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12-17-2009, 11:41 PM
OK i recently got a ticket for parking at a place where i was allowed to park at 15 minutes before but 15 minutes later it becomes a non parking spot..

anyway let us know any interesting laws you would like to change...

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desert winds
12-18-2009, 07:16 PM
i do not like the fact that prisoners have education in prisons!
prison is for punishment! not for luxurys!
they commit crimes then in a sense go to prison to play games and have a life, when these people only God knows what they have done-
i hate htis law- prison= punishment luxuries should be kept out-

i disagree with the law which will soon come to pass here in the uk like its buddy france has done- the ban of hijaab! its funny that the goverment is trying to CONTROL what we wear and all the time they talk of freedom?!?!?

what a contradiction!

12-18-2009, 07:56 PM
I wasn't aware they were banning the Hijab, I thought it was just the burka? :(

Hmmm what laws do I not like, I don't like the fact that sometimes the law enables the criminals to win.

desert winds
12-18-2009, 07:59 PM
they have not but will be- i cant private message :(

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12-18-2009, 08:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mystical_moon
Hmmm what laws do I not like, I don't like the fact that sometimes the law enables the criminals to win.
Not really, the media is to be blamed. They don't reveal what actually happens in court, it is a lot more complicated than that.

Sentencing is lenient for some offences I agree with that.

12-18-2009, 11:02 PM
I've always disliked the one about stealing.

12-19-2009, 08:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by desert winds
i do not like the fact that prisoners have education in prisons!
prison is for punishment! not for luxurys!
they commit crimes then in a sense go to prison to play games and have a life, when these people only God knows what they have done-
i hate htis law- prison= punishment luxuries should be kept out-
Education ?, do you mean learn knowledge like in school ?.

For people like them education is not luxury but mental torture.

12-19-2009, 01:39 PM
The secularism of the state, the fruit of all evil.

12-19-2009, 01:40 PM
The secularism of the state.

12-19-2009, 01:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Guestfellow
Not really, the media is to be blamed. They don't reveal what actually happens in court, it is a lot more complicated than that.

Sentencing is lenient for some offences I agree with that.
Well also what I meant is,

The fact that my sister got hit by an uninsured driver and he got away and she got 70% of the blame because basically they couldn't track him down - Absolutely unbelievable.:raging:

12-19-2009, 02:06 PM
the more i complain the more it makes my life unhappier... so let me just say this....


12-19-2009, 06:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mystical_moon
Well also what I meant is,

The fact that my sister got hit by an uninsured driver and he got away and she got 70% of the blame because basically they couldn't track him down - Absolutely unbelievable.:raging:
Sorry to hear that. :/

12-19-2009, 07:25 PM
If someone comes into your house to rob you, and they have an accident, i.e fall down the stairs, they prob can sue you

12-19-2009, 08:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by nightstar
If someone comes into your house to rob you, and they have an accident, i.e fall down the stairs, they prob can sue you
Yeah THAT is what I hate about the law - It's stupid.

When someone came into my house to rob me and I chased him away, I hope he hurt himself when he threw himself back out of the window :D

12-19-2009, 09:00 PM
lol, this thread reminds me of a story...

This lady went to McDonalds, and ordered a coffee.

At this point, I'd like to ask you a question. Is coffee hot or cold?

So the woman took the cup. She took the cup and OUCH! It's HOT! She then looks at the cup. "Hmm... Doesn't say "Caution: HOT"" on the cup.

She then sues McDonalds for, I believe, a million dollars? can't remember.

desert winds
12-19-2009, 09:59 PM
silly nonsence like this :

they went ahead with it anyway regardless of our views!

12-20-2009, 10:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rashad
lol, this thread reminds me of a story...

This lady went to McDonalds, and ordered a coffee.

At this point, I'd like to ask you a question. Is coffee hot or cold?

So the woman took the cup. She took the cup and OUCH! It's HOT! She then looks at the cup. "Hmm... Doesn't say "Caution: HOT"" on the cup.

