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11-04-2009, 03:54 AM
Hey everybody hope all of you are well and happy inshallah,
I am a fully practicing Muslim pray all my salaah not all on time, especially Fajr (when life is changing and your imam is low, it’s a struggle to wake up on time trust me).
I going through an interesting series of unfortunate events, I try not to complain and try to be gratefully for what I have but when each day things get worse its hard to be thankful.
It all started 5 years ago when my mother died before I reverted to Islam (my mother death being a major factor in my revertion anyway that’s another story. Ps mind you a year before my mother’s death my father died).
I could not concentrate at university with my parents dying and all that so I dropped out, started working and living at home with my older brother. My brother can not be described as very loving to say the least. So after 3 years of torture (everything from mental, to physical attacks that is again another story we never really had a loving relationship and my mother death made it a lot worse) I had to move out for my own sake, I went to live with a friend and his family. All was well for a while until I lost my job (fired in fact unfairly but I took them to court and won some money), the people I was living with cared for me and did not mind that I could not pay the rent.
Then after a year Alhamdulillah I became a Muslim, which became a double edge sword meaning, the family I was living with were Atheist.
I was forced to move out in a rather strange incident when my friends mum reacted wired to me praying in her house (that another story, before I became a Muslim, she loved me like her son) anyway, I was able to move in with another friend and his family (again atheist), things were good for a while (not great but I could not complain, I was finding it hard to get a job but my rent was being paid for by the government not proud of that but I was paying my taxes for 8 years when I was working) then I started to distance my self from my friend. Let me explain, before I was a Muslim I used to smoke a lot of dupe to cope with life and my friend was my smoking buddy, but I stopped and he love the drug, I did not want to be around that anymore, so I more or less just stayed in my bedroom.
Now this is when things just get better my friend has recently got really irritated that I don’t hag around him anymore and I’ve now been told that I am not really welcomed in the house anymore, they told me but I think they won’t throw out because it is winter and very cold outside and they no my situation, but I can I stay,
This means I am basically homeless, jobless, no qualifications and with no one to turn to with a very dim distant prospect of getting married and living a happy life.
That’s the basic jist of it (ps I know I sound a bit chirpy but if I’m not I would be very unhappy).
Can people make Duaa for me please, please or just send me some nice replies so I can feel happy abut things,
I know life is a test by Allah SWT, and Allah SWT does not Burden us with what we can not handle but I think I am going to losing my mind.
I make a lot of Duass so much that some times I can’t be bothered because I think its not ever going to happen.

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Hamza Asadullah
11-04-2009, 11:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by as_salaamalikum
Hey everybody hope all of you are well and happy inshallah,
I am a fully practicing Muslim pray all my salaah not all on time, especially Fajr (when life is changing and your imam is low, it’s a struggle to wake up on time trust me).
I going through an interesting series of unfortunate events, I try not to complain and try to be gratefully for what I have but when each day things get worse its hard to be thankful.
It all started 5 years ago when my mother died before I reverted to Islam (my mother death being a major factor in my revertion anyway that’s another story. Ps mind you a year before my mother’s death my father died).
I could not concentrate at university with my parents dying and all that so I dropped out, started working and living at home with my older brother. My brother can not be described as very loving to say the least. So after 3 years of torture (everything from mental, to physical attacks that is again another story we never really had a loving relationship and my mother death made it a lot worse) I had to move out for my own sake, I went to live with a friend and his family. All was well for a while until I lost my job (fired in fact unfairly but I took them to court and won some money), the people I was living with cared for me and did not mind that I could not pay the rent.
Then after a year Alhamdulillah I became a Muslim, which became a double edge sword meaning, the family I was living with were Atheist.
I was forced to move out in a rather strange incident when my friends mum reacted wired to me praying in her house (that another story, before I became a Muslim, she loved me like her son) anyway, I was able to move in with another friend and his family (again atheist), things were good for a while (not great but I could not complain, I was finding it hard to get a job but my rent was being paid for by the government not proud of that but I was paying my taxes for 8 years when I was working) then I started to distance my self from my friend. Let me explain, before I was a Muslim I used to smoke a lot of dupe to cope with life and my friend was my smoking buddy, but I stopped and he love the drug, I did not want to be around that anymore, so I more or less just stayed in my bedroom.
Now this is when things just get better my friend has recently got really irritated that I don’t hag around him anymore and I’ve now been told that I am not really welcomed in the house anymore, they told me but I think they won’t throw out because it is winter and very cold outside and they no my situation, but I can I stay,
This means I am basically homeless, jobless, no qualifications and with no one to turn to with a very dim distant prospect of getting married and living a happy life.
That’s the basic jist of it (ps I know I sound a bit chirpy but if I’m not I would be very unhappy).
Can people make Duaa for me please, please or just send me some nice replies so I can feel happy abut things,
I know life is a test by Allah SWT, and Allah SWT does not Burden us with what we can not handle but I think I am going to losing my mind.
I make a lot of Duass so much that some times I can’t be bothered because I think its not ever going to happen.
Asalaamu Alaikum wr wb, my brother know that Allah ONLY tests people to see how they will react if they are tested. Will they say why me or will they accept it and bare it with patience and turn towards Allah! Allah tests certain people because he wants them to be the closest to him!

