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View Full Version : Seeking answers

06-14-2010, 06:42 PM

Ive been asked a few questions by a friend who is of a different faith. I didnt want to advise wrongly so thort i wud post them on here 2 get answers from people more knowledgeable than me. We've had quite heated debates about this.

1) How islam was formed [dates as well]

2) what proceeded before prophet Mohammed. islam has been around since 10th century or even earlier, however human civilisation has been around before man made religions was even formed, so if we're all muslims by birth and soul, then i suppose people were praying to the prophet mohammed before he was even born?

3) do non believers go to hell ?? wat about if they've never done anything wrong but arent muslim?? do only muslims go to jannah ?

4) I think it's even more far fetched to believe we're all born muslims,cos the reason i'm here and my family are here, is cos sikhs fought auragzebs army, his army forced us to convert and killed and tortured thousands of indian people,because they didn't want to be forecfully converted,so really am i a muslim?that was when the indians were forced to convert, but i dont think many muslim scholars agree with the mughals ways back then, but would be interesting to hear other peoples perspective on it.

5) Sikshism was formed with good,honest,clear principles to protect ourselves against forceful conversions. So in that way, i'm proud to be a sikh cos of what my ancestors fought for,and i still hold my hands together in praise for the guru's that fought for our freedom.

6) God created all the religions right ?? so which one is right ?

7) I don't believe the non believers will be punished for something they don't understand or particularly want to follow,and tbh i don't blame them when you see what religion has done to the world. It's very wrong to assume who wil go to hell and who wont, this is not our place to say or even think, this is gods decision and it's not written anywhere valid or proven, that he will send athiests/agnostics to hell. A lot of faiths do alot of scaremongering and assume too much. In jesus's case being the messenger of god, he reckoned there was no hell...and the guy that was crucified on the cross next to him for stealing or murdering...jesus said they would together dine in paradise,as he saw everyone equal and all elegible for forgiveness,and that even judas himself ,would still be loved by jesus despite what he did. If jesus represented the voice of god,and as a sikh i believe he did, then who am i to argue with that.

8) what has god asked us to do? how can he be dissapointed in us, if he doesn't say so himself, directly to us. If he expects us to read the hundreds of holy scriptures in the world-in order to find out, how to we dicipher which is the true 1 to follow?. Muslims say theirs is the 1 to follow, chrisitans say theirs, jews the same...yet the only people on the planet that don't tell people what to do are hindu's and sikhs...and might i say buddhists. Yet we slander agnostics and athiests cos they're confused out of their asses cos they don't what the hell is going on, and can you blame them?.

9) Is self pleasuring a sin ?? its only come about in the last century, helped unfortunately by porno's and online crap. So yep we haven't always done it, but is it wrong ? as it harms nobody.You can't defy biology or the creation of the human body,and say self pleasuring is a sin, when that's how we are designed to be. What does islam say about this ? is it not better to do this than go out and sleep around ? especially given that our bodies were built to enjoy it,so why are some faiths led to believe it's a sin to utilise a part of your body,god apparently has given to us to enjoy.

10) When poor innocent childen are harmed by paedophiles in such a way, how can anyone connect with god and keep faith?

11) Is there an literature about mohammeds existence as a person, before he was given insight by god? cos i know nothing about him or who he was,i wouldnt mind knowing what he stood for and believed in

thank you.!


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Alpha Dude
06-15-2010, 11:56 AM
Wa alaykum salam
1) How islam was formed [dates as well]
Read any sirah. That would be the best way for your friend to learn the answer to this.

2) what proceeded before prophet Mohammed. islam has been around since 10th century or even earlier, however human civilisation has been around before man made religions was even formed, so if we're all muslims by birth and soul, then i suppose people were praying to the prophet mohammed before he was even born?
Allah sent Prophets and Messengers to mankind since the time of Adam AS. Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was the last of all Prophets. The fact that Prophethood has ended implies that judgement day is near.

Secondly, we don't pray to Prophet Muhammad. He is not God. We only pray to Allah.

3) do non believers go to hell ?? wat about if they've never done anything wrong but arent muslim?? do only muslims go to jannah ?
If we establish that Allah is real and Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, was indeed a Prophet, then the biggest sin lies in denying the existence of Allah. Allah also creates the definition of what is good and bad.

