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03-05-2011, 09:42 PM
asalam alaikum
i came accross this statement and wondering!can someone as to how is these different form a muslim.is it bidaa or part of islam.?
jazakallah kheir.

A sufi wants to recognize his creator by deep zikar and Muraqbah. After concentartion excercizes, he gets faith that the purpose of creation of Human beings is to recognize Allah.

Tasawaf is a knowledge which purifies one's soul and it makes proper relation between creator and creations. The follower of Tasawaf, due to inner feelings by Muraqbah watches his God and at least can listen and speak with his God.

The base of Tasawaf is Love, Toheed, Taqwa and self-recognition.

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03-14-2011, 09:19 PM
What Is Tasawwuf
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Tasawwuf is a branch of Islamic knowledge which focuses on the spiritual development of the Muslim.

Allah sent His final messenger, Prophet Muhammad , as a source of knowledge for the entire ummah. He was the fountain of Quran, Hadith, tafsir, rhetoric, fiqh, and so on. After the Prophet, the scholars of this ummah carried and propagated each of these branches of knowledge. Because no one person can attain the perfection of the Prophet , who single handedly assumed all of these roles, various branches of the Islamic sciences developed. For example, Imam Abu Hanifah preserved the science of fiqh and after him thousands of scholars continued in his footsteps. Hence these scholars preserved the fiqh of the Prophet . Similarly Imam Bukhari and the other famous scholars of Hadith, preserved the words of the Prophet. The scholars of tajweed preserved the recitation of the Prophet . And, the scholars of Arabic grammar preserved the language of the Prophet .

Along these lines, the Prophet was the model of spirituality for the world. His God-consciousness, deep spirituality, acts of worship, and love for Allah were preserved and propagated by an Islamic science called Tasawwuf. The aim of the scholars of this science was purification of the heart, and development of consciousness of Allah through submission to the shariah and sunnah.
How is Tasawwuf Related to Sufism?

Studying the life of the Prophet , the scholars who propagated the science of tasawwuf understood that a requisite for approaching Allah was abandonment of the common pursuits of the world. They often wore wool because of its simplicity and low cost. In Arabic the word for wool is suf and thus, those who wore it became known as the Sufis. Another possible derivation of the word comes from the root word safa, which means "to clean." Because the scholars of tasawwuf focused on cleansing the heart, they later became known as the Sufis.
What Do Our Scholars Say About Tasawwuf?

Traditional Islamic scholars have accepted Tasawwuf as an important branch of Islamic learning, so long as it remains within the guidelines of the Shariah and emphasizes following the Sunnah of the Prophet .

* On Moderation - Imam Rabbani (may Allah be pleased with him)
* The Inner Dimensions of Fasting - Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (may Allah be pleased with him)
* Maulana Jami - Excerpts from the poems of Maulana Jami (may Allah be pleased with him)
* Maulana Saadi - Excerpts from the poems of Maulana Saadi (may Allah be pleased with him)
* What is Tasawwuf? - Condensed from the writings of Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (may Allah be pleased with him)
* Fighting the Ego - Imam Nawawi (may Allah be pleased with him)

I Have Heard That Sufis Teach Praying At Graves, Dancing, Music, And Other Innovations?

It is true that there have been, and currently are, people who have deviated from the teachings of tasawwuf, thus misrepresenting this science. This is not unique to tasawwuf. Our history is full of examples of people who called themselves scholars of tafsir, or hadith while misrepresenting the essence of these sciences. Each of the Islamic sciences is interlinked and bounded by its sister sciences. For example, a scholar of tafsir cannot interpret the Quran by contradicting the hadith. Similarly a true shaykh of tasawwuf (sufism) never breaks even the smallest tenets of the shariah or the sunnah. Rather, he sees them as the means of his progress towards his Lord. In fact, he prefers death over falling into even a minute sin.

I saw a holy man on the seashore wounded by a tiger.
No medicine could relieve his pain; He suffered much,
but he nevertheless constantly thanked God, the most high, saying,
"Praise be to Allah that I have fallen into a calamity and not into sin."
If Not All Sufis Are Authentic How Can I Judge Which To Learn From?

Many of our scholars have addressed this question by listing the "signs" of a true shaykh. Needless to say the common principle has always been submission to the shariah, by following the teachings of one of the four schools of fiqh, and a complete submission to the inner and the outer of the sunnah. This is based on the idea that the Prophet is the nearest and most God conscious of Allah's creation. His daily acts are an exemplification of how the most God-conscious of all of creation lived his life. For example, the Prophet's treating others with kindness, soft speech, humility, preference for white clothing, growing of a lengthy beard, use of the tooth stick, etc are all intentional acts of service to Allah . If someone lacks these sunnan, while claiming they can help bring you closer to Allah, know that they will eventually lead you to a dead end.
What Is The Goal Of The Student Of Tasawwuf?

The goal is complete submission to the shariah and sunnah in order to attain purification of the heart and soul and to develop a true, deep, and lasting connection with Allah .
How Can A Shaykh Assist In These Goals?

