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View Full Version : Easy Dhikr which is light on the tongue but heavy on the scales!

Hamza Asadullah
01-11-2010, 09:07 PM
All of these Dhikr are so easy and light on the tongue but SO heavy on the scales!

1. Earn a thousand good deeds in Minutes

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Is anyone of you incapable of earning one thousand Hasanah (rewards) a day?" Someone from the gathering asked, "How can anyone of us earn a thousand Hasanah?" Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Glorify Allah a hundred times by just saying “Subhanallah” and a Good deeds will be written for you, or a thousand sins will be wiped away.” (Muslim 4:2073)

2. One of the Rare Treasures of Paradise

Hadhrat Abu Dharr [Ra] narrated that Rasulallah [Saw] said: “Should I not tell you of one treasure of the unlimited treasures of Paradise?” I replied spontaneously “Oh Rasulallah (Peace be upon him) that would be an honour indeed!” Rasulallah (Saw) said: “That rare treasure is LA HAWLA WA LA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH.” (“The strength to do good and to refrain from evil comes from the grace and mercy of Allah!”) -(Ibn Majah)

Hadrat Abu Dharr al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that "my beloved friend” (the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) has enjoined five things upon me. He has commanded me to love and be close to the poor and the downtrodden, and he has commanded me to look at those in the world who are of lower rank than me, and not at those who are of higher rank, and he has commanded me to be kind to the kinsman and to preserve and keep intact the bond of kinship, and he has commanded me not to ask for anything from anyone as a favour and he has commanded me to speak the truth at all times though it may be bitter for others, and he has commanded me to care nothing for the rebuke of those who revile and villify in the path of Allah, and he has commanded me to recite much the Kalima of: Laa Hawla wa laa Qawwuta Illaa Billah (there is no power or strength but in Allah) because all these things are from the treasure-house (of Allah) which is under the ninth heaven. (Ahmad)

3. A Date Palm planted in Paradise for the one who Recites this

Hadhrat Jaa'bir [Ra] narrated that Rasulallah(Peace be upon him) said: “For the person who recites SUB-HAN'ALLAH HIL AZEEM WA BI-HAM'DIHI, [Pure and perfect is Allah in his glory and praise], - A date palm will be planted for him in Paradise” (Tirmidhi)

Another Narration says:

Forgiveness for Sins Even Though they are like the Foam of the Sea:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever says, ‘Subhan Allaahi Wa bihamdihi, {Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise}. One hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. (Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #414)

4. We Can Earn Over a BILLION Rewards in Just a Few Seconds!

Narrated ‘Ubaadah that the Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and believing women, Allah will write for him a good deed for each believing man and believing woman.” (Tabarrani)

5. That Which Shall Have no Equal on the Day of Resurrection:

Narrated Abu Huraira:Allah’s Apostle said, ”Whoever says one hundred times in a day:

“Laa ilaaha illallaah wahdahuu laa shareeka lahu, lahu-l-mulk wa lahu-l-hamd wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shai’in qadeer,”

(“None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Alone Who has no partners, to Him belongs Dominion and to Him belong all the Praises, and He has power over all things (i.e. Omnipotent)”,}

he will get the same reward as given for manumitting ten slaves; and one hundred good deeds will be written in his accounts, and one hundred sins will be deducted from his accounts, and it (his saying) will be a shield for him from Satan on that day till night, and nobody will be able to do a better deed except the one who does more than he.” (Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #412)

6. Four Phrases that are Heavier on the Scales than an Entire Morning of Dhikrullah (Remembrance of Allah):

The Mother of the Believers, Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith reported that the Prophet came out from my apartment in the morning as I was busy in performing the dawn prayer. He came back in the forenoon and found me sitting there. The Prophet said, ”Are you still in the same position as I left you.” I replied in the affirmative. Thereupon the Prophet said, “I recited four phrases three times after I had left you. If these are to be weighed against all you have recited since morning, these will be heavier. These are:

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

(Allah is free from imperfection and I begin with His praise, as many times as the number of His creatures, in accordance with His Good Pleasure, equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words (for His Praise).” (Muslim)

7. A Phrase that Comes with Rewards in the MILLIONS:

On the authority of Abdullah ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet said: “Whoever enters a market and says:

‘Laa ilaaha ill Allah Wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul Mulku Wa lahul Hamdu yuhyi Wa yumeetu Wa huwa Hayyun laa yamoot, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa ‘alaa kulli shay’ in qadeer’

{There is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone without partner, to Him belongs the dominion and the praise, he causes life and death and He is the Living One and will never die. In His Hand is all good, and He is over all things capable.)

Allah will write for him a million good deeds erase a million of his bad deeds and build for him a house in Jannah.”

And in another narration, instead of mentioning that Allah will build a house in Jannah, it states, “and he will be raised one million levels.” (Tirmidhi).

8. Reciting Tasbeeh, (Subhanballah), Tahmeed (Alhamdolillah) and Takbeer Allahu Akbar), and enjoining what is Good and forbidding what is evil, and praying Salaatul Duha (Breakfast prayer).,

It was narrated from Abu Dharr that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “For every bone of the son of Adam a charity must be given each day. Every Tasbeehah (saying Subhaan Allah -Glory be to Allah) is a charity, every Tahmeedah (saying Al-hamdu Lillaah -praise be to Allah) is a charity, every tahleelah (saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allah -There is no god but Allah) is a charity, every takbeerah (saying Allaahu akbar -Allah is Most Great) is a charity, enjoining what is good is a charity, forbidding what is evil is a charity, and two Rak’ahs (Nafil) offered in the mid-morning (Duha) is sufficient.” (Muslim, 720)

9. The Virtues of Reciting Tasbih at-I-Fatima

A well-known Tradition of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) has it that the Prophet's beloved daughter (and Hazrat Ali's (Ra) wife), Hazrat Fatima (Ra), used to perform all the domestic duties with her own hands. She had even to draw water from the well and to carry it home and to grind the corn in the millstone. One day she begged the holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) to provide her with a domestic servant upon which the Prophet (Peace be upon him) observed, "I will tell you of something that will serve you better than a domestic servant. Recite Subhaa-nallaah 33 times, Alhamdu lillaah 33 times, and Allahu Akbar 34 times after each Salaah and on retiring to bed. This will be of greater value to you than a servant."

Another Tradition says, "Whoever will recite after each Salaah 33 times Subhaa-nallaah, 33 times Alhamdu lillaah, and 34 times Allahu Akbar, and, at the end of it, the Kalima of ‘Laa ilaaha illal laahu wahdahu laa sharika lahu lahul mulku wa-lahul hamdu wa huwa alaa kulli shay-in qadeer’. (There is no Allah but one Allah. He is alone. No partner hath. He Him belongs sovereignty and unto Him belongs Praise and He is all-Powerful) all his sins will be forgiven even if they be as profuse as the foam of the sea."

10. How to Erase 2500 Sins in 5 minutes!

Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: ‘There are two qualities, no Muslim man acquires them but he will enter Paradise, and they are simple and easy. He should glorify Allah (say Subhaan Allah) ten times immediately after each prayer, and praise Him (say Al-hamdu Lillaah) ten times and magnify Him (say Allaahu Akbar) ten times.’

I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) counting this on his fingers. He said: ‘That makes one hundred and fifty on the tongue and one thousand five hundred (hasanaat) in the scales.

[Translator’s note: each of three phrases repeated ten times makes thirty; multiplied by the number of daily prayers, which is five, makes one hundred and fifty. Each of these good deeds of the tongue will be rewarded with ten hasanaat which will be added to the total of good deeds to be weighed in the balance or scales on the Day of Judgement].

11. Glorifying Allah 100 times when one goes to bed

When you go to bed, glorify Him and praise Him and magnify Him One hundred times: that will be one hundred on the tongue and a thousand in the scales.

Who among you does 2,500 bad deeds in one day?’ They said: ‘How could we not count (our sins)?’ He said: ‘The Shaytaan comes to any one of you whilst he is praying and says, Remember this, remember that, until he finishes his prayer and does not do (this dhikr), or he comes to him when he is lying down and makes him sleepy, until he falls asleep (without doing this dhikr).’” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 3332).

12. Earning a 1000 good deeds and wiping away a 1000 bad deeds in Minutes

If a person says "Subhanallah" (glory be to Allah) 100 times, a thousand good deeds are recorded for him and a thousand bad deeds are wiped away. (Muslim)

13. Jannat becomes obligatory for the one who Recites the following

Abu Sa’id (Ra) said that Rasullallah (Peace be upon him) said, “Whoever says:

Radeetu billahi rabban, Wa bil-Islaami deenan, Wa bi-Muhammadin rasoolan

Jannah becomes obligatory for him (to enter). (Abu-Dawud)

- Best said in Morning and Evening with "Nabiyan wa rasoolan"

14. The Virtues of Reciting the First Kalimah

The declaration of belief in the oneness of Allah or kalimah tayyibah

Laa ilaaha ill-Allah

(There is no worthy of worship except Allah)

This should be read as much as possible all the time where we are and whatever were doing as long as it is not in the toilet.

Hadrat Zaid bin ‘Arqam (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever says Laa ilaaha illal-laah…sincerely will enter the Paradise.”

It was said: And what is the [sign of] sincerity? He said: “That this kalimah stops him from those things which Allah has forbidden.” (Tabaraani in Awsat-ul-Kabeer)

“Do you not see how Allah puts forth the likeness of a good word (kalimah tayyibah)? It is like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and whose branches reach to the sky. It brings forth its fruit in all seasons by the command of its Lord. And Allah sets forth parables for men, so that they may take heed. And the likeness of an evil word (kalimah khabeetha- a word of shirk) is like an evil tree, which is uprooted from the face of the earth, and has no stability.” (Qur’an: 24-26)

15. Virtues of Reciting the Third Kalimah:

The word of glorification or the Kalima-e-Tamjeed

Subhāna-llāhi, wa-l-hamdu li-llāhi, Wa lā ilāha illā-llāhu, wa-llāhu akbar. Wa lā hawla Wa lā quwwata illā bi-llāhi-l-‘aliyyi-l-‘azīm

(Glory be to Allah. And praise be to Allah. And there is no god except Allah. And Allah is the Greatest. And there is no power and no strength except with Allah, the Most High, And Most Great)

Ibn Mas’ood (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When I met Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in the night of Mi’raaj (Night of ascension) he asked me to convey his Salaam to my Ummah and to tell them that the Paradise has a fertile soil and sweet water, and is like a vast field. And its plants are [the words above].”

Another version says: “Whoever recites the words above, a tree in Paradise is planted for him for each word he says.” (Virtues of Dhikr; Tirmidhi)

16. Virtues of reading the Fourth Kalimah:

The word of Oneness of Allah or the Kalima-e-Tawhid:

Lā ilāha illā-llāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu lahu-l-mulku Wa lahu-l-hamdu yuḥyi Wa yumītu Wa huwa ḥayyu-llā yamūtu abadan abada, ḏū-l-jalāli wa-l-ikrām, biyadihi-l-khayr, wa huwa ‘alā kulli Shay’in qadīr.

(There is no god except Allah, Who is Alone and has no partners. For Him is the Dominion and for Him is all praise. He gives life and causes death. And He is living and will never ever die. Owner of Majesty and Honour: In His Hands is all goodness. And He has power over all things)

Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “A person who recites: Laa ilaaha illal-laahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shay-in qadeer, a hundred times daily will have reward equal to that of freeing ten slaves and one hundred good deeds will be written for him, and one hundred of his sins will be lifted from him, and for the whole day, he will remain immune from the Shaytaan until the evening, and on the Day of Judgment, no one will exceed him in merit except one who has done [these phrases] more.” (Agreed Upon)

Here are the virtues of Qur'an and some recommended Surah's:

17. Reward for Reciting each letter of Holy Qur’aan.

It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever reads a letter of the Book of Allah will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a tenfold reward. I do not say that Alif-Laam-Meem is a letter, rather alif is a letter, laam is a letter and meem is a letter.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2910)

18. Surah Fathiha The Mother of the Qur’an and a cure for every disease

Abu Sulaiman says that once a group of Companions were in an expedition (ghazwa) when they happened to come across an epileptic person, who was unconscious. One of the Companions recited Surah Al-Fatiha and blew in his ear. The epileptic person immediately cured. When Sayyidana Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was informed of this, he said: “It (Surah Al-Fathiha) is “The Mother of the Qur’an” (Umm al-Qur’an) and is a cure for every disease.”

[This narration has been recorded by Ath-Thua’lbi from Abu Sulaiman, who narrated it from Muawiya bin Saleh (RA), Tafseer Mazhari 1:31]

19. Surah Mulk which protects one from the Torment of the Grave

It was narrated that Abdullah ibn Mas’ud said: Whoever reads Tabarakallahi Biyadihil Mulk [i.e. Surah al-Mulk] every night, Allah will protect him from the torment of the grave. At the time of the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) we used to call it al-mani’ah (that which protects). In the Book of Allah it is a surah which, whoever recites it every night has done very well. (an-Nasa’i)

20. Surah Zilzalah worth half of the Qur’an

Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbas and Anas Ibn Malik (Ra) reported that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, ‘Whoever recited Surah Zilzilah (99) would get the reward of reciting half the Qur’an. Whoever recited Surah al Kaafirun (109) would get a reward as if reading a quarter of the Qur’an. Whoever recited Surah al Ikhlas (112)would get a reward as if reading one third of the Qur’an’. (At-Tirmidhi 2818/A)

21. Surah Iklhas worth a third of the Qur’an

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (RA) reported that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said to his Companions, “Are any of you unable to recite a third of the Qur’an in a night?” That was difficult for them and they said, “Which of us is able to do that, Messenger of Allah?” He said, “[The surah] ‘Say: He is Allah, Absolute Oneness, Allah, the Everlasting Sustainer of all’ (112) constitutes a third of the Qur’an.’” (Sahih al-Bukhari 6:61 #534, Riyad as-Salihin by Imam an-Nawawi Ch.183 #1010)

22. Surah Iklhas recited 200 times daily gets forgiveness of 50 years of sin

Anas ( RA) reported the Prophet (Peace be upon him) as saying, “If anyone recites two hundred times daily, Qul huwallahu ahad the sins of fifty years will be wiped out, unless he is in debt.” (At-Tirmidhi and Darami).