Good = any action that goes according to that commands of Allah and bad = anything that goes against what Allah has said.

In the absence of God, good and bad behaviour is subjective based on the culture of the people. Some people would consider one thing good while others would consider it evil. For example people living in a ghetto might consider killing people to be good and couragous behaviour whereas others will consider ritual killing to be good. Where do we get our defintions of what is good and bad?

4) I think it's even more far fetched to believe we're all born muslims,cos the reason i'm here and my family are here, is cos sikhs fought auragzebs army, his army forced us to convert and killed and tortured thousands of indian people,because they didn't want to be forecfully converted,so really am i a muslim?that was when the indians were forced to convert, but i dont think many muslim scholars agree with the mughals ways back then, but would be interesting to hear other peoples perspective on it.
We are all born in a state of fitrah. A natural inclination toward good and belief in Allah. This state later becomes either corrupted or enhanced based on our environment.

However, it is not enough to be a muslim just because we were born one. We have to believe the message of Islam wholeheartedly.

5) Sikshism was formed with good,honest,clear principles to protect ourselves against forceful conversions. So in that way, i'm proud to be a sikh cos of what my ancestors fought for,and i still hold my hands together in praise for the guru's that fought for our freedom.
Where's the question here?

6) God created all the religions right ?? so which one is right ?
Islam and Islam alone. Christianity/Judaism came before Islam. In their original form, they were true religions, however later they were corrupted.

When Islam came, it abrogated all previous religions and is the religion all mankind must follow.

Since Prophet Muhammad is the last of all Prophets, all other religions that came after are fakes.

7) I don't believe the non believers will be punished for something they don't understand or particularly want to follow,and tbh i don't blame them when you see what religion has done to the world. It's very wrong to assume who wil go to hell and who wont, this is not our place to say or even think, this is gods decision and it's not written anywhere valid or proven, that he will send athiests/agnostics to hell. A lot of faiths do alot of scaremongering and assume too much. In jesus's case being the messenger of god, he reckoned there was no hell...and the guy that was crucified on the cross next to him for stealing or murdering...jesus said they would together dine in paradise,as he saw everyone equal and all elegible for forgiveness,and that even judas himself ,would still be loved by jesus despite what he did. If jesus represented the voice of god,and as a sikh i believe he did, then who am i to argue with that.

8) what has god asked us to do? how can he be dissapointed in us, if he doesn't say so himself, directly to us. If he expects us to read the hundreds of holy scriptures in the world-in order to find out, how to we dicipher which is the true 1 to follow?. Muslims say theirs is the 1 to follow, chrisitans say theirs, jews the same...yet the only people on the planet that don't tell people what to do are hindu's and sikhs...and might i say buddhists. Yet we slander agnostics and athiests cos they're confused out of their asses cos they don't what the hell is going on, and can you blame them?.
God has asked us to worship him. He has told us via Messengers and Prophets throughout history.

One important thing you are not taking into account is if you believe in a God, you have the opportunity to ask for guidance. With conviction in your request. Wholeheartedly believe that you will be guided. As long as you are sincere in your request, there is no reason for you to not receive true guidance.

If a person has not received the message of Islam, he is not held accountable on the day of judgement for not believing in it, according to scholars. He would be accountable for his deeds or tested on the day of judgement in some other form. Allah knows best.

9) Is self pleasuring a sin ?? its only come about in the last century, helped unfortunately by porno's and online crap. So yep we haven't always done it, but is it wrong ? as it harms nobody.You can't defy biology or the creation of the human body,and say self pleasuring is a sin, when that's how we are designed to be. What does islam say about this ? is it not better to do this than go out and sleep around ? especially given that our bodies were built to enjoy it,so why are some faiths led to believe it's a sin to utilise a part of your body,god apparently has given to us to enjoy.
1. We believe in Allah.
2. We believe in the Prophethood of Muhammad, peace be upon him.
3. We believe in the Qur'aan as being the word of Allah. A book, which along with the documented words and actions of the Prophet pbuh form the rules by which we are to lead our lives.
4. Scholars of Islam, after having studied the primary sources of Quran and ahadith, have deduced that this act is a sin.
5. It is not up to us to decide what constitutes a sin and what does not. Our rational and understanding is extremely measly compared to what Allah knows in his infinite wisdom. It's stupid to claim belief in a God, his messengers, his books, yet to think 'well, I think this shouldn't be a sin really' based on nothing but our own whims and desires.

