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06-21-2010, 01:01 AM
Please remember that as Muslims we only fear Allah!

Why be afraid of the Devils as Allah as allowed us to put up with them since we are children-they are feeble as described in the Quran.

The bad Jinn are called devils, and they are made from a smokeless fire, but of course their bodies don’t look like they are made from smokeless fire, just as our human bodies don’t look like its made out of clay. If the devils do not repent they will go and burn into hell, with Satan (whom is also a Jinn) he does not run Hell -he himself will burn in Hell too.

The Jinn's good and bad have the same test as Humans-but they start at a different level-just like giving a child a head start in the race to make it fair. That is why they are under Heaven, and we can’t see it in our World. That is why they were able to go up to Heaven (as they used to eavesdrop to find out what is happening on Earth, hence fortune telling etc)-which they are no longer able to do-when Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was teaching Islam.

The other important difference is that they are openly evil-they can’t pretend to be good in their world as of course people can see that you are following humans and being evil. Unlike of course in this world people hide behind good intentions, such as politicians etc.

People cannot imagine why people who are under Heaven, who have seen angels can be evil, even Iblis was evil in Heaven. It is there arrogance, jealousy-which of course they wouldn’t have if they were spending more time being kind, and praising Allah. Just as people commit sins knowing they are being indecent, disgusting, and don’t want other people to do well.

They procreate worse then animals, having sex outside in public, and having children, whom both their parents pay little attention to as their constant talk is about humans, and when their child hears of this they join in (still Allah provides a fair test as which is appealing joining your dumb parents or going to Heaven). Evil =Stupidity. Just as people who take drugs and it doesn’t benefit them etc.

They come in different shapes and sizes, can be taller then the average Humans too. As they spend more time talking about Humans they don’t actually know much about their own heritage, or even speak a Jinn language. Some their skin peels, and the colour of the skin is as a dark one (not black, brown) but more dark/grey. They are not hygienic. They do eat and if a person does not pray before they eat then the Devil is able to eat their food, but if they do, the Devil will not be able to consume it, so they like getting people to forget to pray before they eat.

They can’t stand people praying as angels come near to that person and they run off. There are not many good Jinn, but the Devils would not dream of approaching them as they fear them. The good Jinn are more no nonsense-not like a Muslim Man who actually lives with unbelievers and is patient with them-but the good Jinn don’t show this as the unbelievers in their worlds are Devils-so no tolerance.

Devils are known for telling people to be evil. We live in parallel worlds, some people can see or hear them as they can only do so by using their soul-not the physical body that we have in this world. The devil constantly tells a person to be evil, that’s why people have a bad thought come into their mind, and they know they wouldn’t dream of saying something, bad about their family, religion etc. Also when you can’t help thinking about sex and your not even in a relationship with someone-they are responsible, as sex is a relationship between husband and wife, but they want people to ruin their lives and tell them to think about something they don’t want to -and again they can’t understand as they want to carry on with their work, family life etc. Its not about having sex because they want to enjoy it-its rather they are led by sexual urges etc. That’s why some people have used the word addiction-its because they are listening to the devils more, its is important to put a stand to it, as the more the devils can see that its working and you are saying it is , do not give them any satisfaction, don’t acknowledge bad thoughts openly i.e. sexual urges, not liking someone etc.

Black Magic is real -it is mentioned in the Quran, that is simply were humans ask devils to go and hurt someone, the devils are able to penetrate into a person and make them ill, have headaches etc. When someone tells them to pray they don’t listen, but when someone tells them to do black magic they rush forward. Some do black magic as they are requested to, and others not only take it as a job, but they enjoy it too as they are also jealous of Humans and want to ruin their lives-by ruining their marriages etc. The Devils feel important as they effect people’s lives, they can hear the conversation of leaders, people around the world and like to think they know what that Human does not (even though its not knowledge as knowledge is not about knowing what sinners do, its about Allah).

They are gossiping individuals, if you think about society people, they like to gossip, if someone has got divorced etc, and you can see in the look in their eyes they enjoy it-same as Devils. They constantly want to know what’s going on with the lives of humans -we are in a way their soap opera. When parents are gossiping even in this world, then their children join in looking at so and so, I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who have seen the effects gossip has, and even when I recently visited Pakistan (looking at people stare at you, and even children doing this), staring is rude, its what Devils do constantly.