A shaykh of tasawwuf spends years in training in order to develop his character, mannerisms, daily schedule, outer being, acts of worship, and knowledge under the guidance of a spiritual master. They learn the essence of worship and practical implications of abandonment of the mundane life of this world from those who are models of god-consciousness. Further, they often spend years mastering the Islamic sciences of Hadith, Quran, tafsir, fiqh, etc. Each aspect of their training further connects them through chains of scholars to the Prophet who, of course, was sent to connect creation to their Lord.

When you enter the company of such a shaykh, their knowledge and extensive experience allows them to assess your spiritual state and hence, advise you on the best "medicine" to cure the diseases of your heart. Just as a doctor is trained to cure physical ailments, so the scholars of tasawwuf treat the maladies of the diseased heart.
I Thought That All One Needs Is The Quran And The Sunnah?

It is true that the Quran and the Sunnah are sufficient. However, at the same time it is also true that a teacher is required to master any subject. If the Quran was sufficient, then Allah could have easily sent the book without a messenger. However, he sent the Prophet as a model of the Quran so that people could directly learn from his example. This then became the method of learning for each of the Islamic sciences. For example, each hadith that Imam Bukhari compiled in his collection of hadith is directly linked to the Prophet through a continuous chain of narrators. Thus, each person in the chain must have learned from someone and must be able to state who that person was. Similar requirements are present in other branches of Islamic science as well. The science of tasawwuf is no exception.
Is It Mandatory That I Learn And Develop My Spirituality Under A Shaykh?

The juristic scholars of the ummah have ruled that taking a spiritual guide is a sunnah. That is, it is not mandatory, however, it is the way of the Prophet . However, according to the scholars of this ummah achieving the aims of tasawwuf are mandatory. For example, purifying the heart from pride, rectifying one's character, etc are essential to ones religion. Thus, if one can achieve these goals on their own, they may. However, if one tries and continually fails, it is highly recommended that he seek the assistance of a spiritual doctor.
What Are The Responsibilities Of The Murid (Student) Of The Shaykh?

The murid takes an allegiance with his shaykh seeking Allah's forgiveness for past sins, shortcomings, and mistakes, and pledging to establish the shariah and sunnah in his life. The shaykh then assigns certain daily exercises of dhikr (remembrance of Allah) to the student in order that they attract the blessings of Allah . Each student has a set daily regimen of Quranic recitation and dhikr, which, if done diligently leads to rapid progress. For more information refer to Shaykh Zulfiqar's Letter Number 2 from his book Wisdom for the Seeker.
Source: http://tasawwuf.org/basics/what_tasawwuf.htm

03-14-2011, 10:06 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by mammyluty
After concentartion excercizes, he gets faith that the purpose of creation of Human beings is to recognize Allah.
We don't need to do concentration exercises to get our faith, nor to know the purpose of our creation. Allah clearly tells us the purpose of our creation in the Qur'an:

"I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me." (Qur'an, 51:56)

Recognition of Allah is not enough. Allah has not stated the purpose of our creation was to recognise Him, but to worship Him.

Be very careful of Sufism.


03-15-2011, 02:04 AM
I'm not a sufi myself, but I do believe there is much misconception of it. It's not necessarily as mentioned above. Tasawwuf is rectification of the soul. Another name for it is Tazkiya. People make it out to be some sort of lunatic action.

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03-15-2011, 02:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Beardo
but I do believe there is much misconception of it. It's not necessarily as mentioned above.
Indeed, it's best to just stay away from topics like this, and to leave them to the more knowledgeable... I find that when "regular" Muslims get into this kind of discussion, it always leads to... Bad things. :p

03-15-2011, 02:47 AM
Sufis are on Haq. I have not seen any group who have so much love for Allah Azzawajal and Our beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him as they do.

Im sick to death of ignorant people who slander sufis and say they do shirk etc etc.

03-15-2011, 02:56 AM
Tasawuf is basicly just tazkiya tu nafs - the various Tarriqas have varying methods of Tazkiya.

The statement you posted is an acurate one, but can be misconstrued easily to those not familiar with tassuf.

There is one common theme amongst every sufi Sheikh and tariqa - that is strict adhearance to the Sharia - all forms of dhikr, muraqab, awrad, muamlaat and tasawur are all backed up by hadeeth and the consensus of scholars.

You can not seperate tassawf from Islam - they are one in the same - for proof of this, look at the great scholars of Islam throughout history - all were in some way practitioners of tassawuf. Imam Nawawi, Imam Suyuti, Ibn Taymiya, Ibn Kathir - all were initiated into a tarriqa of tassawuf.

One of the chief arguments against tassawuf used by salafis is "well the sahabah didnt do a mamalat, the sahabah did niot prescribe awrad" - This is because since the time of the Sahabah, tassawuf has become more complicated, the sufis given complex terminology and methodologies to that which was practiced by the Sahabah and Rasooullah :saw:

03-15-2011, 03:32 AM
its so controversy discussion and people usually present many hadiths in favor of sufism. like the dikar is source for cleaning ur heart.
but personally i am not in this favor. bcz that is not the way prophet PBUH used for tazkiya of Suhaba RA. although i accept doing dhikar is source of purification but we can neglect other ammal of tazkiya, like dawat, khidmat (to serve people). we need to follow prophet PBUH 100% in these tazkiya ammals.

