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09-30-2011, 11:51 AM
Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon.


Can anyone post a link where he has said anything which could be considered to incite violence? I've never really heard him say anything anyone would consider radical.

He was also a US citizen... so I guess now it's ok to assassinate your own people for inciting hatred (which nobody seems to have published any evidence of) :S

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09-30-2011, 12:58 PM
As-Salāmu `Alaykum (السلام عليكم):

Multiple U.S. sources have confirmed that American-born jihadist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki is dead,
killed in a drone strike in Yemen that comes just months after the death of Osama bin Laden.

Awlaki was near the top of the U.S. terror hit list, said CBS News Homeland Security correspondent Bob Orr,
and his death is another major setback for al Qaeda. As a charismatic speaker fluent in English, Awlaki was a
leading propagandist and recruiter. His fiery sermons resonated with radicals in the U.S. and Britain, and his
group, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), is actively recruiting Westerners with an online magazine
called Inspire, with the latest edition coming out this week.Awlaki was born April 22, 1971 in New Mexico to
Yemeni parents. As a child his family moved back to Yemen, where he father served as a professor at
Sanaa University and as the agriculture minister.

__________________________________________________ ____

Al-Baqara (The Cow)

الَّذِينَ إِذَا أَصَابَتْهُم مُّصِيبَةٌ قَالُواْ إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ (2:156)

Allatheena itha asabathum museebatun qaloo inna lillahi wainna ilayhi rajiAAoona

2:156 (Y. Ali) Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return":-
__________________________________________________ ____

Al-Anbiya (The Prophets)

وَمَا جَعَلْنَا لِبَشَرٍ مِّن قَبْلِكَ الْخُلْدَ أَفَإِن مِّتَّ فَهُمُ الْخَالِدُونَ (21:34

Wama jaAAalna libasharin min qablika alkhulda afain mitta fahumu alkhalidoona

21:34 (Y. Ali) We granted not to any man before thee permanent life (here): if then thou shouldst die,
would they live permanently?
__________________________________________________ ____

Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 733

Narrated 'Aisha:
Abu Bakr came from his house at As-Sunh on a horse. He dismounted and entered the Mosque, but did not speak to the people till he entered upon 'Aisha and went straight to Allah's Apostle who was covered with Hibra cloth (i.e. a kind of Yemenite cloth). He then uncovered the Prophet's face and bowed over him and kissed him and wept, saying, "Let my father and mother be sacrificed for you. By Allah, Allah will never cause you to die twice. As for the death which was written for you, has come upon you."

Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: Abu Bakr went out while Umar bin Al-Khattab was talking to the people. Abu Bakr said, "Sit down, O 'Umar!" But 'Umar refused to sit down. So the people came to Abu Bakr and left Umar. Abu Bakr said, "To proceed, if anyone amongst you used to worship Muhammad , then Muhammad is dead, but if (anyone of) you used to worship Allah, then Allah is Alive and shall never die. Allah said:--"Muhammad is no more than an Apostle, and indeed (many) apostles have passed away before him..(till the end of the Verse )......Allah will reward to those who are thankful." (3.144) By Allah, it was as if the people never knew that Allah had revealed this Verse before till Abu Bakr recited it and all the people received it from him, and I heard everybody reciting it (then).

Narrated Az-Zuhri: Said bin Al-Musaiyab told me that 'Umar said, "By Allah, when I heard Abu Bakr reciting it, my legs could not support me and I fell down at the very moment of hearing him reciting it, declaring that the Prophet had died."

09-30-2011, 01:27 PM
As-Salāmu `Alaykum (السلام عليكم):


Al-Anbiya (The Prophets)

وَمَا جَعَلْنَا لِبَشَرٍ مِّن قَبْلِكَ الْخُلْدَ أَفَإِن مِّتَّ فَهُمُ الْخَالِدُونَ (21:34)
Wama jaAAalna libasharin min qablika alkhulda afain mitta fahumu alkhalidoona

21:34 (Y. Ali) We granted not to any man before thee permanent life (here): if then thou shouldst die,
would they live permanently?
Al-Baqara (The Cow)

الَّذِينَ إِذَا أَصَابَتْهُم مُّصِيبَةٌ قَالُواْ إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ (2:156)
Allatheena itha asabathum museebatun qaloo inna lillahi wainna ilayhi rajiAAoona

2:156 (Y. Ali) Who say, when afflicted with calamity: "To Allah We belong, and to Him is our return":-

09-30-2011, 01:37 PM
As-Salāmu `Alaykum (السلام عليكم):

How the West veiws Anwar al-Awlaki


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Who Am I?
09-30-2011, 01:39 PM

I saw something on TV about it this morning. Supposedly he was a member of "Al-Quaeda" and supposedly was responsible for the almost-Christmas almost-plane bombing and supposedly influenced the dude who shot those people at Ft. Hood.

