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View Full Version : Atheistic Chestnuts Refuted (an ongoing series)

12-07-2009, 02:10 AM

One of the most common, nay trite, obnoxious attitudes found among some of the more outspoken atheists of the world (and believe me, there are many more such attitudes) is a sometimes unspoken yet ever blatant notion that theism is not only false but also primitive and obsolete—or at the very, very least that theistic arguments are. To the average atheistic scholar or spokesperson for atheism whom I’ve read, terms like “stilted” and “refuted ages ago” are automatically used in application to theistic arguments synonymously with the idea that there has ever been any commonly expressed counter-argument to the contrary at all. Many circles in many intellectual fields and topics have their gripes with perceived recurring fallacious arguments from people with opposing beliefs (hence a large part of the reason I’m writing the articles you’re reading now) yet off the top of my head I can’t think of any other group of people in the world except atheists (at least as far as religious debate is concerned) among whom there can so often be found this haughty, overconfident, elitist attitude that the existence of long held expression of disagreement from their side necessarily equates to the sheer, antediluvian obsolescence of the arguments on the side of anyone who disagrees with them--that the mere existence of a rebuttal of theirs has automatically settled a matter once and for all.

Perhaps that is part of the reason why among so many of those who argue for atheism there is such a shocking and appalling amount of (usually unprovoked) savage obloquy and immature mockery. A lot of atheists appear to have, on some level, a delusion that there is some intellectual or philosophical food chain that they have taken a rightful place atop, and when you threaten the notion by demonstrating how supremely easily their “ages old refutations” to those “outdated” theistic arguments can themselves be refuted, these atheists will appropriately resort to the savagery of an animal in response.

Even among the nicer, more mature and tolerant atheists who do not share these holier-than-thou attitudes and tendency to mockery and insults in place of arguments, there are still far too many people who hold to the common massive ignorant prejudice that religion is not only inherently anti-intellectual but also unsupportable or defensible by any kind of arguments or reasoning, even of an invalid or incorrect kind--or at the very least that the contrary is unnatural. Too many of the nonreligious people of the world (not only the kind of atheists I’ve been talking about—indeed, not only atheists at all) have an “us and them” mentality where we theists must always, by definition, take things on blind faith alone or else we wouldn’t and couldn’t have any faith at all, whereas they are the only people really and sincerely using their cognitive faculties in these matters. No other group of people on earth—at least so far as I know—has the brazenness to brand themselves and themselves alone “freethinkers”, as though if anyone ever disagrees with them then it must be a result or indication of the disagreeing party automatically not having thought for themselves in order to arrive at the conclusion of their beliefs.

It’s high time that somebody knocked these people off their imaginary pedestal. After all, the common arguments and counter-arguments of atheists are just about as old as those “obsolete”, “refuted” ones we theists use, and much more easily refuted for real, though you’ll never catch me dismissing these atheistic clichés and calling theism more modern or right-thinking just because there are and have always been rebuttals to their arguments. All I’m showing here is that the common atheistic arguments and counter-arguments are nevertheless not only every bit as hackneyed to our eyes as the common theistic arguments are to theirs but also certainly far, far, far too faulty to result in the matter being rightfully automatically presumed to be settled in favor of the atheists, let alone “settled ages ago”.

I’m not doing all this entirely for that admittedly possibly far too personal or shallow reason, though: I’m also writing these articles (1) to have a reference point that I can just link to whenever necessary rather than have to continue to have to give the same rebuttals over and over and over again in the infinitely predictable rinse-lather-repeat arguments I always get into with atheists, and (2) so that I can offer my arguments as a possible resource for fellow theists who are themselves arguing against the atheistic chestnuts under rebuttal.


