. They will follow the advice of the Messenger of Allah  , when he said, “Therefore, hold fast to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided Caliphs, hold it between your front teeth! And beware of innovations (in the religion), for every innovation is a bid’ah, and every bid’ah is a deviation, and every deviation is in the Fire.”
The ghurabaa are the ones who, by the will of Allah, will correct that which people have altered and changed of the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah  after his departure from this earthly life. They will fight in the sake of Allah and dominate those who oppose them. They will be unrelenting even in the face of those who abandon or defy them, until Allah brings about His Decree (the Hour), while they are steadfast on this path. We ask Allah, the Praised and Ever-High One, that He grants us steadfastness on the path of His Messenger  and the path taken by the companions and those who followed their lead until the Day of Judgment.
The hadiths about al-Mahdi and the signs that he is rightly guided
There are several Hadiths about Al-Mahdi. Some of which are weak, but popular with some people. However, there are several authentic Hadiths, some hasan (accepted) and some sahih (authentic), as scholars of Hadith have agreed. The following are some of these authentic Hadiths regarding Al-Mahdi.
Umm Salamah, the wife of the Messenger of Allah  , narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “Al-Mahdi is from my family, a descendant of Fatimah.”
Also, Ibn Mas’ud narrated that the Prophet  said, “If even one day remain in this life, then Allah would lengthen that day until a man, from among my family is raised up. His name will be like my name and his father’s name will be like my father’s name. He will fill the earth with justice and fairness as it was filled with injustice and inequity.”
Also, Ali bin Abi Talib said that the Prophet  said, “If there was even one day left of life, then Allah would raise up a man from among my family who will fill it (the earth) with justice as it was filled with injustice.”
Ahmad, Abu Dawood and At-Tirmidhi narrated that Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Prophet  said, “Life will not end nor vanish until a man from among my family, whose name is like my name, rules.”
Therefore, Al-Mahdi is from the descendants of the Messenger of Allah  , from his family, and his name is Muhammad bin Abdullah. However, it is not entirely clear if he will be a descendant of Al-Hasan or Al-Husain. This is because the narrations which mention this matter are all weak. Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah suggested that Al-Mahdi is a descendant of Al-Hasan Ibn Ali, because he accepted a saying that was attributed to Ali bin Abi Talib. However, Muhammad Nasirud-Din Al-Albani rendered this narration weak in his edition of Mishkat-ul-Masabih.
As for his physical description, Abu Sa`id reported that the Messenger of Allah  said, as was correctly narrated by Abu Dawood and Al-Hakim, “Al-Mahdi will come from me (my lineage). His forehead is wide and his nose is long, thin and pointed. He will fill the earth with justice and equity as it was filled with injustice and inequity. He will rule for seven years.” This Hadith specified that Al-Mahdi’s rule will last for seven years.
Also, Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “The earth will be filled with inequity and injustice. When it is full of inequity and injustice, Allah will raise up a man from me, his name is like mine and his father’s name is like my father’s. He will fill it (the earth) with justice and equity. He will stay with you seven or eight (years). If he stays longer, it will be nine.”
Upon his second coming, Jesus will pray behind Al-Mahdi. Bukhari and Muslim narrated that Abu Hurairah said that the Messenger of Allah  said, “How will you be when the son of Mary descends to you and your Imam is from among you?”
Also, Abu Na’im recorded an authentic sanad to Abu Sa`id that said that the Messenger of Allah  said, “Among us is the one whom Jesus son of Mary, will pray behind.”
Imam Muslim recorded that Jabir bin Abdullah said that he heard the Messenger of Allah  saying, “A group of my nation will fight while holding fast to the Truth remaining victorious till the Day of Judgment.” Then, the Messenger said, “Then Jesus son of Mary,  will descend. Their leader will say, ‘Come lead us in prayer.’ He will say, ‘No. Some of you are leaders of others as an honor from Allah for this nation.’”
Al-Mahdi is the one whom we believe the following Hadith refers to; “Among the last of my nation, there will be a Caliph who will give away money by the handful and will not count it.” This is part of a Hadith that Imam Muslim recorded in his Sahih.
In another narration of this Hadith, the Messenger of Allah  said, “From among your Caliphs is a Caliph who will give away money by the handfuls and will not count it.”.
These Hadiths only serve to show that wars between Muslims and their enemies will be many. Also, these Hadiths show that Muslim victories over the disbelievers and as a consequence, war possessions, will be in abundance during that time.
As for the appearance of Al-Mahdi, it will happen after Allah prepares him to lead this nation, as the Messenger of Allah  said, “Al-Mahdi is among us, Ahlu Al-Bayt (the family of the Prophet  ). Allah will prepare him (for leadership) overnight.” This Hadith means that Allah prepares Al-Mahdi to lead this nation overnight, and Allah has the perfect Knowledge.
The Messenger of Allah  described Al-Mahdi as being righteous, by saying, “And their Imam is a righteous man...”
After Allah  prepares Al-Mahdi for leadership, leaders of that time will try to kill him. Al-Mahdi will escape and take refuge in Makkah, along with some of his loyalists, having no credible force, neither in terms of numbers nor arms. An army will be sent after him to kill him. This fact was reported by Imam Muslim, when he narrated that Umm Salamah said, “The Messenger of Allah  said, ‘A refugee will seek refuge in Al-Bayt (the Grand Mosque in Makkah). An army will be sent after him until they reach Al-Baydaa, when the earth will collapse underneath of them.’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! How about he who disliked (going after him)?’ He said, ‘The earth will collapse underneath of them, but he will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment according to his real intention.’”
Also, Imam Muslim reported that Hafsah heard the Messenger of Allah  saying, “An invading army will head towards Al-Bayt. When they reach Al-Baydaa, the earth will collapse underneath of their mid-line forces. Their front lines will call to those in the rear. Then the earth will collapse underneath of them. None will remain except some survivors who will tell about their fate.” In another narration of this Hadith, Hafsah reported that the Messenger of Allah  said, “A group of refugees, who have no credible forces in terms of numbers or arms will take refuge in this House and an army will be sent after them. When they reach Al-Baydaa, The earth will collapse underneath of them.”
Also, Imam Muslim reported that Aaishah said, “The Messenger of Allah  moved in an unusual manner during his sleep. We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! You did something in your sleep that we never saw you do before.’ He said, ‘A strange thing indeed is the fact that some of my nation will head towards Al-Bayt, where a man from Quraish will take refuge in the House. When they reach a Al-Baydaa, the earth will collapse underneath of them. We said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! The road gathers various kinds of people.’ He said, ‘Yes, indeed. Among them will be those who seek directions (to Makkah), those who are forced, and the wayfarers. However, they will all perish and will be resurrected apart, for Allah will resurrect them according to their intentions.’”
Also, Umm Salamah said that the Prophet  said, “A group of my nation will perish due to a collapse of the earth. They will be sent to (kill) a man who will come to Makkah, but Allah will give him refuge from them. The earth will collapse underneath of them. Even though they will all perish together, they will be resurrected apart because some of them will hate (to go after Al-Mahdi to kill him), but will be forced to join them (the army).”
Also, the wife of Al-Qa’qaa’ bin Abi Hadrad Al-Aslami said that she heard the Messenger of Allah  say, “O people! When you hear of an army that perished by the earth’s collapsing nearby here, then the Hour is imminent.”
These Hadiths state that an army will be sent after Al-Mahdi, who will take refuge in the House along with some of the believers who follow him. This army will perish in Al-Baydaa, a flat piece of land next to Madinah facing Makkah's direction.
Afterwards, Al-Mahdi will be given a pledge of allegiance as a Caliph for Muslims. He will lead Muslims to many battles in jihad. His reign will be a Caliphate that will follow the guidance of the Prophet and many battles will ensue between Muslims and the disbelievers during his time, until Allah sends down Jesus son of Mary  .
It is during Al-Mahdi’s reign that the second conquering of Constantinople (Istanbul) will occur, just before the appearance of Al-Masih Al-Dajjal and the second coming of Jesus  .
