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02-10-2011, 01:25 AM
"Knowledge is teleportation; it transports a people living in a land of ignorant slumber to the forefront of a revolution." ~ Jonathan Azaziah

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Alexandria Church Bombing: Mossad, Who Else?

Israeli intelligence is the world leader in terrorism.
by Jonathan Azaziah

Minutes into the new year, an explosion rocked al-Qiddissin Coptic Church in Alexandria, Egypt. 25 innocent people dead (1). At least 97 innocents wounded (2). A 17-year old eyewitness ominously stated, ‘The last thing I heard was a powerful explosion and then my ears went deaf. All I could see were body parts scattered all over (3).’

All initial reports stated that a car bomb was the weapon used to carry out the New Years Day bloodshed (4). The US-backed Zionist dictatorship that runs Egypt typically went against the facts on the ground however, with the Ministry of Interior blaming the assault on a suicide bomber, and without a drop of concrete evidence, stating that the attack was carried out by none other than Al-Qaeda (5), which doesn’t exist (6), and whose leader, CIA agent Timothy Osman a.k.a. Osama Bin Laden, is long dead (7).

From AP, to Yahoo, to the New York Times, the liars that run the Zionist media immediately went into overdrive, vociferously promoting virulent garbage about ‘sectarian tensions’ between Muslims and Christians in Egypt being inflamed after the bombing (8). Of course there is no evidence of such ‘sectarian tension,’ but the mouthpieces of Israel, from the television to print, have no interest in telling the truth and they never have.

Not promoted by the Zionist media is the longstanding unity between Egypt’s Muslims and Coptic Minority (9), nor has it been promoted that Islamic and Christian leaders have stood side by side in the aftermath of the bombing, which wounded innocents from both faiths (10). The enmity between the two religious groups is nothing more than carefully concocted Zionist fiction.

There is only one entity in the entire region that benefits from religious division in any Middle Eastern nation: Israel. One of the key strategic goals of the Zionist entity in Egypt is to trigger a communal war between Muslims and Christians (11). The Lebanese Resistance movement, Hezbollah, condemned the bombing, declaring it ‘serves the Zionist scheme... aimed at fragmenting our Arab and Islamic countries (12).’ All evidence, physical and circumstantial, points directly to Mossad being the culprit behind the al-Qiddissin church bombing (13).

In recent years, Zionist intelligence activity in Egypt has increased greatly. Tel Aviv was the hand behind the cut of Egypt’s maintain internet cable in January of 2008, severing Egypt from the international online network. Mossad was conducting surveillance on the phone calls of the highest tier of the Egyptian government. The Israeli agency employed a spy to infiltrate Islamic opposition groups in Egypt. All of this was discovered just days before the Alexandria church massacre, when a Mossad spy ring was busted, unveiling a plot of subversion that would target Egyptian telecom companies. This ring was connected to other Israeli espionage groups in Lebanon and Syria (14).

Egypt’s former Foreign Minister, Abdallah al-Ashal, and the Egyptian Bar Association have gone on record to state that the massacre at al-Qiddissin Church was the work of Mossad, reacting murderously to its spy network being unfurled (15).

In November, a warning was issued to the world that Coptic churches in Egypt would be attacked. The warning was issued by ‘Al-Qaeda-linked’ Islamic State of Iraq, who according to the Zionist media, carried out the horrific assault on Sayedat al-Najat Cathedral in the Karada district of Baghdad at the end of October (16).

This atrocious theory has been thoroughly debunked however. What took place at Sayedat al-Najat was a Mossad false flag operation, aimed at provoking tension between occupied Iraq’s Muslim and Christian communities, conducted with all of the usual tools: fake passports produced in Tel Aviv, Israeli-produced IEDs and the quintessential car bomb (17). The appalling murder of at least 58 Iraqi Christians was also used to cover up the condemnation of the Zionist entity’s occupation of Palestine by several prominent Christian leaders (18). The warning wasn’t issued by non-existent Islamic State of Iraq therefore, but Mossad.

