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View Full Version : Islam is too hard for me

08-31-2009, 04:10 PM
Salam Aleykum,
Maybe this is my last post here... I'm on about here to tell you I leave Islam for a while now.

Islam is too hard for me. About many problems, I tell you some:
1st. Food, my family isn't muslim. I live with my mom, stepfather and brother. They don't give me that much respect. My mom usually cooks pork nowadays, and there is like nothing else for me, so I've to eat pork too...

2nd. Girls, I'm usually almost everyday out of home. And there are girls, when a I see good-looking gilrs that's really hard to stop myself to don't check them. And school has just begun. I be 16 soon and I hadn't much girlfriend before, so I will look for some sure. And I very miss my last girlfriend...

3rd. Prayers, as I said school has just begun and I should spend 1 prayer in school, and that's impossible. The boss of the school doesn't allow me to do that. When I get home then I should prayer for 2 prayers, and after school not sure I'll be in the mood for prayer, especially on bad days. I couldn't really prayer in the last 6-8 days.

4th. Fasting, I can't fast alone, because as I said noone else is muslim who I live with. So they eat when they want to, that's bad to see they are eating and I'm watching them... Or hear when they say "it's delicious"...

So I'm about to stop Islam... Maybe I'll come back to it later, when I be older. If there will be later... But I will keep some rule of Islam in my life, for example alcohol, I will not drink alcohol.
And I will keep Islam as the only truth, peaceful, "clean" religion, and Mohamed (peace be upon him) as the best prophet of Allah.

Allah ma'k!

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08-31-2009, 05:29 PM
'Alaykum salam,

What people at your age don't understand is that EVERYONE goes through difficulties in this world, especially before becoming an adult. That's a reality that's usually not accepted with people at your age. We can tell you over and over how everyone goes through difficulties, but somehow in the back of your brain you don't believe it and don't understand it.

Brother, you need to understand that everyone goes through difficult moments in this life. If all those of us who went through some difficulties gave up Islam, ate pork, went and got a girlfriend/boyfriend, then I PROMISE you there would be no muslim left on this planet.

At your age it's very important that you go through some difficult moments so that you can gain wisdom through experiences. With those difficult moments you will learn the best gift that a muslim can get, which is PATIENCE. That my brother is the most important characteristic a muslim can get on this earth. But patience cannot be achieved by having a fully happy life, can it?

08-31-2009, 05:37 PM

Brother please read this. :)

08-31-2009, 05:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
Salam Aleykum,
Maybe this is my last post here... I'm on about here to tell you I leave Islam for a while now.

Islam is too hard for me. About many problems, I tell you some:
1st. Food, my family isn't muslim. I live with my mom, stepfather and brother. They don't give me that much respect. My mom usually cooks pork nowadays, and there is like nothing else for me, so I've to eat pork too...

2nd. Girls, I'm usually almost everyday out of home. And there are girls, when a I see good-looking gilrs that's really hard to stop myself to don't check them. And school has just begun. I be 16 soon and I hadn't much girlfriend before, so I will look for some sure. And I very miss my last girlfriend...

3rd. Prayers, as I said school has just begun and I should spend 1 prayer in school, and that's impossible. The boss of the school doesn't allow me to do that. When I get home then I should prayer for 2 prayers, and after school not sure I'll be in the mood for prayer, especially on bad days. I couldn't really prayer in the last 6-8 days.

4th. Fasting, I can't fast alone, because as I said noone else is muslim who I live with. So they eat when they want to, that's bad to see they are eating and I'm watching them... Or hear when they say "it's delicious"...

So I'm about to stop Islam... Maybe I'll come back to it later, when I be older. If there will be later... But I will keep some rule of Islam in my life, for example alcohol, I will not drink alcohol.
And I will keep Islam as the only truth, peaceful, "clean" religion, and Mohamed (peace be upon him) as the best prophet of Allah.

Allah ma'k!
Asslamu Aliakum.

I agree following Islam is very difficult. I still find it hard but I never give up. It governs all aspects of your life. Following Islamic principles is truly the best way to live. The Prophet Muhammad {PBUH} worked extremely hard to set the perfect example for Muslims to follow.

1. If your mom does not cook pork there are many other things to eat. It shouldn't be too hard.

2. Why not hang around with boys if you're bored or feel lonely? You cannot get into a relationship with another girl. This is haram. Try to keep conversations very short and formal if you have difficulty avoiding girls.

3. Yeah I find completing my 5 five prayers very tough and in the past I used to miss prayers. You will get used to it. I'm sure you can read Zuhr namaz later on after school. Ask your local imam for support on daily prayers.

4. Ah when people are eating I would avoid sitting with them. Just say you're not hungry or that you’re fasting. I told my Jewish friends that I'm fasting and I was unable to eat with them. They didn't mind.

Good to hear you’re not going to drink Alcohol mashallah. I understand it is difficult but you will get used to it. Step by step you will become a better Muslim. I wouldn't leave Islam. It is not going to help you later onwards.

Everyday I would aim to make small changes. Allah will recognise the smallest of change. It will take time but you will eventually get there.

Good luck!

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08-31-2009, 05:58 PM
Remembering Allah
Narrated by 'Abdullaah bin Busr [he] said that a man came to the Prophet and said "O Messenger of Allah! Verily, the sanctions of Islam have become too numerous for me [to perform them all]. Inform me of something (simple) that I may adhere to." The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Let your tongue always be moist with the rememberance of Allah." [Reported by al-Tirmidhee no. 3375 and Ibn Maajah no. 3793 and Ibn Hibbaan no. 814]
'Abdullaah bin Mas'uud said:

Muusa - may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him - said, My Lord! Which deed is the most beloved to You? He [the Most High] replied:

The one amongst them that remembers Me the most

Ibn 'Abbas said:

Increase in Dhikr [remembrance of Allah] so much so that the hypocrites say you are showing off.

Mu'aadh bin Jabal said:

For me to remember Allah [do dhikr] from morning to evening is more beloved to me then fighting with horses for the sake of Allah from morning to evening.

al-Hasan al-Basri said:

The most beloved slaves to Allah are the ones that remember Him the most [doing dhikr].

Aboo Hurairah used to have a string with 1000 knots, he never used to go to sleep except glorifying Allah [using it]

Khaalid bin Mi'daan used to glorify Allah [tasbeeh] 40,000 [forty thousand] every day not including that which he used to read from the Qur'aan. When he passed away he was placed on his bed to be giving a ghusl, his finger started to move glorifying Allah.

It was said to 'Umair bin Haani we do not see your tongue getting tired, how many times a day do you glorify Allah? He replied 100, 000 [one hundered thousand] times a day.

Ka'b said:

Whoever increases in his remembrance of Allah [dhikr] will be saved from hypocrisy

[Translation from al-Jaami' al-'Uloom wal-Hikam by Imaam Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali]


13th Yarba
08-31-2009, 06:23 PM
'Alaykum salam,

if islam is in your heart it will always be there no matter what your diet, worship schedule or associates.

Asim Khan
08-31-2009, 06:45 PM

Alhumdulillah, at least you posted seeking help. :)

You reverted only around a month ago right? One can't turn around eveything right away to make everything favourable for practicing Islam 100%.

format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
3rd. Prayers, as I said school has just begun and I should spend 1 prayer in school, and that's impossible.
I'm assuming you're in shcool for the whole Zuhr-Asr window with no breaks. Well that's out of your hands (at least for now). You should try and make sure you don't miss the other 4 salah. Inshallah you can earn a lot of reward for praying on time:

Abu 'Amr ash-Shaybani said, "The owner of this house (and he pointed at the house of 'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud) said, "I asked the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, which action Allah loves best. He replied, 'Prayer at its proper time.' 'Then what?' I asked. He said, 'Then kindness to parents." I asked, 'Then what?' He replied, 'Then jihad in the Way of Allah.'" He added, "He told me about these things. If I had asked him to tell me more, he would have told me more."[Al Adab Al Mufrad]

format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
1st. Food, my family isn't muslim. I live with my mom, stepfather and brother. They don't give me that much respect. My mom usually cooks pork nowadays, and there is like nothing else for me, so I've to eat pork too...
Is your family Catholic? If yes then you can easily refer to Matthew 5:17-20 and say that you believe in following the Law including not eating pork at all. I (or if I can't find it another brother) could also give you references from the Old Testament. If your family's not Catholic would medical arguments (diseases from pork) help? One can have pork if the options have been exhasted and it becomes a matter of one's body suffering:

16:115. He has only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and any (food) over which the name of other than Allah has been invoked. But if one is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits,- then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
4th. Fasting, I can't fast alone, because as I said noone else is muslim who I live with. So they eat when they want to, that's bad to see they are eating and I'm watching them... Or hear when they say "it's delicious"...
:exhausted Brother, it may have been a big problem if your family was after you "why aren't you eating! why aren't you eating!" Inshallah, the more the fast is hard on you, the greater will be the reward. And here is something to conisder: partial obedience to Allah's commandments (things that are under one's control) is like no obedience: "my nafs (self) is agreeable to this commandment, okay I'll follow it. hmm, my nafs is really against this one, ah I'll let it slide." That's obedience to the nafs.

format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
2nd. Girls, I'm usually almost everyday out of home. And there are girls, when a I see good-looking gilrs that's really hard to stop myself to don't check them. And school has just begun. I be 16 soon and I hadn't much girlfriend before, so I will look for some sure. And I very miss my last girlfriend...
I recommend that you spend time learning Surah 23, The Believers.