The latter version has ‘fifty times’ and he did not mention ‘unless he is in debt’

23. Surah al Falaq and An Naas protection from Jinn and evil eye

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) used to seek refuge from the jinn as well as from the evil eye until Surah al Falaq and An Naas were revealed. When they were sent down, he utilised them and left other things. [At-Tirmidhi #1984, Riyad as-Salihin by Imam an-Nawawi Ch.183 #1014]

24. Good manners are the Heaviest on the good deed scales

Abu Darda (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, "Nothing will be heavier on the Day of Resurrection in the Scale of the believer than good manners. Allah hates one who utters foul or coarse language.''

So let us be the best towards others and be humble!

Let us also remember Allah as much as we can!

25. We will regret the Seconds we wasted without remembering Allah

Hadhrat Mu'az [RA] narrated Rasulallah (Peace be upon him) said: “The Inhabitants of Paradise will not be grief stricken or sorrowful about anything they did in the life of the world except for the time they spent without being in the remembrance of Allah” (Tabaraani)

26. Do Dhikr of Allah even if its on Comfortable beds

Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (Ra) narrates that Rasulullah (Peace be upon him) said:

“There are many people reclining on comfortable beds and making the Dhikr of Allah on earth. Allah will grant them elevated ranks (in the Aakhirah).” (Ibn Habbaan)

Those indulging in luxury should not abstain from Dhikrullah. They too should be constantly engaged in the remembrance of Allah whilst enjoying the comforts of the bounties which whilst enjoying the comforts of the bounties which Allah has bestowed on them and Allah will give them elevated ranks in the hereafter.

27. Do so much Dhikr that people think your mad

Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khurdi (Ra) also narrates that Rasulullah (Peace be upon him) said:

“Engage in the Dhikr of Allah in such abundance that people comment that ‘you are insane’.” (Ahmed, Abu Ya’la, Ibn Habbaan)

28. Remember Allah in the places where people don’t usually remember Allah

It is mentioned in hadith that in a place where people are oblivious to dhikir, remembrance of Allah is like being steadfast in jihad, when others are running away. (Targhib, p. 193, vol. 3 ref. Bazar and Tibrani)


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Hamza Asadullah
03-16-2010, 02:40 AM
Bonus: Say the Dhikr after Making Wudu.

RasulAllah sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, "If anyone of you, after perfecting his wudu, says, 'Ash hadu an laa ilaaha illAllah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan 'Abduhu wa Rasooluh (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his slave and Messenger), the eight gates of Jannah will open for him and he will be permitted to enter from whichever he wishes" (Muslim).

'Abd Al-Maajid
03-16-2010, 03:02 AM
Jazakaallah...That was very helpful, thanks for sharing.
And I guess Hamza81 is back...;D;D;D

Hamza Asadullah
03-26-2010, 04:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abdulmajid
Jazakaallah...That was very helpful, thanks for sharing.
And I guess Hamza81 is back...;D;D;D
:sl: no problem akhee please forward to others so they may benefit too inshallah and also remember me in your dua's.


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Hamza Asadullah
09-01-2010, 10:47 PM
Let us glorify Allah as much as we can in these last few days of Ramadan for these deeds are multiplied SO many times over!

Hamza Asadullah
09-04-2010, 09:07 PM
“Those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, and meditate on the creation of the heavens and the earth. Then cry out:" Our Rabb! You have not created this in vain. Glory to You! Save us from the punishment of Fire.” 3:191 The Holy Qur’an

Whatever we are doing, we can always remember and praise Allah. If we remember Allah in all our actions then we will be rewarded not only for the intention, but also for the act that is carried out. Let us increase in our remembrance of Allah especially in these last few nights of Ramadan.

09-19-2010, 03:36 AM
May Allah bless you bro! Your posts are like gems. Important information that will benefit all of us in this life and allow us to become closer to Allah.

Muslim Woman
09-21-2010, 01:01 PM

got a related mail.


This is one of the nicest e-mails I have seen and is so true:

I dreamt that I went to Heaven and an angel was showing me around. We walked side-by-side inside a large workroom filled with angels.

My angel guide stopped in front of the first section and said, 'This Is the Receiving Section. Here all petitions to Allah, said in prayer, are Received.'

I looked around in this area, and it was terribly busy with so many angels sorting out petitions written on voluminous paper sheets and scraps from people all over the world.

Then we moved on down a long corridor until we reached the second section.

The angel then said to me, 'This is the Packaging and Delivery Section. Here, the graces and blessings the people asked for are processed and delivered to the living persons who asked for them.'

I noticed again how busy it was there. There were many angels working hard at that station, since so many blessings had been requested and were being packaged for delivery to Earth

Finally at the farthest end of the long corridor we stopped at the Door of a very small station To my great surprise, only one angel was Seated there, idly doing nothing. 'This is the Acknowledgment Section,' My angel friend quietly admitted to me. He seemed embarrassed 'How Is it that there is no work going on here?' I asked.

'So sad,' the angel sighed. 'After people receive the blessings that they asked For, very few send back acknowledgments .'

'How does one acknowledge Allah's blessings?' I asked.

'Simple,' the angel answered. Just say, 'Thank you, Allah.'

'What blessings should they acknowledge?' I asked.

'If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy .'

'And if you get this on your own computer, you are part of the 1% in the world who has that opportunity.'

Also ......

' If you woke up this morning with more health than illness ... You are more blessed than the many who will not even survive this day .'

'If you have never experienced the fear in battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation .. You are ahead of 700 million people in the world.'

'If you can attend a Mosque without the fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death you are envied by, and more blessed than, three billion people
In the world .'

'If your parents are still alive and still married ...you are very rare .'

'If you can hold your head up and smile, you are not the norm, you're unique to all those in doubt and despair.'

Ok, what now? How can I start?
Have a good day, count your blessings, and if you want, pass this along to remind everyone else how blessed we all are.


Acknowledge Dept.: 'Thank you Allah, for giving me the ability to share this message and for giving me so many wonderful people to share it with.

09-21-2010, 06:01 PM

BarakAllahu Feeki for sharing.

May we all be thankful to Allah for the so many blessings He has bestowed upon us, Aameen.

10-04-2010, 04:35 PM
Let's make praising Allah a habit of the heart and tongue inshaAllah. (Say as you type).

begin with making intention to praise Allah solely for His pleasure and reward in this duniya and the here-after.[/I]

A 'udhu billahi minashaytaanir rajeem

Bismillahir Rahman ir Raheem

SubhanAllahi wa bi hamdihi subhanAllahil adheem
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi subhanAllahil adheem
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi subhanAllahil adheem
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi subhanAllahil adheem
SubahnAllahi wa bihamdihi subhanAllahil adheem
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi subhanAllahil adheem
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi subhanAllahil adheem
subhanAllahi wa bihamdihi subhanAllahil adheem
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi subhanAllahi adheem
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi subhanAllahil Adheem


10-04-2010, 04:37 PM

Remembering Allah:

The Purposes and Procedures of Dhikr

"O you who believe! Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do so often; and glorify him morning and evening." (Holy Qur'an 33:41-41)

Allah (SWT) has commanded us to remember him always. He says: "Remember me, I shall remember you." (Qur'an 2:152) Thus it is very important for us as Muslims to dhikr, or remembrance, of Allah (SWT).

The purpose of dhikr is to purify our hearts and souls and uplift our spirits. All words of praise and glory to Allah (SWT), whether spoken out loud, or silently in one's heart, are known as dhikr. When people do dhikr, their hearts turn to the highest ideals and are free from the temptations of sin. Obviously this is true only if the words come from the heart and not just from the tongue.

The Qur'an says: "And establish regular prayer, for prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds, and remembrance of Allah is the greatest thing in life, without doubt." (29:45) In other words, dhikr has an even greater impact in protecting us from shameful and unjust deeds than regular prayers do. This is because when a person opens his heart to Allah (SWT) and utters words in His praise, Allah (SWT) fills him with strength and inner peace, comforting his minds and his heart. The Prophet (PBUH) once said, "When any group of men remember Allah, angels surround them and mercy covers them, tranquillity descends upon them, and Allah mentions them to those who are with Him." (Reported by Abu Hurairiah)

The Prophet (PBUH) has described many forms of dhikr and their importance. Among them is what is described in this hadith: ""And whoever says subhan Allah wa bihamdihi (Glorified is Allah with all praise due to Him) a hundred times during a day, will have all sins wiped off even if they were as numerous as the foam on the surface of the sea." (Narrated by Abu Hurairiah) The Prophet (PBUH) has also said, "When a servant of Allah utters the words la ilaha illa'Allah (there is none worthy if worship except Allah (SWT)) sincerely, the doors of heaven open up for these words until they reach the Throne of Allah, so long as it utterer keeps away from the major sins." (Reported by Abu Hurairiah) It is better to count the phrases on the fingers than counting beads because the fingers will be questioned and will speak on your behalf on the Day of Judgment.

Dhikr has been given much importance in Islam, and thus it is better to follow a certain etiquette of dhikr. One should face the Ka'bah when doing dhikr, for the best assemblies are those that are facing the qiblah. There is a verse in the Qur'an which implies that it is preferable to do dhikr in silence rather than out loud; the verse says: "And do bring your Lord to remembrance in your very soul, with the humility and in reverence, without loudness in words, in the morning and evening, and be not of those who are unheedful." (7:205) The Prophet (PBUH) once happened upon a group of Muslims doing dhikr out loud. He then said, "Give yourselves a respite, you are not calling upon someone deaf or absent. Surely He Whom you are calling upon is near you and He listens to all." This hadith also emphasizes the love and closeness to Allah (SWT) that a person should feel when doing dhikr.

Doing dhikr in a group is even better than doing it by oneself. Ibn Umar has narrated that "The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, 'When you pass by a garden of Paradise, avail yourselves to it.' The companions asked, 'What are the gardens, O Messenger of Allah?' The Prophet, peace upon him, replied "The assemblies or circles of dhikr. There are some angels of Allah who go about looking for such assemblies of dhikr, and when they find them they surround them.'" Often times people gather in a group and talk about trivial and irrelevant matters. Participating in such vain conversations is clearly looked down upon in Islam. Therefore, we should constantly remember Allah (SWT) and do dhikr. The Prophet (PBUH) said: "If people sit in an assembly in which they do not remember Allah nor invoke blessing on the Prophet, it will be a cause of grief for them on the Day of Judgment." (Narrated by Abu Hurairiah)

In conclusion, to feel the importance and see the benefits of dhikr, this hadith has been provided: The Prophet narrated: "Allah (SWT) says: 'I am to my servant as he expects of Me, I am with him when he remembers Me. If he remembers me in his heart, I remember him to Myself, and if he remembers Me in an assembly, I mention him in an assembly better than his, and if he draws nearer to Me a hand's span, I draw nearer to him an arm's length, I draw nearer to him a fathom length, and if he comes to me walking I rush to him at [great] speed."


10-04-2010, 05:18 PM

la hawla wala quwwata illa billah
la hawla wala quwwata illa billah
la hawla wala quwwata illa billah
la hawla wala quwwata illa billah
la hawla wala quwwata illa billah

la hawla wala quwwata illa billah
la hawla wala quwwata illa billah
la hawla wala quwwata illa billah
la hawla wala quwwata illa billah
la hawla wala quwwata illa billah


10-04-2010, 08:34 PM
Radeetu billahi Rabban wa bil islami deenan wa bi Muhammdin Rasulan

subhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar wala hawla wala quwwata illa billahi aliyyil adheem

10-04-2010, 10:15 PM
12. Earning a 1000 good deeds and wiping away a 1000 bad deeds in Minutes

If a person says "Subhanallah" (glory be to Allah) 100 times, a thousand good deeds are recorded for him and a thousand bad deeds are wiped away. (Muslim)
SubhanAllah subhanAllah subhanAllah subhanAllah subhanAllah subhanAllah subhanAllah subhanAllah subhanAllah subhanAllah
SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah
SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah
SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah
SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah
SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah
SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah
SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah
SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah
SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah SubhanAllah


10-04-2010, 11:47 PM
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever says, ‘Subhan Allaahi Wa bihamdihi, {Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise}. One hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. (Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #414)

A 'udhu billahi minashaytaanir rajeem

Bismillahir Rahman ir Raheem

SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi

SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
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SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi

SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi

SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi


Come on brothers and sisters, even if you make dhikr in your own time, making dhikr here will encourage others and it means you will be remembering Allah where it's easy to get distracted by worldly things. :)

10-05-2010, 09:46 AM
it only takes a few minutes!!

