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View Full Version : Tunisa Uprising and Call for Khilafah

01-20-2011, 09:07 AM
From one of the worst most oppressive muslim regimes, where muslims are not allowed pray or read Qur'an, women cannot wear hijab, men cannot grow beards:


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01-20-2011, 11:36 AM
Asalaamu Alaikum,


A Kalipha in this era is inevitable, it is prophesised. I read were in stage 4 out of 5 and it ends with a Kalipha. Only Allah(swt) knows how things will plan out.

01-20-2011, 07:44 PM
Subhaan`Allaah, their "muslim" country forbids them to wear the Hijaab and grow the beard? thats messed up! thats sad.

May Allaah guide the muslims back to the real Islaam and grant them knowledgle Ameen


01-20-2011, 08:28 PM
Please everybody make du'aa for them.

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01-20-2011, 11:20 PM

Establishing the Caliphate is going to be very hard. I doubt it will happen in Tunisa anytime soon.

01-20-2011, 11:44 PM
You also have the problem that when Islamic rules are trying to be put into place; America swoops in crying "extremism"

Mr Fussy
01-21-2011, 12:09 AM
Insha Allah now other Islamic countries will start to unite together instead of being diveded.

01-21-2011, 01:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pєαяℓ σf Wιѕ∂σм
Subhaan`Allaah, their "muslim" country forbids them to wear the Hijaab and grow the beard? thats messed up! thats sad.

May Allaah guide the muslims back to the real Islaam and grant them knowledgle Ameen

Indonesia under former dictator Suharto was also the same. Women were banned from wearing hijab in schools and government offices and most companies as well.
Alhamdulillah we overthow him and his corrupt family.
Now more Indonesians are following sunnah than ever, although the country is still mostly following the western model.

01-21-2011, 07:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AhlaamBella
You also have the problem that when Islamic rules are trying to be put into place; America swoops in crying "extremism"
If the people follow Islam, Allah will protect them.

01-21-2011, 09:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Guestfellow

Establishing the Caliphate is going to be very hard. I doubt it will happen in Tunisa anytime soon.
yh me too

But I what do expect to see is alot more of these revolts in corrupted muslim countries, people are coming back to islam - these western puppet regimes won't be able to stay in power much longer

01-21-2011, 09:26 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by aadil77
yh me too

But I what do expect to see is alot more of these revolts in corrupted muslim countries, people are coming back to islam - these western puppet regimes won't be able to stay in power much longer

There have been protests in Turkey too following the flotilla attacks. Some Turkish Muslims now want the Caliphate to return.

01-21-2011, 02:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Runaway
If the people follow Islam, Allah will protect them.
What do you mean? Yes Allah is on their side and if they die they will be rewarded with martyrdom etc however, Allah knows best and it has been his plan to allow the american and British forces to slaughter so many Muslims over the years

01-21-2011, 03:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by naidamar
Indonesia under former dictator Suharto was also the same. Women were banned from wearing hijab in schools and government offices and most companies as well.
Alhamdulillah we overthow him and his corrupt family.
Now more Indonesians are following sunnah than ever, although the country is still mostly following the western model.
Subhaan`Allaah and Alhamdulilaah

wow wasnt aware it was also something that took place in Indonesia.

may Allaah guide those who are following the wrong ways and guide them to follow the good ways, ways that benefit oneself Ameen


01-21-2011, 03:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pєαяℓ σf Wιѕ∂σм
Subhaan`Allaah and Alhamdulilaah

wow wasnt aware it was also something that took place in Indonesia.

may Allaah guide those who are following the wrong ways and guide them to follow the good ways, ways that benefit oneself Ameen

Suharto ruled Indonesia from 1966-1998.
In the 90s, never in a millon years we would have imagined that one day we could live NOT under suharto or his children (whom he was grooming to replace him) or his generals.
But Allah willed differently.
People went down to streets in early 1998, which was triggered by the economic crisis a year earlier but really tensions has been building for years as people were extremely dissatisfied with his government rule who became more and more corrupt by the day.
Alhamdulillah we are now better than ever, more muslims are becoming practicing, but it is far from ideal as democracy also means that there are also segments of society who go the opposites ways.