"jitna mehnat ma Hazaoor SAW ka tareeqa ho ga, utni mehnat kamil ho gi, or jitni mehnat kamil ho gi, utna deen kamil ho ga...or jitni mehnat Hazoor SAW kay tareeqa say hat kar ho gi ya juzwi ho gi (mean u just pick zikar or some other part) utni hi naqis ho gi or jitni mehnat naqas ho gi utna deen naqis ho ga..............deen zindagi ma Hazoor SAW walay tareeqa mehnat say aye ga.

03-15-2011, 04:28 AM
I believe there is nothing wrong with doing Dhikr of Allah Ta'ala, and contemplating over the beauties of this world to glorify Allah. Obviously there are boundaries which should not be crossed. I heard of people dancing and singing... :ermm:

03-16-2011, 12:20 AM
Sufism is of two kinds; one which is advocated in Quran and Sunnah under the name of Tazkiyyah and the other kind is what advocated by man made innovations. All true scholars adapted the first kind and rejected and criticized the second kind.

Tassawwuf at early times was just a term referring to worshipping Allah and fighting for His sake without having any attachment to this life and at the same time take the means of this worldly life to be closer to Allah. The deviated kind innovated and imposed what neither Allah nor His Messenger stated, further they opposed many principles in religion thinking that would make them closer to Allah.

Whenever someone quote something about any of the four Imams praising sufi then know they refer to the first kind. And be sure and certain that neither of them would ever do an act that is not established in Quran or Sunnah.

03-16-2011, 12:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by MujahidAbdullah
There is one common theme amongst every sufi Sheikh and tariqa - that is strict adhearance to the Sharia - all forms of dhikr, muraqab, awrad, muamlaat and tasawur are all backed up by hadeeth and the consensus of scholars.
It needs to be clarified that there do exist Sufis who follow bid’ah (innovations) that constitute shirk, as well as other kinds of bid’ah, such as when some of them say “Madad ya sayyid (Help, O Master)”, and call upon the qutubs (“holy men”), and recite dhikr in unison using names by Allaah has not called Himself, like saying “Huw, Huw (He, He)”
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The words al-faqr and al-tasawwuf (i.e., Sufism) may include some things that are loved by Allaah and His Messenger, and these are things that are enjoined even if they are called faqr or tasawwuf, because the Qur’aan and Sunnah indicate that they are mustahabb and that is not altered if they called by other names. That also includes actions of the heart such as repentance and patience. And it may include things that are hated by Allaah and His Messenger, such as some kinds of belief in incarnation and pantheism, or monasticism that has been innovated in Islam, or things that go against sharee’ah and have been innovated, and so on. These things are forbidden no matter what names they are given… And it may include limiting oneself to a certain style of clothing or certain customs, ways of speaking and behaving, in such a way that anyone who goes beyond it is regarded as an outsider, although this is not something that has been stipulated in the Qur’aan or Sunnah; rather it may be something that is permissible or it may be something that is makrooh, and this is a bid’ah that is forbidden. This is not the way of the friends of Allaah (awliya’ Allaah); such things are innovations and misguidance that exists among those who claim to follow the Sufi path. Similarly, among those who claim to be servants of knowledge there are innovations that involve beliefs and words that go against the Qur’aan and Sunnah, using phrases and terminology that have no basis in sharee’ah. Many such things happen among those people...
One of the chief arguments against tassawuf used by salafis is "well the sahabah didnt do a mamalat, the sahabah did niot prescribe awrad" - This is because since the time of the Sahabah, tassawuf has become more complicated, the sufis given complex terminology and methodologies to that which was practiced by the Sahabah and Rasooullah :saw:
Terminology aside, it is clear there are practices performed by some Sufis that were not done by the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) and his companions.

Insecured soul
03-16-2011, 02:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by
Sufis are on Haq. I have not seen any group who have so much love for Allah Azzawajal and Our beloved Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him as they do.

Im sick to death of ignorant people who slander sufis and say they do shirk etc etc.
they love allah so much that they innovate new things, thier love is only in nasheed and qawwalis, here in india ul find sufis everyone.
iv seen some sufi followers even smoking marijuana and go in a state of trance and move thier body and try to establish a connection with god. its all absurd.

and they will speak about something you havent heard in your life and which has no evidence in quran or sunnah.

03-16-2011, 03:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah

We don't need to do concentration exercises to get our faith, nor to know the purpose of our creation. Allah clearly tells us the purpose of our creation in the Qur'an:

"I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me." (Qur'an, 51:56)

Recognition of Allah is not enough. Allah has not stated the purpose of our creation was to recognise Him, but to worship Him.

Be very careful of Sufism.

w salam,

I usually do like your posts but this one I have to disagree with. Why dont you think we need to do "concentration exercises" in order to worship Allah? Perhaps it is easier for you, but for me and many millions of Muslims, we have short attention spans, and in order to focus more on Allah, we need devices to direct our concentration towards him in Salah in order to attain pure dedication and remembrance, devoid of any thinking of worldly matters. How many times does it happen that worldly thoughts enter your brain while praying? Maybe you are immune to that sista, but millions of muslims are not.


