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11-06-2008, 05:07 AM
Fatwa - Sales Transactions 1

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Permanent Committee Fatwas > Browse by volume number > The first group > Volume thirteen: (transactions 1)
Sale Contract
Mentioning the two parties in the sale contract
Basics of economy in Islam

Hadith of entering markets

Selling an object to one's children

Woman as a trader

Buying from non-Muslims when Muslim traders are present

What should be done with excess samples taken for the quality assurance of imported goods

Kinds of lawful transactions

Conditions of Sale
Mutual agreement in a sale
Selling prohibited items

Selling dogs

Selling monkeys

Selling cassette tapes

Entertainment Devices

Selling Flowers

Payment for blood donors

Selling a Najis article

Buying illustrated magazines

Selling visas

Ceding one's rights to another person

Buying the crop yield for the next few years

Majhul sale

Credit sale and specifying the rate of profit

An urbanite selling to a Bedouin and receiving caravans

`Urbun sale

`Inah Sale

Selling by installments
Selling to a fixed time
Selling a commodity for a fixed time even if its price increases
Selling a commodity for a deferred price for more than the current cash price

Someone asking the other to buy him a commodity for cash money and then selling it back with a deferred price

Installment sale

Borrowing to trade

Buying in installments and having to pay insurance money
Selling after owning and having an item
Delaying the payment and delivery in a concluded sale
Buying books by installments

Difference between sale in installments and Tawarruq

Tawarruq and its ruling

Sale in immediate and deferred installments

Selling with a deferred price more than the immediate price

Substituting old commodities with new ones for some money

Financing a company to build a house with materials it does it own

Repaying debt before it is due with a reduction

Payment of debts

Procrastination in repaying debts

Repaying debt with the currency prevailing at the time of sale

Monopolization and pricing

Copyrights on tapes

Conditions in selling
Two sales in one
Combining two sale contracts
Buying a house from someone and stipulating that the seller should rent part of the house

Differed sale and stipulating that the buyer pays one Sa` of barely for each Dirham when the time is due

Selling the share in a company for some commodities

Selling a car in installments and stipulating receiving the buyer's service

Offering a commodity for two prices and departing without picking one

A seller writing, "We do not replace sold goods nor return their price."

Option sale
The buyer's ownership of the commodity even if before registration
Telling the buyer the truth about the sold item

Informing the buyer of the sold item's defect even if little

Selling a commodity bought with a defect

Buying without saying the defect of the sold item

An employee and contractor agreeing to record false amounts of water

Mentioning the sold item's repairs

Selling a land whose owner was forbidden from starting a project on it

The seller hiding a defect that reduces the price of the commodity

Selling vegetables in wholesale knowing farmers cheat in them

Putting good fruits above bad ones

Gathering and packing the sold items under a reputable factory's name

Putting good fruits above bad ones
Ripening semi-dry dates artificially

A seller mentioning the defaults to the seller

Selling a parked car without stating its problems

Washing an exported sheep to make the buyers believe it is local

Selling pornography

Selling the food remaining in a restaurant against the rules

Obligations of the two parties in a sale

Using a substance that makes buyers think figs are ripe

Stuffing the box of fruits with paper to make the buyer think it is full

Informing the buyer about the reduction of the weight of the bag

Bakeries reducing the weight of the loaf of bread

A butcher including the weight of the bag

Sincerity about the price of the commodity

Selling what is not owned
Selling something before owning it
The seller owning the sold item
Selling before or after buying
Validity of giving a promise to buy before actual buying

A man selling a land which he does not possess

A man selling what he does not own and then repenting and failing to find the buyers

A Muslim selling something before receiving and possessing it

Buying a car and selling it after possessing it

Fixing the profits' rate

Selling a car before owning it

permissibility of selling after receiving the item

Selling the car to its first owner with a less price

The money paid for writing a Notification of clearance

The meaning of debt mentioned towards the end of Surah Al-Baqarah

The proper way of selling cars for deferred payment within a year or by installments