1. Successful indeed are the believers

2. Who are humble in their prayers,

3. And who shun vain conversation,

4. And who are payers of the poor-due;

5. And who guard their modesty -

6. Save from their wives or the (slaves) that their right hands possess*, for then they are not blameworthy,

7. But whoso craveth beyond that, such are transgressors -

* It is discouraged to marry slavewomen if one can marry freewomen, the limit is still 4 overall, and freewomen wives are given 2/3 of the total time (1/3 given to slavewomen wives).

Inshallah, it will also boost your eman! http://www.islamicboard.com/advice-s...43-namaaz.html


Asim Khan
08-31-2009, 06:48 PM
So many replies in one hour! (while I was typing) I gotta go right now.

Allah hafiz.

Asim Khan
08-31-2009, 07:04 PM
Oh I just realized, I posted in that topic knowing the poster knew Urdu (and basic Arabic). Umm, this site has transliteration: (paste 23:1-118 in verse search) http://www.islamicity.com/QuranSearch/. Hope you can still make use of the (fast) recitation (soon). :)

Asim Khan
08-31-2009, 07:08 PM
Oh, the recitation picks up from ayah 42 with another reciter.

08-31-2009, 07:52 PM
Brother , please hangon ..

There are difficulties.. I am of your age too .. please bear with your strife.Its very difficult i know , but we all are here with you.

When you look back after this life , you will realise that this will be the most rewarding period.

08-31-2009, 08:55 PM
Try to deal with each problem one at a time, slowly, rather than deal with all at once, which inevitably feels too much and leads to you giving up. But the key thing here is you are not leaving Islam at all, you believe in Islam and it is in your heart, so you are going to remain Muslim unless you actually stop believing in Allah, so you have your whole life to keep improving.

08-31-2009, 08:59 PM

Everything here in Fantasy World is very temporary....... Temporary things will go disappear, your relationship with Allah is never destroyed since you were born.

08-31-2009, 09:39 PM
You don't have to leave Islam for the reasons you gave. :)

1. You don't have to be a muslim to not eat pork. Many non muslim don't eat it either. Simply say you've gone off it or go vegetarian. I'm sure your mother won't force it upon you.

2. Prayers can be combined and you may only pray the obligatory units. Zuhr can be combined with Asr. And maghrib with Isha. Allah knows too well of your struggles and He is Merciful and Patient. Don't give up little bro. :)

3. Even some muslims have a hard time to stop themselves looking at girls. Naturally as your faith increases, everything becomes easier. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, "No man is sin free. But the best of men are those who repent." Even born muslims sin brother. But we repent because Allah is Forgiving and KInd. It's not a reason to leave Islam. :)

4. Everything is hard in the beginning. Nothing can be achieved without working for it bro. If you didn't do your homework, if you didn't keep up in class, you wouldn't get good grades. So getting anywhere in life requires effort. Fasting is a means of making us pious. If you are struggling. No problem. The main thing is you are making the effort and that is what Allah sees. You mustn't allow yourself to be affected when others are eating. At times like these, remind yourself of the people who are suffering from starvation in the world. Remind yourself of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and how he'd go days without eating because he didn't have any food. Your mind is stronger than your body bro. If you really want, you can do it.

However, I have to add that even if you can't perform the obligatory acts, or perform them irregularly, no problem bro. Allah is Most Merciful and Kind and He is especially Merciful to the believers and thee is absolutely no reason to give up Islam.

Just do your best, and God willing as you get older and circumstances change, you can increase your obligatory duties. But don't leave Islam bro. It is more sinful to leave Islam than to be a muslim and not fulfil your obligations. I pray Allah is Most Mercilful and Kind to you little bro and He helps you overcome your difficulties and makes Islam easy for you. Ameen :)

08-31-2009, 09:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
Salam Aleykum,
Maybe this is my last post here... I'm on about here to tell you I leave Islam for a while now.

Islam is too hard for me. About many problems, I tell you some:
1st. Food, my family isn't muslim. I live with my mom, stepfather and brother. They don't give me that much respect. My mom usually cooks pork nowadays, and there is like nothing else for me, so I've to eat pork too...

2nd. Girls, I'm usually almost everyday out of home. And there are girls, when a I see good-looking gilrs that's really hard to stop myself to don't check them. And school has just begun. I be 16 soon and I hadn't much girlfriend before, so I will look for some sure. And I very miss my last girlfriend...

3rd. Prayers, as I said school has just begun and I should spend 1 prayer in school, and that's impossible. The boss of the school doesn't allow me to do that. When I get home then I should prayer for 2 prayers, and after school not sure I'll be in the mood for prayer, especially on bad days. I couldn't really prayer in the last 6-8 days.

4th. Fasting, I can't fast alone, because as I said noone else is muslim who I live with. So they eat when they want to, that's bad to see they are eating and I'm watching them... Or hear when they say "it's delicious"...

So I'm about to stop Islam... Maybe I'll come back to it later, when I be older. If there will be later... But I will keep some rule of Islam in my life, for example alcohol, I will not drink alcohol.
And I will keep Islam as the only truth, peaceful, "clean" religion, and Mohamed (peace be upon him) as the best prophet of Allah.

Allah ma'k!
As difficult as Islam seems to be. It is but a short term difficulty. The long term benefits are what you need to look at.

08-31-2009, 10:00 PM
So you think you can just leave islam and come back when ur older, BROTHER WHO SAYS YOU GONNA GET ANY OLDER
You could die having denounced Islam, come on wake up, some ppl died for Islam, all you got to do is put up with parents who dont understand YET, and stop looking at asses, bro their is special place in hell for the ppl who believed then turned from Islam.
I notice the caption under your avatar says I love my prophet, so stick with it bro, imagine what Rasulullah (pbuh) and his first followers went through.
Your parents will begin to understand you when you have been steadfast for some time, pass your trials brother, Allah has seen fit to test you Alhamdulillah, He must have some plan for you bro.

"Lo! It hath been revealed unto us that the doom will be for him who denieth and turn away"

08-31-2009, 10:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
You don't have to leave Islam for the reasons you gave. :)

1. You don't have to be a muslim to not eat pork. Many non muslim don't eat it either. Simply say you've gone off it or go vegetarian. I'm sure your mother won't force it upon you.

2. Prayers can be combined and you may only pray the obligatory units. Zuhr can be combined with Asr. And maghrib with Isha. Allah knows too well of your struggles and He is Merciful and Patient. Don't give up little bro. :)

3. Even some muslims have a hard time to stop themselves looking at girls. Naturally as your faith increases, everything becomes easier. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, "No man is sin free. But the best of men are those who repent." Even born muslims sin brother. But we repent because Allah is Forgiving and KInd. It's not a reason to leave Islam. :)

4. Everything is hard in the beginning. Nothing can be achieved without working for it bro. If you didn't do your homework, if you didn't keep up in class, you wouldn't get good grades. So getting anywhere in life requires effort. Fasting is a means of making us pious. If you are struggling. No problem. The main thing is you are making the effort and that is what Allah sees. You mustn't allow yourself to be affected when others are eating. At times like these, remind yourself of the people who are suffering from starvation in the world. Remind yourself of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and how he'd go days without eating because he didn't have any food. Your mind is stronger than your body bro. If you really want, you can do it.

However, I have to add that even if you can't perform the obligatory acts, or perform them irregularly, no problem bro. Allah is Most Merciful and Kind and He is especially Merciful to the believers and thee is absolutely no reason to give up Islam.

Just do your best, and God willing as you get older and circumstances change, you can increase your obligatory duties. But don't leave Islam bro. It is more sinful to leave Islam than to be a muslim and not fulfil your obligations. I pray Allah is Most Mercilful and Kind to you little bro and He helps you overcome your difficulties and makes Islam easy for you. Ameen :)
AsSalamOAlaikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu

What more can one say?

Allahumma Ameen!!