03-16-2011, 09:14 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by mad_scientist
Why dont you think we need to do "concentration exercises" in order to worship Allah?
I didn't say that. I think you might have misunderstood me.

format_quote Originally Posted by mammyluty
After concentartion excercizes, he gets faith that the purpose of creation of Human beings is to recognize Allah.
format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah
We don't need to do concentration exercises to get our faith, nor to know the purpose of our creation. Allah clearly tells us the purpose of our creation in the Qur'an:

"I created the jinn and humankind only that they might worship Me." (Qur'an, 51:56)
I've copied the quotes above, to make it clear.

The quote in the original post said that we needed to do concentration exercises to get our faith that the purpose of our creation is to recognise Allah. I disagree with that because Allah told us that the Purpose of our creation was to worship Him. He didn't say it was to merely recognise Him. There are many people that recognise Allah but do not worship Him. According to the above Sufi teaching, even by not worshipping Him, they'd still be fulfilling the purpose of their creation - this is completely contrary to what Allah has said in the Qur'an (51:56).

As to the mental exercises, sure you need to do mental acrobatics in order to understand the trinity, but not to "get our faith as to why we were created". We are encouraged to ponder and contemplate in the Qur'an, and Allah knows how much my attention wonders in salaah, and how much I have to try to concentrate hard - but I disagree with what was stated in the original post, which was having to do mental exercises in order to know something that Allah already told us clearly in the Qur'an.

If everyone did mental exercises to glean the purpose of their creation, everyone would arrive at different conclusions as to why they were created (as has in fact happened above; a conclusion at odds with the Qur'an). Allah took mercy on us and told us straight, so that none of us would be in any doubt as to the purpose.

I hope that was a bit clearer as to what I was trying to say.


03-17-2011, 02:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by
Allah told us that the Purpose of our creation was to worship Him.
sister this word "worship" is used here in very vast context. i heard Abdullah ibn Abbas RA has said that in this aya worship mean to recognise HIM.

03-17-2011, 02:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by
As to the mental exercises, sure you need to do mental acrobatics in order to understand the trinity, but not to "get our faith as to why we were created". We are encouraged to ponder and contemplate in the Qur'an, and Allah knows how much my attention wonders in salaah, and how much I have to try to concentrate hard - but I disagree with what was stated in the original post, which was having to do mental exercises in order to know something that Allah already told us clearly in the Qur'an.
do u think that ur this reply contradicts the importance of dhikar. eg we know ALLAH SWT is Akbar so why there is so much emphasize is hadith to recite this again and again.

03-17-2011, 10:38 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by tigerkhan
i heard Abdullah ibn Abbas RA has said that in this aya worship mean to recognise HIM.
What about people that recognise and acknowledge the Creator, but do not worship Him? If that was the case, that would mean we don't have to perform our salaat, and merely recognising Him and acknowledging that He exists would be enough.

Allah the Exalted and Most Honored said,

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالإِنسَ إِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُونِ
(And I created not the Jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me.) meaning, `I, Allah, only created them so that I order them to worship Me, not that I need them.' `Ali bin Abi Talhah reported that Ibn `Abbas commented on the Ayah,

إِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُونِ
(...except that they should worship Me.) meaning, "So that they worship Me, willingly or unwillingly.''
Source: Tafsir Ibn Kathir

format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah
As to the mental exercises, sure you need to do mental acrobatics in order to understand the trinity, but not to "get our faith as to why we were created". We are encouraged to ponder and contemplate in the Qur'an, and Allah knows how much my attention wonders in salaah, and how much I have to try to concentrate hard - but I disagree with what was stated in the original post, which was having to do mental exercises in order to know something that Allah already told us clearly in the Qur'an.
format_quote Originally Posted by tigerkhan
do u think that ur this reply contradicts the importance of dhikar. eg we know ALLAH SWT is Akbar so why there is so much emphasize is hadith to recite this again and again.
It doesn't contradict at all. On the contrary dhikr is important. Please read that post again.

The original post said that mental exercises are done to get faith that the purpose of creation is to recognise Allah. I disagree. You've made the assumption that the mental exercises referred to are dhikr, so let's go with that. When we do dhikr, we are not doing it to find out the purpose of our creation. Allah has already made clear for us in the Qur'an what the purpose of our creation is. When we do dhikr, we remember Allah, we praise Him, glorify Him, etc, but we don't do it to try to work out why we were created. If that was the case, and Allah left us to work out why we are here ourselves, we would all arrive at different conclusions, some of which would be wrong, as happened in that post.

So I agree that dhikr is important, but we do not do it to find out why we were created. We do it to remember Allah, praise Allah, glorify Him, thank Him, to make du3a, remember His favours on us...etc

Those who have believed and whose hearts have rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. (13:28)


03-18-2011, 10:57 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah

What about people that recognise and acknowledge the Creator, but do not worship Him? If that was the case, that would mean we don't have to perform our salaat, and merely recognising Him and acknowledging that He exists would be enough.