Facilitate the process of a debt

Selling what is not possessed

Borrowing a car from someone who does not own it, writing a contract and paying the money in the same meeting

Buying a car from the agency and selling it without moving it
Selling some Dirhams with cash for more Dirhams on credit

getting some furniture from another store and selling it the the buyer

Buying a land from a trader and selling it to him again in installments
Tawarruq and selling a commodity before buying it

The car agency owner selling a car without a plate or form and the buyer selling it as a debt before receiving it

Selling a commodity to someone after agreeing with another and giving the first a sum of money in return

Tawarruq and selling a debt for what is not owned

Buying and selling a commodity before paying its price

Having the custom's clearance is not considered as receiving or owning the commodity

Conditions for owning a commodity

Wakalah in buying and selling a commodity before receiving it

A trader selling a commodity which he does not own and then going to the market to buy it

The difference between Riba and bribery
Reasons behind prohibiting Riba

There are seventy-three forms of Riba

Items regarding which Riba is prohibited

Riba for the lender and the borrower

Opinions regarding bank interests

Selling an animal for an animal of the same or different weight

Selling what does not have a weight for a similar type of the same or different weight

Selling cloth a meter for two meters
Selling coffee for deferred wheat
Selling salt for debt
Selling gems for gems of the same or different weight

Selling an old car for a new one with a difference in price

Exchanging a known car for an unknown one

Receiving monthly salaries from banks

Selling animals according to their weight

Selling chicken alive according to weight and selling vinegar which includes alcohol

Dealing in usurious transactions with a justification
Dealing in Riba in a society accustomed to it
Consuming Riba for a necessity

Usurious borrowing to buy a land and pray in it

Dr. Muhammad Rawwas's suggestion regarding bank deposits

Guarantee of borrowing from the bank

Witnessing a Riba-based contract

Selling shares

Purchase of Promissory Notes

Riba Al-Nasi'ah
Difference between Riba Al-Fadl and Riba Al-Nasi'ah
Selling cash Dirhams for more deferred Dirhams

Buying a house in a way involving Riba

Selling checks and bills

Paying an amount on behalf of the buyer to get more from him after the fixed time

Selling deferred bills of Sawami` company to the bank for a part of their value

Additions due to delay

A charity organization stipulating the tenant pays 10% for delaying the payment of rent
The addition paid by the buyer for delay of payment
The addition paid for delay of payment
Selling a debt for a debt

Depositing money in banks for a fixed profit
Depositing money in the bank without taking an interest

Depositing money in the bank while being capable of keeping it safe

An accountant for a foreign bank

Working in banks

Depositing and borrowing from banks

Cooperating with the bank for a commission
Depositing money in banks dealing in Riba out of fear

Bank interests and prizes

Opening a bank account, transferring money and conducting business through it

The interest that is taken by banks from borrowers

Depositing money of underage children in a bank dealing in interest

Asking for the interests of depositing money in the bank

Depositing money in the bank out of fear

Disposing of bank interest for deposited money

Taking bank interests on the plea of spending them on the poor

Disposing of bank interests

Spending usurious benefits on the poor

Renting a bank safe

Using a sum of the borrowed money in trade

Investing charity money in the bank

Paying acquired bank interests in return for required interests

Someone having no trade depositing money in the bank

Depositing money in the bank without taking the interest

Balance coverage commission

A new convert paying to the bank its dues before entering islam

Depositing money in the bank to cover the children's education expenses

Investing in an Islamic bank

Depositing cash at Al-Rajhy Company

Taking Riba to pay the taxes

The bank adding points to those who deposit in it and paying money for these points

Depositing and borrowing from banks

Selling a banknote to the bank

Money transfer through the bank
Selling Dirhams for Dirhams

Paying taxes from usurious interests

Taking a loan without an interest and paying an interest in case of repayment delay

Dealing with Islamic banks following banks dealing in Riba

Al-Bir charity organization opening a bank account

Depositing in banks dealing in Riba in case of necessity

Al-Bir charity organization opening a bank account

Taking usurious interests from the bank on deposited money in the form of money or privileges

