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View Full Version : Fasting/tiredness/taraweeh

08-19-2010, 09:46 PM

as ramadan is progressing, im struggling with perfecting my salah. sumtimes wen i pray taraweeh at night, im so tired/drained that im unable to concentrate on namaz properley. I feel so tired/sleepy esp as isha is so late. 2nite i made several mistakes that im aware of, and have trouble concentrating. my thoughts drift off and i dont know how to control them ? esp wen im so tired.

any tips ? I really dont wana miss it, but im just so out of it by the middle of it, that i dont even know if im reading it correctly.

Is it possible to pray the isha prayer the following day ?

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Muslim Woman
08-19-2010, 10:55 PM

can u take rest for one hour after Maghrib salat ? InshaAllah u won't feel that tired then. Remember , Tarawee is special for Ramadan only . So , don't miss it and u will be rewarded abundently . If u are a bro , then go to mosque and offer salat behind the Imam ( in Jammat ). Rewards will be more.

Sorry , we have to offer salat in time ; so u must not miss ur Isa and offer it the next day.

May Allah makes it easy for u .

08-20-2010, 02:53 AM
I know what you mean taraweah is tiring me also but I'm determined to attend them all this ramadhan inshallah since I've never attended them all. Your legs get tired this is the hardest bit.

08-20-2010, 07:51 AM

What are you taking for iftaar and sahr...because sometimes when you don't have enough carbohydrate and protein it'll be hard to concentrate and focus on the things you do.

And also ...try to drink lots of water. Balance your activities...try to minimise your activities during the day to save the energy for the night sis.


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08-20-2010, 08:47 PM

M-Woman, I do have rest after maghrib, but wen i start my isha im alrite, wen i get half way thru taraweeh im really tired, like ysday, i really struggled to keep my eyes open. sometimes i even read half sitting it down, cos i just cant/dont feel i have the energy to continously keep gettin up.

Squiggle i really dont wana miss them, & ive tried i have, but then i have days wen i know ive made mistakes. I just thort it betta to leave it than read in error ?

syilla I dont do anything streneous throughout the day, cos i just dont have the energy, so its not like im tiring myself out. Ive even taken time off work so i can make sure i perfect my salah on time throughout ramadan. I dont think its anythin to do with my food intake tbh.

Im just at a loss what to do ? still read but likelyhood of making errors ? or leave it ? I cant even read it earlier, cos isha is quite late as it is.

cat eyes
08-20-2010, 08:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous

as ramadan is progressing, im struggling with perfecting my salah. sumtimes wen i pray taraweeh at night, im so tired/drained that im unable to concentrate on namaz properley. I feel so tired/sleepy esp as isha is so late. 2nite i made several mistakes that im aware of, and have trouble concentrating. my thoughts drift off and i dont know how to control them ? esp wen im so tired.

any tips ? I really dont wana miss it, but im just so out of it by the middle of it, that i dont even know if im reading it correctly.

Is it possible to pray the isha prayer the following day ?
I had the same problem as you so i started eating veg. it made a huge difference for me considering i'm on medication too.. like i had lots of energy today for example i could do my salah.

ive included veg in to my diet and i nearly always have it now at iftar and then i chew on some celery sticks before i go to sleep after fajir with toasted tuna sandwich's

just add veg in ur diet somehow i feel it makes a difference for me and drink plenty of water

08-20-2010, 11:03 PM
May Allah make it easy for us all. Ameen. Aching legs/tiredness in taraweeh is an indication of how unfit we are. Fitness should be a big priority for muslims. Not only does being fit mean being able to perform better in acts of worship, but also if Jihad was called we'd be able to fight without collapsing after the first 10 minutes. We've got to change things. We've really got to.


08-20-2010, 11:27 PM
walk less during the day, eat more when breaking your fast to help your body recover

Muslim Woman
08-20-2010, 11:33 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous
. sometimes i even read half sitting it down, cos i just cant/dont feel i have the energy to continously keep gettin up.


Did u talk to any doc ? Why feel so tired ? U need some vitamines ? If possible , take a break / leave from office / day works.

08-21-2010, 12:40 AM
As-Salāmu `Alaykum (السلام عليكم):

Ten natural foods that boost energy

1) Whole grains are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates. They also contain antioxidants, much like fruits and vegetables. Whole grains actually slow the breakdown and absorption of sugar by the body. Sources of whole grains are whole grain bread, rice and pasta.
2) Oatmeal has long been known as a heart-healthy food effective in reducing bad cholesterol levels in the body. It is also one of the best sources of soluble fiber for the body.
3) Pasta is very high in complex carbohydrates while low in carlories, sodium and fat. These are good carbs to load up on as opposed to candy bars and soda.
4) Yogurt – A quick cup of yogurt is fast and provides 17 grams of carbohydrates and 13 grams of protein. Just what your body needs for a quick source of energy!
5) Salmon is high in protein and the omega-3 fats that are essential to good heart health. They also contain B-vitamins, which can boost cardiovascular health and increase your energy level.
6) Bananas are packed with potassium which help muscle function and coordination. They can help prevent stiffness and that tired feeling from sitting at a desk all day!
7) Orange juice is great for an early morning boost of energy, loaded with vitamin C. Vitamin C helps your body break down and absorb the iron from other food sources.
8) Beans are so simple to cook, and they are full of vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Beans are easy to add to the diet in soups, dips, spreads and added to pasta salads.
9) Almonds are one of the best sources of vitamin E and magnesium. They are one of most nutrient-dense nuts in existence.
10) Dried fruit – Keep dried fruit at your desk for a quick energy pick-up. Dried fruits will not spoil and are full of vitamins and nutrients.
11) Hydrate-Water, Water, Water