Source: Tafsir Ibn Kathir

It doesn't contradict at all. On the contrary dhikr is important. Please read that post again.

The original post said that mental exercises are done to get faith that the purpose of creation is to recognise Allah. I disagree. You've made the assumption that the mental exercises referred to are dhikr, so let's go with that. When we do dhikr, we are not doing it to find out the purpose of our creation. Allah has already made clear for us in the Qur'an what the purpose of our creation is. When we do dhikr, we remember Allah, we praise Him, glorify Him, etc, but we don't do it to try to work out why we were created. If that was the case, and Allah left us to work out why we are here ourselves, we would all arrive at different conclusions, some of which would be wrong, as happened in that post.

So I agree that dhikr is important, but we do not do it to find out why we were created. We do it to remember Allah, praise Allah, glorify Him, thank Him, to make du3a, remember His favours on us...etc

Those who have believed and whose hearts have rest in the remembrance of Allah. Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest. (13:28)

seems to be a pretty stringent ritualistic approach of Salafist schools of thought. I reckon its a pre-requisite to recognize why we were created before actually worshiping and glorifying Allah. Many a Muslims while glorifying Allah swt through dhikr actually realize after reading Allah's majestic names that their purpose of creation is to actually worship Allah due to those grandiose qualities/attributes as reflected in His names.


03-18-2011, 04:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by
The original post said that mental exercises are done to get faith that the purpose of creation is to recognise Allah. I disagree.
sister i am just telling u, Abdullah ibn abbas RA was most authentic in tafseer and if He was saying about this aya that "leyabadon" mean "liyahrafoon" so i dont know how u disagree.
2ndly in my personal opinion if someone recognize (mahrifat) HIM as He is, then surely he will obey/worship him. eg in worldly matter we see ppl obey their boss just bcz they have in mind that our income is in his hand. however we know that profit and loss is in hand of allah SWt but we dont have blv on this thing as much blv we have on our boss. so there are levels of mahrifat. allah swt send all ambiya and main duty was to introduce Allah swt to the ppl. also in one hadith qudsi allah swt says i created this world so that i can be recognized.
2ndly sister we cant disagree that eman is related to dhikar. allah swt says "fazakir inna zikara tanfa hul mohmineen". also in hadith prophet pbuh had siad to suhaba RA keep refreshing ur eman. suhaba Ra by which thing, prophet PBUH reply by reciting kalma La ilaha ilallah in abundance. there are so many hadiths in this context so we cant deny them.

we all are here to learn. allah swt make us understand as we have too little knowledge. hope u got it.

Hamza Asadullah
03-19-2011, 01:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Insecured soul
they love allah so much that they innovate new things, thier love is only in nasheed and qawwalis, here in india ul find sufis everyone.
iv seen some sufi followers even smoking marijuana and go in a state of trance and move thier body and try to establish a connection with god. its all absurd.

and they will speak about something you havent heard in your life and which has no evidence in quran or sunnah.
Asalaamu Alaikum, please refer to brother Muhammads post which clearly shows that there are two types of Sufi. The type you are talking about practice bid'a and have clearly deviated but there are also those sufis who are on the correct path and everything they do is fully supported by the Qur'an and Sunnah. Therefore we should not paint everyone with the same brush for the deviant practices of a few.

And Allah knows best in all matters

Hamza Asadullah
03-19-2011, 01:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Insaanah

I didn't say that. I think you might have misunderstood me.

I've copied the quotes above, to make it clear.

The quote in the original post said that we needed to do concentration exercises to get our faith that the purpose of our creation is to recognise Allah. I disagree with that because Allah told us that the Purpose of our creation was to worship Him. He didn't say it was to merely recognise Him. There are many people that recognise Allah but do not worship Him. According to the above Sufi teaching, even by not worshipping Him, they'd still be fulfilling the purpose of their creation - this is completely contrary to what Allah has said in the Qur'an (51:56).

As to the mental exercises, sure you need to do mental acrobatics in order to understand the trinity, but not to "get our faith as to why we were created". We are encouraged to ponder and contemplate in the Qur'an, and Allah knows how much my attention wonders in salaah, and how much I have to try to concentrate hard - but I disagree with what was stated in the original post, which was having to do mental exercises in order to know something that Allah already told us clearly in the Qur'an.

If everyone did mental exercises to glean the purpose of their creation, everyone would arrive at different conclusions as to why they were created (as has in fact happened above; a conclusion at odds with the Qur'an). Allah took mercy on us and told us straight, so that none of us would be in any doubt as to the purpose.

I hope that was a bit clearer as to what I was trying to say.

Asalaamu Alaikum, My dear sister before commenting on a matter we should learn about it so that we may be familiar with it so that any misconceptions we may have may be eradicated.