(copy paste for making repetitive dhikr)

A 'udhu billahi minshaytaan ir rajeem

Bismillahir Rahmaan ir Raheem

la hawla wala quwwata illa billah

subhanAllah wa bihamdi

subhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Allahumma salli 'ala Nabiyina Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa sallam
Allahumma salli 'ala Nabiyina Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa sallam
Allahumma salli 'ala Nabiyina Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa sallam
Allahumma salli 'ala Nabiyina Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa sallam
Allahumma salli 'ala Nabiyina Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa sallam
Allahumma salli 'ala Nabiyina Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa sallam
Allahumma salli 'ala Nabiyina Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa sallam
Allahumma salli 'ala Nabiyina Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa sallam
Allahumma salli 'ala Nabiyina Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa sallam
Allahumma salli 'ala Nabiyina Muhammad sallahu alaihi wa sallam




10-05-2010, 06:02 PM
Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever says, ‘Subhan Allaahi Wa bihamdihi, {Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise}. One hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. (Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #414)

A 'udhu billahi mina shaytaan ir rajeem

Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi


Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi


Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

O Allah al Ghafoor ur Raheem, forgive me and all the muslimeen. Ameen

10-05-2010, 08:40 PM
The Mother of the Believers, Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith reported that the Prophet came out from my apartment in the morning as I was busy in performing the dawn prayer. He came back in the forenoon and found me sitting there. The Prophet said, ”Are you still in the same position as I left you.” I replied in the affirmative. Thereupon the Prophet said, “I recited four phrases three times after I had left you. If these are to be weighed against all you have recited since morning, these will be heavier. These are:

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

(Allah is free from imperfection and I begin with His praise, as many times as the number of His creatures, in accordance with His Good Pleasure, equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words (for His Praise).” (Muslim)

a 'udhu billahi mina shaytaan ir rajeem
*~ Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem ~*

Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi 'adada khalqihi wa rida a nafsihi wa zinatah 'arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi 'adada khalqihi wa rida a nafsihi wa zinatah 'arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi 'adada khalqihi wa rida a nafsihi wa zinatah 'arshihi wa midada kalimatihi



abu salaahudeen
10-08-2010, 03:12 AM
i hope to implement these reminders

10-09-2010, 10:08 AM
^ inshaAllah

Allah the All-Mighty has said:

فَاذْكُرُونِي أَذْكُرْكُمْ وَاشْكُرُوا لِي وَلَا تَكْفُرُونِ". البقرة

"Therefore remember Me. I will remember you. Be grateful to Me and never show Me ingratitude" - Al-Baqarah 2:152

And He said:

"يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اذْكُرُوا اللهَ ذِكْرًا كَثِيراً". الأحزاب

"O you who believe, remember Allah with much rememberance." - Al-Ahzab 33:41

وَالذَّاكِرِينَ اللهَ كَثِيرًا وَالذَّاكِرَاتِ أَعَدَّ اللهُ لَهُمْ مَغْفِرَةً وَأَجْرًا عَظِيمًا". الأحزاب

"And the men and women who remember Allah frequently, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and great reward." - Al-Ahzab 33:35

And He said:

وَاذْكُرْ رَبَّكَ فِي نَفْسِكَ تَضَرُّعًا وَخِيفَةً وَدُونَ الْجَهْرِ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالْآصَالِ وَلَا تَكُنْ مِنَ الْغَافِلِينَ". الأعراف

"And remember your Lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and in awe, without loudness, by words in the morning and in the afternoon, and be not among those who are neglectful." - Al-Araf 7:205

The Prophet (pbuh) said: "He who remembers his Lord and he who does not remember his Lord are like the living and the dead." - Al-Bukhari, cf., Al-Asqalani, Fathul-Bari 11/208; Muslim 1/539 with the wording "The house in which Allah is remembered and the house in which Allah is not remembered is like the living and the dead."

And he said, "Shall i not inform you of the best of your works, the purest of them with your Master (Allah), the loftiest of them in your stations, the thing that is better for you than spending gold and silver (in charity), and better for you than meeting your enemies and slaying them and being slain by them?" They (the Companions) said, "Of course!" He said, "Rememberance of Allah, the Most high." - At-Tirmithi 5/459, Ibn Majah 2/1245. See Al-Albani, Sahih Ibn Majah 2/316 and Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/139.

And he said, "Allah the Most High says, 'I am with my slave when he thinks of Me and I am with him when he mentions Me. For if he mentions Me to himself, I mention him to Myself; and if he mentions Me in a gathering, I mention him in superior gathering. If he approaches Me by a hand's width, I approach him by an arm's length, I approach him by two arms length. And if he comes to me walking, I hasten to him swiftly.'" - Al-ukhari 8/171, Muslim 4/2061; this wording is from Al-Bukhari.

Abdullah bin Busr (raa) said that a man asked the Prophet (pbuh), "O Messenger of Allah! Verily, the sanctions of Islam have become too numerous for me (to perform them all). Inform me of something (simple) that I may adhere to." The Prophet (pbuh) said, "Let your tongue always be moist with the rememberance of Allah." - At-0tirmithi 5/458, Ibn Majah 2/1246. See Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/139 and Sahih Ibn Majah 2/317.

And he said, "Whoever reads one letter from the Book of Allah, will receive one Hasanah (reward for a good deed), and one Hasanah comes with ten like it. I do not say that Alif-Lam-Mim is a letter. Indeed Alif is a letter, and Lam is a letter, and Mim is a letter." - At-Tirmithi 5/175. See Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/9 and Sahihul-Jami' As-Saghir 5/340.

Uqbah bin Amir (raa) said: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) came out (from his house) and we were of the porch (As-Suffah). So he said, "Who of you would like to go out in the morning everyday to the valley of Buthan or Al-'Aqeeq and come back with two large she camels without commiting any sin or severing any family ties?" We replied, "O Messenger of Allah! All of us would like this." So he said, "Would one of you not go to the Masjid and learn to recite two Verses from the Book of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic? That would be better than two she camels. And three Verses would be better for him than three she-camels. And four Verses would be better than four she-camels, and whatever their number may be of camels." - Muslim 1/553

And he said, "Whoever sits and does not mention the Name of Allah (before he rises) will find it a cause of sorrowfrom Allah. Whoever lies down to sleep and does npt mention the name of Allah before rising, will find it a cause of sorrow from Allah." - Abu Dawud 4/264. See Al-Albani, Sahihul-Jami' As-Saghir 5/342.

And the Prophet (saw) said: "No people sit in an assembly without mentioning Allah, and without asking Allah for blessings on their Prophet, except that it will be a cause of sorrow upon them. Thus if He (Allah) wishes He will punish them, and if He wishes He will forgive them." - At-Tirmithi. See Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/140.

And he said: "No people may rise from an assembly in which they have failed to mention the Name of Allah without it being as if they were getting off a dead donkeys rotting back, and it would be a cause of grief for them." - Abu Dawud 4/264, Ahmad 2/389. See Al-Albani, Sahihul-Jami' 5/176.

grave&ampt1 -

10-09-2010, 10:26 PM
Posted by Brother Hamza:

6. Four Phrases that are Heavier on the Scales than an Entire Morning of Dhikrullah (Remembrance of Allah):

The Mother of the Believers, Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith reported that the Prophet came out from my apartment in the morning as I was busy in performing the dawn prayer. He came back in the forenoon and found me sitting there. The Prophet said, ”Are you still in the same position as I left you.” I replied in the affirmative. Thereupon the Prophet said, “I recited four phrases three times after I had left you. If these are to be weighed against all you have recited since morning, these will be heavier. These are:

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

(Allah is free from imperfection and I begin with His praise, as many times as the number of His creatures, in accordance with His Good Pleasure, equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words (for His Praise).” (Muslim)

a 'udhu billahi mina shaytaan ir rajeem
~: Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem :~

Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi 'adada khalqihi wa rida'a nafsihi wa zinatah 'arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi 'adada khalqihi wa rida a nafsihi wa zinatah 'arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi 'adada khalqihi wa rida a nafsihi wa zinatah 'arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa lailaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa lailaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa lailaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Radeetu billahi Rabban, Wa bil-Islaami deenan, Wa bi-Muhammadin rasoolan

Jannah becomes obligatory for him (to enter). (Abu-Dawud)

Glorify and Praise Allah. La ilaha illAllah...

What have we except Allah?

10-10-2010, 09:48 AM
A 'udhu billahi mina shaytaan ir rajeem
~* Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem *~

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar


10-12-2010, 11:41 AM
a 'udhu billahi mina shaytaan ir rajeem
~*~Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem~*~

Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi 'adada khalqihi wa rida-a nafsihi wa zinatah 'arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar


10-12-2010, 08:25 PM
Earn a thousand good deeds in Minutes

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Is anyone of you incapable of earning one thousand Hasanah (rewards) a day?" Someone from the gathering asked, "How can anyone of us earn a thousand Hasanah?" Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Glorify Allah a hundred times by just saying “Subhanallah” and a Good deeds will be written for you, or a thousand sins will be wiped away.” (Muslim 4:2073)

subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah
subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah subhan Allah


10-12-2010, 08:42 PM
a 'udhu billahi mina shaytaan ir rajeem - Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem

SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar


10-13-2010, 01:27 PM
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar


10-13-2010, 04:34 PM
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

"Then do ye remember Me I will remember you." (2-152).


10-13-2010, 06:36 PM
a 'udhu billahi mina shaytaan ir rajeem

~*Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem*~

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar


10-13-2010, 09:16 PM
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi

SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi

subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

10-14-2010, 08:57 AM
a 'udhu billahi mina shaytaan ir rajeem
*~Bismillahir Rahmaan ir Raheem~*

La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah

La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah


10-14-2010, 09:02 AM
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar


10-14-2010, 09:24 AM
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah


10-15-2010, 09:50 PM
Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet said: "When a servant of Allah utters the words la ilaha illallah (there is no god except Allah) sincerely, the doors of heaven open up for these words until they reach the Throne of Allah, so long as its utterer keeps away from the major sins." (Narrated by Tirmidhi, who says it is hasan gharib. al-Mundhiri included in al-Targhib 2:414)

la ilaha illAllah
la ilaha illAllah
la ilaha illAllah
la ilaha illAllah
la ilaha illAllah
la ilaha illAllah
la ilaha illAllah
la ilaha illAllah
la ilaha illAllah
la ilaha illAllah

11. Glorifying Allah 100 times when one goes to bed

When you go to bed, glorify Him and praise Him and magnify Him One hundred times: that will be one hundred on the tongue and a thousand in the scales.

Who among you does 2,500 bad deeds in one day?’ They said: ‘How could we not count (our sins)?’ He said: ‘The Shaytaan comes to any one of you whilst he is praying and says, Remember this, remember that, until he finishes his prayer and does not do (this dhikr), or he comes to him when he is lying down and makes him sleepy, until he falls asleep (without doing this dhikr).’” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 3332).

The Virtues of Ayat Al-Kursi

In the name of Allah the Most Merciful, and Compassionate Allah

There is no god but He,
The Living, the Everlasting,
Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep,
To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth.
Who is there that can intercede with His, except by His leave?
He knows what lies before them and what is after them,
And they comprehend not anything of His Knowledge save as He wills.
His throne comprises the heavens and the earth,
The preserving of them fatigues Him not,
And He is the All-High, All-Glorious.

[Al-Quran: Surat al-Baqarah, Ayah 255]

Imam Tirmidhi writes that Abu Hurayrah (Allah be well pleased with him) reports that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said that whomsoever recites the first verses of Surat al-Mu’minun and then Ayat al-Kursi in the morning, will remain under the protection of Allah Most High until the evening. Similarly, whomsoever reads this during the night, will remain under the protection of Allah Most High until the morning.[al-Jam’ al-Tirmidhi: Tafsir of Surat al-Baqarah, under Ayat al-Kursi. Imam al-Tirmidhi]


Imam Abu Dawud writes that Wathala (Allah be well pleased with him) reported that one day a man came to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) and asked, “What is the most excellent verse of the Quran?” The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) replied, “Ayat al-Kursi.”
[Sunan Abi Dawud: Fada’il al-Qur’an. Imam Abu Dawud]


10-16-2010, 03:42 AM
Salam 'alaykum
Thx for these hadith, I will practise it, inshaAllah
Jazakallahu khair

10-16-2010, 08:48 AM
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar


10-18-2010, 10:14 AM
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah


10-20-2010, 08:51 PM
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah


11-03-2010, 11:18 AM
~dhikr reminder~

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

Dhikr Allah gives me protection from grief, and brings me peace and contentment in my darkest hours of my life ~ AmaturRahman


11-24-2010, 02:49 PM
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah
La hawla wala quwwata illa billah


11-25-2010, 06:02 PM
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

1. Earn a thousand good deeds in Minutes

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Is anyone of you incapable of earning one thousand Hasanah (rewards) a day?" Someone from the gathering asked, "How can anyone of us earn a thousand Hasanah?" Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Glorify Allah a hundred times by just saying “Subhanallah” and a Good deeds will be written for you, or a thousand sins will be wiped away.” (Muslim 4:2073)

Lo! In the creation of the Heavens and the earth and in the night and day are tokens (of His sovereignty) for men of understanding, such as remember Allah, in standing, sitting, and reclining. [Qur'an 3:190-191]

On the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Prophet (may the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Allah the Almighty says:
I am as My servant thinks I am. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assembly better than it. And if he draws near to Me a hand's span, I draw near to him an arm's length; and if he draws near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed.

SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar


12-12-2010, 08:30 AM
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah


Hamza Asadullah
12-19-2010, 01:18 AM
May Allah bless and reward our sister abundantley for constantly reminding us all to remember and glorify Allah.

Those who remember Allah in their hearts then Allah remembers them in his heart. Which king or leader remembers us in their hearts? Which high ranked person in this world actually remembers any of us as individuals?

Can you imagine that just by remembering Allah that the most high and honoured one actually remembers us individually in his heart? Subhanallah so let us remember and glorify Allah as much as possible so that we can be remembered by Allah. What an honour that is if only we contemplated and pondered.

12-28-2010, 05:58 PM
Ameen. Jazak Allah khayr brother Hamza. May Allah increase us in His remembrance in our private moments and in our gatherings. Ameen.

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
With the Glorious Name of Allah, the Most Gracious [Who has bestowed upon mankind His Guidance [10:57-58, 17:82], the Most Beneficent [Who showers His special blessings upon those who rehearse it and abide by it [7:204, 6:155].

Translation of Surah Ar Rahman (Chapter 55 - 1-5 The Noble Quran)

55:1 Ar-Rahman[1], The Most Gracious (, has bestowed upon man not only all the means for his physical nourishment but has provided him also all the guidance that he needs for the development of his ‘self’) (10:57-58, 17:82, 41:2)

55:2 He gave knowledge of the Quran

55:3 He (it is Who) created man;

55:4 He taught him a clear and perspicuous (way of) expression (and distinguished him from all other animals by giving him the ability to clearly express his thoughts and feelings.)

55:5 The sun and the moon (run their appointed courses) according to a (perfectly computed) mathematical design (in conformance with a prescribed regulation and order)

No excuse not to pray - Scuba Diver prays under water - SubhanAllah!


Hamza Asadullah
12-31-2010, 04:39 AM
Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah)

Dhikr ( remembrance of Allah) is the greatest thing in our life and a well tried excellent method for purification of our heart. It eradicates all diseases from heart, produces in it the love of Allah and creates the consciousness of His Greatness; it brings us divine peace and satisfaction.

Allah the Almighty Himself asked us to remember Him as much as possible. Says the Holy Quran: " O ye who believes remember Allah very often and glorify Him morning and evening." (33:41-2)

Another verse says Quran says

" And when Salaat is finished then ye may disperse through the land and seek of the Bounty of Allah and celebrate the Praises of Allah much and often; they ye may prosper ( here as well as in the next world.) (62-10)

In another verse the Holy Quran says the Dhikr imparts tranquility and peace to the mind and the soul.