So be happy my brother that Allah is testing you so that you can become closer to him. That is NOT a privelage that everyone has but you have that privelage because Allah wants you close to him. Subhanallah!

Also my brother you need to ALWAYS keep reminding yourself that there is NOT a second to waste being down or depressed about anything and that we can go out of this world at ANY SECOND so we have to spend EVERY valuable second pleasing Allah and filling up our good deed accounts. If we keep constantly reminding ourselves of this then we will constantly busy ourselves with Zikr and we will have no time for being down or depressed.

We need to keep thinking that EVERYTHING that happens happens because of the will of Allah so whatever will happen will happen anyway so there is NO point of us being worried about it or down or depressed about it. We need to keep reminding ourselves that this world is only for a very short whgile and as our beloved Rasulallah (Saw) said we should think that we are just passers by in this world and travellers ready for our ETERNAL destination in the hereafter. That is our final abode and rsting place and that is all we should desire and work towards. We should only work towards this world as much as we can survive comfortably.

My brother we should thank Allah so much everyday because firstly out of BILLIONS of people that he's created he chose US and gave US imaan(faith)! He saw something in your heart that he liked and out of COUNTLESS people in this world he gave you imaan(faith)! He ONLY gives imaan to those he likes. So how lucky are we my brother?

He didn’t have to, he could of created us non believers and he could have created us in ANY time period in history like in the dark ages or in the medieval times or some other terrible time uncivilised time period but he created us in a relatively safe environment in one of the richest countries in the world with luxury, food on a plate everyday, anything we want and all we have to do is look at the unfortunate people who have NOTHING and we will truly realise how lucky we really are and that Allah has given us EVERYTHING!

Many times I have been to my native country Pakistan and seen the poor there and they're terrible condition and I just feel SO lucky of what Allah has given me compared to these people.

I saw a paralysed guy ROLLING around on the streets because he couldn’t walk or afford a wheel chair, that really got to me. When one sees these things that is when reality really hits us of how lucky we really are because living in this country we always seem to forget.

My brother the amount of poverty that people are experiencing in this world and the position Allah has put us in we should constantly be in prostration to him and thank him SO SO much! We are SO SO lucky my brother and we still complain about this and that and minor things but we should be ever thankful to Allah night and day!

We take for granted what he has given us! He could have created us paralysed or with a terrible debilitating disease but no my brother he has given us health, wealth and best of all imaan (faith) and now he is wanting to guide us that is why were want to go towards him!

The ONLY thing stopping us from going towards Allah is ourselves because know that shaythan can just whisper but it is our choice whether we listen or not. We are given free will to choose which path we want to take and we HAVE to make the effort to go towards him and get into our deen.

Every single day we should try to imagine and contemplate the favours Allah has done for us and the everything he has given us and only then we will ALWAYS remain so so thankful and appreciative of Allah because my brother SO many people are suffering in this world and all around us but were not always aware. We may look at some people around us and think to ourselves they look happy and content but only Allah knows the most terrible hardships that they are going through.

We should ALWAYS look at people who have less than us and NEVER those who have more than us! We may look at a person who we think has more than us and is happier than us, but how do we know what they are going through in life? We don't because it is not always advertised what people are going through.

Look at our poor brothers and sisters in war torn countries and those who are being oppressed by their governments who don’t even allow them to practise their deen, yet where we are our governments do allow us to practise our deen properly without any problems.

Whatever problems we may go through or have gone through we need to bare in mind that they are NOTHING compared to what most people in this world are going through right now. We are SO SO lucky and Rasulallah(Pbuh) told us to ALWAYS rememebr those who have less than us. Even those who we think have more how do we actually know what they are going through in life? They may look happy and drive nice cars etc but how do we know what is going on in their hearts and what problems and stresses they are going through? We should not be decieved my brother for we are SO lucky no matter what hardships we think we are going through and we should thank Allah day and night!