01-21-2011, 04:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Perseveranze
Asalaamu Alaikum,


A Kalipha in this era is inevitable, it is prophesised. I read were in stage 4 out of 5 and it ends with a Kalipha. Only Allah(swt) knows how things will plan out.


AlHamdulillah brother, Allah [swt] has let us know, through His messenger [saw]. some of that plan; here it is:

the late Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi [ra], a great Islamic Shaykh, mentioned in his book 'Heavenly ornaments', many minor signs of the last day, which have allready appeared, and then goes on to mention:

some more signs have been reported such as, learning of religion will decline, lie will become an art, regard for trust [amanat] will disapppear, modesty and shame will vanish, infidels will dominate everywhere. When all of the above mentioned signs will have appeared, the Christians will dominate the world and will become its rulers. just at this time a man will be born in the clan of Abu Sufiyan in syria and he will kill a large number of syeds and shall rule over syria and egypt.

during this period there will be a battle between the Muslim ruler of rome [could be any muslim country in europe such as turkey] and two parties of Christians. but there will be a compromise between the Muslims and one party of the Christians. the enemy christian party will invade constantinople and its king will be driven out of the country into syria. their will be a fierce battle between the enemy christian party and the Muslims supported by the Christian allies. The Muslim and the allied Christian party will be victorious.

one day all of a sudden a man from the Christian "Allies" will anounce that the victory was gained by the blessings of the cross. The Muslims will retort by saying that it was because of Islam. this conflict will take a serious turn and there will be a battle between them resulting in the defeat of the Muslims. the king will be killed and syria will also be dominated by the christians. the surviving Muslims will migrate to Medina and the christian rule will extend upto khyber - a place near Medina.

Under such circumstances, being dismayed and disapointed, the Muslims will become anxious to find the Imam Mehdi to get rid of all the calamities. At this time Imaam Mehdi will be at Medina, but aprehending that people will press him to take the administration, he will go to Makkah. Some pretenders will also appear claiming themselves to be Imaam Mehdi.

Imam Mehdi will be recognised by some pious persons while he will be engaged in the tawaf of the Kaaba between the Hajere Aswad and the Muqame-Ibraheem. He will be pressed by those pious men to accept their pledges of allegiance, as their ruler. During the course of pledges being given, a voice will come from the sky, which will be heard by all those present that "This is the Caliph of Allah - Imam Mehdi"

After the appearance of Imam Mehdi, the most significant signs of Qyamat will begin to appear. with the spread of the news of Imam Mehdi and the pledges, the Muslim army of Medina will come to Mecca and devotees from Syria, Iraq, Yemen and many other Arab armies will join Him. A man from Khurasan will march as the Head of a large army to help Imam Mehdi and the vanguard of this army will be under the command of a man named Mansoor. This army will destroy a large number of infidels on its way.

The man from the clan of Sufiyan will also send an army to fight with Imam Mehdi. while the army will be camping in the desert between Mecca and Medina at the foot of a hill, the earth will rent apart and the army will sink in the chasm. only two of them will survive - one of them will inform Imam Mehdi about the fate of the army and the other will inform the man of Abu Sufiyan.

The Christians will collect armies from all corners to resist the Muslims. The Muslims will also make preparations. The Muslim army shall have eighty banners and under each banner there will be twelve thousand soldiers. Imam Mehdi will march from Mecca to Medina and after visitng the tomb of the Holy Prophet [sm] , will proceed towards damascus in syria. the christian army will also advance to confront Him. The Army of Imam Mehdi will split into three groups - one will desert, the second will be killed in the battle and ultimately the third will be victorious by the grace of Allah. the Imam will establish His rule over the country. then he will advance towards constantinople, on reaching the river rome, He will depute seventy thousand soldiers from the clan of Abu Ishaq to attack the city. on reaching the parapats of the city the soldiers will cry out "Allahu-Akbar" and by its blessings the walls of the city will fall down and they will enter the city. killing the infidels, they will conquer the city. They will rule with justice and fairness and will restore order. all this will be done within six or seven years after the pledges taken by Imam Mehdi.

