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View Full Version : "You need exorcism" - come on, man, really?

03-14-2011, 08:01 PM
My best bruv thinks he and I both need exorcism, or 'raki' or 'riki' or 'rika' or something I don't know.

I was like come on man you're havin a laugh, rite? I've read about it I know what it is I just can't for the life of me remember what it's called. You know, the islamic exorcism, the reciting, none of the dark witchy voodoo stuff.

I can't believe I'm asking about this I must sound like a paranoid maniac but he put forth some compelling arguments.

First, we both have physical and mental ailments that have never been fully explained by doctors or psychologists, even after years of searching for the cause. Nor do we have a cure or even a diagnosis.

Secondly when we went to get hijama done we both... no, scratch that I passed out and started mumbling weird things (so I'm told by him and the practitioner). He almost passed out and when we compared our experiences he said he felt the same as I had felt before I went unconscious. You know, dizzy, tingling, needing to puke, intense pressure around the head area. It wasn't blood loss or nervousness either. Practitioner said in all their years they'd only seen this a couple of times and it could mean something unseen but they didn't want to say for shure cuz they don't know. They just advised us to consider it but i pretty much forgot about it u know?

So I was like okay, I'll look into it. I dunno like it sound freaky as. What do you think? He sounds paranoid or what? I don't want him gettin me paranoid like because things like that just freak me out.

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03-16-2011, 03:01 PM
:sl: brother,

Ruqya is a form of treatment prescribed in Islam and is actually one of the greatest remedies that the believer should use regularly. The Messenger (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam) used to do ruqyah for himself, as did some of his Companions:
It was narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: When the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was ill, he would recite al-Mi’wadhatayn over himself and spit drily. When his pain grew intense, I recited over him and wiped him with his own hand, seeking its barakah (blessing).”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 4728; Muslim, 2192

A group of the Companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) set out on a journey and travelled until they made came near one of the Arab tribes. They asked them for hospitality but they refused to do so. Then the leader of that tribe was stung, and they tried everything but nothing helped him. Then some of them said, Why don’t you go to those people who are staying (nearby)? Maybe some of them have something. So they went to them and said, O people, our leader has been stung and we have tried everything and nothing helped him. Do any of you have something? One of them said, Yes, by Allaah. I will perform ruqyah for him, but by Allaah we asked you for hospitality and you did not give us anything, so we will not perform ruqyah for you unless you give us something in return. So they agreed on a flock of sheep, then he started to blow on him and recite Al-hamdu Lillaahi Rabb il-‘Aalameen. Then he recovered quickly from his complaint and started walking, and there was nothing wrong with him. Then they have them what they had agreed to, and some of them (the Sahaabah) said, Let us share it out. The one who had performed ruqyah said, Do not do anything until we come to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and tell him what happened, and we will wait and see what he tells us to do. So they came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and told him what had happened. He said, “How did you know that it is a ruqyah?” Then he said, “You did the right thing. Share them out, and give me a share.” And the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) smiled.
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2276, and by Muslim, 2201).

It was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to seek refuge for al-Hasan and al-Husayn, and he would say: “Your father [ meaning Ibraaheemm peace be upon him] used to seek refuge with Allaah for Ismaa’eel and Ishaaq with these words: A’oodhu bi kalimaat Allaah al-taammah min kulli shaytaanin wa haammah wa min kulli ‘aynin laammah (I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allaah, from every devil and every poisonous reptile, and from every evil eye).’”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3191.

Ruqya is not only for possession by Jinn, it is also for treating magic, the evil eye as well as physical illness. It is just like making du'aa and calling upon Allaah (swt) for healing by reciting Qur'an or supplications that are proven to be from the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam). Remember that the Quran is a cure and mercy for believers, and this cure is general for all physical and psychological diseases.

For some more info you can also read: http://www.islam-qa.com/en/ref/3839

So it is good practice for all Muslims to be reciting some ruqya anyway as a means of protection from all kinds of evil, and they can do this by reciting the last 3 soorahs of the Qur'an 3 times before sleeping, ayatul kursee (verse 255 of surah al-Baqarah) after each prayer, reciting morning and evening du'as regularly and so on. Definitely look into which other verses and du'as to recite and begin reciting them over yourselves as soon as possible Insha'Allaah.

And Allaah (swt) knows best.

03-16-2011, 09:14 PM

Perhaps ruqya is worth a try. If there's nothing evil affecting you and ur brother then you've not lost anything. However, if there is something there then inshallah it will be treated by the ruqya.

duaa's coming your way inshallah

03-17-2011, 10:48 AM
Get ruqya done then you will know from your reaction to the recitation if something is wrong.

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03-17-2011, 11:22 AM
read Ayatulkursi, surah Al-falaq, al-Nas, Al-Ikhlas, and Al-kafiroon at least three times morning and evening. also try to read ayatul-kursi many times non-stop. ive seen it has good effect.

03-17-2011, 12:13 PM
thanks i didn't know really what it was like it just sounded new and strange lol but yeah i'll try that and see how it goes now that u guys have explained it better yeah

03-17-2011, 12:19 PM
read Ayatulkursi, surah Al-falaq, al-Nas, Al-Ikhlas, and Al-kafiroon at least three times morning and evening. also try to read ayatul-kursi many times non-stop. ive seen it has good effect.
Asalaamu alaikum sis thanks for ur advice what is Ayatulkursi?