A lot of supposition and not much to support it is what I got out of that news story.

Insecured soul
09-30-2011, 03:14 PM
I was shocked and i checked muslim sources for the confirmation, its not yet confirmed. I hope he is still alive he benifited this muslim ummah a great deal. What a wonderful shiekh by allahs permission.

09-30-2011, 03:17 PM

And never think of those who have been killed in the cause of Allah as dead. Rather, they are alive with their Lord, receiving provision, Rejoicing in what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty, and they receive good tidings about those [to be martyred] after them who have not yet joined them - that there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve. They receive good tidings of favor from Allah and bounty and [of the fact] that Allah does not allow the reward of believers to be lost - (Ale 'Imraan 168-171)

09-30-2011, 03:28 PM
Wait didn't this preacher support suicide bombings? Which majority of Muslims believe is haram. So really preaching something haram? which is a sin.... Right?

09-30-2011, 03:35 PM
Can anyone post a link where he has said anything which could be considered to incite violence? I've never really heard him say anything anyone would consider radical.

He was also a US citizen... so I guess now it's ok to assassinate your own people for inciting hatred (which nobody seems to have published any evidence of) :S
Not trying to defend anyone. But just to play devils advocate Anwar Al Awlaki did commit treason at a time of war by siding with the supposed "enemy". Anwar did support suicide bombing and called Muslims to join fight against America... Is calling for his death by USA Government acceptable not sure what the ruling is for treason pretty sure capital punishment...

09-30-2011, 04:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Curious_muslim
Not trying to defend anyone. But just to play devils advocate Anwar Al Awlaki did commit treason at a time of war by siding with the supposed "enemy". Anwar did support suicide bombing and called Muslims to join fight against America... Is calling for his death by USA Government acceptable not sure what the ruling is for treason pretty sure capital punishment...
I think that's the point. Other than the news story saying so there are no videos of him saying anything which could be regarded as treason. A lot of the things alleged appear to be supposition... unless you can show me a link where he actually says those things?
I don't know for sure he didn't say them, but he seems to have been found guilty, sentenced, and executed without evidence or any trial.

sister herb
09-30-2011, 04:41 PM
Salam alaykum

one less person who spread alqaeda ideology.

They make islam looks bad.

May Allah gives him what he deserves!

09-30-2011, 05:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll
with the death of heroes the ummah will rise.. may the eyes of cowards never sleep
"وبموت الأبطال تحيا الأمة فلا نامت أعين الجبناء
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon. Ukhti is that quote from Khalid Bin Waleed?

While Anwar Al-'Awlaqi had some jurisprudential views that were very controversial and I don't agree with, I have no doubt that he was sincere in his belief and a great contributor to the field of propagation of Islamic knowledge in the English speaking world. Raheemahullaah.

Who Am I?
09-30-2011, 05:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb
Salam alaykum

one less person who spread alqaeda ideology.

They make islam looks bad.

May Allah gives him what he deserves!
That's assuming that Al-Quaeda is even real and not just some fictional Western invention to further their own agendas.

09-30-2011, 06:22 PM
i'll verify it,
he did speak out against the terrorist u.s government and said that blowing up a plane load of americans isn't even a drop in the ocean compared to the number of muslims those terrorists in washington have killed,
they called him a terrorist for not even saying like for like.
although i disagree with his view (since it's not lawful in Islam to target innocents), it was still a thought provoking point and showed the extent of their terrorism.
on suicide bombing - the u.s government and media push it,
when bruce willis blows himself up in Armageddon, everyone calls him a hero for sacrificing himself to save his fellow men. watch the movie yourself.

he was one of the most outspoken scholars i have come across which is why i respect him.
we don't have to agree with everything he said, but it was more than these keyboard warriors hating on him here.
i'm sure hitler would have called him a terrorist and patriotic germans would have parroted it if it had been in those days.