M.A.R.N.A. is a little acronym I’ve coined. It stands for a “Misfired Atheistic Ricochet Non-Argument”. The M.A.R.N.A.’s are those all but inevitable responses to some of the more common arguments for God’s existence (cosmological, teleological) which extremely weakly attempt to turn the tables of God or on the theist by saying that the same line of thinking in the cosmological or teleological arguments in question must be applied to God Himself if the reasoning is carried to its logical conclusion, and therefore this somehow defeats the arguments. They try to ricochet our own arguments back on us, but the attempts inevitably misfire (and sometimes even backfire) quite drastically—hence the titular acronym.

The Cosmological M.A.R.N.A.—the attempt to ricochet the cosmological or “first cause” argument for God’s existence back on God or on the theist—is one of the most commonly heard staples of atheistic argumentation, and it always goes like this: “If God created the world, what created God? If you’re willing to say that nothing did, then why not save a step in the process and say that nothing created the universe? Adding God to the equation solves nothing; it just adds one more mystery that may as well be removed since it doesn’t bring any actual resolution.” Teleological M.A.R.N.A.’s—the ones in response to teleological or “design” arguments for God’s existence, including the argument from natural law—likewise aver that if we theists proposing our teleological arguments follow the course of our own logic then we must conclude that God must have His own designer or be subject to some higher law of His own.

The reason I call these things M.A.R.N.A.’s and not just M.A.R.’s (which I admit would make for a niftier acronym, at least assuming the plural) is because these “counter-arguments” are not arguments at all but mere evasions, a variation of the age-old cop-out of answering a question with another question. They pretend to really address the issue when they’re really only creating a diversion which itself doesn’t bring any actual resolution. An ironic thing about the M.A.R.N.A.’s is that (as the people positing them often themselves state) they contain the point that one can always just ask, “How did that get here, and okay but how did that get here?, etc.” which is fruitless, when in fact this exactly what they, not we, are doing. The M.A.R.N.A.’s are supposed to be demonstrating that people who pose the theistic arguments under rebuttal by the M.A.R.N.A.'s are overcomplicating things to an impractical and pointless degree, and yet those theistic arguments are simply bringing up and possibly answering legitimate questions over things we directly know about and can easily speculate about and which naturally spark man’s curiosity, whereas the M.A.R.N.A.’s are just pointless excursions into the kind of unnecessary further steps in the thinking processes involved which they purport to be refuting the necessity of and teaching us to avoid. The positers of the M.A.R.N.A.'s are the ones overcomplicating the issue, by adding steps to the existing argument merely over a purely hypothetical “what if?”. ****ing ironies of ****ing ironies!

Not that these things are the M.A.R.N.A.’s only fatal flaws. We’ve just scratched the surface. A more major problem—perhaps the most major—is that were what the M.A.R.N.A.’s conjecture about (God having His own designer or originator, or Himself being subject to a higher law) to turn out to be true, then as a result the M.A.R.N.A.’s would disprove themselves automatically just on principle, since a designer must exist before it can have its own designer, an originator must be there in the first place before it can have its own originator, and an entity being subject to a chain of natural law means that the entity is real. The mere fact of a thing’s existence precedes the presence or absence of particular characteristics about that thing such as its having its own designer or originator. Therefore if God did turn out to have any of the aforementioned characteristics, that would be proof positive that atheism is wrong. The only thing that could be disproven by it for theists is certain traits of His commonly believed about Him. You can’t say that we theists haven’t “solved” anything by positing God as a solution when the only question the whole thing was supposed to be a solution to in the first place—the thing the debate is actually about—is whether He exists at all.

But the M.A.R.N.A.’s can’t even successfully establish in the first place their premise that if cosmological or teleological arguments for His existence are to be believed then God would have to have His own originator or etc., for that would necessarily entail extremely fundamental logical contradictions. God, if He exists, is an immaterial, or nonphysical, entity. Supernatural. How could He not be? What the atheists positing the M.A.R.N.A.’s are saying, then, is that an nonphysical thing can be subject to being part of the same chain of physical causation that it itself supposedly started; that theoretical evidence of design observed inside the world is somehow an indication of design for something outside the world; that a train of natural law can conceivably not have to end before reaching a supernatural entity. These are very simple, very basic contradictions.