She then sues McDonalds for, I believe, a million dollars? can't remember.
Do you mean McDonalds coffee case ?


Abdul Fattah
12-20-2009, 10:33 AM
Selam aleykum

format_quote Originally Posted by desert winds
i do not like the fact that prisoners have education in prisons!
prison is for punishment! not for luxurys!
they commit crimes then in a sense go to prison to play games and have a life, when these people only God knows what they have done-
i hate htis law- prison= punishment luxuries should be kept out-
Actually, the idea behind imprisonment is not solely punishment. Punishment is only a method, a means to achieve a goal. The goal is to reduce crime by taking away their freedom, but also to prepare prisoners to become a valid member of society once they are free again. From such a perspective, an education is definitely not a luxury, but almost a necessity.

The idea of making their life in prison hell, might have an intimidating effect on the lesser criminals, but the hardcore prisoners will probably only become worse after having left such a prison.

12-21-2009, 09:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Do you mean McDonalds coffee case ?

I remember hearing about that case and then everyone said "and thats why now the coffee cups say, Caution - HOT! :statisfie

12-21-2009, 10:06 AM
is it true that they get ps3 in juvy?

12-21-2009, 10:17 AM
its cushy in juvy^^

12-21-2009, 11:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by DaNgErOuS MiNdS
OK i recently got a ticket for parking at a place where i was allowed to park at 15 minutes before but 15 minutes later it becomes a non parking spot..

anyway let us know any interesting laws you would like to change...
I know. I parked outside the masjid. I was 12 minutes. i times it. Fair do's I parked in a permit area without a permit. byt the time I came after praying the **** traffic warden had given me a ticket. Nvm, I just pray inshallah my prayer was accept it and definitely worth the £30 ticket

12-21-2009, 11:08 AM
Also, I was watching Panorama a few weeks ago. They were saying how there is a law that if you are around when a murder or GBH/ABH occurs. even if you didnt do it you can still be held responsible, because you did nothing to stop it. Now excuse me but if a murder is taking place the only thing i would do is phone the police, I wouldnt try to stop it. I might get killed myself.

Some of the mothers on there were saying that this one guy wasn't supposed to get hurt and it was purely an accident yet about 5 people got sent down for it. It seems a little unreliable. but then I guess thats always the case with law isnt it. Its humans doing the judging and we often make mistakes.

sister herb
12-21-2009, 01:18 PM
I disagree with law for self-defence - in here you may get charge if you use "too much" violence when someone attack you or if you are protecting someone else.

Some years ago here was happening that one young man saw how other man attacked against pregnant woman and tried to rape her. So this man went to help that woman and hit the raper. After that he got charge as abusing and got fines in court.

+o( What he should do then as following the law? Just walk away and let that man rape pregnant woman?

12-23-2009, 04:07 AM
I don't like that in Indonesia they don't allow marriages between people of different faiths. I feel that is up to the people involved, and their religions. It's not fair to make someone change their religion for the person they love, just so they can be married legally, that's up to the religion to dictate, and the people to make the choice.

12-23-2009, 05:33 AM
Here in the USA it is difficult to say. A lot depends on the state, county and city or township you live in. We have Federal Laws, State Laws, county laws, local city or township laws and Native American Tribal laws. So except for the Federal Laws you will have somewhat different laws depending on where you live. For example Texas has a State Public intoxication law. In Texas it is illegal to consume alcohol in public or to be intoxicated in public. It is basically a good law, except it is up to the arresting officer's discretion/opinion if a person is intoxicated. Once a person is arrested the person is held in jail a minimum of 4 hours before being charged and then will not be charged until a hearing before a local justice of the peace. Sounds good so far, except it can be abused. A police officer can use the law to arrest any person he/she desires to arrest by simply saying that in his opinion the person is intoxicated.

Another law that can be misused is the three strike law that some states have. In the states that have the three strike law it means that if a person is ever convicted of a felony the person automatically gets life imprisonment if he is ever convicted of 2 more crimes, no matter how minor. For example a peron can be convicted of robbery (a felony) and if after being released he gets 2 parking tickets he can get life for the second parking ticket.