03-18-2011, 12:00 AM
It's verse 255 of surah al-Baqarah.

It was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab went out one day to some people who had prepared a meal. He said, “Who among you can tell me which is the greatest aayah in the Qur’aan?” Ibn Mas’ood said, “You are asking one who knows. I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say, ‘The greatest aayah in the Qur’aan is ‘Allaah! Laa ilaaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists…’ [al-Baraqah 2:255 – interpretation of the meaning].”

03-18-2011, 08:16 AM
thanks bruv btw if my prononcuation is bad like is it still ok cos i cant prononce the ayn or the kha or that letter wif the gh sound very well especialle the ayn is it still ok like if i give it my best try?

03-18-2011, 08:24 AM
Stay away from sorcery. It is misleading

03-18-2011, 08:37 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Zuzubu
Stay away from sorcery. It is misleading
yea ok? of course but this topic isnt about sorcery

03-18-2011, 08:39 AM
excorsism is the same.

03-18-2011, 08:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Zuzubu
excorsism is the same.
i thot exorcism was just healing by recital of quran? doesnt sound like sorcery

03-18-2011, 08:53 AM
exorcism is more likely jinn / witchcraft /magic

Healing with qur'an has another word, I forgot the word. It's some sufi stuff.

03-18-2011, 09:01 AM
isn't exorcism gettin rid of witchcraft/magic?

Muhammad Aseem
03-27-2011, 02:59 PM
Ummm.... if you can listen the quran with out being aggravated then you just need to eat less sugar. :)

04-02-2011, 11:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Human_Being
isn't exorcism gettin rid of witchcraft/magic?
yeah it is...

05-20-2011, 01:25 PM
masnoonhealing.webs.com visit the site and please dont go to any SPIRITUAL HEALER/PEER OR SHEIH FOR DUM, DUROOD etc. All you need is to say ur prayers regularly and recite invocations that are according to sunnah.....Dont get yourself trapped in the viscious cycle of the exorcism stuff. Its all haraam and not according to sunnah. Reiki is also a form of magic which is spreading widely nowadays. to know more detail about the healing techniques...visit spiritualhealinginislam.webs.com/exposingtechniques.htm

al yunan
05-20-2011, 03:07 PM
Assalamu Alaikum to all,

About 22 years ago when I first came to visit S.E.A as a Muslim I became very Ill one day and was told that I needed to be Hospitalized for I had high fever and a possible collapsed lung.
A friend I was with knew of my dislike of doctors and took me to a friend of his who was a Quran teacher for little kids.
He recited the last three Sura from the Quran then blew at me and 10 minutes later I was good as new.
I decided to follow up on this form of healing and over 10 years or so I learned and witnessed a lot.
The first misconception by most Muslims about illness is its purpose and reason.
Firstly illness is Sifa (in this case positive human characteristics) and secondly it's but Allah S.W.T who removes ailments ref:6/17.
It is therefore a blessing for a believer to get ill and his or her ailment is Mustahil (impossible) to be the same as a non Muslims as the believers ailments are psychosomatic and thus enrich the Ruh even sometimes at the detriment of the body.
For every failure of the mind as in Nafs the Ruh corresponds with an ailment for example over concern with peoples affairs may cause Diabetes or the inability to express one's feelings and always holding back on one's words can cause Asthma.
Now I know some will give a thousand reasons that what I mentioned is absurd and cite cell, molecular and bacterial causes; but then again is there anything that's not under Alah S.W.T's control ?
I have witness leukemia, cancer, insanity, heart murmur, gangrene and many other sicknesses gone with the recital of the Quran and Asma Husna.
I also experienced and seen in others deadly diseases halted and those with weeks and months to live go on for years.
Most important of all I witnessed the Miracle of acceptance and peaceful death with the last utterance being the Kalima, the power of recital of the word of Allah S.W.T.
As to Him we belong and to Him we return should we not ask Him first, for help ?

I would also like to share a little story that convinced me more to seek this road:

In 95 I developed a diabetic ulcer on my back right behind my hart and each day it oozed more than a cup of puss and when I sujud the hole would turn to a fountain and puss would shoot up.
The only treatment I used besides recital was fresh turmeric stuffed into the hole twice daily.
A non Muslim acquaintance insisted to take me to his doctor an Idea i was not fond of as I was to week to walk and also it was Ramadan.
Anyway I went, as I thought to refuse would look bad on Islam as he was a Non Muslim compatriot.
The doctor examined me and told me that I must be hospitalizes immediately and If I don't receive Insulin I would die within 72 hours and I refused to go and also turned down the antibiotics as I was fasting. My friend was told that things look bad for me.
Monday morning and 72 hours later the phone rang, it was my compatriot to inform me that the doctor is dead as he was run over outside his office.
Allahu Akbar


Sana Shahid
05-25-2011, 08:14 PM
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) used to seek refuge from the jinn as well as from the evil eye until Surah al Falaq and An Naas were revealed. When they were sent down, he utilised them and left other things. [tirmidhi]

al yunan
05-25-2011, 08:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Sana Shahid
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) used to seek refuge from the jinn as well as from the evil eye until Surah al Falaq and An Naas were revealed. When they were sent down, he utilised them and left other things. [tirmidhi]

Are you suggesting that all other forms of Amal as per Ahadith are Batil ?


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