When a group of people are making a big deal of a pop star, then the people who are not religious want to be like them, even some people go as far as wanting to dress like them. If you are weak in Islam, then you listen to this group of people and then you think that in order to be popular you need to be like that pop star so you can get people to look at you the same way they are looking at this pop star, so that’s what the devils do as the talk is Human, Human, Human they get jealous of them. As when they see that their parents are jealous, a group of people are jealous of this pop star, they think in order to be successful in life you need other people to be jealous about you too. Unfortunately people in this world think that’s a measure of their success, even people are motivated to do things just to make other people jealous, there are even some religiously weak people who are more motivated to stay married as other people are jealous about them, rather then be motivated as they love their husband/wife and believe in their marriage. That is why in the West they want to kiss in public etc-as its about showing to other people, not like in Islam, I don’t need other people’s attentions I’m just going to have a private relationship with my husband/wife. That also is why evil people then want attention from a wide range of people-for example if a female was walking down the street, she wants people to value her, or have males wanting to be with her-but of course her intention isn’t to talk and get along with those people or marry one of the Males-but just seek attention. That is also why there are a lot of them talking about their personal relationships openly to people when they shouldn’t-as its more about showing off, trying to be valued more from people rather then from your own husband/wife etc. This shows why Devils are also staying in that world, staring at people, gossiping etc and for the children to grown up to continue to go follow Humans as they stupidly enjoy it.

Its important to know that majority of the Devils do not have the same agenda as Satan-as Satan wants to ruin Humanity, but his children go and do evil as they are jealous of individual, or a group of Humans at a time-so they usually follow the same Human for the whole of their life. Satan does not follow someone for the whole of the Human’s lifetime -but he does if he can get close to Prophets and stays in the vicinity when they are around, for the whole of their lives. He is in a way now in a back seat for Humans as the Dajjal is coming-the difference between the two the Dajjal is not intelligent, aggressive and we‘ll just be fighting against Humans and not about being sly etc. As Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will kill the Dajjal and there is already a decline of putting up with evil-it looks unlikely that Satan will ever be able to approach him, this time around. It has been said that all the Prophets have warned their people about the coming of the Dajjal.

Satan does want marriages to be ruined as he sees it the easiest way for people to be evil, but again the children are acting the same way as gossiping competitive females etc in this world were they don’t want the marriage to work as they are jealous, there focus isn't more of them not being religious but just their lives in this world-just as human sinners do in this world-their focus is they don't want your marriage, having a home to work in this world-the focus is on what you get in this world not in the next.

They do live in a parallel world, which is why they can see and hear us and follow us around without being seen by us. In the western world they are talking about ghosts-but they are really devils, they have allowed this thought to develop as people not being religious. As they are saying their dead relative or someone is haunting their property etc-which goes against Islamic teachings that this is the only time that people have to make it to Paradise, when they are dead they certainly do not care about the property that they used to live in, they only care about making it to Paradise, or if they have failed thinking constantly about Hell. The Devils are comfortable with changing their shape to resemble dead relatives as they don’t want people to really see them as they are.

They are capable of moving objects etc-but its important to remember that we don’t need their permission to live in this world-as we have already received it from Allah, of course the Devils are only wanting to upset people (the good Jinn would not haunt people’s properties). Even though they can move objects, they have to edge closer in order to be able to do this-as the TV, Sofa, etc do not exist in their world only ours, they can’t hear a radio, TV, unless they edge closer to listen. So it’s a myth where people have been saying if you listen to music etc then the devils will gather-that’s more like concerts (as they are live etc, but the devils are still more bothered about following humans and telling them to do evil then sit their ignoring humans and listen to music, as they also talk non-stop to humans.

In the west as they don’t talk of Devils, they don’t want to acknowledge that when people who they label as having mental disorders are hearing voices, are telling the truth, that’s why largely they hear derogatory remarks made about them, and nice remarks are used by devils sometimes to pretend to be kind to people (as if they were really good they wouldn’t be following you -they would be praying to Allah). Devils do not like it at all that people can hear them, they ask people to commit suicide to get rid of them, or ask that person to kill to ruin them-but Allah still provides a fair test as I said earlier these people don’t listen to Islam that they are capable of putting up with Devils as Allah does not trial someone beyond their scope-but as they don’t listen its hard for them to live normal lives. We have cases in the Muslim world were people were able to hear etc and of course a religious person prayed and they couldn’t hear them anymore and leading OK lives.