Even though we sin day in and day out our almighty creator still provides for us, nourishes us, sustains us and gives us EVERYTHING we need EVERYDAY OF OUR LIVES! He remains patient waiting for us to go towards him everyday but our luck can run out ANY second!

My brother we are so lucky if ONLY we knew and realised how much so. Even after our imaan (faith) goes down, Allah is still trying to guide us and that is why we feel inclined in our hearts to go towards him and be the closest to him!

All we have to brother is to make the little effort in comparison with EVERYTHING Allah has given us! But yet we still fail to do the little required of us to change and go towards Allah!

He gave us life, health and working limbs when there are people out there who have limbs missing or are deformed and retarded and look at us! He has given us EVERY SINGLE THING and yet we still struggle to give even a little back and thank him by praying to him for just a few minutes a day.

Even if we were to spend eternity trying to imagine what Allah has given us and the amount of favours he has done for us, we would NEVER be able to even begin to imagine!

My brother happiness and contentment of the heart ONLY lies with Allah! Whether we gain this happiness and true contentment really depends on how obedient we are to Allah's commandments and how much we really strive to do what he asks of us!

Remember everything that is good comes from Allah and everything bad that happens comes from us and our own wrong doings! Also Allah tests his creations in MANY different ways!

He may test us in any aspect of our lives! Almighty Allah says in the Qur'an as well that do you think that you will not be tested? What is the point and purpose of life if we are not to be tried and tested by Allah?

Allah just wants to see how we will react when we are tested! Will we go closer to shaythan? or closer to Allah?

Why should we let shaythan win? For Allah tests a person so that he may see if the person will go closer to him or further away!

Who were the people who were tested the most? They were the Ambiya(prophets)! Do you know why? Because they were the best of all creation! So the more Allah tests us the more he wants us to be closer to him and if we bare the tests with patience then know that Allah is with those who are patient and the reward for patience can only be jannah (Paradise)! Subhanallah

It is shaythan who wants us to become closer to him and will we let him? He ONLY wants our destruction!

He tries EVERYTHING in his power to try and keep us away from our deen by trying by distracting us with the deceptions of this world but will we let him?

He constantly tries to make us forget our purpose for It is shaythan who wants to make us lose faith in Allah and trying to make us give up hope and get depressed and confused!

He tries to mess with our minds and make us lose hope and self esteem and then tells us that our lives are pointless and worthless so why not give up?

So will we follow our desires and the whispers of shaythan and be in loss forever? Or will we ONLY strive to listen to Allah and gain eternal success in this world and the next? Its logical who we should listen to but why don't we?

For us it is easier to sin that to do good, but that is because were in the habit of sinning so much that were used to it. Were in the habit of missing namaz day in day out so its a normal thing for us. We hardly think about Allah and what is to come in the afterlife but continue to think about our life in this world and our future. How do we know we have a future? How do we know whether our time will come now or later? If it does come now what have we got to show for what we have done in our life to try and please Allah?

We need to get into the habit of doing good deeds and praying ALL of our salat and then it will be easier for us to do good deeds and when we get so used to doing good deeds and sinning less then when we do happened to do a sin we would be much more guilty about it and strive not to do it again.

We should NEVER give up hope and give in to shaythan! This is exactly what shaythan wants! He can only whisper but WE HAVE THE POWER OVER OURSELVES! We have FULL control over our mind and body so let us take back control and use our mind and body and focus it towards bettering ourselves as Muslims and going towards our deen and Allah! Let us NEVER give up hope in Allah and NEVER give into shaythan because you are STRONGER than him and you can overcome him it is in you!

This life is a test and what kind of test would it be if there was'nt evil and temptation around us? Life is full of hurdles for the path to Jannah is not an easy one and why should it be? We have to earn our place in Jannah just like we earnt our degrees. If we get closer to Allah then our journey to Jannah will be a very easy one because we would have Allah by our side and when we get tested we would bare it with patience and have full hope, reliance and trust in Allah! But if were far away from our deen and Allah then we will be on a very rocky road to knowhere and eventually destruction!

It is shaythan who wants to confuse us and slow down our progress. He wants to mess our heads up and try and give us distractions but my brother lets not EVER let shaythan distract us away from pleasing Allah and worshipping him!

