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View Full Version : Have the USA's Presidents been Puppets of the Zionists/Jews /Israelis since 1913

05-05-2011, 06:51 PM
Have the USA's Presidents been Puppets of the Zionists/Jews /Israelis since 1913 since the the Zionist run Federal Reserve Bank was created also it seems that most American Politicians have been and are Zionist Puppets the United States of America was the first Nation to recognize Israel in 1948 under President Harry Truman I think the American Presidents should just convert to Judaism and become Jews they already act Jewish it seems that the Israel Lobby controls and runs the U.S. Congress what do you think thank you for taking the time to answer my Email I don't know if you know who Pat Buchanan is but here are a few quotes from him that make sense ?

2004: "I believe the mistake the president is making is outsourcing American Middle East policy to Ariel Sharon."

-- Real Time with Bill Maher, September 3, 2004

1999: "After World War II, Jewish influence over foreign policy became almost an obsession with American leaders."
- A Republic, Not an Empire. P. 336.

1990: "Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory."
- McLaughlin Group, June 15, 1990

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05-06-2011, 07:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by truthseeker63
Have the USA's Presidents been Puppets of the Zionists/Jews /Israelis since 1913 since the the Zionist run Federal Reserve Bank was created also it seems that most American Politicians have been and are Zionist Puppets the United States of America was the first Nation to recognize Israel in 1948 under President Harry Truman I think the American Presidents should just convert to Judaism and become Jews they already act Jewish it seems that the Israel Lobby controls and runs the U.S. Congress what do you think thank you for taking the time to answer my Email I don't know if you know who Pat Buchanan is but here are a few quotes from him that make sense ?

2004: "I believe the mistake the president is making is outsourcing American Middle East policy to Ariel Sharon."

-- Real Time with Bill Maher, September 3, 2004

1999: "After World War II, Jewish influence over foreign policy became almost an obsession with American leaders."
- A Republic, Not an Empire. P. 336.

1990: "Capitol Hill is Israeli occupied territory."
- McLaughlin Group, June 15, 1990
Oh, totally. If you watch any of Barack Obama's speeches, you can see the strings attached to his arms.

This is a good post. And totally not baseless and unnecessarily inflammatory.

05-06-2011, 07:40 PM
you cant really quote Bill Maher The Idiot as a source of authority now, can you?

05-06-2011, 07:47 PM
Yes, on his way out of office wilson apologized to the american people and said he was mislead and doomed the future of the country. During the years leading up to WW2 america tried to reverse this by putting restrictions on jewish immigration like with the voyage of the ****ed.

format_quote Originally Posted by ICYUNVMe
Oh, totally. If you watch any of Barack Obama's speeches, you can see the strings attached to his arms.


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05-06-2011, 07:49 PM
Duuhhhh :P .

05-06-2011, 08:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ;1435371
you can see the strings attached to his arms.

yup-- and the funneling of the money to the colonial settler cockroach state comes from our tax money..

how's your health care? your kids education and how's your social security benefits? on a monorail to tel aviv so their cuties can do this:


05-06-2011, 09:12 PM
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

By John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt


05-06-2011, 09:14 PM
Im not saying all Jews are bad I respect the Anti Zionist Jews there are Jews I respect like Noam Chomsky I dislike Zionism and Zionists not Jews and Judaism.






05-06-2011, 09:19 PM
If Obama said he was Muslim, hypocrite American's will be Hypocrites lol

05-06-2011, 11:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by LavaDog
Yes, on his way out of office wilson apologized to the american people and said he was mislead and doomed the future of the country. During the years leading up to WW2 america tried to reverse this by putting restrictions on jewish immigration like with the voyage of the ****ed.

What are you talking about? You can't mean our dear prez.


05-06-2011, 11:19 PM
The Israel Lobby was not that powerful when it started in the 1950. During this time, support for Jewish state was strong in the West but as time went on, criticism towards Israel began to grow, its strategic importance to the US decreased and the Israel Lobby influence began to grow and grow.

The Israel Lobby is made up of Institutes and thinktanks. All of them support Israel but some more than others.

As for Obama, he had no choice but to support Israel. The Lobby is very powerful and many US citizens still support Israel. If Obama were to become President, he would have needed AIPAC's assistance. It would take a very brave US President to confront this lobby, so there is a significant financial and image risk.