" Behold in the Remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction." (13-28)

In a verse, men of Faith have specifically been warned not to forget Dhikr by getting absorbed in the wealth and the family

" O ye who believe let not your riches or your children divert you from the Remembrance of Allah if any act thus, the loss is their own." (63:9)

Allah the Almighty shows His kindness to those who remember Him. He said:

" Then do ye remember Me I will remember you." (2-152)

The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) says:

"Allah says when anyone remembers Me and his lips move in Dhikr I am by his side."

In a verse of the Holy Quran mentioning the qualities of pious servants and their reward, Allah says:

" Men whom neither traffic nor merchandise can divert from Remembrance of Allah nor from regular Salaat, nor from regular practice of Zakaat. (24-37)

To quote a few Hadith about Dhikr, the Holy Prophet ( Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) says:

" There is a polish for everything, for the hearts it is Dhikr of Allah."

He has also said:

" Those who remember Allah and those who do not are like those who are alive and those who are dead." (i.e. who remember Allah and celebrate, His praises are alive and those who do not are dead.)

The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) was once asked who would be the most exalted among the servants of Allah on the Last Day, He (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) replied

" Those who remember Allah, be they men or women."

The Holy Prophet ( Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) once advised one of his companions.

" Keep your tongue always employed in repeating the name of Allah."

Negligence towards Dhikr causes more and more retrogression. Those who close their hearts and tongues to Allah are deprived of all divine virtues, their hearts get hardened and they - become close associates of the devils. Look what the Holy Quran says:

" He who turns away from the remembrance of His Lord He will cause him to undergo a severe Penalty." (72-17)

In another verse it has been said:

" If anyone withdraws himself from the Remembrance of Allah Who is Most Gracious, He will appoint for him an evil one to be intimate companion to him" ( 43-36)

In another verse it has been said:

" Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembering of Allah, they are manifestly wandering" (39-22)

May Allah save us all from negligance.

The highest and the required degree of Dhikr is to acquire such a solemn state of mind and heart in which we remain continuously full of remembrance of Allah and be never without His thought. The state of permanent and all pervading God's consciousness is achieved only through continuously engaging the tongue and heart in Dhikr and devout servant of Allah no doubt, achieve this state.

The daily five Salaats are no doubt the remembrance of Allah but Dhikr has got a wider sense. It includes all sorts of the praises, be they with tongue of heart i.e. Salaats, the recitation of Holy Quran, the other prayers, the repetition His sacred names and devoted contemplation on the signs of Allah and the like come under Dhikr.

We are surrounded by evil forces that are trying to deviate us from the right path. To save ourselves from their grips we must remember Allah in every possible way. The more we remember Him the more benefited we are. The real Dhiker is that in whatever profession, state or cirumstances a Muslim may be, he should do his best to observe the commands of Allah that are intended for such a situation

" O ye who believe ! Let not your wealth and your children distract you from remembrance of Allah. (63:9)

Thus whoever observes the commandments of Allah applicable to any given time under all circumstances and observe his responsibilities toward his family and in other worldly affairs like buying and selling, carries out the Dhikr of Allah even while engages in them.

Source: http://www.as-sidq.org/dikhr.htm

12-31-2010, 09:39 PM
WOW !!!
Jazakallah for sharing this...

01-17-2011, 06:39 PM
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

Meaning of Surah Ar Rahman continued..

55:6 And the stars (or small sprouts, bushes or shrubs growing close to the earth with little or no stalks) as well as the trees (with big trunks) are humbly bowed (to His Commands, and follow His ordained Laws) (22:18)

55:7 And the vault of heaven, He raised it high (with all celestial bodies perfectly placed in, without any pillars that you can see) (13:2, 79:27-28); and He established the Balance and Equilibrium (with harmonious arrangement of all the parts of this design)

55:8 That you (too) do not be inordinate in respect of the [3]Balance (42:17, 57:25)
55:9 And establish the weight (& measure) with equity and do not fall short in the Balance (6:152, 7:85, 11:84-85, 17:35, 26:182, 83:3)

55:10 And (among His marvels is) the earth, He laid it down for all the creatures (2:22, 2:29, 10:24, 10:31, 11:6, 13:3, 33:27) (2:267)

55:11 Wherein are fruit and palm-trees with sheathed clusters of dates (41:47)

5. That Which Shall Have no Equal on the Day of Resurrection:

Narrated Abu Huraira:Allah’s Apostle said, ”Whoever says one hundred times in a day:

“Laa ilaaha illallaah wahdahuu laa shareeka lahu, lahu-l-mulk wa lahu-l-hamd wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shai’in qadeer,”

(“None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Alone Who has no partners, to Him belongs Dominion and to Him belong all the Praises, and He has power over all things (i.e. Omnipotent)”,}

he will get the same reward as given for manumitting ten slaves; and one hundred good deeds will be written in his accounts, and one hundred sins will be deducted from his accounts, and it (his saying) will be a shield for him from Satan on that day till night, and nobody will be able to do a better deed except the one who does more than he.” (Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #412)

Subhan Allah my Rabb

01-20-2011, 11:19 PM
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Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha ill Allahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha ill Allahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha ill Allahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha ill Allahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha ill Allahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha ill Allahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha ill Allahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha ill Allahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha ill Allahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha ill Allahu wallahu akbar

"O Believers, make abundant mention of ALLAH!" (33:41) And He mentions of His servants "Those who remember their Lord standing, and sitting, and lying on their sides" (3:191), in other words at all times of the day and night. He said (3:190-191): "The creation of heaven and earth and the changes of night and day are signs for people who have wisdom: -- consider who is described as having wisdom -- Those who remember (and recite and call) Allah standing up, sitting, and lying on their sides." `A'isha said, as narrated by Muslim, that the Prophet mentioned/remembered Allah at all times of the day and night.


01-21-2011, 11:32 PM
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

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Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Hamza Asadullah
01-23-2011, 05:23 AM
How difficult is it to say: Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar?

How difficult is it to say: La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah?

It is not difficult on the tongue but so easy and light on the tongue to repeat these words yet the good effects of what we have just repeated will remain with us FOREVER! Subhanallah!

These words will help us in this life, the grave and the hereafter! Such easy and simple words yet so valuable that we can NEVER imagine!

Therefore instead of gossiping or engaging in useless talk let us repeat these beautiful words as much as we can throughout the day no matter what we are doing and you can rest assured that the good effects of these simple words will remain with you FOR ETERNITY!

01-24-2011, 09:49 AM

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah La ilaha illAllah La ilaha illAllah La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah La ilaha illAllah La ilaha illAllah La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

Abu Hurayra also reported that the Prophet, peace be upon him, said, "Renew your faith." "How can we renew our faith?" they asked. The Prophet replied: "Say always: la ilaha illallah." (Narrated by Ahmad with a fair chain of authorities)

Allah Ta'ala manifestly declares in the Holy Qur'aan: " Verily, the hearts only find contentment in the Zikr (remembrance) of Allah." In another verse Allah Ta'ala says "Remember Me, I will remember you...


01-26-2011, 11:27 AM
images?qtbnANd9GcSJWUuJH9 3n3hQrvJWZiPSSI47PKtx XE0sYv8ZvO1yTFPSOCY&ampt1 -

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu Allahu akber
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
Laa ilaaha illallaah wahdahuu laa shareeka lahu, lahu-l-mulk wa lahu-l-hamd wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shai’in qadeer


01-27-2011, 11:22 AM
I've found my Camp. :D

Jazakallah Khair to All!

subhan allahi `adada ma khalaqa fi s-sama’,
subhan allahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-ard,
subhan allahi `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
subhan allahi `adada ma huwa khaliq,
Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma khalaqa fi l-’ard,
Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma huwa khaliq,
al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma khalaqa fi l-’ard,
al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma huwa khaliq,
la ilaha illallahu `adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
la ilaha illallahu `adada ma khalaqa fi al-ard,
la ilaha illallahu `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
la ilaha illallahu `adada ma huwa khaliq,
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-ard,
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma huwa khaliq.

01-29-2011, 09:55 AM
Assalamu alaykum


format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza81
All of these Dhikr are so easy and light on the tongue but SO heavy on the scales!

1. Earn a thousand good deeds in Minutes

Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Is anyone of you incapable of earning one thousand Hasanah (rewards) a day?" Someone from the gathering asked, "How can anyone of us earn a thousand Hasanah?" Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said: "Glorify Allah a hundred times by just saying “Subhanallah” and a Good deeds will be written for you, or a thousand sins will be wiped away.” (Muslim 4:2073)

2. One of the Rare Treasures of Paradise

Hadhrat Abu Dharr [Ra] narrated that Rasulallah [Saw] said: “Should I not tell you of one treasure of the unlimited treasures of Paradise?” I replied spontaneously “Oh Rasulallah (Peace be upon him) that would be an honour indeed!” Rasulallah (Saw) said: “That rare treasure is LA HAWLA WA LA QUWWATA ILLA BILLAH.” (“The strength to do good and to refrain from evil comes from the grace and mercy of Allah!”) -(Ibn Majah)

Hadrat Abu Dharr al-Ghifari (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates that "my beloved friend” (the Holy Prophet Muhammad, may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him) has enjoined five things upon me. He has commanded me to love and be close to the poor and the downtrodden, and he has commanded me to look at those in the world who are of lower rank than me, and not at those who are of higher rank, and he has commanded me to be kind to the kinsman and to preserve and keep intact the bond of kinship, and he has commanded me not to ask for anything from anyone as a favour and he has commanded me to speak the truth at all times though it may be bitter for others, and he has commanded me to care nothing for the rebuke of those who revile and villify in the path of Allah, and he has commanded me to recite much the Kalima of: Laa Hawla wa laa Qawwuta Illaa Billah (there is no power or strength but in Allah) because all these things are from the treasure-house (of Allah) which is under the ninth heaven. (Ahmad)

3. A Date Palm planted in Paradise for the one who Recites this

Hadhrat Jaa'bir [Ra] narrated that Rasulallah(Peace be upon him) said: “For the person who recites SUB-HAN'ALLAH HIL AZEEM WA BI-HAM'DIHI, [Pure and perfect is Allah in his glory and praise], - A date palm will be planted for him in Paradise” (Tirmidhi)

Another Narration says:

Forgiveness for Sins Even Though they are like the Foam of the Sea:

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Whoever says, ‘Subhan Allaahi Wa bihamdihi, {Allah is free from imperfection and His is the praise}. One hundred times a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea. (Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #414)

4. We Can Earn Over a BILLION Rewards in Just a Few Seconds!

Narrated ‘Ubaadah that the Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and believing women, Allah will write for him a good deed for each believing man and believing woman.” (Tabarrani)

5. That Which Shall Have no Equal on the Day of Resurrection:

Narrated Abu Huraira:Allah’s Apostle said, ”Whoever says one hundred times in a day:

“Laa ilaaha illallaah wahdahuu laa shareeka lahu, lahu-l-mulk wa lahu-l-hamd wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shai’in qadeer,”

(“None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Alone Who has no partners, to Him belongs Dominion and to Him belong all the Praises, and He has power over all things (i.e. Omnipotent)”,}

he will get the same reward as given for manumitting ten slaves; and one hundred good deeds will be written in his accounts, and one hundred sins will be deducted from his accounts, and it (his saying) will be a shield for him from Satan on that day till night, and nobody will be able to do a better deed except the one who does more than he.” (Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #412)

6. Four Phrases that are Heavier on the Scales than an Entire Morning of Dhikrullah (Remembrance of Allah):

The Mother of the Believers, Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith reported that the Prophet came out from my apartment in the morning as I was busy in performing the dawn prayer. He came back in the forenoon and found me sitting there. The Prophet said, ”Are you still in the same position as I left you.” I replied in the affirmative. Thereupon the Prophet said, “I recited four phrases three times after I had left you. If these are to be weighed against all you have recited since morning, these will be heavier. These are:

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

(Allah is free from imperfection and I begin with His praise, as many times as the number of His creatures, in accordance with His Good Pleasure, equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words (for His Praise).” (Muslim)

7. A Phrase that Comes with Rewards in the MILLIONS:

On the authority of Abdullah ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet said: “Whoever enters a market and says:

‘Laa ilaaha ill Allah Wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul Mulku Wa lahul Hamdu yuhyi Wa yumeetu Wa huwa Hayyun laa yamoot, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa ‘alaa kulli shay’ in qadeer’

{There is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone without partner, to Him belongs the dominion and the praise, he causes life and death and He is the Living One and will never die. In His Hand is all good, and He is over all things capable.)

Allah will write for him a million good deeds erase a million of his bad deeds and build for him a house in Jannah.”

And in another narration, instead of mentioning that Allah will build a house in Jannah, it states, “and he will be raised one million levels.” (Tirmidhi).

8. Reciting Tasbeeh, (Subhanballah), Tahmeed (Alhamdolillah) and Takbeer Allahu Akbar), and enjoining what is Good and forbidding what is evil, and praying Salaatul Duha (Breakfast prayer).,

It was narrated from Abu Dharr that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “For every bone of the son of Adam a charity must be given each day. Every Tasbeehah (saying Subhaan Allah -Glory be to Allah) is a charity, every Tahmeedah (saying Al-hamdu Lillaah -praise be to Allah) is a charity, every tahleelah (saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allah -There is no god but Allah) is a charity, every takbeerah (saying Allaahu akbar -Allah is Most Great) is a charity, enjoining what is good is a charity, forbidding what is evil is a charity, and two Rak’ahs (Nafil) offered in the mid-morning (Duha) is sufficient.” (Muslim, 720)

9. The Virtues of Reciting Tasbih at-I-Fatima

A well-known Tradition of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) has it that the Prophet's beloved daughter (and Hazrat Ali's (Ra) wife), Hazrat Fatima (Ra), used to perform all the domestic duties with her own hands. She had even to draw water from the well and to carry it home and to grind the corn in the millstone. One day she begged the holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) to provide her with a domestic servant upon which the Prophet (Peace be upon him) observed, "I will tell you of something that will serve you better than a domestic servant. Recite Subhaa-nallaah 33 times, Alhamdu lillaah 33 times, and Allahu Akbar 34 times after each Salaah and on retiring to bed. This will be of greater value to you than a servant."

