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View Full Version : What about Women in Islam

07-17-2009, 09:08 AM
Can someone make me understand following questions with respect to woman in Islam

Do muslim woman enjoy equal right as men?

Why are women not allowed to go to mosques?

Why men dont wear black Burqa as woman is expected to, "why dont MEN lower THEIR gaze in modesty" and show respect to "other" woman?Just because men cannot control their pervertness, woman have this responsibilities of covering up their beauties ,are muslim men so dangerous that woman have to hide inside garment?

Also how does the hijab provide a woman with an identity? Why might a Muslim woman want her religious beliefs to show up-front?

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07-17-2009, 09:52 AM
These are the basic misconceptions about Islam and I'm sure someone must have already cleared them here earlier but I'd like to have a shot at it myself.

Firstly, men and women are unequal in humanity itself. They have been made different with good reason. Allah has bestowed on both their own merits and demerits according to his wisdom. Now coming to your questions :

1. Men and Women are not equal in Islam. If I say that Islam treats women equally with men then I'd be lying. No religion treats men and women equally but unlike other religions Islam treats women with justice. Women have rights over everything that a man has rights on in Islam.

2. Neither any Qur'anic verse nor any Prophetic Hadeeth says that women are not allowed to go to Mosques. In fact, according to a hadeeth "Don't stop your women from going to mosque even at night. So women are welcome in mosques but usually you find mosques only for men because women are encouraged to offer their Salaah at their homes so that they won't have to compromise with the household duties.

3. Women are asked to wear the burqa because the entire body of a woman is a fitna for men. Any part of the body revealed can lead to immodest thoughts in men and its not the other way round. And hence women are asked to cover their entire body except the face and hands upto wrist. This affinity towards women is not exclusive to Islam, its a sign of manhood.:skeleton:. Thats the hijab for women and the hijab for men is mentioned in the Qur'an in Surah Noor (Surah # 24) verse 30
Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.

and the next verse talks about the hijab for women i.e. verse 31

And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss.

As you see, even in the Qur'an the hijab for men is mentioned before the hijab for women.

The hijab is a symbol of modesty and allows the face to be kept uncovered so there's enough for identity in it.

A Muslim women would like to express her religion because she loves Allah Subhaanahu Wa Taala and His Messenger Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and she shows her beliefs up-front because her beloved have asked her to do so.

I tried to answer in a brief way and there can be better answers than this. I hope others put more light on this issue.

And Allah knows best
Wallahu Alam


Caller الداعي
07-17-2009, 11:14 AM

ur question is very good.

how ever equal rights? islam does not define equal rights as the modern day defines it.
Islam actually gives each and every person their rights according to their nature ability and potential unlike modern times which does not consider the the nature of the person (this is a philosophical subject which has been debated by philosophers)
for example islam gives the husband rights gives the wife rights gives the children rights gives the parents rights gives the mother rights gives the father rights etc...
whereas today, rights r so called equal as in women r like men and their nature is not considered this sounds good but its future impact is not so.

Now in islam the husband must provide according to his ability for his wife weather she is rich or poor unlike the equal rights system! the reason for that is because a woman is naturally the weaker sex and more in need of support when it comes to pregnancy giving birth bringing up kids and so on.... whereas today the man doesnt have to provide bcoz theyr r both equal so she has to do whatever she can to make ends meat.

Islam in no way degrades a woman by giving her rights different to men infact islam teaches us to put everything in its proper place and when this is practiced in any society the results r very pleasing.

2. as for the second question women r allowed to go to mosques however it is not necessary for them to attend congregationl prayers islam has made it easy for them as they get the same reward praying by themselves.
yes some scholars r of the opinion that women should stay at home rather than attend

3. well men must lower their gaze infront of women as muslims have been instructed to by islam.
however bcoz women r naturally more attractive to men than the opposite way round and not all men will be able to lower their gazes for exampl whilst driving..for this reason islam has prohibted women from beautfying themslvs infront of other men so that the women r protected from men. for example rape usual occurs when a man is sexually attracted to the looks of a lady however the opposite is very rare! (not to say other factors r not taken to account in rape)

however muslim men being so dangerous?! i think it would be correct to say men in general r more dangerous. as a man, i know how our side of the human species thinks so i know what comes to the mind of a man when he sees pretty women! and this is natural not pervese in anyway the next step is the crucial one how we fulfill our desire after seeing this thats why islam encourages marriage.
yes when a person can control his desires in a modest way (i.e marriage)without causing havoc and sewing his seeds in ever direction then the society is at peace and harmony families are not torn apart children r not abonded and the most important of all peoples rights r protected.

now imagine a society where there were no controls and ppl were left at the fate of their own desires! its scary coz there would not be much happy families children would have social problems society would not be able to develop in a peacful way and infact would result in a society where mans only desire would be to how to get her into bed with him!
and if that dont work spend his time looking at pics films and so on of explicit nature...

