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View Full Version : Seeking the pray from all of you

07-22-2009, 02:15 PM
Assalamualaikum my brother and sisters in Islam,

Today, I have been embracing Islam secretly for more than 3 years. It was hard and tough times for me. But I am proud to tell all of you that this Saturday at 4pm I will go to Darul Arqam and said the shahada officially.

My family condemn me because of this...
My family hate me because of this..
My family spit at me because of this..

I just want the pray and blessing from all of you as this is going to be a new journey of my life.... And my fight for Allah does not end here...

A jihad to show that Islam is the right way...
A jihad to tell everybody that Islam is not as bad as they think...
Most of all jihad because of Him and only..

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07-22-2009, 02:22 PM
Salam bro, you have done a great thing and we are here to support you every step of the way. May Allah be pleased with you!

07-22-2009, 02:25 PM
May Allah reward you!
format_quote Originally Posted by f3nd1
My family condemn me because of this...
My family hate me because of this..
My family spit at me because of this..
The same happened to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Take strength from that! :)

07-22-2009, 02:30 PM
My bro Uthman,

I have already added you in my twitter :) hehe

format_quote Originally Posted by Uthmān
May Allah reward you! The same happened to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Take strength from that! :)
This is what I told myself...
If Prophet himself do not complaint who am I to complain?

As my 'wali' or witness for the ceremony keep on reminding me... Altough you might lose your real family, your bigger and true family is going to accept you despite your colour, skin, background etc...


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07-22-2009, 02:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by f3nd1
I have already added you in my twitter :) hehe
I'm not Yasir Qadhi. He is an 'Aalim (person of knowledge) for whom I have a great deal of respect.
format_quote Originally Posted by f3nd1
This is what I told myself...
If Prophet himself do not complaint who am I to complain?

As my 'wali' or witness for the ceremony keep on reminding me... Altough you might lose your real family, your bigger and true family is going to accept you despite your colour, skin, background etc...

Exactly! This is so true.

- IqRa -
07-22-2009, 02:37 PM

Takbeer!!!!!! :cry:

Indeed Allaah has shown you the right way f3nd1 brother!

Welcome to a religion of peace...
Welcome to a religion of nothing but the truth...
Welcome to the promise of paradise, where the trees have trunks of gold and silver...
Welcome to the forgiveness and the pleasure of your Lord...
Welcome to the promise of gazing upon the beauty of your Lord...

Welcome to Islam!!!

All your sins have been erased, and you are like a new born baby! SubhaanAllaah, SubhaanAllaah, SuhaanAllaah...I truly envy you my brother! I am really happy for you...

Please pray for us all...

May I ask your age? If you don't want to tell us, you don't need to =)

07-22-2009, 02:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Uthmān
I'm not Yasir Qadhi. He is an 'Aalim (person of knowledge) for whom I have a great deal of respect.

oh ok hahaha

format_quote Originally Posted by T.I.A

Takbeer!!!!!! :cry:

Indeed Allaah has shown you the right way f3nd1 brother!

ll your sins have been erased, and you are like a new born baby! SubhaanAllaah, SubhaanAllaah, SuhaanAllaah...I truly envy you my brother! I am really happy for you...

Please pray for us all...

May I ask your age? If you don't want to tell us, you don't need to =)
i just turned 27... :)

My family keep on telling me think again-think again. But I just replied.. I only ask twice... and 3 years is enough for me to cover my face with mask..

I will update the story... for this saturday.. I am quite excited. but I know I gonna cry like no body business :)

- IqRa -
07-22-2009, 02:57 PM
:D and you should be!!!! :D MashaAllaah...

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
07-22-2009, 05:18 PM
wa alaikum assalaam wrwb!

MashaAllah brother, this is wonderful newsssssss. May Allah keep you safe and steadfast on this deen InshaAllah. Ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen :D

All the best! Let us know when you've done it :)

07-22-2009, 05:22 PM
Allahu Akbar! Welcome back to the path u were born upon brotha.
I admire ur attitude. despite the fact that ur family is giving u such a hard time u dont give up. May Allah keep yu steadfast in ur deen ameen.

07-22-2009, 09:37 PM
:sl: my brother

Subhanallah you have hidden it for so long. InshAllah as yo make the decision to become open with your famiily they too will begin to see Islam for what it is and not what they think it is.

I had many problems with my family too when I reverted and its only now(after 7 years) that I have a somewhat comparable relationship to before my embracin Islam.

I will keep you in my duaas brother.

07-22-2009, 09:43 PM
May Allah make things easy for you, brother; welcome to the family.

07-23-2009, 01:43 AM
^^ ameen to the above dua.