Even if God did have His own cause, it would have to be a nonphysical cause since He is a nonphysical being, and therefore the cause would not be subject to the same long, linear chain of physical causation of the cosmos He made, this chain being what the theistic cosmological argument is referring to in the first place. Were a supernatural being like God to be subject to law (as if there were any reason why He should have to be), it would not be the chain of natural law to which the teleological argument from natural law points but instead His own unique, isolated supernatural law. And the idea of applying the same line of thinking behind teleological arguments for God’s existence to arrive at the conclusion that He must have had His own designer is complete nonsense anyway. Such teleology is drawn from observation and experience, like any other inductive argument about anything. Therefore to “apply our own logic” to God when we’re forming or proposing a teleological argument would be impossible, inherently absurd nonsense unless the person proposing the argument somehow has a prophetic direct observation of and experience with God which the rest of us lack. We have no direct observation and means of possible teleological analysis for God Himself as we do for the world He made, and some of the characteristics referred to in teleological arguments (mechanism in nature, for instance) would be patently absurd if applied singularly and solely to a living entity like God.

Nor do the ****ing flaws in the premise behind the M.A.R.N.A.’s end even there either! Because we still haven’t yet got around to the well known fact that God, if He exists, is omnitemporal. Indeed, He must be, since time is a part of that interconnected physical web/chain of causation we call the material cosmos and therefore not something a nonphysical being would be subject to. Time = physical. God = nonphysical. The idea of God having His own cause or designer therefore becomes inherently absurd: in order to be subject to causation or design something must first be subject to the linear progression of time, since only there can the natural dichotomy of cause and effect apply. The world is subject to time but God transcends it, so of course the former indicates the existence of a designer and a first cause whereas the latter could not possibly entail any such thing. (Besides, it makes no sense to say that something is a part of a chain of events or web of design that it itself created. To speak of that is to propose the impossible idea of self-causation.)

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12-07-2009, 09:13 AM
Thanks for the post. Just a question: What is meant here by "non-physical being"? Does it simply mean "not like humans"?

Also, I didn't request a source because I assume this article is authored by yourself. That's correct, isn't it? :)

12-07-2009, 11:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Uthmān
Thanks for the post. Just a question: What is meant here by "non-physical being"? Does it simply mean "not like humans"?
As I stated (perhaps not clearly enough) it's the same as "immaterial" (in the literal sense, of course, and not "immaterial" as in "impractical"). Not physical. Not of the tangible, material world where it's all waves and particles. You know.

Also, I didn't request a source because I assume this article is authored by yourself. That's correct, isn't it? :)
Indeed it is, as will be the future articles in the series.

12-08-2009, 12:05 AM
Atheism is a position of ignorance. Nobody is really a true atheist. There is no proof god can not exist whatsoever.

The world we perceive exists at the subatomic level, what we see is our senses and our brain juggling around the information and trying to help our senses process it in a tangible way so it can perceived 'correctly'.

Quantum Mechanics will show that matter has wave like properties as well.


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12-08-2009, 12:08 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dragonofzenshu
Atheism is a position of ignorance. Nobody is really a true atheist. There is no proof god can not exist whatsoever.
Just because something has no proof does not mean that it cannot be truly believed. Therefore if there are no true atheists (a questionable premise) then it would have to be for another reason. Ignorance and conviction are anything but mutually exclusive.

12-08-2009, 12:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yahya Sulaiman
Just because something has no proof does not mean that it cannot be truly believed. Therefore if there are no true atheists (a questionable premise) then it would have to be for another reason. Ignorance and conviction are anything but mutually exclusive.
The most they are, are agnostic atheists.


Claiming that a God does not exist absolutely, based on our current knowledge of the Universe, I would consider by default a logical fallacy and a simple assumption (stab in the dark) based on pure ignorance of the matter.

