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View Full Version : The Life of Sh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz (Rahimahullah) - Friday 25th April‏

'Abd-al Latif
04-18-2009, 09:26 PM

Connecting ourselves with the Ulama (scholars): The Life of Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz (Rahimahullah) By Sh. Abdul-Aziz Al-Sadhan (From Riyadh and a student of Sh. Ibn Baz) & Sh. Faisal Al-Jasim (Kuwait)

Date: Friday 24 April 2009 Time: After Maghrib (8.23 pm) Venue: Green Lane Masjid All brothers & sisters welcome

This lecture will be broadcast LIVE on paltalk, www.paltalk.com

Section: Islam, Room: Green Lane Masjid The lecture will also be video streamed LIVE on the Green Lane Masjid channel on ustream. www.ustream.tv/GreenLaneMasjid


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04-21-2009, 06:48 PM
Mash'allah i was just watching a youtube clip of Shayk's bin baz and uthaimeen life online a few days ago. Cant help but feel sad when you witness scholars die, because with them the knowledge and wisdom departs too.

04-22-2009, 04:36 PM
Why do you celebrate the life of one who declared it permissible to allow non-muslims troops on the Arabian peninsula so they could attack muslims?

أبو سليمان عمر
04-22-2009, 04:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Why do you celebrate the life of one who declared it permissible to allow non-muslims troops on the Arabian peninsula so they could attack muslims?
what are you talking about who?

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04-22-2009, 04:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Umar^111
what are you talking about who?
"During the Gulf War Ibn Baaz issued fatwa allowing the deployment of non-Muslim troops on Saudi Arabia soil to defend the Kingdom from the Iraqi army. Some noted that this was in contrast to his opinion in the 1940s, when he contradicted the government policy of Islamically allowing non-Muslims to be employed on Saudi soil."


'Abd-al Latif
04-22-2009, 04:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
"During the Gulf War Ibn Baaz issued fatwa allowing the deployment of non-Muslim troops on Saudi Arabia soil to defend the Kingdom from the Iraqi army. Some noted that this was in contrast to his opinion in the 1940s, when he contradicted the government policy of Islamically allowing non-Muslims to be employed on Saudi soil."

Do you know his reasons for it?

04-22-2009, 04:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by 'Abd-al Latif
Do you know his reasons for it?
Does it really matter if it directly contradicts a known statement of the prophet (saw)?

أبو سليمان عمر
04-22-2009, 05:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Does it really matter if it directly contradicts a known statement of the prophet (saw)?
ITS FUNNY how people see one thing and dont see the other things that are there anyway instead of talking down on a great scholars you make dua for if he wrong Allah FORGIVE HIM IF HE IS RIGHT Allah reward him
O Allâh, forgive 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz, have mercy on him, make his grave wide and fill it with light. Raise his status among the guided and above many of Your creation on the Day of Judgement. Forgive us and him, O Lord of the Worlds. Admit him to a place of honour on the Day of Resurrection. O Allâh, compensate the Muslims with good, for You are the All-Hearing Who answers prayers and You are Ever Near.

أبو سليمان عمر
04-22-2009, 05:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Does it really matter if it directly contradicts a known statement of the prophet (saw)?
just to tell you abit about this man
Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Baaz
*Please appropriately reference this biography to: www.fatwa-online.com, thankyou!*
Abu 'Abdullaah Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn 'Abdullaah ibn 'Abdur-Rahmaan Aal-Baaz was born in the city of Riyadh in Dhul-Hijjah 1330 A.H./1909 C.E.

He memorized the Qur.aan in his early age and then he acquired knowledge from many of the great scholars of the Kingdom. Some of his teachers were Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Lateef Aal-Shaykh, Shaykh Saalih ibn 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal-Shaykh and the eminent Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem Aal-Shaykh who, in his time, was the Muftee of Saudi Arabia. Shaykh Ibn Baaz accompanied the eminent Shaykh and learned from him for about ten years. Thus he gained his religious education from the family of Imaam Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab.

Afterwards Shaykh Ibn Baaz was appointed as a Justice and he worked for fourteen years in the judiciary until he was deputed to the education faculty. He remained engaged in teaching for nine years at Riyadh Islaamic Law College, Riyadh Religious Institute. Then he was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the Islaamic University, al-Madeenah; but shortly afterwards, he was made the Chancellor with all the administrative powers. Later he was appointed President of the General Presidency of Islaamic Research, Ifta, Call and Propagation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

He held the position of Grand Muftee of Saudi Arabia, the Presidency of many Islaamic Committees and Councils, the prominent among these being: Senior Scholars Committee of the Kingdom, Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa, the Founding Committee of Muslim World League, World Supreme Council for Mosques, Islaamic Jurisprudence Assembly Makkah; and the member of the Supreme Council of the Islaamic University at al-Madeenah, and the Supreme Committee for Islaamic Propagation, until he passed away on Thursday 27 Muharram 1420 A.H./May 13 1999 C.E. May Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala) have Mercy upon his soul, aameen.