08-31-2009, 11:10 PM
brother dont turn away from islam - that would be a big mistake, just take it slowly and easy and have the intentions of improving yourself with time

dont give up this is what your test is all about, don't let shaytan turn you away

08-31-2009, 11:19 PM
Don't give up brother... I have the exact problems as you, but I don't give up. We shall fight for our religion and do what we want. I don't know how I will solve the praying thing at my new university now, but I will ask if they have a room, otherwise I have to find another way because I don't want to do it after. None in my family are Muslims, they truly hate Islam and call it the Devil's religion. I don't eat with them, I do my own food normally. That works great too.
The girl thing is something all men has as a problem. But one act goes to another act. Maybe if you continued to pray, increased your iman, felt sure in your religion - that thing about shyness for girls would come too. I believe in it that way. And then the fasting, I'm fasting alone and know so many others doing it too. We break the fast alone, just borrow the kitchen for a while, and do everything alone.
I believe the most important for you is to have faith in Allah (swt), believe in yourself and become more independant. I know that you're young and it's easy to get affected by others, I feel that often, but you can do it inshallah.

Proud of Islam
09-01-2009, 02:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
And I will keep Islam as the only truth, peaceful, "clean" religion, and Mohamed (peace be upon him) as the best prophet of Allah.
Since you're saying that, I am sure insha Allah that you have faith.. and Allah, His prophet, and Islam are in your heart..

But your problem is the difficulties, right?

Think brother about the following:

--- Studying is a very long journey and it's full of difficulties.. Assignments, projects, exams, headache! It deprives us from doing whatever we want since we don't have enough time; studying takes long time.. BUT why don't you give up? Why we see most people continue their studies till the university graduation and even many of them go for the higher studies? Why we see students paying hard efforts in order to pass and not be kicked out the school? A simple answer is the rewards after being educated.. You'll have a good position in the society, you'll find a job, and you'll be knowledgeable in many fields..

--- Working is a very difficult daily task.. employees are also deprived from doing whatever they want; for example, they can't travel in a very nice season with family or friends unless they find an official vacation from the administration.. Some workers spend a lot of time doing hard physical work.. Some of them leave their families, and work in another country and feel the difficulty of living in a strange country without relatives.. BUT why don't they give up? Why we see people looking for jobs although its full of difficulties? Why we see that workers are trying to save their jobs and improve their positions? A simple answer is the rewards after working.. Workers have a position among people, they receive money so they spend it for themselves and their families..

--- Having children is very tiring for a women.. Pregnancy and bearing pains are like seeing death! Having children deprives the mother from being free because she always has to look after them.. BUT why don't all women just get married without having children by taking drugs? Why we see women who cannot get pregnant are looking for treatment in many hospitals in different countries? A simple answer is the reward after that.. Being a mother and having a kid has a very special feeling..

And if I continue, we can make a very long list about the difficult tasks that we're doing in life.. So, why don't we see all people committing suicide? Life is FULL of difficulties, BUT we don't give up..

Islam might also be difficult in some ways, but what makes us following it and trying to do our best? A simple answer is the rewards after being Muslims.. These rewards are considerable greater than any other reward for the other tasks in life that I've mentioned.. But the problem with some people, and I pray for Allah that you'll not be among them, is that they do their best for the rewards of their bodies, but they don't care about their souls which are greater than bodies.. People who suffer from working, they want money to be able to feed their selves and their families.. But some people don't care about feeding their souls by having the right religion, Islam..
Or there are some other people who know the rewards of being Muslim, but they are not patient to have that rewards..

Be sure brother that getting the rewards of being Muslim is during life & the Hereafter.. And be sure that the difficulties that you've said will always become easier after practice, but difficulties of the other duties in life are becoming more difficult by the time.. I mean studying is becoming more difficult each year.. A person is having more responsibilities when growing up.. BUT, practicing as a true Muslim is difficult at the beginning and then it becomes easier & easier, till the moment when you feel that you are really HAPPY since you feel that you remember Allah and He is always with you..

Being Muslim insures for you that since your deeds are according to Islam, they will be for your behalf because the rules are from Allah Who created us and completely knows what suits us..

Allah says:
[2:45] And seek assistance through patience and prayer, and most surely it is a hard thing except for the reverent ones..

May Allah make all your difficulties easy for you.. May Allah guide you to complete your life in the straight path..


Longing for the Paradise (Al-Jannah) where the endless happiness…

09-01-2009, 08:34 PM
I'm back to Islam, my dad also said, maybe this is just a test from Allah to test my faith... He does it hard for me. I'll keep me in Islam, actually don't give it up again. I tried to fast last day, my classmates asked me why I'm not eating. I answered "cause I'm a muslim and I'm fasting". Then I've been called "terrorist". I'll try to pay as much as much time I have for it. Even school has just begun and I'm not a good guy in my class, I mean... I got my bads in school, for example talking to my mates on classes, don't listen to the teacher... And it results in my exams. Almost on everyday I go to a teacher, but I've to go there after school. I get home at about 4.00 pm and need to be there at 5.00 pm. And then I couldn't pray Dhurh and Asr. When I get home about 6.15 pm, then I'm not in the mood to do anything, not even to pray.

But I'm even trying to read the Quran, when I'm going to school and going from school to home. I keep one at myself. But I don't understand too much of it, and sometimes I'm not even sure I'm reading the words correctly, haven't learn this skill yet. But I be on not to turn away from Islam once again......

About eating... Mom cooked pork again... I think she is doing everything against me... I'm stuck on bread with butter, and goose fat with bread... Since about an half month, I feel myself like this emotion looks like "+o("...


09-01-2009, 09:39 PM
brother, about the girls thing, this is normal every teenage boy goes through this because at this stage in your life your at the peak of your sexual desire as you get older it will decrease and decrease then this won't be such a big problem for you.

Fasting will help reduce this problem a little bit for you because it will lower your testosterone. But your at the age where your hormones are going crazy, as you get older it will get easier.

I've been called terrorist to brother sadly this is how the world perceives Muslim's because of the actions of a few. But the important thing to remember is they can call you whatever they want it don't matter cos you only care what your creator thinks of you.

Who cares if the people call you this and that as long as your creator is pleased with you, remember this and it will be easy inshallah, we don't do actions to please people, we do actions to please our creator and lord. Don't care what opinion people hold of you as long as you know God is pleased with you for obeying him.

09-01-2009, 09:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
I'm back to Islam, my dad also said, maybe this is just a test from Allah to test my faith... He does it hard for me. I'll keep me in Islam, actually don't give it up again. I tried to fast last day, my classmates asked me why I'm not eating. I answered "cause I'm a muslim and I'm fasting". Then I've been called "terrorist".
Asslamu Aliakum.

It is good to hear you came back to Islam. Yes this is a test and not everything is going to be easy...

Ignore the idiots that call you a terrorist. End of the day they will have to answer to Allah in the next world for the sins they have committed.

I'll try to pay as much as much time I have for it. Even school has just begun and I'm not a good guy in my class, I mean... I got my bads in school, for example talking to my mates on classes, don't listen to the teacher... And it results in my exams. Almost on everyday I go to a teacher, but I've to go there after school. I get home at about 4.00 pm and need to be there at 5.00 pm. And then I couldn't pray Dhurh and Asr. When I get home about 6.15 pm, then I'm not in the mood to do anything, not even to pray.
You need to focus and organise yourself. If you keep on praying you will get used to it.

But I'm even trying to read the Quran, when I'm going to school and going from school to home. I keep one at myself. But I don't understand too much of it, and sometimes I'm not even sure I'm reading the words correctly, haven't learn this skill yet. But I be on not to turn away from Islam once again......
You can get a translation if you don't understand. Ah you will get better at reading in Arabic. The more you practice the better you will get.

About eating... Mom cooked pork again... I think she is doing everything against me... I'm stuck on bread with butter, and goose fat with bread... Since about an half month, I feel myself like this emotion looks like "+o("...

Hmmm have you spoke to your mom about this?

09-01-2009, 10:01 PM
You claimed Islam as your way of life in front of youe peers, alhamdulillah, you are a proud and strong muslim brother. May Allah protect you, Ameen

09-01-2009, 11:50 PM
AsSalamOAlaikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu

Brother may these ayaats come in use for you and me.....

On no soul doth Allah place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns and it suffers every ill that it earns. (Pray): "Our Lord! condemn us not if we forget or fall into error; our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which Thou didst lay on those before us; Our Lord! lay not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Blot out our sins and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. Thou art our Protector; help us against those who stand against faith." [2: 286]

"Our Lord!" (they say), "let not our hearts deviate now after Thou hast guided us, but grant us mercy from Thee: for Thou art the Grantor of bounties without measure. [3:8]

Ameen, Ameen, Ameen!!!



09-02-2009, 12:15 AM
Bro :sl:

Conrgratulations bro.. keep your imaan strong..

Dont worry bro talk to your parents tell them what islam really is .. tell them that its the closest religion to christianity.Tell them that you believe that jesus pbuh is Allah's messenger.May be they will soften up.

And regarding classmates bro .. try to be really good.Concentrate on studies and get some good grades.And if its helps. . i too never tried to had a gf.It doesnt matter really after sometime you get used to it.It helps , it saves you from a lot of problems and sins.

