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01-28-2011, 01:13 AM
Hello there!
I'm sure there have been many, many, many, many post about head scarves and such, but I just really need some help/ advice. I was born Greek Orthodox and converted Muslim a few years back. I am almost 15 now... and have never worn a hijab on a daily bases. The other day when I was getting off my bus stop I saw 2 girls, a little younger than me, wearing one. And it kinda sparked something in me! Idk if it was inspiration or not being alone :] So ever since I have heavily been deciding on wearing one. I always dress modestly. I just don't know how to tell the kids at my school, only a few close friends know. I dont know how to tell my christian family... i'm just lost and scared :hmm:. Are there a lot of muslim women that don't wear them? And do any of yall know how it is to wear one at a public school? There is only one like one muslim guy at my school.. so yeah. I know that I should wear one... but it's just some of the racism. I am a "little white girl" so most people don't really know that I am :D ! I do know how people can be though :C. In 7th grade my best friend told me that she couldn't be my friend any more, cause of my religion. I was like heart broken and sad. But i've learned and I'm over it. So yep, I guess words of encouragement or some stories or anything would be awesome!
Thanks a billion!
Xena c:

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Muslim Woman
01-28-2011, 01:59 AM
Salaam Alaykum

format_quote Originally Posted by Xena
. I was born Greek Orthodox and converted Muslim a few years back. I am almost 15 now...
MashaAllah. Welcome to Islam , Sis :D

Pl. try to write your convert story and share with us. Forum has a thread on convert stories.

I just don't know how to tell the kids at my school, only a few close friends know. I dont know how to tell my christian family... i'm just lost and scared :hmm:.

may Allah makes it easy for u . Veil is a must for Christian women , too. Have
u even seen Mother Mary ra without a veil ?

Are there a lot of muslim women that don't wear them?
sadly yes :( May Allah guide them , Ameen.

In 7th grade my best friend told me that she couldn't be my friend any more,
don't bother about her . InshaAllah , Allah will give u more good friends who will
encourage u to obey Allah.

Did u hear a nice song of our convert br Dawud Ali on viel ?

Hamza Asadullah
01-28-2011, 04:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Xena
Hello there!
I'm sure there have been many, many, many, many post about head scarves and such, but I just really need some help/ advice. I was born Greek Orthodox and converted Muslim a few years back. I am almost 15 now... and have never worn a hijab on a daily bases. The other day when I was getting off my bus stop I saw 2 girls, a little younger than me, wearing one. And it kinda sparked something in me! Idk if it was inspiration or not being alone :] So ever since I have heavily been deciding on wearing one. I always dress modestly. I just don't know how to tell the kids at my school, only a few close friends know. I dont know how to tell my christian family... i'm just lost and scared :hmm:. Are there a lot of muslim women that don't wear them? And do any of yall know how it is to wear one at a public school? There is only one like one muslim guy at my school.. so yeah. I know that I should wear one... but it's just some of the racism. I am a "little white girl" so most people don't really know that I am :D ! I do know how people can be though :C. In 7th grade my best friend told me that she couldn't be my friend any more, cause of my religion. I was like heart broken and sad. But i've learned and I'm over it. So yep, I guess words of encouragement or some stories or anything would be awesome!
Thanks a billion!
Xena c:
Asalaamu Alaikum, my sister firstly congratulations on accepting Islam for Allah has given you guidance out of so many people for he guides who he wants. It is wonderdul that you have accepted Islam at a young age as you can learn and adapt to changes better at an earlier age and also learn quicker as you have a young and fresh mind.

You should try and locate a sisters circle or Masjid which caters for new Muslim sisters as there are such group meetings in most places. If not we can try and locate one for you inshallah. That way can meet Allah good sisters who can help and guide you and teach you what you need to know about Islam and how to recite Arabic etc and at the same time get involved in Islamic activities, learning about Islam, giving dawah etc

Take one step at a time. Your first step should be to learn how to pray Salaah as it is the second pillar of Islam and the most important thing we Muslims practise in our daily lives. You should really be getting taught how to pray Salaah face to face with a sister but in the meanwhile you can learn how to pray using this book which is free for you to download as a PDF document and you can also print it out. It contains everything you need to know of the basics of Islam as well how to pray and what to say in prayer, how to do ablution, ghusl etc as well as stories of the Prophets and much more. It is a brilliant read:

Islam Beliefs and Teachings


Want to learn everything about prayer? - An Entire Salaah book


After that then gradually build up your knowledge of Islam starting from the basics and then you can build up slowly at a pace you can handle. You will love learning about Islam as evrything you read will make so much sense to you and will increase your faith and love and closeness to Allah.

My sister no doubt you will experience trials and hardships through your journey in life especially through prejudice and the narrow mindedness of some people that you may come across in life. But it is best to ignore such people and be the best example you can to other non Muslims and Muslims alike as you are now representing Islam.