12-08-2009, 12:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dragonofzenshu
Claiming that a God does not exist absolutely, based on our current knowledge of the Universe, I would consider by default a logical fallacy and a simple assumption (stab in the dark) based on pure ignorance of the matter.
Oh I never said that wasn't a fallacy. But never mind.

12-08-2009, 12:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yahya Sulaiman
Oh I never said that wasn't a fallacy. But never mind.
I don't get it.

12-08-2009, 12:26 AM
Like I said, dragon, never mind. Don't sweat it.

12-08-2009, 12:31 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yahya Sulaiman
Like I said, dragon, never mind. Don't sweat it.
No, I'm sweating now. Thanks. Tell me what you mean in that context of the statement!

12-08-2009, 12:55 AM
This is rather off topic and I don't plan to continue discussion of it here, but all right: what I meant was that just because a fallacious position is formed out of ignorance does not mean that the person with the position doesn't really hold to the position at all. You said that there are no true atheists. Maybe I misunderstood what you meant. Again, this is all off topic and irrelevant.

12-08-2009, 12:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yahya Sulaiman
This is rather off topic and I don't plan to continue discussion of it here, but all right: what I meant was that just because a fallacious position is formed out of ignorance does not mean that the person with the position doesn't really hold to the position at all. You said that there are no true atheists. Maybe I misunderstood what you meant. Again, this is all off topic and irrelevant.
Well Yahya, I suggest you go read every word of what I have posted in previous posts then please in this topic please .

12-08-2009, 02:04 AM
I'd rather discussion be on-topic, if you'd PLEASE.

12-08-2009, 02:19 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yahya Sulaiman
I'd rather discussion be on-topic, if you'd PLEASE.
You have made me so upset, why are you so mean like this? I just wanted to continue the discussions and KNOW THE ANSWER but I guess you will continue to be mean and make me cry for days as a result because of this.

I just wanted the answer, but now you hurt my feelings very much.

Thanks alot Yahya.

12-08-2009, 03:04 AM
I apologize very much. I didn't intend to be mean. I just don't see what this has to do with the thread topic. And I don't get exactly what it is you want to me explain anymore. Maybe you should help me with that.

Again, sorry.

12-08-2009, 03:08 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yahya Sulaiman
I apologize very much. I didn't intend to be mean. I just don't see what this has to do with the thread topic. And I don't get exactly what it is you want to me explain anymore. Maybe you should help me with that.

Again, sorry.
I just want you to explain clearer what you meant before you started viciously attacking me and caused me to cry very much.

I spent an hour crying in the bathroom because of your very very harsh and cruel words. No joke.

Please be nice and continue the debate ok.

12-08-2009, 03:15 AM
A thousand apologies if I have upset you so much. I searched for a :hug: or even :rose: smilie on the smilie menu but I couldn't find one. Just picture it in your mind.

When you said that "there are no true atheists" because atheism is "out of ignorance", I took your subsequent comment, "Claiming that a God does not exist absolutely, based on our current knowledge of the Universe, I would consider by default a logical fallacy and a simple assumption (stab in the dark) based on pure ignorance of the matter," to be an expalantion of this, and I merely was trying to say that this does not strike me as an explanation for there not actually being true atheists in the first place. A fallacious or ignorant position on something does not mean the same thing as not even really holding that position, so atheists aren't necessarily not still true atheists just because they're forming their disbelief out of ignorance or fallacy. Whatever the basis of their atheism, it's still not necessarily not real atheism because of it. Probably I just misunderstood you.


12-08-2009, 03:32 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yahya Sulaiman
A thousand apologies if I have upset you so much. I searched for a :hug: or even :rose: smilie on the smilie menu but I couldn't find one. Just picture it in your mind.