Here is what Ibn Taymiyya (661 - 728 AH) said about Tasawwuf:

"Tasawwuf has realities and states of experience which they talk about in their science. Some of it is that the Sufi is that one who purifies himself from anything which distracts him from the remembrance of Allah and who will be so filled up with knowledge of the heart and knowledge of the mind to the point that the value of gold and stones will be the same to him. And Tasawwuf is safeguarding the precious meanings and leaving behind the call to fame and vanity in order to reach the state of Truthfulness, because the best of humans after the prophets are the Siddiqeen, as Allah mentioned them in the verse:

"(And all who obey Allah and the Apostle) are in the company of those on whom is the grace of Allah: of the prophets, the sincere lovers of truth, the martyrs and the righteous; Ah! what a beautiful fellowship." (an-Nisa', 69,70)

"...some people criticised Sufiyya and Tasawwuf and they said they were innovators, out of the Sunnah, but the truth is they are striving in Allah's obedience [mujtahidin fi ta'at-illahi], as others of Allah's People strove in Allah's obedience. So from them you will find the Foremost in Nearness by virtue of his striving [as-saabiq ul-muqarrab bi hasab ijtihadihi]. And some of them are from the People of the Right hand [Ahl al-Yameen mentioned in Qur'an in Sura Waqi'ah], but slower in their progress.... And this is the origin of Tasawwuf. And after that origin, it has been spread and [tasha'abat wa tanawa'at] has its main line and its branches.

[Majmu'a Fatawa Ibn Taymiyya al-Kubra, Vol. 11, Book of Tasawwuf, p. 497].

Jalaluddin as-Suyuti (849 - 911 AH.) said regarding Tasawwuf

"At-Tasawwuf in itself is the best and most honorable knowledge. It explains how to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) and to put aside innovation." [Ta'yid al-Haqiqat al-'Aliyya,p 57]

If you need some clarification on Tasawwuf then please read the following links:

The Place of Tasawwuf in Traditional Islam.


The meaning of Tasawwuf


And Allah knows best in all matters

03-19-2011, 01:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mad_scientist
I reckon its a pre-requisite to recognize why we were created before actually worshiping and glorifying Allah.
So do I, and am glad that Allah told us.

format_quote Originally Posted by mad_scientist
Many a Muslims while glorifying Allah swt through dhikr actually realize after reading Allah's majestic names that their purpose of creation is to actually worship Allah due to those grandiose qualities/attributes as reflected in His names.
I see. I think you're saying they realise that their purpose is to worship Allah, but they realise that for themselves through their dhikr? I assume you mean that their dhikr then confirms what Allah told them in the Qur'an.

format_quote Originally Posted by tigerkhan
sister i am just telling u, Abdullah ibn abbas RA was most authentic in tafseer and if He was saying about this aya that "leyabadon" mean "liyahrafoon" so i dont know how u disagree.
Ok. That's why I quoted from Tafsir ibn Kathir because it says that Ibn Abbaas (RA) said that it means to worship Allah willingly or unwillingly. It may be that Ibn Abbaas (RA) also said that it means to recognise Him. Allahu a3lam.

format_quote Originally Posted by tigerkhan
2ndly in my personal opinion if someone recognize (mahrifat) HIM as He is, then surely he will obey/worship him.
There are some people in this world, who believe in God, but don't worship Him.

format_quote Originally Posted by tigerkhan
2ndly sister we cant disagree that eman is related to dhikar. allah swt says "fazakir inna zikara tanfa hul mohmineen". also in hadith prophet pbuh had siad to suhaba RA keep refreshing ur eman. suhaba Ra by which thing, prophet PBUH reply by reciting kalma La ilaha ilallah in abundance. there are so many hadiths in this context so we cant deny them.
I hope I am not being perceived as somehow trivialising the importance of dhikr, nor as one who denies ahadeeth related to it. I have never said that nor implied that, nor is that my belief. On the contrary, I have always said that dhikr is important, even in my previous post in this thread, and also in other threads, where I have said that dhikr is one of the things Allah has told us to do katheera, in abundance.

Br Hamza, thank you for your informative post and links.

My intention was never to be argumentative in this thread. Neither have I ever denied dhikr, or ahadeeth or tafseer.

May Allah forgive me if I said anything wrong.

And Allah knows best in all matters, and may He increase us in knowledge, imaan and wisdom, and forgive our shortcomings. Ameen.


03-20-2011, 12:08 AM
The sufi's I know today sit in the dark and shake their heads violently side to side, I found this pretty weird, the lights just went out and I was in the dark and I just saw people shaking their heads really fast going "allah hu" in unison, in all honesty it creeped me out.

Hamza Asadullah
03-20-2011, 01:15 AM
Asalaamu alaikum, i saw the same thing. When i was in Pakistan a decade ago one of my cousin took us to a brelwee Masjid where every Thursday night they turned the lights out and swayed their heads from left to right and some did so quite voilently saying Allah hu. There was this one guy who wore a green pagri swayed his head left to right so voilently that when the lights were turned on his green pagri (Imaama) ended up several metres away and that is no over exaturation. Clearly this practice is bida' and brelwees have done a lot to tarnish sufism by mixing i to it bida' and culture and tradition. True sufism is nothing like how brelwres practise it today.

May Allah guide us so that we do everything to please him and nothing to anger or displease him.