May Allah reward you for your struggle.

Try reading Quran in your mother tongue.

09-02-2009, 12:31 AM
You are not leaving Islam, if you still believe in Allah and accept Muhammad (pbuh) as His messenger, so please don't use the word "leave". However, it is wrong to not fulfill the religious duties. Believe me, I have been there myself, but I'm continuously improving myself. Little bro, the important thing is to never ever use that word "leaving" again.

"… Anyone who rejects belief, all his work will go vain and he will be among the losers in the Hereafter." [5:5]

Also, you could merge your prayers as mentioned before. Islam is not as difficult as you might think, although some Muslims try everything they can to make it more complex. I'm always ranting about this, but it's true.

fatwa on prayers http://muslimmedianetwork.com/mmn/?p=1432

09-02-2009, 12:48 AM
Assalamu Alikum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuhu

I'm sure that my brothers and sisters have been of helped in these raugh moments.

Islam is not the easy way. Allah,spw,had told us in the Qur'an,even the messanger asked to when is Allah's help going to come.

For us, this life is a prision. You must be strong. One reason Allah,spw, has created us is to keep trying and striving. It benefits you,you will be prepared for what's to come. If you slack of,stop praying and striving you will be of the losers.

Put your trust in Allah. He knows why he does things,we don't. Don't listen to your brain, don't trust your brain,trust Allah. Many of our thaughts are from the shaytan.

*Your heart desires Islam and you belong in this category,the group that loves Allah,(?) so strive!!!****

O you who believe!
Whoever from among you turns back from his religion, Allah will bring a people who He will love and they will love Him.
Qur'an 5:54

09-02-2009, 02:19 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Najm
AsSalamOAlaikum WaRehmatuAllah WaBarkatuhu

What more can one say?

Allahumma Ameen!!

Allahu Akbar! :D

format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
I'm back to Islam, my dad also said, maybe this is just a test from Allah to test my faith... He does it hard for me. I'll keep me in Islam, actually don't give it up again. I tried to fast last day, my classmates asked me why I'm not eating. I answered "cause I'm a muslim and I'm fasting". Then I've been called "terrorist". I'll try to pay as much as much time I have for it. Even school has just begun and I'm not a good guy in my class, I mean... I got my bads in school, for example talking to my mates on classes, don't listen to the teacher... And it results in my exams. Almost on everyday I go to a teacher, but I've to go there after school. I get home at about 4.00 pm and need to be there at 5.00 pm. And then I couldn't pray Dhurh and Asr. When I get home about 6.15 pm, then I'm not in the mood to do anything, not even to pray.

But I'm even trying to read the Quran, when I'm going to school and going from school to home. I keep one at myself. But I don't understand too much of it, and sometimes I'm not even sure I'm reading the words correctly, haven't learn this skill yet. But I be on not to turn away from Islam once again......

About eating... Mom cooked pork again... I think she is doing everything against me... I'm stuck on bread with butter, and goose fat with bread... Since about an half month, I feel myself like this emotion looks like "+o("...

Welcomeeeeeeeee backkk my little brother! :statisfie:D Alhumdulillah I is so happy :p;D Allahu Akbar!!

Hang on in there little bro. Is there anyway you can buy your own food? Do you get pocket money? Do you have your own room? Let's look at the practical side of how to make things easier for you so Let me know inshaAllah. :)

Ummu Sufyaan
09-02-2009, 02:34 AM
wa alaykum us-Salaam
@thread starter...
some sincere advice: read the first few chapters of the sealed nector and compare your situation to that of the sahbi's who suffered torture at the hands of their enemies (yes, including their own family) for practicing<---it's encouraging when you know someone else has been through the same hardship as you :thumbs_up

Rabi Mansur
09-02-2009, 02:38 AM
I'm not muslim but I used to be strong in another religion. It is hard to know what to do when something gets too hard, but sometimes that is when you grow the most. My advice is continue to hang in there and give Islam a chance. If it is filling a spiritual need for you and you feel closer to God don't give up. You may end up being a positive example for someone else. You never know. I wouldn't give up because something seems too hard, I would only give up if I were convinced I was following the wrong path. If you feel that Islam is the right path, keep on pushing ahead.

Muslim Woman
09-02-2009, 03:15 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
I'm back to Islam,
good for u :statisfie I am glad that u took the right decision :)

When I get home about 6.15 pm, then I'm not in the mood to do anything, not even to pray.
It takes ( fard salat ) 3 or 4 minutes only but rewards will be countless..Alhamdulillah.

About eating... Mom cooked pork again... I think she is doing everything against me...

Pray for her ; give her Islamic CD on Jesus or Mother Mary (pbut) to give her an idea about Islam. Ask Allah to soften her heart.

God Willing , everything will be ok soon.

09-02-2009, 06:38 AM
Read carefully,

O ye that believe! Betray not the trust of Allah and the Messenger, Nor misappropriate knowingly things entrusted to you. - 8:27

O ye who believe! Give your response to Allah and His Messenger, when He calleth you to that which will give you life; And know that Allah cometh in between a man and his heart, and that It is He to whom ye shall (all) be gathered." - 8:24

أبو سليمان عمر
09-02-2009, 08:11 AM
asalamu alaykum all
first i would like to say is that Islam is NOT hard how can we say such when we see in the quran 2 286 Allah burdens not a person beyond his scope... so in but we are human and we are weak and we fall into our desires into temptations letting our peers get to us when we know the truth is with us and again we are weak and fall in to it for if OUR CREATOR commanded us to do somthing we have not chose but to try our best to submit to it are we going to say we are burden more then we can bear when Allah has said no person will be burdened beyond his scope
what is Hard Leaving women not eatting pork Subhan Allah do we forget that the harder the hardship the greater the reward are we going to complain about the 50 60 70 100 years we are striving to pls Allah?
Khutubatul-Haajah …..

The greater the hardship, or trial or tribulation the greater the reward. The greater the difficulty the greater the reward. The greater the trial or tribulation or difficulty that you are put through the greater the reward will be for you and for me from Allah (Tabarak wa ta'ala).
If Allah loves a people, He puts them to trial, He tests them and places them in difficulty. Allah the Exalted states in Surah Baqarah :

"We will test you with something of fear, and hunger and loss of wealth, and souls and vegetation. And give glad tidings to those who have patience. Those who if in any difficulty or trial, or tribulation occurs to them or happens to them, they say: 'Verily We are from Allah and to Allah we return.' They are those who will receive prayers from their Lord and Mercy and it is those who are guided."

The great reward is in accordance to how great o*nes trial, difficulty or test is. The greater the test and trial, the greater the reward. And everyone must have tests and everyone will have problems & trials and everyone will be put to difficulty, everyone will have moments of grief, moments of sadness moments when things are not as they feel or would like them to be. But the difference is the believer is patient, the believer believes in the decree of Allaah, the believer seeks the reward of Allaah (subhana wa ta'ala) at that time. """

It is normal to face difficulties while on the path to righteousness because, otherwise, we will not appreciate the value of righteousness and will not be able to appreciate such a great gift. So do not worry; suffering is a sign that you are on the right path, for gaining the pleasure of Allah comes through arduous efforts and sweat.

inshallah some quran and hadiths

Almighty Allah said : “Say (O Mohammad -Allaahu 'alayhi wa sallam to mankind) : “if you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept islamic monotheism, follow the Qur’an and Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” Qur’an 3:31.

The greatest reward comes from the greatest trial. When Allaah loves people, He tests them, and whoever accepts it gains the pleasure of Allaah and whoever complains earns His wrath.

Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2396; Ibn Maajah, 4031; classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When Allaah wills good for His slave, He hastens his punishment in this world, and when He wills bad for His slave, He withholds his sins until he comes with them on the Day of Resurrection.”

Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2396; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani.

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask [something] of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6502.

Quran 29 6. And whosoever strives, he strives only for himself. Verily, Allâh is free of all wants from the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns, and all that exists).

NOW with saying all this one can only think what is more better more important more worthy is it pork or Allah is it girls or Allah is it our desires our Allah etc think about it akhi and think about it hard
now im not saying everything will come at once but we try to imply all that which we know that is forbidding and enjoin all that which is good we strive hard to pls Allah and we do so as we learning leaving islam is not the answer for u dont know when u are going to die and to die not in the state of islam in the hearafter this person will be the loser
May Allah protect us and make our eman strong and guide us All ameen

09-02-2009, 01:42 PM
Thanks for supporting me, brothers and sisters! :)

09-02-2009, 01:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Guestfellow
Asslamu Aliakum.

It is good to hear you came back to Islam. Yes this is a test and not everything is going to be easy...

Ignore the idiots that call you a terrorist. End of the day they will have to answer to Allah in the next world for the sins they have committed.

You need to focus and organise yourself. If you keep on praying you will get used to it.

