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View Full Version : Question(list of them)

01-29-2009, 06:19 PM
All my life I have been a Muslim however for the past year or two I have been questing my faith to Islam because sometimes I feel as though Islam is not for me.

Anyhow my questions:

1) I was on a catholic board recently and a lot of them think that Muhammad (saws) instead of meeting Gabriel(pbuh) meet the Satan. Can anyone here prove that he meet Gabriel instead of Satan because Catholic board people said that Satan can disguised himself into light and be seen as an angel and SAtan misguided Muhammad(thus creating the Islamic Faith)

2)People on the Catholic board also asked me how we can prove the bible has been changed?

3) Athiest ask me for proof for God and also ask me why I believe in "Medieval Stuff" even though it's really old and there is no proof of it

4) Also non muslims ask me why Extreme Islam is suddenly starting to take over muslim/non muslim countries

5)Why Islamic countries have the most murders per capita even though our religion condmens it.

Thank you all in advance I'm sorry if this is the wrong section please feel free to move this . I know these questions might sound stupid but I really need these answers.

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01-29-2009, 10:29 PM

1) I'm not too hot on who shaytaan can imitate but I know he can't imitate the prophet (pbuh):

It should be noted that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever sees me in a dream has indeed seen me, for the Shaytaan cannot imitate me.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6994; Muslim, 2266 – this version narrated by Muslim.
So I highly doubt he'll have the abilities to imitate an angel and even if it was..which obviously it wasn't..why would he say:

Read, in the Name of your Lord who created, created man from a clot, Read, and your Lord is the Most Gracious, Who taught with the pen, taught man what he did not know. (Quran 96:1-5)
Surely the whole objective of shaytaan is to turn people away from Allah (swt) and where have these catholics got there sources from? Just sounds like a load of rubbish to me.

2) There are countless different versions of the bible, which one is the right one?

In the oldest surviving copy of the new testament from around the 3rd century, written in greek the original language of the new testament, has the mark of the beast as 616, which is now in the bible as 666
A change right there.

3) There's other threads and posts here on "proof" for God...by "Medieval Stuff", I assume you mean the Shariah just because something is old doesn't mean it's inferior. The laws of Islam are suited for every generation; they don't need no modifying or changing.

4) Well obviously you and I both know that Islam doesn't tolerate these extremists and it's not starting to take over countries, you just have a few bad apples that ruin it for everyone else. There are over a billion muslims out there that don't tolerate extremism only a few idiots that do and I don't consider them muslims anyhow.

5) You've answered your own question there; our religion forbids murder/crime so why worry about idiots that do it, they're not practicing muslims. This is more of a political issue. And I don't know where you got your sources from but i had a quick check and it seems your wrong according to nationmaster a muslim country isn't even in the top 10:


01-30-2009, 02:43 PM

i just want to give my opinions/answer to your first question only, that is

"I was on a catholic board recently and a lot of them think that Muhammad (saws) instead of meeting Gabriel(pbuh) meet the Satan. Can anyone here prove that he meet Gabriel instead of Satan because Catholic board people said that Satan can disguised himself into light and be seen as an angel and SAtan misguided Muhammad(thus creating the Islamic Faith)"

First of all you by self said that "lot of them think " , any body can think any thing so if many people think a particular thing it is not necessary that it is true. Long before people think that earth was flat did you believe it if lot of people think it was true why not you believe it? , lots of people of past think sun revolves round the earth and earth was still ,did you believe it or not ? and not why if many people think that was true?

Secondly you are asking
"Can anyone here prove that he meet Gabriel instead of Satan because Catholic board people said that Satan can disguised himself into light and be seen as an angel and SAtan misguided Muhammad(thus creating the Islamic Faith)"

Did you ever asked your catholic board to prove that Satan can disguised himself into light and can be seen as an angel , first ask them to prove that Satan can be disguised as an angel and once they do (inshahallah they can never prove it ) then you have a right to ask this question before that how can you asking us this question about one thing which is not true (proved).

Please don't mind my answer.

