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05-11-2010, 11:34 AM
i'm a muslim and i was ask about wearing the hijab and these other questions but answered it in a really stupid way where i think misunderstood their thoughts!!!! and i feel so upset and scared about it that i have done a sin...n i'm thinking of next time i have to clarify myself but is afraid. but the main thing is i'm afraid of is gettting a sin and being judged by that. i FEEL ashamed. What should i do!!!!!!

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Abdul Wahid
05-11-2010, 06:11 PM
:sl: sister.

Don't worry about it sister. I have embarassed myself plenty of times. I confuse people all the time. I get over it quickly. I don't care what people think. However I care what ALLAH(SWT) thinks. Ask yourself are you here to please everyone else or ALLAH(SWT). Your goal in this life is to please ALLAH(SWT) by following his commands & the Sunnah tareekha (way) shown by our beloved Prophet Muhammad(SAW). If you can do this InshaALLAH, then by the mercy of ALLAH(SWT) you will attain the all important goal; Jannat Al-Firdaus. May ALLAH(SWT) make it easy for all of us. Ameen.

Next time someone asks about the Hijab then why don't you prepare yourself for it. Seek knowledge so you know how to explain it. You can't learn everything in one go. So take it step by step. Read the following plese:

A sister who does not truly know the superiority of Hijab will always remain envious of disbelieving women. Why? Because they observe these misguided disbelievers attempting to look beautiful for all to see. Hence, the Muslim woman then compares herself to that woman which causes her to feel ashamed of her own Hijab.

Therefore, what follows is a reminder for my sisters in Islam. It is a reminder of the true status of these so-called beautiful women. It is a reminder of the excellence of the women who wear Hijab.

Excellent Qualities of Those who Wear Hijab:

It is well known that the Muslim woman is a creature of modesty. Allah loves for our Muslim women to be shielded by their Hijab. It is their outer protection from the decadence of this life.

Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu`alayhi wa sallam) said: “Allah is modest and covering. He loves modesty and privacy.” [Abu Daawood, An-Nasaa'i Al-Bayhaqi, Ahmad].

Thus, as modesty is a quality that is loved by Allah, our sisters must take comfort in knowing that they are modest and that they are not like those women who show themselves off to the world. Such women will not be shielded from Allah’s Warmth.

Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu`alayhi wa sallam) said: “Any woman who takes off her clothes in other than her husband’s home, has broken Allah’s shield upon her.” [Abu Daawood and At-Tirmithi)

Therefore, we see that the Hijab of the Muslim woman is indeed part of modesty. Modesty accompanies Eemaan (faith). That is why Allah's Messenger (sallallahu`alayhi wa sallam) said: "Modesty is part of Eemaan and Eemaan is in Paradise." [At-Tirmithi]. Also: “Modesty and Eemaan are companions, when one goes away the other one goes away.” [Al-Haakim and others]

The Muslim women must know that the disbelieving women who beautify themselves for the world to see possess no modesty, thus, they are void of any Eemaan. Instead of looking to the latest fashion models for guidance, you must look to the wives of the Prophet (sallallahu`alayhi wa sallam).

Look at the regard for modesty that our mother, ‘Aa’ishah possessed even in the presence of the deceased; she said: “I used to enter the room where the Messenger of Allah and my father (Abu Bakr) were later buried in without having my garment on me, saying it is only my husband and my father. But when ‘Umar bin al-Khattaab was later buried in (the same place), I did not enter the room except that I had my garment on being shy from ‘Umar.”

It can be quite difficult for the Muslim woman to go out wearing Hijab in a society that mocks and torments her. Indeed, she may feel strange and out of place. However, if she knows the status of those who are mocked by the disbelievers, then she would continue to wear her Hijab with dignity.