The car bomb is the signature of the Israeli agency. It is the weapon that has been used to conduct sabotage, assassinations and false flag terrorism across occupied Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and India (19). The Muslim Brotherhood, which was blatantly robbed by Zionist dictator Hosni Mubarak’s regime in the recent Egyptian elections (20), called for Egyptian churches to be protected after the fake Al-Qaeda group made its incendiary comments (21). But this call was not heeded. Only an hour prior to Mossad’s car bombing, Egyptian security forces inexplicably withdrew from their positions, leaving four policemen to guard the massive church with nearly 2,000 people attending midnight mass. The car bomb was detonated at the post that was left by Egyptian security forces (22).

This collusion between Israeli intelligence and Egyptian security forces is by no means surprising, considering the existing Israeli-Egyptian collaboration in illegally and brutally besieging the people of the Gaza Strip (23). The violent assault against the Coptic community on New Years Day was also executed to deflect the attention off of the stolen Egyptian elections (24); it is widely known that Egypt is a premier recipient of Zionist-occupied United States government aid money, receiving almost $30 billion in three decades (25). The usurping entity of Zion and its American counterpart couldn’t have their staunchest ally in the Middle East embarrassed by stolen elections. Answer? False flag attack.

The tactic being used to split the Muslim and Christian communities of Egypt is the oldest trick in the Zionist entity’s book: divide and conquer. It is widely known by the people of the Arab and Muslim world, especially Iraqis, that the only terrorism that exists in the Middle East (especially occupied Iraq), is the terrorism that is carried out by Israeli, American and British intelligence operatives (26). Divide and conquer has been used prominently in the Zionist-ravaged nation of Iraq, including a wall being built by an Israeli company to separate Sunni and Shia communities (27), and the nation of Lebanon, that was devastated by a savage civil war in the 1970s and 1980s contrived and manipulated by the Zionist entity (28) and the United States, with Zionist war criminal Henry Kissinger leading the way (29).

Muslims and Christians must stand together and reject these abhorrent divisions. People of conscience from all ethnicities, backgrounds and faiths must stand in solidarity with them. The victims of Mossad’s massacre at al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria will not be forgotten. The fallen will be honored with sincere Resistance to all oppressive powers; be it the puppet Mubarak or the usurping regime of Israel itself. Unified Resistance is what petrifies the occupiers more than anything else on earth. Make them tremble; unity is an armor that cannot be pierced by their bullets or rattled by their bombs.

~ The End ~


(1) Egypt Calls For Calm As Church Bombing Toll Rises To 25 by Amro Hassan and Borzou Daragahi, The Los Angeles Times

(2) Number Of Injured In Church Blast In Egypt Rises To 97 by RIA Novosti

(3) Egypt Bomb Kills 21 At Alexandria Coptic Church by BBC News

(4) Seven Killed In Car Bomb Near Alexandria Church, Egyptian Dictatorship Blames Mythical Al Qaeda by The Associated Press; Alexandria Church Bombing Eye-Witness Describes Terror Suspect by Ahmed Sabri, Asharq Alawsat; Alexandria Church Bombing by Al-Jazeera English; Church Bombing In Egypt: A Car Bomb Exploded Outside Coptic Orthodox Church And Killed Nine In Egypt by TPR One

(5) Egypt: Hundreds Protest To Denounce Terrorist Attack On Coptic Christians by Amro Hassan, The Los Angeles Times; Al-Qaeda Behind Alexandria Church Bombing: Egypt by Miraya FM

(6) The Power Of Nightmares: Rise Of The Politics Of Fear (documentary) by Adam Curtis, BBC News

(7) Years Of Deceit: US Openly Accepts Bin Laden Long Dead by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today; Osama Bin Laden A.K.A. CIA Asset ‘Tim Osman’ by What Really Happened?