Yusayr bin Jabir said, “A red sandstorm erupted in the city of Al-Kufah. Afterwards, a man came shouting and repeating the same words, ‘O Abdullah bin Mas’ud! The Hour has come.” He (Yusayr) then said that he sat up after he was leaning (on his side) and said, ‘The Hour will not arrive until no inheritance will be divided and no war possessions will bring about satisfaction.’ He pointed with his hand towards Ash-Sham saying, ‘An enemy will gather its forces against the followers of Islam.’ I said, ‘Do you mean Ar-Rum?’ He said, ‘Yes. Then, during this war, fierce fighting will occur. Muslims will ask for a volunteer expedition that will vie to die or return victorious. They will fight until the night separates between them. Both sides will return to their camps not yet victorious and the expedition will perish. Muslims will then (in the second day) ask for a volunteer expedition that will vie to die or return victorious. They will fight until the night separates between them. Both sides will return to their camps not yet victorious and the expedition will perish. Then, (in the third day) Muslims will ask for a volunteer expedition that will vie to die or return victorious. They will fight until the night and both sides will return to their camps not yet victorious and the expedition will perish. In the fourth day, the rest of the Muslim forces will all stand up against them (the disbelievers) and Allah will defeat them (the disbelievers). They will suffer casualties never heard of before...’ or he said, ‘Never seen before, even birds flying near them will not pass without falling down dead. Afterwards, sons of the same father (from the Muslims side), who were near a hundred, will count the survivors and will find out that only one of them survived. Therefore, what war possessions will bring satisfaction and what inheritance will be divided? While they are doing this they will hear of an even a bigger calamity; that is, a man will scream amongst them that the Dajjal has appeared among their families whom they left behind. They will discard what they have in their hands and proceed. They will send ten horsemen as an expedition force. The Messenger of Allah  said, ‘I know their names and their fathers names and the colors of their horses. They will be the best horsemen on the face of earth,’ or (he said) ‘(They) will be among the best horsemen on the face of earth.’”
Also, Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “The Hour will not begin until after Ar-Rum camp in Al-A’amaq or Dabiq. Then, an army from Madinah, among the most righteous people on earth those days, will head their way. When the two camps face each other, Ar-Rum will say, ‘Let us get through to those who captured some of us, so we can fight them.’ The Muslims will say, ‘No, by Allah! We will never let you get through to our brothers.’ They will fight them and a third of the (Muslim army) will run away, they are those whom Allah will never forgive. Another third will be martyred, they are the best martyrs in the sight of Allah. The (last) third will be victorious and they will never fall to fitnah. They will conquer Constantinople. Afterwards, while they are dividing the war possessions and hanging their swords on olive trees, Satan will shout among them, ‘The (False) Messiah has appeared among your families.’ They will head back home to face him. Although, this warning will be False, when they reach Ash-Sham, he will appear. While they are preparing to fight, straightening their lines, the prayer will be called for and Jesus son of Mary, will descend and rule them. When the enemy of Allah (the Dajjal) sees him, he will dissolve, just as salt dissolves in water. If he was left alone, he would dissolve until he perished. However, Allah kills him by his (Jesus’) hand and he will show them (the Muslims) his blood on his spear.’”
This Hadith mentioned that Jesus  will lead the Muslim Nation. In another narration of this Hadith, Muslim reported Abu Hurairah saying, “And he (Jesus) will rule you by the Book of your Lord (Al-Qur’an) and the Sunnah of your Prophet ( ).”
This narration clearly states that Jesus will rule the Muslims by the Qur’an and the Sunnah and not by the Law that he delivered to the Children of Israel.
Before the war between Ar-Rum and the Muslims erupts, there will be a truce between them. Then, Ar-Rum will treacherously break the truce and come to face the Muslims with eighty divisions, each division comprising of ten thousand, and in another narration “... twelve thousand soldiers.” This is when Al-Malhamah will start and when the Muslims will defeat Ar-Rum.
Abu Dawood reported that one of the companions of the Prophet  said that the Messenger of Allah  said, “You will conduct a truce with Ar-Rum and will join them in fighting an enemy behind you. You will (both) be victorious and divide war possessions and will be safe. You will head back until you camp at Marj Thi Tuloul. Then, a Christian man will raise the cross and shout, ‘The cross has won victory.’ A Muslim man will become angry and kill him. This is when Ar-Rum will show their treachery and gather for Al-Malhamah.’”
Also, Ahmad, Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibban reported that the Messenger of Allah  said, “You will conduct a truce with Ar-Rum and both invade an enemy from behind you and you will be safe, acquiring war possessions. Then, you will camp by Marj Thi Tuloul. A Rumi man will stand up, and raise the cross saying, ‘The cross has won victory!’ A man from among the Muslims will stand up and kill him. Ar-Rum will break the truce, and Al-Malahim will start. They will gather their forces to face you and come in eighty divisions, each division having ten thousand (soldiers).’” In another narration, Abu Malik Al-Ashja’i said that the Messenger  said, “There will be a truce between you and the blond ones (Ar-Rum) and they will break the truce. Then, they will come to you in eighty divisions, with each division twelve thousand (soldiers).”
During Al-Malhamah, the Muslim’s fustat will be docked at Al-Ghoutah, an area that surrounds the city of Damascus. Al-fustat is the main camping ground for the army.
Abu Ad-Dardaa narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “The Muslims’ fustat, during Al-Malhamah, is near a city called Damascus, one of the best cities in Ash-Sham.”
In another narration he ( ) said, “The Muslims’ fustat during the Great Malhamah is in a land called Al-Ghoutah, in a city called Damascus, the best of where Muslims reside then.”
This is where Muslims from Ash-Sham, the Arabian Peninsula and other Muslim areas will gather to fight against Allah’s enemies. All these Muslims, including mawali will be united on the religion of Allah fighting with their brethren for the sake of Allah.
Ibn Majah reported that Abu Hurairah said that the Messenger of Allah  said, “When the fights begin Allah will send mawali who will have the best horses among the Arabs, and best arms. Allah will make the religion victorious through them.” We ask Allah that he unites this ummah and raise the jahiliyah and the differences from it.
Allah will grant victory for Muslims at Al-Malhamah and they will conquer Constantinople without using weapons to enter it.
The Messenger of Allah  said, “Have you heard of a city that is surrounded by land from one side and by sea from the other?” They said, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah.” He said, “The Hour will not begin until seventy thousand offspring of Ishmael invade it. When they reach it, they will camp without having had to use a weapon or throw an arrow in fighting. They will say, ‘La Ilaha illa Allah wa-Allahu Akbar.’ Then, one of its sides (the city wall) that is next to the sea will collapse. They will say for the second time, ‘La Ilaha illa Allah wa-Allahu Akbar,’ and the second side (the wall that is next to the land) will collapse. They will say for the third time, ‘La Ilaha illa Allah wa-Allahu Akbar,’ and there will be sufficient holes (in its walls) through which they will enter and collect war possessions. While they are dividing the war possessions, a heralder will come to them, saying, ‘The Dajjal has appeared.’ Then, they will discard everything and return (to Ash-Sham).”
Muslims’ Victories Before the Dajjal's Appearance
Jabir bin Samurah narrated, “Nafi’ bin ‘Utbah said, ‘We were accompanying the Messenger of Allah  to a battle.’ Then, he (Nafi’) said, ‘Then, some people from the west (of Madinah) came to the Prophet wearing clothes made of wool and they met him next to a mound. They were standing while the Messenger of Allah  was sitting.’ He (Nafi’) then said, ‘So I told myself, “Let me come closer to them and stand between them and him so that they will not assassinate him.” He (Nafi’) then said, ‘(Then, I said to myself) “They may be having a conversation with him.” However, I came close by and stood between them and him.’ He (Nafi’) then said, ‘And then I memorized four sentences from him, and I can count them with my hand. He said, “You will invade the Arabian Peninsula and Allah will grant it (to you). Then (you will conquer) Persia and Allah will grant it (to you). Then, you will invade Ar-Rum and Allah will grant it (to you). Then, you will invade The Dajjal and Allah will grant him (to you).” Nafi’ said to Jabir, “O Jabir! We do not believe that the Dajjal will appear until Ar-Rum is conquered.”
The land of Ar-Rum is Europe and Rome is its heart. The Messenger of Allah gave us the good tidings that we will conquer Rome, the capital of Christendom today, after the Muslims conquered the first capital of Christendom, Constantinople.
Imam Ahmad narrated that Abdullah bin `Amr bin Al-Aas said, “While we were around the Messenger of Allah, writing (the Hadith) the Messenger of Allah  was asked, ‘Which of these two cities will be conquered first, Constantinople or Romiyah (Rome)?’ He said, ‘The city of Heraclius will first be conquered.’ He meant Constantinople.”
Chapter Three
Jesus son of Mary 

