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View Full Version : chating to a sister on a chat room haram or not?

10-30-2009, 01:01 AM

i was in a chat room and met a muslim sister and we quit got along and we talk about islam and so on cam to this question the sister said is chating to a men haram and i said i dont realy exactly now if it is or not but in my view it depends on the person iswell then she said yes indeed it depends on the person but some time feelings comes along and then things leads to one another and maybe zina so is that bad i mean haram or not even if u dont have bad feelings for some 1?

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10-30-2009, 11:38 AM

I am going to let you answer this yourself after I give you a few things to think about.

Is chatting on a chat room any different from talking on the telephone?

Is talking on the telephone to a person of the opposite gender halal or haram?

Does this actually differ from speaking to a person face to face?

Would you be speaking, about what ever you are chatting about on the chat room, to this person face to face?

10-30-2009, 11:51 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow

I am going to let you answer this yourself after I give you a few things to think about.

Is chatting on a chat room any different from talking on the telephone?

Is talking on the telephone to a person of the opposite gender halal or haram?

Does this actually differ from speaking to a person face to face?

Would you be speaking, about what ever you are chatting about on the chat room, to this person face to face?

thats what we have been talking bout i really dont know if it is haram or not so any advice would be great:embarrass

10-30-2009, 12:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by khalid84

thats what we have been talking bout i really dont know if it is haram or not so any advice would be great:embarrass

My point being it would depend on what is being spoken about and why it is being spoken to this particular person.

I am a little aware as to why it is necessary for you to use chat rooms to speak with other Muslims. What would make this haram is if you over step the limits of what is safe conversation to what can be fitnah.

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10-30-2009, 12:09 PM
ok we talk about islam and the kafirons nothing that i can find bad and all i wonder is it haram talking to a sister ? for me i dont think it would be haram as we talk to sisters in here iswell but still needed to make sure

10-30-2009, 03:17 PM

Hamza Asadullah
10-30-2009, 03:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by khalid84

i was in a chat room and met a muslim sister and we quit got along and we talk about islam and so on cam to this question the sister said is chating to a men haram and i said i dont realy exactly now if it is or not but in my view it depends on the person iswell then she said yes indeed it depends on the person but some time feelings comes along and then things leads to one another and maybe zina so is that bad i mean haram or not even if u dont have bad feelings for some 1?
Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb my brother i commend you for coming on here and being open and honest about this problem because it shows you have concern about your imaan (faith) and that you do not want to jeapordise it.

The last decade or so has seen a massive rise in the use of the internet because it is now another way of communicating with each other. This rise has caused many to come up with new ways of people interacting and getting in touch with each other like facebook,hi5,Bebo and MANY more! You have the msn messenger, Paltalk and also MANY MANY chatrooms from around the world connecting people together.

Within those chatrooms you have the facility to send private messages and then you can swap adds with each other and add each other on msn or yahoo messenger.

I am very familiar with this my brother and let me tell you it is TOTALLY forbidden because wherever a man and a women are alone together and that includes msn and chatrooms then shaythan is ALWAYS the third party!

The Prophet (SAW) forbade men and women from being alone together. He said: “Never is a man alone with a woman except that Satan is the third party with them.”

Shaythan is very clever indeed he decieves us into thinking that we can talk to the opposite sex about Islam because it will be beneficial. Then we end up decieving ourselves thinking that we can talk to the opposite sex about Islam because it is a good thing.

How often have these conversations lead to bad results, and even caused people to fall in love, and have led some to do things that are even more serious than that. The Shaytaan makes each of them imagine attractive qualities in other, which leads them to develop an attachment that detrimental to their spiritual welfare and worldly affairs.

Then the more we talk to this person of the opposite sex the more we begin to like their qualities and character. Then slowly we start to fall for them until it is too late! This has happened COUNTLESS times to countless people around the world my brother and let me tell you that these social networking anc chatrooms are the places of evil and the places of shaythan and im talking out of experience because i knew and still know MANY people who have been ruined because of chatrooms.

Now that you know brother get rid of any social networks your a part of and stop going to any chatrooms that you take part in because these lead to haraam and we as Muslims are advised by our almighty to stay away from anything that takes us even close to haraam.

We should keep a close connection with the masjid and get involved with the brothers there and get involved with Islamic activities for the pleasure of Allah! Do not go anywhere near chatrooms or talking to ANY non mahram on the internet my brother. May Allah lead us to the straight path and not let us fall into the wrong path. Ameen

10-30-2009, 03:24 PM
I would like to add that many people start chatting with the opposite gender in some very general and beneficial issues at the beginning, but with time passing, they begin to talk about some personal issues and this is the beginning of reaching the red line.

If both sides trust themselves that they wont go far in chatting and keep it within limits, they can't trust Shaitan to tempt them to do so

So prevention is better than cure :)

Caller الداعي
10-30-2009, 03:28 PM
yep i agree with that!!! shaytan does creep into our thoughts and no one is protected

10-30-2009, 03:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza81
Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb my brother i commend you for coming on here and being open and honest about this problem because it shows you have concern about your imaan (faith) and that you do not want to jeapordise it.