10) When poor innocent childen are harmed by paedophiles in such a way, how can anyone connect with god and keep faith?
According to Islamic theology, this life is meant to be a test. It is a drop in an ocean compared to the life of the next world. Every single little aspect of life is a test. Allah will try people from childhood till old age.

We are not here to have fun or build a happy life. People will be thoroughly tested and shaken. The more beloved a person is to Allah, the more he is tested. Experiencing hardship wipes away sin so such a person would meet Allah on the day of judgement with less sins on his scale.

However, it is said that Allah does not burden a soul more than it can bear. So that's why people who commit suicide are punished in hell because they gave up on the mercy of Allah, despite having been given the ability to cope with the test they were given.

It goes without saying that the rewards for being severely tested in this world are extremely great in the hearafter.

If a child under the age of accountability dies, he goes straight to jannah. A blind person is not held accountable either. So this (apparent) unfairness is fully compensated.

An important principle that needs to be understood is that Allah is Most Wise. This means there is always a purpose behind everything that happens. Good or bad. As an example, a person might be on his way to a once-in-lifetime tryout session for football but he could trip over something and fall requiring an immediate hospital check-up. At the check-up, the doctors might find this person has a serious illness that if left unchecked would result in that person dying soon. I hope you can now see the wisdom behind that guy tripping in the first place? He may have missed his football practice, but is able to take precautions against the unknown serious illness.

In this way, there is always a reason for everything to happen. Divine wisdom is always at work. A boy's parents could die in an earthquake and leave him behind to be raised by the local mosque run orphanage, exposing him to Islamic knowledge and inculcating in him the yearning to become a great Islamic scholar with the desire to change the world.

A victim of paedophilia could later grow up and dedicate his life to helping other victims of paedophilia come to terms with their experience. Had he not been a victim, those others would not have had the help coming to them.

I hope these examples are enough to show that we shouldn't think only of the short term effects. Islam means to submit. What does that mean? It means to resign yourself to Allah's will. You accept the conditions Allah places on you while acknowledging that there is benefit in whatever has happened becasue Allah is indeed Most Wise.

Allah is also Most Just. Therefore, every single unjust act that has ever been committed by a human will be brought to account on the day of judgement. So an unrepentant and unforgiven paedophile would be punished very severely in the fire of hell compared with eternal bliss for the victim if he remained steadfast in his life. There's the justice.

11) Is there an literature about mohammeds existence as a person, before he was given insight by god? cos i know nothing about him or who he was,i wouldnt mind knowing what he stood for and believed in
Again, books of sirah will help.

Alpha Dude
06-16-2010, 12:23 PM
thanks for the input. Ive passed this on, in response to your answers, ive recieved this reply from my friend, questioning these aspects of your answers. as a muslim with a limited knowledge myself, i honestly dont know what to think, im trying to get back into islam and i feel like im being pulled away. Can some1 please clarify these things ?? Any advice ?
First of all brother/sister, if you have limited knowledge and feel drawn away from Islam, you shouldn't get yourself into these debates. There is nothing to be gained in it. These people will sow the seed of doubt in your mind and shaytan will keep tearing into that. It is better you avoided the discussion altogether. Especially with this friend particularly. He/she seems only to be arrogant and not open to proper discussion.

How gracious indeed! what a load of rubbish, anybody who spurts this out is brainwashed beyond belief and is a disgrace to islam. How disrespectful can this person be?
Lol. This is one of the single most funniest things I've ever read. It is an accepted fact that there is no Prophet coming after Muhammad, peace be upon him. It's unanimous across all groups of Islam (bar qadianis and maybe some other fringe ones, who are considered outside of the fold of Islam anyway). Sikhism is not a continuation Islam. Guru nanak is not a Prophet. No person can be a muslim if he considered another Prophet came after Prophet Muhammad, pbuh. This isn't brainwashing. This is based on the teachings of the Prophet.

Mohammed wasn't the last prophet, there was guru nanak and shirdhi sai baba...nearly the entire nation of india follow these 2 saints cos of their blessed good actions and how they both helped the poor and needy,they both served tirelessly throughout their lives and helped anyone and everyone irespective of cast and creed [unlike what the prophet believed], did the prophet ever do such things for human kind? with all respect-no he didn't, all we have is an account of him being in a cave with a slate,with god telling him what man should do.
So first your friend says he has little knowledge of the life of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, yet now he claims to know all about him to the extent that he can say with such conviction the above? Contradiction.