Utah and Louisiana have the most confusing state laws if you are accustomed to any of the other 48 states. Louisiana is the only state where the law is based upon the Napoleonic Code and Utah's laws are based on the Mormon Church. Louisiana is one of the few states (Probably the only state) where it is legal to shoot an uninvited person who is on your property.

A federal law I do not like is the diplomatic immunity law. A foreign diplomat and his entire staff and entourage including his family can not be charged for any crime they commit in the USA. The most that can be done is expulsion from the USA.

12-23-2009, 05:42 AM
In one state here in the US, it is illegal to carry an icecream cone in your pocket!.......come on, doesn't everybody carry an icecream cone in their pocket at some time?;D

12-23-2009, 07:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Italianguy
In one state here in the US, it is illegal to carry an icecream cone in your pocket!.......come on, doesn't everybody carry an icecream cone in their pocket at some time?;D
Some states have crazy laws. At the time they were written they had a purpose, the purpose has long disappeared so the we do not know thereason, but once a law gets on the books it is difficult to remove, most of the states that have old "blue" laws simply don't enforce them instead of trying to take them off the books.

Here are some other ridiculous laws that are still on the books. One of my favorite is in Connecticut it is illegal to throw away a razor blade. It is my favorite because it is the only one I know the reason for. The straight razor manufacturers were afraid the safty razor was going to hurt their sales. They tried to get the safety razor outlawed, and failed at that. Some lobbiest for the straight razor companies decided to lobby to get it made illegal to throw the blades away thinking that would discourage people from buying them.

some in North Dakota:

It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.

It is legal to shoot an Indian on horseback, provided you are in a covered wagon.

12-23-2009, 07:54 AM
It is legal to shoot an Indian on horseback, provided you are in a covered wagon.
:sl: this is the funniest law i have ever heard.It might have arised from the war days.

Anyway thank god in india there is a uniform law :)

sister herb
12-23-2009, 09:35 AM
Funny, strange and stupis laws may find from everywhere. These ones arent from my country.

Britains top eleven most pointless and funny laws

1.It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament

2.It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down

3.In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store

4.Mince pies cannot be eaten on Christmas Day

5.In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter

6.A pregnant woman can legally relieve herself anywhere she wants, including in a policeman’s helmet

7.The head of any dead whale found on the British coast automatically becomes the property of the king, and the tail of the queen

8.It is illegal to avoid telling the tax man anything you do not want him to know, but legal not to tell him information you do not mind him knowing

10.It is illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament in a suit of armour

11.In the city of York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow

(poor Scotsmen :hmm: )

12-23-2009, 04:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amanda
I don't like that in Indonesia they don't allow marriages between people of different faiths. I feel that is up to the people involved, and their religions. It's not fair to make someone change their religion for the person they love, just so they can be married legally, that's up to the religion to dictate, and the people to make the choice.
I will second that one!

1 of the 5 women i was supposed to choose from when i was supposed to be arranged in marriage said she was going to convert to Isalm. She said she would still marry me even though i was a Christian as long as i didn't try to convert her. ..........I didn't choose her, I was 28 she was only 17....very nice girl though.

12-23-2009, 04:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
Here in the USA it is difficult to say. A lot depends on the state, county and city or township you live in. We have Federal Laws, State Laws, county laws, local city or township laws and Native American Tribal laws. So except for the Federal Laws you will have somewhat different laws depending on where you live. For example Texas has a State Public intoxication law. In Texas it is illegal to consume alcohol in public or to be intoxicated in public. It is basically a good law, except it is up to the arresting officer's discretion/opinion if a person is intoxicated. Once a person is arrested the person is held in jail a minimum of 4 hours before being charged and then will not be charged until a hearing before a local justice of the peace. Sounds good so far, except it can be abused. A police officer can use the law to arrest any person he/she desires to arrest by simply saying that in his opinion the person is intoxicated.