The last decade or so has seen a massive rise in the use of the internet because it is now another way of communicating with each other. This rise has caused many to come up with new ways of people interacting and getting in touch with each other like facebook,hi5,Bebo and MANY more! You have the msn messenger, Paltalk and also MANY MANY chatrooms from around the world connecting people together.

Within those chatrooms you have the facility to send private messages and then you can swap adds with each other and add each other on msn or yahoo messenger.

I am very familiar with this my brother and let me tell you it is TOTALLY forbidden because wherever a man and a women are alone together and that includes msn and chatrooms then shaythan is ALWAYS the third party!

The Prophet (SAW) forbade men and women from being alone together. He said: “Never is a man alone with a woman except that Satan is the third party with them.”

Shaythan is very clever indeed he decieves us into thinking that we can talk to the opposite sex about Islam because it will be beneficial. Then we end up decieving ourselves thinking that we can talk to the opposite sex about Islam because it is a good thing.

How often have these conversations lead to bad results, and even caused people to fall in love, and have led some to do things that are even more serious than that. The Shaytaan makes each of them imagine attractive qualities in other, which leads them to develop an attachment that detrimental to their spiritual welfare and worldly affairs.

Then the more we talk to this person of the opposite sex the more we begin to like their qualities and character. Then slowly we start to fall for them until it is too late! This has happened COUNTLESS times to countless people around the world my brother and let me tell you that these social networking anc chatrooms are the places of evil and the places of shaythan and im talking out of experience because i knew and still know MANY people who have been ruined because of chatrooms.

Now that you know brother get rid of any social networks your a part of and stop going to any chatrooms that you take part in because these lead to haraam and we as Muslims are advised by our almighty to stay away from anything that takes us even close to haraam.

We should keep a close connection with the masjid and get involved with the brothers there and get involved with Islamic activities for the pleasure of Allah! Do not go anywhere near chatrooms or talking to ANY non mahram on the internet my brother. May Allah lead us to the straight path and not let us fall into the wrong path. Ameen
ok but arent we talking to sisters in here isnt this like chating my brother even we have the pm option same us chatrooms?

format_quote Originally Posted by Danah
I would like to add that many people start chatting with the opposite gender in some very general and beneficial issues at the beginning, but with time passing, they begin to talk about some personal issues and this is the beginning of reaching the red line.

If both sides trust themselves that they wont go far in chatting and keep it within limits, they can't trust Shaitan to tempt them to do so

So prevention is better than cure :)
yes thats true but if u think u cant handle your self infront of shaytan then what kinda of muslim would we be?and if both partys trust theme selfs then what?

format_quote Originally Posted by caller
yep i agree with that!!! shaytan does creep into our thoughts and no one is protected
it does but if your stronger then shaytan then what?

10-30-2009, 04:01 PM
it does but if your stronger then shaytan then what?[/QUOTE]

Brother do not underestimate Shaytan.
Read the story below of Barsisa. He he devoted his life to worshipping Allah but Shaytan misled him.

There were three brothers from Bani Israel who were called upon to go on Jihad. These three brothers had a sister who did not have any one else to be taken care other that by them. They did not know under whose care could they leave the young woman. Then they thought that the most reasonable place to leave her was with the Abid (worshipper) because he was the most trusted man in town. Barsisa, the Abid was a man who used to be in a monastery devoted to worship of ALLAH.

So they went to him and said, ” We are being enlisted to go on Jihad and we want to leave our sister with you. We trust no one in town but you.”

Barsisa replied “Audhu billah, get away from me.” This was an Abid who was not married and he did not want to deal with these problems.

The brothers said, “We have no where else to leave our sister but with you. We don’t trust anyone else.”

So Shaytan came to Barsisa and said, “If u don’t accept, she might be left with somebody who might not be trustworthy.You have to step-up and take this responsibility.”

So Barsisa told the brothers, “Leave her in the empty house.” (which was seperate from the monastery where he was staying). The brothers then left her there and went on Jihad.

After that, Barsisa the Abid used to leave food at his doorstep and the young woman had to come out of her house and walk all the way to take the food from his doorstep. Barsisa never used to leave from his monastery. Barsisa had never met her and they were not seeing each other. Days passed by like this.

One day, Shaytan came to Barsisa and said, “Somebody might see her when she is walking out. So rather than have her leave from her house. You need to carry it and leave at her doorstep.” So he started leaving the food at her doorstep. This happened for many days.

Again one day, Shaytan came to Barsisa and said, “You can’t just leave the food at her doorstep. Somebody might see her when she opens the door and she is very beautiful. You would have to take the food and leave it inside her room.” So Barsisa would go and knock on the door. She would open and he would walk inside and leave the food there. That continued for a while.

Then again one day Shaytan said, “You can’t leave this poor woman alone without giving her any company. Nobody is speaking to her. So she may be feeling very lonely and that might lead to haram. So why don’t you go and talk to her from behind the door.” Barsisa liked the idea and so for a while he would sit outside and just talk to her for HOURS. Slowly and slowly the relationship was building up and Shaytan was finding it easier to drag him to the next step.