(8) Christians, Police Clash After Egypt Church Bomb by Maggie Michael and Lee Keath, The Associated Press; Egypt Church Bombing Fuels Sectarian Rift by Cam McGrath, Yahoo! News; Egypt Orders Tighter Security After Church Bombing by Liam Stack and David D. Kirkpatrick, The New York Times

(9) Egyptian Religious Leaders Affirm Unity by Al-Masry Al-Youm

(10) Egypt: Muslims And Christians Show Unity After Bombing by Kelly Heffernan-Tabor, CBS News

(11) Palestinians Condemn Alexandria Church Bombing by Khalid Amayreh, The Palestinian Information Center

(12) Hezbollah: Egypt Attack Serves US, Israel by Press TV

(13) Mossad Behind Egypt Church Blast by Press TV, The Tehran Times

(14) ‘Israeli Spying Network’ Uncovered In Egypt Days Before Church Blast by Dr. Ashraf Ezzat, Veterans Today

(15) Egyptian Lawyers Blame Israel For Church Bombing by The Jerusalem Post

(16) Car Bomb At Church In Egypt Kills 21 As Christian Worshipers Gather To Celebrate New Year by The Daily Mail

(17) The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(18) Al-Qaeda’s Christian Massacre – Aiding And Abetting The Occupation Of Palestine by Maidhc O Cathail

(19) 26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(20) Egypt Election Routs Popular Muslim Brotherhood From Parliament by Kristen Chick, The Christian Science Monitor

(21) Al-Qaeda Threatens Christians, Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood: Protect Churches by Al-Manar

(22) Egyptian Security Guards Withdrew One Hour Before Church Blast, Say Eyewitnesses by Assyrian International News Agency

(23) Egypt’s Blockade On Gaza by Ahmed Shokr, Dissident Voice

(24) All Is Fair In Egyptian Elections by Ahmed Amr, Dissident Voice

(25) Egypt Stories: U.S. Aid To Egypt Totals $28 Billion In Three Decades by USAID

(26) British Terrorism In Iraq by Dr. Elias Akleh, Global Research

(27) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(28) The Sabra And Shatila Massacre (16-18 September 1982) by The Electronic Intifada

(29) Sayyed Nasrallah Full Speech On Martyr’s Day November 11 2010 by Moqawama English


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Muslim Woman
02-10-2011, 01:45 AM

They may hide (their crimes) from men, but they cannot hide (them) from Allah, for He is with them (by His Knowledge)
( سورة النساء , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #108)

may Allah give the sinners their due punishment , Ameen.

02-10-2011, 02:57 AM
ameen ya rabb

02-10-2011, 04:13 AM
When will the world learn that so much of what is labeled as "Islamic extremist terrorism" is in fact false flag operations "carried out by Israeli, American and British intelligence operatives"? As Benjamin Franklin supposedly said, "Believe none of what you read and only half of what you see."

This church bombing was "a Mossad false flag operation, aimed at provoking tension between occupied Iraq’s Muslim and Christian communities, conducted with all of the usual tools: fake passports produced in Tel Aviv, Israeli-produced IEDs and the quintessential car bomb"


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02-10-2011, 04:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by MustafaMc
When will the world learn that so much of what is labeled as "Islamic extremist terrorism" is in fact false flag operations "carried out by Israeli, American and British intelligence operatives"? As Benjamin Franklin supposedly said, "Believe none of what you read and only half of what you see."

This church bombing was "a Mossad false flag operation, aimed at provoking tension between occupied Iraq’s Muslim and Christian communities, conducted with all of the usual tools: fake passports produced in Tel Aviv, Israeli-produced IEDs and the quintessential car bomb"

people would be foolish to believe that western media is any better than their own govt. controlled one.. they all have the same agenda.. Ever since this revolution in Egypt started I hear one thing and one thing alone. 'Muslim brotherhood' it is almost as if Islam is some sort of demon that needs to be fought.

Isn't secularism an ideology all its own that is very exclusive? In this case exclusive of 90% of the population? It is as if the entire needs of the Egyptian people don't matter in the face of their Zionist friends and their own agenda in the region. such vested interest in keeping us needy and ignorant.

02-10-2011, 02:58 PM
Could it be that this church bombing was the first salvo in an US/Israeli 'covert war' for regime change in Egypt?