You will also come across many ignorant people who may even call you "extremist" for following Islam even by Muslims. If it means that you are an extremist for following Islam correctly then you should be proud to be one because you are following the commands of Allah whereas others are making a mockery of Allah's commands.

Remember that worship of Allah in your youth is the best worship anyone can do in their life so make the best of this precious time now before it is gone as there are so many of us who waste our youth and then regret it forever. Also there is no guarantee you or i will live for another day as death is uncertain.

So make your focus to please Allah everyday in everything that you do and to work for the hereafter rather than for this world which is so temporary. A person who chases this world then the world will go further from his grasp and he will lose this world and the hereafter but the person who chases the hereafter will gain this world and the hereafter.

Here is a couple of articles which will give you the encouragement for you to begin wearing hijaab:

"Why Should I Wear Hijab?"


This article is intended for my Muslim sisters who don't wear hijab and are not sure they want to.

Islam: Submitting our will to the will of Allah SWT

The Arabic word islam simply means "surrender (to Allah)". The essence of our religion is this surrender or submission. It requires trust on our part. Trust that Allah SWT will be there for us, trust that He knows what is best for us.

Submission to Allah SWT requires that we put Him before ourselves. That we put our desires second to His desire for us. That we acknowledge that He knows better than we do what is right for us.

Very often, such submission is difficult. Sometimes it seems that everything that happens is bad, and we wonder how Allah SWT could desire this for us. And sometimes the things He asks of us are difficult to do, either because it seems too much to ask, or because it seems pointless or out of date. In times like this, submission becomes a struggle. We really have to work to find our trust in Allah SWT. We really have to do battle with our souls to admit that what we want or what we think doesn't seem to be what's right or best. Should we bother?

For me, the answer is yes, we should bother. Allah SWT tests us. He sends difficulties our way to see how we cope. He wants to see if we will keep trying even when it's a challenge. He wants to see if we will maintain our faith in Him, and trust in Him. If we do continue to have faith and to trust in Him, then He may reward us with Jannah for our sabr, inshallah. And Jannah is the everlasting reward. Any difficulty we face in the world will seem as fleeting as a nightmare when we look back from the Hereafter, and any ease we face in the world will also seem as fleeting as a dream. We shouldn't set these fleeting states as our goal; we should set the ultimate happiness as our goal. And the ultimate happiness is Jannah.

So if we have hope of Jannah, we should persevere even when it's a struggle for us, and we should keep on trying to perfect our submission to Allah SWT. This is what the religion is about: sabr, jihad, and islam.

Quran and Sunna: The way that Allah SWT has commanded

I mentioned above that part of Islam is trusting that Allah SWT knows what is best for us, and it is submitting to His judgment even if we don't think we agree. If Allah SWT has commanded something that we don't understand or don't like, we shouldn't reject that thing. Instead, we should try to seek its wisdom for ourselves and to change our own minds.

Now, the testimony of faith that we make to become Muslims, or when we assume adult status in the deen, has two parts: laa ilaha ill'Allah and Muhammadan rasul Allah. The first of these, none has the right to be worshiped except Allah, is a statement of our belief that Allah SWT is ruler of all, judge of all, all-knowing, all-powerful. It is He who must be obeyed, and obedience to anybody else is merely conditional and must not be done if they ask us to disobey Allah SWT. And Allah SWT has given us everything we have, our existence, our life, our capabilities, our goodness. If He took any of it away, there is no power that could help us get it back. And we could never repay Him to match what He has given us, or even begin to. However, in his infinite mercy, Allah SWT asks of us only that we obey Him. Isn't it the least that we can do for Him after all that He has done for us?

There is also the second testimony, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. The Prophet (sAas) would not be a messenger if he did not come with a message. And his message is the Quran. We are really also testifying that the Quran is a message from Allah SWT, and therefore, obedience to Allah SWT entails obedience to the Quran, because it is His word.

The Quran also tells us to obey the Prophet (sAas) as well as Allah SWT (see for example Surah an-Nisa ayah 59). It tells us that if we have faith we will take the Prophet (sAas) as the judge of any dispute (Surah an-Nisa ayah 65). It tells us that when both Allah SWT and the Prophet (sAas) have decided a matter it is not for a Muslim or Muslimah to have any further say in that matter (Surah al-Ahzab ayah 36). It tells us that what the Prophet (sAas) has given us, we should take and what he has prohibited to us, we should refrain from (Surah al-Hashr ayah 7). And it tells us that the Prophet (sAas) has been sent not just to deliver the Quran but also to explain it (Surah an-Nahl ayah 44).

How do we determine what the Prophet (sAas) has ordered, in order to obey it?