Allah  refuted the Jews in their claim that they crucified Prophet Jesus son of Mary, saying,
 And their saying; “We killed the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah” but they did not kill him, nor crucified him, rather it appeared to them so. And those who differ about it are full of doubts and they have no knowledge about it except that they follow conjecture. For a surety they did not kill him. But Allah raised him up to Himself. And Allah is ever All-Powerful, All-Wise. [4:157-158],
 And when Allah said, “O Jesus! I am taking you and raising you to Myself and clearing you of those who disbelieve...” [3:55].
Therefore, Jesus  was neither killed nor crucified and he will come to this earth for a second time to fight the disbelievers and force them to accept Islam. Some of the People of the Book will believe in him, as Allah  said,
 And there is none of the people of the Scripture, but must believe in him before his death And on the Day of Resurrection, he will be a witness against them. [4:159].
We mentioned the Hadith by An-Nawwas bin Sam’an reporting that Jesus son of Mary, will descend next to the white minaret in eastern Damascus. The same Hadith also mentions that any disbeliever whom Jesus’ breath reaches will perish and his breath reaches as far as his sight reaches. We also mentioned that the Dajjal will be killed by the hand of Jesus  .
We will now mentioned Jesus’ physical description and his work during his second coming to earth.
Ibn Abbas narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “During the Night of Al-Israa, I passed by Moses son of Imraan  , and I saw that he has dark brown skin, he was tall with curly hair and he looked just like one of the men of Shanoo’ah. And I saw Jesus son of Mary; he was well-built, (and the color of his skin was) between red and white and his hair was soft.”
Also, Imam Muslim reported that the Messenger of Allah said, “The Prophets were paraded for me (during the Night of Al-Israa) and I found that Moses was a man who looks just like the men of Shanoo’ah. I also saw Jesus son of Mary  and found that the one who resembles him the most is Urwah bin Mas’ud. He was well-built, his color was red as if he has just been to a bath.”
Abdullah bin Umar narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, “One night I saw myself in the Ka’bah and I saw a light colored man, as beautiful as a light color in men can be, with his hair reaching the ears as beautiful as any hair can be. He combed it and it was dripping water. He was leaning on two men -- or on the shoulders of two men-- circling the Ka’bah. I asked, ‘Who is this?’ I was told, ‘This is the Messiah, son of Mary...’”
Also, Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “There was no Prophet between me and Jesus and he will descend, and if he does, know him. He is a well-built man, (the color of his skin ) between red and white. He will descend while wearing two pieces of clothes. His head looks like it is dripping even though no moisture touched it. He will fight people to accept Islam, breaking the cross, killing the pig and banishing Al-Jizyah. During his time, Allah will destroy all religions except Islam and destroy Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal. He (Jesus) will remain for forty years on earth, then when he dies the Muslims will pray for him.”
The Messenger of Allah described the time when Jesus descends, his work and the situation of Muslims then. He said, “And their Imam is a righteous man. While their Imam has moved forward to lead them in the dawn prayer, Jesus son of Mary, will descend to them in the morning. That Imam will step back so that Jesus can move forward. However, Jesus will lay his hand between his shoulders and then say to him, ‘Move forward and pray for the prayer was called for you (to lead)’. Their Imam will lead the prayer for them. When he goes, Jesus will say, ‘Open the gate,’ and they will open while the Dajjal, along with seventy thousand Jews all wearing beautified swords and sheaths, will be behind it. When the Dajjal looks at him he will dissolve as salt dissolves in water and will start running away. (Jesus will follow him and) will catch him close to the eastern gate of Lud and kill him. Then, Allah will defeat the Jews, they will not find refuge under anything that Allah created. Everything, whether a stone, tree, wall or animal - except the boxthorn tree - because it is one of their trees, will be made by Allah to speak, saying, ‘O Slave of Allah, O Muslim! Here is a Jew, come and kill him.’ Jesus son of Mary will be a just ruler and a fair Imam, breaking the cross, killing the pig, banishing charity, and as a result no sheep or camel will be taken care of. All disputes and hatred will vanish and all (animals) which are dangerous will become harmless. Even a male baby will pet a snake and it will not harm him. A female baby will harm a lion, but the lion will not harm her. The wolf will be like the guard dog for the sheep. The earth will be full of peace, as a pot is filled with water. The word will be one, and only Allah will be worshipped. War will cease and Quraish will be rid of its rule. The earth will be just like a pot of silver, and its greens will grow as they did during Adam’s time. Even a group (of people) will gather around a cluster of grapes and it will provide them with their fill. And a group will gather around a pomegranate, and it will provide them with their fill. The bull will be worth such and such, and the horse will be worth a few dirhams.”
Also, Al-Bukhari, Muslim, Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah narrated that Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet  said, “By Him Whose Hand my soul is in! It is almost the time when the son of Mary descends to you, he will be a just ruler and a fair Imam. He will break the cross, kill the pig, banish Al-Jizyah, and money will be in such abundance that no one will accept it anymore. Then, one sajdah will be better than the earth and all that is in it.”
The Messenger of Allah  said that Jesus will perform Hajj to the Holy House in Makkah. The Prophet  said, “By Him Whose Hand my soul is in! From Fajj Ar-Rawhaa, Jesus son of Mary will announce that he will perform Hajj, Umrah or both.”
Also, the Messenger of Allah  described life during the second coming of Jesus  saying, “Blessed is the life after Jesus. The sky will be given permission to send its rain and the earth will grow its produce until if you even throw your seeds on hard stones, they will still grow! A man will even pass by a lion and it will not harm him and step on a snake and it will not harm him. Then, there will be no enmity, envy or hatred.”
The Messenger of Allah  gave the glad tidings to those who will fight with Jesus. This group is the remainder of At-Ta’ifatul-Mansoorah that will always raise the flag of Islam first raised by the Prophet  and his Companions.
The Prophet  said, “Allah has given immunity from the Fire for two groups among my nation: a group that will invade India and a group that will be with Jesus son of Mary.”
Also, the Messenger of Allah  said, “There will always be a group of my nation, fighting on the side of righteousness, victorious over all who defy them until the last of them fight Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal.”
We end our research about the Messenger of Allah, Jesus, the son of Mary  by mentioning the following Hadith.
Abdullah bin `Amr bin Al-’Aas said, “The Messenger of Allah  said, ‘The Dajjal will appear in my nation and will remain for forty (days). Then Allah will send down Jesus son of Mary, looking just like Urwah bin Mas’ud to seek him (the Dajjal) and kill him. Afterwards, people will remain for seven years with no enmity between any two people. Allah will send a cool wind from Ash-Sham that will leave no man who has even the weight of an atom of righteousness or faith, but take (his soul). Even if one of you is in the middle of a mountain, it will reach him in it and will take (his soul).’ Then he said, ‘Only the most evil people will remain. They will be as light as birds, having the comprehension of beasts. They will not know or enjoin righteousness, nor forbid or know evil.’”

