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View Full Version : A Soul’s Connection to Another

Ibn Abi Ahmed
12-04-2008, 07:56 PM

It is narrated from Abu Huraira (radhiallahu `anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam said, “Souls are like recruited soldiers, those that recognise one another unite in harmony and those that do not recognise one another are at an aversion.” [Sahih Muslim]

Abu Hatim: The reason that people find concordancy and harmony between themselves - after the Decree - lies in the recognition of two souls. And likewise, their discord and seperation lies in the aversion of the two souls. Hence if two souls recognise each other, they will find familiarity and affection between themselves and if there is aversion between the two souls they will in turn find aversion and seperation between their beings.

Mujahid (rahimahullah) said, ‘Ibn ‘Abbas (radhiallahu `anhu) saw a man and said, ‘Indeed he loves me.’ They said, ‘And how do you know?!’ He said, ‘Because I love him and souls are like recruited soldiers, those that recognise one another unite in harmony and those that do not recognise one another are at an aversion.’

Abu Bakr al-Anbari recited,
Indeed the hearts are soldiers enlisted for Allah
Upon the earth, through affection do they recognise each other
So those at a familiarity are held in harmony
And those enstranged are at a difference
It is narrated from Qatadah (rahimahullah) that he said regarding the verse of Allah,

إِلاَّ مَن رَّحِمَ رَبُّكَ وَلِذَلِكَ خَلَقَهُمْ

Except him on whom your Lord has bestowed His Mercy and for that did He create them.’
[Hud: 119]

He said, ‘(Created them) for mercy and obedience. As for the people of obedience, their hearts and desires are unified even though they may be distant from each other (living apart). And as for the people of disobedience, then their hearts are at a discord even though they may be closel gathered and living together.

Mansur al-Karizi:
Whatever the eyes and heart behold will be in affection
For neither the heart nor the eyes can be concealed
But they are only two souls, one in view of the other
So one recognises the other and hence they meet
Abu Hatim: The greatest sign that alludes to what a person is like in his daily affair is expressed through whom he befriends and whom he is at enmity with, because a person is on the path of his friend and birds of a feather only flock together. I have never seen something more indicative of another, moreso even than smoke indicating fire, as much as I’ve seen a companion allude to the reality of his companion.

The smart one avoids accompanying the doubtful one and he keeps away from the one whose Deen is questionable because whoever keeps in the company of a people is known by them and whoever lives with a person ends up being attributed to him. A man does not befriend except one who is like him or of his nature (i.e. in character). If a person does not find one to befriend from amongst the people, he seeks out one whose companionship will only beautify him and it will not disgrace him to be known by him. If he sees goodness from him, he counts it (and remembers it), and if he sees a bad thing he conceals it for him, and if he remains silent over it he’s the first to speak about it to him, and were he to ask of anything he would give it.

Indeed, from amongst Mankind is one who if a person were to see him, he would be amazed. And if he got to know him more, his amazement would increase. And from amongst them is one who has an aversion to another upon seeing him, and getting to know him only increases him in hostility. Their agreement is due to the agreement of their souls from aforetime, and their aversion is due to their souls’ aversion.

If two souls meet in affection and are then forced to depart with the departure of life without any hateful event or they depart due to death, then that there is shocking death and grevious pain. There has never been a moment of such prolonged grief, such apparant loss, lasting sorrow, deep sadness and lament more so than when two brethrens or beloveds are seperated. And no-one has tasted a taste more bitter than when two close friends are seperated and it’s all over.
I wonder at the one who extends his right hand
To his beloved at the time of seperation and he hastens therein!
I felt weak and incapable of saying farewell when I saw him
So my heart shook his hand whilst my eye wept.

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12-04-2008, 09:50 PM

JazakAllah khayr, some of the italicised quotes remind me of quotes in FOL


Ummu Sufyaan
12-08-2008, 09:15 AM
interesting read...but i want to know is what if someone is drawn towards somebody else, but the other person dosnt know...for eg we all have a good degree of respect towards imams, etc...but they dont know us...like me towards shaikh ash-Shuraim :-[

why does that happen if only one of them knows the other...?

03-28-2011, 12:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muraad

If two souls meet in affection and are then forced to depart with the departure of life without any hateful event or they depart due to death, then that there is shocking death and grevious pain. There has never been a moment of such prolonged grief, such apparant loss, lasting sorrow, deep sadness and lament more so than when two brethrens or beloveds are seperated. And no-one has tasted a taste more bitter than when two close friends are seperated and it’s all over
May Allah save us from such pain. And should we be blessed enough to be tested may He help us bear it with as much patience as is possible. Ameen.

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03-28-2011, 11:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by
interesting read...but i want to know is what if someone is drawn towards somebody else, but the other person dosnt know...for eg we all have a good degree of respect towards imams, etc...but they dont know us...like me towards shaikh ash-Shuraim

why does that happen if only one of them knows the other...?
i think this is a affection and respect for someone bcz of some ability or position.
but the soul matters as described above, in my opinion is different one. u automatically get frequency match with that person without any reason and sometime just in a single meeting u bcm so closer that it seems u know each other from many years.

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