As for the Christians, there are some who believe that Jews must gather in Israel and create a Greater Israel I believe. If the Jews do not convert to Christianity, they will be killed by Jesus? It is something along those lines. So this explains why some Christians support Israel without question.

05-07-2011, 05:26 AM
The more people claim they don't hate "all Jews" but "respect" some Jews, the more you can be sure that they actually do hate all Jews. I guage people's anti Muslim sentiment the same way...all you need to do is substitute "Muslims" for "Jews", replace Noam Chomsky with a prominent Muslim name, then throw in something about extremist versus non-extremist Mulsims and you'll see just what I mean.

format_quote Originally Posted by truthseeker63
Im not saying all Jews are bad I respect the Anti Zionist Jews there are Jews I respect like Noam Chomsky I dislike Zionism and Zionists not Jews and Judaism.

05-07-2011, 06:13 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by joedawun
The more people claim they don't hate "all Jews" but "respect" some Jews, the more you can be sure that they actually do hate all Jews. I guage people's anti Muslim sentiment the same way...all you need to do is substitute "Muslims" for "Jews", replace Noam Chomsky with a prominent Muslim name, then throw in something about extremist versus non-extremist Mulsims and you'll see just what I mean.
Do you mean zionists = jews?
and israel = jews?

05-07-2011, 06:33 AM
I really don't know why you need to ask that question based on what I posted above.. But since you DID ask, I suppose the Zionist vs Jew distinction is a convenient cover to use where it implies that some Jews are bad (Zionists) while other Jews are not bad (non Zionist Jews). Personally I don't believe I should be called upon to sit in judgement of other human beings with whom I am not personally familiar. I assume that was the point of your question.

format_quote Originally Posted by naidamar

Do you mean zionists = jews?
and israel = jews?

05-07-2011, 06:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by joedawun
I really don't know why you need to ask that question based on what I posted above.. But since you DID ask, I suppose the Zionist vs Jew distinction is a convenient cover to use where it implies that some Jews are bad (Zionists) while other Jews are not bad (non Zionist Jews). Personally I don't believe I should be called upon to sit in judgement of other human beings with whom I am not personally familiar. I assume that was the point of your question.

I asked the question because you seem to imply that israel= zionists=jews.

Following your logic, every americans (except for muslims) must be muslim haters because they hate the muslim terrorists.
Come to think of it, that would not be far from truth as american citizens authorized invasions of muslim countries causing death of millions of muslim civilians, dsimissed as "colateral damage"

05-07-2011, 06:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by
The more people claim they don't hate "all Jews" but "respect" some Jews, the more you can be sure that they actually do hate all Jews. I guage people's anti Muslim sentiment the same way...all you need to do is substitute "Muslims" for "Jews", replace Noam Chomsky with a prominent Muslim name, then throw in something about extremist versus non-extremist Mulsims and you'll see just what I mean.
Does this make sense to you ? because I'm unable to see the logic here : if you hate a part of a group that means you hate all the group ?

05-10-2011, 04:21 PM
I would say thar America has been a Zionist Puppet since it was founded.

05-11-2011, 03:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by truthseeker63
I would say thar America has been a Zionist Puppet since it was founded.
The growth of America has been strange and with each episode of growth there have been numerous amendments made to the Constitution. Until very recent times there was much value placed upon State's rights. The individual States had the final say in the States. We were basically 50 Nations united only for mutual protection. Since 9/11 and the "War on Terrorism" State Rights have been being taken from us at a very fast pace. We do seem to be under Zionist rule at this time. However, I see much anger over this and perhaps this will bring about a return of the rights that have been taken from us. Which in turn will weaken the power of the Zionist Lobby groups as the individual states would take control back from Washington DC and the Federal Government.

the problem came when each state gave up power and became a puppet of the Federal Government. Then again not all State rights were good and it probably is good the Federal Government did take those away from the States.

Some States Rights I have seen taken away in my life time were:

The Right to be segregated based upon Race and/or religion.
The right to deny voting rights to some people
The right to forbid marriage based upon race

It is somewhat of a paradox that Zionism has gained so much power in the USA as the USA have historically been very anti-Jewish. Until after WW2 the Jews were one of, if not the most, discriminated against group in the USA.