When Imam Mehdi will be busy in setting right the administrative affairs of constantinople, a rumour will spread that the Dajjal [anti-christ] has appeared in Syria. hearing this the Imam Mehdi will proceed towards syria and will send some horsemen in advance to ascertain the rumour. one of these will return to inform that the rumour was baseless. Being satisfied the Imam will slow down His speed and would reach syria after settling the affairs of countries on His way.

Soon after the arrival of the Imam in Syria the Dajjal will actually appear. He will be from the Jews. He will appear between Syria and Iraq and will claim to be a Prophet. He will go to Asfahan where seventy thuosand Jews will join Him. Then He will declare Himself to be God. Trampling and over-running several countries He will reach the boundaries of Yemen. everywhere infidels will join Him in large numbers till he will reach the outskirts of Mecca; but will not be able to enter it as it will be guarded by Angels. being unable to enter into Mecca he will proceed towards Medina, but there too, he will not be able to enter. at this stage Medina will be rocked thrice by earthquakes and those who will be weak in faith will rush out of Medina and will fall prey to the Dajjal.

There will be a saint in Medina who will argue with the Dajjal verry hotly and be murdered by the Dajjal. then the Dajjal will...order the saint's body to come alive again, the saint will come back to life. the Dajjal will ask the saint if he still disbelieved "in his divinity", the saint will reply that he is now fully convinced that he is the Dajjal. the Dajjal will again try to murder the saint but he will not be succesful.

Dajjal will then proceed towards Syria but before he will reach Damascus Imam Mehdi will be there preparing for the battle. during this, at the time of Asr, adhaan [call of prayer] will be called and Muslims will preparing to offer prayer, just then, Jesus, the son of Mary pbuh, will be seen decending from the sky keeping his hands on the shoulders of two angels and will alight on the eastern minaret of Jumaa Mosque and will come down from there by a ladder. Imam Mehdi will offer to hand over all administration and charge of the battle to Jesus pbuh, but He will decline the offer, and would ask Imam Mehdi to remain incharge as He [Jesus pbuh,] has come to kill the Dajjal.

next morning Imam Mehdi will lead the Muslim army to the battle field and Isa [as] [Jesus pbuh] will advance towards Dajjal on horseback with a spear in his hand. The Muslim army will attack the forces of Dajjal and there will be a severe battle. During the battle the [holy] breath of Isa [AS] will reach as far as the eye can see and all the infidels who will come into it's range will die, On seeing Isa [as], the Dajjal will try to escape and will be pursued by Isa [as]. The Dajjal will be killed by Isa [as] at a place called ludd near Medina. Isa [as] will go from place to place consoling the people that were oppressed and persecuted by the Dajjal and by the grace of Allah no infidel will be left. ...

01-21-2011, 04:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by naidamar
Suharto ruled Indonesia from 1966-1998.
In the 90s, never in a millon years we would have imagined that one day we could live NOT under suharto or his children (whom he was grooming to replace him) or his generals.
But Allah willed differently.
People went down to streets in early 1998, which was triggered by the economic crisis a year earlier but really tensions has been building for years as people were extremely dissatisfied with his government rule who became more and more corrupt by the day.
Alhamdulillah we are now better than ever, more muslims are becoming practicing, but it is far from ideal as democracy also means that there are also segments of society who go the opposites ways.
Alhamdulilaah almost reminds me of another country where they killed the leader but alhamdulilaah i hope it remains that way in Indonesia and inshaAllaah i hope that takes place in other muslim countries around the world.

01-22-2011, 01:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AhlaamBella
What do you mean? Yes Allah is on their side and if they die they will be rewarded with martyrdom etc however, Allah knows best and it has been his plan to allow the american and British forces to slaughter so many Muslims over the years
I believe everything we face is our own fault and caused by ourselves. What should we expect when we are so far from our Deen? Hence I said, if the people change themselves, Allah will protect them.

01-22-2011, 04:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Runaway
I believe everything we face is our own fault and caused by ourselves. What should we expect when we are so far from our Deen? Hence I said, if the people change themselves, Allah will protect them.
I strongly disagree with that. Islam is fair. Allah is the most Just of Judges. How is it fair that if we sit in our comfy, safe homes with low deen that strong Muslims across the world are being killed because of it?