This morning I was reading this article,"Creative Destruction for a 'Greater Middle East'? posted on Islamicity.com http://www.islamicity.com/m/news_fra...erenceID=55758

What immediately came to mind was the book, "Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" by Naomi Klein. Earlier, I was thinking that the US will use the chaos of this uprising to install a government that bows to its interests. However, this article proposes that the US was in fact responsible for it occurring at all and is trying to orchestrate the outcome.

"Washington in fact is orchestrating the Egyptian as well as other regional regime changes from Syria to Yemen to Jordan and well beyond in a process some refer to as “creative destruction.” "

"At this point the anti-Mubarak movement looks like anything but a threat to US influence in the region, quite the opposite. It has all the footprints of another US-backed regime change along the model of the 2003-2004 Color Revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine and the failed Green Revolution against Iran’s Ahmedinejad in 2009."

Even though the Mubarak regime was oppressive to the Egyptian people it seems that he was also a thorn in the side of the US.

"Egypt’s Mubarak represented a major obstacle within the region to the larger US agenda... Mubarak was staunchly opposed to Obama policies on Iran and how to deal with its nuclear program, on Obama policies towards the Persian Gulf states, to Syria and to Lebanon as well as to the Palestinians. He was a formidable thorn in the larger Washington agenda for the entire region, Washington’s Greater Middle East Project, more recently redubbed the milder-sounding “New Middle East." "

Could it be that the US is working behind the scenes for a regime change in its favor?

"The United States has used varying means to pursue democratization, including a military intervention that, though launched for other reasons, had the installation of a democratic government as one of its end goals. However, indigenous reform movements are best positioned to advance democratization in their own country.” "

Does anyone remember how quickly the reasoning for the Iraqi invasion shifted from "Weapons of Mass Destruction" to "Iraqi Freedom"? What is touted as bringing "democracy" to an oppressed people is nothing more and no less than establishing a capitalist (Chicago/Milton Friedman) economic system run by the Power Elites of the world.

Anywhere you see 'democracy' you should substitute the word 'capitalism'. The ultimate goal of capitalism is that all of the world's wealth is concentrated in the hands of an extremely few people. "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer".

02-10-2011, 03:44 PM
anything is possible indeed.. but the people on the streets are for real!
and what those people want might not be something the U.S wants at all, even with their incessant smear campaigns against 'Muslims' brotherhood or not are running round the clock and Anderson cooper might bring an apostate or two on his program to speak of 'Radical Islam' one w hore who could stand to gain millions in lieu of sitting in her beaten African country will only be too eager to say all the things Americans and America wants to hear .. but this might actually blow in their face which is what I am hoping for insha'Allah.. because as the scholar said.. no one can truly understand Islam as a way of life and philosophy will want for anything less.. so the thing they haven't managed to do yet, is to take Islam away from the hearts of the people.. even if they took just about everything else!


02-10-2011, 08:44 PM
Yes, the suffering of the Egyptian people is real I pray that their Islamic faith will guide them and help them to establish a righteous Islamic government in spite of the best laid plans of others.

02-10-2011, 08:46 PM
insha'Allah akhi


02-10-2011, 08:48 PM
A trainee spy for Israel's secret service agency Mossad was arrested by Tel Aviv police while taking part in a training operation, media reports say.

The young trainee was spotted by a female passer-by as he planted a fake bomb under a vehicle in the city.

He was only able to persuade police he was a spy after being taken in by an officer for questioning on Monday.

The authorities have refused to comment on the story although Israeli media outlets have expressed their surprise.

'Just a drill'

Mossad does not tell local uniformed police about its training exercises.

The country's commercial Channel 10 said it hoped the agency's operatives were "more effective abroad", AFP news agency reported.

Niva Ben-Harush, the woman who reported the novice's suspicious behaviour to police, told Ynet News that 15 minutes after she made the call, Tel Aviv's port was closed and people evacuated.

She said police initially asked her to come with them and identify the suspect.

"But after a few minutes, they told me it was just a drill," she said.

Up to three agency employees were believed to have been suspended following the incident, Ynet reported.

It quoted the prime minister's office as saying it did "not respond to information about such activities undertaken by security agencies or attributed to them".