How do we find out what he judged in disputes so that we can abide by it?

How do we know what he has decided on matters, so that we can submit to it?

How do we discover what he has given, so that we can take it, or what he has prohibited, so we can abstain from it?

How do we learn how he has explained the Quran, so that we can follow that explanation and not other explanations?

The answer to all these questions is that we look at the Sunna. The Sunna is the Quran put into action by the Prophet (sAas). It shows what he ordered, judged, and decided. It shows what he has given us and what he has prohibited to us. It shows how he explained the Quran.

If we do not obey what the Prophet (sAas) has ordered, or abide by what he has judged, or submit to what he has decided, or take what he has given, or refrain from what he has prohibited, or follow his explanation of the Quran - then we have disobeyed Allah SWT.

That is why, if we are sincere about obeying Allah SWT and following His commandments, we should follow both the Quran and the Sunna.

Hijab: A commandment of the Quran and Sunna

In the first part of this article, I have argued that part of our commitment to Allah SWT is to trust that He knows what is best for us and that what He has commanded is what is right. I said that if we find ourselves disliking the way that He has set for us, our challenge is not to ignore or to try to change His command, but rather it is to seek for ourselves the wisdom in the command and to surrender to His will. If we don't like what He has commanded, we should try to change ourselves not Him. We should try to find reasons why His command is right and will be beneficial for us, and we should try to motivate ourselves through this to obey the command.

In the second part of the article, I have established why the Quran and Sunna are where we look to find what Allah SWT has commanded. Neither one can be taken alone but they both go together.

So, what do the Quran and Sunna say about hijab? There are two ayat of the Quran that deal with hijab. These are Surah an-Nur ayah 31 and Surah al-Ahzab ayah 59. Let's look at what these ayat say, and how the Prophet (sAas) has explained them.
Surah an-Nur ayah 31 says:
Wa qul li al-mu'minat yaghdudna min absarihinna wa yahfazna furujahunna wa laa yubdina zenatahunna illa maa zahara min haa wal-yadribna bi khumurihinna ala juyubihinna; wa laa yubdina zenatahunna illa li bu'ulatihinna aw aba'ihinna aw aba'i bu'ulatihinna aw abna'ihinna aw abna'i bu'ulatihinna aw ikhwanihinna aw bani ikhwanihinna aw bani akhawatihinna aw nisa'ihinna aw maa malakat aymanu hunna aw at-tabi'ina ghayri ulu'l-irbat min ar-rijal aw at-tifl alladhina lam yazharu ala awrat an-nisa wa laa yadribna bi arjulihinna li yu'lama maa yukhfina min zenatahinna. Wa tubu ilaAllahi jami'an, ayyuha al-mu'minun la'allakum tuflihun

And say to the faithful women to lower their gazes, and to guard their private parts, and not to display their beauty except what is apparent of it, and to extend their headcoverings (khimars) to cover their bosoms (jaybs), and not to display their beauty except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband's fathers, or their sons, or their husband's sons, or their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their womenfolk, or what their right hands rule (slaves), or the followers from the men who do not feel sexual desire, or the small children to whom the nakedness of women is not apparent, and not to strike their feet (on the ground) so as to make known what they hide of their adornments. And turn in repentance to Allah together, O you the faithful, in order that you are successful
Surah al-Ahzab ayah 59 says:
Ya ayyuha an-Nabiyy qul li azwajika wa banatika wa nisa al-mu'minin yudnina alayhinna min jalabib hinna; dhalika adna an yu'rafna fa laa yu'dhayn. Wa kana Allahu Ghafur Rahim

O Prophet! Say to your wives and your daughters and the women of the faithful to draw their outergarments (jilbabs) close around themselves; that is better that they will be recognized and not annoyed. And God is ever Forgiving, Gentle.
Together, these two ayat lay out seven commandments for Muslim sisters:
  1. "to lower their gazes"
  2. "to guard their private parts"
  3. "not to display their beauty except what is apparent of it"
  4. "to extend their headcoverings to cover their bosoms"
  5. "not to display their beauty except to their husbands or their fathers..."
  6. "not to strike their feet (on the ground) so as to make known what they hide"
  7. "to draw their outergarments close around themselves"
It can be seen that three of these commandments relate to behavior. These are:
  • lowering the gaze
  • guarding the private parts
  • not striking the feet on the ground so as to give knowledge of what is hidden
Lowering the gaze means not looking at what is forbidden to be seen of others. Guarding the private parts means that only the husband is allowed to see or touch them. Not giving knowledge of what is hidden means not posturing or strutting around so as to jangle hidden jewelry or make men think about hidden body parts. All of these are part of what Allah SWT has commanded in regard to hijab.