You can get a translation if you don't understand. Ah you will get better at reading in Arabic. The more you practice the better you will get.

Hmmm have you spoke to your mom about this?
I have, of course.... :hmm:

09-02-2009, 01:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
Allahu Akbar! :D

Welcomeeeeeeeee backkk my little brother! :statisfie:D Alhumdulillah I is so happy :p;D Allahu Akbar!!

Hang on in there little bro. Is there anyway you can buy your own food? Do you get pocket money? Do you have your own room? Let's look at the practical side of how to make things easier for you so Let me know inshaAllah. :)
I have no money, not even pocket money. I share my room with my bro (he isn't muslim).

09-02-2009, 01:54 PM
in bad times, dont despair, just put all your trust in Allah and everything will be fine Inshallah.

09-02-2009, 02:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
Salam Aleykum,

Islam is too hard for me. About many problems, I tell you some:
1st. Food, my family isn't muslim. I live with my mom, stepfather and brother. They don't give me that much respect. My mom usually cooks pork nowadays, and there is like nothing else for me, so I've to eat pork too...
is this a reason to leave your belief? thousands of vegetarians live with meat eating families but they find a way to eat only vegetarian food because of what they believe, yet you who believe in Allah cannot find another way to eat?

2nd. Girls, I'm usually almost everyday out of home. And there are girls, when a I see good-looking gilrs that's really hard to stop myself to don't check them. And school has just begun. I be 16 soon and I hadn't much girlfriend before, so I will look for some sure. And I very miss my last girlfriend...
again this is not a reason to give up islam.

3rd. Prayers, as I said school has just begun and I should spend 1 prayer in school, and that's impossible. The boss of the school doesn't allow me to do that. When I get home then I should prayer for 2 prayers, and after school not sure I'll be in the mood for prayer, especially on bad days. I couldn't really prayer in the last 6-8 days.
your head doesnt have that right and again prayer is needed to keep Allah in mind. Its not about being in the mood.

4th. Fasting, I can't fast alone, because as I said noone else is muslim who I live with. So they eat when they want to, that's bad to see they are eating and I'm watching them... Or hear when they say "it's delicious"...
haha been through the omg its delicious arent you hungryyyyy? thing myself, but Allah will make a way for those who are patient.

you dont have a problem with belief, rather you are afraid of the struggle which is very sad because you BELIEVE imsad yet find it hard to commit. Is that a reason to leave the deen?

ok just read you are not! Alhumdulillah! you dont have pocket money. are there any islamic things you may need? inshaAllah im sure forum members can help you with regards to this

09-02-2009, 02:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amani
is this a reason to leave your belief? thousands of vegetarians live with meat eating families but they find a way to eat only vegetarian food because of what they believe, yet you who believe in Allah cannot find another way to eat?

again this is not a reason to give up islam.

your head doesnt have that right and again prayer is needed to keep Allah in mind. Its not about being in the mood.

haha been through the omg its delicious arent you hungryyyyy? thing myself, but Allah will make a way for those who are patient.

you dont have a problem with belief, rather you are afraid of the struggle which is very sad because you BELIEVE imsad yet find it hard to commit. Is that a reason to leave the deen?

ok just read you are not! Alhumdulillah! you dont have pocket money. are there any islamic things you may need? inshaAllah im sure forum members can help you with regards to this
I don't need any Islamic thing right now... Or actually I don't know what I should get more. I've got books about Islam from mesjid already. I've got a carpet to prayer...

"omg its delicious arent you hungryyyyy?" It's actually happened to me, it wasn't that fun (my mom asked me)...

09-02-2009, 03:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
I don't need any Islamic thing right now... Or actually I don't know what I should get more. I've got books about Islam from mesjid already. I've got a carpet to prayer...

"omg its delicious arent you hungryyyyy?" It's actually happened to me, it wasn't that fun (my mom asked me)...
ok Alhumdulillah

and as for youre mum taunting you, all i can say is the amount of reward youre getting- SubhanAllah! Just ignore her and dont let her know what shes saying is affecting you in any way and she herself will stop it inshaAllah

أبو سليمان عمر
09-02-2009, 03:13 PM
Asalamu alaykum


then after that pls look at this 2 links
Detailed Explanation on How to Make Wudu
How to Perform Salaah — Step by Step Explanation text - audio - pictures

And save this link its a good book inshallah it will be of someone benefit
Explaining the Foundations of Faith — Shaykh Ibn Al-’Uthaymeen, rahimahullaah http://islaambasics.files.wordpress....nsoffaith2.pdf

May Allah increase us in iman and make our hearts firm in islam Ameen

09-02-2009, 03:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Umar^111
Asalamu alaykum


then after that pls look at this 2 links
Detailed Explanation on How to Make Wudu
How to Perform Salaah — Step by Step Explanation text - audio - pictures

And save this link its a good book inshallah it will be of someone benefit
Explaining the Foundations of Faith — Shaykh Ibn Al-’Uthaymeen, rahimahullaah http://islaambasics.files.wordpress....nsoffaith2.pdf

May Allah increase us in iman and make our hearts firm in islam Ameen
I know how to prayer, even how to do the wudu. And how say the sentecnces at prayer, even at wudu... But thanks anyway. :)

09-02-2009, 04:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
I have, of course.... :hmm:
Asslamu Aliakum.

I think you need to tell your mom what you're going through. Tell her how serious you are about this.

"omg its delicious arent you hungryyyyy?" It's actually happened to me, it wasn't that fun (my mom asked me)...
From reading this...I doubt your mom is taking your religious practices seriously.

أبو سليمان عمر
09-02-2009, 04:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
I know how to prayer, even how to do the wudu. And how say the sentecnces at prayer, even at wudu... But thanks anyway. :)
Mashallah may Allah bless you with good inshallah u can read the book and the first link as well inshallah on the book it is 86 pages not to long and take your time reading it

09-02-2009, 04:42 PM
Assalamu alaikum Mohamed,

as someone who came from a Catholic family (although not very practicing) and converted 1 year ago, perhaps I can give you a bit of advice or my point of view on things...

format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
1st. Food, my family isn't muslim. I live with my mom, stepfather and brother. They don't give me that much respect. My mom usually cooks pork nowadays, and there is like nothing else for me, so I've to eat pork too...
In the culture I grew up in (French-Canadian), a lot of pork is consumed (alcohol too). If your mother cooks pork, then I guess you have to eat something else (I can only assume you have vegetables, bread, cheese, etc in the fridge). Perhaps after keeping at it for a while, your mother will realize how serious you are about this (and that it's not a phase) and she will make something pork-free for you. If she doesn't want to cook something pork free for you and you don't have time to cook for yourself, perhaps request that she buy you some frozen dinners that you can simply heat up when her food choices don't respect your religious obligations...
Also, in another post, you mentioned speaking to your dad about this. It seemed as though he was a bit more open to things. Was this your dad or your step-dad? You may have someone in the house who is more of an ally and may hold some weight in this issue.

2nd. Girls, I'm usually almost everyday out of home. And there are girls, when a I see good-looking gilrs that's really hard to stop myself to don't check them. And school has just begun. I be 16 soon and I hadn't much girlfriend before, so I will look for some sure. And I very miss my last girlfriend...
As others have said, just keep at it and things will get better. I know, I know, it's bad! I'm currently going through something somewhat similar although on the female side: I'm 25, the baby clock is ticking, been celibate for over a year and am engaged to a wonderful man. Whenever bad thoughts pop up, I stop myself, ask Allah for forgiveness and try to distract myself with something else (recipes, wedding preparations, reading Qur'an, dikr, etc). Yes it is hard, especially with the way people dress, but trust me the eyeful you may get for a few seconds is not worth the punishment later on!

3rd. Prayers, as I said school has just begun and I should spend 1 prayer in school, and that's impossible. The boss of the school doesn't allow me to do that. When I get home then I should prayer for 2 prayers, and after school not sure I'll be in the mood for prayer, especially on bad days. I couldn't really prayer in the last 6-8 days.
Prayers take time If you're late, simply make up for the prayer as soon as it is possible. I personally cannot go to bed without having all my prayers done - I feel guilty and I also have the fear that I may never wake up again, dying with a day of incomplete praying... Sure school gets in the way, work does too for many of us. Just make the best of it you can. Allah only asks for 25 minutes out of your day for the 1440 minutes he awards us all.

4th. Fasting, I can't fast alone, because as I said noone else is muslim who I live with. So they eat when they want to, that's bad to see they are eating and I'm watching them... Or hear when they say "it's delicious"...
I fasted alone the first year I was fasting and this was before I ever converted. I fasted out of curiosity, to know what people went through, and I did the whole month while going to university and working. I lived with roommates at the time and constantly had people eating around me. Yes, it's certainly not easy, but keep at it. last year I had a co-worker eating lunch at her desk right next to me (3-4 feet away). Boy was it hard! But I kept reminding myself that the rewards are immense and that some people don't even get to break their fasts at the end of the day because they have NOTHING to eat.

