American Revolution, process of separation of North American states from United Kingdom was financed by a jew Chaim Salomon. He supported the American Revolution with 400 000 dollars. In russian revolution the role of Chaim Salomon has been done by a jew Jacob Schiff. After the dethronization of Romanoff, Jacob Schiff sent a letter to bolshevick minister of international issues, Milukow, in 19 March 1917 - "Allow me, sir, as a firm enemy of authorytarian tyranny persecuting my borthers in faith, to congratulate to russian people because of the glorious act they did and I wish You good luck with this great plan. God bless You. Jacob Schiff was from Frankfurt at Menem, his daughter married Feliks Warburg, his sister in law married Paul Warburg. Third brother stayed in Germany in Hamburg as a head of a bank "Max Warburg& Co". In the same time Max Warburg along with his two brothers was the head of "Kuhn, Loeb & Comp" bank.
In september, 1917, just after german army sent to Russia Lenin and Trotsky, american goverment got this telegram -
" Stockholm, 21st December, 1917, Rafael Scholak, Haparanda.
Dear companion, Bank of Max Warburg according to decision of syndicate westfal-ren that the account has been made for the undertaking of companion Lew Trotsky.
J. Furstenberg"
This telegram was published in official american publishment The german-bolshevik conspiration - issued by the Committee of Public Information. Washington 27.X.1918.
In year 1919 american secret service again found evidence of the role of jewish finance in bolshevik revolution and sent those informations to all aliant goverments. This message was also sent to french goverment and published in "La vieille France". In this message we read -
"In Feb 1916 found out for the first time that in Russia a revolution is being planned. Following persons and banks were involved in this -
1 Jacob Schiff - A jew.
2 Kuhn, Loeb & Comp - jew.
3 Guggenheim - jew.
4 Maks Breitung - jew.
5 Feliks Warburg jew.
6 Otto Kahn - jew.
7 Mortimer Schiff - jew.
8 Jerome H. Hanauer - jew.
There is no dount that russian revolution that broke out in 1917 was prepared by jewish influence. Jacob Schiff in 1917 admitted that the revolution did success because of his financial support.
In April 1917 Jacob Schiff began to support financially Trotsky ( jew) to prepare revolution in Russia. From Stockholm jew Maks Warburg supported financially Trotsky and his people. Bolsheviks were also supported by Westfal - Ren syndicate, well known jewish industry, and by other jew - Olefa Aschberga from Nye Banken in Stocholm, whose daughter married Trotsky.
We should notice that jewish buisness Kuhn, Locb & Comp was in close relations with Westfal - Ren Syndicate, german jewish buisness, and with brothers Lazare, jewish bank in Paris, finally with bank of Guenzburg, jewish banks in Piotrogrod, Tokio and Paris. These jewish buisness were in close relations with jewish buisness Speyer et Comp. in New York, London and Franfurt at Menem, and with Nye Banken jewish industry from Stockholm.
Schiff and Warburgs played major role in American Jewish Comitee.
Jews welcomed the revolution in Russia with great applause. Soon we were witnesses of jewish attempts to bring the revolution to the West - bolshevick reigns of Bela Kun (jew) in Hungary, Kurt Eisner (jew) in Bavaria, Rosa Luxemburg (jew) and Karol Libknecht in Germany, the jewish behaviour during polish -bolshevick war in 1920.