The other four commandments relate to dress, and can really be expressed as three rules:
  • not displaying the beauty beyond "what is apparent of it" except to the people listed in 24:31
  • extending the headcovering to cover the bosom
  • drawing the outergarment close around
What exactly is the meaning of each of these rules? For this, we need to look to the Sunna, because the Sunna shows us how the Prophet (sAas) explained the Quran.

The Prophet (sAas) explained to Asma bint Abu Bakr (rAa) that the phrase "what is apparent of it" refers to the face and hands. This is narrated by Aisha Umm al-Muminin (rAa), Qatada (rAa), and Asma bint Umais (rAa). This has been confirmed as the explanation of the phrase by the following scholars:

Sahaba: Aisha Umm al-Muminin (rAa), ibn Abbas (rAa), Anas ibn Malik (rAa), and Miswar ibn Makhrama (rAa)

Tabi'un: Ata (rAa), Qatada (rAa), Sa'id ibn Jubayr (rAa), Mujahid (rAa), al-Hasan (rAa), and al-Dahhak (rAa)
Commentators on the Quran: Imam Tabari, Imam Zamakhshari, Imam Razi, and Imam Qurtubi

In fact, the majority of scholars have agreed that the phrase "what is apparent of it" refers to the face and hands.

Therefore, the first rule can really be phrased as "do not display the beauty except for the face and hands around non-mahram men". This is the basic rule of hijab. You must recognize it. This is where it comes from. It is nothing other than the Prophet's (sAas) explanation of the Quran.

The second rule is to extend the headcovering (khimar) to cover the bosom. The commentators on the Quran have explained exactly what this command entails:
Imam Abu Abdullah Qurtubi: "Women in those days used to cover their heads with the khimar, throwing its ends upon their backs. This left the neck and the upper part of the chest bare, along with the ears, in the manner of the Christians. Then Allah commanded them to cover those parts with the khimar."

Imam Abu'l-Fida ibn Kathir: "'Extend their khimars to cover their bosoms' means that they should wear the khimar in such a way that they cover their chests so that they will be different from the women of the jahiliyyah who did not do that but would pass in front of men with their chests uncovered and with their necks, forelocks, and earrings uncovered."
From this we can see that the jahili women wore their khimars kaffiyah-style, with the ends tossed over their backs. This covered most of the hair, but left the forelock (front of the hair), the ears, the neck, and the upper chest uncovered. Then when the commandment, "Extend their khimars to cover their bosoms," was revealed, the women secured their khimars around the circles of their faces, fastened them at the chin, and let the ends drape down toward their bosoms. This would cover the forelock, the ears, the neck, and the upper chest, just as Imam Qurtubi and Imam ibn Kathir have indicated. And the end result is clearly a headscarf.

So what we have is that all of the body except the face and hands is commanded to be covered around non-mahram men (by the clause "not to display their beauty except what is apparent of it"), and the covering of the hair, ears, neck, and upper chest is specifically to be accomplished by the khimar (headscarf).

These are the two rules indicated by Surah an-Nur ayah 31, and once we understand how the Prophet (sAas) explained the meaning of the ayah, we can see that it clearly and explicitly sets out the dress of the Muslim sister around non-mahram men: a headscarf and conservative clothing that together cover everything but the face and the hands.

There is also the commandment in Surah al-Ahzab ayah 59 to wear a jilbab (outergarment). According to the majority of the scholars, this commandment applies when a sister is outdoors or in open public places (like the market or the masjid). The jilbab is thus the modest Islamic coat that goes over our modest Islamic clothes whenever we would wear a coat.

The jilbab is any garment that meets the following conditions:
  • it is an outergarment, an extra layer, something worn over the clothes
  • it is thick and opaque and loosely cut so that it conceals what is underneath it
  • if it is worn with a khimar and with socks and shoes, it should cover from the shoulders to the ankles; if it is worn without these, it must cover everything but the face and hands, like a cloak
Again, the jilbab is to be worn outdoors and in open public places. The purpose of wearing the jilbab is to assert our Islamic identity and to provide protection from harassment for us. It is part of our hijab for these locations.


According to the Quran and Sunna, hijab consists of modest behavior in lowering the gaze, guarding the private parts, and avoiding showing off, and of modest dress. The modest dress includes a headscarf and must cover all of the body except the face and the hands. Outdoors and in open public places, a long coat (jilbab) should be worn in addition to the modest dress commanded by Surah an-Nur ayah 31. Each of these obligations is clearly set out in the Quran and has been explained by the Prophet (sAas).

My challenge to you

To me, the obligations of hijab are clear, explicit, and detailed when I look at both the Quran and the Sunna. There is no question in my mind; I am convinced that Allah SWT has indeed commanded hijab. Inshallah, I hope that after you have studied the dalils I have presented, you agree with me on this. Frankly, I don't see any other interpretation.