Something else you mentioned: people calling you a terrorist. Easier said than done but just ignore them. Kids in high school can be pretty mean and they can be quite ignorant as well. I've even had some adults say some really ignorant things to me (and we're talking educated people). You'll encounter this throughout your life. You can do 2 things: 1 - Ignore them or 2 - Enlighten them. In this particular case, I'm thinking ignoring them might be your better option. If they ever seem more open to discussing things, that's when you enlighten them.

Basically, don't give up hope, do the best you can, ask Allah for guidance, support, wisdom and a burden you can bare. I also highly suggest you concentrate on your studies too, this should also serve as a great distraction from the girl problem.

Walaikum salaam!

09-02-2009, 05:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by MaiCarInMtl
Assalamu alaikum Mohamed,

as someone who came from a Catholic family (although not very practicing) and converted 1 year ago, perhaps I can give you a bit of advice or my point of view on things...

In the culture I grew up in (French-Canadian), a lot of pork is consumed (alcohol too). If your mother cooks pork, then I guess you have to eat something else (I can only assume you have vegetables, bread, cheese, etc in the fridge). Perhaps after keeping at it for a while, your mother will realize how serious you are about this (and that it's not a phase) and she will make something pork-free for you. If she doesn't want to cook something pork free for you and you don't have time to cook for yourself, perhaps request that she buy you some frozen dinners that you can simply heat up when her food choices don't respect your religious obligations...
Also, in another post, you mentioned speaking to your dad about this. It seemed as though he was a bit more open to things. Was this your dad or your step-dad? You may have someone in the house who is more of an ally and may hold some weight in this issue.

As others have said, just keep at it and things will get better. I know, I know, it's bad! I'm currently going through something somewhat similar although on the female side: I'm 25, the baby clock is ticking, been celibate for over a year and am engaged to a wonderful man. Whenever bad thoughts pop up, I stop myself, ask Allah for forgiveness and try to distract myself with something else (recipes, wedding preparations, reading Qur'an, dikr, etc). Yes it is hard, especially with the way people dress, but trust me the eyeful you may get for a few seconds is not worth the punishment later on!

Prayers take time If you're late, simply make up for the prayer as soon as it is possible. I personally cannot go to bed without having all my prayers done - I feel guilty and I also have the fear that I may never wake up again, dying with a day of incomplete praying... Sure school gets in the way, work does too for many of us. Just make the best of it you can. Allah only asks for 25 minutes out of your day for the 1440 minutes he awards us all.

I fasted alone the first year I was fasting and this was before I ever converted. I fasted out of curiosity, to know what people went through, and I did the whole month while going to university and working. I lived with roommates at the time and constantly had people eating around me. Yes, it's certainly not easy, but keep at it. last year I had a co-worker eating lunch at her desk right next to me (3-4 feet away). Boy was it hard! But I kept reminding myself that the rewards are immense and that some people don't even get to break their fasts at the end of the day because they have NOTHING to eat.

Something else you mentioned: people calling you a terrorist. Easier said than done but just ignore them. Kids in high school can be pretty mean and they can be quite ignorant as well. I've even had some adults say some really ignorant things to me (and we're talking educated people). You'll encounter this throughout your life. You can do 2 things: 1 - Ignore them or 2 - Enlighten them. In this particular case, I'm thinking ignoring them might be your better option. If they ever seem more open to discussing things, that's when you enlighten them.

Basically, don't give up hope, do the best you can, ask Allah for guidance, support, wisdom and a burden you can bare. I also highly suggest you concentrate on your studies too, this should also serve as a great distraction from the girl problem.

Walaikum salaam!

I live with a step-father. I don't live with my dad. My dad lives with his wife and my sister.

Anway, dad's wife was a strong christian before, and now my dad teaches her to write/speak/read arabic. :) And she is starting to believe in Allah and Mohamed (p.b.u.h.), I think she will convert soon... ^^ insallah.

09-02-2009, 06:28 PM
Is your Dad a muslim ? Alhamdullah very nice to hear :)

09-02-2009, 06:31 PM
Did your parents separate and you went to live with your non-Muslim mother and step dad?
Do you still have contact with your biological father? Perhaps he can offer you support, and help explain to your mother and step father.

Asim Khan
09-03-2009, 09:24 PM
Mashallah brother! It's great to hear about your father, and that you can go to a masjid, alhumdulillah! Brother Umar's book looks great! This is a great (comparative religion) booklet that you can start sharing with your family; you could maybe start with the segment on prostration and supplication ("'O you who believe! Bow down [...]'", "...and invariably, the faithful spreads out his hands to God")

http://www.jamaat.net/muslimprayer/prayer.html Below is the MS Word document version, but the pictures in it take time to load on my computer:


You can scan through this extract to see if you are prepared for questions that may arise: http://www.institutealislam.com/the-...bilal-philips/ Entire book: http://www.islamtomorrow.com/books/t...e_of_jesus.pdf

Hey, maybe you might even use the Qudsi hadith. :)

Hadith Qudsi 25: “'I declare war against him who shows hostility to a pious worshipper of Mine. My servant approaches Me with nothing more beloved to Me than what I have enjoined upon him; and My servant keeps on coming closer to Me through performing supererogatory works till I love him. And when I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his sight with which he sees, his hand with which he seizes, and his foot with which he walks. [...]."

The similitude of God and his messenger being in every steadfast believer tells us about God's protection and guidance for staying on the straight path. God becomes the supervisor and the objective of one's organs' functions so that one hears what is liked by Him, sees what is liked by Him, uses his hands for things liked by Him, and uses his legs to go to places liked by Him. Obeying the messenger is oberying God. To attempt perfection, one must follow the messenger: one casts aside one's own desires and habits to do things the messenger recommended (and didn't command) and tries to do things the way the messenger did them (even without him specifying this).

John 10:

27. My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

28. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.

29. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.

30. I and the Father are one.”

09-03-2009, 09:56 PM
Yes, he is. I'm converted by him.

Yes, I do live with my non-muslim mother, stepfather, brother. My dad lives with my stepmother, sister, brother.
I can visit almost on every second weekend my biological dad. I even spent this day with him in a mesjid.

@Asim Khan:
Thanks for the link, also for the hadeeth.

Sorry, for short answers, but I just came from mesjid and it's 23:33 (11:33 pm) over here, and I get up at 6:00 (6:00 am). So I've 6 hours to sleep...:embarrass

09-03-2009, 10:35 PM
Salaam bro,

It's great to hear you're working through this, many brothers and sisters are here to support you and inshallah if you perservere, you'll do well.


09-04-2009, 04:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Zane
Salaam bro,

It's great to hear you're working through this, many brothers and sisters are here to support you and inshallah if you perservere, you'll do well.

Yes, I can see it. You're very helpful. :) Nice to have you as my brothers and sisters. :)

09-04-2009, 06:57 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
Yes, he is. I'm converted by him.

Yes, I do live with my non-muslim mother, stepfather, brother. My dad lives with my stepmother, sister, brother.
I can visit almost on every second weekend my biological dad. I even spent this day with him in a mesjid.

@Asim Khan:
Thanks for the link, also for the hadeeth.

Sorry, for short answers, but I just came from mesjid and it's 23:33 (11:33 pm) over here, and I get up at 6:00 (6:00 am). So I've 6 hours to sleep...:embarrass
That must be a tricky situation for you ...

How long ago did your parents separate?
Do your parents have four children together, and two went to live with your mother, the other two with you father; or are there half brothers/sisters?
Did you choose to live with your mum?
How does your mum feel about your dad 'converting you to Islam'?

(I am asking because I can imagine that - depending how your well your parents get on with each other now, your conversion may have brought up old tensions and disagreements, and may lead to your mother not being very accommodating towards your faith ... That's of course completely hypothetical. You'd know better than I do!)

09-04-2009, 01:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
That must be a tricky situation for you ...

How long ago did your parents separate?
Do your parents have four children together, and two went to live with your mother, the other two with you father; or are there half brothers/sisters?
Did you choose to live with your mum?
How does your mum feel about your dad 'converting you to Islam'?

(I am asking because I can imagine that - depending how your well your parents get on with each other now, your conversion may have brought up old tensions and disagreements, and may lead to your mother not being very accommodating towards your faith ... That's of course completely hypothetical. You'd know better than I do!)
My parents separated when I was 2 years old, it's happened 13 years ago... But after they left Islam... My mom left it first, then my dad followed her... And the mesjid where we were going that's even closed, and couldn't even meet the those muslims anymore.