Shaytan then came and said, “You can’t just sit there talking to her, people might see you. You need to go inside, just sit in another room without looking at her and talk to her.” So for sometime that is what he did. Slowly she started getting closer to him and everytime they got more and more close to the extent that eventually he comitted zina (fornication) with her.

So the Abid, the worshipper who devoted his life to service in the monastery comitted zina. Because of that, she became pregnant and delivered a boy.

Then Shaytan came to Barsisa and said,”Now when the brothers come back and find out that their sister has a child you are going to be in big trouble. The only way for you to put an end to this issue is to kill the baby.” Barsisa followed the advice of Shaytan and killed the child.

But it didn’t end there. Shaytan came to him and said, “Do you think that this woman will keep the secret after you kill her own child? The only way out is to kill her.” So Barsisa killed her and burried both mother and child in a certain location inside the house.

Later the brothers came back and inquired about their sister. Barsisa gave some reason and said, “She had passed away and this is where she is burried.” Saying that he pointed to a false grave.

Then Shaytan went to the brothers and made them see a dream. In that dream they were told that Barsisa killed their sister and the proof was that she was burried in a different location (i.e. under the rock inside the house).

When the brothers woke up they started talking to each other and found out that they all had seen the same dream. They thought that there must be some truth in it. So they went and uncovered the grave which Barsisa had pointed to and found it empty. Then they went inside the house and found the rock as mentioned in the dream. On digging underneath the rock they found their sister’s dead body along with that of the child.

So they went to Barsisa and forced him to disclose the secret of what happened. He went ahead and told them the whole story. The three brothers took Barsisa to the king’s court and he was given punishment of execution.

While Barsisa was being dragged to his execution spot, Shaytan came to him and said, “Listen Barsisa I am Shaytan and it was me who was in communication with you since this whole thing started and not your inner thoughts. Now I can get u out of this trouble if you want. I am the one who put you in this trouble in the first place and I can get u out of it.”

Barsisa asked, “What should I do?”

Shaytan said, “Do sujood to me and I will save you.”

Barsisa did sujood to Shaytan (i.e. committed shirk) and as soon as he did so, Shaytan ran away and Barsisa was executed.

(Taken from Imam Anwar Al-Awlaki’s lecture set “Hereafter”)

Hamza Asadullah
10-30-2009, 04:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by khalid84
ok but arent we talking to sisters in here isnt this like chating my brother even we have the pm option same us chatrooms?
This is a forum and is clearly not the same as a chatroom.
We discuss specific topics in here in the form of individual posts which the WHOLE world can read but in a chatroom you can have a full conversation with a member of the opposite sex in private and in real time one after the other.

format_quote Originally Posted by khalid84
it does but if your stronger then shaytan then what?
Even the greatest Muslims have fallen because of shaythans deception, are you any where near being the greatest of Muslims?

This in itself is the biggest deception of shaythan where he is trying to convince you that you will not fall for his deceptions and that you are safe and free from falling for your desires.

It is clear brother that you know its wrong to be-friend a girl even if you think you are just going to talk to her about Islam but you are trying to bring up any excuse possible to try and justify your friendship with her.

You can make ANY excuse you want to try and justify it but that is EXACTLY what shaythan wants you to do he wants to make it out to you that its innocent and friendly and not to make a big deal of it but this is clearly the deception of shaythan for he is clearly trying to decieve you right now with this type of thinking but we have to get away from this false mindset and ALWAYS try to think of how we can avoid sin and avoid falling into haraam not how we can fall into it for that is what shaythan wants and he will give us ANY excuse possible so that we do fall into sin!

There is NO excuses my brother it is WRONG to befriend the opposite sex! Brother everything Allah wants is the best for us, if he created us then do you think he does not know what is best for us in this life? It is US who are maming it hard for ourselves because Islam straight forward to practise and implement.

My brother know that there is absolutly NO justification for wanting to befriend any girl so please do NOT let shaythan give you these excuses to use. You think you are doing good by talking to her about Islam? Your VERY mistaken because that is what shaythan wants you to think and continue doing and then before you know it you will have fallen for her! Allah advises us in the Qur'an to NOT go ANYWHERE near zina let alone talk to a girl privatley and the third person being shaythan who im sure very much enjoys your conversations and will partake in it very soon if you carry on!

It is your life at the end of the day but the proof, evidance and reasons behind them have been provided to you so please act upon them as soon as you can and don't waste anymore of your precious time on ANY girl but focus on improving yourself and going towards Allah! One day you will look back and say "how stupid was i to befriend girls on chatrooms and try to justify it"!

10-30-2009, 04:12 PM
ok one more thing the sister has a facebook profile and she is adding islamic videos and even did not post any pics of her just islamic stuff she said she wants to spread the islam via facebook so what can u say about that?

Hamza Asadullah
10-30-2009, 05:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by khalid84
ok one more thing the sister has a facebook profile and she is adding islamic videos and even did not post any pics of her just islamic stuff she said she wants to spread the islam via facebook so what can u say about that?
Is that where you met her? If she does'nt put her pictures up for th reasons she states that she is avoiding fitna then why is she talking to you?

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