Another Tradition says, "Whoever will recite after each Salaah 33 times Subhaa-nallaah, 33 times Alhamdu lillaah, and 34 times Allahu Akbar, and, at the end of it, the Kalima of ‘Laa ilaaha illal laahu wahdahu laa sharika lahu lahul mulku wa-lahul hamdu wa huwa alaa kulli shay-in qadeer’. (There is no Allah but one Allah. He is alone. No partner hath. He Him belongs sovereignty and unto Him belongs Praise and He is all-Powerful) all his sins will be forgiven even if they be as profuse as the foam of the sea."

10. How to Erase 2500 Sins in 5 minutes!

Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: ‘There are two qualities, no Muslim man acquires them but he will enter Paradise, and they are simple and easy. He should glorify Allah (say Subhaan Allah) ten times immediately after each prayer, and praise Him (say Al-hamdu Lillaah) ten times and magnify Him (say Allaahu Akbar) ten times.’

I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) counting this on his fingers. He said: ‘That makes one hundred and fifty on the tongue and one thousand five hundred (hasanaat) in the scales.

[Translator’s note: each of three phrases repeated ten times makes thirty; multiplied by the number of daily prayers, which is five, makes one hundred and fifty. Each of these good deeds of the tongue will be rewarded with ten hasanaat which will be added to the total of good deeds to be weighed in the balance or scales on the Day of Judgement].

11. Glorifying Allah 100 times when one goes to bed

When you go to bed, glorify Him and praise Him and magnify Him One hundred times: that will be one hundred on the tongue and a thousand in the scales.

Who among you does 2,500 bad deeds in one day?’ They said: ‘How could we not count (our sins)?’ He said: ‘The Shaytaan comes to any one of you whilst he is praying and says, Remember this, remember that, until he finishes his prayer and does not do (this dhikr), or he comes to him when he is lying down and makes him sleepy, until he falls asleep (without doing this dhikr).’” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 3332).

12. Earning a 1000 good deeds and wiping away a 1000 bad deeds in Minutes

If a person says "Subhanallah" (glory be to Allah) 100 times, a thousand good deeds are recorded for him and a thousand bad deeds are wiped away. (Muslim)

13. Jannat becomes obligatory for the one who Recites the following

Abu Sa’id (Ra) said that Rasullallah (Peace be upon him) said, “Whoever says:

Radeetu billahi rabban, Wa bil-Islaami deenan, Wa bi-Muhammadin rasoolan

Jannah becomes obligatory for him (to enter). (Abu-Dawud)

- Best said in Morning and Evening with "Nabiyan wa rasoolan"

14. The Virtues of Reciting the First Kalimah

The declaration of belief in the oneness of Allah or kalimah tayyibah

Laa ilaaha ill-Allah

(There is no worthy of worship except Allah)

This should be read as much as possible all the time where we are and whatever were doing as long as it is not in the toilet.

Hadrat Zaid bin ‘Arqam (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever says Laa ilaaha illal-laah…sincerely will enter the Paradise.”

It was said: And what is the [sign of] sincerity? He said: “That this kalimah stops him from those things which Allah has forbidden.” (Tabaraani in Awsat-ul-Kabeer)

“Do you not see how Allah puts forth the likeness of a good word (kalimah tayyibah)? It is like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed and whose branches reach to the sky. It brings forth its fruit in all seasons by the command of its Lord. And Allah sets forth parables for men, so that they may take heed. And the likeness of an evil word (kalimah khabeetha- a word of shirk) is like an evil tree, which is uprooted from the face of the earth, and has no stability.” (Qur’an: 24-26)

15. Virtues of Reciting the Third Kalimah:

The word of glorification or the Kalima-e-Tamjeed

Subhāna-llāhi, wa-l-hamdu li-llāhi, Wa lā ilāha illā-llāhu, wa-llāhu akbar. Wa lā hawla Wa lā quwwata illā bi-llāhi-l-‘aliyyi-l-‘azīm

(Glory be to Allah. And praise be to Allah. And there is no god except Allah. And Allah is the Greatest. And there is no power and no strength except with Allah, the Most High, And Most Great)

Ibn Mas’ood (Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “When I met Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in the night of Mi’raaj (Night of ascension) he asked me to convey his Salaam to my Ummah and to tell them that the Paradise has a fertile soil and sweet water, and is like a vast field. And its plants are [the words above].”

Another version says: “Whoever recites the words above, a tree in Paradise is planted for him for each word he says.” (Virtues of Dhikr; Tirmidhi)

16. Virtues of reading the Fourth Kalimah:

The word of Oneness of Allah or the Kalima-e-Tawhid:

Lā ilāha illā-llāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu lahu-l-mulku Wa lahu-l-hamdu yuḥyi Wa yumītu Wa huwa ḥayyu-llā yamūtu abadan abada, ḏū-l-jalāli wa-l-ikrām, biyadihi-l-khayr, wa huwa ‘alā kulli Shay’in qadīr.

(There is no god except Allah, Who is Alone and has no partners. For Him is the Dominion and for Him is all praise. He gives life and causes death. And He is living and will never ever die. Owner of Majesty and Honour: In His Hands is all goodness. And He has power over all things)

Abu Hurairah (Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “A person who recites: Laa ilaaha illal-laahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shay-in qadeer, a hundred times daily will have reward equal to that of freeing ten slaves and one hundred good deeds will be written for him, and one hundred of his sins will be lifted from him, and for the whole day, he will remain immune from the Shaytaan until the evening, and on the Day of Judgment, no one will exceed him in merit except one who has done [these phrases] more.” (Agreed Upon)

Here are the virtues of Qur'an and some recommended Surah's:

17. Reward for Reciting each letter of Holy Qur’aan.

It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever reads a letter of the Book of Allah will be credited with a good deed, and a good deed gets a tenfold reward. I do not say that Alif-Laam-Meem is a letter, rather alif is a letter, laam is a letter and meem is a letter.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2910)

18. Surah Fathiha The Mother of the Qur’an and a cure for every disease

Abu Sulaiman says that once a group of Companions were in an expedition (ghazwa) when they happened to come across an epileptic person, who was unconscious. One of the Companions recited Surah Al-Fatiha and blew in his ear. The epileptic person immediately cured. When Sayyidana Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was informed of this, he said: “It (Surah Al-Fathiha) is “The Mother of the Qur’an” (Umm al-Qur’an) and is a cure for every disease.”

[This narration has been recorded by Ath-Thua’lbi from Abu Sulaiman, who narrated it from Muawiya bin Saleh (RA), Tafseer Mazhari 1:31]

19. Surah Mulk which protects one from the Torment of the Grave

It was narrated that Abdullah ibn Mas’ud said: Whoever reads Tabarakallahi Biyadihil Mulk [i.e. Surah al-Mulk] every night, Allah will protect him from the torment of the grave. At the time of the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) we used to call it al-mani’ah (that which protects). In the Book of Allah it is a surah which, whoever recites it every night has done very well. (an-Nasa’i)

20. Surah Zilzalah worth half of the Qur’an

Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbas and Anas Ibn Malik (Ra) reported that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, ‘Whoever recited Surah Zilzilah (99) would get the reward of reciting half the Qur’an. Whoever recited Surah al Kaafirun (109) would get a reward as if reading a quarter of the Qur’an. Whoever recited Surah al Ikhlas (112)would get a reward as if reading one third of the Qur’an’. (At-Tirmidhi 2818/A)

21. Surah Iklhas worth a third of the Qur’an

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (RA) reported that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said to his Companions, “Are any of you unable to recite a third of the Qur’an in a night?” That was difficult for them and they said, “Which of us is able to do that, Messenger of Allah?” He said, “[The surah] ‘Say: He is Allah, Absolute Oneness, Allah, the Everlasting Sustainer of all’ (112) constitutes a third of the Qur’an.’” (Sahih al-Bukhari 6:61 #534, Riyad as-Salihin by Imam an-Nawawi Ch.183 #1010)

22. Surah Iklhas recited 200 times daily gets forgiveness of 50 years of sin

Anas ( RA) reported the Prophet (Peace be upon him) as saying, “If anyone recites two hundred times daily, Qul huwallahu ahad the sins of fifty years will be wiped out, unless he is in debt.” (At-Tirmidhi and Darami).

The latter version has ‘fifty times’ and he did not mention ‘unless he is in debt’

23. Surah al Falaq and An Naas protection from Jinn and evil eye

The Prophet (Peace be upon him) used to seek refuge from the jinn as well as from the evil eye until Surah al Falaq and An Naas were revealed. When they were sent down, he utilised them and left other things. [At-Tirmidhi #1984, Riyad as-Salihin by Imam an-Nawawi Ch.183 #1014]

24. Good manners are the Heaviest on the good deed scales

Abu Darda (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said, "Nothing will be heavier on the Day of Resurrection in the Scale of the believer than good manners. Allah hates one who utters foul or coarse language.''

So let us be the best towards others and be humble!

Let us also remember Allah as much as we can!

25. We will regret the Seconds we wasted without remembering Allah

Hadhrat Mu'az [RA] narrated Rasulallah (Peace be upon him) said: “The Inhabitants of Paradise will not be grief stricken or sorrowful about anything they did in the life of the world except for the time they spent without being in the remembrance of Allah” (Tabaraani)

26. Do Dhikr of Allah even if its on Comfortable beds

Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (Ra) narrates that Rasulullah (Peace be upon him) said:

“There are many people reclining on comfortable beds and making the Dhikr of Allah on earth. Allah will grant them elevated ranks (in the Aakhirah).” (Ibn Habbaan)

Those indulging in luxury should not abstain from Dhikrullah. They too should be constantly engaged in the remembrance of Allah whilst enjoying the comforts of the bounties which whilst enjoying the comforts of the bounties which Allah has bestowed on them and Allah will give them elevated ranks in the hereafter.

27. Do so much Dhikr that people think your mad

Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khurdi (Ra) also narrates that Rasulullah (Peace be upon him) said:

“Engage in the Dhikr of Allah in such abundance that people comment that ‘you are insane’.” (Ahmed, Abu Ya’la, Ibn Habbaan)

28. Remember Allah in the places where people don’t usually remember Allah

It is mentioned in hadith that in a place where people are oblivious to dhikir, remembrance of Allah is like being steadfast in jihad, when others are running away. (Targhib, p. 193, vol. 3 ref. Bazar and Tibrani)


01-29-2011, 10:45 AM

Translation of Surah Ar Rahman: Verses 12 - 17

55:12 And (all) the grains with their leaves and stalks, and (all) the sweet-smelling plants and her bs (13:4, 15:19)

55:13 Then which of the powers of your Lord you would deny?

55:14 He created man from clay (of black, fetid/transmuted mud) (15:26), which makes a crackling sound if trodden upon when it is dry like the baked pottery (16:4, 19:67, 23:12, 32:7, 36:77, 76:1-2, 86:5-7, 96:2)

4b769aa9?t1296296989 -

55:15 And He created Jinns[5] from an intricate mixture of (intensely hot) fire (15:27) (6:112, 6:128-130, 7:12, 7:38, 11:119, 32:13, 34:12-14, 37:158, 38:76, 46:29, 72:1-15, 114:6)

55:16 Then which of the powers of your Lord you would deny?

55:17 (He is) The Lord of the two Easts (i.e. the two extremes from where the sun appears to rise in summer and in winter) and the Lord of the two Wests (i.e. the two extremes where the sun appears to set in summer and in winter). (He has complete command over the entire solar system and controls the seasons, bringing things into existence, nourishing, sustaining, maintaining, regularising, and directing them from their earliest state to that of ultimate completion and perfection) (2:115, 2:142, 2:258, 26:28, 73:9)

55:18 Then which of the powers of your Lord you would deny?

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
(say 10x or more)

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
(say 10x or more)

01-30-2011, 03:23 PM

subhan allahi `adada ma khalaqa fi s-sama’,
subhan allahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-ard,
subhan allahi `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
subhan allahi `adada ma huwa khaliq,
Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma khalaqa fi l-’ard,
Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma huwa khaliq,
al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma khalaqa fi l-’ard,
al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma huwa khaliq,
la ilaha illallahu `adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
la ilaha illallahu `adada ma khalaqa fi al-ard,
la ilaha illallahu `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
la ilaha illallahu `adada ma huwa khaliq,
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-ard,
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma huwa khaliq.

02-01-2011, 08:54 PM
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi


02-02-2011, 11:04 PM
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Al Hamdulillahi Rabbil 'aalameen!

SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

16.15 "Allah set up mountains firm lest the earth shake..."

20.53 "Allah made earth like a carpet spread out (flat); Allah created diverse pairs of plants..."

21.31 "Allah set mountains high lest the earth shake with them and laid the highways to guide people..."

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

mere Allah.. :cry:

02-09-2011, 11:34 AM

Indeed, the Muslim men and Muslim women, the believing men and believing women, the obedient men and obedient women, the truthful men and truthful women, the patient men and patient women, the humble men and humble women, the charitable men and charitable women, the fasting men and fasting women, the men who guard their private parts and the women who do so, and the men who remember Allah often and the women who do so - for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a great reward.
(Surah 33 Verse 35)

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

02-12-2011, 11:07 AM
اللَّهُمَّ أَعِنِّيْ عَلَى ذِكْرِكَ وَشُكْرِكَ وَحُسْنِ عِبَادَتِكَ

Allahumma a’inni ‘ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ‘ibadatika

O Allah! Assist me in remembering You, in thanking You, and in worshiping You in the best of manners.

[Sahih Ahmad 5:245, Sahih abu Dawud 2:86, an-Nasa’i].

02-13-2011, 09:07 PM
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

Say: "Praise be to Allah. He will show you His Signs and you will recognise them. Your Lord is not heedless of anything you do." (Surat an-Naml: 93)

La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah
La ilaha illAllah

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are Signs for people of intelligence: those who remember Allah standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: "Our Lord, You did not create this for nothing. Glory be to You! So guard us from the punishment of the Fire." (Surah Ali-‘Imran: 190-191)

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar


02-13-2011, 11:30 PM
Jazakallah Khair!

La ilaha illAllah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Hamza Asadullah
02-15-2011, 06:10 AM
Everyone reading this post recite the following with full sincerety 100 times:

‘Laa ilaaha ill Allah waHdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul Hamdu yuHyi wa yumeetu wa huwa Hayyun laa yamoot, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in qadeer’

How long will it take? Around 20-25 minutes? For devoting a mere 20-25 minutes of ones time reciting this kalima 100 times: Allah will write for him a MILLION good deeds, erase a MILLION of his bad deeds (Minor sins) and build for him a house for him in Jannah .” (Tirmidhi)

Subhanallah! On the day of judgement each of us will BEG our own mothers and families for just one good deed but we will be rejected because all will be in need of every good deed they have.