Chapter Four
Gog and Magog

Allah  mentioned in the Qur’an the story of Gog and Magog, who are held behind a dam,
 Until, when Gog and Magog are released and they swiftly swarm from every mound. And the True Promise shall draw near [21:96-97].
Also, the Prophet  said, “Gog and Magog dig holes in the dam every day until they are almost able to see sunlight, when their leader says to them, ‘Go back! You will dig it tomorrow.’ However, Allah rebuilds it stronger than it was before. When they reach their destined time and Allah ordains to send them upon people, they will come (and dig the dam) until they are able to see the sunlight. Then, their leader will say, ‘Go back! You will dig it tomorrow, Allah willing.’ They will say, ‘Allah willing.’ They will return and find it (unchanged), as they left it (the day) before and they dig it and emerge upon mankind. They will drink the water and people will seek refuge from them in their forts. They will hurl their spears toward the sky; they will return with what appears to be dry blood on them and they will say, ‘We overpowered the people of earth and dominated inhabitants of the sky.’ then Allah will send An-Naghaf to their necks which will kill them. By Him Whose Hand my soul is in! The animals of earth will fatten and become bloated with milk from their meat and blood.’”
Gog and Magog will pass by the Sea of Galilee and will drink all of its water, as reported in the Hadith of An-Nawwas bin Sam’an which we mentioned previously. Also, we mentioned that Allah will reveal to His Prophet Jesus  son of Mary to gather the believers at Mount At-Tur because no human can defeat Gog and Magog. Then Allah will cause them all to perish by the worms that will appear on the back of their necks, and they will die as easily and quickly as if they were one soul dying.
Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “Gog and Magog will be release upon mankind just as Allah  said,
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 And they swiftly swarm from every mound.
They will overwhelm the people. The Muslims will have to seek refuge in their cities and forts along with their cattle. Gog and Magog will drink the water of the earth. Some of them will even pass by a river and drink it all until they leave it dry. Whoever is behind them will pass by the river and say, ‘There was water here once!’ There will be no one left but he will seek refuge in a fort or city. One of them will say, ‘Those are the people of the earth, we are finished with them. Only the inhabitants of the sky remain!’
Then one of them will shake his spear and throw it at the sky and it will return bloody. (All of this will serve as a) test and fitnah (for mankind). While they are doing this, Allah will send creatures like locust worms which will attach to their necks, until they die the death of locusts, piled upon one another. In the morning the Muslims will not hear a sound from them. Therefore, Muslims will say, ‘Will a man sell himself (for the sake of Allah) and see what happened to them.’ Then a man from them goes down being sure that they will kill him. He will find them dead and piled on top of each other. He will shout to the Muslims, ‘Good news! Your enemy was destroyed.’ Then the people will come out and release their cattle. There will be nothing to graze upon but their corpses. They will become fatter from them than they ever did from eating any plant.’”
We also mentioned the Hadith by An-Nawwas bin Sam’an that narrated that the Prophet  said, “Afterwards, Jesus the Prophet of Allah will come down with his companions to the low grounds. They will find that no space of a hand-span is saved from their fat and rot (rotten corpses). Jesus the Prophet of Allah and his companions will supplicate to Allah. So, Allah will send birds as large as the necks of camels, which will carry them (corpses of Gog and Magog) and will throw them wherever Allah wills. Then, Allah will send rain that no house made of mud (or bricks) or animal hair will be saved from, cleansing the earth until it makes it like a mirror. The earth will be commanded, ‘Produce your fruits and retrieve your blessing.”
This is the time that the Prophet  praised by saying, “Blessed is the life after the Messiah.”
Also, the Messenger of Allah  described Gog and Magog’s numbers, when he said, “For seven years Muslims will build fires with Gog and Magog’s bows and arrows.”