We should keep reminding ourselves that shaythan just wants to decieve us and make us down and depressed so we can waste time and not fill up our good deed accounts and he wants to prevent us from pleasing Allah so we should realise that he is trying to do this and work EVEN harder to please Allah and think to ourselves

"I have no time to be down or depressed because whatever will happen in life will happen but i have to make the best of EVERY second because my life in this world can end at ANYTIME! So i need to do as much good as possible and try my best to please Allah every second! There is no time or need for me to be down or depressed because i rely on Allah for EVERYTHING and i depend on him and put my hopes and trust in him and i put my FULL FAITH in him because he created me and NOTHING happens without his will!"

Say this to yourself with FULL sincerety and conviction EVERY day and inshallah you will realise that there is NO need to EVER get down or depressed and you will have no time to EVER be down or depressed.

You need to try and find good pious local brothers who are working for the akhirah(hereafter) and stick with them and they will help you my brother that is why i suggest that you attend ALL fard salat is the masjid and therefore you would keep a close connection with the Muslim brothers because the stray and lone sheep is easy prey for the wolf (Shaythan). That is why when the herd are together then it is harder for the wolf to attack.

You can find good brothers at your local Masjid im sure and they will help you and advise you and be there for you inshallah. You are who your friends are and if your friends are those who desire this world then you need to get away from them and go towards those who are working for the akhirah!

My Brother in order to attain khushu (imaging we can see Allah when praying or doing good deeds) we need to clear our minds of all thoughts and focus SOLELY on Allah! We need to gain more sincerety in our hearts and clean out from our hearts the love of this dunya!

This can be attained but its not an over night process, but my Brother our imaan can constantly remain strong and high if we contantly glorify Allah throughout the day and rememebr him no matter what we do!

We should imagine him watching us glorify him and think of him and we should do lots of duas throughout the day and gain a close relationship with Allah!

We should read much of the Qur'an and its meanings and contemplate and ponder over its meanings. We should try and spend a little time each day trying to memorise bits of the Qur'an and even make intention that we want to memorise all of it because W e will get our reward depending on our intention!

We should try and learn and implement as MANY Sunnahs of our beloved Rasulallah (Saw) as possible who is our role model and we should learn the masnoon duas and implement them EVERYDAY in our lives! Learn all the duas from waking up and everything throughout the day until you go to sleep and then you will have NO time to even think of being down or depressed.

We should learn the life story and the seerah of our beloved rasul (Saw) and learn about every aspect of his most amazing life! This will surely soften our hearts!

We should learn about the stories of the pious predecessors and the hero women of islam and take them as our heros because they are the true heros of this world!

We should constantly remind ourselves of death and read about it all the time my Brother and read about what will happen to us after death in the grave and in the hereafter! Death is the destroyer of pleasures so we should remember it ALL the time and think about all the ones that have gone and think to ourselves that these are our precious seconds that we have to make the best use of and after these precious seconds are gone then we have NOTHING left expect the deeds that we have done. Our seconds can end at ANYTIME!

We should learn about our possible rewards in Jannah and our demise in Jahannam if we fail and die without imaan May Allah save us all!

We should try and gain a thirst for knowledge my Brother because it is said that the ones with knowledge and the ones without knowledge is like the distance from here to the star that you can see shining and learning knowledge of Islam will opens up our eyes wider than they currently are.

My brother we need to try and constantly occupy ourselves with the Zikr of Allah and glorify him day and night!

Allah says in the Qur'an "Remember Allah abundantly, in order that you become successful"
Quran (Surah 8: Verse 45)

"Only in the remembrance of Allah (swt) will your heart find peace" Quran (Surah 13: Verse 28)

"Those men and women who engage much in Allah's praise. for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a Great Reward"
Quran (Surah 33: Verse 35)

"When any group of men remember Allah, angels surround them and mercy covers them, tranquility descends upon them, and Allah mentions them to those who are with Him." (Muslim)

We also know that remembering Allah is of the greatest deed:

"The rememebrence of Allah (swt) is the greatest (deed)"
Quran (Surah 29: Verse 45)

and of the the worst things we can do is not to remember Allah:

"Satan has mastered them and caused them to forget the Remembrance of Allah. Those are satan's party; and satan's party shall assuredly be the losers"
Quran (Surah 58: Verse 19)

"Whosoever turns away from the Remembrance of Allah, He will hurl him into a stern punishment".
Quran (Surah 72: Verse 17)

"Whosoever turns away from My remembrance, his life will be made tight and narrow on the Day of Resurrection We shall raise him blind"
Quran (Surah 20: Verse 124)

Allah tells us to remember him no matter what we do whether that be lying or sitting down:

"They are the most wise who remember Allah, standing sitting and lying down"
Quran (Surah 4: Verse 190)

We should remember Allah no matter what we are doing and we should ALWAYS try to keep our tongues moist with his rememberance and glorification.