Of course its not normal to blame the Devils on all the illnesses, but its just important to be aware, as there are cases of people continually being ill and no matter how much medication was being taken, it wasn’t helping them to recover-so we should not be sitting their suffering from stupid Devils but seeking out the right help, from religious people.

Unfortunately, a lot of people have suffered from black magic, its important to realise that when the countries collapse and we are going through the Major signs of the Day of Judgement, its unlikely that many people will be using black magic-as there is no society, as there is no established way of life, just droughts and war etc-how can they be competitive etc. Of course these Devils can stand with those people requesting to do black magic in the next world and be thrown into Hell together.

Some Devils are well educated, and understand how things work more better then Humans do in this world, they also know about the human body. Not many Devils bother to be educated, as again the rest spend more time gossiping. The ones that do get educated, unfortunately do it for the wrong reasons as they are still looking at Humans and want to do better them, hence its out of arrogance.

Of course Allah did not create all the intelligent and beautiful people to make it to Paradise and all the stupid and ugly ones to go to Hell. It just shows that Allah provides a fair test for everyone and they have wronged themselves. Its just an humiliation for them that they have given up so much just for the life of this world and ending up in Hell.

Also they are showing that they can’t pass their tests and be good in their world (under heaven) they certainly wouldn’t have a chance of passing their test in the Human world. So a lot of difference between Humans and Jinn, we all know that Allah exists, we don’t need to be under Heaven as that would not be a fair test as people would just want to leave and go to Heaven. Of course Humans still show that they are willing to do this-for example buying homes abroad and trying to move to a better environment and where its nice and sunny-something the Devils aren’t doing.

On another thread, I have wrote about sinners not repenting because they are more bothered about people’s reaction to them then Allah’s. People find it easier gaining people’s attention by being innocent etc, but these Devils have committed vile crimes, so they know that people won’t like them and don’t repent (but they are still being evil, and jealous at that moment too anyway, as they are still following humans being evil). Forgetting about Allah is the worst thing that anybody can do, as you need Allah to be pleased with you and not other people on the Day of Judgement. This is typical of evil people, murderers etc, they try and conceal their crimes from Humans -but forget that Allah knows what they have done.

The Devils don’t learn about Islam to learn that Allah has never told a Muslim that its our job to follow everyone and stop a person from being evil. No Prophets have ever said this. So when they do evil they think they are winning, when they are only increasing their punishment in Hell. They are used to playing this game when they do black magic, people stop them, just the same as criminals when they are prevented from committing a crime. Devils make a big deal about what they can do, as they look at the effect it has on Humans, but evil is stupidity and all this is like when people lie to others, for example of a Human female was lying, and slandering someone and causing trouble in a marriage-she treats other people as gullible, and when the marriage falls a part she knows she caused this to happen and then believe she can influence and get other people to do what she wants. Even though the devils think they are in a unique position, and in a better position to do evil, as no one can see or hear them, it is the same thing they do, by talking to someone and getting people to do what they want. When people start lying from an early age, they think they can get people to do what they want, for example if they stole someone’s eggs, then the person had to travel another mile to get more-the evil person thinks of course that it was because of them that person has travelled another mile and so on. This is all that Devils are making a big deal of etc.

There won’t be of course much gossip going through the Major signs of the Day of Judgement, and people will be going through a drought. There is a reference to them joining the Dajjal and pretending to be somebody’s parents in order to get that person to side with the Dajjal (of course they would not have listened to Islam to come to that conclusion as its not for dead people to come back to live in this world. But of course when Allah destroys sinners in this world, they the Devils are not exempted in their own world.

I think that there is an outdated view that people can't handle learning about Devils etc, when people are curious, and a lot of bad things are already happening in this world, and people have been suffering from black magic so badly, so why are they assuiming that we can't handle it when we are having the Dajjal coming into this world. But it is important not to waste your time as that's what Devils do, they of course are not important to us.

I have learnt of the above, as why bother just to learn about them when I am dead, they aren’t important that a person is going to be learning about evil people when they are happily enjoying what Allah has provided us with in the next world. They are not important that a person would be thinking highly of them in the next world, so learn of them in this world as your only going to look down on them as nothing in the next world. Its is also important to note that we should be thinking more of the Day of Judgement as its our steadfastness in Islam which is important to putting up with evil. It is of course important to remember that Allah has allowed us to put with these Devils since we were children, so of course they are nothing to fear, and you should fear Allah anyway, as only he is worthy enough to be feared.

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