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View Full Version : A response to stephen hawking that no god created the universe

09-08-2010, 05:30 PM
Salaam everyone and blessings over Ramadan. I became a Muslim at the age of 57 and that was 13 years ago. After retiring, I moved to Malta to0 get some peace and quiet no0t realising hat it is the most densely populated country in the EU. However, I lived for nearly 4 years in a very quiet part by the sea. That gave me time to think and wrote 12 papers on cosmology and used angmalta.net as a host.

Anyway, so far as Stephen Hawking goes, my response has been dealt with by the host company and Google will have it sorted by the end of the week.

For those who have some knowldge (or not), the response is easily readable and it is set out here for you.

The difference between ‘belief’ and fact is one of evidence. One may believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden, in which case, the presence of fairies is taken for granted without any evidence of them being there or any activities by them.

Belief in God, Jehova or Allah (just three of the names for the same entity) is strongly linked to religions. Here, the word ‘religion’ is confined to the method and language of worship and the scriptures relied upon. For example, prostration, Arabic and the Holy Qu’ran for Islam whilst in Judaism, standing (and sitting), Hebrew and the Old Testament. Here, if the same god is being worshipped, such differences in method should count for little.

For the moment, the question is one concerning evidence. That translates into the question ‘what evidence exists, if any, that there is a God?’ Many would point to natural phenomena such as the blue sky, birds and insects, the diversity of the human brain and other aspects of the universe and proclaim those would not exist if there were no supreme creator. Why is the sky blue? Because God made the sky blue. Who is God? God is the one who made the sky blue. What evidence is there that God exists? The blue sky. That is clearly circular going nowhere and may be finished off with the suggestion that one should not question the works of the Almighty. Others may well take objection to any questions concerning the nature and features of God, saying that it is not for us to enquire but merely believe.

With the growth of science from the time of Galileo onwards, science cannot answer the question whether God exists. In fact, there are very few scientific paper published that deal with the matter. Even so, any publications can only involve theory or logical analysis such as that by Kurt Gödel who, using a type of mathematics, showed that God was ‘necessary’.

It is a fact that the Earth spins on its axis making one revolution each day. Let us say that we do not know that and wish to enquire why the stars at night alter their positions. One logical suggestion is that the earth is at the centre of the sky and the stars revolve around the Earth and indeed, observation bears that out. The other logical suggestion is that the stars remain still and the Earth turns on its axis, but we do not know which suggestion is true. There are now two theories, a theory being a suggestion as to how or why something happens. A theory need not be the truth. To become the truth, the suggestion needs to be verified by other theories and as many observations as possible. Even so, take Newton’s theory of gravity. Newton’s theory has been verified so many times, it is true and can be used to land spacecrafts on the surface of the planet Mars, put a probe into an orbit around a moon of Saturn and other feats of space travel. Newton’s theory has its limits because it rapidly falls apart over large distances and becomes false, those distances being in the order of the distance of the nearest stars.

The Big Bang theory concerning the creation of the universe is often presented as a matter of historical fact. As no-one was present at the creation; no-one can say how the universe was created. The Big Bang is merely a suggestion, albeit one of the best suggestions, but still, it is beset by problems. One of those involves the very instant of creation where infinite mass was located in zero volume. Of course, there are other theories concerning creation involving anywhere between five and thirteen-dimensional space rather than Newton’s 3-dimensional and Einstein’s 4-dimensional space.

Throughout scientific history, there has been the ‘God of Gaps’. One comes to a point where theory cannot explain how something happened and the religious scientist involved may say that the missing part of the theory was the work of God. The non-religious scientist will try to solve the problem, modify the theory or scrap it altogether. However, once a scientist has built his or her career based on the belief that his or her theory is the truth, it is not easy to admit that years of work, the respect earned from others and eminence in the field has come to nothing.

Now and again, some prominent scientists pronounce on the involvement of God. Some say that they cannot envisage the physics of the universe proceeding without God’s hand. Others such as Stephen Hawking, say that everything has its foundation only in physics and it is here that such a statement will involve the rest of this essay as an answer to Hawking’s belief.

Remember that the suggestions here are unproven, non-verifiable and rest on scant evidence and taken together, is no more than a theory that can involve belief at the most. There is neither fact nor observations. The minimum number of statements from the scriptures have been relied upon, those being: in the beginning all was void - and - God made man in his own image.

Material from published papers will be relied upon with mathematical analysis set out only in those papers and not here, those being:

[3] Links to published papers on the net not allowed here.

that will be referred to by their numbers and the relevant pages. Reference [1] is a much shortened version of [2] that runs to more than 300 pages because it sets out and discusses so many published papers. Reference [3] is something different.

Taking sections from those papers, hopefully there will be a logical progression from the creation to the involvement of God and Man, a time span of at least twelve thousand million (billion) years. However, the reader should be informed that these papers cover a selection of topics that need to be related. It will now be necessary to establish a continuing scenario so the reader is asked to ‘stay with it’ and all should become clear in the end. What will come clear is merely a set of propositions, could it have been like this and is it now like this? In fact, a theory.