Dua is the BEST weapon for a believer but shaythan always tries to make us forget to do dua and makes us lazy in dua. Imagine if we prayed to Allah all the time how much better off we would be in our lives? Dua is a VERY powerful tool if only we knew the value of it!

There are SO many good deeds that if we knew the true value of them we would literally crawl towards them! Just because we do not know the true value that is why we are complacent and lacking in the ability to do good deeds.

Here are some VERY easy and rewarding ways of earning good deeds:

Forty Good Deeds to do Everyday!

Nafl Salaahs to Pray Everyday

My Brother we need to try and gain the closeness to Allah by reading MANY nafil salah's as we can everyday.

In the morning when waking up for tahajjud even if its 20 mins before start of Fajr and then wait until Fajr and pray that and then do ibaadah(Worship) until ishraaq(Sunrise) and then pray that Salah and then the breakfast salah(Salaatul Duhaa) and then pray Zuhr with all the sunnah and Nafil and same with Asr and make some time to do ibaadah until Maghrib and read the nafils after that (Salaatul Awabeen) and read isha and all the sunnah and nafil and do Zikr(Rememberance of Allah) throughout the day.

So my Brother if we do all of these good deeds constantly throughout the day and busy ourselves constantly with wanting to please Allah then not only are we implementing Islam FULLY in our lives and becoming SO SO close to Allah and feeling the best feeling in our hearts that we can EVER imagine Which will cause the feeling of the sweetness of imaan in our hearts but at the same time we will be occupying our daily lives constantly in worship of Allah and will have NO time for feeling down or depressed and Allah will give our hearts what our hearts want and that is true contentment and true contentment leads to happiness!Oh what a beautiful feeling it is! Repeat: Subhanallah!

My Brother we should try and cry to Allah everyday on our duas and feel him close to us in our hearts!

We should cry over our sins and cry to him for guidance and help in our lives and ask of him for EVERYTHING we want, especially in this last portion of the night where duas are more readily accepted. Just like a mother runs to its baby when its crying then will Allah not swiftly attend to us when we cry to him in dua? We should have hope of his mercy after sincere repentence and make intention not to repeat the sin again but if we do then we should continue to ask for repentance my brother because Allah is most merciful and his mercy overcomes his wrath! Allah gets angry at those who don't ask of him!

We should ALWAYS make dua for our parents and all of the Muslims. If we make dua for EVERY Muslim then we will get the reward of EVERY Muslim. So thats BILLIONS of good deeds evrytime we pray for everyone! We need to make a habit of doing this!

My brother we need to keep a VERY close connection with the Masjid because they are Allah's favourite places. We need to get involved with the Masjid activities and give dawah to the local community inviting others towards Islam and towards the Masjid. The best words to Allah are those words which invite towards him so lets get involved more to benefit our local Muslim community. Get involved with Muslim charities and local work to benefit the Muslims and invite them towards good.

My brother our aim should be to occupy ALL of our time in doing good deeds to please Allah!

Here is a link of a brilliant article of 10 ways we can increase our imaan (faith):

10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)


We should from now on have FULL hope in him and him ONLY!

We should NOT keep dwelling on our past now or the bad experiences we went through because our past has made us who we are today! Let us take lessons from our past and learn from it and do things better now and the future!

It will do us absolutely no good by being down about what has happened in the past! Being depressed or down about the past and life in general and losing hope and faith will NEVER benefit us but cause our doom and destruction because that is what shaythan wants! He wants to mess our heads up and distract us ANYWAY he can!

If we think to ourselves that life is too short to be down or lose hope and faith and that i should spend most of my time working for the next life then this is the best way to live our lives because what is the point of investing time and efforts in this world when those efforts are for something that is temporary and could end at ANYTIME!

We should have FULL trust and reliance in him and accept the fact that if he is testing us then it is because he is wanting us to be the closest to him and we should try our best to bare the tests that he gives us test with patience because if we are patient then Allah is with us and surely the reward of patience is Jannah!

My brother can you feel in your heart how much you desire to be the closest to Allah?

It is because Allah is wanting you to be the closest to him and he is wanting you to desire meeting with him in the next world and he does not want you to feel down but to have FULL hope,trust,faith and reliance in him and to turn to him sincerely!

