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View Full Version : Why are Western Muslim afraid of Jihad?

01-01-2011, 08:17 PM
There is a great article on Answering Muslimmatters website. Anyone seen it? What do you think?

Can anyone post a link here please?

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01-01-2011, 08:28 PM
Asalaamu Alaikum,

It's sad because we love the Dunya(World) too much and think of the Ah-khira(Afterlife) too less.

The Dunya is temporary, the Ah-Khira is permanant. We will all be asked on that day, why we stood silent.


01-01-2011, 10:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by TexasMuslims
There is a great article on Answering Muslimmatters website. Anyone seen it? What do you think?

Can anyone post a link here please?
I'm just going off the title of thr thread here. In the west Muslims are not under oppressive regimes as they are in most Muslim countries. That these regimes are not Muslim goes without saying. So here in the west most Muslims are engaged in the Greater Jihad. Especially in America where sex and immorality are displayed everywhere. The media in the west only know Jihad as terrorist bombings. So western Muslims are not afraid of Jihad they are fighting it daily.

01-01-2011, 10:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by TexasMuslims
There is a great article on Answering Muslimmatters website. Anyone seen it? What do you think?

Can anyone post a link here please?

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01-02-2011, 03:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Seeker1066
I'm just going off the title of thr thread here. In the west Muslims are not under oppressive regimes as they are in most Muslim countries. That these regimes are not Muslim goes without saying. So here in the west most Muslims are engaged in the Greater Jihad. Especially in America where sex and immorality are displayed everywhere. The media in the west only know Jihad as terrorist bombings. So western Muslims are not afraid of Jihad they are fighting it daily.
Which greater jihad do you speak about?

The greatest jihad is the one no one wants to speak about or else they think theyll get imprisoned. So much for Freedom of Speech in America.

01-02-2011, 05:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by TexasMuslims
Which greater jihad do you speak about?

The greatest jihad is the one no one wants to speak about or else they think theyll get imprisoned. So much for Freedom of Speech in America.

Please elaborate. Does the "greatest jihad" involve inciting violence and inflicting terror upon the masses? If so, good.

01-02-2011, 07:10 AM

This is one of the better descriptions and explanations of the Greater and lesser Jihad I have come across.

The greater and lesser jihad

Jihad has two aspects: fighting against superstition, wrong belief, carnal desire, and evil inclinations in the quest of intellectual and spiritual enlightenment (the greater jihad); and encouraging others to strive for the same goal (the lesser jihad).

The lesser jihad does not refer only to striving on battlefields. Being comprehensive in nature, it includes every action from speaking out to presenting oneself on the battlefield when necessary—but only if it is done for His sake. Speaking or keeping silent, smiling or frowning, joining or leaving a meeting, and all other actions taken to help individuals or communities can be considered part of this type of jihad.

The lesser jihad seeks to mobilize all material facilities and is performed in the outer world, whereas the greater jihad is a personal struggle against one’s carnal self. These two forms of jihad cannot be separated. Only those who defeat their carnal selves can perform the lesser jihad, which, in turn, helps those engaged in the greater jihad.

Those who abandon the lesser jihad are liable to spiritual deterioration and subsequent recovery. Everything praises and glorifies God with each breath and thus is a sign of God’s Existence and Unity, a sign that may guide them to the Straight Path. For this reason, there are as many paths leading to the Straight Path of God as the breaths of all His creatures. Those who return from the lesser jihad can be captivated by such worldly weaknesses as pride, love of comfort and ease, and may think it is time to relax and indulge in such things. This is why the Prophet warned his Companions once when they were returning to Madina after a victory:

We are returning from the lesser jihad to the greater. However, to secure God’s help and protection and to be successful in the greater jihad, in fighting against animal desires and impulses, depend upon supporting His religion. If people want to be safe from going astray, their aim in life must be to strive for God’s sake, and all of their actions, even the simplest (i.e., eating, sleeping, choosing, and training for a job, etc.) must be directed toward this objective. God declares in the Qur’an: O believers! If you help [the religion of] God, God will help you and make your feet firm [in practicing your religion and against Satan, your carnal selves, and enemies]. (47:7)