If we are agreed that the Quran and the Sunna do command hijab, then the real question is: how important is it to you to follow what Allah SWT has commanded in the Quran and Sunna?

It's your choice. Is it important for you to obey Allah SWT? Do you think you should submit your will to His? Do you believe that He knows what is best for you? Do you think that if you dislike what He has commanded, you should be the one to change, not Him? Are you willing to set aside your dislike and to try to seek the wisdom in what He has commanded? Are you motivated to try to surrender to Him even though it may be difficult for you? Is the promise of Jannah worth going through some hardship now?

Please consider each of these questions. If you are sincere in your commitment to Allah SWT, and in your choice of Islam as a religion, don't you think you should give hijab a try?

End of article

Tips for Beginning to Wear Hijab


One of the most difficult decisions many Muslim sisters face is the decision to start wearing hijab. This is certainly true for reverts, but may also be true for sisters whose families or even whose cultures are not particularly observant. As a revert myself, I have been through the whole thing. I would like to offer some advice that I hope inshallah will be helpful to sisters who are considering wearing hijab but find that something is holding them back.

Learning About Hijab

The first step is to learn about hijab. There is so much information out there and unfortunately much of it seems to be conflicting. Although most of what you see agrees that the sister must cover everything but her face and hands, some groups say that it is fard to cover everything but the eyes. Meanwhile, certain other groups are dedicated to claiming that covering the hair is not obligatory. It is very easy to get confused. And there are other questions. What is a jilbab? Is it fard to wear one? What do all the names mean?
I have spent about two years researching these issues for myself and I have written several articles that set out what to the best of my knowledge are the correct rules of hijab. Each of these is linked below for you to look at.

For your convenience, I present a brief guide to the rules of dress for the Muslim sister for different situations.

1) Around her husband, a sister may dress however she chooses. There are no restrictions on what the husband can see or touch.

2) Around the mahram relatives, women, and children (a complete list of exemptions is given in Surah an-Nur ayah 31), a sister should cover her awra. There are different opinions on the extent of this. The most sensible that I have seen is from the upper chest to the knee. This includes the region that is also awra in men (navel to knee) and extends upwards to cover the woman's bosom, which is a special concern for her. Display of the hair, arms, lower legs and feet, is universally agreed to be halal for this category.

3) Around non-mahram men, a sister must cover all of her body except her face and her hands. The face is the circle of the face only and does not include the ears or any of the hair. Just think about what you wash in wudu. The covering of the hair, neck, shoulders, and upper chest must specifically be accomplished by the khimar (headscarf). The arms, torso, and legs should be covered by loose, opaque clothing that obscures the shape of the figure. A long-sleeved blouse and a jumper, a long loose tunic and a long skirt, or shalwar kameez are all examples of what is acceptable. As well, most scholars say that the feet must be covered with socks and shoes although a few scholars allow the wearing of sandals.

4) Outdoors and in open public places (such as the market or the masjid), a sister must wear a jilbab as an outergarment, that is, over her other clothes. If she is wearing a khimar, then the jilbab only needs to cover from the shoulders to the ankles, such as a long coat. If she is not wearing a khimar, then the jilbab should cover the head and neck as well.

The above rules set out what you need to wear in each situation in order to be observing correct hijab.

Note: Most sisters, including myself, approached hijab in several stages. Usually the first stage is the modest clothing such as the blouse and jumper, tunic and skirt, or shalwar kameez. The second stage is to add the headscarf (properly called khimar). The third stage, often taken much later after reading up on the dalils, is to add the jilbab when outdoors. In the way of things, I expect that most sisters who are reading this have already adopted the modest clothing and are worried about the khimar.

Deciding to Wear Hijab

This is where the difficulties usually come in. For many sisters, it truly is a jihad. I remember very vividly how scared I was the first day I put on the headscarf and went out into public. As long as you are just wearing the modest clothes, nobody has to know that you are a Muslim. Once you complete your hijab with the headscarf, you are suddenly announcing to everyone who sees you that "I am a Muslim". Here is some advice based on my own experiences.

Wear it for the sake of Allah SWT

Various statements are made about why you should wear hijab, such as for modesty or for protection, but the real reason that we wear hijab is that Allah SWT has commanded it. Whenever anyone asks you, why do you dress like that, that's the only answer you need to give them.

Allah SWT is the source of everything we have, our existence, our life, our capability, even our goodness. If He ever stopped sustaining us, we would vanish in that instant. If He ever took away what he gives us, we would never have even a speck of it. If we worked for millions of years, we could never repay Him for all that He has given us. And yet He does give it to us, and all He asks in return is that we do our best to obey what He has commanded us. Surely wearing hijab is a very small thing that you can do for Him compared to what He does for you!

