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View Full Version : Murdoch-- The End Of A Dictator

07-18-2011, 02:14 PM

As the Murdoch empire crumbles around Rupert and his executives, the world watches on as the News of the World newspaper is finished, Fox is under review in America, and Rupert’s hopes of full ownership of BSkyB are dashed. Even the British parliament is united in diminishing the power of Murdoch with the leader of the opposition Ed Miliband calling for the breakdown of Murdoch’s empire, and Murdoch having to meet with a Parliamentary select committee.

However, no matter how powerful we assumed Murdoch was or is, it is the sunnah of Allah not to allow any single person or ideology, especially if he or it is anti-Islam, to retain dominance for a long period of time. Allah says...

by Shaikh (Dr) Haitham Al Haddad

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07-19-2011, 01:38 PM
I doubt he will be affected as much in the US. He has very strong ties to republican party, and the fox news is a key assest from them especially in the upcoming election. With the Republicans incharge of the house, there will be a lot of empty threats but no action. Yes, he won't be filty rich, but he will still be rich enough..

Hamza Asadullah
07-19-2011, 02:48 PM
He is the biggest puppet for the zionist media and is responsible for the majority of Islamaphobia in the media. There is NO doubt that the Prime Minister and the top authority in England were involved with him.

He and others may have planned and plotted against Muslims and Islam but Allah is the best of plotters.

07-19-2011, 03:16 PM
When my dad was in Tanzania as a young man, Murdoch was there buying newspapers, sponsoring a minority of Christians to rule over a Muslim predominant country..
He'll fall, they'll all fall insha'Allah.. whatever they do isn't lost on us, if it is lost to them, it is their own fault for being the empty vessels that they're. I wouldn't say Murdoch is a puppet, he's in fact puppet master.. and the reason people like Trumble have a difficult time sorting through the news!


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Hamza Asadullah
07-19-2011, 03:22 PM
Although he is up there in the ranks he certainly is not the puppet master for the puppet masters are behind the scenes pulling all of the strings. They know better than to show their faces. They remain behind the scenes where they avoid ever getting caught. No true puppet master would ever be in the public eye.

07-19-2011, 06:47 PM

Serves him right.

07-19-2011, 07:09 PM

Oh how the so-called 'mighty' fall. Murdoch et al are a deceitful bunch with no morality or conscious. All empires have their day as history shows. Having watched Murdoch and his sons performance at the parliamentary inquiry you realise that he truly is a master of untruths and deceit. He makes it look like an art form. This is the man that pedals so much anti-islamic drivel through his gutter press.

Many Britons were horrified at the fact his newspaper hacked into a dead teenagers mobile phone and deleted messages.

I don't think Murdoch et al will stop until they gain the full ownership of BskyB. He is a very underhanded individual and will not stop.

May Allah (swt) continue to guide us.


07-19-2011, 09:38 PM
I don't understand how they could have ever let one man accumlate so much control over the media, especially when the media is key in determining how people think and view things. But am glad his empire is crumbling.

07-20-2011, 05:23 AM

I dont think so - He'll be back - He "owns" to many powerful people


07-20-2011, 12:05 PM
Back in the day when you had a broken shiny mirror, you could sell it to an African tribes leader for his entire village. The Island of Manhattan (NY) was bought from the Indians for $24, in case you're wondering how such unscrupulous rats end with some of the most important hubs in the world and in the process accumulate so much wealth, it was done by deceit, theft and trickery, they're no different than the street rats who trick people with the three cards, the only difference here is that the original rats had the good fortune to be born in a time when it was easier to strike a tent and charm people with 'snake oil' and pass the craft down to their rotten spawn.

07-20-2011, 01:30 PM

Was this guy head of Fox News?

07-20-2011, 01:42 PM
As far as I know he heads most news outlets.. media, newspapers etc.
Everyone knows about this, I am not sure why people are alarmed now if at all..

07-20-2011, 01:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by τhε ṿαlε'ṡ lïlÿ
As far as I know he heads most news outlets.. media, newspapers etc.
Everyone knows about this, I am not sure why people are alarmed now if at all..

I checked it up. He owns Fox News.

Source watch

سيف الله
07-20-2011, 09:18 PM

This is a sharp analysis of the whole situation

Avalanche! Media Hyperbole On News Corp, The ‘Free’ Press And A ‘Berlin Wall Moment’

‘The world is changing’, declared the Guardian in a ‘revolutionary week’. ‘This is our Berlin Wall moment’, tweeted Guardian columnist George Monbiot. ‘Our democracy is stronger’, proclaimed the Independent. For BBC political editor Nick Robinson, it was an ‘avalanche’ that was ‘still moving’. ‘Gravity’, he intoned, ‘cannot be defied for ever.’ Someone at this very moment may well be writing the script for ‘Avalanche!’, the next blockbuster movie from a major Hollywood studio (but probably not 20th Century Fox.)

