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Muslim Woman
06-30-2010, 03:55 AM

got this mail.

Never leave food stuff beside your bed .

Please read this and advise your friends and family! You may save others' lives!

Incident One:A little boy died because surgeons found ants in his brain! Apparently this boy fell asleep with some sweets in his mouth or with some sweet stuff beside him.

Ants soon got to him and some ants in fact crawled into his ear which somehow managed to go to his brain. When he woke up, he did not realize that ants had gone to his head...

After that, he constantly complained about itchiness around his face. His mother brought him to a doctor, but the doctor could not figure out what was wrong with him. He took an X-ray of the boy and to his horror; he found a group of live ants in his skull.

Since the ants were still alive, the doctor could not operate on him because the ants were constantly moving around.

The boy finally died. So please be careful when leaving food stuff near your bed or when eating in bed. This might attract ants. Most importantly,

NEVER you or your child eat sweets before going to bed. You or your child might attract ants while you are asleep.

Incident Two:Another similar incident happened in a hospital in Taiwan. This man was warded in the hospital and was constantly warned by the nurses not to leave food stuff by his bedside because there were ants about.

He did not heed their advice. Ants finally got to him. His family members said that the man constantly complained about headaches. He died and a postmortem or autopsy was done on him. Doctors found a group of live ants in his head. Apparently, the ants had been eating bits of his brain. So friends, better be safe than sorry.

Never leave food stuff beside your bed you when you go to sleep.

Please forward this to your friends and relatives

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06-30-2010, 04:40 AM
...why did I read this? I was just about to sign off and go to bed. :skeleton:

Not that I go to bed with food in my mouth or anything but, can I ask for another source? I don't exactly believe everything that comes from emails. Especially those 'send this to 7 people or the doll will kill you in your bed' ones.:exhausted

06-30-2010, 05:26 AM
Ants are extremely specialized. The food collecting ants in a colony can not eat on their own. They have to bring the food back to the hive in which other specialized ants will take the food and "process" part of it and feed the workers, the workers will starve to death even if an abundance of food is available, if they do not return to the nest with the food.

This story sounds fishy.

snopes also found the email to be false:http://www.snopes.com/horrors/insects/bugear.asp

06-30-2010, 06:04 AM
better call the exterminater before the ants I found in my kitchen turn more sinister and go after my brains

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Muslim Woman
06-30-2010, 08:07 AM

a friend wrote : These stories are both fiction, classic urban legends. There are no documented cases of ants entering the brain and living there..

Muslim Woman
06-30-2010, 08:09 AM
Salaam bro

format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
... They have to bring the food back to the hive in which other specialized ants will take the food and "process" part of it and feed the workers,

that's a good point . If these are fake , what could be the motive ?? Strange.

Is it possible that ants were searching for more food and were stucked inside the brain ? :(

Muslim Woman
06-30-2010, 08:16 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by seekerofjannah
...why did I read this? I was just about to sign off and go to bed. :skeleton:
sorry to scare u . Let's hope that these sad incidents did not take place but surely it's not a good idea to eat besides / on bed. Ants do come if foods are there .

'send this to 7 people or the doll will kill you in your bed' ones.:exhausted
haha that's funny. Usually I get this kind of mail : send this and a miracle will happen in ur life tomorrow. So far , no one sent me doll threat.

Ummu Sufyaan
06-30-2010, 08:39 AM
i think animals tend to seek out and live/colonize in their natural habitats and i dont think the natural environment/habitat of ants in anywhere on the human body, let alone in the ears or brain. besides, even if they did, wouldn't they sting the skin first...thats what ants usually do when they come in contact with human skin, no?

06-30-2010, 02:06 PM

The social insects especially Ants and their close relatives bees are very amazing creatures a colony or hive acts as if it if theywere a single entity. None can live on it's own. The workers that gater food can not eat on their own they have to be feed by feeder members ot the colony. the others can not gather food as they can not crry it. each is highly specialized It is a v ery complex system and each member of the system has an essential role.

Ants can not live very long if seperated from the colony. Oddly every and in a colony is an infertile female except for the queen. but the queen is incapable of leaving the hive except during here first few days of life when she has wings and flies to find a mate after which she forms a new hive and each member of the hive/colony is her daughter. Oddly there are no male ants/bees except during the brief time a new queen is hatched and flies off to find a mate and then form m a new colony.

'Abd Al-Maajid
06-30-2010, 02:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Woman
...He took an X-ray of the boy and to his horror; he found a group of live ants in his skull...
How come the group of ants showed up in X-ray report? Cant X-rays penetrate a group of ants? This thread should be moved to 'Official jokes thread' ;D

kite runner
06-30-2010, 02:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abdulmajid
How come the group of ants showed up in X-ray report? Cant X-rays penetrate a group of ants? This thread should be moved to 'Official jokes thread' ;D
I agree :D ants couldnt live inside someones brain

06-30-2010, 04:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
Ants are extremely specialized. The food collecting ants in a colony can not eat on their own. They have to bring the food back to the hive in which other specialized ants will take the food and "process" part of it and feed the workers, the workers will starve to death even if an abundance of food is available, if they do not return to the nest with the food.

This story sounds fishy.

snopes also found the email to be false:http://www.snopes.com/horrors/insects/bugear.asp
Jazakumullah Khair br. Woodrow for the link.

format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Woman

sorry to scare u . Let's hope that these sad incidents did not take place but surely it's not a good idea to eat besides / on bed. Ants do come if foods are there .
It's fine sis, and yes inshaAllah those incidents didn't occur.