Another law that can be misused is the three strike law that some states have. In the states that have the three strike law it means that if a person is ever convicted of a felony the person automatically gets life imprisonment if he is ever convicted of 2 more crimes, no matter how minor. For example a peron can be convicted of robbery (a felony) and if after being released he gets 2 parking tickets he can get life for the second parking ticket.

Utah and Louisiana have the most confusing state laws if you are accustomed to any of the other 48 states. Louisiana is the only state where the law is based upon the Napoleonic Code and Utah's laws are based on the Mormon Church. Louisiana is one of the few states (Probably the only state) where it is legal to shoot an uninvited person who is on your property.

A federal law I do not like is the diplomatic immunity law. A foreign diplomat and his entire staff and entourage including his family can not be charged for any crime they commit in the USA. The most that can be done is expulsion from the USA.
Here in Virginia, we still are one of the few to have the death penalty:raging:..........I should have stayed in NY City.;D

12-23-2009, 05:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amanda
I don't like that in Indonesia they don't allow marriages between people of different faiths. I feel that is up to the people involved, and their religions. It's not fair to make someone change their religion for the person they love, just so they can be married legally, that's up to the religion to dictate, and the people to make the choice.
There are two ways how Indonesian man and woman in different faiths can marry without one of them change his/her religion.

#1. (Legal)
They marry in other country, then back to Indonesia and registering their marriage in Kantor Catatan Sipil (Civilian notes office).

#2. (Illegal)

12-23-2009, 05:39 PM
I disagree with how defamation cases are handled, damages should not be left decided by the Jury. Juries should not be used in Fraud or Rape cases...

Public Funding (legal aid) regulations should be changed (LESS PAPERWORK)

12-24-2009, 11:35 PM
In one state it is illegal to buy 2 toothrushes at one time on a sunday:hmm:

In one state it is illegal to give a bear a bath in your home......people do this???

In one city/state it is illegal to wear 2 diferent colored shoes in the courtroom.;D

In one state/town it is illegal to be Italian on the first wednsday of July!....I'm not kidding i will post the actuall posting, soon, it is just a town in a state.....i think west Virginia.....know wonder.....And that state has a ton of Italians, for the minesimsad

In another state it is illegal to have your children play on the highway during rushhour! .............what about when its not rushhour?:hmm:

Although these are stupid laws, keep in mind some people had to do these things to have these laws passed.;D

Why is it illegal to be ME?

12-24-2009, 11:48 PM
Lol some of these laws are so pathetic and funny. Like why would you wana give a bear a bath at home. Hah. Funny stuff.

12-24-2009, 11:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by x Muslimah x
Lol some of these laws are so pathetic and funny. Like why would you wana give a bear a bath at home. Hah. Funny stuff.
Tell me about it! I thought about it.....but since it's illegal;D

And thats a lot of shampoo;D

Abdul Fattah
12-25-2009, 12:55 AM
5.In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter
So you're only legally required to let them enter your house, the law doesn't say you have to allow them to use your toilet?

12-25-2009, 12:59 AM
I disagree with every law which goes against Allah SWT's laws

12-25-2009, 01:17 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abdul Fattah
So you're only legally required to let them enter your house, the law doesn't say you have to allow them to use your toilet?
If the person needs to use the toilet and you have to let them in the house, it may be a good idea to let them use the toilet.

12-25-2009, 01:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
If the person needs to use the toilet and you have to let them in the house, it may be a good idea to let them use the toilet.
Would you let a stranger who knocked on your door in to your house?

12-25-2009, 01:32 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Troubled Soul
Would you let a stranger who knocked on your door in to your house?
No, but I don't live in Scotland where that is the law.

It is also a moot question. I know every person in the town I live in (all 48 0f them). It is very doubtful any stranger is going to knock on my door.

12-25-2009, 01:55 AM
Being obligated to have helth and car insurance, because it is haram. But those who are forced/obligated by the laws they live in are excused.