There’s no doubt that a body blow has been delivered to Rupert Murdoch’s mighty News Corporation empire. Leading politicians, who until very recently had been both obsequious and fearful, now want to put themselves at least a bargepole’s length away from the media mogul. As Media Lens reader ‘Keith-264’ noted on our message board:

‘Rupert's down and is getting a tabloid handbagging from lots of people who hitherto hid under a stone at the mere sound of his name.’ (July 14, 2011)

The power of the public is the prime reason for the shift. There had been near-universal revulsion at the phone hacking involving murdered children, victims of the 7 July 2005 bombing in London, and the families of servicemen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. News International payments to police officers and pay-offs to phone-hacking victims, together with feeble and curtailed police investigations, make up a toxic mix with rumours of even worse to be exposed in the near future. In this atmosphere of public disgust, the main political parties had finally shown some mettle and stood up to Murdoch’s long-time bullying.

Tory leader David Cameron desperately tried to keep his head above water, seemingly unable to comprehend the extent of a rapidly escalating anger throughout an appalled country. He was engulfed by fallout from his shoddy judgement in employing Andy Coulson, a former editor of News of the World, as his director of communications.

Spreading around the blame in an attempt to dilute his own culpability, Cameron stated:

‘The truth is, we have all been in this together—the press, politicians and leaders of all parties—and yes, that includes me.’

There was no sign that he, far less the government, would resign over the matter.

A Guardian team lead by investigative journalist Nick Davies did much to stoke up the heat on Rupert Murdoch, his son James and Rebekah Brooks, as well as the Metropolitan Police in London. While recognising the good journalism undertaken here, the Guardian has not been entirely convincing about its role in ‘warning’ Cameron about Coulson’s connections to a private investigator with a criminal record. As John Hilley asks:

Is it the role of this country's 'leading liberal' newspaper to act as a 'vetting agent' for top politicians?

We asked Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger, deputy editor Ian Katz (who actually placed the phone call to the Tory inner circle) and the ‘unreconstructed idealist’ George Monbiot. Not one of them responded. It appears that Monbiot is a ‘professional troublemaker’ so long as it does not entail asking questions of his own corporate employer.

We must also bear in mind that it makes good business sense to put media competitors under the spotlight; The Times and Sunday Times are, after all, in the same ‘quality press’ market as the Guardian and the Observer. Weakening the grip of News International on the UK media would have many benefits for the other corporate media players. But the notion that a more honest media would thus emerge, one capable of systematically challenging official propaganda that facilitates military ‘interventions’ and abuses of planet and people, is highly suspect. The same structural constraints ensuring propaganda services on behalf of elite state-corporate interests remain in place.

Downplaying or overlooking these constraints, with talk of a Hippocratic Oath for journalists and a new manifesto for media ethics, is little more than a fresh lick of paint to a towering press edifice.

Freedom of information campaigner Heather Brooke says the ‘root cause’ of ‘the corrupt relationship between the power elites’ is ‘the secretive system of information patronage.’ Access to public records in the US is far better protected than here in the UK which still veers towards secrecy. One might ask then: why is it that journalism in the US is arguably even more supine to power than it is here in the UK? In fact, the barriers to genuine fourth-estate journalism are much more systemic than Brooke recognises, in common with other commentators now blathering away in the corporate media.

Equally oblivious to the structural realities that crush any real prospects of journalism holding power to account, the Independent asserted:

‘Britain still has a free, independent and ethical press, and it remains as essential to the nation's wellbeing as ever.’

In his book, ‘Flat Earth News’, the Guardian’s Nick Davies had written:

'Owners and advertisers are only part of the reason for the ideological problems in the mass media; and ideology is only part of the total problem of the retreat from truth-telling journalism. Journalists with whom I have discussed this agree that if you could quantify it, you could attribute only 5% or 10% of the problem to the total impact of these two forms of interference.' (p. 22)

The inference was that even Murdoch at most constitutes a 5 to 10% hindrance in honest journalism: a very modest ‘statistic’ – in fact, more of a thumb-sucking number - at odds with the hyperbolic wave of rhetoric and self-congratulation sweeping over the Guardian and the rest of the liberal media at the sight of Rupert Murdoch apparently stopped in his tracks. Could this really be the dawn of a new ‘changed’ world of ‘media plurality’, ‘stronger democracy’ and dismantled Berlin Walls?