Welcome... May Islam lead us to a better way of life :)

07-24-2009, 01:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Uthmān
May Allah reward you! The same happened to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Take strength from that! :)

you know, i remember listening to a lecture by Mufti Menk. he said that all these "bad" things that happen are actually a sign from Allah that He has accepted your Islam! one of the reasons is that when you get to Jannah, In Sha'a Allah, you will be able to share your stories with Rasulullah, Sallah Allahu Alayhee Wa Salaam!

May Allah guide you and assist you!



07-25-2009, 07:36 PM
Would you be ok if I prayed for you?

07-25-2009, 07:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Clover
Would you be ok if I prayed for you?
Allahs blessings be upon you Clover, tried repping you but all out. Peace

07-25-2009, 08:01 PM
I can connect with you on this and have some idea what you are going through. My old headmaster gave me some advice 24 years ago and i never forgot it, "Beleive in whatever you choose but always let other people know what it is". You have been through the hardest test of going against familly to embrace Islam, now you can stand strong knowing that what anyone else thinks is only second to this, and that it is the only time Allah allows us to disobey parents. May I officially welcome you to the largest familly on the planet, Assalamu aleiykum wa rahmatulah. May Allah bestow his grace upon you and set you as an example to others, Ameen. Alhamdulillah

07-25-2009, 08:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tony
Allahs blessings be upon you Clover, tried repping you but all out. Peace
um, why? lol sorry, kinda confused.

07-25-2009, 08:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Clover
um, why? lol sorry, kinda confused.
for being of different belief and still offering prayers

07-25-2009, 08:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tony
for being of different belief and still offering prayers
Just part of life I guess. I won't do it unless he says yes though, in his religion it could do more harm for me to do it then if I did.

07-25-2009, 08:47 PM
wallahi this thread brought tears to my eyes :cry:
welcome to Islam akhee
may Allah shower u with his blessings

ameen to all of the du3as

07-25-2009, 08:54 PM
asalam u alikum wa rehmatulahi wa berkathu


brother this will be hard for you but remian steadfast me and everyone of this forum pray to ALLAH SWT that HE makes you strong in ur belief and if you need any help HOLA.


07-26-2009, 05:29 AM

Brother, Allah has given you the greatest gift of hidayah.
I pray for you to keep on the straight path and to keep receiving rahmat from Allah SWT.

07-27-2009, 06:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by naidamar

Brother, Allah has given you the greatest gift of hidayah.
I pray for you to keep on the straight path and to keep receiving rahmat from Allah SWT.
My brothers... yes I can call you my brothers and sisters now.. .Alhamdullilah the ceremony went well... I am now officially a Muslim.. I am still in process of writing my Muallaf story why i convert etc in my blog

in the mean time u still can visit me and add me in facebook or twitter if you have F3nd1

07-27-2009, 06:23 PM
Just a glimpse.... from the article hehehe

"I am an Indonesian Chinese, living in Singapore for the past 15 years. Although I come from a Buddhist family, since young I have been exposed to Islam.(as you know that Indonesia is a muslim country). My old house was located near mosque, so to hear takhbir is a norm for me. I used to hate hearing the night takhbir before Ramadhan. It was so loud till I could not sleep. Personally I feel that's the thing that I missed most about Indonesia, the echo sound of takhbir which you can only find it in a Muslim countries.

I also remembered when I was young each time the TV played the Ramadhan night Takhbir(Allahu Akhbar Allahu Akbar la ila haila...) my tears will drop for some reason. Strangely the sound of takhbir really moves my heart despite not knowing the meaning. And of course coming from a non Muslim family when the TV played the Adzan, my family would off the TV. In short I have been living in a Muslim country but unfortunately with the impression that Islam is the wrong way, Islam is terrorism and many muslims (politicians, religious head, etc..) are just using Islam's name for their own benefit (munafik). It has never came across in my mind to even has a glimpse to know it. But only with His will ( Wala haula wala quata ila billa ) I am a Muallaf now

But how Islam really came to my life was because of my ex Muslim girlfriend (4.5 years ago). She was the one that introduced me with Islam. We wanted to be together so much but she said I have to be a Muslim. I explained to her, that's not the case, in Indonesia there are many inter-religious married. A Muslim married to Christian and vice versa."

07-27-2009, 06:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Clover
Just part of life I guess. I won't do it unless he says yes though, in his religion it could do more harm for me to do it then if I did.
Only hope Allah gives you Taufik and Hidayah for you and us... thats more important... :)

07-27-2009, 06:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by f3nd1
Only hope Allah gives you Taufik and Hidayah for you and us... thats more important... :)
I have no clue what either of those are buddy lol. Educate me.