12-25-2009, 03:56 AM
Anybody here is allowed to stop by and use my toilet at any time day or nite:D

I have 4 and 1 is a heated toilet;D

12-25-2009, 04:18 AM
Louisiana is one of the few states (Probably the only state) where it is legal to shoot an uninvited person who is on your property.
Lol I obviously should've stayed in bed. I actually read this as, '..it is legal to shoot an uninvited person to your wedding party'. The husband!? ;D

A federal law I do not like is the diplomatic immunity law. A foreign diplomat and his entire staff and entourage including his family can not be charged for any crime they commit in the USA. The most that can be done is expulsion from the USA.
wow that's awful! :ooh:

Right now, I can't think of any law I hate. 4.14am is a time of blissful forgetfulness :statisfie

12-25-2009, 04:23 AM
It's the same here in Virginia...

If someone is on your property and you tell them verbaly to get of your property and they refuse .....you can shoot them, with no ramafications.imsad

Keep in mind if they are standing on the curb close to the street you will be in trouble....the first ten feet in and on your property technicaly is a right-of-way for the city and is not technicaly your property.:p

It's hard to explain, but true.

12-25-2009, 10:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rasema2
Being obligated to have helth and car insurance, because it is haram. But those who are forced/obligated by the laws they live in are excused.
It's haram to have health insurance? How so?

12-25-2009, 03:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amanda
It's haram to have health insurance? How so?
Are you in Indonesia ?.

Don't worry sister, according to Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Sharia health insurance is halal. You can find some Sharia health insurance companies in Indonesia through google with keyword : asuransi kesehatan syariah

12-25-2009, 11:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Amanda
It's haram to have health insurance? How so?
If you follow the true Orthodox Islam, this is the ruling. I'll get you a ruling when it is permitted to have insurance, when you're forced, it is. http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/8889

12-25-2009, 11:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Are you in Indonesia ?.

Don't worry sister, according to Majelis Ulama Indonesia, Sharia health insurance is halal. You can find some Sharia health insurance companies in Indonesia through google with keyword : asuransi kesehatan syariah
And Majedis Ulma follows what form of Islam? Which aqeedah? I have to get a clear ruling by a shaikh. This is when only I know tha it is permitted:


The fact that the state makes insurance compulsory does not make it permissible; rather the burden of sin is waived from the person or company who is obliged to do that. As for the broker company which is doing this work by choice, it is guilty of sin

12-26-2009, 12:08 AM
i wish all the laws had harsher punishements (at least in america) we have SOOOOO MANY repeat criminals...

i wish that we all had DNA placed in the DNA database so when crimes did happen it would be easier to find out who did it... and i know thats super controversial but if your not doing anything bad then whats it matter if the DNA is in a databank or not....

oh and i wish that once people reached a certain age they had to take the drivers test over again.

12-26-2009, 12:15 AM
i know in kentucky (USA) they have a law that it is manditory for a person to bath/shower at least 1 time per year.....

seriously... do they really have to tell people that????

12-26-2009, 12:16 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Grofica
i wish all the laws had harsher punishements (at least in america) we have SOOOOO MANY repeat criminals...

i wish that we all had DNA placed in the DNA database so when crimes did happen it would be easier to find out who did it... and i know thats super controversial but if your not doing anything bad then whats it matter if the DNA is in a databank or not....

oh and i wish that once people reached a certain age they had to take the drivers test over again.

Oh I disagree with you. :hiding:

There is a problem in Western countries that criminals are simply committing the offenses over and over again. One of the main sentencing principles is not being utilized is deterrence. The Sharia will do a good job if implemented correctly, of deterring people to commit crimes. I don't believe simply gathering everyone DNA will reduce crime rate, it will be a lot easier to catch criminals however the information gets leaked to the wrong people they could misuse that information. It is too risky and I think we have the Sharia as an alternative to reduce crime.

Why do people have to take their drivers test again? :skeleton: That sounds tedious...