My parents had only me, then they separated. Then my mom found a stepfather. Stepfather... nah that's hard to call him "father"... That guy beated my mom when she was pregnant with my brother. I really heated him, never talked to him much. We spent 7 years with that "stepfather". And the that's funny, 'cause my mom really loved him even he beated her. Those years was the real hell for me. By the way, that guy is an alchololist. Later my mom gave birth to my brother (my mom was pregnanted by that "stepfather"). When my brother was borned, after about 2 years they be seprated...
But! When my dad got know at the start (when my mom started to meet up that guy), then my dad told her that "there is a last chance to come back to me, 'cause that guy isn't for you". My dad know that guy before, they worked together. My dad even told her that "that guy won't be good for you and our child (me)". But my mom didn't listen to him... That "stepfather" sometimes scarred the cr*p out of me.

No, I couldn't choose, 'cause in Hungary there is a rule about it.
If the child is under age 16, then he goes automaticly to the mother. Except if the mother is alcoholist, b*tch etc...
If/when the child is 16 years old, then he can choose to go his/her mother/father.
When the child is 18 years old, then he can go to anywhere he/she wants to. So he/she doesn't need to live with his/her parents anymore.
(I'll be 16 on 15th. of September, and maybe I will go and live with my dad)

I don't really have idea how my mom thinks about that, I don't really care. She didn't/doesn't really care about me and my life and how (for example, choosing that "stepfather" who beated her, she didn't ask me about anything, not even "do I like him?"). She didn't think about me then, how that guy will be good for me.

So my brother borned, after 2 years that "stepfather" got kicked out by my mom (FINALLY!!! after 7 years). That brother lives with us.
My dad found a woman, and they got married, they live fine together. And his wife gave birth to my another brother and sister. By the way, my dad is turning her to be a muslim, I think there are only months, then she will say "I'd like to be muslim". My dad teaches her to write/speak/read arabic. My sister sometimes pray with my dad and me when I'm with them on the weekends.

I don't have any full-brother/sister, only half ones.

But since those all happened, my mom had some other stepfathers, there was really good ones, I did really like them. They could be some "dad" for me... And what happened? My mom broken the contatcs with them, she was jealous for nothing... But really... Even asked them "where were you all day? What did you do? Are you sure weren't you with other girls? Do you fancy that girl over there?"... My mom gone crazy about really everything.

Those times were the real hell for me, I never felt myself so fine, and I was going home from schoo, I was thinking about "is "stepfather" drunk or no?"... If he was home and drunk, then I was running away and spend times with friends.

I think if that ex-"stepfather" would tell anything bad to me or especially about my religion then I would really beat him (he thinks every muslim is arab, he is stupid and racist).

Ps, sorry if I confused you, but my english composition is too small and not skilled. If you didn't understand anything then just feel free to ask again and then I'll try my best to explain you better. :)

Proud of Islam
09-04-2009, 02:13 PM
I really liked the reply of MaiCarInMtl..

format_quote Originally Posted by MaiCarInMtl

I personally cannot go to bed without having all my prayers done - I feel guilty and I also have the fear that I may never wake up again, dying with a day of incomplete praying...
That's the point! I always wonder how people can sleep without this fear although they know that death is coming at any moment & they'll be asked by Allah about everything..

Allah only asks for 25 minutes out of your day for the 1440 minutes he awards us all.
Subhanallah! He awards us with all that minutes, as you said, but Fard prayers don't take time!

But I kept reminding myself that the rewards are immense and that some people don't even get to break their fasts at the end of the day because they have NOTHING to eat.
:cry: We should think about this when fasting, and we should also remind ourselves about all graces that Allah gave us..

I also highly suggest you concentrate on your studies too, this should also serve as a great distraction from the girl problem.
May Allah make it easy for our brother, Mohamed.. And may Allah reward you, MaiCarInMtl, for your nice reply which really benefited me & I'm sure it's helpful for many..


Longing for the Paradise (Al-Jannah) where the endless happiness…

09-04-2009, 06:03 PM
Saalam little brother, masha'Allah, keep it up! dont give up and stay be strong. i start wearing haijab recently, i go to a boarding school with it. and few of non-Muslim people made a fun of me but deeply in my heart, Allah swt will punish them on day of Judgement insha'Allah so be alone is better than with companionship. sorry for my baaaad english :embarrass

09-04-2009, 07:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Bub
Saalam little brother, masha'Allah, keep it up! dont give up and stay be strong. i start wearing haijab recently, i go to a boarding school with it. and few of non-Muslim people made a fun of me but deeply in my heart, Allah swt will punish them on day of Judgement insha'Allah so be alone is better than with companionship. sorry for my baaaad english :embarrass
Thanks!:) And I really respect the women in Islam, they wear hijab lmost anywhere and they seem like don't care about what the other non-muslim people say about them. When a muslim boy/man is on the street, noone knows he is a muslim or no. But when a muslim woman wears hijab, then everyone know she is a muslim.
I'm also trying to keep it up, even I'm being called as terrorist, while I'm not... There are a lot of people who know I am a muslim, when they see me they yalls at me "hey you terrorist", I'm only tell 'em "I'm not a terrorsit". They keep saying it, and then I say "take care to not to be bombed"... Then they take it seriosly and be quiet for some day, but later they start it again... But I'm trying to don't take care about them, becuase Allah will make them obey to him and teach them in the fire.

Ps, your english isn't bad :) I understood what you wanted to say. :) I think my is worse... But I've no idea who have good and who have bad english... At least British and Americans have excellent! :D

09-04-2009, 07:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by zakirs
Brother , please hangon ..

There are difficulties.. I am of your age too .. please bear with your strife.Its very difficult i know , but we all are here with you.

When you look back after this life , you will realise that this will be the most rewarding period.
i agree with u.he shuld just try to be strong and have faith in Alla s.w.t as He is the only one that can bailus intermsof trials nad dificult times.

09-04-2009, 07:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by hajibala
i agree with u.he shuld just try to be strong and have faith in Alla s.w.t as He is the only one that can bailus intermsof trials nad dificult times.
Yes, true! :)

09-04-2009, 08:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
Thanks!:) And I really respect the women in Islam, they wear hijab lmost anywhere and they seem like don't care about what the other non-muslim people say about them. When a muslim boy/man is on the street, noone knows he is a muslim or no. But when a muslim woman wears hijab, then everyone know she is a muslim.
I'm also trying to keep it up, even I'm being called as terrorist, while I'm not... There are a lot of people who know I am a muslim, when they see me they yalls at me "hey you terrorist", I'm only tell 'em "I'm not a terrorsit". They keep saying it, and then I say "take care to not to be bombed"... Then they take it seriosly and be quiet for some day, but later they start it again... But I'm trying to don't take care about them, becuase Allah will make them obey to him and teach them in the fire.

Ps, your english isn't bad :) I understood what you wanted to say. :) I think my is worse... But I've no idea who have good and who have bad english... At least British and Americans have excellent! :D
Of course i do not care what people think expect Allah s.w.t. yeah your right, i never thought of that before. oh yeah, im not surprised bec media take Muslim as a scapegoat, Allah knows the best. Remember Allah says in Qur'Ran, let them enjoy themselves for a while but their home will be hell. 'For those who do good in this world is good; and the home of the Hereafter is better. And how excellent is the home of the righteous' 30. Surag 16- Nabi so we better be patient whatever people say bad things to us etc. For an example, i heard a beauty story... Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him, he walked in the early morning to somwhere i forget, a lady who used to hate him very much, she threw him with full of rubbish by her window, Prophet Muhammed stroked with wet and nasty smells. But he was calm, she have done to him every time he walked past her, once a lady was so ILL, Prophet Muhammed remember her then he came to her house, asked where is ur game in joke? She was so shocked he came to her after what she have done to him then she became Muslim. Look at us, people use thier tongue to cuss us not physical or beat us. O aww, thanks little brother! Hop ur well, bro!:D p.s. hope u get what i mean, insha'Allah!

09-04-2009, 08:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
Ps, sorry if I confused you, but my english composition is too small and not skilled. If you didn't understand anything then just feel free to ask again and then I'll try my best to explain you better. :)
I understand your English just fine, Mohamed! :)

That's quite a tough upbringing you've had there ... imsad

09-04-2009, 09:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Bub
Of course i do not care what people think expect Allah s.w.t. yeah your right, i never thought of that before. oh yeah, im not surprised bec media take Muslim as a scapegoat, Allah knows the best. Remember Allah says in Qur'Ran, let them enjoy themselves for a while but their home will be hell. 'For those who do good in this world is good; and the home of the Hereafter is better. And how excellent is the home of the righteous' 30. Surag 16- Nabi so we better be patient whatever people say bad things to us etc. For an example, i heard a beauty story... Prophet Muhammed, peace be upon him, he walked in the early morning to somwhere i forget, a lady who used to hate him very much, she threw him with full of rubbish by her window, Prophet Muhammed stroked with wet and nasty smells. But he was calm, she have done to him every time he walked past her, once a lady was so ILL, Prophet Muhammed remember her then he came to her house, asked where is ur game in joke? She was so shocked he came to her after what she have done to him then she became Muslim. Look at us, people use thier tongue to cuss us not physical or beat us. O aww, thanks little brother! Hop ur well, bro!:D p.s. hope u get what i mean, insha'Allah!
Yes, I got what you meant! :) Nice story! :) And yes, I'm fine -alhamdulillah. :) I hope you are well too! :)

09-04-2009, 09:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I understand your English just fine, Mohamed! :)

That's quite a tough upbringing you've had there ... imsad
Yes, it is... But it's all truth and those terrible things are happened to me... But I believe I'm not the only one.