Wear it for the hope of Jannah

Allah SWT makes tests for us in this world. He makes things difficult for us. He wants to see if we will remember Him, if we will have faith in Him, and if we will trust in Him. These qualities are what is meant by "sabr".

Allah SWT does not lose the work of anyone, ever (see Surah Ali Imran ayah 195). Even if it seems like nobody is paying attention to you or notices or appreciates good things that you do, Allah SWT has seen them, and He will not forget them. Even when it seems like the whole world is against you, Allah SWT is always there for you when you turn to Him. Remember this.

Allah SWT always wants the best for us and in His wisdom He knows why each thing that happens to us is in fact best for us. When it seems like everything is going wrong and life is just one disaster after another, it is easy to forget this and to become bitter and skeptical. Yet we must remember always to have faith that Allah SWT knows best why He has willed this for us, and we must always ask Him only "Make me pleased with what You have willed for me".

This world we live in, although it seems at times to be the only real thing, is actually fleeting compared to the Hereafter, which is better and more abiding. The trials of this world will seem as fleeting as a nightmare when seen from the Hereafter, and the pleasures of this world will also seem as fleeting as a dream when seen from the Hereafter. It's our happiness in the Hereafter that we should be most worried about attaining, because it is what will last forever; and it's our suffering in the Hereafter that we should be most worried about avoiding, because it also will last forever.

Allah SWT has promised Jannah to those who remain steadfast in their faith in Him and who trust in Him. The more difficult it is for you to have sabr, the greater the reward for it. So what will it be? Ease in this world, and perhaps the eternal sufferings in Hell? Or difficulty in this world, and inshallah the eternal bliss of Jannah? Let's face it, the old cliches are true: there's no such thing as a free lunch and you can almost never have your cake and eat it too. We've all got to face difficulties some time. Better by far that they be in the world than in the Hereafter.

So that's what you should set your mind to. Yes, it's difficult to wear hijab. You may be rejected by your family or your friends, you may face harassment and persecution or be fired from your job. These are very scary thoughts. But if you have sabr and keep trusting in Allah SWT, I swear to you sister, this is the path to Jannah, and when you look back on the Day of Qiyamah you will know that it was worth it and have no regrets.

Wear it today and trust in Allah SWT for tomorrow

What do I mean by that? What I mean is that you should take it one day at a time, or even one outing at a time. Sometimes the future seems to stretch on forever and ever and you don't think you can make it that long. You want to give up before you even begin.

So sometimes the best thing to do is to keep you mind focused on what is immediately at hand. Allah SWT will take care of the future. If you have to go out to the market, then concentrate on being able to wear hijab just for this activity and on getting through it. If you do get through it and nothing bad happened, then give thanks to Allah SWT for making it easy for you, and turn your mind to your next outing.

Or if you have to go out to school or work, then concentrate on being able to wear hijab just for this one day and on getting through it. And give thanks to Allah SWT when you have made it, and turn your mind to the next day.

Eventually the outings will turn into days and the days into weeks, and the weeks into months. One day you will realize that you have been wearing hijab for quite a long time and it isn't really as bad as you feared, and Allah SWT helped you get through it. Don't be ashamed. Sometimes it is like this. The most important thing is to have sabr and keep your trust in Allah SWT always.

Wear it and spite the shaytan

My dear sister, the worries and fears in your mind are the whisperings of the shaytan. He wants to talk you out of obeying Allah SWT.

It is very easy to keep going around in circles in your mind and to dwell on all the things that could go wrong. I know that I myself have a tendency to do this, I put it off and I dither and I wait for "the perfect time". If I let myself, I would never do anything at all!
So the thing you have to remember is that you do not need to be perfect in iman to wear hijab. If perfection were a qualification, where is the sister who could wear it??

You must also not fall into the trap of thinking that you should wait until all your worries and fears have disappeared. They never will! Trust me on this, sister.

True courage is going ahead to do what's right even though you are still nervous and scared. So don't listen to the shaytan. Ignore the worries and fears he whispers into your mind. Tell him that you will not let him keep you from obeying Allah SWT and you will not let him rule your life.

Make the decision to wear it

Once you have come to know in your heart that you must wear hijab, then you have to set a day and


This is the only way. Set a day and when that day comes, you have to do it. Don't back down. Don't give up. Do it.

Offer salat al-istikhara. Make du'a. Make lots of du'a. Do not stop making du'a. Ask Allah SWT to give you strength. Ask Him to make it easy for you. Ask Him to help you. He will, I swear it to you. He is always there for you when you turn to Him. Remember how much He has given you, how everything that you have, even your very existence, is due to Him. Remember that He deserves this from you. Remember the promise of Jannah. Remember that remaining patient and faithful through difficulty now may lead to Jannah, inshallah. Even if bad things happen, keep these thoughts in your mind. Don't worry about tomorrow. Just concentrate on getting through today, and leave tomorrow to Allah SWT until it gets here.
That's how you do it.

