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View Full Version : The 24th December and the family.

11-02-2008, 08:28 AM

I have a question "I'm a revert to Islam since sometime. I would like to make an inquire , regarding eating with my family on the 24th of december. since it won't be Christmas on that day , is it ok if i can eat with my family on that day, eventhough it might be in celebration of the comming Christmas the next day?"

(I know we can't do Christmas in Islam, but here it's the day before, the 24th..)

Barak'Allah oufikoum


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11-02-2008, 12:52 PM
what is the dinner?? it depends if its pork u cant eat it and really religous people say you shouldnt
eat any meat at all unless its halal (killed in the right way)which is beheaded in the name of allah

11-07-2008, 02:26 AM
I think it would be just fine to eat with them...even on Christmas day..as long as it's not pork of course..

I am also a revert to Islam from Christianity and my whole family is Christian I still eat with them on holidays even though I do not celebrate them. As long as you have the right intentions you are fine. Plus eating with your family on the holidays they celebrate will help them see that you still respect them. Non-Muslims are welcome to come and eat iftar with us during Ramadan even though they are not Muslim.

I wish you the best and I hope this helps!!

Jazak Allah Khair

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