Tell him to read about the life of Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, first before spewing the first thing that comes to mind.

with god telling him If i'm right, mohammed actually killed many people and had slaves.
Muhammad said women were 1/2 as smart as men (Hadith 3:826; 2:541), that the majority in hell will be women (Had. 1:28,301; 2:161; 7:124), and that women could be mortgaged. A prophet taking 20 wives and a wife of 9 yrs of age, with all due respect, isn't the last of any prophets from god,many more followed-even if you don't believe so.
1. Fighting and killing in the name of justice is not dishonorable. The contrary in fact.
2. So what if he said many women would be in hell? What does that mean? He also said there would be a time when there would be 50 women to every one man.
3. Where did he say women could be mortgaged?
4. The Prophet, pbuh, did not have 20 wives. He first married Khadija RA at the age of 25 when she was 40 years old. He did not have any other wives until Khadija RA passed away. His marriage with Aisha RA was ordained by Allah. It was the custom of the people of that time to marry young. The Prophet peace be upon him had many enemies at the time, so had he been the first to do this, they would have all used that against him yet no report of such a thing happening. Aisha RA was also happy in her marriage and went on to become one of the greatest scholars of Islam. More here.
5. The issue of slavery can be read about here.

All these are the common arguments Islam haters come out with. The problem these people usually have is lack of knowledge and lack of sincerity.
Islamic theology-with emphasis being on theo for theory. It's all talk, with no evidence of this being gods words.
So again, this is coming from a guy who has never properly read about the life of the Prophet, pbuh. He doesn't even know fully what muslims believe. Yet feels he is in a position to make such statements?

God does not test young children,especially 1's who are subject to sexual abuse from adults...this is out of his hands completely,cos we have free will and i'm sure he's disgusted by it,so i'm sure people will be punished after death. if it's god wish to test a young child and let he or she be abused[for what purpose?]...then he is not god and we need not to worry!. anyone who believes children are tested by allah is living in a different world and it shows the apathy of the followers of your faith. Men sure are evil and are accountable for their actions, but there is no testing of pure innocent childen, this is defintely not my own belief of god,maybe yours but not mine. How can you love something so devine that tests the innocence and purity of children?, it's beyond me how you can believe that.
There seems to be some confusion. Firstly, young children under the age of puberty, if they pass away, are granted paradise. They are not held accountable for their actions.

This means that all of our childhood experiences (for those that make it past the age of accountability) are meant as a test for us in our adult lives. We carry our childhood experiences with us into adulthood. They have a huge impact on us.

So the true test for the paedophilia victim would be in his adult life. How he handles it, how he moves on, whether or not he accepts what Allah willed for him to experience and submits to Allah's will over him.

this is out of his hands completely,cos we have free will and i'm sure he's disgusted by it,so i'm sure people will be punished after death.
The greater issue here is of aqeeda/having the correct belief. We muslims believe that Allah has control over every single little thing and it is Allah's will to test people and do as he wishes with them. To say something is out of his hands is blasphemous to the greatest degree. How can God be All Powerful yet have something happen that is out of his control? It goes against the very definition of a God.

With all due respect to your friend, he is acting all wishy washy and coming up with stuff based on just his whims and opinions. Direct him to some concrete biography of the Prophet peace be upon him so he can have at least some idea of the personality he is arguing against.

06-16-2010, 12:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude
First of all brother/sister, if you have limited knowledge and feel drawn away from Islam, you shouldn't get yourself into these debates. There is nothing to be gained in it. These people will sow the seed of doubt in your mind and shaytan will keep tearing into that. It is better you avoided the discussion altogether. Especially with this friend particularly. He/she seems only to be arrogant and not open to proper discussion.
I dont see there is anything wrong with healthy discussion, but there a lot of things i cant answer and your right, better to stay away from them, cos since ysday i do have a lot of doubts now, and 4 me if i continue to have them, i'll get drawn away again, when my faith is already weak as it is. at the same time some1 is asking me questions on islam, so i'm gona pass what youve sed on, but im also fully aware 2 diminish doubts as they enter in my head.

