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View Full Version : Struggling with something HARAM-Please HELP me (IMPORTANT)!

La illah allah
06-06-2011, 04:59 AM
Salam Alaikum brothers and sisters:

I have been struggling with a common issue among the youth (I am 17 years old by the way). It is unfortunately, Masturbation...(I feel pain in my heart and want to cry). I have been doing this since Fall of my ninth year, I believe. I completed my 11th year and am Insha Allah going into my 12th year this coming Fall (August 17th). It has been close to 3 years...:cry: This is not what I want to go through! Oh I have been trying to end this terrible addiction !of pornography and masturbation and I have failed numerous times! I am very sad and angry at what I have accepted in my ninth year :raging:! When I learned of this, I never thought of whether it was haram or not until early in my 10th year I believe. I love Allah with all my heart and have been seeking forgiveness from Him many times, and yet I have failed to keep my heart clean and repent 100% fully sincere. I want to feel the greatness and pride of being a Muslim and understanding that Allah is testing me because he loves me (I hope I'm right on that). I don't want to destroy my life. I want to keep myself healthy and clean and of course be successful. I fear the consequences and yet I don't want to face them nor get a small taste of it. Also, whenever the Shaytaan overpowers me to do this, I remember Allah, but I still do it and I feel a little that Allah is watching me and I still do it anyway...Oh protect me from this major sin that I have been committing for a while now! I do read the Qur'an (English Translation) and pray and do what I have to do. And I still do it!:raging: I want to make Allah and my parents and everyone related to me proud of me. Please brothers and sisters help me with this problem. Insha allah I will be able to put an end to this and become a strong Muslim Jazaakallahkhairan

Note: No one (family) except for friends, well they probably think I don't do it anymore but I do, knows that I do this.

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al yunan
06-06-2011, 03:37 PM
Walaikum assalam brother,

A good start would be to learn to read the Quran, so start with learning the phonetics and alphabet.
Also start leaving you bedroom door open as if you have suddenly developed claustrophobia.
Keeping busy as it is very important, so devise for your self a time table that would limit your free time.
Secondly erase all your links to the porn and history plus create a block so it would be very hard to download.
Thirdly throw in the garbage any porn magazines or photo material and also avoid popular music.
Fourthly pick a day preferably Thursday eve to perform as you must to wean your self down, in other words limit you self to once a week only, for after that you will Ghusl for Juma'a prayers.
Now you have a time table plus a new interest and focus, to learn to read the Quran.

Instead of a musical background you now replace it with Quran recitals that should also help to reduce the thoughts of porn for it would be shameful to think o such things while the Quran was being recited.
Get some medically written books on the harmful physical and mental effects of masturbation and pornography.
You are not a child and as such you should be able to reason with your self as to the ill effects of you actions.
It should also be made clear that we are not just talking about the ill effects of masturbation but rather the greater damage and more permanent of pornography.

Inshallah your sincere attempt to stop plus immersing yourself in Din starting with reading alif, ba, ta should have an effect for what might otherwise be a lifetime of psychotherapy and misogyny plus deviance to wrestle with.
Place you Trust in Allah S.W.T and beg for His forgiveness and His granting you a cure.
When ill thoughts come to mind recite "Audhu Billahi Minash shaytaanir rajim" until they leave and should urges become over bearing recite "Hasbunallah wa niaman Wakil" until thoughts clear.

As a Final resort to stop touching your self, there is an old Asian technique of rubbing red chili on your hand, it serves two purposes one to insure you wont touch your self and second having to explain to your family your new hand cosmetic routine.
Study all there is to know about Tahara (cleanliness) perform Ghusl often and remove pubic and armpit hairs at least once in every 40 days.

Physical cleanliness also plays a very big role plus sleeping on your side or back but never as it is forbidden to sleep on your stomach. One final word comes from Imam Ghazali rahimullah "to stop and erase the thoughts of women's bodies in your mind think of them dead with maggots e.t.c"


PS:Should you require any further clarification feel free to ask.

06-06-2011, 03:42 PM
try this thread bro hope it helps

La illah allah
06-06-2011, 07:28 PM
Jazaakallahkhairan for your responses. I will try my best to put an end to this problem. Please keep posting more suggestions if there is more! Feel free to post any advice relating to this problem!

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La illah allah
06-06-2011, 07:50 PM
I have another question:

How do I put my trust in Allah S.W.T.? Sorry if it is a stupid question, I just want to do everything right. Jazaakallahkhairan:D

06-08-2011, 08:37 AM
well bro i give u only one advice and i am sure it will work if u practice it. (im sure bcz this solution is described in hadith).
Control ur diet. fast or eat as much less u can. dont take rich protiens, sugars, meat and heavy diet. use milk if u feel weakness. sometime we just eat bcz of hadit and there is no huger in actual. so once u overcome this habit of eating, u see there will great effect of fasting or less eating insh.

2ndly one more imp thing. dont think much about past and what u had done. that will creat depression and make u mentaly weak and u agian tend to do same sin. forgot it as it never come back. focus on present and future, be confident and imagine u had get rid of this. so wheneven ur mind goes towrad this side, stop thinking and divert ur intention by some other work and think u had leave this, u dont even want to think of this.

La illah allah
06-10-2011, 02:53 AM
Jazaakallahukhayran brother! Insha Allah I will follow your advice because I do overeat(Im only 130 or so)! It all makes sense of why I feel "depressed" and weak. Insha Allah I will drink a lot of milk and eat less as it will Insha Allah help me overcome the addiction and prepare me for this coming Ramadan!:D:D:D

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