12-26-2009, 12:29 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Grofica
i wish all the laws had harsher punishements (at least in america) we have SOOOOO MANY repeat criminals...

i wish that we all had DNA placed in the DNA database so when crimes did happen it would be easier to find out who did it... and i know thats super controversial but if your not doing anything bad then whats it matter if the DNA is in a databank or not....

oh and i wish that once people reached a certain age they had to take the drivers test over again.
I think it depends upon the state how harsh the laws need to be. In the less populated states, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Alaska there is very little worry about repeat offenders. The offender can not hide and nearly everybody knows who in their community has ever been convicted of a crime. Public awareness of known criminals seems to be a strong deterrent to repeating crimes.

An example from the Bismarck Newspaper gives a better idea of what I am trying to say. These are offenders from other states who thought they could hide their pasts by moving to ND

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Sex Offender Addresses
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Oct 13 2009 7:08PM
KXMBTV Bismarck
Bismarck Police want you to know about three sex offenders two who have moved here from out of state...

John Buckley recently moved to Bismarck and is living at 2510 North 8th Street. He's a moderate risk offender.

Buckley molested a 15 year old girl in Pennington County South Dakota.

High Risk offender Jacob Scarberry was recently released from prison. He was convicted of having sex with a 15 year old girl when he was 19 in Ohio.

Scarberry is living at 3500 East Bismarck Expressway.

Ronald Drager is living at 1800 East Broadway.

He was convicted in 2000 in Adams County for sexually assaulting his two young daughters.

Drager was recently released from prison. A high risk sex offender has moved into Mandan..

Charles Alyea is living at 905 Pioneer Trail... He was convicted as a juvenile of having sexual contact with two girls who were 11 years old

Timothy Profrock moved to Mandan recently

He served time for raping a 27 year old woman he served nine years in prison for the crime in Michigan

He's living at 1010 1st St. Northeast in Mandan

Sex offenders are required by law to report their address to law enforcement.
SOURCE: http://kxnet.com/getArticle.asp?ArticleId=452579

This seems to deter repeat offenders better than trying to enforce stiffer laws. No loop holes they can use. They are stuck with the entire state knowing who they are and where they live. If they are sane they will either live exemplary lives or get their tails out of ND

12-26-2009, 12:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Guestfellow

Oh I disagree with you. :hiding:

There is a problem in Western countries that criminals are simply committing the offenses over and over again. One of the main sentencing principles is not being utilized is deterrence. The Sharia will do a good job if implemented correctly, of deterring people to commit crimes. I don't believe simply gathering everyone DNA will reduce crime rate, it will be a lot easier to catch criminals however the information gets leaked to the wrong people they could misuse that information. It is too risky and I think we have the Sharia as an alternative to reduce crime.

Why do people have to take their drivers test again? :skeleton: That sounds tedious...

ok the first part could get really touchy so i will try to be delecate...

I know that we have so many repeat offenders and thats why i said we should have harsher punishments... WAY WAY WAY harsher punishments. take Saudi for example (i think its saudi but i know there are a couple of countries similar) they have some really strict punishments for people who commit crimes. they have zillions of people and like almost zero crime.

no i do believe everyone has the right to a fair trial but if its 100% no doubt, confirmed that person did the crime... well they should get a LOT more then a few years in jail with cable and a gym... I'll just say it that way...

for the DNA on file... it would be a lot easier to find people who were doing wrong and identify people who were injured or worse with no ID on them...

there are so many cases were there is DNA at the scene but nothing to match it to or in rape cases then the cops would be able to identify the people.

did you know that the military (i mean U.S.) will not run DNA samples from rape cases against the DNA they have on file? so these people just wonder around free to do it again... thats fact. and the only person that would come up is the person that is a match... everything else just wizzes by the screen at too fast a rate for a normal human eye to catch so its not a violation of privacy for the people who do no wrong.

and about the driving thing... because so many many accidents are caused by elderly drivers who can barly or no longer see. when i first got my license i was hit and shoved out in the middle of traffic by a woman around 80 in a caddy... she hit me so hard and all she could say to the cops is she didnt see the light was red. it had been red for a while. i was almost hit by cross traffic... im not saying take the license away im just saying check the eye and reaction time... i know some states do it but not all.

oh and one more while i am thinking about it... i know there were a few cases where someone broke into someones home and hurt their ankle or whatever breaking into the house and sued the owners and won... that sooooo needs to be changed too!:hmm:

i could so go on forever....