Final Words of Encouragement

I have been wearing hijab since September 1999. I do not regret it. I have never for one instant regretted it. I do not regret it even one iota. Inshallah, you will discover that you feel the same. Even within a few months I came to feel that I would not be properly dressed if I went out not wearing hijab. This is when you know that you have made it!

Never feel that you are alone, or that you are the only one who is scared and worried and nervous. Just about every other sister who has travelled down this road has gone through the same things. I know I have. Your sisters are here for you. We have been where you are. We are encouraging you and cheering you on. We know what it takes because we had to find that in ourselves too. We are praying for your success just as we prayed for our own.

End of article

Source: http://www.muhajabah.com/whyhijab.htm

Read some wonderful Hijaab stories for encouragement:


Some Hijaab poems for encouragement


Another free E book:

The Hijab, Why?


More free E books:


Women in Islam


Islam Beliefs and Teachings


Want to learn everything about prayer? - An Entire Salaah book


These articles will help you to maximise the amount of good deeds you do everyday so you can become closer to Allah:

10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith)

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...man-faith.html (10 Steps to Increasing our Iman(Faith))

30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...eir-lives.html (30 ways the youth should spend everyday of their lives!)

Easy Dhikr which is light on the tongue but heavy on the scales!

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...vy-scales.html (Easy Dhikr which is light on the tongue but heavy on the scales!)

My Daily Ibadah (worship) check!

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...hip-check.html (My Daily Ibadah (worship) check!)

10 steps to getting closer to Allah

http://www.islamicboard.com/manners-...ser-allah.html (10 steps to getting closer to Allah)

Forty Very Easy, Quick & Rewarding Good Deeds for all of us to do Everyday!

http://www.islamicboard.com/worship-...-everyday.html (Forty Very Easy, Quick & Rewarding Good Deeds for all of us to do Everyday!)

VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!

http://www.islamicboard.com/worship-...-everyday.html (VERY Rewarding Nafl Salaahs we can Pray Everyday!)

Wasting Time is worse than Death!


The Effects of Good deeds will remain forever!!!


Want to see the REAL appearance of Almighty Allah everyday?


Here are some very beneficial lectures to increase your imaan and fear of Allah:

AMAZING short speech -"The Goodly Life"


Remembrance: ask Allah for his forgiveness


Angel of Death!!! - Sheikh Ahmed Ali


HARD HITTING Lecture on HELLFIRE & the Day of JUDGEMENT! يوم القيامة والجحيم


Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 1/3


Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 2/3


Sheikh Ahmad Ali - Hellfire Talk Part 3/3


Islam - Punishment of the Grave by Sheikh Riyadh ul Haq


Death and the Grave by Murtaza Khan


How can we not appreciate what we have after watching this?


If you ever have any questions at all then please do not hesitate to ask. Please also remember us in your dua's.

And Allah knows best in all matters

Amat Allah
01-28-2011, 06:17 AM
Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you my sweet heart

First of all, I am really happy to have a new precious and dear sister of mine ,what a great gift and blessing from Allah...All Praise and Thanks be to Allah The Most Compassionate, Merciful and Generous ^^

I read a post for a precious sister of mine replying to another dear sister of ours and saying:

You take 1 step to your Lord He will take 2 steps towards you, make the effort and your intention has to be correct and sincere and Allaah will bless you and make it easy for you
So, whenever you want to do something for Allah`s sake ; especially the acts of worship, just do it and never be afraid from people and their reactions cause Allah will be with you in everything you do as long as you are seeking His pleasure my dear to help ya support ya and ease the way for ya...

I am 27 years old and I am covering my self since the 4th grade and never felt sorry but day by day the feelings of proud , being protected, modesty and piousness were getting stronger and stronger inside of me, what amazing feelings you will have just for following the commandments of Allah and please Him...I swear by Allah after that you will be happier and so pleased and feelings of comfort and peace will fill your precious white and pure heart my dear and precious sister...from the moment you wear the hijaab you will get so attached to it and will feel like it is a part from you which you can never ever abandon and leave...Hijaab is so precious and it is the identity of the modest true believer Muslimah...and surely you are...^^

Be patient honey and remember that Allah tests the true believers to make them return to Him ,to show them the way and elevate their status in this life and in the Hereafter so, forget about everything and run to your Lord my sweetie... May Allah love you, be with you, be pleased with you, ease everything for ya, keep you firm on His way, make all your dreams wishes hopes and prayers come true if were good for you and reward you with the best always and forever and May Allah protect you from all harms and never prevent you from seeing His Al Mighty Face in The Highest Level of The Paradise ...Ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

love you for the sake of Allah till forever my darling...

leaving you under Allah`s sight, care and protection...