Chapter Five
Other Major Signs of the Last Hour

The Hadith by An-Nawwas bin Sam’an reported that a pure, cool wind will overcome the earth and capture the soul of every believer and Muslim. Afterwards, only evil people will remain on the earth and indulging in all types of mischief, including public sexual intercourse. Just before the coming of this wind, the sun will rise from the west; a beast that will be raised from earth will speak directly to the people; the Qur’an will be erased from books and from people’s hearts; the Law of Islam will be totally abandoned and smoke will engulf the earth. The last of these signs is a fire which originates in lower Aden, a place in Yemen. This fire will herd the people from east to west, to their gathering grounds in Ash-Sham, constantly remaining with them until they reach their final destination.
The Hadiths do not give more details about the three great tremors that cause the earth to collapse, except for the tremor near Madinah that will devour the army heading toward Makkah to kill Al-Mahdi. This may be one of the three tremors. However, Allah has the best Knowledge.
Hudhaifah bin Usaid Al-Ghifari said, “The Messenger of Allah  passed by us while we were having a conversation and he said, ‘What are you talking about?’ They said, ‘We are talking about the Hour.’ He said, ‘It will not come until you witness ten signs beforehand.’ Then, he mentioned ad-Dukhan (the Smoke); the Dajjal; the beast; the rising of the sun from the west; the descent of Jesus son of Mary  ; three tremors; one in the east, one in the west, and one in the Arabian Peninsula. The last is a fire that will rage from Yemen herding people to their final gathering ground.”
Rising of the Sun From the West
Allah  said,
 Are they waiting for the Angles to arrive for them or your Lord to arrive or some of your Lord’s signs. On the day that some of your Lord’s signs come it will not avail a person to believe if he did not believe before nor earned good through his faith. Say, ‘Wait, we are too waiting [6:158].
Imam Muslim reported that Abu Tharr said, “One day, the Prophet  said, ‘Do you know where this sun goes?’ They said, ‘Allah and His Messenger have more knowledge.’ He said, ‘It goes until it reaches its fixed course under the Throne and bows down in sujud and continues doing this until it is told, “Rise up! Go back from where you came.” It go back and rises up in the morning from where it usually rises. Then, while people do not suspect anything, it will run until it reaches its fixed course under the Throne. It will be told, “Rise up! Rise from where you have set.” So it will rise from the west.’ Then, the Messenger of Allah said, ‘Do you know when this will happen? This will happen when no soul will benefit from its belief, unless it believed beforehand and gained any good from its belief.’”
Door to Forgiveness is Open till the Sun Rises From the West
Safwan bin `Assal reported that the Messenger of Allah  said, “There is an open door, as wide as seventy years, where the sun sets. This door will still be open for forgiveness until the sun rises from where it sets. When it rises from there, no soul will benefit from its belief, unless it believed beforehand and gained any good from its belief.”
Also, Abu Hurairah said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah  saying, ‘The Hour will not start until the sun rises from where it sets. When it rises from where it sets, and people witness this, they will all believe. However, that is the time when no soul will benefit from its belief, unless it believed beforehand or gained any good from its belief.’”
The Beast
Allah  said,
 And when the Sentence is passed against them, We shall bring forth to them from the earth a Beast which will tell them that mankind had no faith in Our signs [27:82]
Abdullah bin Umar said, “I memorized a Hadith from the Messenger of Allah  that I have not forgotten. I heard the Messenger of Allah  saying, ‘The first of the signs that will come is the rising of the sun from where it sets and the emergence of the Beast upon the people at early morning. Whichever of these two occurs before the other, then the other is right behind it.’”
This Beast will emerge from the earth stamping people on their noses, (what reads); “... this is a believer and this is a disbeliever.”
Until the pure, cool wind comes and takes the soul of every believer and Muslim.
The Messenger of Allah  said, “The Beast will emerge and stamp people on their noses. Then, she will remain with you until a man buys an animal and when asked, ‘Whom did you buy it from?’ He replies, ‘From a stamped man.’”
The Gathering Fire
The Fire that herds mankind for the Day of Judgment is the last of the ten major signs of the Hour. This fire will originate in Yemen, from lower Aden, and will herd people, “Camping where they camp and resting when they rest.”
Before the raging Fire and the pure, cool wind come, “Islam will vanish just as the patterns on a dress vanish. Until no fasting, no prayer, no sacrificing nor charity are known. The Book of Allah will be erased overnight and no verse of it will remain on earth. Groups of old people, old men and women, will be saying, ‘We found our fathers on this word, “La Ilaha illa Allah”, so we say it.’”
However, after the pure, cool wind captures the souls of believers and Muslims, people will revert to worshipping idols and statues, just as their ancestors did during the time of jahiliyyah.
Imam Muslim reported that Aaishah said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah  say, ‘The Day and night will not end until Al-Lat and Al-Uzza are worshipped again!’ I said, ‘O Messenger of Allah! I thought that when Allah revealed,
 It is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to make it superior over all religions even though the polytheists hate it,
its dominance would be permanent?’ He said, ‘This will happen as long as Allah wills, then He will send a pure wind which will bring death to whoever has the weight of a mustard seed of Iman in his heart. Afterwards, only those who have no righteousness will remain and they will revert to the religion of their ancestors’”
Also, Abu Hurairah narrated that the Messenger of Allah  said, “The Hour will not begin until the women of Daws shake their rear ends around Thi Al-Khalasah.”
The Smoke
Who Will Witness the Hour?
The Hour will be witnessed by those who know no righteousness or belief. Allah has ordained that it will not begin while any believer exists on the earth. This is why it will start with those who are pure evil, those who neither know good nor forbid evil, those who do not know good or enjoining righteousness.
The Messenger of Allah  said, “The Hour will not begin except upon the most evil among creation.”
Also, He  said, “The Hour will not begin until no one will say, ‘Allah, Allah.’” Meaning no one will say, “La Ilaha illa Allah”, as narrated in an authentic Hadith recorded by Imam Ahmad.
Also, the Messenger of Allah  said, “The Hour will start while a man is milking an ewe. However, the pot (of milk) will not reach his mouth until it begins. Two men indulging in the sale and purchase of a dress - they will not finish their transaction, but it will begin. A man will be making his trough (for his cattle) and will be unable to bring them to drink, but it will begin.”
Think of how forgetful people are about the major hardships of the Last Hour and the Day of Resurrection, while the Messenger of Allah  said, “How can I live in comfort, when the Bearer of the Trumpet has place it in his mouth, lowering his forehead, listening attentively, waiting to be ordered to blow it, so he can blow?” The Muslims said, “O Messenger of Allah! What should we say?” He said, “Say, Hasbuna Allahu wa ni’ma al-Wakil, tawakkalna 'ala Allah rabbina.”
In another Hadith, the Messenger of Allah  said, “Ever since he was given his duties, the sight of the Trumpet Bearer is ready and raised toward the Throne, for fear that if he loses his focus, he will be ordered (to blow in the Trumpet). His eyes are like two bright planets.”
We say, “Hasbuna Allahu wa ni`ma al-Wakil.” All our dependence is on Allah, our Lord.
We ask Allah to grant us safety and security from the horrors of the Biggest Day of Horror,
 The Day when neither wealth nor sons will avail. Except for he who comes to Allah with a clean heart [26:88-89].