07-27-2009, 08:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Clover
I have no clue what either of those are buddy lol. Educate me.
taufiq - Prosperity

hidayah -gift/present from God see:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidayah

it can come in any form eg: knowledge, physical things etc...

07-27-2009, 08:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by f3nd1
taufiq - Prosperity

hidayah -gift/present from God see:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidayah

it can come in any form eg: knowledge, physical things etc...
Well, assuming their is a god, thank you. I don't say assume to insult you, simply cause I have different beliefs, and if he is real, I am trying to say Thank you, without saying "Thank you for nothing" cause I don't believe it's nothing to wish someone prosperity.

07-27-2009, 09:19 PM
dun worry you are welcome :) by the way I was a buddhist before and practice Taoism before. take care..

07-27-2009, 09:24 PM
One doesn't have to stop practicing Taoism, when one becomes anything different. Taoism isn't as much a religion, as a philosophy.

07-27-2009, 09:34 PM
Allah Akbar... Allah akbar.. Allah akbar

07-27-2009, 10:47 PM
May ALLAH increase your imaan and keep you steadfast for his sake.
Allahu akbar...Allahu akbar..Allahu akbar

07-27-2009, 10:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by f3nd1
Assalamualaikum my brother and sisters in Islam,

Today, I have been embracing Islam secretly for more than 3 years. It was hard and tough times for me. But I am proud to tell all of you that this Saturday at 4pm I will go to Darul Arqam and said the shahada officially.

My family condemn me because of this...
My family hate me because of this..
My family spit at me because of this..

I just want the pray and blessing from all of you as this is going to be a new journey of my life.... And my fight for Allah does not end here...

A jihad to show that Islam is the right way...
A jihad to tell everybody that Islam is not as bad as they think...
Most of all jihad because of Him and only..
SubhanAllah, Please forgive me for not seeing your post earlier. InshaAllah, I will make lots of dua for you. May Allah's help, mercy, and blessings be with you all the way in your journey upon the deen. Ameen Allahu Akbar! :cry::statisfie

07-28-2009, 06:25 AM
awesome work bro :) .. hold on then and be patient .. try to patiently convince your parents. finally may god bless you :)

shazia shafi
07-28-2009, 06:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syilla
^^ ameen to the above dua.

Welcome... May Islam lead us to a better way of life :)

shazia shafi
07-28-2009, 06:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by zakirs
awesome work bro :) .. hold on then and be patient .. try to patiently convince your parents. finally may god bless you :)
may god bless u

shazia shafi
07-28-2009, 06:49 AM

07-28-2009, 07:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Clover
Would you be ok if I prayed for you?
format_quote Originally Posted by shazia shafi
may god bless u
format_quote Originally Posted by shazia shafi
God bless you too :) (sis?) :thumbs_up

- IqRa -
07-30-2009, 09:08 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by f3nd1

I will update the story... for this saturday.. I am quite excited. but I know I gonna cry like no body business :)
So what happened brother?

07-30-2009, 05:16 PM
Walaikumussalam and thank you everybody for the pray and the wishes. I didnt even think that I would get a good response. Anyway Alhamdullilah the ceremony went smoothly

Since I already made a promised to help the upcoming Muallaf, I shall share my experience. Just bear with me if it is too long - I had to re-edit and re-read in order not to miss any important details. I really hope by sharing my stories this would open the heart of the non Muslim and EVEN the Muslims themselves. Coming from a non Muslim family, the understanding of Islam could be very different. That's why it's best to keep our heart open.

Au'dhu Billahi Min ash-Shaitan Ar-Rajeem, Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Rahman Nir Rahim

PART 1 - How Islam entered my life.[/B]

f3nd1 is my nickname, of which is an acronym of the name Effendi. This name was chosen after a very famous Indonesian artist, Affandi. (See here for more info). After some research, I found out that this is actually a very meaningful name.