Therefore let us spent this precious little time we have now to do this easy good deed. Surely this is a VERY worth while investment to spend everyday reciting this kalima 100 times.

After a few years or even decades can you imagine how many countless million or even billions of good deeds we would have accumulated? Imagine how many houses in Jannah we would have made?

Forget the temporary houses of this world let us invest just a little time everyday to make ourselves mansions like no other mansion this earth has ever seen in Jannah!

May Allah help us to make the best of the little time we have on this earth by remembering him in every aspect of our lives. Ameen

Hamza Asadullah
02-17-2011, 02:08 PM
How long would it take for one to say Subhanallah (Glory be to Allah) 100 times? 2-3 minutes?

Sa`d bin Abu Waqqas (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: We were with the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) when he asked, "Is anyone of you unable to earn a thousand good deeds?'' One of those present asked: "How can one earn thousand good deeds in a day?'' He (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) replied, "By saying: Subhan Allah a hundred times, then one thousand good deeds will be recorded for him or one thousand sins will be blotted out from his record.'' [Muslim].

Subhanallah! for just 2-3 minutes of our time we can gain 1000 good deeds. On the day of judgement we will regret the seconds of our lives we wasted without gaining such huge rewards and the pleasure of Allah.

So let us repeat there words as much as possible throughout the day with full sincerety and be in no doubt these easy and simple utterings will be more useful to us in the hereafter than we can EVER imagine!

02-18-2011, 09:25 AM

SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

02-21-2011, 12:19 AM

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan-Allah Wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

02-22-2011, 10:03 PM
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
SubhanAllah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

02-22-2011, 10:05 PM



format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza81
Everyone reading this post recite the following with full sincerety 100 times:

‘Laa ilaaha ill Allah waHdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul Hamdu yuHyi wa yumeetu wa huwa Hayyun laa yamoot, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in qadeer’

How long will it take? Around 20-25 minutes? For devoting a mere 20-25 minutes of ones time reciting this kalima 100 times: Allah will write for him a MILLION good deeds, erase a MILLION of his bad deeds (Minor sins) and build for him a house for him in Jannah .” (Tirmidhi)

Subhanallah! On the day of judgement each of us will BEG our own mothers and families for just one good deed but we will be rejected because all will be in need of every good deed they have.

Therefore let us spent this precious little time we have now to do this easy good deed. Surely this is a VERY worth while investment to spend everyday reciting this kalima 100 times.

After a few years or even decades can you imagine how many countless million or even billions of good deeds we would have accumulated? Imagine how many houses in Jannah we would have made?

Forget the temporary houses of this world let us invest just a little time everyday to make ourselves mansions like no other mansion this earth has ever seen in Jannah!

May Allah help us to make the best of the little time we have on this earth by remembering him in every aspect of our lives. Ameen

02-25-2011, 11:40 AM

subhan allahi `adada ma khalaqa fi s-sama’,
subhan allahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-ard,
subhan allahi `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
subhan allahi `adada ma huwa khaliq,

Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma khalaqa fi l-’ard,
Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
Allahu akbaru ‘adada ma huwa khaliq,

al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma khalaqa fi l-’ard,
al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
al-hamdu lillahi `adada ma huwa khaliq,

la ilaha illallahu `adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
la ilaha illallahu `adada ma khalaqa fi al-ard,
la ilaha illallahu `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
la ilaha illallahu `adada ma huwa khaliq,

la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-sama’,
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma khalaqa fi al-ard,
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma khalaqa bayna dhalik,
la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi `adada ma huwa khaliq.

02-27-2011, 11:45 AM
In Sahih Al-Bukhari it is recorded that the Messenger of Allah used to supplicate;
«اللَّهُمَّ لَكَ الْحَمْدُ غَيْرَ مَكْفِيَ وَلَا مُوَدَّعٍ وَلَا مُسْتَغْنًى عَنْهُ رَبَّنَا»
(O Allah ! All praise is due to You, without being able to sufficiently thank You, nor ever wish to be cutoff from You, nor ever feeling rich from relying on You; our Lord!)

It was reported that Prophet Dawud, peace be upon him, used to say in his supplication, "O Lord! How can I ever duly thank You, when my thanking You is also a favor from You to me'' Allah the Exalted answered him, "Now, you have thanked Me sufficiently, O Dawud,'' meaning, `when you admitted that you will never be able to duly thank Me.'


03-03-2011, 11:13 AM

SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

Flame of Hope
03-15-2011, 12:52 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Al-Mufarridun
It was reported that Prophet Dawud, peace be upon him, used to say in his supplication, "O Lord! How can I ever duly thank You, when my thanking You is also a favor from You to me'' Allah the Exalted answered him, "Now, you have thanked Me sufficiently, O Dawud,'' meaning, `when you admitted that you will never be able to duly thank Me.'
Subhanallah al adheem! La ilaha il Allah, Muhammaddar Rasul Allah!

Jazakallah khair everyone for this beautiful thread and great reminder.

May Allah bless sister AmaturRahman for making this dhikr so beautiful with so many enthralling and lovely pictures of Allah's creation, depicting His might, power and glory.

Flame of Hope
03-15-2011, 01:05 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza81
Narrated ‘Ubaadah that the Messenger of Allah said, “Whoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and believing women, Allah will write for him a good deed for each believing man and believing woman.” (Tabarrani)
Does anyone know how to say this in Arabic? With transliteration, I mean.

03-15-2011, 09:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Flame
Does anyone know how to say this in Arabic? With transliteration, I mean.

Assalaamu Alaikum sis,

There isn't any specific du'a that you might say for the Believers, any dua you make for the believers the same rule of that Hadith will apply. Here is one that i love to make often, its a Du'a made by Prophet Ibrahim(as) from the Qur'an in Surah 14 Ibrahim Verse 41

14:41 Rabbana ighfir lee waliwalidayya walilmumineena yawma yaqoomu alhisabu

English (Yusuf Ali):
14:41 "O our Lord! cover (us) with Thy Forgiveness - me, my parents, and (all) Believers, on the Day that the Reckoning will be established!


Hamza Asadullah
03-15-2011, 04:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Flame
Does anyone know how to say this in Arabic? With transliteration, I mean.
Asalaamu Alaikum, you can make a dua for all of the believers in your own language. I usually say " Oh Allah forgive every Muslim from Adam (AS) until the last Muslim, forgive them for their minor and mnajor sins and save them from the grave punishment and torment of the fire of Hell and grant them Jannah. Guide every non Muslim from now until the last non Muslim to the truth of Islam".

Then every person you pray for you will be rewarded for. Thats BILLIONS! Subhaanallah!#

So make this dua in EVERY singole dua you make from now on inshallah.

May Allah give us the ability to act upon this. Ameen

Flame of Hope
03-15-2011, 08:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza81
May Allah give us the ability to act upon this. Ameen

Jazakallah khair brother Hamza81 for your consistent efforts in reminding us of what's important. May Allah bestow upon you a manifold reward and forgive you of all your sins and give you Firdaws. Ameen.

03-16-2011, 08:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by
Does anyone know how to say this in Arabic? With transliteration, I mean.
I include this supplication in my daily shalah fard, which is, in order, right after I make du'a for my parents:

Allahummaghfir lil muslimina wal muslimat, wal mu’minina wal mu’minat, al ahyaa-I minhum wal amwat
Ya Allah please forgive all muslim men and women, believing men and women, whether they are still alive or have died.

03-19-2011, 11:15 AM
La ilaha illAllah

Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi subhanAllahil adheem

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

He is Allah , other than whom there is no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the Compeller, the Superior. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him. [Suratul Hashr 59:23]


03-19-2011, 12:26 PM
Subhan Allah wa bi hamdihi

La hawla wa la quwwata illah billah

"Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are indeed Signs for men of understanding-- men who remember Allah standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides." [Aal-e-Imran, 3:190-191].

a743f175?t1300537408 -

"And how many Signs in the heavens and the earth do they pass by? Yet they turn their faces away from them." [Yusuf, 12:105].

The wise see the signs of Allah in the Universe and Praise His Name Subhan Allah

"If there were therein Gods besides Allah, then verily both (the heavens and the earth) would
have collapsed into disorder and chaos. Glorified be Allah, the Lord of the Throne,
transcendent beyond all they ascribe unto Him." (21:22)


03-22-2011, 08:41 PM

SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

04-05-2011, 07:51 PM


SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

04-14-2011, 12:44 AM

a short video i put together for this thread.


Hamza Asadullah
04-15-2011, 03:24 AM
Asalaamu Alaikum, Jazakallahu khayr for your efforts in producing such a beneficial video. May it be of benefit to all who watch it. Ameen

04-22-2011, 08:32 AM
^ Ameen.

SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

04-30-2011, 08:53 AM

SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

05-27-2011, 08:39 PM

SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

06-12-2011, 11:44 PM
21. Surah Iklhas worth a third of the Qur’an

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (RA) reported that the Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said to his Companions, “Are any of you unable to recite a third of the Qur’an in a night?” That was difficult for them and they said, “Which of us is able to do that, Messenger of Allah?” He said, “[The surah] ‘Say: He is Allah, Absolute Oneness, Allah, the Everlasting Sustainer of all’ (112) constitutes a third of the Qur’an.’” (Sahih al-Bukhari 6:61 #534, Riyad as-Salihin by Imam an-Nawawi Ch.183 #1010)

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـنِ الرَّحِيمِ
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ - اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ - لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ - وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهُ كُفُواً أَحَدٌ

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـنِ الرَّحِيمِ
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ - اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ - لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ - وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهُ كُفُواً أَحَدٌ

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـنِ الرَّحِيمِ
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ - اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ - لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ - وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهُ كُفُواً أَحَدٌ


06-25-2011, 07:02 AM
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi


07-05-2011, 08:22 PM

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

La ilaha illAllah

La hawla wa la quwwata

subhanAllahi wa bihamdihi subhan Allahil adheem

And when you glorify Allah, don't do so like a parrot. Reflect upon Who Allah is. He is the Lord of the Worlds. The One worthy of our praise and worship. The Owner of the Day of Judgment. Judgment! Terror strikes our hearts when we hear the thunder roar. But how deeply do we envision the terror of that Day when we will be bought to account? Reflect upon the Universe - the vastness of it. Everything between the Heavens and the earth belong to Allah. Reflect upon His might, His majesty, His love, His mercy, and His punishments. And glorify and praise His name in gratitude. And be patient when calamity strikes. Allah IS with the sabiroon. We are the wrong-doers who bring harm to ourselves, then complain. But all bad is from us. Nothing comes from Allah but good. Reflect and repent, so that we are purified of our sins, and we are not from those whose faces will be blackened on the Day of Recompense, and the eyes made blind. Beg of His mercy and forgiveness so that The Merciful and Forgiving can purify us of our sins. So that we are with those whose our faces will be shining on the Day we stand before our Lord, and He, The exalted, The Possessor of Majesty and Honour, The Disposer of Affairs, The Most Kind, The Clement will be pleased with us.


07-17-2011, 02:09 PM

La ilaha illAllah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi subhan Allahil adheem
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar


"Therefore remember Me. I will remember you. Be grateful to Me and never show Me ingratitude" - Al-Baqarah 2:152



And the men and women who remember Allah frequently, Allah has prepared for them forgiveness and great reward." - Al-Ahzab 33:35



The Prophet (pbuh) said: "He who remembers his Lord and he who does not remember his Lord are like the living and the dead." - Al-Bukhari, cf., Al-Asqalani, Fathul-Bari 11/208; Muslim 1/539 with the wording "The house in which Allah is remembered and the house in which Allah is not remembered is like the living and the dead."



07-17-2011, 05:02 PM
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah


07-21-2011, 12:25 AM
250. Allah's Messenger (SAW) said: Whoever says:
أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إلَّا هُوَ الحَيُّ القَيّوُمُ وأَتُوبُ إِلَيهِ

'Astaghfirullaahal-'Adheemal-lathee laa 'ilaaha 'illaa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyoomu wa 'atoobu 'ilayhi.
I seek the forgiveness of Allah the Mighty, Whom there is none worthy of worship except Him, the Living, the Eternal, and I repent to Him, Allah will forgive him even if he has deserted the army's ranks.
Reference: Abu Dawud 2/85, At-Tirmithi 5/569, and Al-Hakim who declared it authentic and Ath-Thahabi agreed with him 1/511. Al-Albani graded it authentic in Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/182. See also Jami'ul-'Usool li-'Ahdaith Ar-Rasool 4/ 389-90 checked by Al-Arna'ut.

07-24-2011, 09:14 PM

La ilaha ill Allah
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
Subhan Allah
Al hamdulillah
Allahu akbar
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi

2:183 O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint,-

2:184 (Fasting) for a fixed number of days; but if any of you is ill, or on a journey, the prescribed number (Should be made up) from days later. For those who can do it (With hardship), is a ransom, the feeding of one that is indigent. But he that will give more, of his own free will,- it is better for him. And it is better for you that ye fast, if ye only knew.

2:187 Permitted to you, on the night of the fasts, is the approach to your wives. They are your garments and ye are their garments. Allah knoweth what ye used to do secretly among yourselves; but He turned to you and forgave you; so now associate with them, and seek what Allah Hath ordained for you, and eat and drink, until the white thread of dawn appear to you distinct from its black thread; then complete your fast Till the night appears; but do not associate with your wives while ye are in retreat in the mosques. Those are Limits (set by) Allah. Approach not nigh thereto. Thus doth Allah make clear His Signs to men: that they may learn self-restraint.

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:
"This is a month (Ramadhan) the first part of which brings Allah's Mercy, the middle of which brings Allah's forgiveness and the last part of which brings emancipation from hellfire" (Hadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari)


Hamza Asadullah
08-02-2011, 06:24 PM
This is the month of abundant rewards for our worship so let us grab these rewards and strive to gain closeness to Allah by remembering him EVERY second of Ramadan!

Let us all recite each of these 10 Dhikr a minimum 100 times each EVERYDAY which makes a total of 1000 a day minimum.

1. Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhibbul 'afwa fa'fu 'annee - Recite this abundantly during the last ten nights of Ramadan.

2. Subhaanallah

3. Alhamdulillah

4. Allahu Akbar

5. Laa ilaaha illallah


7. Asthaghfirullah-halladhee Laa ilaaha illa-huwal Hayyul Qayyuumu Wa athoobu Ilay

Or short version: Asthaghfirullah



9. Subhāna-llāhi, wa-l-hamdu li-llāhi, wa lā ilāha illā-llāhu, wa-llāhu akbar. Wa lā hawla wa lā quwwata illā bi-llāhi-l-aliyyi-l-azīm

10. Lā ilāha illā-llāhu waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu lahu-l-mulku wa lahu-l-ḥamdu yuhyi wa yumītu wa huwa ḥayyu-llā yamūtu abadan abada, ḏū-l-jalāli wa-l-ikrām, biyadihi-l-khayr, wa huwa alā kulli Shay-in qadīr

Or the shortened version:

Laa ilaaha illal-laahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shay-in qadeer

We should also recite much of durood e Ibrahim which is the durood that is recited towards the end of Salaah.

Or the shortest durood is: Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallim

08-03-2011, 04:03 AM
marshallah! this is the best thread i have read...no disrespect to any one. zarkallah!! i hope Allah gives you all the blessings and a place in jannah for you!

08-04-2011, 01:12 AM
He is the Ever-Forgiving, the All-Loving . ( Surat al-Buruj, 85:14)

“Say: ‘Call on Allah or call on the All-Merciful, whichever you call upon, the Most Beautiful Names are His.’” (Surat al-Isra’: 110)


Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar


08-07-2011, 08:14 AM

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

Imam Ibnul-Qayyim (rahimahullaah), who wrote a book about the virtues of sending salutations on Prophet Muhammad (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam), listed some benefits for practicing the above hadeeth:

1. Doing this act is following ALLAH's order

2. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) is an act the Angels do.

3. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) raises your rank ten levels.

4. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) removes ten bad deeds and adds ten good deeds to your record.

5. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) is a means to draw you closer to the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) on the Day of Judgment.

6. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) allows him to return the same salutation to you.

7. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) is a way to earn ALLAH's mercy.

8. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) saves you from being stingy in giving him salutations.

9. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) with the du'aa after the Adhaan earns you the right for his intercession on the Day of Judgment.


Hamza Asadullah
08-10-2011, 06:01 AM
EVERY second we should keep or lips moving with dhikr and glorifcation.

Repeat the followng constantly:



Allahu Akbar

Laa ilaaha illallah



Subhāna-llāhi, wa-l-hamdu li-llāhi, wa lā ilāha illā-llāhu, wa-llāhu akbar. Wa lā hawla wa lā quwwata illā bi-llāhi-l-aliyyi-l-azīm

Laa ilaaha illal-laahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa ‘alaa kulli shay-in qadeer

Let us not waste any second without the rememrance of Allah this Ramadan. How easy is it to keep ones heart remembering Allah but know that it is the BEST of deeds!


08-10-2011, 11:19 AM


SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi


08-15-2011, 02:16 AM


SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
SubhanAllah, wal Hamdulillah, wa La illaha ilAllahu, wa Allahu Akbar, wa la Hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer
La illaha ilAllahu, wahdahu la shareeka lahu, lahul Mulku, wa lahul Hamd, wa Huwa ala kulli shaiy'in Qadeer

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi


08-16-2011, 11:32 AM

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إلَّا هُوَ الحَيُّ القَيّوُمُ وأَتُوبُ إِلَيهِ

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إلَّا هُوَ الحَيُّ القَيّوُمُ وأَتُوبُ إِلَيهِ

أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ الَّذِي لَا إِلَهَ إلَّا هُوَ الحَيُّ القَيّوُمُ وأَتُوبُ إِلَيهِ

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد


Hamza Asadullah
08-17-2011, 12:08 AM
What better glorification of Allah than these beautiful words:

Subhāna-llāhi, wa-l-hamdu li-llāhi, wa lā ilāha illā-llāhu, wa-llāhu akbar. Wa lā hawla wa lā quwwata illā bi-llāhi-l-aliyyi-l-azīm

Glory be to Allah! All Praise be to Allah! There is NO worthy of worship Except Allah! Allah is the GREATEST! There is NO power or might in this universe except Allah! He is indeed the Most High, the Most Great!

What better way of getting closer to Allah than to remember and glorify him. So let us keep repeating these words no matter what we are doing whether we are working, walking, sitting, laying, resting, jogging, running, cooking, cleaning...

08-17-2011, 12:19 AM
Barak Allah Feekum for sharing very beautiful Mashallah

Jazak Allah Khair! :D

08-20-2011, 01:20 PM


08-21-2011, 03:14 AM

O the Ever-Living, O the Sustainer of [all] existence, it is Your mercy that I hope for, rectify for me all of my affairs, and do not leave me in charge of my affairs even for a blink of an eye.


08-28-2011, 02:02 AM

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

08-29-2011, 04:44 AM

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي علي دينك

يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي علي دينك

يا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي علي دينك

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

08-29-2011, 02:23 PM

How perfect Allah is and I praise Him. How perfect Allah is, The Supreme,
by the number of His creation and His pleasure,
and by the weight of His throne, and the ink of His words.


09-02-2011, 11:27 AM
A treasure from the treasures of Jannah (Paradise)

Abu Musa (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said to me, "Shall I not guide you to a treasure from the treasures of Jannah?'' I said: "Yes, O Messenger of Allah!'' Thereupon he (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said, "(Recite) `La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah' (There is no change of a condition nor power except by Allah).''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Commentary: In this Hadith the invocation "La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah'' has been regarded a treasure of Jannah or one of the most precious stores of Jannah. The reason for its high eminence seems to be that through it, one makes a confession of his utter weakness and helplessness and attributes all power and authority to Allah, and this is very much liked by Allah. This statement is an outright admission that man has no power and if he can prevent himself from any mischief or do any good deed, it is only by the Will of Allah and His Permission.

From Riyad ul Saaliheen


09-02-2011, 11:52 PM

لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُـوَّةَ إِلاّ بِالله
لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُـوَّةَ إِلاّ بِالله
لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُـوَّةَ إِلاّ بِالله

  • There is no power or strength except with God.
  • There is no transformation or strength except through God.
  • There is neither progress nor might except through God.


09-03-2011, 05:18 PM

Do you want a Garden in Jannah (Paradise) ?
What are you waiting for?
You could have planted thousands of trees?
Let us compete who will have more trees in Jannah, inshAllah.

Say: SubhanAllah, Alhamdulilaah, Allahuakbar.

You will find that in Jannah, inshAllah.

Ibn Mas`ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) said,

"I met Ibrahim (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) on the Night of Ascension (Al-Asra), and he said to me: `O Muhammad, convey my greetings to your Ummah, and tell them that Jannah has a vast plain of pure soil and sweet water. It is a plain levelled land. The plants grow there by uttering:

Subhan-Allah, Al-hamdu lillah, La ilaha illallah and Allahu Akbar (Allah is free from imperfection; praise be to Allah; there is no true god except Allah; and Allah is Greatest).''


Commentary: Qi`an is the plural of Qa` which means plain levelled land that does not have any tree. Trees grow on the plain land of Jannah in return for remembrance and Glorification of Allah. The more one remembers Allah, the greater is the number of trees which grow on the piece of land that will be awarded to him.
From Riyad ul Saaliheen.

09-17-2011, 12:58 PM
لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وحدَهُ لا شريكَ لهُ،
لهُ المُـلْكُ ولهُ الحَمْد، وهوَ على كلّ شَيءٍ قَدير

لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُـوَّةَ إِلاّ بِالله

سُبْحـانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْـدِهِ عَدَدَ خَلْـقِه ،
وَرِضـا نَفْسِـه ، وَزِنَـةَ عَـرْشِـه ، وَمِـدادَ كَلِمـاتِـه


09-21-2011, 10:16 PM
La ilaha illAllah

Al hamdulillah Rabbil alameen

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi subhan Allahil adheem

La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

O Allah ar Rahman ir Raheem, al Wali, al Malik, al Quddus as Salam, al Hayyu al Qayyum, al Mu'min, al Aziz, al Jabar ul Mutakabir, al Ghafar, Ghafoor ur Raheem, Dhul Jalali wal Ikram, O al Wadud, forgive me, my parents, my offspring and siblings, my family and relatives, my friends and neighbours, my brothers and sisters on IB and paltalk, all the muslimeen, our deceased and those who came before us. Protect us from the evil of men and jinn, the evil of the evil eye, and the evil within ourselves. Conceal our sins in this duniya and the next and grant us Your Shade on the Day of Judgment. Ameen


09-26-2011, 09:25 PM

La ilaha illAllah!

"God is the Creator of everything. He is the guardian over everything. Unto Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth." (39:62, 63)
"No creature is there crawling on the earth, but its provision rests on God. He knows its lodging place and it repository." (11:6)

"No creature is there crawling on the earth, but its provision rests on God. He knows its lodging place and it repository." (11:6)

And Why, were there gods in earth and heaven other than God, they (heaven and earth) would surely go to ruin." (21:22)

"Do you worship what you have carved yourself?" (37:95)

"Or have you taken unto you others beside Him to be your protectors, even such as have no power either for good or for harm to themselves?" (13:16)

"There is no god but He, the Living, the Everlasting. Slumber seizes Him not, neither sleep; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Who is there that shall intercede with Him save by His leave? He knows what lies before them and what is after them, and they comprehend not anything of His knowledge save such as He wills. His throne comprises the heavens and earth; the preserving of them oppresses Him not; He is the All-High, the All-Glorious." (2:255)


10-01-2011, 11:38 PM

La ilaha illAllah
Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi subhan Allahil adheem
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
Ya hayyu Ya Qayyum


That day shall a man flee fom his brother, and from his mother and his father, and from his wife and his children. Every man that Day will have enough to make him careless of others. (80:34-37)


Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) emphatically stressed this lesson when he said: “None of you is a believer until he loves for his brother (his fellow Muslims) what he loves for himself.” (Sahih Muslim)

Hamza Asadullah
10-19-2011, 01:57 AM
Dhikr (Remembrance of Allah)

Dhikr ( remembrance of Allah) is the greatest thing in our life and a well tried excellent method for purification of our heart. It eradicates all diseases from heart, produces in it the love of Allah and creates the consciousness of His Greatness; it brings us divine peace and satisfaction. Allah the Almighty Himself asked us to remember Him as much as possible. Says the Holy Quran:
  • " O ye who believes remember Allah very often and glorify Him morning and evening." (33:41-2)
Another verse says Quran says
  • " And when Salaat is finished then ye may disperse through the land and seek of the Bounty of Allah and celebrate the Praises of Allah much and often; they ye may prosper ( here as well as in the next world.) (62-10)
In another verse the Holy Quran says the Dhikr imparts tranquility and peace to the mind and the soul.
  • " Behold in the Remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction." (13-28)
In a verse, men of Faith have specifically been warned not to forget Dhikr by getting absorbed in the wealth and the family
  • " O ye who believe let not your riches or your children divert you from the Remembrance of Allah if any act thus, the loss is their own." (63:9)
Allah the Almighty shows His kindness to those who remember Him. He said:
  • " Then do ye remember Me I will remember you." (2-152)
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) says:
  • "Allah says when anyone remembers Me and his lips move in Dhikr I am by his side."
In a verse of the Holy Quran mentioning the qualities of pious servants and their reward, Allah says:
  • " Men whom neither traffic nor merchandise can divert from Remembrance of Allah nor from regular Salaat, nor from regular practice of Zakaat. (24-37)
To quote a few Hadith about Dhikr, the Holy Prophet ( Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) says:
  • " There is a polish for everything, for the hearts it is Dhikr of Allah."
He has also said:
  • " Those who remember Allah and those who do not are like those who are alive and those who are dead." (i.e. who remember Allah and celebrate, His praises are alive and those who do not are dead.)
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) was once asked who would be the most exalted among the servants of Allah on the Last Day, He (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) replied
  • " Those who remember Allah, be they men or women."
The Holy Prophet ( Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) once advised one of his companions.
  • " Keep your tongue always employed in repeating the name of Allah."
Negligence towards Dhikr causes more and more retrogression. Those who close their hearts and tongues to Allah are deprived of all divine virtues, their hearts get hardened and they - become close associates of the devils. Look what the Holy Quran says:
  • " He who turns away from the remembrance of His Lord He will cause him to undergo a severe Penalty." (72-17)
In another verse it has been sad:
  • " If anyone withdraws himself from the Remembrance of Allah Who is Most Gracious, He will appoint for him an evil one to be intimate companion to him" ( 43-36)
In another verse it has been said:
  • " Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembering of Allah, they are manifestly wandering" (39-22)
May Allah save us all form wandering
The highest and the required degree of Dhikr is to acquire such a solemn state of mind and heart in which we remain continuously full of remembrance of Allah and be never without His thought. The state of permanent and all pervading God's consciousness is achieved only through continuously engaging the tongue and heart in Dhikr and devout servant of Allah no doubt, achieve this state. The daily five Salaats are no doubt the remembrance of Allah but Dhikr has got a wider sense. It includes all sorts of the praises, be they with tongue of heart i.e. Salaats, the recitation of Holy Quran, the other prayers, the repetition His sacred names and devoted contemplation on the signs of Allah and the like come under Dhikr.

We are surrounded by evil forces that are trying to deviate us from the right path. To save ourselves from their grips we must remember Allah in every possible way. The more we remember Him the more benefited we are. The real Dhiker is that in whatever profession, state or cirumstances a Muslim may be, he should do his best to observe the commands of Allah that are intended for such a situation

" O ye who believe ! Let not your wealth and your children distract you from rembrance of Allah. (63:9)

Thus whoever observes the commandments of Allah applicable to any given time under all circumstances and observe his responsibilities toward his family and in other worldly affairs like buying and selling, carries out the Dhikr of Allah even while engages in them.