The Prophet combined perfectly these two aspects of jihad. He displayed monumental courage on battlefields. ‘Ali, one of the most courageous Muslims, stated that the Companions took shelter behind the Prophet at a battle’s most critical moments. For example, when the Muslims experienced a reverse and began to scatter during the first phase of the Battle of Hunayn, the Prophet urged his horse toward the enemy lines and shouted to the retreating Muslims: “I am a Prophet, this is no lie! I am the grandson of ‘Abd al-Muttalib, this is no lie!”

This bravest of all people was also the most devout worshipper of God. He was consumed with love and awe while praying, and all who saw him felt great tenderness for him. He frequently fasted every other day or even several days in a row. Sometimes he would stand almost the whole night in prayer, which would cause his feet would to swell. Sahih al-Bukhari records that once ‘A’isha thought such prayer excessive and asked him why he prayed so much, seeing that God had forgiven all of his sins. His reply: “Shall I not be a grateful servant to God?”

The Messenger of God sometimes prayed without waking his wife. Such Traditionists as Muslim, Tirmidhi, and Haythami relate from ‘A’isha that once she woke up and saw that the Messenger was not beside her. Thinking he might be with another wife, she became jealous and started to get up. But then her hand touched the Prophet’s feet, and she realized that he was prostrating in prayer, saying: “O God, I seek refuge in Your pleasure from Your wrath, in Your forgiveness from Your punishment, and with You from You. I am not able to praise You as You praise Yourself.”

The Companions also combined jihad’s two aspects in their lives. They used to spend their nights praying. Ibn Hanbal relates that once two soldiers had to take turns praying while standing guard. An enemy soldier, understanding this situation, shot a shower of arrows at the praying soldier, who continued to pray even though he had been hit. After he finished his prayer, he woke his fellow soldier. Seeing his friend bleeding profusely, this man asked why he had not woken him up sooner. The Companion replied: “I was reciting Surat al-Kahf, and did not wish the deep pleasure I found therein to be interrupted.”

They were very sincere in their deeds, for they constantly disciplined themselves in order to attain God’s good pleasure. During his caliphate, ‘Umar once interrupted his own sermon with: “O ‘Umar, you were a shepherd taking care of your father’s sheep!” When asked why he had said that, he answered: “I remembered that I was the caliph, and became afraid of feeling proud.” One time, when asked why he was carrying a sack on his back, he replied: “I felt some pride, and wanted to get rid of it.”

Only such people can obtain the desired results from their jihad. Those who retain their pride, self-regard, and insincerity most likely will cause great harm to the cause of Islam and never obtain the hoped-for result. Jihad requires both self-control and preaching the truth, as well as overcoming our carnal desires and animal impulses and encouraging others to do so to obtain God’s good pleasure. Neglecting the former produces social anarchy; neglecting the latter engenders laziness. The Prophet expresses jihad’s two aspects as: “The eyes of the two people will never witness the fire of Hell: the eyes of soldiers who keep guard at frontiers and on battlefields, and of those whose awe of God causes them to cry.”

In Surat al-Nasr, the Qur’an describes both types of jihad: When the help of God comes, and victory, and you see people entering God’s religion in throngs, then glorify the praise of your Lord, and seek His forgiveness; for He is Relenting, Merciful (110:1-3).

When the believers sincerely pursued the lesser jihad on the battlefield, against those who sought to prevent their worship of the One God, or their enjoining good and forbidding evil, God’s help and victory came and people started embracing Islam in throngs. At that moment, the Almighty decreed that His praises should be glorified and His forgiveness sought. As all success and victory are from God, only He deserves our praise and worship.

For many in the Western world it seems the demands of the greater Jihad are much stronger than the lesser Jihad. They are a constant almost overwhelming battle. I do not think any Westerner can effectively engage in the lesser Jihad until they have won the greater Jihad that needs to be faced every moment of every day.

01-02-2011, 07:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by TexasMuslims
Which greater jihad do you speak about?