Sahih Bukhari Volume 3, Book 32, Number 230:

Narrated Abu Salama bin 'Abdur Rahman:

that he asked 'Aisha "How was the prayer of Allah's Apostle in Ramadan?" She replied, "He did not pray more than eleven Rakat in Ramadan or in any other month. He used to pray four Rakat ---- let alone their beauty and length----and then he would pray four ----let alone their beauty and length ----and then he would pray three Rakat (Witr)." She added, "I asked, 'O Allah's Apostle! Do you sleep before praying the Witr?' He replied, 'O 'Aisha! My eyes sleep but my heart does not sleep."


Abdul Wahid
08-21-2010, 07:36 AM

The days are longer for fasting and by night people tend to be more tired during Taraweeh but there are ways of countering this.

Do dua to ALLAH(SWT) that He(SWT) makes it easier for you and all of us.

A lot of people at the time of Iftarri stuff themselves and hence are bloated. When you eat so much your more likely to be lazy and tiredness will creep in. So best thing is to open your fast with dates, have some water and fruits. Go to the Masjid and pray Maghrib salat. After praying have a light munch, try to avoid eating a lot of oily/spicy foods. I'm not saying don't eat and starve yourself but people have the wrong perception when they start stuffing themselves at the time of Iftar and Suhoor. Drink plenty of water and have lots of fruits.

Some people after eating like to have a rest and have a lie down before Isha/Taraweeh. Don't do this otherwise you'll get more lazier as time ticks by. There isn't much time between Maghrib and Isha anyway. Get ready to go the Masjid. Do fresh wudhu. Freshen up. Take some water in a bottle and drink it whenever you need to. Also if your feeling tired, go to the wudhu khana and wash your face - you will feel somewhat less tired and you will be fully focused.

Grab a friend and take them to the Masjid too. At least you will have company with you and its better than being alone, more safer too.

Hamza Asadullah
08-21-2010, 04:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous

as ramadan is progressing, im struggling with perfecting my salah. sumtimes wen i pray taraweeh at night, im so tired/drained that im unable to concentrate on namaz properley. I feel so tired/sleepy esp as isha is so late. 2nite i made several mistakes that im aware of, and have trouble concentrating. my thoughts drift off and i dont know how to control them ? esp wen im so tired.

any tips ? I really dont wana miss it, but im just so out of it by the middle of it, that i dont even know if im reading it correctly.

Is it possible to pray the isha prayer the following day ?
Asalaamu Alaikum Wr Wb, you did'nt actually mention whether your a sister or a brother but what you should do is firstly get adequate sleep. Sleep by 12 if you can or as soon as Tarawee finishes. Wake up in time for Tahajjud and have a nice healthy Sehri like porridge with honey and mixed seeds with a boiled egg and wholegrain bread. Finish with a glass of orange juice and also some water.

Then you can pray Fajr and if you can then do ibadah until sunrise praying the sunrise prayer and then going to sleep. If not then just sleep after praying Fajr and do however much ibadah you can manage. Then you can catch up on any sleep you need. Take it easy throughout the day and don't walk or do too much physical activity just concentrate on ibadah.

At iftaar time you should be careful of not overeating. Iftaar food of the Indian subcontinent tends to be very oily making one feel lazy and lethargic afterwards. This is best avoided especially as one has to pray Tarawee afterwards. Therefore open with a few dates along with a big glass of water. It is important to hydrate yourself properly after Iftaar for the body cannot function at its most optimum whilst dehydrated. Then pray Maghrib and afterwards have a good balanced meal including lean red meat, chicken or fish with plenty of vegtables and potatos/wholegrain brown rice.

Chappatti or bread is best avoided as it can be quite heavy and harder for the stomach to digest causing one to feel very tired when praying Tarawee. Have a nice healthy yoghurt afterwards or even Qawah as it may help aid digestion and keep you awake for Tarawee.

Before praying tarawee i would suggest that one has a shower using water that is more cold than warm. This will make one feel instantly refreshed and awake. When praying tarawee always have a bottle of water with you and take little sips after every few rakah's. Also pray Tarawee near a window or fan as this wil keep one refreshed and awake as oppose to feeling hot as this is when there is danger of one feeling tired and lazy.

Maybe every few rakah's go and splash cold water on your face or even do wudhu again if you are feeling extra tired and this will make one feel fresh and invigorated in no time.

Keep in your mind Allah is infront of you and watching you pray and before starting prayer focus your mind that you will now face Allah.