02-22-2009, 01:43 AM
Some signs but not enough for the Maahdi to come. Could one of us even be the maahdi?

02-23-2009, 01:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yanal
Some signs but not enough for the Maahdi to come. Could one of us even be the maahdi?

What remains is:

- the end of World War III

- The battle of the Euphrates

- The appearance of the Sufyaani

02-23-2009, 01:31 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yanal
Could one of us even be the maahdi?
I dont think that I'm the Mahdi...:shade:

Well... we have to wait for Jesus to return first to know who's the Mahdi...

02-23-2009, 08:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by north_malaysian
I dont think that I'm the Mahdi...:shade:

Well... we have to wait for Jesus to return first to know who's the Mahdi...
Well, the Mahdi fills the earth with equity and justice when it would be filled with tyranny, oppression and injustice, and rules as the Caliph. If someone accomplishes this task, they would be the Mahdi. The appearance of the Mahdi = the re-establishment of the Rashidun Caliphate, and the re-establishment of the Rashidun Caliphate = the appearance of the Mahdi:

Hudhayfah son of Al-Yaman reported that the Messenger of Allah sallalluhu 'alayhi wa sallam said,

"Prophethood (meaning himself) will remain with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain, then Allah will raise it up whenever he wills to raise it up. Afterwards, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood remaining with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, he will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up. Afterwards, there will be a reign of oppressive (The reign of Muslim kings who are partially unjust) rule and it will remain with you for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, there will be a reign of tyrannical rule and it will remain for as long as Allah wills it to remain. Then, Allah will raise it up whenever He wills to raise it up. Then, there will be a Caliphate that follows the guidance of Prophethood." Then Hudhayfah said, "The Prophet stopped speaking."

(As-Sililah As Sahihah, vol. 1, no. 5. The same hadith without any change of a word is also narrated by Hadrat Nauman Ibn-e-Basheer Radiyallaho Anhu in Musnad-e-Ahmad Ibn-e-Hanbal.)

The 5th phase of Muslim rule, the Caliphate that follows the tyrannical rule, refers to the Mahdi. This is established by the fact that that other hadeeths, state that the Mahdi would fill the Earth with equity and justice, as it was once filled with tyranny, oppression, and injustice. The rule of "tyranny, oppression, and injustice" is consistent with the 4th phase of "tyrannical rule", mentioned in this hadeeth.

It is also further confirmed in this hadith:

Reported by Jabir, son of Majid As Sadafi:

The Prophet, upon whom be blessings and peace, said: "After me there will be caliphs, and after the caliphs, princes and after princes, kings, and after kings, tyrants. Then, a man from the Family of my House will come and fill the earth with justice just as it had been filled with transgression. Then, the Prince after him is the Qahtaani and by He who sent me with the Truth he is not lesser than him."

(At-Tabarani (in his large dictionary), Ibn Mandah, Abu Nuaym and Ibn Asakir.)

The appearance of Prophet 'Eyssa isn't a necessity for the Mahdi to be the Mahdi. Some in fact say that Prophet 'Eyssa and the Mahdi do not appear in the same time period.

02-23-2009, 11:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude

Interesting clip on this topic. Can't say anything about the truthness of it all, though...
Interesting. I always thought that individual would be the Khidr. Unless of course, there are two different individuals who do this.

If what he says is true, and if the story is to be believed, then within the next 20-30 years or so, a lot is going to happen. Of course, we already knew that anyway, but this just further confirms it.

Based on narrations, which I've read (and are on my website), from beginning to the end of the Mahdi's mission, would be 40 years, the last 20 of which he would be the Caliph, the last 7 of which he would rule the entire world with equity and justice, with Prophet 'Eyssa to help and succeed him in doing so.

02-24-2009, 12:14 AM
video was removed, what did it say:?

we have to be careful when dealing with the ahadeeth dealing with the mahdi not to take from shiite sources, unfortunately they have contorted too much of it to their own ends, and thus made them unreliable.

and the mahdi is going to be born and dies, the khidr was a prophet at the time of Moses, whom some shiites and sufis claim to be alive for thousands of years even untill today!!

02-24-2009, 03:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by alcurad
video was removed, what did it say:?
Basically, a baby was born that said it would be the one mentioned in ahadith, who would oppose the Dajjal.

we have to be careful when dealing with the ahadeeth dealing with the mahdi not to take from shiite sources, unfortunately they have contorted too much of it to their own ends, and thus made them unreliable.
The Shiites believe that the Mahdi was born 1200 years ago, and is currently in occultation. That, and a few other bizarre stories about the Mahdi, are what their leaders have contorted regarding him.

and the mahdi is going to be born and dies, the khidr was a prophet at the time of Moses, whom some shiites and sufis claim to be alive for thousands of years even untill today!!
Not everyone is agreed that the Khidr was a Prophet, nor whether he is alive or not. According to Ibn Kathir, he is still alive.

02-24-2009, 03:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by muslimapoclyptc

Not everyone is agreed that the Khidr was a Prophet, nor whether he is alive or not. According to Ibn Kathir, he is still alive.
but Ibn Katheer is neither the prophet nor does he have evidence from the qur'an or sunnah.
al khidr is either a prophet since he taught Moses and knew more than him in some aspects, or a person of high standing. either way hes dead millenniums ago.

02-24-2009, 02:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by alcurad
but Ibn Katheer is neither the prophet nor does he have evidence from the qur'an or sunnah.
Have you read what he's written about the Khidr, to know that he has no evidence from the Sunnah?

al khidr is either a prophet since he taught Moses and knew more than him in some aspects, or a person of high standing. either way hes dead millenniums ago.
However, the idea that he died thousands of years ago, is also not in the Qur'an, nor in the Sunnah, and has no evidence to support it.