The greatest jihad is the one no one wants to speak about or else they think theyll get imprisoned. So much for Freedom of Speech in America.
I did some more reading on this due to your questions. It seems that this deliniation is seen as false by some Scholars of Islam and weak in hadith by most others. Im my own defense I am a Catholic trying to present Islamic belief and in this it appears I failed at this time. Now I have to rethink this subject out.

Peace to all.

01-02-2011, 10:30 PM
Do you believe a nation has a right to self defense?

01-02-2011, 10:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by TexasMuslims
Do you believe a nation has a right to self defense?

All countries have a right to defend themselves. How can I deny the right for people to defend themselves?

01-02-2011, 10:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow

This is one of the better descriptions and explanations of the Greater and lesser Jihad I have come across.


For many in the Western world it seems the demands of the greater Jihad are much stronger than the lesser Jihad. They are a constant almost overwhelming battle. I do not think any Westerner can effectively engage in the lesser Jihad until they have won the greater Jihad that needs to be faced every moment of every day.
I've heard that the hadith about the greater jihad being against oneself is a weak hadith, the greatest jihad is the one on the battlefield

01-02-2011, 10:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Guestfellow

All countries have a right to defend themselves. How can I deny the right for people to defend themselves?
Thats a Defensive Jihad which becomes Fard 'Ayn when enemy occupies your land.

01-02-2011, 10:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ChargerCarl

Please elaborate. Does the "greatest jihad" involve inciting violence and inflicting terror upon the masses? If so, good.
no it doesn't

the greatest jihad is fighting for your religion whenever the circumstances require, so for instance if your country gets invaded then it is a duty upon you to fight

some scholars say that even if you live in the UK for instance and if the UK was to get invaded, you would have to fight to defend your home

01-03-2011, 12:40 AM

I dont think anyone can fight the Jihad on the battlefied if he or she hasnt even won the fight with the nafs.


01-03-2011, 12:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by aadil77
I've heard that the hadith about the greater jihad being against oneself is a weak hadith, the greatest jihad is the one on the battlefield
that doesnt explain the rest of the article??

wheres the proof of the battlefied Jihad being the greater one? what about hadiths on looking after your parents?

01-03-2011, 12:45 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Zafran

I dont think anyone can fight the Jihad on the battlefied if he or she hasnt even won the fight with the nafs.

the fight with the nafs goes on for your whole life, its not something you can win

01-03-2011, 12:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by aadil77
the fight with the nafs goes on for your whole life, its not something you can win

Your right about that


R Khan
01-03-2011, 02:17 AM
Asalam Alaykum

Regarding greater/lesser Jihad hadiths I hear they are weak, and some fabricated. Anyway, since were on this topic, "greater Jihad" is basically Jihad al-nafs, and the "lesser Jihad" being fighting/physical Jihad. Please be aware scholars consider this a weak hadith - concept. However "jihaad against the self comes before jihaad against the kuffaar, because one cannot strive against the kuffaar until after one has striven against one?s own self, because fighting is something which the self dislikes."

When the call for (fighting) Jihad came some Muslim men weren't allowed to join as the Messenger of Allah (saws) asked if their parents were alive, they responded, and the Messenger of Allah told them that their Jihad is with their parents (to please your parents and to obey them). This is why permission is needed from parents first for fighting Jihad . There was a Muslim lady who encouraged all four of her sons to participate in Jihad (physical), Subhan'Allah all four were blessed with the death of a martyr - Shahid. In my weekly circle we were told seeking the death in the path of Allah ta'la is one of the main purposes of one's life (no.5 on the list; 1: Seek the pleasure of Allah, 2: attaining Jannah, 3: convey the message of Islam and bring people to it's treasure, 4: Jihad (all 4 types) and 5: death of a Shahid)

Being in the path of Allah ta'la for one day/night is better than the world everything in it. The Messenger of Allah (saws) once was heard asking Allah that he wishes to be martyred then resurrected, then martyred again, then resurrected and then martyred.