format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude
Lol. This is one of the single most funniest things I've ever read. It is an accepted fact that there is no Prophet coming after Muhammad, peace be upon him. It's unanimous across all groups of Islam (bar qadianis and maybe some other fringe ones, who are considered outside of the fold of Islam anyway). Sikhism is not a continuation Islam. Guru nanak is not a Prophet. No person can be a muslim if he considered another Prophet came after Prophet Muhammad, pbuh. This isn't brainwashing. This is based on the teachings of the Prophet. .
I actually laughed reading your reply.

format_quote Originally Posted by Alpha Dude
So first your friend says he has little knowledge of the life of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, yet now he claims to know all about him to the extent that he can say with such conviction the above? Contradiction.

Tell him to read about the life of Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, first before spewing the first thing that comes to mind.

1. Fighting and killing in the name of justice is not dishonorable. The contrary in fact.
2. So what if he said many women would be in hell? What does that mean? He also said there would be a time when there would be 50 women to every one man.
3. Where did he say women could be mortgaged?
4. The Prophet, pbuh, did not have 20 wives. He first married Khadija RA at the age of 25 when she was 40 years old. He did not have any other wives until Khadija RA passed away. His marriage with Aisha RA was ordained by Allah. It was the custom of the people of that time to marry young. The Prophet peace be upon him had many enemies at the time, so had he been the first to do this, they would have all used that against him yet no report of such a thing happening. Aisha RA was also happy in her marriage and went on to become one of the greatest scholars of Islam. More here.
5. The issue of slavery can be read about here.

All these are the common arguments Islam haters come out with. The problem these people usually have is lack of knowledge and lack of sincerity.
So again, this is coming from a guy who has never properly read about the life of the Prophet, pbuh. He doesn't even know fully what muslims believe. Yet feels he is in a position to make such statements?

There seems to be some confusion. Firstly, young children under the age of puberty, if they pass away, are granted paradise. They are not held accountable for their actions.

This means that all of our childhood experiences (for those that make it past the age of accountability) are meant as a test for us in our adult lives. We carry our childhood experiences with us into adulthood. They have a huge impact on us.

So the true test for the paedophilia victim would be in his adult life. How he handles it, how he moves on, whether or not he accepts what Allah willed for him to experience and submits to Allah's will over him.

The greater issue here is of aqeeda/having the correct belief. We muslims believe that Allah has control over every single little thing and it is Allah's will to test people and do as he wishes with them. To say something is out of his hands is blasphemous to the greatest degree. How can God be All Powerful yet have something happen that is out of his control? It goes against the very definition of a God.

With all due respect to your friend, he is acting all wishy washy and coming up with stuff based on just his whims and opinions. Direct him to some concrete biography of the Prophet peace be upon him so he can have at least some idea of the personality he is arguing against.
any ideas on how old the wives were when they married the prophet muhammed (pbuh) and how old he was at the time.? Is it true aisha was only 9 & that the marriage was consumated at this age ? I didnt think this was right, but wanted clarification.

thank you .

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06-17-2010, 02:51 AM
Sikhism blown down to shards @ http://www.islam-sikhism.info/ ..... one of the most unhygienic religions of the world is sikhism.

06-18-2010, 11:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by mad_scientist
Sikhism blown down to shards @ http://www.islam-sikhism.info/ ..... one of the most unhygienic religions of the world is sikhism.
as a muslim arent we supposed to respect other faiths ??

Alpha Dude
06-18-2010, 02:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
I dont see there is anything wrong with healthy discussion, but there a lot of things i cant answer and your right, better to stay away from them, cos since ysday i do have a lot of doubts now, and 4 me if i continue to have them, i'll get drawn away again, when my faith is already weak as it is. at the same time some1 is asking me questions on islam, so i'm gona pass what youve sed on, but im also fully aware 2 diminish doubts as they enter in my head.
Ask Allah for protection against the whispers of the shaytan and from doubts. When you ask Allah, ask with firm belief that you will be guided. At the same time, get rid of all negative influences. Keep in mind that it is our job to only pass on the message. We can't convert them. That is their choice.

any ideas on how old the wives were when they married the prophet muhammed (pbuh) and how old he was at the time.? Is it true aisha was only 9 & that the marriage was consumated at this age ? I didnt think this was right, but wanted clarification.

thank you .
Yes, she was 9 according to most scholars. Read this.