01-31-2009, 01:01 AM

Let me appreciate your honesty,and sharing your thoughts with us

format_quote Originally Posted by Hassan'76ers
for the past year or two since you have been questing your faith to Islam
and I have been questing religions since I was 15 years old..... in such age I started with comparative religions ...

no human being but experience moments of doubt .....

and doubt could be the precious moment that a person began giving up a negative believe and changing to another that more positive and helpful to improve one's character...
on the other hand doubt could be a beginning of evil journey through which a person would abandon the true religion, letting the right hand path and seek the left hand paths ,satisfying one's cheap desires and lust
in my case it was neither cases...doubt for me was a precious moments which motivated me to investigate my religion and other religions ....I didn't investigate Islam with the common style

as the common style for people is to seeks the rebuttals to the criticism of their religions and be convinced to it even it is nonsensical

I approached the matter with the spirit of someone who is honest with himself above all, objective in order not to lose the opportunity to get the truth behind his religion whether it is true or false.....

long journey with the Quran and the Bible , treated them both with objectivity and open mind,tried my best to get enough of their study tools, updated my thoughts time after time ,till I finally got totally convinced that the quran (the book upon which stands Islam) is the only book on earth to be fully divine .

format_quote Originally Posted by Hassan'76ers
I was on a catholic board recently and a lot of them think that Muhammad (saws) instead of meeting Gabriel(pbuh) meet the Satan.
whenever I see a group who belong to a religion accusing a founder of another religion of being inspired by Satan,without proofs for their allegation I can't help but to yawn !....

as Even some of those same catholics whenever they go to Sunday church ,would listen to the preaching which often would include some New Testament passage that sometimes makes the eyes of women full of tears .....among those passages :

when the Jews accused Jesus of being in contact with Satan

Luke: But some of them said, "He(Jesus) drives out demons by Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons."
17Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them: "Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall. 18If Satan is divided against himself, how can his kingdom stand? I say this because you claim that I drive out demons by Beelzebub. 19Now if I drive out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your followers drive them out?

The answer to the question whether Mohamed has been in contact with satan or not,would be exactly the same answer to whether Jesus had contact with Beelzebul, the ruler of the demons or not......


Now let's take a sample of such satanic teachings that Satan taught Mohamed(peace be upon him) as some Christians claim:

If their guessing game is true then,according to their logic:

Satan finally became righteous and taught Mohamed that intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God :

[005:091] Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?

Satan taught Mohamed that he makes the sinful acts seem alluring to his clients

[006:043] Satan made their (sinful) acts seem alluring to them.

Satan adviced not to follow his steps or to be victims to his seduction as he is avowed enemy ..
[006:142] and follow not the footsteps of Satan: for he is to you and avowed enemy.

[007:027] O ye Children of Adam! Let not Satan seduce you, in the same manner as He got your parents out of the Garden

[004:119] and whoever takes the Satan for a guardian rather than Allah he indeed shall suffer a manifest loss.

Satan finally became an enemy of idols and wine!!!

[005:090] O ye who believe ! wine and the game of chance and idols and divining arrows are only the abomination of Satan's handiwork. So shun each one of them that you may prosper.

[007:175] Narrate to them the story of the one to whom We awarded the knowledge of Our revelations. But he cast it aside! So, Satan pursued him until he became one of the misguided ones.

[007:201] Indeed, whenever an evil thought from Satan troubles them, the pious (always) remember (Allah). Then,

[017:064] But Satan promises them nothing but deceit.

[014:022] And Satan will say when the matter is decided: "It was God Who gave you a promise of Truth: I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you but ye listened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries, nor can ye listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with God. For wrong-doers there must be a grievous penalty."

It seems ,according to such Christians,that the time Satan inspired Mohamed (God forbids)get bored of his work of leading humans astray ,and preferred to be a social reformer !!

as a matter of fact if there is no time of the story of humanity Satan would need to inspire false prophets ,it would be the time immediately before the coming of islam...
as before Islam nothing evil lacked our planet that would urge Satan to do his work.......

There has never been true monotheism, general violating of God's commandments all over the globe.....

Pagans praying to their idols,christians been busy with their trethiesm which they covered with the trinity mask ,jews taking their rabbis as gods and both are proud of themselves as God's sons and chosen people !!!!.....

It was logical in such immoral atmosphere ,God would send another messenger ......

format_quote Originally Posted by Hassan'76ers
Athiest ask me for proof for God and also ask me why I believe in "Medieval Stuff" even though it's really old and there is no proof of it
why would some intellectual persons believe in "Medieval Stuff" ?

the answer is here


format_quote Originally Posted by Hassan'76ers
People on the Catholic board also asked me how we can prove the bible has been changed?

The proper question ,Is the bible as a whole inspired by God?

I invite them to join here and defend the Bible

format_quote Originally Posted by Hassan'76ers
Also non muslims ask me why Extreme Islam is suddenly starting to take over muslim/non muslim countries

Extreme Islam? what is their definition of it?

format_quote Originally Posted by Hassan'76ers
Why Islamic countries have the most murders per capita even though our religion condemns it.

format_quote Originally Posted by Hassan'76ers
Thank you all in advance .
you are welcome and hope you got benefited...

and lastly I would advice you not to visit their forums......just invite them here and link us to them .....and they are free to criticize Islam here ,and our replies waiting always for them and those alike......
May Allah guide you to the truth....