The ‘Wake-up Call’ That Rang For Thirty Years And More

We are to believe that our leaders have suddenly come to their senses about the collusion between powerful media, corrupt police and the political establishment. David Cameron declared the current scandal was a ‘wake-up call’. Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, said:

‘I think what we've seen, what's come to light over the last week or two is a symptom if you like of a much wider problem. And that problem is that different bits of the British system; the press, the police, the politicians just became too close to one another, became too cosy, became too tied up with each other.’

Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow mewled plaintively into the Twitter sphere:

‘We knew it was happening..all of it in a sense, why didn't we do more about it?’

Indeed, why didn’t you? You and your media colleagues had the resources to uncover it all. You just didn’t have the cojones. Instead, you shamefully let down the public that pays your salary.

Somehow this all ‘just’ happened and only hit senior politicians over the head in ‘the last week or two’. Journalists bemoan the fact they couldn’t speak out about it before. All of this is deceptive, self-serving nonsense. The public has seen the reality for years, if not decades. Why else the widespread scepticism and even deep cynicism towards politicians and the corporate media?

Many people know all too well that we are kept away from meaningful input to major government policies. Excluded from the ship’s bridge, we are largely captive passengers on a supertanker that is sailing on a destructive course set by the convergence of state and corporate power.

Julie Hyland injected some much-needed perspective:

‘What is being exposed is not simply the moral and political depravity of one man or one corporation, but the putrefaction of an entire social and political system. Nothing the Labourites or Tories say can conceal the fact that for more than 30 years Murdoch has been the power behind the throne of British politics—and indeed, the politics of countries all over the world. This includes the US, where Murdoch’s Fox network, New York Post and Wall Street Journal largely set the reactionary agenda for the two big business parties [i.e. both the Republicans and the Democrats].’

Turning back to Britain, Hyland provided further context so glaringly absent from ‘mainstream’ media coverage:

‘The relationship between the two main parties and Murdoch is based on a common economic and political agenda—one forged in the early 1980s, as the ruling class set out to destroy the social rights won by working people in order to give free rein to the corporations and the City of London.

‘Murdoch backed Thatcher to launch the anti-working class offensive, then switched to Tony Blair and Labour to deepen it, and switched back to the Tories and Cameron to finish the job of destroying the social gains of a century of working class struggle.’

Or if you prefer Clegg’s propaganda version of the truth, uncritically relayed by the Guardian:

‘This whole episode has cast a spotlight on that sort of murky world of the British establishment, the police, the press and politicians and we must now take this opportunity to clean things up and make sure that the public once again trust those institutions.’

Just as when Tony Blair’s New Labour swept into Downing Street in 1997, and when the sainted Barack ‘Yes we can!’ Obama ascended to the US presidency in 2009, it is crucial that the slate is once again wiped clean, and public confidence in power restored, so that the establishment can get on with doing pretty much whatever it likes. Or if we decide that this is unacceptable, as we should, then we can rip up the endlessly repeating script and rewrite it in our favour.


سيف الله
07-21-2011, 01:21 PM

An update

Phone hacking: Prince Alwaleed bin Talal affirms faith in News Corp

Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal said on Wednesday he believes that News Corp will emerge from the current crisis and that he does not plan to sell any of his shares in the company.

Alwaleed, who says his Kingdom Holding is the second biggest shareholder in News Corp and controls 7 per cent of the votes, said he believes that News Corp's leadership should not change.

"The Murdoch family, Rupert and James, are committed to get to the bottom of it and co-operate with the police ... I believe the problem is contained with News of the World and we will sell nothing," Alwaleed said.

"So we have to really get this thing going and to have the investigation continue until we see who are those who are incriminated so we can take action against them with the police."

This month News Corp chief Rupert Murdoch closed the News of the World, Britain's top-selling Sunday tabloid, over growing allegations that its journalists had illegally accessed voice mails of thousands of people.

News Corp was also forced to back down on his biggest acquisition plan yet, the buy-out of British pay TV operator BSkyB

Asked whether News Corp should bid again for the BSkyB shares it does not already own, Alwaleed said the company should resolve the current situation before looking at other investment moves.

"I think at this stage now the concentration and emphasis should be to clean the situation and put the house in order and then later on we can look at other expansionary moves."

Kingdom Holding investment company has minority stakes in some of the world's top companies and is a main shareholder in Citigroup Inc.

Alwaleed says he has not changed his view on his U.S. investments in light of the latest developments with News Corp.

"At the end of the day News Corp is going to get out of it and we have already seen the stock going up to over 16 now," he said. "I think Rupert and James Murdoch came very forcefully and strongly and will resolve and clear this mess very quickly and I respect that."


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