When you said that "there are no true atheists" because atheism is "out of ignorance", I took your subsequent comment, "Claiming that a God does not exist absolutely, based on our current knowledge of the Universe, I would consider by default a logical fallacy and a simple assumption (stab in the dark) based on pure ignorance of the matter," to be an expalantion of this, and I merely was trying to say that this does not strike me as an explanation for there not actually being true atheists in the first place. A fallacious or ignorant position on something does not mean the same thing as not even really holding that position, so atheists aren't necessarily not still true atheists just because they're forming their disbelief out of ignorance or fallacy. Whatever the basis of their atheism, it's still not necessarily not real atheism because of it. Probably I just misunderstood you.

Yes, you misunderstood me very much, ok.

They may subjectively be atheists, but objectively, they have no proof to base that position of "there is no god" off of.

Objectively, the most they can be considered is agnostic atheists because objectively, they are about as legit believers in a God as you or I am, because we do not know for sure if a God exists, although we may have strong convictions subjectively otherwise.

I do struggle to comprehend how someone as rude and cold hearted as you could have survived so long on this lovely board. You have quite a nasty tongue there, my brother.

12-08-2009, 03:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dragonofzenshu
I do struggle to comprehend how someone as rude and cold hearted as you could have survived so long on this lovely board. You have quite a nasty tongue there, my brother.
Do you think it fair to call me those names after I've apologized twice (once giving "a thousand apologies"), expressed my regret, offered you a hug, and done what you asked? Has it occured to you that it's possible you're hurting my feelings now? What do I have to do?

12-08-2009, 03:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yahya Sulaiman
Do you think it fair to call me those names after I've apologized twice (once giving "a thousand apologies"), expressed my regret, offered you a hug, and done what you asked? Has it occured to you that it's possible you're hurting my feelings now? What do I have to do?
Oh Yahya, I'm very very sorry, I apologize so much, let's just end the vicious fighting please. It's good that you offered me an apology but I just don't get how someone of your disgusting kind can continue on this board with such lovely people and rules and admins. This is such a great forum, but you ruined my first experienced very much. I can't forget this.

Ah, humans. A creature wrapped in an enigma. We are so sensitive, it's amazing. It's too bad Yahya Sulaiman had to legitimately hurt me so much.

Let this be a lesson to everyone, do not let others hurt you very much. Move away from the bad apples (_______>) and be around nice people always.

May God bless all the nice hearted people on this board, this is a lovely board.

12-08-2009, 03:52 AM
You say we should end the viciousness and then proceed to continue speaking of me viciously. I was invited to this board by one of its moderators and have got along with most of the people here well enough so that after only 139 posts Ive made almost 900 rep points. You're the first person here I can remember railing on me like this and calling me so disgusting and cruel. If there's something I can do to cheer you up, let me know, but only if you stop intentionally treating me as badly as I've only unintentionally treated you.

12-08-2009, 03:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yahya Sulaiman
You say we should end the viciousness and then proceed to continue speaking of me viciously. I was invited to this board by one of its moderators and have got along with most of the people here well enough so that after only 139 posts Ive made almost 900 rep points. You're the first person here I can remember railing on me like this and calling me so disgusting and cruel. If there's something I can do to cheer you up, let me know, but only if you stop intentionally treating me as badly as I've only unintentionally treated you.
Different strokes for different folks, my friend. What may be right for you (them) may not be right for some!

You were rude to me, however unintentional, you still were.

12-08-2009, 04:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dragonofzenshu
Different strokes for different folks, my friend. What may be right for you (them) may not be right for some!

You were rude to me, however unintentional, you still were.
how old are you? i think your a troll, stop harassing the poor brother and derailing his thread

12-08-2009, 04:08 AM
I suggest we all just drop this, try to forget any of it ever happened, and keep the rest of the thread for comments about the articles I posted.

12-08-2009, 04:21 AM
Oh yes yes, let's all pick on the one non muslim and gang up on him and he has already been brutally picked one by a prominent member here!

Not fair. Now, friend, you get your friends to attack me??? You have to sunk to new low depths!!