Dealing with more than one bank in case of necessity
Depositing the organization's money in the bank provided that the bank donates for the organization

Taking a usurious loan from the bank to build a house

Taking a usurious loan from the bank to start a business

Taking a usurious loan from the bank for marriage

Having no other way but to deal in Riba due to dire need

Borrowing to start a business

Profits of the bank's shareholders

Borrowing from the bank to repay debt

Being forced to take a loan from commercial banks

Disposing of the interest added by the bank to the deposited amount without the owner asking for it

Are interests considered Riba?
Disposing of usurious interests after repenting from taking them

The bank taking the building expenses and an addition

Taking usurious interests to get ready for marriage

Separating money and its profits from its interests

Interests of investment banks
Borrowing from the bank without consuming Riba

Guarantee of the borrower

Borrowing from the bank without consuming Riba

Loans of the industrial bank
Borrowing from the bank without consuming Riba

Money saving

Payment of the price
Giving payment hand to hand
Selling dollars for riyals in installments and different periods

Repaying debt in another currency

Repaying debt in the same currency no matter its value increased or decreased

Buying gold with Dirhams

Buying and selling currencies

Deferred currency trade

Riba in banknotes

Currency exchange

Selling money in the black market

Taking the money owner's permission before lending it
Money trade
Currency trade
Exchanging money hand to hand

Currency exchange

Using checks for obtaining international currencies

Buying money for the delivery date's price

Transferring money from one country to another

Paying with checks instead of money

Banks selling the travelers check

Banks trading in currencies
Money exchange
Exchanging the local currency for a foreign one
Taking commission for currency exchange

Saving dollars fearing other currencies might be affected by the riyal's decreasing value

Buying currencies according to Al-Khayar contract

Buying coin riyals with paper riyals with a difference
Buying a currency in full

Leaving one another before delivering the exchanged amount in full

Money exchange and payment

Buying a commodity with a currency and receiving the change in another currency

Exchanging Saudi coins for foreign paper money

Difference in dollar price

Selling gold
Exchange as a condition of selling gold
Selling used gold to and buying new gold from the same trader

Buying gold from a wholesale trader in installments

Buying gold to trade on it
Exchanging gold for gold
Selling gold to stores in a less price

Paying the price of gold and silver when writing the contract

Engraving the name of Allah on gold jewelry

Selling gold with the glass stones on it

Paying the value of gold a period after concluding the sale contract

Borrowing to buy gold and delaying payment of the price or part of it

Buying gold through the phone

Buying gold and not having enough money borrowing to pay

Buying gold with a down payment

Buying gold bearing some pictures

Selling used gold for new one

Selling used gold as new after processing it

Leaving the price of gold with the buyer as a trust after selling it

Selling gold for silver without exchanging them in the same seat

Reserving the amount of gold to buy by phone

Pawning gold for silver

Selling gold after consulting one's family

Selling gold under the condition that the buyer counsels with others before signing the contract

Sellign gold made for men

Saving gold

Selling golden jewelry without exchange

Selling gold on credit whether the deferred payment is all or part of the value

Taking a fee for making gold

Seeking lawful earnings through trading in lawful sales

Receiving the price of sold gold in the same gathering

Paying for gold with a check

Selling gold for gold in the same gathering

Buying or selling gold in return for bank checks

Helping a women wear the gold she is buying

Wakalah in selling gold
Exchanging gold for gold
Selling gold for gold without exchange in the gathering
Hiring people to extract gems

Exchanging bracelets with smaller ones and paying the difference in price
The ruling on Riba

Using credit card to pay for gold

Equality of weight and exchange in the same gathering when selling gold for gold

Shareholding in Riba-based banks
Shareholding in the Saudi American Bank
Giving the usurious interest in charity

Buying shares in banks which do not deal in Riba

Holding shares in companies and banks

The electricity company saving system
Participating in Aramco savings system

Aramco savings system

Money prizes on savings
Spending usurious interests in doing good deeds but not in Masjids