12-26-2009, 12:40 AM
For anybody here with an iPhone or PDA phone there are apps that are availible for free that list sex offenders within a certain area related to your address, I think 100 miles. Check it out it really is a good app. You will be amazed at how many it shows around you and it shows their pic, address and everything. And it's available all over the world!

God bless.

12-26-2009, 01:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Grofica
i know in kentucky (USA) they have a law that it is manditory for a person to bath/shower at least 1 time per year.....

seriously... do they really have to tell people that????
I believe that goes back to the days of discrimination against native Americans and was used to harass them by arresting them every time they came into town and saying they had not bathed in the past year because of their dark skin.

12-26-2009, 01:39 AM
When is it permitted to have health insurance?

Car insurance

But if it is compulsory insurance and one has no choice, then it is permissible to take out car insurance, for example, and the sin is on those who forced others to do it, based on the principle of “necessities which make forbidden things permissible”.


Life insurance


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

My dear beloved brother Mikail,

Please forgive me for being late to reply as I hardly have time to do anything these days.

Firstly, and before anything else, you know that we love you for Allah's sake and we truley miss you akhi (smile)

Far from Fiqh discussions ( while keeping in mind the talks that I gave you before), here is an answer that will bring comfort to your heart and ease into your hereafter, inshallah (smile)

Although some Shaikhs have allowed it in certain cases when the cost of treatment is highly expensive and unaffordable by many people, as in some countries, it is better to avoid it.

In your case, I think treatment back there is not that much expensive and the use for premium is rare.

So think of it this way:

It is better to be in the safe side

It is something that you will rarely need (i.e. using your premuim to cover highly expensive operations)

whatever is left for Allah sake, better than it will be given to you inshAllah

Barak Allahu feekum

Wallahu A'lam

12-26-2009, 01:47 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
I believe that goes back to the days of discrimination against native Americans and was used to harass them by arresting them every time they came into town and saying they had not bathed in the past year because of their dark skin.
you know... now that you say that i can totally see why they made it... (rolling eyes at the law)

dont get me wrong i do NOT agree with it but now i can see why they would have passed such a dorky law. :hmm:

12-26-2009, 01:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Grofica
oh and i wish that once people reached a certain age they had to take the drivers test over again.
Being an older citizen myself I believe I can speak for some of us old timers, I favor that law as does everybody I know in my age group. I do not want to be a hazard to others if my health deteriorates to the point it affects my driving. I do not want to be like the old man in the joke:

Two young men were discussing how they would prefer to die. One finally says: "I would like to die like my 90 year old uncle did. Quietly and peacefully in his sleep. Not hollering and screaming like the passengers in his car."

12-26-2009, 01:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
Two young men were discussing how they would prefer to die. One finally says: "I would like to die like my 90 year old uncle did. Quietly and peacefully in his sleep. Not hollering and screaming like the passengers in his car."


Thats a good one!!!!!!!!!!

01-07-2010, 03:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by desert winds
i do not like the fact that prisoners have education in prisons!
prison is for punishment! not for luxurys!
they commit crimes then in a sense go to prison to play games and have a life, when these people only God knows what they have done-
i hate htis law- prison= punishment luxuries should be kept out-
But Austrian are disagree with you, at least Leoben city govt.


01-07-2010, 03:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by nightstar
If someone comes into your house to rob you, and they have an accident, i.e fall down the stairs, they prob can sue you
In the UK you would only be sued if you use excessive amounts of force to defend yourself from the robbery, if they fell down the stairs then that's their problem and you are not legally liable.

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