01-22-2011, 05:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AhlaamBella
I strongly disagree with that. Islam is fair. Allah is the most Just of Judges. How is it fair that if we sit in our comfy, safe homes with low deen that strong Muslims across the world are being killed because of it?
For the muslims who are far from islam it can be looked as punishment for them, for the muslims who have got their priorites right it can be looked as a test from Allah which may reap alot of reward for them.

But generally the state of the ummah depends on the state of its believers, so if we're far from islam, Allah will let us be humilated

01-22-2011, 05:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AhlaamBella
I strongly disagree with that. Islam is fair. Allah is the most Just of Judges. How is it fair that if we sit in our comfy, safe homes with low deen that strong Muslims across the world are being killed because of it?
You misunderstood me. I didn't mean that other Muslims are punished for our bad deeds and low faith. I meant that Muslims who are suffering, are suffering because of their own deeds, not ours. No person is responsible for the deeds of others.

01-22-2011, 11:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Runaway
You misunderstood me. I didn't mean that other Muslims are punished for our bad deeds and low faith. I meant that Muslims who are suffering, are suffering because of their own deeds, not ours. No person is responsible for the deeds of others.
I see... that makes a little more sense. I see people of Gaza more rewarded with the status of shaheed, more than them being punished. Allah knows best

Issa Abdullah
01-25-2011, 08:11 AM
Insha Allah the Ummah in the Middle East will remove these tyrants, Arab Unity will take place under the Khilafah which will liberate occupied Palestine.

أبو سليمان عمر
01-25-2011, 05:16 PM
Blame Ourselves or Blame the Rulers

Prepared by Dr Saleh as Saleh
( May Allah grant him ferdous al'a'laa )

Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullaah) talked about what people think is the fitnah of "our times", i.e. meaning his own times, but this applies just as well to the contemporary fitnah of our own times. About the ways of Allaah (I) in this creation vis-a-vis the rulers and the ruled, he said :

"And contemplate Allaah's (I) Wisdom when He made people of authority, making them a reflection of the ruled. It is as if the deeds of the ruled appear in the form and deeds of their rulers :
if the ruled are upright, then their rulers will be upright

if the ruled incline away from uprightness, then their rulers will do the same to them

if the ruled transgress and oppress, then their rulers will do the same to them

if there appears deception and plotting from the ruled, then it will be the same from their rulers

if the ruled take away the rights of the people and become miser as to the rights of others, then their rulers will do the same to them and deprive them of their rights

if the ruled take away from the oppressed /weak among them that which they deserve not to take in their transactions with them, then their rulers will do that towards the ruled's wealth and take what they deserve not, and impose on the ruled taxes and assignments

and whenever the ruled take from the oppressed and weak unjustly, then their rulers will do the same to them and take it by force

so the actions of the ruled appear in the actions of the rulers and it is not in the Divine Wisdom that Allaah (I) assigns authority over the wicked and evils ones, EXCEPT to the ones who are of their own kind

Since the first generation was of the best generation and of the most righteous, ... so were their leaders righteous

It is not befitting Allaah's Wisdaom that in "our times" (Ibnul Qayyim's times) that those assigned to authority over us be the like of Muaawiya and 'Umar bin 'Abdul 'Aziz, not to mention Abu Bakr and 'Umar. The leaders of those before us were in accordance with their own conditions and ranks. Our leaders are in accordance with our own condition and rank. In both cases, this is entailed by the Wisdom of Allaah (I)."

Such is the conclusion of Imaam Ibnul Qayyim (rahimahullah) concerning his times, i.e. the 8th century A.H., so what do you think about our own times?

The Wisdom of Allaah (I) pertains to His Attributes. He puts things in accordance with His Hikmah and puts them in their proper places with what fits. The Wisdom of Allaah (I) has a noble and most perfect objective.

As for those who hasten in making these roads for "deliverance" and see getting rid of the rulers as the solution to their problems, they confuse symptoms and disease.

The rulers are seen as being the causes when in reality they are only the symptoms. The true illness is within the ruled. Therefore, all endeavors towards finding a solution should focus on the ruled themselves.

The deeds of the ruled are reflected in the deeds of the people having authority over them. When the people are not ready and are away from the deen of Allaah, who would you expect them to deserve as rulers?

contemplate on this

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