Taken from Wikipedia
Effendi or Efendi (Arabic: أفندي Afandī; Persian: آفندی ) is a nobility title meaning a lord or master.
Effendi was also considered a man of high education or social standing in an eastern (Mediterranean or Arab) country. It was a title of Turkish origin, analogous to Esquire, and junior to Bey in Egypt during the period of Muhammad Ali dynasty
Effendi is still used as an honorific in Egypt and Turkey, and is the source of the word أفندم؟ effendim?, Turkish: efendim, a particularly polite way of saying "Pardon me?".
In Bosnia and Herzegovina "Effendi" refers to Muslim clerics. in Bosnia "Efendija"
I am an Indonesian Chinese, living in Singapore for the past 15 years. Although I come from a Buddhist family, since young I have been exposed to Islam.(as you know that Indonesia is a muslim country). My old house was located near mosque, so to hear takhbir is a norm for me. I used to hate hearing the night takhbir before Ramadhan. It was so loud till I could not sleep. Personally I feel that's the thing that I missed most about Indonesia, the echo sound of takhbir which you can only find it in a Muslim countries.
I also remembered when I was young each time the TV played the Ramadhan night Takhbir(Allahu Akhbar Allahu Akbar la ila haila...) my tears will drop for some reason. Strangely the sound of takhbir really moves my heart despite not knowing the meaning. And of course coming from a non Muslim family when the TV played the Adzan, my family would off the TV. In short I have been living in a Muslim country and unfortunately with the wrong impression of Islam: Islam as terrorist and Islam as a cover up mask (politicians, religious head, etc.. are just using Islam's name for their own benefit - munafik). It has never came across in my mind to even had a glimpse to know about Islam. But only with His will ( Wala haula wala quata illa billa) I am a Muallaf now :)

But how Islam really came to my life was because of my ex Muslim girlfriend (4.5 years ago). She was the one that introduced me to Islam. We wanted to be together so much but she said I have to be a Muslim. I explained to her, that's not the case, in Indonesia there are many inter-religious married. A Muslim married to Christian and vice versa.

That relationship went for 2.5 years, we were naughty and still wanted to enjoy life. We drank alcohol, went pubs etc... until accidentally she got pregnant. Not wanting to have a baby we decided to have an abortion while the baby was still 3 months old. Ironically we call him Iman or "Faith". Since that moment we felt that we should get back to the right path and really seek for forgiveness. I still remembered telling her: " No matter what had happened Iman will still with us and always with us". That sentence was actually meant for my unborn baby and our faith to Him.

The first ayat that I learned was 'Ayat Al-Kursi'. She taught me because the rented room that I stayed was haunted and I used to get many disturbances. At first I didn't want to because I felt that I still do not want to convert, but after reading the meaning (and the fact that the haunted house was getting bad to worst) I was so in love with Ayat Al-Kursi's meaning. At that time I only learned and remembered the meaning but not the Arabic one. Only after a few months then I started to learn Al-Fateha... that again I learned because I felt in love with the meaning but not the Arabic one. To me Quran was just a poem.

The real test from Him came to me 5 months before we broke out. I had a new job, my salary was so low, I had tremendous stress with my work, her parents kept on forcing to convert and marry her, my family didn't like her, my family refused to understand me for many reasons (they are the typical old Chinese mindset) and ended up I went to a depression. I am a loner and sensitive person, I don't normally share my stories with other people and that deepen my depression. Everyday after work I would go home and just sat alone for many hours doing nothing and prayed to God. Since young I have always believe that there is only one God. I was from a Catholic school and mixed around with the Christians friends. Ever there was one time I wanted to be a Hindu because I was so amazed with their culture. I was so crazy with the idolization of an elephant god and decided to have a tattoo of it behind my back. Born from Buddhist family that practice Taoism religion. All of these religions only confused me;there were too many gods. There are fortune god, prosperity god, idolization of an honoured man/woman etc and prayed to all of them for help. Sometime if it doesn't work we would say:"Nay, maybe this god doesn't like me" or "I guess I don't have this connection with this god that my wish has not come true". It might sound funny but imagine if you were fed that way since young - you would do the same. My understanding of God, religion and human was totally mixed out. Despite the confusion I believe and found out that all these religions actually pray to the Almighty God (Allah that is what we call in Islam). With that I called myself a free thinker - I believe all religions but to me God is only one.

Back to the depression: Each day I would pray to Him and only, to have a proper place for me to pray, to have a proper way of praying and gave myself up due to my depression.

He answered! How?? Here's the story: My ex girlfriend went missing for 2 weeks and I found out she was with another person and marrying him!! (The details i shall not reveal but it was because of 'zina' and my parent caught us). I felt my life was gone! I went home (a new rented house) and decided to hang and kill myself. The depression and His test was too great... Seriously at that time I really has lost all hopes though really not wanting to kill myself because of my family I still go ahead with the committing suicide. ** this part I cant really remember** What I remembered, I felt from the string and in tears a saw a flash of light and my heart was telling me "There is still hope!!" Out of sudden my motivation to live was back! I took my dad Buddhist holy water and cleaned my head with it and bath. I decided at that very moment that I will perform a pray in Islam way (due to desperation) and to really surrender and seek forgiveness from Him. And I sholat (with the guidance of my friend's book 'How to sholat') for the very first time...

-- to be continued--

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