09-05-2009, 05:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
Yes, I got what you meant! :) Nice story! :) And yes, I'm fine -alhamdulillah. :) I hope you are well too! :)
good, lil brother! glad 2 heard ur fine, im gr8 aldhamduilah :D

09-05-2009, 07:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Bub
good, lil brother! glad 2 heard ur fine, im gr8 aldhamduilah :D
:) :) That's good.

09-05-2009, 08:49 PM
Just do what feels right. You don't have to fast to be a muslim, esp. in your circumstances.


09-05-2009, 09:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by neda
Just do what feels right. You don't have to fast to be a muslim, esp. in your circumstances.

Thanks for telling me this. :)

I also asked it in a mesjid, what age I must to fasting. They said when I finish high school, so I will do a full fasting then -insallah. :)

09-05-2009, 11:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
I have no money, not even pocket money. I share my room with my bro (he isn't muslim).
assalamu alaykum lil bro :)

Is there a part-time job you can do? Perhaps a weekend job in a local shop or even delivering newspapers?

Also, do you know other muslims in your area? And is there a mosque near you?

09-06-2009, 12:33 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
assalamu alaykum lil bro :)

Is there a part-time job you can do? Perhaps a weekend job in a local shop or even delivering newspapers?

Also, do you know other muslims in your area? And is there a mosque near you?
Hehe, I was wondering when you come and post! :) I'm happy you did it... But don't know why, I think I like your posts. :)

Well, I be 16 soon, and then I could get some job... But my parents and grandparents always tell me "school is the first". So I'm trying to concentrate to school... I even failed of math and physics last year. I was learning almost on the whole summer, but I passed the exam -alhamdulillah. And got to the next class I'm on right now. So... I don't know, but money always comes good, but only on the good way, by job...:hmm: I'll try to find out something.

No, I don't know any. I think in the town where I live I'm the only one muslim here... Actually never heard yet someone else is a muslim.
Well, I don't know what's long and what's close, there is a mosque where I always go, it's about 30-35 km away, that's the closest to me. I don't know any else closer, only further. But a mosque in the neighboor won't be so bad.:statisfie

09-06-2009, 04:52 PM
Assalamu alaykum lil bro, :)

Thank you lil one. My apologies for not replying earlier due to many reasons. And yes, I feel concerned about whether you are eating well, especially in Ramadhan.

Are you eating properly? Are you expected to eat with your family? Are you allowed to take meals in your room? I don't know how difficult meal times are for you. Please let me know. If things are very difficult for you, I have a little plan that can help make things a little easier for you inshaAllah. I'll be waiting for your reply.

Hope to hear from you soon :)

09-06-2009, 06:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
Assalamu alaykum lil bro, :)

Thank you lil one. My apologies for not replying earlier due to many reasons. And yes, I feel concerned about whether you are eating well, especially in Ramadhan.

Are you eating properly? Are you expected to eat with your family? Are you allowed to take meals in your room? I don't know how difficult meal times are for you. Please let me know. If things are very difficult for you, I have a little plan that can help make things a little easier for you inshaAllah. I'll be waiting for your reply.

Hope to hear from you soon :)
Yes, I do eat properly (if you mean to the rules of foods). I keep the Islam rules about the foods and eating.
I sometimes eat with my family, when my mom didn't cook any pig or forbidden foods.
Yes, I'm allowed. I usually do it, when I can't/don't eat with anyone from family, or also when they eat pig or forbidden foods.

Umm... About meals time... I don't really keep them, I just eat when I'm feeling hungry. But if there is only pig or forbidden foods, then there are only bread and butter for me, if I'm lucky there is some chicken or turkey ham for me.

But I'm interested about your plan, it may make it easier for me.

:) :)

09-06-2009, 06:13 PM
@Scents of Jannah:
Ah and 1 question.
Do you have MSN or any private e-mail? I think we could "meet"/talk there easier about these things.

09-06-2009, 08:35 PM
Yes, IB has a PM feature we can use. I'm glad you're eating well lil bro, but I still think you could do with other options. So, I will PM you later and hopefully give you hints and tips to make things a little easier for you inshaAllah. :)

09-06-2009, 08:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
Yes, IB has a PM feature we can use. I'm glad you're eating well lil bro, but I still think you could do with other options. So, I will PM you later and hopefully give you hints and tips to make things a little easier for you inshaAllah. :)
Ah alright. I know also IB forum got this feature, but I didn't think of that. Anyway that's also good. Thanks for your support! :)

09-07-2009, 01:25 AM
You're welcome lil bro. Please enable private messaging so I can PM you :)

09-07-2009, 02:11 AM
Mohammed bro ,

:sl: great to know that you are doing good.yes your parents are right.schools is the most important thing.you need to give your best so that later you can get a good future which would help you to eat well :giggling:. If you need any help with school you can pm me :).

May Allah help you in your difficulties :)

09-07-2009, 04:31 AM
Thanks! Bro! :)

@Scents of Jannah:
Private messaging is enabled.

09-07-2009, 05:16 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mohamed_
Salam Aleykum,
Maybe this is my last post here... I'm on about here to tell you I leave Islam for a while now.

Islam is too hard for me. About many problems, I tell you some:
1st. Food, my family isn't muslim. I live with my mom, stepfather and brother. They don't give me that much respect. My mom usually cooks pork nowadays, and there is like nothing else for me, so I've to eat pork too...

2nd. Girls, I'm usually almost everyday out of home. And there are girls, when a I see good-looking gilrs that's really hard to stop myself to don't check them. And school has just begun. I be 16 soon and I hadn't much girlfriend before, so I will look for some sure. And I very miss my last girlfriend...

3rd. Prayers, as I said school has just begun and I should spend 1 prayer in school, and that's impossible. The boss of the school doesn't allow me to do that. When I get home then I should prayer for 2 prayers, and after school not sure I'll be in the mood for prayer, especially on bad days. I couldn't really prayer in the last 6-8 days.

4th. Fasting, I can't fast alone, because as I said noone else is muslim who I live with. So they eat when they want to, that's bad to see they are eating and I'm watching them... Or hear when they say "it's delicious"...

So I'm about to stop Islam... Maybe I'll come back to it later, when I be older. If there will be later... But I will keep some rule of Islam in my life, for example alcohol, I will not drink alcohol.
And I will keep Islam as the only truth, peaceful, "clean" religion, and Mohamed (peace be upon him) as the best prophet of Allah.

Allah ma'k!

I don't want to seem harsh, but I think your just making up excuses to do whatever you want. I'm a convert also, and my whole family is Catholic. I'm the only one fasting, and they eat pork a lot.

Even though they are not Muslim and they do those things doesn't mean I'm going to stop. As for the girls, it may be that you just want to fit in with the rest of the kids at your school. Maybe you haven't learned very much about Islam or have not been studying lately. I think you need to really think about this decision.

Tomorrow is NEVER promised. You may die tomorrow you never know. Please think about your decision before you do something like this, specially when it's for worldly things that will not help you in any way. Having a girlfriend will not make you happy in the end, it will only drive you further from the person your meant to be with.

I don't want to seem harsh, I just want you to realize how big of an issue this is.

May Allah guide you and make things issue on you.

09-08-2009, 02:19 AM
^Sister, if you'd read the follow up posts you'd have realised that our bro has had a change of heart hamdulillah, and is still a muslim. Every situation is different sis. If I were in bro Mohamed shoes, and didn't know other muslims in my school, neighbourhood, I think I'd find reverting a bit daunting too. Please make dua, Allah makes it easy for him. Ameen.

@Scents of Jannah:
Private messaging is enabled.
Thank you :)

09-08-2009, 02:56 AM
Yeah, I realized that. Sorry bro :(

Alhamudilliah that you are still Muslim. I know from first hand experience how hard it can be. I'm a revert living in a non-Muslim household as well. Your young and that probably makes it even more tough on you.

I wish you the best brother and know that Allah does not burden us with anything we can not handle.

09-08-2009, 02:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by kwolney01
Yeah, I realized that. Sorry bro :(

Alhamudilliah that you are still Muslim. I know from first hand experience how hard it can be. I'm a revert living in a non-Muslim household as well. Your young and that probably makes it even more tough on you.

I wish you the best brother and know that Allah does not burden us with anything we can not handle.
No problem. And thanks. :):)

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