Employees' Saving Fund

Credit cards and borrowing money from banks
A company issued card for employees to use when buying a commodity
The borrower paying an amount of the loan when delaying repayment

Stipulating the payment of usurious interests upon delay in repaying the financial card

Using Samba visa card

Using the silver and gold credit cards

A card that transfers the money from the buyer's account to the seller's immediately

** Fatwa-Sales transactions Part 3 - many fatawa

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11-06-2008, 05:56 AM
Fatwa - Sales Transactions 3

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Permanent Committee Fatwas > Browse by volume number > The first group > Volume fifteen: (transactions 3)
Ruling on working for someone who deals in usury
Ruling on working in banks
Maintenance officials eating from meals to be served to plane passengers without obtaining permission
A woman working after learning medicine
Renting the commercial register in return for money
Hiring bulls for mating
The job of a female hairdresser
Working abroad
Religious commitment does not prevent earning a living
Leasing a rented building
Ruling on Naql Al-Qadam
Taking wages for reciting Qur'an
Taking fees for committing a Bid`ah, like earning one's living through reciting the Qur'anand so on
Working in Journalism which Leads to Publishing and Promoting Evil
Education fees
The salary of a Mu'adhin
A specialist leasing their name
Negligent employees should pay for their negligence
Working for a person who rents apartments for people who commit abominable acts
Fee for performing circumcision
Taking fees for washing the dead
Obligation of the renter and the landlord to fulfill the contract
Paying wages to those who deserve it
Working full time in an additional job
Impermissibility of being absent or late for work without a valid excuse
Showing sincerity as an employee
Winning a bet
Prizes for competitors
Ruling on car, cargo, workers and factory insurance
Car insurance against accidents
Ruling on commercial insurance and on personal belongings
Ruling on working as a promoter for a life insurance company
Ruling on money and different properties insurance
Borrowing from the real estate bank to build a house provided that it will be insured with an insurance company
Paying and insurance sum of money for the telephone company or the like
Buying a car provided that it will be insured
Ruling on commercial insurance
Insuring a Masjid
Money collected from an insurance company in return for damages in the store
The compensation received under the agreement of the commercial insurance if a person takes it out of ignorance of the Shari`ah ruling
Permissibility of insurance contracts in the light of Shari`ah
A company that rescues people when their cars break down anywhere
Working for an insurance company
The lawful types of insurance
The Cooperative Insurance Company and United Company for Installment Sale
Claiming the value of stolen commodity
Commercial health insurance
The Takaful Islamic Insurance Company
Medical insurance
Ruling on car and business insurance
The Shari‘ah ruling on health insurance
Permissibility of a Muslim living in non-Muslim countries having health insurance
Health insurance cards for students in America
Golden discount cards and VIP
Ramattan Project for Health Services
Organ and money insurance
Insuring treatment for all employees
Participating in a German company for retirement
Insurance on cars having accidents
Promoting Riba to make up for losses
Health insurance
Returning usurped money
Issues related to Ghasb
Someone taking the money his friends entrust him to give to their families
Disposing of the bank's usurious profits on trusted money
Ruling on the deposit that wears while with the depositor
An heirless depositor's death
Ruling on `Awad when the borrowed item wears or is lost
Returning the money given without specifying the reason to the person's heirs
Disposing of a worker's entrusted wages after increasing it and being unable to find the worker
Giving the amount of the deposit away in behalf of its depositor
Spending the deposit
Giving in charity an amount her father gave her before his death to give to someone who could not be found
Disposing of an amount his father left him to return to someone who is unknown to him
Entrusting a deposit with another person
Making use of the deposit
Disposing of a deposit whose owner disappeared or died
A watchmaker having many watches for a long time whose owners did not come to take them
A watchmaker having many watches for a long time whose owners did not come to take them and who is closing the business
Entrusting a woman with a trust and upon asking for it, her husband denies having it
Wear of the deposit and the depositor's forgiveness
A depositor's death who has no known heirs
Someone entrusted with some money wasting it and the owner forgiving him
Permissibility of taking from a trust if the owner allows it
Wear of the deposit without the depositary's negligence
Leaving a deposit for a long time
Two salesmen left a bag and ran away after asking about their ID cards
Someone died in the hospital leaving an amount of money and the clerk giving it away in behalf of the deceased after the heirs left it
Disposing of the contents of patients' safes in hospitals especially those who die and have no known relatives or giving them to the social services department
Giving Luqatah in charity
Death of a depositor who has no known heirs
Death of a depositor who has heirs
Disposing of a trust
Ruling on not rendering back a trust
Rendering trusts back
Theft out of need
Denying theft
Not knowing the money owner
The money left with the depositor
Giving the deposit to the depositor's heirs
A deposit as the right of the depositor's heirs
Disposing of a trust
A deposit as the right of the depositor's heirs
Giving the entrusted money to the depositor's heirs
Revitalizing barren land
Ruling on the village pasture
Spreading mountain bees
The land the government grants to citizens
Spending Luqatah without announcing it
Ruling on Luqatah
Definition of Luqatah
Giving Luqatah in charity
Finding a Luqatah outside the Sacred Mosque during Hajj season
Finding some money at Mina and announcing it but without knowing the owner
Consumable items at company sites that are moved to another site
Ruling on disposing of the Luqatah
Announcing Luqatah in different ways
Disposing of missing objects in the university campus
Ruling on someone who finds money in a non-Muslim country
Ruling on objects cast out by sea
Taking a trivial Luqatah
Giving Luqatah in charity
Denying Luqatah
Giving the value of Luqatah in charity
Finding a Luqatah but being ignorant of the ruling
Buying a commodity from someone who found it on the road
Lost camels
Lost cows
Lost sheep

