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View Full Version : Deadly earthquake hits central Chile

Alpha Dude
02-27-2010, 10:26 AM
A massive earthquake with a magnitude of 8.8 has struck central Chile, killing at least 17 people and triggering a tsunami.

The tremor shook the capital, Santiago, for a minute and a half early this morning, bringing down telephone and power lines. Local radio reported 17 deaths while the Chilean president, Michelle Bachelet, earlier said six people were confirmed dead and more deaths were possible.

"We have had a huge earthquake," Bachelet said. "We're doing everything we can with all the forces we have. Any information we will share immediately. Without a doubt, with an earthquake of this magnitude, there will be more deaths."

Speaking to a local television station in Temuco, one witness said: "Never in my life have I experienced a quake like this, it's like the end of the world."

The Pacific tsunami warning centre said the quake generated a tsunami that could cause destruction along nearby shores "and could also be a threat to more distant coasts". It issued a tsunami warning for Chile and Peru, while Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica and Antarctica are also on alert.

Chile's navy said officials had lifted the tsunami warning in southern Chile, local radio reported.

The quake centred 200 miles south-west of the Santiago at a depth of 22 miles, according to the US Geological Survey. It warned that an earthquake of magnitude 8 or above could cause "tremendous damage".

The quake that devastated Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince, in January was magnitude 7.0.

The epicentre was 70 miles from Concepcion, Chile's second largest city, with a population of around 670,000.

The largest earthquake ever recorded struck the same area of Chile on 22

May 1960. The magnitude-9.5 quake killed 1,655 people and left 2 million homeless. The tsunami that it caused killed people in Hawaii, Japan and the Philippines.


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02-27-2010, 12:29 PM
The death toll is 65 now, my condolences to their families and to Chile imsad

02-27-2010, 11:00 PM
My prayers are with the two hundred poor souls who perished in this tragedy.

02-28-2010, 03:50 PM
SubhanAllah, I saw the damages that have been done.. I believe they have found more then 17 people now. I think there's hundreds deadimsad

Inna ilahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon.

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Grace Seeker
02-28-2010, 04:00 PM
Count of the dead (as of 1400 GMT) is now over 300.

My son lives in Temuco (3 hours south of the epicenter) and my daughter in Rancagua (3 hours north). Phone lines are down and power was out, so we haven't heard from either of them yet. If anyone has word on the situation in either of those cities, I would appreciate you posting it.

Over 70 aftershocks of up to 6.1 have been felt all over the area, some of their epicenters have been less than 20 miles from my daughter's home and less than 40 miles from my son. But second hand reports indicate that while shaken quite severly, things have stablilized and there is relatively little damage other than inability to reach the outside world. So, that's the good news.

Please keep praying for those who have lost everything from homes, businesses, and loved ones.

02-28-2010, 04:14 PM
Grace Seeker, I shall pray for for the safety of your children.

Thankfully, despite this beng a huge Earthquake, it's no where near the scale of the Haitian Earthquake, because it happened far deeper. Despite the tragedy of the 300 deaths, this Earthquake had the potential to kill thousands, and thank God it didn't.

Grace Seeker
02-28-2010, 06:13 PM
Just learned that my daughter is fine. Milena was farther north with her cousin Daniela, on vacation, in Vina del Mar. They had to evacuate and flee up the mountain because of the tsunami threat. And all the extended family in Rancagua is fine as well. But they are sort of trapped there as all the roads have been cut, and they will be without either water or electricity till an undetermined future. Don't know exactly how Daniela got that message, but that's the word she was able to pass on to me.

02-28-2010, 07:09 PM
More and more earthquakes and disasters and wars are 'prophesied' to come!

Grace Seeker
03-01-2010, 04:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Grace Seeker
Just learned that my daughter is fine. Milena was farther north with her cousin Daniela, on vacation, in Vina del Mar. They had to evacuate and flee up the mountain because of the tsunami threat. And all the extended family in Rancagua is fine as well. But they are sort of trapped there as all the roads have been cut, and they will be without either water or electricity till an undetermined future. Don't know exactly how Daniela got that message, but that's the word she was able to pass on to me.

Update: The president of Chile was recently (about 20:00 GMT) on Chilean TV and confirmed 708 deaths. I heard this evening from the rest of my family and closest friends. They are all well -- Thanks be to God!! -- Stuff thrown from the shelves, but no real damage. Electricity and water being restored to the areas where they live. Some major roads are cut, but there are ways around them. Next thing is waiting for the supermarkets to open so that people can go and buy food. All is quiet and tranquil where they live, but they are hearing reports of chaos erupting in other places. From the international reports I hear, I suspect this is over availability of food and water.

03-01-2010, 04:06 AM
Glad your daughters OK Grace.

I was following this on the news. Terrible quake indeed.