So where is the honour of the woman in society!
instead after shes done with shes left as a single mother having to cope with the responsiblty of children and no one to care for her and her kids!
i know it is not the same in every case but its the general picture that we r getting in todays society.

so islam doesnt degrade a woman by making her cover up modestly infact it raises her status and makes her into that beloved wife that respected mother that honourable sister ( not that half naked model or toy for the medias entertainment!) where she is supported by the family the society and can raise her kids in a sound environmnt so infact the making of society lies in her precious hands!

4. islam doesnt define the religious status of a muslim lady by her covering up this is infact a means to keep the balance in society as mentioned earlier.

hope it was of some help.

07-17-2009, 03:20 PM
Well, my english is not too good , so i did not understan your last part question but i will try to give some answer to your questions

Do muslim woman enjoy equal right as men?
In islam man and woman both have equal rights but not similar. In some cases man have some upper hand and in some women. I think yo ask this because you might have many misconcept about this.
Evently if you read the actual concept in some point which you think are degrading women are acutally uplifting women more then man for example its was commonly ask that "Why is a woman’s share of the inherited wealth only half that of a man?" if you actually go to depth of this theory you will inshallallah agree that women actually inherits more see this link for more detial


Why are women not allowed to go to mosques?
Who said you that women are not allowed to go to mosques , they are surely allowed. Actullay they are not necessary to go to mosques like men , if they want they can go , if they donot want it up to them.
But for women its necessary that there must be a seperate place in mosques for women , and normally due to space or some other reason as there is no seperate place in some mosques so women donot go there.
In my area women go to mosque , specially during rumzan and in normal days as it is not necessary for them to go to mosque , usually they do not go to mosque. Simple.

Why men dont wear black Burqa as woman
Its also necessary for men to hide its body but there are different rules for man and women , as i am not getting word in english to describe it properly so i think some body else can describe this.

why dont MEN lower THEIR gaze in modesty" and show respect to "other" woman?Just because men cannot control their pervertness, woman have this responsibilities of covering up their beauties ,are muslim men so dangerous that woman have to hide inside garment?
WELL, Men must have to lower his eyes in respect of women , and if some body dont its his personal attitude and not the teaching of islam.

Due to my poor english i did not understand your last part so sorry i cannot answer this.

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07-18-2009, 11:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ali_008

2. Neither any Qur'anic verse nor any Prophetic Hadeeth says that women are not allowed to go to Mosques. In fact, according to a hadeeth "Don't stop your women from going to mosque even at night. So women are welcome in mosques but usually you find mosques only for men because women are encouraged to offer their Salaah at their homes so that they won't have to compromise with the household duties.
So woman are so ALLOWED, then what is stopping them not to go to mosques as I have seen in many Asian countries, woman are hardly going to mosques and they are usually home bound.

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
07-18-2009, 03:48 PM
^^Unfortunately in many Muslim countries, people take culture more seriously than Islam, which is wrong. Those who know Islam well enough won't let culture get in their way.

07-19-2009, 10:14 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by VegetarianSoul
So woman are so ALLOWED, then what is stopping them not to go to mosques as I have seen in many Asian countries, woman are hardly going to mosques and they are usually home bound.
I belong to Pakistan so i can answer this question to yes , that is you will see very few mosques that women will came , its because of the following reasons

1) Its better and recommended for women to pray in home rather in mosques , that does not mean they are not allowed in mosque , so most women will offer prayer at home.

2) As there must a separate place , for women to offer prayer in mosques , and in most of the mosques in these countries does not have a separate place (due to any reason , might be not much space or money problem ) so thats why women usually not go to mosques also.

I am in Pakistan , and in my area the mosque provide a separate place for women to pray and there are many mosque in different areas i had seen which allowed a separate are for prayer of women.

07-19-2009, 10:41 AM
Here is a very useful resource about women in Islam: http://www.islamfortoday.com/women.htm

07-20-2009, 08:22 AM
Women and men are equal in the eyes of Allah, but He has given each a separate place in society, defined by its own responsibilities and rights, just as he has given a differant place in society to a ruler, and a differant place to the ruled. They have different duties, but are equally human and beloved in Allah's eyes.