Also read this:
Ibnu Taimiyyah states: ?There is a Hadith related by a group of people which states that the Prophet (s.a.w) said after the battle of Tabuk: ?We have returned from Jihad Asghar(lesser) to Jihad Akbar(greater)?. This hadith has no source, nobody whomsoever in the field of Islamic Knowledge has narrated it. Jihad against the disbelievers is the most noble of actions, and moreover it is the most important action for the sake of mankind.? [Refer: Al Furqan baina Auliyair Rahman wa Auliyaisy Shaitaan, matter 44-45]. One of many sources against the idea of greater/lesser Jihad, greater/lesser Jihad hadiths are not saheeh (see Islam q & a fatwaas)

The virtues of the so-called "lesser" Jihad (fighting/physical):

Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim [Hadith No. 4636] from Abu Hurairah (r.a.a), who said: The Prophet (s.a.w) was asked: ?O Rasulullaah! What deed could be an equivalent of Jihad Fi Sabilillaah?? He answered: ?You do not have the strength to do that deed.? The narrator said: They repeated the question twice or thrice. Every time he answered: ?You do not have the strength to do it.? When the question was asked for the third time, he said: ?One who goes out for Jihad is like a person who keeps fasts, stands in prayer (constantly), (obeying) Allah?s (behests contained in) the Aayah (of the Qur?an), and does not exhibit any lassitude in fasting and praying until the Mujahid returns from Jihad Fi Sabilillaah.?

There is also a Hadith narrated by Bukhari [Volume 4, Hadith 44] from Abu hurairah (r.a.a) , who said: A man came to Allah?s Messenger (s.a.w) and said, ?Guide me to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward).? He replied, ?I do not find such a deed.? Then he added, ?Can you, while the Mujahid has gone for Jihad, enter your mosque to perform Salat without cease and observe Saum without breaking it?? The man said, ?But who can do that??.

Hadith narrated by Al-Hakim with a Sahih Sanad from Muaz bin Anas (r.a.a) who said: A woman once came to the Prophet (s.a.w) and asked: ?O Rasulullaah! My husband has departed for war and usually if he prays I follow him in his Salat and I follow him in all his acts of worship. Because of that inform me of an act which can equal his until he returns.? He (s.a.w.) said to her: ?Are you able to stand without sitting, perform Saum without breaking it and Dhikr until your husband returns?? She replied: ?I am not strong enough, o Rasulullaah.? So he (s.a.w) said to her: ?By Allah in whose hand I am, even if you were strong enough it would surely not attain one tenth of your husbands deeds.? [Narrated by Hakim in Al Mustadrak 2/73. Sahih Sanad agreed upon by Az Zahabi].

"From the three Hadith above we can clearly state that Jihad Fi Sabilillaah is the highest act, and there is no other act to equal it. Is it likely that an act described as the highest act would be labeled Jihad Asghar, the small Jihad or the lesser Jihad?"

I read a ahadeeth that One of the people Allah ta'la loves the most from his slaves are those who charge their horses towards the munafiqeen in a battlefield, eventhough his allies run in terror. This servant is either blessed with victory or blessed with the death of a Shahid.

Coming to the actual question, I believe *Some* western Muslim just basically have a lack of knowledge/understanding about Jihad. In western schools they teach us about "greater/lesser" Jihad and many, including myself (at time at least) believe in it. When I talk about the virtues and blessing about fighting Jihad: freeing people from unjust God-less systems, from Munkar (evil) and bringing them to justice and righteousness, (so-called "lesser" Jihad), people seem uneasy about it. During the time of our beloved Prophet (saws) some of the men were literally begging him to join in the battle.
Others completely feel uneasy about Jihad (al-nafs aswell), it's just that these people have a misunderstanding with it, or maybe ignorant about the matter. Further more, western Muslim seem too afraid (myself included) about the idea of sacrifice and hardships, and scared of sacrificing a drop of blood, finger etc for the sake of standing up for this deen.
We all wish to have an "easy" life.. when this life is a test. The "true" life begins once you die.

Not sure if this is clear but meh :/

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