Allah Says in His Book (what means): “Verily! The criminals used to laugh at those who believed. And whenever they passed them, used to wink at one another. And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting. When they saw them, they said: ‘These have indeed gone astray!’ But they (disbelievers, sinners) had not been sent as watchers over them (the believers). But on this Day those who believe will laugh at the disbelievers. On (high) thrones, looking (at all things). Are not the disbelievers paid (fully) for what they used to do?” [Quran 83:29-36]

Allah’s Words should serve as a support for you my dear sister. Also, take comfort in being a stranger among these lewd and sinful women. Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu`alayhi wa sallam) said (what means): “Islam began as something strange, and it would revert to its (old position) of being strange, so good news is for the strangers.” [Muslim]

The Characteristics of the Exposed Women:

Instead of practicing the Hijab (covering), the disbelieving women expose themselves, making a dazzling display of themselves for others. Such a display is an attribute of Ignorance of the Orders of ALLAH.

Allah Says in His Book (what means): “And stay in your houses and do not display yourselves as you used to during the times of ignorance.” [Quran 33:33]

Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu`alayhi wa sallam) said: “The best of your women is the affectionate, the fertile, the comforting, the agreeable — if they fear Allah. The most evil of your women are those who expose and display themselves, and those who strut (to show off) and they are the hypocrites. Those who enter al-Jannah (the Paradise) are like the red beaked crow.” [Al-Bayhaqi].

The simile of the red-beaked crow is to show that those who enter Paradise will be as rare as this kind crow is rare.

We see from the above Aayah and Hadeeth that displaying oneself is indeed unlawful. Further, it is a quality of the most evil of women! Therefore, do not be envious of the disbelieving women. They only have this life to enjoy, while the believing women will have Paradise.

There is nothing in your Hijab to be ashamed of, as it is the garment of the righteous and pious female worshippers of Allah. Are you shamed that you worship Allah,that why you avoid the use of HIJAB.

In order to truly show you how evil those women who expose themselves are, let us ponder over the following statement of Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu`alayhi wa sallam): “Of the people of Hell there are two whom I have never seen, the one possessing whips like the tail of an ox and they flog people with them. The second one, women who would be naked in spite of their being dressed, who are seduced (to wrong paths) and seduce others. Their hair is high like the humps of the camel. These women would not enter Paradise, nor will they smell its fragrance, although its fragrance can be sensed from such and such a distance.” [Muslim]

These women who expose themselves are common among us today. These are women that even the Prophet did not see! Look around you and you will see those women who are clothed but naked! Look at the hairstyles of the women who expose themselves — are they not high like the camel’s hump?

Perhaps we are the first generation since the time of Aadam to witness such women. If one ponders over photos taken thirty to fifty years ago, one will see that the disbelieving women did not expose themselves in the manner that their offspring do today! These women are among the people of the Fire!

Thus, how can you envy them?

Such lewd women will not even smell the fragrance of Paradise; so our women must avoid their path.

Another lesson from the above hadeeth is that it confirms that what the Prophet , came with is indeed the truth! This is a prophecy that has come to pass in front of our very eyes. Hence, will we continue to envy these evil women, or should we be grateful to our Lord for the Hijab, which brings modesty, which leads to Paradise?

To sum up, the Muslim woman should abandon all of the ways of the exposed women, and adopt the ways of those who are modest through their love and practice of the proper Islamic Hijab.

There are few sisters, missguided by satan, satan force them to argue with peoples.
Why Men not using Hijab ?
why they are not pointed ?
why they are not blamed ?
by using Hijab,you are not opperessed, Infact its security for Diamonds.

as Ex: If you have diamond,will you show to peoples,will you keep without security, No……you will put in secure placed,in lockers.

Muslim womens (you) are like diamonds, even more important than diamond. You are “The hidden precious pearls/gems” that Allaah has created, al’hamdulillaah and Hijab/Naqab is just to secure you from evils, Its not oppressing you,It clearly shows that Muslim women have much more value and respect…than the womens who show off there beauty.
Few sisters says they love Allah and Prophet Muhammad,but when it comes to HIJAB.
Why they forget his orders.
Remember the words of Allah,for those who Ignore his commands :
But whosoever turns away from My reminder (i.e. neither believes in the Qur’ān nor acts upon its teachings) verily for him is a life of hardship and We shall raise him up blind on the Day of Resurrection. [Soorah Tā Hā 20:124]



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