Just as it is better in Allah's eyes for men to pray in Masajid, it is better for women to pray in their homes. Islam discourages mixing of the sexes. So because men have been given responsibilities outside the house, and women responsibilities inside the house, they are discouraged from venturing in each others areas. Though they may in case of need. (I normally pray at home but have prayed in mosques while traveling, or on a long shopping expedition.)

And like the previous people have mentioned, men are supposed to lower their gazes. Women do not find physical beauty as attractive as men do, so women are told to cover themselves, while men are not. Also, physical labour outdoors (which women are not required to do, but men may be) would be difficult in a burqa

07-30-2009, 06:32 AM
I have an article on the subject. You might want to read it.

07-31-2009, 06:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by VegetarianSoul
Can someone make me understand following questions with respect to woman in Islam

Do muslim woman enjoy equal right as men?

Why are women not allowed to go to mosques?

Why men dont wear black Burqa as woman is expected to, "why dont MEN lower THEIR gaze in modesty" and show respect to "other" woman?Just because men cannot control their pervertness, woman have this responsibilities of covering up their beauties ,are muslim men so dangerous that woman have to hide inside garment?

Also how does the hijab provide a woman with an identity? Why might a Muslim woman want her religious beliefs to show up-front?
let me answer the test Q:

1).I have even more (I know how to get ,,the right,,;D )

2).Yes,I go when I want.In fact-I love being in mosque,and I've been in many.

3).,,The garment,, is good for me and for the others.I hope one day I will fully cover,even my eyes;so nobody will envy me,or have in his account bad points bcos of me as well as me in my account.

4)Yes,I want to show I am a muslim,so others will say: As salamu alaykum,I will reply,and both will get good points,insha-Allah!
Muslim brother/sister will help me if I need help,brothers respect me only bcos of the hejab... ect.


Ummu Sufyaan
08-02-2009, 10:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by VegetarianSoul

Why men dont wear black Burqa as woman is expected to, "why dont MEN lower THEIR gaze in modesty" and show respect to "other" woman?Just because men cannot control their pervertness, woman have this responsibilities of covering up their beauties ,
women covering up DOES NOT exempt men from lowering thier gaze. it is a 2 way street. the quran doesnt tell women to show skin and order men to lower thier gaze. at the same time it doesnt tell women to cover their skin, and have men let their gaze wonder. as mentioned, it's a 2-way street.

as for your other questions:

Just because men cannot control their pervertness, woman have this responsibilities of covering up their beauties ,are muslim men so dangerous that woman have to hide inside garment?
knowing the natural desire and lusts in a man, i dont know what self respecting woman would want to go around showing herself off anyway :-\
women are not pieces of meat to have some dog come and drool all over it-so to speak.

Also how does the hijab provide a woman with an identity?
becuase you are regarded as a human, and not as an object. people talk about how a Muslim woman is not respected for the way she dresses, but that's ridiculous because when a guy talks to girl who isn't dressed modestly, is he talking to her, or her skin *rolls eyes*<---how is that respectful.
Why might a Muslim woman want her religious beliefs to show up-front?
why not? just because everyone can see what you are ding, it doesnt mean you are showing off. I mean lets not pray in congretion either becuase we are showing our deeds off. she doesnt want her skin to be show-up front either.

08-03-2009, 08:36 PM
Do muslim woman enjoy equal right as men?
Please be clear.I didnt understand this question.As far as I know, you asked about whether Muslimahs are happy of what they get or not.If this is what you asked, yes.The faithful Muslimahs are.And there's lot to do for them too.They just dont hide their faces and sit inside their houses.

Why are women not allowed to go to mosques?
Women do.It is allowed.But it is recommended for women to pray inside their houses.

Why men dont wear black Burqa as woman is expected to, "why dont MEN lower THEIR gaze in modesty" and show respect to "other" woman?Just because men cannot control their pervertness, woman have this responsibilities of covering up their beauties ,are muslim men so dangerous that woman have to hide inside garment?
The difference between the sex, body and the haya is the answer.Who said Muslim women have to cover their beauties?They do expose it.IN west, women are also sexually assaulted by men just because of this open freedom of clothes.It Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah happens rarely here.Just because the women hide the sexual attraction from men.Women do beautify themselves and wear good clothes.They MashaAllah are also naturally beautiful!And they can wear the things they like in front of their Mahrams as soon as it doesnt involves Fitnah(bad deed or forbidden thing).

Also how does the hijab provide a woman with an identity? Why might a Muslim woman want her religious beliefs to show up-front?
Hijab is just a cloth avoiding shame! Its an identity that Muslimahs know about shame and haya.

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