** Check here 100s of fatawa on Buyu (Sales transaction)

11-06-2008, 05:57 AM
Fatwa - Banking & Riba

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Circumstances compel him to work for a bank which deals with ribaa

The ruling regarding the salary of bank employees

Working for a bank which deals with ribaa

Depositing money in a bank for safe keeping

Working for a company which takes a loan from a bank which deals with ribaa

Transferring money via banks which deal with ribaa and using the ribaa for good causes

Depositing money in a bank which does not deal with ribaa

Using ribaa funds for good causes
Fatwa - Buying & Selling

Buying alcohol for use as fuel

The ruling regarding using a credit card

Buying goods using debit cards

Ruling concerning buying cigarettes for father

Having shares in the Saudi-American Bank

Having shares in the Islaamic Bank

The Ruling about having shares in companies and banks

Ruling concerning buying and possessing fashion magazines

Buying women's fashion magazines

Trading in small birds

Trading in monkeys

Grocery store selling foods containing pig-meat ingredients

Trading in cigarettes

Ruling concerning trading in cigarettes and giving in charity from its profits

Ruling concerning selling cigarettes, and praying having just smoked

Ruling concerning farming tobacco and its profits

Ruling concerning selling cigarettes and not smoking

Trading in women's clothing

Selling trousers and under garments for non-Muslims

Selling women's products

Selling items used by women for adornment

Selling music cassettes

Selling and renting videos

Profits from selling shares in interest-based company

Trading in copies of the Noble Qur.aan and Qur.aanic recordings

Making a profit by selling on behalf of someone else

Father selling some of his possessions to some of his children

Earning more than 10% profit

The ruling regarding women trading
** Check here 100s of fatawa on Buyu (Sales transaction 1)
** Fatwa-Sales transactions Part 2 - many fatawa
** Fatwa-Sales transactions Part 3 - many fatawa

11-06-2008, 06:13 AM
check the below link for authentic fatawa from standing commitee and others


Masha Allah , It is a wonderful resource

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11-06-2008, 01:01 PM
i have corrected the broken links now

11-06-2008, 01:05 PM
Fatwa - Sales Transactions 2

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Permanent Committee Fatwas > Browse by volume number > The first group > Volume fourteen: (transactions 2)
Discount card at purchase or upon using some services
"Bix" discount card