12-08-2009, 04:27 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dragonofzenshu
Oh yes yes, let's all pick on the one non muslim and gang up on him and he has already been brutally picked one by a prominent member here!

Not fair. Now, friend, you get your friends to attack me??? You have to sunk to new low depths!!

12-08-2009, 04:33 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dragonofzenshu
Oh yes yes, let's all pick on the one non muslim and gang up on him and he has already been brutally picked one by a prominent member here!

Not fair. Now, friend, you get your friends to attack me??? You have to sunk to new low depths!!

1. You are not by any means the only non-Muslim at this site, and I would never even think of picking on someone just because they don't agree with my religion.
2. If I have indeed "brutally picked on you", then it should be covered by my very sincere repeated apologies, my concession to answer your question, and my offer of a net hug and all. I know little more about Shintoism beyond the relatively small amount of research I had to do on it when I wrote a paper on it in high school, but I'm sure that forgiveness and forbearance must be taught by its doctrines as they are with almost every other religion. Let it go.
3. You wrongly assume Tango to be a friend of mine. Off the top of my head I can't even think of a single time he/she and I have ever even spoken to each other before on this board or anywhere else. (If there was such an occasion and I am forgetting it, Tango, then I apologize, but in any case I'm sure you'll back me up on this, that we don't even know each other and have barely heard of each other.)
4. I did not get anyone to help me "gang up on you". I didn't even know Tango would be posting in this thread at all, and I agree that he/she should have been more considerate and less accusatory.
5. You need to stop letting people get to you so deeply and so easily, even if they're being as cruel as you think I was being, which I was not. It's better for your emotional well being.

12-08-2009, 04:35 AM
Justufy, you are so mean, I defend you in debate threads, and you add insults to the fire imsad

I wish everyone here would just be a bit nicer so we can all get along ok.

Please stop picking on me and discriminating against me because I'm a minority and I'm a shinto.

12-08-2009, 04:37 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Yahya Sulaiman

1. You are not by any means the only non-Muslim at this site, and I would never even think of picking on someone just because they don't agree with my religion.
2. If I have indeed "brutally picked on you", then it should be covered by my very sincere repeated apologies, my concession to answer your question, and my offer of a net hug and all. I know little more about Shintoism beyond the relatively small amount of research I had to do on it when I wrote a paper on it in high school, but I'm sure that forgiveness and forbearance must be taught by its doctrines as they are with almost every other religion. Let it go.
3. You wrongly assume Tango to be a friend of mine. Off the top of my head I can't even think of a single time he/she and I have ever even spoken to each other before on this board or anywhere else. (If there was such an occasion and I am forgetting it, Tango, then I apologize, but in any case I'm sure you'll back me up on this, that we don't even know each other and have barely heard of each other.)
4. I did not get anyone to help me "gang up on you". I didn't even know Tango would be posting in this thread at all, and I agree that he/she should have been more considerate and less accusatory.
5. You need to stop letting people get to you so deeply and so easily, even if they're being as cruel as you think I was being, which I was not. It's better for your emotional well being.
Thank you for clearing things up Yahya, yes tango she was being really inconsiderate and rude, I hope she is nicer next time

ok so everythings fine now

12-08-2009, 04:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by dragonofzenshu
Justufy, you are so mean, I defend you in debate threads, and you add insults to the fire imsad

I wish everyone here would just be a bit nicer so we can all get along ok.

Please stop picking on me and discriminating against me because I'm a minority and I'm a shinto.
I very well apreciate your support in debates, and my previous post was supporting you, I think its sad members are insulting you here.:hmm:

12-08-2009, 04:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Justufy
I very well apreciate your support in debates, and my previous post was supporting you, I think its sad members are insulting you here.:hmm:
Yes yes yes, but already I'm starting to settle things, I'll be back to postal normal in no time :D

It's good the other foe of mine has ceased and desisted and has refrained from further barraging and insults :D

But I have debated many times before and I will just keep going and never stop really :D

Thanks for support Justufy, and I hope me as shinto will stop being persecuted against. Or maybe because I'm japanese? That could be an issue as well. Hmmmmm.