What follows is an account of the processes set out in the papers mentioned. Necessarily, the wording here is merely a rough approximation of the mathematical gymnastics there.

In references [1] and [2], in the beginning all was void, so following Genesis. By ‘void’ is meant a state of nothing existing in the ultra-remote past as set out in [1] paper 5, section 1.1 page 74. By means of a variety of mechanisms (albeit theoretical), material resulting from a hot big bang in the future, travelled back in time to infest that state of nothing [1] paper 1, section 2.1 page 5 et seq.

The material undergoing backward time displacement was ‘exotic’, being a small portion of quark-gluon soup that is said to have formed in the first few microseconds after the creating event. Arriving in its dim and distant past, in time that material underwent processes whereby two structures resulted. One was predominantly positive and the other predominantly negative. These structures were of dimensionality higher than four and not solid in the accepted sense of the word. When the distance between these membranes (‘branes; for short) became zero, they passed through each other much in the same way as colliding galaxies do not act like colliding snooker balls but only pass through each other. That collision produced a great deal of energy and comprised a big bang. Within a few milliseconds, quark-gluon soup produced was time displaced to start the process over again.

Now we digress. One of the achievements of the 20th Century was quantum field theory being the science of the very small, much, much smaller than the atomic scale. In fact, the quantum scale is in the order of – write a zero and then a decimal point. Now put thirty-two zeros after the decimal point followed by a number. That will be in metres. One prediction of quantum theory was the zero-point field.

Think of going into space. Near the Earth at around 300 miles high, is that empty space? The oxygen content, density and pressure there is so low, unprotected we would die in seconds. The space there is certainly not empty although it is quite a good vacuum. Then what about the space between planets? There are still quite a few atoms per cubic metre and the vacuum is better. Then let us travel to the farthest reaches of the universe where the atom count per cubic metre is zero. The best vacuum of them all, but is that space empty? It is not. Under the hypothetical microscope everyone has in their toolkit, the very structure of space at the quantum level is a ‘seething foam’. That space ‘foam’ is the zero-point field that persists everywhere and is said to produce pairs of particles that have a very fleeting existence, meaning, short ‘lives’.

The zero-point field can be thought of as the medium in which we, our planet, the solar system, this galaxy and all other galaxies are immersed as though the zero-point field were a bath of fluid with the universe in it. More so, the zero-point field is in the space between electrons and the nucleus of all atoms, including the ones of which we are made.

One now asks for observational evidence relating to the presence of this field and how it has been dealt with by science. Many years ago, a physicist named Henri Poincaré asked a simple question. We know that like electric charges repel each other and electrons are negatively charged. He asked this. If we charge a metal sphere negatively, why do not all the electrons immediately repel each other and fly off the surface of the sphere? If there were nothing to keep the electrons there, we should measure no charge on the sphere. It is the pressure arising from the zero-point field that keeps them in their places on the sphere. There is an experiment with some variations that involve two very closely spaced plates. It is called the Casimir experiment that can measure the zero-point pressure. Unfortunately, conventional science tends to ignore this field. Often, no account of it is taken in calculations or if they do take account, the field is eliminated by some piece of ingenious mathematical wizardry. The main reason for that is the calculated density of the zero-point field being – write the number one and then put ninety-six zeros after it compared to the density of water which is always taken as one. As we do not live in a universe encased in material millions of times denser than uranium, the zero-point field cannot appear to exist. If the field does not exist, how can it exert a measured pressure? The answer may be as obvious as saying that the zero-point field cannot exist only in three or four dimensions.

Now for something even stranger. In the Twentieth Century there were better mathematicians than Albert Einstein but Einstein was a superb ‘ideas man’ responsible for a theory of gravity that looked on gravity as the curvature of space rather than as a force. In other words, Einstein took Newton’s force of gravity and showed that it could be just geometry. Einstein spent twenty years trying to join up gravity with electro-magnetism in 4-dimensional space and failed. In the 1920s, Kaluza and with Klein finishing the work after Kaluza died, it was shown that gravity and electro-magnetism could be combined in space with five dimensions. However, the final equation showed something else. That something else was a field of solitons.

Electro-magnetism should be familiar to everyone. Radio waves are electro-magnetic with the distances between their peaks and troughs being quite long, whereas gamma rays are electro-magnetic with very, very short peak to trough distance. Visible light is electro-magnetic meaning that what enters the eye has an electric vibration as well as a magnetic vibration. When two of these waves meet, they can enhance or cancel out each other depending whether a trough meets a trough (enhancement), a peak meets a peak (enhancement) or a peak meets a trough (cancellation). A soliton is a wave that can move through other waves (electro-magnetic or even water waves) and remain unaffected after it passes through. Nor will a solitonic wave affect the waves it passes through.

The Kaluza-Klein theory in 5-dimensional space amalgamates gravity with electromagnetism with soilitons left over having magnitude but no direction.

String theory and superstring theory have been about for twenty years or so and are an attempt to explain the basic structure of everything. Roger Penrose formulated his theory of twistors in an attempt to do the same. From the references give in [2] page 143 et seq established research indicates a close connection between strings, superstrings and solitons with some workers stating that strings are solitons.