Remmeber Almighty Allah ONLY tests those he wants closest to him so he wants you the closest to him and not everyone is as privelaged and lucky as you my brother so be happy!

My brother i hope these very useful and beneficial links may help you:

25 Ways to Deal with Stress and Anxiety VERY GOOD THREAD


Signs of Weak Iman and How to Increase It


The Four Poisons of the Heart


A party in Paradise, A party in Hellfire


The Spectacle of Death - Tawfique Chowdhury


The Ultimate Motivation for Muslims


The State of the People of Paradise in this World


Beautiful Description of Paradise in Islam


The Life of this World and the Hereafter


Please remember me in your dua's my brother, Jazakallah Khayran

Hamza Asadullah
11-05-2009, 12:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by as_salaamalikum
Hey everybody hope all of you are well and happy inshallah,
I am a fully practicing Muslim pray all my salaah not all on time, especially Fajr (when life is changing and your imam is low, it’s a struggle to wake up on time trust me).
I going through an interesting series of unfortunate events, I try not to complain and try to be gratefully for what I have but when each day things get worse its hard to be thankful.
It all started 5 years ago when my mother died before I reverted to Islam (my mother death being a major factor in my revertion anyway that’s another story. Ps mind you a year before my mother’s death my father died).
I could not concentrate at university with my parents dying and all that so I dropped out, started working and living at home with my older brother. My brother can not be described as very loving to say the least. So after 3 years of torture (everything from mental, to physical attacks that is again another story we never really had a loving relationship and my mother death made it a lot worse) I had to move out for my own sake, I went to live with a friend and his family. All was well for a while until I lost my job (fired in fact unfairly but I took them to court and won some money), the people I was living with cared for me and did not mind that I could not pay the rent.
Then after a year Alhamdulillah I became a Muslim, which became a double edge sword meaning, the family I was living with were Atheist.
I was forced to move out in a rather strange incident when my friends mum reacted wired to me praying in her house (that another story, before I became a Muslim, she loved me like her son) anyway, I was able to move in with another friend and his family (again atheist), things were good for a while (not great but I could not complain, I was finding it hard to get a job but my rent was being paid for by the government not proud of that but I was paying my taxes for 8 years when I was working) then I started to distance my self from my friend. Let me explain, before I was a Muslim I used to smoke a lot of dupe to cope with life and my friend was my smoking buddy, but I stopped and he love the drug, I did not want to be around that anymore, so I more or less just stayed in my bedroom.
Now this is when things just get better my friend has recently got really irritated that I don’t hag around him anymore and I’ve now been told that I am not really welcomed in the house anymore, they told me but I think they won’t throw out because it is winter and very cold outside and they no my situation, but I can I stay,
This means I am basically homeless, jobless, no qualifications and with no one to turn to with a very dim distant prospect of getting married and living a happy life.
That’s the basic jist of it (ps I know I sound a bit chirpy but if I’m not I would be very unhappy).
Can people make Duaa for me please, please or just send me some nice replies so I can feel happy abut things,
I know life is a test by Allah SWT, and Allah SWT does not Burden us with what we can not handle but I think I am going to losing my mind.
I make a lot of Duass so much that some times I can’t be bothered because I think its not ever going to happen.
Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb i thought i would also paste this article as it will be very beneficial to you inshallah

Overcoming tests from Allah

Allah, Glory be to Him, says in the Quran: "Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, 'We believe,' and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false" (Quran, 29: 2-3).

By virtue of being created as human beings, we will be tested. We will be thrown into countless trials, into situations that may arise unpleasant and awkward, and into times of difficulty when it seems as though there is little reason to hope.

Tests will come at us from every direction; events will test the very core of our character and the strength of our beliefs. And these are the tests we cannot afford to fail. And Allah, Glory be to Him, has not left us empty-handed.

Building our knowledge and our characters as Muslims is the only way to overcome the mild to the severe trials we will face every day until we die. He says: "Have you not seen how Allah has given the parable of a beautiful word like a beautiful tree whose roots are firmly established, and whose branches tower in the sky? It gives its fruits at all times by the permission of its Lord, and Allah sets forth parables for mankind in order that they may remember" (Quran, 14: 24-25).

A "beautiful word" in this verse refers to the Islamic statement of belief: la illaha ill Allah (there is no being worthy of worship except Allah). And the verse goes on to refer to a beautiful tree, which illustrates the character of a believer.