02-24-2009, 03:13 PM
I think it is a forty year journey. If he taught prophet moses(AS) it doesn't mean he is also a prophet. Like Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) was mostly taught by his grandfather but was he a prophet? No. Allah teaches us lessons in many different shapes he could be anyone you share your feelings with,your friend etc. Like that Allah taught Prophet Adam completely since he was the first prophet as I believe.

02-24-2009, 11:21 PM
yes, I did read commentaries on the sayings about al khidr, most reputable scholars have concluded that they are myths and made up, the chains of narration are all broken, only one part is actually correct, that the person who taught moses was al khidr.
we know for almost near certainty that Jesus was born around two thousand years ago, Moses came before Jesus, thus it was certainly a few thousand years ago that al khidr died.

02-25-2009, 03:21 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by alcurad
yes, I did read commentaries on the sayings about al khidr, most reputable scholars have concluded that they are myths and made up, the chains of narration are all broken, only one part is actually correct, that the person who taught moses was al khidr.
Didn't Ibn 'Abbas believe that the Khidr was alive?

we know for almost near certainty that Jesus was born around two thousand years ago, Moses came before Jesus, thus it was certainly a few thousand years ago that al khidr died.
But this is assuming that he didn't have an extended life. In fact, his death is said to come at the hands of the Dajjal:

Reported by Imran, son of Hussain in the reference of Nawawi, "Gardens of Righteousness":

The Messenger of Allah, upon whom be blessings and peace, said, "When the Dajjal appears, a believer will set out towards him and encounter his guards. They will ask: 'Where are you going?' He will reply: 'I am going to the one who has appeared.' They will ask him: 'Don't you believe in our lord!' He will reply: 'Our Lord has no secrecy.' Then some will say to the other: 'Let us kill him!' But they will say: 'Hasn't your lord forbidden you to kill anyone without his order?' So they will take him to the Dajjal. When the believer sees him he will call out: 'O people, this is the Dajjal who was mentioned by the Messenger of Allah!' Upon this the Dajjal will command them to kill him, and inflate his back and stomach. Then he will ask the man: 'don’t you still believe in me?" But he will reply: 'You are the Dajjal.' Then the Dajjal will order him to be sawn in half, through his skull to the top of his legs. After this the Dajjal will step between the two parts of his body and address them saying: 'Rise up!' whereupon the man will become whole and stand up. The Dajjal will question him again: 'Do you believe in me?' But the man will answer: 'I have only learned more about you!' And he will turn to the people and say: 'Now, he will be unable to do anything to anyone!' So the Dajjal will seize him in order to kill him but Allah will make his neck from its base upwards to be as if it were made of brass and the Dajjal will be rendered incapable of killing him. Thereafter he will take hold of his arms and legs and throw him. People will think that the Dajjal has thrown him into the fire, but instead he will be thrown into Paradise."

The Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him, added: "This man will be the one of the greatest martyr in rank before the Lord of the Worlds."

(Abu Sa'id Khudri)

02-25-2009, 05:09 AM
^the above hadeeth does not indicate in any way, subtle or apparent that it is al khidr though..

this is the saying attributed to Ibn Abbas:

اجتماع الخضر والياس عليهما الصلاة والسلام في كل عام في الموسم بمنى‏.‏

قال في الدرر أخرجه الحارث بن أبي أسامة في مسنده بسند ضعيف عن أنس، وأخرجه أبو إسحاق الزكي في جزء له عن ابن عباس، وقال في التمييز تبعا للأصل كشيخه الحافظ ابن حجر منكر لا يثبت فيه شيء، وزاد في الأصل وأخرجه الدارقطني عن ابن عباس ولا اعلمه إلا مرفوعا قال يلتقي الخضر وإلياس كل عام بالموسم بمنى، فيحلق كل واحد منهما رأس صاحبه، ويتفرقان عن هؤلاء الكلمات‏:‏ بسم الله ما شاء الله لا قوة إلا بالله، ما شاء الله لا يصرف السوء إلا الله، ما شاء الله ما كان من نعمة فمن الله، ما شاء الله لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

it is summed up in that Al Khidr and the prophet Ilias meet each other in Mina-near Makkah- every year at the time of the pilgrimage, so then each of them shaves the head of the other and then say:in the name of god, no ability/strength except by god, whatever he wills, none casts away evil-literally badness- except god, whatever god will whatever blessing is from god, whatever god wills..

I'm not currently in the mood, so I didn't translate the alleged 'prayer' to the best I can, but it is very clear from the ridiculous story associated that it is not correct.

saba muslimah
02-25-2009, 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by Islamic Bro
Yes high scholars think this is a imagination of the Shia but it isn't. Allaah knows the best.

Can you please show me where brother? Jazakallah in advance.
yea How could i belive on this....?? Well i use to listen some of Ehle-tashi said.. Imam Mehdi is our Imam.. is that true?
So wat about sunni...?? Does he (Imam Mehdi) spread the Islam Again???

02-25-2009, 05:10 AM
^not sure what you meant, could you explain more sister?

saba muslimah
02-25-2009, 05:38 AM
brother i just listen some muslims thought.. i hvn't prove yet
...but i also trying to know true about it..by books/hadiths refrences m still searching the basic reason & clues of Nazool Mehdi... InshaAllah soon i will explain with Authentic...

02-25-2009, 05:42 AM
oh I see, good luck then:), it is actually one of the most complicated subjects, since there many somewhat contradictory views about him amongst the sects/mazahib.

02-25-2009, 05:42 AM
No, not really. Why would he just come up to me. He would try to tell that to the world some how instead of telling everyone one at a time. That time a whole big number of people will find out once people find out his reality then it will spread fast.

saba muslimah
02-25-2009, 06:10 AM
hhmmm How u can say...?
Plz give any Hadith refrences...or other if u like to share

02-25-2009, 10:42 AM
I strongly advise to visit http://www.awaitedmahdi.com/ , you wiil find all answers of your questions.

02-25-2009, 05:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by alcurad
^the above hadeeth does not indicate in any way, subtle or apparent that it is al khidr though..
I know this. However, according to some that individual is the Khidr:

Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) one day gave a detailed account of the Dajjal and in that it was also included:

"He would come but would not be allowed to ether the mountain passes to Medina. So he will alight at some of the barren tracts near Medina, and a person who would be the best of men or one from amongst the best of men would say to him: 'I bear testimony to the fact that you are Dajjal about whom Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) had informed us.' The Dajjal would say: 'What is your opinion if I kill this (person), then I bring him back to life; even then will you harbor doubt in this matter?' They would say: 'No.' He would then kill (the man) and then bring him back to life. When he would bring that person to life, he would say: 'By Allah, I had no better proof of the fact (that you are a Dajjal) than at the present time (that you are actually so).' The Dajjal would then make an attempt to kill him (again) but he would not be able to do that."