Actually, if I recall correctly, there's a hadith that mentions to dust your bed thrice.

Oneness, Uniqueness of Allah (Tawheed)
Bukhari :: Book 9 :: Volume 93 :: Hadith 490

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, “When anyone of you goes to bed, he should dust it off thrice with the edge of his garment, and say: Bismika Rabbi wada’tu janbi, wa bika arfa’hu. In amsakta nafsi faghfir laha, wa in arsaltaha fahfazha bima tahfaz bihi ‘ibadaka-s-salihin.”
The Book Pertaining to the Remembrance of Allah, Supplication, Repentance and Seeking Forgiveness (Kitab Al-Dhikr)
Muslim :: Book 35 : Hadith 6554

Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as say- ing: When any one of you goes to bed, he should take hold of the hem of his lower garment and then should clean (his bed) with the help of that and then should recite the name of Allah for he himself does not know what he left behind him on his bed, and when he intends to lie on bed, he should lie on his right side and utter these words:” Hallowed be Allah, my Lord. It is with Thine (grace) that I place my side (upon the bed) and it is with Thee that I take it up (after sleep), and in case Thou withholdst my being (if thou causest me to die), then grant pardon to my being, and if Thou keepst (this process of breathing on), then protect it with that with which Thou protected Thine pious servants.”

haha that's funny. Usually I get this kind of mail : send this and a miracle will happen in ur life tomorrow. So far , no one sent me doll threat.
I could PM you one if you'd like. :rollseyes

06-30-2010, 06:01 PM
Many of these emails start off as "harmless" jokes between friends but usually somebody gets the idea of forwarding them to everybody in their address book and in a short time they are spread world wide, with many people taking them as being serious. The "Bonzai Cat" email is a real classic. Started as a school assignment for writing an ad campaign, but some people took it as being funny and copied it from the MIT data base and forwarded it. It spread world wide in just a few hours.

06-30-2010, 06:20 PM
Asalamu Alikum Wr Wb!
Annntsss!:scared: I've this some kind of allergy I guess with these creatures of Allah that even their very sight would give me goose bumps and the it's actually unexplainable of what I feel !:skeleton:

I think they can't enter your skull via your ear. LOL! (like come on, isn't there anything blocking the way, like ear drum etc! ;D)

It's sort of scary special when the ANTS enter your ear!
Brother Woodrow explained it well I guess.

format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
Ants are extremely specialized. The food collecting ants in a colony can not eat on their own. They have to bring the food back to the hive in which other specialized ants will take the food and "process" part of it and feed the workers, the workers will starve to death even if an abundance of food is available, if they do not return to the nest with the food.

This story sounds fishy.

snopes also found the email to be false:http://www.snopes.com/horrors/insects/bugear.asp

06-30-2010, 08:13 PM
plz plz plz can I get fireflies in my brain. I will be Enlightened (pun intended) .... i love those tiny capsules of burning bodies oozing a surreal ambience in a dark night ...

07-01-2010, 01:40 AM
ants will crawl up the mouth and slide out the nose whhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. a few will be stuck on the boogers on the way out

07-01-2010, 01:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by τhε ṿαlε'ṡ lïlÿ
ants will crawl up the mouth and slide out the nose whhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. a few will be stuck on the boogers on the way out
EEEyew! eeyew! yukhi! :D

AAAHAHAHA lol sis!

cat eyes
07-01-2010, 02:32 AM
im wondering how the ants showed up in the x ray? i clean my bed with a cloth before sleeping in it in case theres any insects

07-01-2010, 05:06 AM
lol that article is just to scare people or maybe kids so that they dont have sweets before going to bed, bad for the teeth, and about keeping food beside you when sleeping i think in anyways its really not hygenic to lay around foods. And it happened to me several times that ants went into my ears but they always come out of it, there is no way for them to get inside there lol

07-07-2010, 07:30 PM
Re Original Post.

I cannot help but feel that this is a mugs test...........believe it and you are a mug. Consider the constitution of the human brain - it is largely liguid. Tunnel into it and blood and CSF will flow, drowning any ant that goes in.
Second up have you ever had anything touch your eardrum - never mind tunnel through it - it is painful, capital P .
As for the last what sort of hospital (even in Taiwan) has ANTS wandering about it?

cat eyes
07-07-2010, 08:22 PM
haha i'm just thinking that they must be really tough ants with extremely sharp teeth to start chewing on your brain;D

07-22-2010, 10:22 PM
I'm sorry to have to tell you this people, but there are parasites that can live in the brain and eat it. They can invade any part of your body. if anyone has watched Monsters Inside Me, they will confirm this. if you haven't watched this documentary series then you should. As they say 'better the devil you know....'

07-22-2010, 11:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scents of Jannah
I'm sorry to have to tell you this people, but there are parasites that can live in the brain and eat it. They can invade any part of your body. if anyone has watched Monsters Inside Me, they will confirm this. if you haven't watched this documentary series then you should. As they say 'better the devil you know....'
I saw that, did you see the one with the leech up the nose? That was fun especially when it made an apppearance to a hairdresser.

But I think you will find that none of these predators/parasites are ants.

07-23-2010, 09:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Santoku
I saw that, did you see the one with the leech up the nose? That was fun especially when it made an apppearance to a hairdresser.

But I think you will find that none of these predators/parasites are ants.
I didn't say ants are parasites. They aren't. I didn't see the leech one. After a few episodes they all are the same. But that one with the baby whose brain was partly eaten by larvae/worms was really sad. And to think he picked up the bug from playing in the park, is horrifying.

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