أبو سليمان عمر
04-22-2009, 05:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Why do you celebrate the life of one who declared it permissible to allow non-muslims troops on the Arabian peninsula so they could attack muslims?
Celebrate? who said anything about celebrate we cerebrate the 2 eids only nothing else Connecting ourselves with the Ulama (scholars): The Life of Shaykh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz (Rahimahullah) By Sh. Abdul-Aziz Al-Sadhan it is a lecture maybe a BIO of this great man

04-22-2009, 05:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Umar^111
ITS FUNNY how people see one thing and dont see the other things that are there anyway instead of talking down on a great scholars you make dua for if he wrong Allah FORGIVE HIM IF HE IS RIGHT Allah reward him
O Allâh, forgive 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Baaz, have mercy on him, make his grave wide and fill it with light. Raise his status among the guided and above many of Your creation on the Day of Judgement. Forgive us and him, O Lord of the Worlds. Admit him to a place of honour on the Day of Resurrection. O Allâh, compensate the Muslims with good, for You are the All-Hearing Who answers prayers and You are Ever Near.
Yes, forgive him. However, we cannot overlook the situation that he gave legitimacy to. There are troops still stationed there to this day oppressing our brothers and sisters because of his actions.

One of the things I was attracted to in Islam is the lack of a religious clergy power structure.

InshaAllah he does get jannah though but he will be responsible for his actions on yawm al qiyamah.

edit: I'd like to point out that I am not looking to make takfeer on him or anything. I just see too much scholar worship and not enough comparing our situations to the Quran and Sunnah. In the end, we are responsible for what we do, no matter what a big sheikh says.

أبو سليمان عمر
04-22-2009, 05:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Yes, forgive him. However, we cannot overlook the situation that he gave legitimacy to. There are troops still stationed there to this day oppressing our brothers and sisters because of his actions.

One of the things I was attracted to in Islam is the lack of a religious clergy power structure.

InshaAllah he does get jannah though but he will be responsible for his actions on yawm al qiyamah.
we cannot talk bad about the person and he is not present to defend himself ALLAH will judge him not us. no human is perfect, its easy to look for faults but we see what we want to see, BUT ill tell you that Ibn Baaz is the scholar of this Ummah. He better respect scholars even if he differs with them in some fatwah'. Sheikh Al Albaani rahimahullaah disagreed with Ibn Baaz regarding this fatwah but he used to honour him, calling him 'My Scholar'.

may ALLAH grant him jannatul firdaus Ameen

04-22-2009, 06:41 PM
i think we should stop diggin up the graves, i remember hearing a beautiful sayin i dont know who it was by, it said

"dont talk about the peoples past actions, because we dont know if he has repented from it and his repentance has been accepted, and if his repentance has been accepted then we are just slandering and if it hasnt we are still backbiting"

so lets look @ ourselfs, sheikh ibn baz (rahimallah) is a great scholar, no matter what, like his life from the beginnin, how he went blind only at 20, but by that time he had already hifz the Quraan, studied under major ulama of his time, subhanallah but he still carried on learning, imams like ibn baz only come rarely! he was heavy

anywhoo lets all be goood :D

'Abd-al Latif
04-22-2009, 09:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Does it really matter if it directly contradicts a known statement of the prophet (saw)?
Yes it does because you cannot blindly accusome over a statement that you read in - out all websites - wikipedia.

Certain scholars may give fatwas based the current conditions and situations that one is going through in their land. Is it not justice to find out the intent behind it specially for a man who has passed away and cannot defend himself?