Abu Ishaq reported that it was said: "That person would be Khadir (Allah be pleased with him)."

(Sahih Muslim, Book 41, No. 7017)

this is the saying attributed to Ibn Abbas:

اجتماع الخضر والياس عليهما الصلاة والسلام في كل عام في الموسم بمنى‏.‏

قال في الدرر أخرجه الحارث بن أبي أسامة في مسنده بسند ضعيف عن أنس، وأخرجه أبو إسحاق الزكي في جزء له عن ابن عباس، وقال في التمييز تبعا للأصل كشيخه الحافظ ابن حجر منكر لا يثبت فيه شيء، وزاد في الأصل وأخرجه الدارقطني عن ابن عباس ولا اعلمه إلا مرفوعا قال يلتقي الخضر وإلياس كل عام بالموسم بمنى، فيحلق كل واحد منهما رأس صاحبه، ويتفرقان عن هؤلاء الكلمات‏:‏ بسم الله ما شاء الله لا قوة إلا بالله، ما شاء الله لا يصرف السوء إلا الله، ما شاء الله ما كان من نعمة فمن الله، ما شاء الله لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

it is summed up in that Al Khidr and the prophet Ilias meet each other in Mina-near Makkah- every year at the time of the pilgrimage, so then each of them shaves the head of the other and then say:in the name of god, no ability/strength except by god, whatever he wills, none casts away evil-literally badness- except god, whatever god will whatever blessing is from god, whatever god wills..

I'm not currently in the mood, so I didn't translate the alleged 'prayer' to the best I can, but it is very clear from the ridiculous story associated that it is not correct.
I'm curious though; on what basis is the story ridiculous?

02-26-2009, 02:08 AM
the prophet Ilyas being alive till now, alongside with al khidr.
Ibn Hajar said that it is Munkar-unaccepted- and none of it is proven, as did Ibn Ishaq say.

02-26-2009, 02:29 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by saba muslimah
yea How could i belive on this....?? Well i use to listen some of Ehle-tashi said.. Imam Mehdi is our Imam.. is that true?
So wat about sunni...?? Does he (Imam Mehdi) spread the Islam Again???
Sunni Mahdi is yet to be born, however 12ver's Mahdi is same as their 12th Imaam and lives in hiding and keeps in contact with "ayatollah" type people via baabs (gates; or human go-betweens)

P.S. Ehle-tashi and us Sunnis do not get along in reality (imo 2 different religions)
format_quote Originally Posted by muslimapoclyptc

this is the saying attributed to.....

I'm curious though; on what basis is the story ridiculous?
anything can be attributed to anyone; that does not make it the truth. btw. if anyone is thinking of flashing some isnaad in my face; I'll say that inventing them is no harder than inventing any other lie

02-26-2009, 02:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by doorster
anything can be attributed to anyone; that does not make it the truth. btw. if anyone is thinking of flashing some isnaad in my face; I'll say that inventing them is no harder than inventing any other lie
a truth overlooked quite often, even if something is dubbed "saheeh" it has only passed some criteria, which don't necessitate said hadeeth really being the prophet's saying/action, and vice versa. the majority of the ahadeeth speaking about al khidr don't even pass that.
not that most of say Bukhari is dubious, but not all the scholars of hadeeth have always agreed even when using the same criterion, ahadeeth that don't concern Ibada and Aqeedah aren't that important as it were.

02-26-2009, 06:05 AM

02-26-2009, 01:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by alcurad
the prophet Ilyas being alive till now, alongside with al khidr.
Ibn Hajar said that it is Munkar-unaccepted- and none of it is proven, as did Ibn Ishaq say.
So, does that mean that Ibn 'Abbas didn't say it?

format_quote Originally Posted by doorster
anything can be attributed to anyone; that does not make it the truth. btw. if anyone is thinking of flashing some isnaad in my face; I'll say that inventing them is no harder than inventing any other lie
So, on that basis, how would you feel about someone rejecting all the ahadith, or just picking and choosing with them?

02-26-2009, 01:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by muslimapoclyptc
Originally Posted by doorster
anything can be attributed to anyone; that does not make it the truth. btw. if anyone is thinking of flashing some isnaad in my face; I'll say that inventing them is no harder than inventing any other lie
So, on that basis, how would you feel about someone rejecting all the ahadith, or just picking and choosing with them?
firstly I ask you to read this article by a non-hadees rejecting Sufi Shaikh, then come back and tell me the order in which he uses evidence from al Quraan and Hadees, then I will be glad to discuss it further providing no one drowns me under mountains of copy/pastings and labeling me anti-hadees


wa salam

02-27-2009, 03:33 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by muslimapoclyptc
So, does that mean that Ibn 'Abbas didn't say it?
indeed, it's not likely that he said it, not according to the standard of hadeeth that is.

02-27-2009, 07:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by doorster
firstly I ask you to read this article by a non-hadees rejecting Sufi Shaikh, then come back and tell me the order in which he uses evidence from al Quraan and Hadees, then I will be glad to discuss it further providing no one drowns me under mountains of copy/pastings and labeling me anti-hadees


wa salam

Reading the article, I'm not sure exactly how it relates to what I asked, although I have some ideas.

So, would I be correct in assuming that you're trying to say that only ahadith that support, or elaborate, on what the Qur'an already establishes, should be considered as being credible?

format_quote Originally Posted by alcurad
indeed, it's not likely that he said it, not according to the standard of hadeeth that is.
Then what did Ibn 'Abbas say about it?

02-27-2009, 08:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by muslimapoclyptc

Reading the article, I'm not sure exactly how it relates to what I asked, although I have some ideas.
wa alaikum Salam. it gives us a template for arriving at decisions, it tells us where to get our evidence from
So, would I be correct in assuming that you're trying to say that only ahadith that support, or elaborate, on what the Qur'an already establishes, should be considered as being credible?
:) jazakAllah khair!!!

03-05-2009, 11:51 AM
Please visit :


03-07-2009, 04:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahmetsecer
There's also my website:


03-10-2009, 01:36 PM
http://www.geocities.com/muslimapoca..._for_islam.htm this link is not work, could you pls check?

03-10-2009, 08:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahmetsecer
http://www.geocities.com/muslimapoca..._for_islam.htm this link is not work, could you pls check?
Here, try this:

The Future is for Islam

03-10-2009, 09:14 PM
Imam Mahdi will give people wealth :D!

Abû Said said, By Allah every ruler we have had has been worse than the previous one, and every year has been worse than the year before, but I heard the Prophet say, Among your rulers will be one who will give out wealth freely, without counting it. A man will come and ask him for money, and he will say take; the man will spread his cloak out and the ruler will pour money into it. The Prophet spread out a thick cloak he had been wearing, to demonstrate the mans actions; then he gathered it up by its corners and said, Then the man will take it and leave. (Ahmad)

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