your sister who admires you and loves ya no matter what:

Amat Allah

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01-29-2011, 03:18 AM
Amat Allah
Thank you so much! Your words were super kind and sweet. I have truthfully, and honestly never met or interacted with such a sweet and nice person. You have really helped me on my decision to wear a hijab. And you are very correct :]. I really hope I could talk more with you and be your friend!
With my greatest love, <3

01-29-2011, 03:25 AM
Thank you so much brother!
Your links were truly helpful! I do know how to do my Salaah... wich is a good thing! But I really do appreciate you help, and won't ever hesitate to contact you!
With my love,
Xena :]

01-29-2011, 03:27 AM
Thank you so much for your help. I would LOVE to share my stories and be an active member in the community! Just give me a link! And no. I have not heard that song... I would really enjoy hearing it! You can send me that link as well ^^ !
Thank you again,
With my love,

Amat Allah
01-29-2011, 04:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Xena
Amat Allah
Thank you so much! Your words were super kind and sweet. I have truthfully, and honestly never met or interacted with such a sweet and nice person. You have really helped me on my decision to wear a hijab. And you are very correct :]. I really hope I could talk more with you and be your friend!
With my greatest love, <3
Alhamdulillah...I am happy to know that no but the happiest at this moment...May Allah preserve you Ameeeen

and you are very truely wellcome my sweetie at anytime, May Allah love you Ameeen, and to be honest; you made me blush^^!, May Allah make me deserve your beautiful words, sisterhood and friendship and help me to be a good sister and friend to all of you and if I would hurt you by any way or my other sisters and brothers then May Allah keep me away from you all and protect you all from me and from all harms...Ameeeeeeeeen

love you all for Allah`s sake till I meet my Lord no matter what...

with all my love ,respect and humility, your sister, friend and whatever you want me to be:

Amat Allah

I am really honored and happy to have you my precious sister Xena. May Allah open for ya all the doors of success and happiness in this life and in the Hereafter and all the Ummah Ameeeeeeeeeeeen and btw the kindness and sweetness are in your pure heart...Ma shaa Allah may Allah bless ya Ameeen

01-29-2011, 04:38 AM
Asalaamu Alaykum sister Xena :)

Welcome to the forum and more importantly, welcome to Islam! I hope you enjoy your stay here and benefit from it inshaAllah. :statisfie

01-29-2011, 04:42 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by SeekerofJannah
Asalaamu Alaykum sister Xena :)

Welcome to the forum and more importantly, welcome to Islam! I hope you enjoy your stay here and benefit from it inshaAllah. :statisfie
Thank you so much for the welcoming. I have already met some of the most sweetest and intellectual people on this website! And I'm sure I will gain much more new knowledge and friendships.
With my love,

01-29-2011, 05:37 AM
Welcome to the forum. :)

Muslim Woman
01-29-2011, 05:54 AM

veil (without music)


They say, "Oh, poor girl, you're so beautiful you know
It's a shame that you cover up your beauty so."
She just smiles and graciously responds reassuringly,

"This beauty that I have is just one simple part of me.
This body that I have, no stranger has the right to see.

These long clothes, this shawl I wear, ensure my modesty.
Faith is more essential than fashion, wouldn't you agree?

This hijab,
This mark of piety,

Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to protect her dignity.
So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.
They tell her, "Girl, don't you know this is the West and you are free?
You don't need to be opressed, ashamed of your femininity."
She just shakes her head and she speaks so assuredly,

"See the bill-boards and the magazines that line the check-out isles, with their phony painted faces and their air-brushed smiles?
Well their sheer clothes and low cut gowns are really not for me.
You call it freedom, I call it anarchy."

This hijab,
This mark of piety,
Is an act of faith, a symbol,
For all the world to see.
A simple cloth, to protect her dignity.

So lift the veil from your heart to see the heart of purity.
Lift the veil from your heart and seek the heart of purity.


01-29-2011, 05:59 AM
welcom to the forum sister.
subhanallah..its so inspiring that u revert in such younger age.

01-29-2011, 07:09 AM

Welcome to Islam and IB. Threre will be problems in the way of faith but those will be accomdating much much more rewards with Allah and you will find them on the day of judgement.

May Allah keep all of us firm in Islam in its true sprit.

Muslim Woman
01-29-2011, 03:54 PM
Salaam sis

u may post ur story here


02-01-2011, 12:15 AM
Asalaam'alikum Xena

Welcome to Islam. MashAllah you have been guided at such a young age! May Allah strengthen your Iman and ease your affairs.

Here is a site that will be very beneficial for you InshAllah. There are tons of stories and encouragement for you to wear the hijab.

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When you create an account, you can participate in the discussions and share your thoughts. You also get notifications, here and via email, whenever new posts are made. And you can like posts and make new friends.
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