04-22-2009, 10:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Does it really matter if it directly contradicts a known statement of the prophet (saw)?
Scholars are humans aswel, and make mistakes, and the bigger your responsibilities the bigger your mistakes. And I don't think anyone can say this wasn't a mistake, ofcourse it was, but Shaykh Abdul-Azeez Ibn Baz (rahimuallah) gave that fatwa and that is done, there nothing you or I can do about it. But is that going to stop you from gaining knowledge and benefit from what this great man had, how many Islamic organistions did he support both verbally and financially, and he supported many of the campaigns of the Mu'jahdeen during the 70's and 80's. Shaykh Ibn Baz did alot of good in his life, and I believe there is a talk by Ali A'Tamimi (may Allah free him) talking about this and he discusses this issue in greater detail and how the Shaykhs Good out did this Fatwa. The Shaykh taught many many students, he also was one of the main people to establish the Islamic University of Madinah , which now mashallah has 10s of thousands of students around the world preaching Tawheed, and the Shaykh wrote many many beneficial books.

Ummu Sufyaan
04-23-2009, 07:54 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by 'Abd-al Latif
Do you know his reasons for it?
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Does it really matter if it directly contradicts a known statement of the prophet (saw)?

yes it does...akhee, some scholars in saudi/Muslim countries are forced to make rulings according to the whims of those in authority at the risk of getting imprisoned, etc.

i think it was shaikh khalid al-raashid who got imprisoned for mentioning in one of his lectures that zinaa occurs in Saudi.

and shaikh Huthaify for giving a khutbah blasting whose who curse the companions after a shia delegate visited the graves of the prophet(sallalahu aleyhi wa sallam) umar and abubakr (radiahallahu anhumaa) and spat in-as to insult-towards the graves of the two companions.

so unfortunately sometimes they are forced to give rulings contradictory to the Quran/sunnah or else as i mentioned they face imprisonment, and hence they may be prevented from benefiting people with their knowledge in other ways...quite tragic really...

04-23-2009, 11:09 AM
Why is it when we hear stories about classical scholars, we praise them because they stood up to tyrants and spoke the truth but when someone aligned with the Saud family pushes status quo and puts *millions* of muslims in harms way, we brush it off like it ain't a thing?

I'm not down with scholar worship like this.

04-23-2009, 11:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Why do you celebrate the life of one who declared it permissible to allow non-muslims troops on the Arabian peninsula so they could attack muslims?
Read his actual fatwa on it and then agree/disagree...............

04-23-2009, 11:39 AM
Ok get me a translation then.

04-23-2009, 11:47 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Ok get me a translation then.
i dont have a translation on me at the moment sorry.

Ummu Sufyaan
04-23-2009, 12:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Why is it when we hear stories about classical scholars, we praise them because they stood up to tyrants and spoke the truth but when someone aligned with the Saud family pushes status quo and puts *millions* of muslims in harms way, we brush it off like it ain't a thing?
because Islamically, if one is forced to do something against their will, he/she is not held accountable due to the fact that it was done under coercion (sp?).

04-23-2009, 12:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
Ok get me a translation then.
Allaahul Musta'aan... you haven't even read the fatwa and you're passing judgements, and accusing people of scholar 'worship' simply because they are defending the shaykh? Or has wikipedia become an authentic source of information all of a sudden?

04-23-2009, 12:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Faizah
Allaahul Musta'aan... you haven't even read the fatwa and you're passing judgements, and accusing people of scholar 'worship' simply because they are defending the shaykh? Or has wikipedia become an authentic source of information all of a sudden?
I have seen summaries and from what I have seen it has to do with dawah or some stuff. I still stand by the known statement of the prophet(saw) rather than an edict from a house scholar.

Moreover, what if some high up scholar used flowery language and reason to say riba was permissible. Wouldn't your own common sense kick in here?

Ummu Sufyaan
04-23-2009, 12:34 PM
Can you please post up what you've seen?

04-23-2009, 12:41 PM
It was something like using the help of the mushriks (Americans) to fight mushriks (baathists) and to do so would be giving dawah to the foreign troops as well as preventing the dawah (i.e. the Saudi family) from being destroyed by Saddam's troops.

04-23-2009, 12:54 PM
you know and i know akhi certain sheikhs are under restrictions, some of them speak their minds and they are prisoned, like sheikh salman al auwda, he was propa againist it, and he spoke out and he got prison for like years,

anyway, there is no point in discussin fatwas, whats done is done, its all in the past, sheikh ibn baz (rahim allah) has died, whatever he did, thats for Allahs (swt) to sort out, it aint gona make a difference on what we say and do!

04-23-2009, 01:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by convert
It was something like using the help of the mushriks (Americans) to fight mushriks (baathists) and to do so would be giving dawah to the foreign troops as well as preventing the dawah (i.e. the Saudi family) from being destroyed by Saddam's troops.
and you do know that amongst the scholars of the salaf there is a difference of opinion on this anyway so its not one clear cut thing right...?

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