Perhaps Zionism is not a Jewish invention?

05-11-2011, 05:08 PM
No american can aspire to become President without support of Jews


05-11-2011, 11:20 PM
I agree many Presidents have spoken at Aipac the Israel Lobby.

05-12-2011, 03:05 AM
I disagree---By the way, the "Doha Debates" a program run out of Qatar already asked and answered this question some time back. I think that American and Isreali foreign policies simply coincide so as to create such an impression. Isreal and/or non-American Jews are not to blame for U.S. foreign policy---on the other hand---ALL Americans, ---Jews, Chrsitians, Muslims, Hindus and what-have-yous ARE to blame for U.S. foreign policy. To assign blame to "Zionism" is simply an escape hatch to not take responsibilty for what the U.S. government is doing in the name of all its citizens. (remember---the U.S. is a democracy--with rights of free-speech) However--Isreal and Isreali Jews are most certainly to blame for their wars, terrorist activities and war crimes.---that these activities were approved by Europe and the U.S. is no excuse.

Basically---the geo-politics is very simple--Israel is used as a "pawn" by Europe and the U.S. to keep the Middle-eastern oil and gas rich nations under control. Simply put---Israel can be used as a base to fight proxy wars if it becomes necessary......However, there is no doubt it is a mutually beneficial relationship so that Israel gets to do as it pleases as well.....

05-12-2011, 04:34 AM

not all americans the foreign policy makers of america specifically.

you have to remember that a lot of corps have intrests in Isreal which makes it hard for the US president to go hard on Isreal or saudi arabia for that matter - people forget the saudis in the mid east region have helped the US a lot.


05-13-2011, 09:22 PM
I agree with all your posts thank you.

05-24-2011, 07:26 PM

al yunan
05-24-2011, 09:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
Perhaps Zionism is not a Jewish invention?
Assalamu Alaikum brother,

You are most definitely right and the Jews actually have been their number one victims especially the ultra Orthodox.
Zionism is part and parcel of the Free Masons.
A fact that is hard to imagine unless one has studied their history.
The history of the Masons reads like the bible of conspiracy theories.
In our era a lot of effort has been made and millions spend to distort the actual origins and history of the masons.
Their ownership of many media empires helps their cause.
The Masons got a good foothold into Modern day Islam in the second decade of the last century and the list of so called prominent scholars who served them would be beyond belief to most.
The Alawiya and Bektashis where the means by which the tentacles of Masonry spread across the Arab World and also helped to bring the Caliphate of the Ottomans to an end.
The Grand Orient Lodge of Cairo spread its darkness from the early 1900's and has since vanished but continues its work today under various new institutions and so called schools of thought to engulf the Muslim world.
Has any body wondered how come 100 plus years ago no one had ever heard of all these new "Muslim" sects.
Where did all those nobodies find all that money to print and propagate their Fitnah and establish worldwide links to the Ummah.
In the nearly 3 decades I've been a Muslim I've seen the rise of at least 7 unheard of group and as many new Ideologies.
For example the Islamization of knowledge, the Ansarullah, the anti Mathab, the anti Ahadith and the Modernists / Revisionists, 21st century self proclaimed Sufis to name a few.
The Ismaili greatly contributed to the collapse of Islam in Spain by slandering the reputations of the great scholars there produced such as Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd.
Today in conjunction with the Masons they continue their work from seats of power within the U.S, U.N, NATO and of course the E.U. Zionists / Masons control the world's largest companies and financial institutions.
Who is going to risk financial ruin to expose or fight them ?
Which nation wants to be ostracised by disobeying them ?
In Europe we have already seen the demise of Judaism first then Christianity in its classical form and now it's Islam world wide in their sights.
Any country which has declared itself Islamic in the last fifty years has been automatically dismembered and civil war is promoted under the guise of help.
Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, horn of Africa, Nigeria and Algeria to name a few.
And here we are with technology at our fingertips and able to obtain the truth and yet we still believe what ever we are told.
Dumb, dumber and dumbest.
Is it, or is it not, Mustahil to be a believer and ignorant at the same time ?


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