Handicapped Identity Card

The discount card issued by the Chamber of Commerce

The teacher card

Schoolteachers' Guide
Various questions about ill-gotten money
Paying the price of a sold item or giving it away

Repaying debt to its owner or giving it away

Returning the rest of the price to the seller after denying receiving it

Taking money to start a business but spending it

Tawbah, seeking forgiveness and returning ill-gotten money

Returning ill-gotten money to its rightful owners

The station attendents

Benefitting from ill-gotten money

Returning money to its owner to be free from guilt

The money of a Muslim is not lawful for his brother except by his consent

Disposing of ill-gotten money by giving it in charity

prohibition of eating what is unlawful

Visiting someone who earns unlawful money

Prohibition of eating ill-gotten money

Earning ill-gotten money and then repenting to Allah

Children eating from their father's ill-gotten money

A father eating from his son's ill-gotten money

Working as a hairdresser for women and eating from earned money

Giving the wages in charity in behalf of its owner

Giving the right in charity in behalf of its owner when it is hard to find him

Repaying debts before getting married

Giving the wages in charity in behalf of the owner

Giving the wages in charity in behalf of the absent owner

Giving someone's right in charity in behalf of the owner

Being invited to a banquet or party at a bank dealing in Riba

Giving a debt in charity in behalf of the owner with his consent

Returning money that fell from a thief

Getting rid of ill-gotten money and abstaining from dealing in a prohibited type of transaction

Giving the money in charity in behalf of the owner

Tawbah and abstaining from dealing with banks

Performing Tawbah from dealing in Riba while having unfinished businesses with people

Mixing with and accepting gifts from people dealing with usurious banks

Taking money from the Charity organization and disposing of it

Taking from donations, charity and Zakah money

Making profits from exploiting a land without its owner's permission

Using the company car for the benefit of the work not for personal purposes

Taking sugar with the company's permission and using it

Getting rid of ill-gotten money by spending it in charity

Inheriting money mixed with unlawful money

Performing Tawbah and getting rid of money gained from trading in drugs

prohibition of a Muslim having ill-gotten earnings

Working in a store that sells and rents videos

Buying and wearing clothes with an ill-gotten money

Earning living from selling obscene pictures and videos

Getting rid of the profits of a cafe that offers prohibited drinks

Inability to know the owner of the money a deceased had borrowed

Owning smoothing unrightfully and inability to pay to its owner

Debt as a price to an unlawful item

Looking for the lender to repay debt

Hastening to repay one's debts is to be given priority over giving Sadaqah

Taking money without its owner's permission and consent

Looking for the rightful owner and returning the right or giving the right in charity in behalf of the owner

Spending ill-gotten money and singling out a son with gifts

Being free from guilt by returning the additional money to its owner

Looking for the owners of rights and repaying them or giving the right in charity in behalf of them

Delivering debt to the deceased's heirs

Someone claiming to be an agent and selling a commodity then wishing to return the right

Delaying repaying the debts of the deceased
Selling the trees and the fruits
Selling dates and grapes before appearing to be ripe

Sellign figs before they appear to be edible

Renting coconut trees

Selling dates before pollination

Selling dates on palm-trees

Buying crops a long time before harvest

Buying buildings to make profit by renting them out

Selling watermelon before it is ripe
Chapter on Salam Transactions
A loan whose commodity will be delivered on a fixed date

The borrower's delay in repaying debt

Salam sale for cars

Salam sale for a known car, price and time

Salam sale for a car

Selling a deferred commodity for something that is deferred

Salam sale

Permissibility of offering someone money provided that he will repay it in the form of a car

Selling of food before receiving it

Getting paid for gas by the contractor

Giving someone money in return for getting the latest model of a car after a while

Knowing the amount of the item being paid to in advance at the time of contracting

Salam sale

Agreeing to give in return for money honey from a certain bee-keeper
Chapter on Loans
Borrowing gold