They said it was a suicide bomber but the image of the exploded car correlates with a bomb being placed under the car, because a bomb that is placed under the car will flip the car over, when the bomb ignites, the force gets trapped between the ground and the bottom of the car and this pressure makes the car to flip and land on its bonnet......however if there was a suicide bomber sitting inside the car...the doors and windows of the car would shatter and break...so therefore the force and pressure would travel sideways and the image we see above doesn't show that.

The bomb was placed under the car and there was no suicide bomber.

Think of a car jack....the bottom end is against the ground and the top is against the car and the pressure on each side lifts the car off the ground.


02-10-2011, 09:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by τhε ṿαlε'ṡ lïlÿ
insha'Allah akhi
A good thing is that the infrastructure hasn't been destroyed by US bombs and the military hasn't been disbanded. The situation in Egypt is much better than it was in Iraq and only Allah (swt) knows how this turmoil will turn out. Insha'Allah, it will be for the good of the people and an Islamic government will be established.

02-11-2011, 04:12 AM
Could it be that this church bombing was the first salvo in an US/Israeli 'covert war' for regime change in Egypt?
Considering that Mubarak was the best thing going for Israel and the US in Egypt it would seem like a pretty stupid thing for them to do.

02-11-2011, 04:27 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by titus
Considering that Mubarak was the best thing going for Israel and the US in Egypt it would seem like a pretty stupid thing for them to do.

why stupid when his current successor is an even better play thing for Israel and the U.S?
btw the original article was written by a coptic Egyptian!

02-11-2011, 11:34 AM
Stupid because his successor may not be in office long either. This movement in Egypt has got the Israelis shaking in their boots. It scares the hell out of them.

I know the initial reaction for many people here is to always blame Israel and the US on everything bad that ever happens to Muslims, but in this instance it really makes no sense for Israel to try and start a movement to get rid of their best ally in the region.

02-11-2011, 11:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by titus
Stupid because his successor may not be in office long either. This movement in Egypt has got the Israelis shaking in their boots. It scares the hell out of them.

They're good actors.. they're simply buying time with the turd to make sure the same type of governance takes place.. that is all!
Egyptian constitution doesn't allow for the VP to be the successor rather the speaker of the parliament.. the fact that he is the fix it man in charge is already saying alot.. are you that politically naive? really?

02-11-2011, 12:54 PM
And what exactly is the new guy going to do different than the old guy that would make all this worth it?

02-11-2011, 02:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by titus
And what exactly is the new guy going to do different than the old guy that would make all this worth it?

what does this mean even? pls quit wasting everyone's time!

02-11-2011, 02:34 PM
You claim they want to remove Mubarak to replace him with someone else. What exactly will this someone else do that will make Israel happy that Mubarak did not do?

Surely you must have an answer to this if you are claiming that Israel is behind the turmoil in Egypt.

Your conspiracy theory also makes me wonder why they would start with Egypt, and not overthrow nearby governments that are actually hostile towards them such as Syria.

Usually conspiracy theories don't make much sense, but this one makes even less sense than most.

02-11-2011, 03:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by titus
You claim they want to remove Mubarak to replace him with someone else. What exactly will this someone else do that will make Israel happy that Mubarak did not do?
I am not claiming, I am making a statement of assertion. Mubarak is 82 was already all set to bequeath the throne to his son, that essentially would have been perfect, when the whole fiasco started, the head of the Egyptian intelligence and Israel's number one fix it man will do well indeed for a good 7 months to clean the streets of the non-patriots as he calls them and ensure the same regime. Today 11 people many of whom were children were murdered as protesters were encroaching upon an Israeli diplomat' resident in Egypt.. Do you have any political savoir faire?

Surely you must have an answer to this if you are claiming that Israel is behind the turmoil in Egypt.
I didn't claim Israel is behind the turmoil in Egypt, I said they've much to gain from keeping the same despotic governance in Egypt one that has no regard whatsoever to Egyptian life, just so long as the Egyptian govt. is imprisoning and torturing Gazans that escape as potential terrorists and giving them gas for pennies on the dollar plus numerous other benefits of course mostly to do with the torture, eradication and imprisonment of Muslims!