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01-31-2009, 03:22 AM
For number three the proof is the Quran. Number 5 is answering the question for number 5 because our religion condems it,murders happen to defame us and our increasing faith(answer to number 4). How do we know if the bible is changed? Do we read it? Were we preached by it? These questions are doubts that are made by the Shytaan. It's common sense. Islamic prophets are mentioned in 2 other faiths,jeudism and Christianity. Meaning they exist. I am currently searching for a Hadith and will post it after.

01-31-2009, 05:53 AM
At last I got the Hadith .[I]Rasullah(SAW) said " I leave you with two things. If you abide from them you will never astray. Those two things are the Quran and Hadith. /I]

- Qatada -
01-31-2009, 04:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hassan'76ers
All my life I have been a Muslim however for the past year or two I have been questing my faith to Islam because sometimes I feel as though Islam is not for me.

I hope this is relevant;

Anyhow my questions:

1) I was on a catholic board recently and a lot of them think that Muhammad (saws) instead of meeting Gabriel(pbuh) meet the Satan. Can anyone here prove that he meet Gabriel instead of Satan because Catholic board people said that Satan can disguised himself into light and be seen as an angel and SAtan misguided Muhammad(thus creating the Islamic Faith)

A few points you can consider;

a) If satan is so evil, why was the message forbidding evil such as idol worship? [satan wants people to do idol worship.] Why would satan call people to keep family ties, to give in charity to the needy? To deal justly with those who you like or dislike? Surely satan doesn't call to such good.

b) Before reciting every chapter of Qur'an, we seek refuge in Allah from satan [audhu billahi min ash-shaytaan ar-rajeem]. Would satan want us to do this if he also believes in God?

2)People on the Catholic board also asked me how we can prove the bible has been changed?

Try telling them how the Bible claims Prophet Lot committed incest with his daughters while being drunk [Genesis 19:33-35], also it claims Judah committed incest with his daughter in law [Genesis 38:15-18], rape between a brother and a sister [2Samuel 13:5-14], claims that Prophet Noah was drunk and naked [genesis 9:21].

3) Athiest ask me for proof for God and also ask me why I believe in "Medieval Stuff" even though it's really old and there is no proof of it

4) Also non muslims ask me why Extreme Islam is suddenly starting to take over muslim/non muslim countries

5)Why Islamic countries have the most murders per capita even though our religion condmens it.

Thank you all in advance I'm sorry if this is the wrong section please feel free to move this . I know these questions might sound stupid but I really need these answers.

For the rest of your questions:

They should read this;

Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just. [Quran 60:8]

The tolerance of Prophet Muhammad with other religions;


whosoever kills a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind [Quran 5:32]

furthermore, the top 10 cities for murder on the nationmaster report are from non muslim countries;


This might be useful;

Existence of God;

01-31-2009, 09:47 PM
THANK you all so much for clearing this up for me.
I have now started back to living my regular life in peace(no more thinking about this stuff)
Also I need to realize not to take people's word for everything to sreiously without proof.

Hamza Asadullah
02-13-2009, 02:21 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hassan'76ers
THANK you all so much for clearing this up for me.
I have now started back to living my regular life in peace(no more thinking about this stuff)
Also I need to realize not to take people's word for everything to sreiously without proof.
Asalaam wr wb i would seriously recommend that you do not go to Non muslim forums especially catholic ones! Ive been there before and got banned just for posting damming evidance against christianity! If you have not got much knowledge about Islam or Christianity then what is the point going on there? The shaythan will just fill your head with doubts especially if you are not too practicing! Brother just concentrate on building up your imaan(faith) and learning knowledge of Islam and getting closer to Allah!I have pasted a weblink for you to download a whole list of brilliant Islamic E books starting from introduction and basics of islam and onwards! If you need any help then we are here to help inshallah!

Free Islamic E books to download:


02-26-2009, 06:02 AM
I find it so crazy that christians say the Quran is from satan. Its like they know that its too good to be written from a human so they for some reason equate Satans powers with the power of Allah. AstaghfirAllah

To disprove their crazy theory, just read this ayah from surah Nahl.
"When thou dost read the Qur'an, seek Allah's protection from Satan the rejected one." (Surah Nahl verse 98)

Haha why would the author of a book tell the reader to seek Allah's protection from the author.

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