03-20-2011, 04:49 AM
i remeber i was reading Hayat Us Suhaba, one person came to Abdullah bin Umar (or Ibn Abbas RA or Ibn Masood, i forgot) and said, today i go to the other masjid and there ppl was doing dhikar and one person said now read this, now recite this and all ppl are obeying him and one person bcm senseless (wajad) bcz of fear of Allah SWT. that Suhabi RA said now never sit with them. we have seen the time of prophet PBUH and these ppl are not on the way of prophet PBUH

03-20-2011, 04:54 AM
Everything is Bidah and shirk to you guys

03-20-2011, 05:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by
There are some people in this world, who believe in God, but don't worship Him.
u had just quoted a line and not the full para. it is as
2ndly in my personal opinion if someone recognize (mahrifat) HIM as He is, then surely he will obey/worship him. eg in worldly matter we see ppl obey their boss just bcz they have in mind that our income is in his hand. however we know that profit and loss is in hand of allah SWt but we dont have blv on this thing as much blv we have on our boss. so there are levels of mahrifat. allah swt send all ambiya and main duty was to introduce Allah swt to the ppl. also in one hadith qudsi allah swt says i created this world so that i can be recognized.
sister once some arab ppl came to Prophet PBUH. Prophet PBUH give them dawa to islam. they accept and said we bcm "momin". Allah SWT said aya in quran that these ppl are saying that they bcz momin however they had just accept islam, eman had not enter into their heart (qalal ahrabiyo aamana qul lum tumino wala kin qoulo aslamna, walama yadhulul eman fiy qulobihim)... so ppl claim that they know Allah SWT, they Blv in GOD, but actually they dont. eg if someone says i know what fire is, he will not put his hand in it bcz he knows it burns. Similarly if they know Allah SWT is lord, they obey and worship HIM.

03-20-2011, 11:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by tigerkhan
i remeber i was reading Hayat Us Suhaba, one person came to Abdullah bin Umar (or Ibn Abbas RA or Ibn Masood, i forgot) and said, today i go to the other masjid and there ppl was doing dhikar and one person said now read this, now recite this and all ppl are obeying him and one person bcm senseless (wajad) bcz of fear of Allah SWT. that Suhabi RA said now never sit with them. we have seen the time of prophet PBUH and these ppl are not on the way of prophet PBUH

'Amr ibn Yahya said:

"I heard my father narrating from his father who said: 'We were at the door of 'Abd-Allaah ibn Mas'ood before the early morning prayer. When he came out we walked with him to the mosque. Abu Moosa al-Ash'ari came up to us and said, "Did Abu 'Abd al-Rahmaan come out to you yet?" We said, "No." He sat down with us until [Abu 'Abd al-Rahmaan] came out.

When he came out, we all stood up to greet him, and Abu Moosa said to him: "O Abu 'Abd al-Rahmaan, earlier I saw in the mosque something that I have never seen before, but it seems good, al-hamdu Lillaah." He said, "And what was it?" He said, "if you live, you will see it. I saw people in the mosque sitting in circles waiting for the prayer. In every circle there was a man, and they had pebbles in their hands. He would say, 'Say Allaahu akbar one hundred times,' and they would say Allaahu akbar one hundred times; then he would say, 'Say Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah one hundred times,' and they would say Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah one hundred times; then he would say, 'Say Subhaan Allaah one hundred times,' and they would say Subhaan Allaah one hundred times.'

He asked, 'What did you say to them?' He said, 'I did not say anything to them; I was waiting to see what your opinion would be and what you would tell me to do.' He said, 'Why did you not tell them to count their bad deeds and guarantee them that nothing of their good deeds would be wasted?' Then he left, and we went with him, until he reached one of those circles. He stood over them and said, 'What is this I see you doing?'

They said, 'O Abu 'Abd al-Rahmaan, these are pebbles we are using to count our takbeer, tahleel and tasbeeh.'

He said, 'Count your bad deeds, and I guarantee that nothing of your good deeds will be wasted. Woe to you, O ummah of Muhammad, how quickly you are getting destroyed! The Companions of your Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) are still alive, his garment is not yet worn out and his vessels are not yet broken. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, either you are following a way that is more guided than that of Muhammad or you have opened the door of misguidance!'

They said, 'By Allaah, O Abu 'Abd al-Rahmaan, we only wanted to do good.'

He said, 'How many of those who wanted to do good failed to achieve it! The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that people recite Qur'aan and it does not go any further than their throats. By Allaah, I do not know, maybe most of them are people like you.'

Then he turned away from them. 'Amr ibn Salamah said, 'I saw most of the members of those circles fighting alongside the Khawaarij on the day of Nahrawaan.'"

[Reported by al-Daarimi, al-Sunan, no. 210, ed. by 'Abd-Allaah Haashim al-Yamaani. Al-Albaani classed its isnaad as saheeh in al-Silsilat al-Saheehah under hadeeth no. 2005. See Majma' al-Zawaa'id by al-Haythami, 1/181]

03-20-2011, 11:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hamza81
Asalaamu alaikum, i saw the same thing. When i was in Pakistan a decade ago one of my cousin took us to a brelwee Masjid where every Thursday night they turned the lights out and swayed their heads from left to right and some did so quite voilently saying Allah hu. There was this one guy who wore a green pagri swayed his head left to right so voilently that when the lights were turned on his green pagri (Imaama) ended up several metres away and that is no over exaturation. Clearly this practice is bida' and brelwees have done a lot to tarnish sufism by mixing i to it bida' and culture and tradition. True sufism is nothing like how brelwres practise it today.