According to this verse, a believer is one whose Iman, or faith, is unwavering and firmly established. He or she cannot be swayed from the straight path by the winds of trials, no matter how fierce the storm. Knowing and believing that there is no being worthy of worship except Allah, Glory be to Him, and following His commandments provides a believer with the stability and confidence he or she needs to succeed.

A believer's branches also "tower in the sky" like that of the beautiful tree. By this analogy, a believer's Iman cannot remain hidden. A Muslim cannot claim to have Iman solely in the heart while not having it show in his or her actions.

Contrary to that, Iman is something so significant that by its nature, it must be seen by anyone who looks at or interacts with a Muslim. Your Iman raises you up to a higher moral level, just as the braches of the beautiful tree reach upwards towards to the sky.

These verses also mention that this tree that is compared with a true believer "gives its fruits at all times by the permission of its Lord." The tree of Iman is ever fruitful, unlike a real tree that only gives fruits at certain times of the year.

Your faith and your belief in la illaha ill Allah sustains you night and day, in every season, during times of ease and times of great hardship. This is the parable of the believer whose good deeds never take a vacation – they are continuous throughout the day and the night. The chapter goes on to say "And the parable of an evil word is that of an evil tree uprooted from the surface of earth having no stability" (Quran 14: 26). An "evil word" in this verse refers to disbelief.

The verse describes the powerlessness and volatility of disbelief – it has no basis and he or she who disbelieves has little stability in life. The trials and difficulties of life can easily uproot such a person.

May Allah, Glory be to Him, make us be of those who are firmly rooted in their beliefs.

Islamic history is riddled with examples of Muslims who withstood tests that would seem unimaginably difficult today.

The Muslims of the past had an abundance of patience and perseverance which are two important traits of this beautiful tree of Iman.

Two Muslims who were of the most firmly rooted of believers were Sumayyah and Yasir, may God be pleased with them. After being among the first Muslims and agreeing to accept Islam in a very tumultuous period, Sumayyah and Yasir along with their son Ammar were tortured mercilessly at the hands of Abu Jahl. The family was left unprotected since they had no tribal affiliations in Makkah.

Unable to physically help them at the time, the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, would visit them and say, "be patient, O family of Yasir, because your promised place is Paradise." He would then turn his face to the sky and say: "O Lord! Forgive the family of Yasir." The prophet also prayed for the alleviation of Ammar's suffering by placing Ammar's head in his lap and saying: "O fire! Be cool and harmless for Ammar in the same manner in which you became cool and harmless for Ibrahim."

Sumayyah and Yasir were both martyred in the cause of Allah, Glory be to Him, after refusing to leave their faith which was dearer to them than life itself. The family was honoured with the best of honours: the prophet's guarantee of their home in paradise. These are the examples we should take as guides to our own lives. Too often do we compromise what we believe in to accommodate the uneducated assumptions of others. Too often do we forget the immense history of Islam and Muslims.

One of the reasons we have the gift of Islam is because we stand on the shoulders of people like Sumayyah and Yasir, may Allah be pleased with them. People who did not waver, did not compromise their Iman to please others or even to save their own lives. Just like in our Islamic history, our strength as a community and as individuals today can only stem from the remembrance of and obedience to Allah, Glory be to Him. These times are difficult and the pain often hits close to home. But by holding fast to our belief in la illaha ill Allah , we will stay firmly rooted, our branches will tower high towards the sky, and our hearts will never lack sustenance, InshaAllah.

Sources: Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Volume 5

Allah tells us that we will be tested. He also makes it clear to us what is expected from us when we undergo these trials and what our reward will be if we are successful.

He says: “Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods, lives and the fruits (of your toil) but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Those who, when misfortune strikes them, say: ‘Indeed we belong to Allah and to Him is our return. Those are the ones upon whom are blessings and mercy from their Lord and it is those who are rightly guided.” [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 155]

The Prophet (peace be upon him)said: "No fatigue, illness, anxiety, sorrow, harm or sadness afflicts any Muslim, even to the extent of a thorn pricking him, without Allah wiping out his sins by it." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]

In another narration, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “No Muslim is afflicted by harm, whether it is but the prick of a thorn or something worse, without Allah expiating his evil deeds on account of it and his sins falling away from him like leaves off a tree.'" [Sahîh al-Bukhârî]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "When Allah desires good for someone, He tries him with hardships." [Sahîh al-Bukhârî]

In reality, the entire Sacred Law is a tremendous blessing for us in this life and the next.