Forms ofborrowing from the Agricultural Bank

Borrowing from a Real Estate Development Fund

Building by a loan to be repaid from future rent

Taking a specific amount of barely for cultivation and returning the same amount

Combining between lending and donating

Loan given by the girl's father to the prospective husband

Deferring the repayment of the loan

Some forms of sale at car fairs

Borrowing from an Employee Loan Fund

Repaying a debt in a different currency

Borrowing a currency whose value changes before repayment

Repaying a loan
Chapter on Mortgage
Pawning a check

Mortgaging agricultural land

The mortgager making use of the pawned

Exploiting mortgages in return for a loan

Exploiting the pawned land in return for the mortgage

Selling the mortgage
Chapter on Guaranty and Warranty


Guaranteeing a person who takes a loan from the bank
Chapter on reconciliation
Reconciliation and taking some money

Binding one of the parties in a reconciliation to offer a sacrifice

Reconciling honorable and knowledgeable people in what does not negate Shari`ah

Reconciliation provided that the mistaken party offers food for the other

Gathering on food for reconciliation

The family of the person killed stipulating in the reconciliation to marry two girls from the killer family
Chapter on Hajr
A guardian disposing of a minor's property

A guardian is responsible in front of the ruler for disposing of a minor's property

A guardian disposing of a minor's property

A grown-up sane woman disposing of her property

Disposing of the money of those living under the social care

Liability of a mentally ill person in matters of worship and life

When a youngster becomes a Mukallaf

Investing the orphans’ money

The duration of orphanhood
Chapter on Wakalah
Impermissibility of the agent taking any amount of the price without the owner's permission

The special discount for company representatives

A bank authorization to receive the dues

Those in charge of the organization leaving the one who caused damage

Taking wages for collecting debts

Those responsible for distributing money taking nothing for themselves

The agent abiding by the orders of the authorizer

Impermissibility of the agent taking anything from the owner's money without his permission

The agent abiding by the price fixed by the authorizer

The agent taking nothing from the owner's commodity

The agent cannot buy for himself

An agent providing a higher invoice for his benefit

Impermissibility of taking the addition if the agent sells with a higher price than that fixed by the owner

Representatives are in a position of trust during disputes

An agent giving a bribe

Hastening to distribute money among the poor when authorized to do so

Taking wages for being an agent
Chapter on partnership
A Chapter on Sharakah

The obligation ofrendering trusts back between partners

Assigning a fixed percentage of the profits to be distributed among shareholders

Money collected under the company's name as its sole right and is not to be taken

Sharing with one's name in a company in return for a percentage of the profit

One must know the transactions of a company before buying shares in it

Withdrawing from a partnership that deals in unlawful transactions

Father in partnership with some of his children

`Inan Partnership

Mudarabah partnership
Chapter on sharecropping and shared-tenancy
The sharecropping contract between a landowner and a farmer

Leasing agricultural land

Reward of planting during the life

Those benefitting from cultivation lending the farmer

Renting the land out for a fixed amount of money

Renting agricultural land
An agent selling the commodity for a higher price than that fixed by the honor and taking the addition

Subcontracting and making gains

Bringing workers and renting them

Renting the taxi's license number

Taking money from workers in return for bringing them

Ruling on taking a percentage from brought workers

Hiring non-Muslims

Bringing maidens

Bringing workers and denying all their rights

Bringing a servant to help the wife

Hiring a non-Muslim

Hiring a non-Muslim servant

Contracting with a Kafir

Someone hiring an alcoholic person who abandons prayer

Forcing a worker to leave his money behind

Bringing Kafirs to the Arabian Peninsula to work

Abiding by established office hours even when no work is to be done

Agreeing with a contractor to build and be paid after a while

Butcher's wage

The heir's agent's right in reducing the wages

Asking an employee to work overtime while having no task to be done

Working or hiring people for an organization that works in or sells prohibited commodities

Working in hotels that sell prohibited commodities

Working or hiring people for an organization that works in or sells prohibited commodities

A Muslim serving a Kafir

** Check here 100s of fatawa on Buyu (Sales transaction) - Part1

** Check here 100s of fatawa on Sales transactions part 3

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