The mufti rightly says, we have absolutely no need to be apologist about the issue. The people of that time matured quicker and it was the general practice.

Also have a read of this.

I'm not too sure the age of Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) wives at the time of marriage but I do know that some of them were widows.

06-18-2010, 06:03 PM
but 9 ?? thats a child ?? matured or not ? im sorry i just find this hard to accept ?

Alpha Dude
06-18-2010, 07:35 PM
Read this:

Hadhrat Aaisha [radhiallaahu anhu] was six years old when she was married to Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] and was 9 when the marriage was consummated. The doubts about child abuse and paedophilia are merely the ideologies of the Kuffaar missioneries and part of their efforts in dishonouring our beloved Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam]. One should not allow themselves to be indocrinated by such Kuffaar whose primary goal is to poison the minds of people, thus creating an aversion to our beautiful and perfect religion of Islam.

In the time of Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam], it was perfectly normal for girls to get married at the age of puberty. We also find that it was a norm in all semitic cultures from the Israelities to the Arabs and all nations in between. According to some books of the Jews, it is preferable for a woman to be married when she has her first menstruation cycle.

In another holy jewish book, there are rules regarding sexual intercourse with girls who have not yet menstruated. Throughout history, puberty has always been a symbol of adulthood. Furthermore, there are no records of any objections to the marriage of Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] to Hadhrat Aaisha [radhiallaahu anha]. Neither his contemporaries (friends or enemies) had ever criticised him for this. It is extremely unfair for us to judge Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] by the standards set by people of today.

Another important point is that in certain countries like Japan and Spain, the age of sexual consent is 13 and 12 respectively. In the US, men who have sexual intercourse with these women will be termed as paedophile, yet it is perfectly normal in their own countries. Would it be correct for the US to label the Japanese and Chinese as paedophiles according to the US standards. These are all standards set by the western world.

Shall we judge our beloved Nabi [sallallaahu alayhi wasallam] by the standards set by the western world of today or by the standards that were set in his own time. It is also a proven fact that in those countries which have a hot climate, people mature faster. This further elaborates on the maturity of Hadhrat Aaisha [radhiallaahu anha] since the Arabian peninsula has a very hot climate.

and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Islamically, we are accountable for our deeds as soon as we hit puberty. There is a clear demarcation between child and adulthood. Aisha RA reached the age of puberty and was mature. Just because she was nine, she wasn't a child that you would think of in the sense of today's world.

The people then were entirely different to us now. Life then involved hard work. Toil was the order of the day. There was little time for play. So as soon as they became mature, they were considered adult and had responsiblity. It's unfair to look back on that time now, when we have this thing called 'teenager'. An entity that is not considered fully adult but at the same time not a child. Whereas in the old times, there was none of this messing around hormone nonsense. You were adult and accountable for your actions and you had responsiblity once you hit puberty. People got married at young ages and were able to handle it physically and emotionally no problem.

Back then we'd find confident young men hardly in their teens that would be fighting in life and death situations and even go on to lead battles themselves. Contrast that to the Ipod listening, facebook addicted, self indulging 'teen' of today.

It's only now, that we live in the cheap oil age, where much of the hard work of life has been eradicated that we find time to indulge in time wasting activities to the extent that a breed of moody teenagers come about. Children in developed worlds are conditioned to believe they are still yet immature and lacking responsiblity.

So that's why, when you look at it from the lens of Western secularism and modernism, the age of Aisha RA seems unfair. Collectively, the people are brainwashed to think that people have always been like us as we are now.

We live in interesting times. We are totally different people in mind and body compared to just two hundred years ago. It's unfair to compare the standard of the Prophet Muhamamd's Sallalahu Alaihe Wasalam time to ours. The parameters are just not the same.

Aside from the above, you shouldn't divorce the entire personality of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, when you think of this issue. Aisha RA loved him dearly.

06-18-2010, 08:05 PM

I have deleted the post of someone who appears to be a Sikh and using the anonymous account to debate. Please note that this is not the purpose of the anonymous account and neither is the Advice & Support section a place for comparative religion debate. We have one or two other sections dedicated for such topics. If anyone wishes to discuss Islam with Muslims, they are welcome to use these sections and post using a proper account. There is no need to be hiding behind anonymous accounts.

Thread closed.

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