Reference [2] page 165 et seq tackled the idea whether solitons existed singly without connecting to each other or whether they connect in some form of lattice. It is shown {[2] page 182 et seq} that not only do these form a lattice, but that lattice continually expands due to the production of long-lived (not ‘virtual’ or fleeting) particles thus accounting quite naturally for the accelerated expansion of the universe without the requirement of dark matter and dark energy.

Let us take stock so far and ask what we have.

A universe that formed from some form of hot big bang and here, the additional time displacement is relevant as we shall see. Space expanding at a faster and faster rate that is 5-dimensional with gravity and electromagnetism united with the solitonic (wave) structure of space forming a lattice at the zero-point scale that pervades everything. The energy content of the zero-point field easily accounts for the so-called missing mass of the universe being the mass that the universe should have but is nowhere to be found from observations. The reader is reminded that nuclear weapons rely on the conversion of a fairly small mass into a large amount of energy.

It should be evident that we live in an electro-magnetic universe. Stars and galaxies emit electromagnetic radiation we see as light as well as that radiation to which our eyes are not sensitive but instruments attached to telescopes are. Reference [3] is a series of three papers with the first two dealing with Wheeler’s concept of geons, being electromagnetic ‘balls’ held together by their own gravity. The third in that series deals with human electromagnetism, aura and such like. It has been long known that human and animal bodies are a source of electromagnetism generated within cells. That third paper then postulates the fate of that electromagnetism after physical death.

The reader is thanked for being patient and now is the point where the object of this essay must be addressed. In the beginning, all was void has been dealt with. God made man in his own image. Those who take that literally will say that God has a head, a torso, two arms and two legs and ‘man;’ means ‘male’ as in “Our Father who art in Heaven…” rather than ‘Our Mother…’

That literal interpretation above is not the only one. Another such that preserves the ‘image’ criterion is that an electromagnetic entity made another electromagnetic entity called man.

If that is the case, it does not take an intensive search to identify an entity that is everywhere, all pervading, electromagnetic in nature, a 5-dimensional quantum field and so beyond human senses producing paired particles that form sub-atomic particles [1] and [2].

One then enquires about sentience, everlastingness and all knowing of the past and future.

Consider a neural network of a solitonic lattice the size of the universe with all bonds capable of transferring information containing at least four hundred million galaxies being its macro structures. That network has already existed for at least twelve billion years and will endure long after our Sun becomes a red giant star. Additionally, if there is time displacement of material just after a big bang, from a topological perspective the ‘new’ lattice formed after the next big bang would be in physical contact with the pre-big bang lattice

As to the effectiveness and nature of prayer, any intense electromagnetic radiation at the frequency etc produced in the human brain may produce resonance in the all-pervading field. Conversely, the sentient all-pervading field may have the capability of producing electromagnetic alterations within the human brain so as to produce images of a burning bush or even the likeness of an angel.

As to Stephen Hawking’s statement, most will realise from that written here that Professor Hawking is correct but did not go far enough. God did not create the universe. Physics created the universe and then physics created the god of the Jews, Muslims and Christians, being the same god.

Lastly, is the universe alive? Good question.

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09-08-2010, 06:16 PM
Could you clarify what you are 'responding' to, please? Hawking did not make a 'statement', he co-authored a new book. Have you read it?

09-08-2010, 06:45 PM
Yes, I have read it and the response is one of many from those who wish to comment on what Hawking maintains and who call their comments 'responses'. So what do you think, especially about a 5-dimensional quantum field forming a lattice?

09-08-2010, 07:25 PM
Actually, I'm rather puzzled. You seem to be describing a pantheistic model of the Universe, not a monotheistic one. I'm very surprised to see that from a muslim?

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09-08-2010, 10:24 PM
If by pantheistic you mean many gods, that would be the case only if Everitt's many universe proposition were true. Some adhere to the suggestion that 'bubble universes' formed after brane collision or after many branes colliding. Even if that were so, a 5-D quantum lattice could form only if the physical constants, notably Planck's constant, were of about the same value as that in ours. Nevertheless, the Everitt proposition was an attempt to solve cetain problems in the standard model of the time by creating an infinite number of 'parallel' universes. By definition, those other universes are 'outside' of our universe and cannot be detected. Therefore, only our universe can be considered and if my proposition of time displacement were to be reality, the zero-point field created after a big bang would be the same as the one before it and the one before that and so on. The reason is that in the papers whose references are not allowed by the Rules of this site, the morcels of quark-gluon soups moving backwards are of identical structure because of the identical evolutionary process involving the same routes of tachyon condensation.

09-08-2010, 10:41 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by alienx
If by pantheistic you mean many gods,
Apologies, but can I stop you right there? Pantheism is the belief that everything (i.e. the universe) is god. You're thinking of polytheism.

Both of these are beliefs that are not held by Muslims.


09-09-2010, 08:33 AM

Of course, you are correct and I was mistaken. Looking at what appears based on paper [1] that can be found at three doubleyoos angmalta dot net / clients / alan / creationfivepaers / and pushing the theory further, not everything, just the zero-point field.

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