03-01-2010, 04:32 PM
Over 700 dead! How horrific. Chile will have to do a lot to recover from this, especially the loss of life.

03-01-2010, 07:41 PM
There have been similar events happening around the world recently. It is recorded in the hadeeth literature that widespread earthquakes are amongst the minor signs of the last hour. May Allah protect us. Ameen.

03-01-2010, 07:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Uthmān
There have been similar events happening around the world recently. It is recorded in the hadeeth literature that widespread earthquakes are amongst the minor signs of the last hour. May Allah protect us. Ameen.
Alternatively, in Christianity, such things are bound to happen, but do not mean the end by any means:

8He replied: "Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and, 'The time is near.' Do not follow them. 9When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be frightened. These things must happen first, but the end will not come right away."

10Then he said to them: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.
(Luke 21:8-11)

Although, these earthquakes are devestating. I can but pray for the victims of such tragedies, because in reality we are all suffer when our fellow humans perish in needless tragedies.

03-01-2010, 09:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Supreme
Alternatively, in Christianity, such things are bound to happen, but do not mean the end by any means
I remember I read a christian saying otherwise. I might be mistaken though :/
I'll check it out later when I'm free insha'llah.

03-01-2010, 11:14 PM
Has an idiot preacher such as Pat Robertson appeared on US news yet to blame the Chileans for this natural disaster? I'm still shocked from when they blamed 9/11 on homosexuals in america and then Haiti on Voodoo Hatians.

03-01-2010, 11:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Uthmān
There have been similar events happening around the world recently. It is recorded in the hadeeth literature that widespread earthquakes are amongst the minor signs of the last hour. May Allah protect us. Ameen.
Earthquakes are the result of purely natural forces.

Let's not start a stampede for the exits.

Grace Seeker
03-02-2010, 10:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by _muslim_
I remember I read a christian saying otherwise. I might be mistaken though :/
I'll check it out later when I'm free insha'llah.
No. I'm sure you read that correctly. There is a whole group of Christians that are interested in the "end times" and they understand these things to be signs of that approaching as well.

My argument is that these things are not as new, novel, nor increasing as most people seem to think they are. It's all about perception that leads people to think that they are.

Grace Seeker
03-02-2010, 10:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis
Has an idiot preacher such as Pat Robertson appeared on US news yet to blame the Chileans for this natural disaster? I'm still shocked from when they blamed 9/11 on homosexuals in america and then Haiti on Voodoo Hatians.
Haven't heard that specific nonesense yet. But I'm sure it's out there and I haven't heard it just because I don't normally listen to the sort of channels that carry such things.

Grace Seeker
03-02-2010, 10:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Grace Seeker
Update: The president of Chile was recently (about 20:00 GMT) on Chilean TV and confirmed 708 deaths. I heard this evening from the rest of my family and closest friends. They are all well -- Thanks be to God!! -- Stuff thrown from the shelves, but no real damage. Electricity and water being restored to the areas where they live. Some major roads are cut, but there are ways around them. Next thing is waiting for the supermarkets to open so that people can go and buy food. All is quiet and tranquil where they live, but they are hearing reports of chaos erupting in other places. From the international reports I hear, I suspect this is over availability of food and water.

Update #2: A friend living near Concepcion reports that what we are seeing on TV doesn't even come close to telling the story there. Constitucion Chillan and were particularly hard it. He himself lost his apartment, but otherwise is well.

He shared, "Praise God, even in the midst of total devastation (and with the number of deaths certain to rise) most people did survive the earthquake*. Pray for the government to be able to get in quickly with supplies."

People are stuck in buildings without tools to get them out, and food stuffs have already disappeared from the stores. This is a bigger problem than some might realize, because most Chileans don't keep a week's or more supply of groceries on hand, but only a few days. That has surely run out by now and made the situation more desperate.

It isn't just the rubble either. Chile is a long narrow country and it only takes cutting a few of the main bridges to make access to entire regions impossible. That is exactly what has happened. So, even those who have survived will be difficult to reach with what they so desperately need to simply get through the present emergency relief situation till recover can begin some weeks down the road.

I * (starred) that "most people did survive the earthquake", because that is not true in some of the small coastal towns hit by the tsunami. There earthquake and tsunami combined to make a truly devestating flood where hundreds died and whole towns have been destroyed. Many will never be accounted for, for they have been washed out to sea.

03-03-2010, 04:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Grace Seeker
I * (starred) that "most people did survive the earthquake", because that is not true in some of the small coastal towns hit by the tsunami. There earthquake and tsunami combined to make a truly devestating flood where hundreds died and whole towns have been destroyed. Many will never be accounted for, for they have been washed out to sea.
it's true..... during the 2004 tsunamis the clips we've seen on the news were only from urban areas.... lots of villages perished and unknown to us for months...

03-03-2010, 04:18 AM
My condolences to the people of Chile...

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