12-08-2009, 06:17 AM
Dragon, the Shinto religion is one I have very little knowledge of and rarely have encountered and I'd love to learn more about it. Do you know of any online resources that could educate me?

12-08-2009, 07:58 AM
Shall we get back on topic then, folks? :)

12-08-2009, 09:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis
Dragon, the Shinto religion is one I have very little knowledge of and rarely have encountered and I'd love to learn more about it. Do you know of any online resources that could educate me?
sorry youth man, ok psychopathic, ill send you very clean shinto links once i reach 50 posts, ok so the thread can re commence now :D

12-13-2009, 05:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Uthmān
Shall we get back on topic then, folks? :)


12-13-2009, 05:35 PM
I was thinking about writing the next article sometime today, but I may have to begin a new thread after all this derailing. So we can get a clean, uninterrupted start.

12-13-2009, 11:04 PM
Actually, it might have to wait till tomorrow. For reasons that may have to do with a combination of my illness (which I think is getting better, but you never know when these things flare briefly up a second time), the medicine I'm taking, and who knows what else, I'm feeling prematurely drowsy. Nothing major, but I'm not sure if in the coming hours I'm going to be up to the task of writing a whole article, at least at my mental peak.

12-14-2009, 08:41 AM
I'll take a stab at this one..

So, Yahya, you are saying that atheists do not have ground to stand on when they refute the "original creator" argument by asking who created the creator, correct?

I understand your point, but then the point only works if God is the omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omnitemporal being you describe. Take away any of these and does the argument still stand?

Also, the few times I have seen this argument by an atheist is when a believer has said something along the lines of "everything must have a creator." For this statement the simple question of who created God is viable. If you want to say that it is absurd to believe that God had a creator, then it is equally absurd to say that everything must have a creator. The original statement is the thing that is flawed, not the rebuttal argument.

12-14-2009, 09:40 AM
I've never had any problem with theists needing to believe in a creation force. Deism seems pretty harmless so I see no reason to challenge people on it. Where I raise an eyebrow is when they suddenly jump from "some force created the universe" to "It is a sentient thinking being, and we know its name and what it wants us to do and who it wants us to sleep with and what it wants us to eat, and it loves us and we should respect and obey it and do what it wants".

12-03-2010, 01:33 AM
I have been going back and forth and back and forth for a long time now on whether or not to finish the series. I've even considered starting it anew. On the one hand, if I can struggle through the task then the series could serve a similar useful function to my website. Whereas my site allows me, more often than not, to simply link to whichever article I need in order to refute some point or missionary argument about Christianity so that I won't have to keep writing the same things another twelve thousand times, these articles could do the same for atheism, whose arguments are twice as much pure clockwork. On the other hand, it drives me up the wall (especially lately) to have to keep up the subject at all, let alone for several thousand words, and I know that if I do I'll still have to endure the predictable arguments that will result as surely as those interminable typhoons yearly strike some jungles. And as much as I hate going through the motions again, I couldn't simply ignore the resultant debate, because then I would be no better than Bill O'Reilley when he cuts the mic on his show's guest rather than let them rebut. But my deliberation is really just procrastination, or even refusal to face the facts. This needs to be done, one way or another. If I can do more now, I'll have to do less later.

I still yet may have one hope of compromise. If I can write one very long article instead of many smaller ones then it won't seem so insurmountable, and probably will be easier on the reader as well. It will also help me to keep things short but sweet rather than focus on every single fallacy of common atheistic argumentation, which would require more of a book than a series of articles. A very long document chronicling not only the rise and fall of my own past atheism but also the reasons for it, and the further reasons still I've come by since. If I can't pull it off then it's my own danged fault for failing or forgetting to be succinct. It will probably take me a few days and will no doubt delay the fiction I've been talking of writing. But it needs to be done. Keep your eyes peeled.

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