Ask of Allah to give you the energy to pray Tarawee every night and also remember that with striving and struggle comes reward. So continue to strive and NEVER give up! This month may be our last and what better time to get closer to Allah and gain abundant rewards.

and Allah knows best in all matters

08-21-2010, 09:48 PM

M.Woman I do have an auto-immune condition, so im very careful with my diet, and i make sure i get everything i need. Ive only eva needed to take iron tabs a few years ago once, but mainly control everythng thru diet, so i really dont know. I dont eat very much, as wen iftaar time comes, i just dont have much of an appetite.

I dont do anything really, throughout the day, just general things around the house, and salat thats it, i dont even go out. ive taken time off work so i can read namaz on time, even then i find praying really hard esp zuhr and isha. I wanted to offer extra salat thru ramadan, & although i managed on the first 2 days, ive failed to do this since.

bro sabr-my diet already includes a few of things, but i'll try anything else any1 has suggested-thanks

A.Wahid I dont go to the masjid i read at home. obviously with sehri times my sleep pattern has changed and i dont think i get enuf tbh. I did dua 2day and ysday, like you suggested and thankfully 2day, i wasnt that bad, only towarrds the finsihing, but i managed to finish properley.

bro hamza- i dont do any ibadah as soon as ive read fajr thats it, im ded tired. I already do most of the things you suggest, but i didnt know i was allowed to drink in between rakahs, so i'll try that and also make extra dua so i can continue.

Soulja Girl
08-26-2010, 10:01 PM

I think your auto immune condition is contributing a lot to your tiredness. A homeopathic doctor told me that coconut oil is good for auto immune conditions. If its okay for you to have it and you wish to try it, I would advise you to get the Organic cold pressed oil in the glass bottle or Jar. Not plastic. The recommended daily allowance is 3 tablespoons.

This is not to say that coconut oil is a cure for all auto immune conditions - but it plays an important part.

Also, If our recommended deeds are interfering with our obligatory deeds then that which is obligatory takes precedence. Taraweeh is recommended, pray them as much as you can but concentrate on your Obligatory prayers more.

May Allaah give you health and Eemaan.

08-27-2010, 01:34 AM

Aspects of Islamic Faith - 70: When one is too tired to pray


Published: Aug 5, 2010 22:23 Updated: Aug 5, 2010 22:23

Zainab bint Jahsh, one of the Prophet’s wives, was very devout. She was keen to offer voluntary prayers, and to fast. Furthermore, she excelled in handiwork. She did things and sold them, giving the proceeds to charity. As her home was adjacent to the mosque, she sometimes offered voluntary worship in the depth of the night in the mosque.

Anas ibn Malik reports: “The Prophet (peace be upon him) came one day into the mosque and found a rope stretched between two pillars. He asked what was the rope for.

He was told that it was put up for Zainab, so that she would hold on to it during her prayer when she felt too tired. The Prophet said: ‘No. Take it off. Let everyone pray when they feel fresh and comfortable. When they feel tired, they should sit down.’” (Related by Al-Bukhari).

This is just an example of the fact that Islam does not overburden its followers with worship duties. Voluntary night worship is highly recommended. It earns rich reward from God. Yet no one should go to extreme lengths in offering such worship. It is not right to test one’s endurance in worship. God has made fasting one of the best rewarding acts of worship. We fast in Ramadan as a duty, refraining from taking food or drink for the length of the day, from dawn to dusk. Yet when the fasting time is over, we enjoy a good meal. We have another meal just before starting the fast. Thus, we are able to cope without much strain. Some people tried to make fasting harder, by taking a drink at sunset and continuing the fast to the next day. The Prophet made it clear that was wrong. He issued clear orders that no one should do that.

The present hadith tells us a similar story with regard to prayer. His wife, who was known for her exemplary devotion, wanted to spend much of the night in worship. After a while she was very tired and could not stand up in prayer. The following day, she asked for a rope to be tied to two pillars at a suitable height for her. She felt that if fatigue overtakes her and she is about to fall asleep, she could hold on to the rope in order to keep awake.

Thus, her body would be crying for sleep but her mind wanted her to continue her voluntary worship. The Prophet disapproved. He was too kind to his people to allow this. Moreover, he wanted them to approach worship in a cheerful and comfortable frame of mind. If worship becomes too tiring, people would soon feel it a burden and might leave it altogether. Hence, he told them to offer voluntary worship only when they are fresh and alert.

This is in line with Quranic guidance. God says in the Qur’an: “God does not charge a soul with more than it can bear. In its favor shall be whatever good it does, and against it whatever evil it does. Our Lord, do not take us to task if we forget or unwittingly do wrong. Our Lord, do not lay on us a burden such as that You laid on those before us. Our Lord, do not burden us with what we do not have the strength to bear. Pardon us, and forgive us our sins, and bestow Your mercy on us. You are our Lord Supreme; grant us victory against the unbelievers.” (2: 286)

Such is the supplication of believers: that they should not have a burden that is too hard. Hence, they must not make worship too hard.

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