Your conspiracy theory also makes me wonder why they would start with Egypt, and not overthrow nearby governments that are actually hostile towards them such as Syria.
Everything to you is a conspiracy theory, to me and to be quite honest you represent the average American chawbacon. I don't know if you play stupid to be cute or stupefy others around you by these pedantic tactics but it isn't working, it isn't working at all!
Usually conspiracy theories don't make much sense, but this one makes even less sense than most.
You're entitled to remain a poster boy for the average american chawbacon, it doesn't bother me at all!

all the best

02-11-2011, 11:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by titus
Considering that Mubarak was the best thing going for Israel and the US in Egypt it would seem like a pretty stupid thing for them to do.
Did you not read the entire post regarding the article by William Engdahl?

"Egypt’s Mubarak represented a major obstacle within the region to the larger US agenda... Mubarak was staunchly opposed to Obama policies on Iran and how to deal with its nuclear program, on Obama policies towards the Persian Gulf states, to Syria and to Lebanon as well as to the Palestinians. He was a formidable thorn in the larger Washington agenda for the entire region, Washington’s Greater Middle East Project, more recently redubbed the milder-sounding “New Middle East." "

02-12-2011, 03:11 AM
So you think the new government is going to follow the US agenda more so than Mubarak?

I see the opposite. I don't see any government taking over that will. The military won't, and if the people elect a government that mirrors their sentiments it certainly won't. I don't see the US government coming out ahead in any way at all.

02-12-2011, 03:35 AM
No, I am not saying that in the least. What I read from the article was that the US is trying to orchestrate or manipulate the situation in Egypt to their advantage. I pray that a government is established that puts Islamic principals and the good of the Egyptian people before that of capitalist principals and 'foreign interests'.

02-12-2011, 04:25 AM
I hope that a government is established that puts the good of the Egyptian people first also, although I am sure we don't agree completely on what that would be.

02-12-2011, 08:21 AM

All initial reports stated that a car bomb was the weapon used to carry out the New Years Day bloodshed (4). The US-backed Zionist dictatorship that runs Egypt typically went against the facts on the ground however, with the Ministry of Interior blaming the assault on a suicide bomber, and without a drop of concrete evidence
We've already done this one. It wasn't a car bomb.

asharq alawsat

02-12-2011, 05:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by titus
I hope that a government is established that puts the good of the Egyptian people first also, although I am sure we don't agree completely on what that would be.

The Govt. should be what the people want. Not what America and Israel want.. I think they've bought the cowardice of the previous administration and the alleged billion directly in Mubarak's pockets apparently was a very hefty price to pay.. was paid of the blood of the people.. and that is NOT acceptable to the new generation!

I really hope that America would stay the hell out of this, and at the instant beckoning of the cockroach state .. don't Americans want to enjoy their own tax money?
Seems unfortunate that populations of the world would suffer and pay of their blood or money for the good of one illegitimate settler state!

02-12-2011, 06:02 PM
I too hope the government ends up being what the people want and an end to autocratic rule and a government free of corruption. All people deserve that.

04-09-2011, 11:37 AM
The time for the coming of the Dajjal is evident in the attacks against Islam and Christianity.

I am new to this forum, has someone discussed with you already the probability that the 9/11 bombing was in actual fact fake? And that it was a prepared demolotion?

Did you also know that Israelis today must have the Gharkad trees in their gardens? If you know the story behind these trees, then it is evident that they are in preparation for their downfall- i.e. the coming of the Maseeh (AS).

Like it is stated in the article, divide and conquer, has always been the methodologie of the zionists and the british alike. Just look at the consequence of the World Wars- i.e. the putting in place of borders, Attaturk, etc. etc.

04-09-2011, 09:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ubeyde
I am new to this forum, has someone discussed with you already the probability that the 9/11 bombing was in actual fact fake? And that it was a prepared demolotion
That particular fairy story has been discussed ad nauseam, yes.

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