May Allah guide us so that we do everything to please him and nothing to anger or displease him.

ameen, the thing is akhi hamza, they justify it with hadith about gatherings of dhikr. For example the hadith about the angels roaming the Earth looking for gatherings of dhikr.

03-20-2011, 07:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Lost Identity
Everything is Bidah and shirk to you guys
I probably shouldn't have approved your post, but it made me laugh. lol. Sometimes, that is what it seems like. :p

03-21-2011, 02:17 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by
Everything is Bidah and shirk to you guys
no brother, hasna and bidha is what that is defined by Allah SWT and Prophet PBUH...we cant change it. so what is wrong, its wrong even whole umma start practicing it and what is right is right even no1 practice it.

03-21-2011, 02:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Salahudeen
'Amr ibn Yahya said:

"I heard my father narrating from his father who said: 'We were at the door of 'Abd-Allaah ibn Mas'ood before the early morning prayer. When he came out we walked with him to the mosque. Abu Moosa al-Ash'ari came up to us and said, "Did Abu 'Abd al-Rahmaan come out to you yet?" We said, "No." He sat down with us until [Abu 'Abd al-Rahmaan] came out.

When he came out, we all stood up to greet him, and Abu Moosa said to him: "O Abu 'Abd al-Rahmaan, earlier I saw in the mosque something that I have never seen before, but it seems good, al-hamdu Lillaah." He said, "And what was it?" He said, "if you live, you will see it. I saw people in the mosque sitting in circles waiting for the prayer. In every circle there was a man, and they had pebbles in their hands. He would say, 'Say Allaahu akbar one hundred times,' and they would say Allaahu akbar one hundred times; then he would say, 'Say Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah one hundred times,' and they would say Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah one hundred times; then he would say, 'Say Subhaan Allaah one hundred times,' and they would say Subhaan Allaah one hundred times.'

He asked, 'What did you say to them?' He said, 'I did not say anything to them; I was waiting to see what your opinion would be and what you would tell me to do.' He said, 'Why did you not tell them to count their bad deeds and guarantee them that nothing of their good deeds would be wasted?' Then he left, and we went with him, until he reached one of those circles. He stood over them and said, 'What is this I see you doing?'

They said, 'O Abu 'Abd al-Rahmaan, these are pebbles we are using to count our takbeer, tahleel and tasbeeh.'

He said, 'Count your bad deeds, and I guarantee that nothing of your good deeds will be wasted. Woe to you, O ummah of Muhammad, how quickly you are getting destroyed! The Companions of your Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) are still alive, his garment is not yet worn out and his vessels are not yet broken. By the One in Whose hand is my soul, either you are following a way that is more guided than that of Muhammad or you have opened the door of misguidance!'

They said, 'By Allaah, O Abu 'Abd al-Rahmaan, we only wanted to do good.'

He said, 'How many of those who wanted to do good failed to achieve it! The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us that people recite Qur'aan and it does not go any further than their throats. By Allaah, I do not know, maybe most of them are people like you.'

Then he turned away from them. 'Amr ibn Salamah said, 'I saw most of the members of those circles fighting alongside the Khawaarij on the day of Nahrawaan.'"

[Reported by al-Daarimi, al-Sunan, no. 210, ed. by 'Abd-Allaah Haashim al-Yamaani. Al-Albaani classed its isnaad as saheeh in al-Silsilat al-Saheehah under hadeeth no. 2005. See Majma' al-Zawaa'id by al-Haythami, 1/181]
JazaKallah oh khair for the exact quote. b4 i was thinking that on the end there was that line that most of these ppl join Khawarij but was not sure. no alhumdulliah its clear.

09-05-2020, 02:26 AM
Salaam brother
Small question. Could you plz tell me which suits have not deviated? I'd love to know

- - - Updated - - -

Sufis, not suits

09-05-2020, 03:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimhuman
Salaam brother
Small question. Could you plz tell me which suits have not deviated? I'd love to know

- - - Updated - - -

Sufis, not suits
Salam. The ones who dont have deviated thoughts and practices.

09-07-2020, 04:23 PM
Are the naqshbandi one of them?

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, but do you know which ones they are specifically, by name?

09-07-2020, 05:20 PM
Allaah forbids us to call on anyone except Him in matters that are beyond the person's capabilities. If a person does this, Allaah will count him as a mushrik, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

And invoke not, besides Allaah, any that will neither profit you, nor hurt you, but if (in case) you did so, you shall certainly be one of the zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers). [Yoonus 10:106]

09-07-2020, 07:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimhuman
Are the naqshbandi one of them?

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, but do you know which ones they are specifically, by name?
No I cannot name any. There are deviated and straight ones in all groups. Thats not related to the nature of sufism or this or that sufi branch but to the mentality of the adherents.

'abd al-hakeem
11-13-2020, 01:48 AM


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