Obligations that initially seem difficult to fulfill have a polishing effect on the heart until eventually the one's entire perspective changes. Outward submission leads to inward submission and heart fills with love and gratitude for Allah.

Obligations are not meant to be hammered out reluctantly; they are meant to be offered in the spirit of heartfelt gratitude to Allah for the myriad blessings that each of us has been given. Someone who is realized in this state will do everything for Allah; "worldly" activities such as eating, drinking, and conversing with friends are all performed with the intention of drawing closer to Allah.

Such a person will not worry over possible future problems, nor will he grieve over past difficulties, for he is busy with the One he loves. This is true happiness and anyone who misses out on it will never know the meaning of contentment.

So know that Allah is testing us because he wants good for us and he wants to see if we are going to come closer to him or more further away from him.

Shaythan is wanting us to weaken and fail the tests from Allah so will we let shaythan win? Or will we make the best of these opportunities and get closer to Allah than we have EVER been?

For if we are patient then Allah is with us so NOTHING can hurt or effect us!

Allah mentions in the Qur'an:

“Indeed Allah is with those who are patient.”

If one is patient, and is among the ones described in the following manner in the Qur’an (Baqarah, 2: 256)

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihee Raaji'oon

“To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return”:-

The Reward for Patience is Paradise

‘Ata ibn Rabah related that he heard Ibn ‘Abbas say: “Shall I show you a woman of Paradise?” I said: “Yes, indeed.” He said: “A black woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said: ‘I suffer from epileptic fits, and because of these, (at times) my body becomes uncovered. Would you invoke Allah, the Exalted One, to cure me of this disease? ‘ The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: ‘If you wish, you can be patient and you will attain Paradise (for this suffering). But if you prefer, I will pray to Allah, the Exalted, to cure you of it?’ The woman said: ‘I will be patient,’ then added: ‘I become uncovered (when I have fits), so invoke Allah for me that I do not become uncovered. ‘ So the Prophet, peace be upon him, prayed for her.” [Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4, #1a]

So tests and calamitys are a blessing in disguise and Allah wanting us to get closer to him so if we bare with in with Patience hoping for reward then Allah is with us and best of all we will get closer to Allah and feel true contentment and happiness in the heart and we will attain Paradise inshallah!

11-05-2009, 09:17 PM
Asalaamualykum ,


Allah must love you sister, be strong.

“And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.” [at-Talaq 65:3-4]

Umar bin Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه narrated: I heard Allah’s Messenger صلي الله عليه و سلم saying:

“If you all relied on Allah with due reliance, He would certainly give you provision as He gives it to the birds who issue forth hungry in the morning and return with full belly at dusk.”

[at-Tirmidhi, ibn Majah]

ini Allah, Allah is near! You are not alone in this Allah is with you. :statisfie

Don't give up making du'a sister, shaytaan wants you to give up...keep making du'a to Allah and remember Allah created you and he knows what is best for you. Be patient. InshaALLAH

sister i love you for the sake of Allah and i will make du'a for you.

May Allah make this difficult time easy for you and may he always keep you happy and smiling, in this world and the next. Aameen.

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11-05-2009, 09:19 PM
May Allah reward you for your patience bro,Hang on there bro .. don't worry you will find someway or the other.I am very sorry for the situation you are in :(.

11-05-2009, 09:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hayfa
Asalaamualykum ,


Allah must love you sister, be strong.

“And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a [decreed] extent.” [at-Talaq 65:3-4]

Umar bin Al-Khattab رضي الله عنه narrated: I heard Allah’s Messenger صلي الله عليه و سلم saying:

“If you all relied on Allah with due reliance, He would certainly give you provision as He gives it to the birds who issue forth hungry in the morning and return with full belly at dusk.”

[at-Tirmidhi, ibn Majah]

ini Allah, Allah is near! You are not alone in this Allah is with you. :statisfie

Don't give up making du'a sister, shaytaan wants you to give up...keep making du'a to Allah and remember Allah created you and he knows what is best for you. Be patient. InshaALLAH

sister i love you for the sake of Allah and i will make du'a for you.

May Allah make this difficult time easy for you and may he always keep you happy and smiling, in this world and the next. Aameen.
oops subhanALLAH

im so sorry brother i was so sad when i read your post i didnt bother to check if you were a brother or a sister.

I apologize my badd.

11-07-2009, 01:32 PM
may Allah help u brother, most of us face problems...one way or other.

may Allah take us up as muslims so that we can enjoy in His Paradise. Ameen

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