Source: http://www.as-sidq.org/dikhr.htm

10-23-2011, 03:00 PM

Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi
Subhan Allahi wa bi hamdihi `adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata `arshihi wa midada kalimatihi

10-26-2011, 08:52 PM


11-05-2011, 07:18 AM

Allah's Messenger salallahu alayhi wasallam said: "For me to say 'Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa lailha illAllahu wallahu akbar' is dearer tome than all that the sun rises upon (i.e. the whole world). Muslim 4/2072

The Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam said: "Whoever says

Astaghfirullahal adheemalladhi la ilaha illAllahu walHayyu Qayyumu wa atoobu ilay - Allah will forgive him even if he has deserted the army's ranks.
Abu Dawud 2/85, At Tirmithi 5/569, and al Hakim declared it authentic...


Ibn Athir explains that the Prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam was always vigilant in his remembrance and drawing near to Allah, and if he forgot to do any of what he normally did from time to time, or it slipped his mind, he felt as if he had wronged himself and so he would begin to seek the forgiveness of Allah.
See Jami'ul Usool 4/386.


11-05-2011, 09:56 AM


11-14-2011, 08:01 AM
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) saying, "When Allah created the creatures, He wrote in the Book, which is with Him over His Throne: `Verily, My Mercy prevailed over My Wrath"
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him) said, "Allah has divided mercy into one hundred parts; and He retained with Him ninety-nine parts, and sent down to earth one part. Through this one part creatures deal with one another with compassion, so much so that an animal lifts its hoof over its young lest it should hurt it".
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Say, "Have you considered: if your water was to become sunken [into the earth], then who could bring you flowing water?" [The Noble Qur'aan 67:30]


11-16-2011, 01:06 AM

La ilaha illAllah
Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar
La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
Subhan Allahi wa bihamdihi subhan Allahil adheem

Glorifying Allah-Saleh al-Maghamsi


12-07-2011, 02:01 PM


01-08-2012, 11:04 AM

سُبْحـانَكَ اللّهُـمَّ وَبِحَمدِك أَشْهَـدُ أَنْ لا إِلهَ إِلاّ أَنْتَ أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتوبُ إِلَـيْك
Subhanakal-lahumma wabihamdika ashhadu an la ilaha illa anta astaghfiruka wa-atoobu ilayk.
‘How perfect You are O Allah, and I praise You, I bear witness that none has the right to be worshiped except You,
I seek Your forgiveness and turn in repentance to You.’


01-25-2012, 09:45 PM

جزء من دعاء ليلة 7 رمضان لصلاة القيام 1431 هـ -2010 م بمسجد القائد إبراهيم بالاسكندرية - مصر


Hamza Asadullah
02-07-2012, 02:32 AM
Sincerity in the Statement of Sincerity

Ikhlaas in the statement of al-Ikhlaas
Ibn Hazm رحمه الله تعالى mentioned a tremendous benefit in his book ‘Takhlis li wujuh At Takhalis’ while mentioning actions which are easy to perform but carry much reward.The person should pronounce the statement La-illaaha ilAllaah (Nothing has the right to be worshipped except for Allah) many times; because verily these are words which can be pronounced completely with the movement of the tongue without moving the lips, thus those sitting with you will not be aware that you are saying it…

Translated by Rasheed ibn Estes Barbee

Hamza Asadullah
02-12-2012, 12:10 AM
Repeat the following to yourself with FULL sincerity and imagining Allah in front of you watching you:

Allahu Laa ilaaha Illah Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom

Allahu Laa ilaaha Illah Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom

Allahu Laa ilaaha Illah Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom

Allahu Laa ilaaha Illah Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom

Allahu Laa ilaaha Illah Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom

Allahu Laa ilaaha Illah Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom

Allahu Laa ilaaha Illah Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom

Allahu Laa ilaaha Illah Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom

Allahu Laa ilaaha Illah Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom

Allahu Laa ilaaha Illah Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom

Translation: Allah. There is no god but He, the Ever-Living,
the One who takes care of all that exists.

~ Sabr ~
05-14-2012, 11:54 AM

~ Sabr ~
05-22-2012, 10:45 AM

SubhaanAllaahi Wa Bi Hamdihi
SubhaanAllaah Hil Adheem

06-04-2012, 07:36 AM

يا حَـيُّ يا قَيّـومُ بِـرَحْمَـتِكِ أَسْتَـغـيث ، أَصْلِـحْ لي شَـأْنـي كُلَّـه ، وَلا تَكِلـني إِلى نَفْـسي طَـرْفَةَ عَـين


06-14-2012, 10:14 AM

اللهم صــلی علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما صليت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك علٰی محمد و علٰی آل محمد كما بار كت علٰی إبراهيم و علٰی آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد

Imam Ibnul-Qayyim (rahimahullaah), who wrote a book about the virtues of sending salutations on Prophet Muhammad (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam), listed some benefits for practicing the above hadeeth:

1. Doing this act is following ALLAH's order

2. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) is an act the Angels do.

3. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) raises your rank ten levels.

4. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) removes ten bad deeds and adds ten good deeds to your record.

5. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) is a means to draw you closer to the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) on the Day of Judgment.

6. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) allows him to return the same salutation to you.

7. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) is a way to earn ALLAH's mercy.

8. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) saves you from being stingy in giving him salutations.

9. Sending salutations on the Prophet (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) with the du'aa after the Adhaan earns you the right for his intercession on the Day of Judgment.


06-19-2012, 02:49 PM
Subhan'Allah beautiful post! JazakAllah Khayr!

07-06-2012, 04:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza Asadullah
How difficult is it to say: Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar?

How difficult is it to say: La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah?

It is not difficult on the tongue but so easy and light on the tongue to repeat these words yet the good effects of what we have just repeated will remain with us FOREVER! Subhanallah!

These words will help us in this life, the grave and the hereafter! Such easy and simple words yet so valuable that we can NEVER imagine!

Therefore instead of gossiping or engaging in useless talk let us repeat these beautiful words as much as we can throughout the day no matter what we are doing and you can rest assured that the good effects of these simple words will remain with you FOR ETERNITY!
very true subhanAllah

muslimah bird
07-06-2012, 07:48 PM
How difficult is it to say: Subhan Allah wal hamdulillah wa la ilaha illAllahu wallahu akbar?

How difficult is it to say: La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah?

It is not difficult on the tongue but so easy and light on the tongue to repeat these words yet the good effects of what we have just repeated will remain with us FOREVER! Subhanallah!

These words will help us in this life, the grave and the hereafter! Such easy and simple words yet so valuable that we can NEVER imagine!

Therefore instead of gossiping or engaging in useless talk let us repeat these beautiful words as much as we can throughout the day no matter what we are doing and you can rest assured that the good effects of these simple words will remain with you FOR ETERNITY!
Thanks brother, May Allah reward you.

Hamza Asadullah
08-12-2012, 05:58 PM
Hugely rewarding Dhikr to do each day:

1 Millions of Good deeds in seconds:

Whoever enters a market and says:

‘Laa ilaha illallah wahdahu la shareeka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu yuhyi wa yumeetu wa huwa hayyun laa yamoot, bi yadihil khair, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shayin qadeer’

There is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, alone without partner, to Him belongs dominion and praise, He causes life and feath and He is the Living and does not die. In His Hand is all the good, and He is over all things competent

… Allah will write for him/her a million good deeds and erase a million bad deeds and raise him a million levels.” [Tirmidhi]

2 That Which Shall Have no Equal on the Day of Resurrection:

Abu Huraira (Ra) narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: ”Whoever says one hundred times in a day:

“La ilaha illal-lah wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahu-l-mulk wa lahu-l-hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shai’in qadir,”

None has the right to be worshipped but Allah, the Alone Who has no partners, to Him belongs Dominion and to Him belong all the Praises, and He has power over all things (i.e. Omnipotent)

he will get the same reward as given for manumitting ten slaves; and one hundred good deeds will be written in his accounts, and one hundred sins will be deducted from his accounts, and it (his saying) will be a shield for him from Satan on that day till night, and nobody will be able to do a better deed except the one who does more than he.” [Bukhari, Book #75, Hadith #412]

3 Huge rewards for reciting dhikr after prayer

Abu Hurayrah (Ra) narrated that a group of destitute people came to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), and said, “O Messenger of Allah, the wealthy people will have higher grades and will have permanent enjoyment in high levels in Paradise. They pray like us and fast as we do, but they have more money by which they perform the Hajj, ‘Umrah, participate in Jihaad and give in charity.”

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), replied: “Shall I not tell you something upon which if you acted you would catch up with those who have surpassed you? Nobody would surpass you and you would be better than the people amongst whom you live except those who would do the same.

Say: Subhaan Allaah’,Alhamdulillaahand Allaahu Akbar’thirty-three times each after every (compulsory) prayer.’" [Al-Bukhari]

4 Guaranteed place in Paradise:

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "Whoever recites Aayatul Kursi after every Fard (Fard Salah). Only death is keeping him/her from entering Jannah. (As soon as he/she dies, will enter Jannah) [Nisa'i, Ibne Habban]

5 Reciting 3 heavy phrases:

Juwairiyah bint Al-Harith (Ra) reported: The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) came out from my apartment in the morning as I was busy in performing the dawn prayer. He came back in the forenoon and found me sitting there and said, “Are you still in the same position as I left you.” I replied in the affirmative. Thereupon the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “I recited four phrases three times after I had left you. If these are to be weighed against all you have recited since morning, these will be heavier. These are:

Subhan-Allah wa bihamdihi, ‘adada khalqihi, wa rida-a nafsihi, wa zinatah ‘arshihi, wa midada kalimatihi

Allah is free from imperfection and I begin with His praise, as many times as the number of His creatures, in accordance with His Good Pleasure, equal to the ink that may be used in recording the words (for His Praise).” [Muslim]

6 The Virtues of reciting "Subhanallah":

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "Is anyone of you incapable of earning one thousand Hasanah (rewards) a day?" Someone from the gathering asked, "How can anyone of us earn a thousand Hasanah?"

Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "Glorify Allah a hundred times by just saying “Subhanallah” and a Good deeds will be written for you, or a thousand sins will be wiped away.” [Muslim 4:2073]

Another version says:

...a thousand good deeds are recorded for him and a thousand bad deeds are wiped away. [Muslim]

When you go to bed, glorify Him and praise Him and magnify Him One hundred times:

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: "Who among you does 2,500 bad deeds in one day?’ They said: ‘How could we not count (our sins)?’ He said: ‘The Shaytaan comes to any one of you whilst he is praying and says, Remember this, remember that, until he finishes his prayer and does not do (this dhikr), or he comes to him when he is lying down and makes him sleepy, until he falls asleep (without doing this dhikr).’” (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, 3332).

7 A tree in Paradise for each word:

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “Whoever recites the folllowing words, a tree in Paradise is planted for him for each word he says.”

Subhāna-llāhi, wa-l-hamdu li-llāhi, Wa lā ilāha illā-llāhu, wa-llāhu akbar. Wa lā hawla Wa lā quwwata illā bi-llāhi-l-‘aliyyi-l-‘azīm

(Glory be to Allah. And praise be to Allah. And there is no god except Allah. And Allah is the Greatest. And there is no power and no strength except with Allah, the Most High, And Most Great) [Tirmidhi]

8 Forgiveness like foam of the Sea:

Abu Hurayrah (Ra) narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: ‘Whoever says: Subhanallah wa bi hamdih (Praise and glory be to Allah) 100 times, morning and evening, his sins will be erased even if they are like the foam on the sea.” [Bukhari]

9 Most pleased on the day of Judgement:

Allah has promised that anyone who says this three times every morning or evening will be pleased on the Day of Resurrection:

Radheetu billaahi Rabban, wa bil-’Islaami deenan, wa bi-Muhammadin (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallama) Nabiyyan.

I am pleased with Allah as my Lord, with Islam as my religion and with Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) as my Prophet. [Fortress of the Muslim]

Another version says:

Jannah becomes obligatory for him (to enter). [Abu-Dawud]

Hamza Asadullah
01-02-2013, 11:40 PM


02-20-2013, 12:49 PM
لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وحدَهُ لا شريكَ لهُ،
لهُ المُـلْكُ ولهُ الحَمْد، وهوَ على كلّ شَيءٍ قَدير

لا حَوْلَ وَلا قُـوَّةَ إِلاّ بِالله

سُبْحـانَ اللهِ وَبِحَمْـدِهِ عَدَدَ خَلْـقِه ،
وَرِضـا نَفْسِـه ، وَزِنَـةَ عَـرْشِـه ، وَمِـدادَ كَلِمـاتِـه

Hamza Asadullah
11-18-2013, 02:06 AM
A deed that only a few people practise:

Abdullah ibn 'Amr(Ra)narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

“There are two characteristics that whenever the Muslim maintains them will enter Jannah. These two traits are easy to possess. However, only a few people acquire them. Say “ Subhanallah” ten times, “Al-Hamduillah” ten times and “Allahu akbar” ten times at the end of each Salah. By practicing this deed you earn one hundred and fifty rewards for your tongue and one thousand five hundred for the scale (of good deeds). And before you go to sleep say “Subhanallah” thirty three times, Al-Hamdulilah” thirty three times and Allahu akbar thirty four times. By saying these words before you sleep you gain one hundred good deeds for your tongue and one thousand deeds for the scale.

The companions (may Allah be pleased with them) asked” Oh messenger, How is that these deeds are easy, yet few people do them? He said,” Right after a person finishes praying Shaitan comes to him and reminds him of something that he has to do. Therefore this person gets up and leaves without saying these words. Additionally, when he lies in his bed Shaitan comes to him and causes him to fall asleep before he mentions these words.

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr(Ra)said , “ I saw the messenger of Allah(May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him)say these words using his hand to count them.

Collected by Abu Dawud(5065), At-Tirmithi(3410)Nisa’i(926)and Ahmed(2/205) Imam An-Nawwawee graded the isnad of this hadeeth as being Saheeh and Imam At-Tirmithi said this hadeeth is Hasan Saheeh.

Hamza Asadullah
12-22-2014, 01:03 AM
Easy Dhikr for Extensive Reward!


01-15-2015, 07:21 PM
JazakaAllahu khair
May Allah (swt) reward you for your efforts

07-09-2015, 10:47 AM
JazakAllah Khair akhi this is a wonderful visual

08-11-2015, 01:51 PM
excellent reminder i do alot of dhikr usually well i mean i try my best to be consistent with it but i slip up at times and get a bit lazy.......but inshallah I'm going to try again :)

remember me in your duas peeps

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