yes he said "controversial" things - but they were nowhere near what bush blair obama or cameron or sarkozy have done, talk about getting the ravenous wolf to investigate the chicken coot!
when injustice becomes law - resistance becomes duty.

and by the way harb,
you're saying good riddance?
actually i immediately prayed two rakahs for him - just like i did when they arrested him in yemen a few years back (and didn't allow him to have any Islamic books).
and i believe he will be recorded in history as a founder of the messianic khilafah movement.
he hasn't lost anything - the world has just lost a righteous man.
do you know how many dead children there are in iraq and afghanistan alone - due to the terrorist occupier's bombing and shooting?

The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart:
and merciful men are taken away,
none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.
2He shall enter into peace: they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness.
3But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the wh0re.
4Against whom do ye sport yourselves?
against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue?
are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood,
5Enflaming yourselves with idols under every green tree,
slaying the children in the valleys under the clifts of the rocks?
Isaiah 57

09-30-2011, 06:27 PM
SubhanAllah! I have one of his CD releases called: The Life of Muhammed (pbuh). It's absolutely wonderful.
We are in no position to judge him and his actions but what we can be sure of is his great contribution in spreading his knowledge (an example: the cd package I have)...

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon....

09-30-2011, 06:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by abz2000
he did speak out against the terrorist u.s government and said that blowing up a plane load of americans isn't even a drop in the ocean compared to the number of muslims those terrorists in washington have killed,
This statement isn't treason or even inciting hatred. It's just an opinion since he's not telling anyone to do anything. Btw please link to some of these statements.

09-30-2011, 06:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll
Inna lillah wa'ina ilyhi raji3oon!

yes it is!

Only the U.S seems to say so. I have read the majority of his books and listened to a bulk of lectures and didn't come across those 'controversial views'
does anyone like to verify for themselves anymore or all that needs be by way of truth is that the truthful peaceful U.S puts out a *****ng statement of assertion?
In one of his most recent interviews he said that he views the US public at large as combatants and basically holds them accountable just as much as the US leaders and army, because they are technically financing the war as a united country. So, targeting any civilians/American public is legitimate even if they are 'innocent' and and not a threat directly. I dunno, is that something supported by Qur'an and Sunnah? I just felt uneasy about that.

09-30-2011, 06:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by *dua
SubhanAllah! I have one of his CD releases called: The Life of Muhammed (pbuh). It's absolutely wonderful.
We are in no position to judge him and his actions but what we can be sure of is his great contribution in spreading his knowledge (an example: the cd package I have)...

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon....
He was a great scholar with a wealth of knowledge. In fact his early lectures were what inspired me as a young teenager to start practicing Islam. May Allah grant him jannah.

09-30-2011, 06:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Banu_Hashim
In one of his most recent interviews he said that he views the US public at large as combatants and basically holds them accountable just as much as the US leaders and army, because they are technically financing the war as a united country. So, targeting any civilians/American public is legitimate even if they are 'innocent' and and not a threat directly. I dunno, is that something supported by Qur'an and Sunnah? I just felt uneasy about that.
Where did you see that interview? and obviously most would agree that's not ok.

09-30-2011, 06:57 PM
I agree. The killing is completely unjustified. I will try and find this interview. It was conducted in Arabic.

09-30-2011, 07:02 PM
I'm still looking for it, but wAllahi it looks like the video has been removed from youtube! And subhanAllah, I watched it just this morning.

Here is a snapshot of the interview:Attachment 4352 Does anybody recognise it?

09-30-2011, 07:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll

I'll look forward to it, and I speak Arabic so we'll see if such an interview exists if the translation has any fidelity to what he actually said, or ends up like one of Ahmadinjad's speeches on Israel, somewhere between what he said and what they put out there lies a few transitional species.

OK, inshaAllah. Actually that would be good and clear up the issue inshallah!

09-30-2011, 07:11 PM
Here is a not so good quality of the interview:


Hopefully, it doesn't get removed! The part I was referring to is at about 8 minutes.

09-30-2011, 07:11 PM
We get the message loud and clear, they have a problem with those who display a backbone for our religion. Just frame them, tag them with terrorism done deal and kill them. You know our brother is at no loss, if they indeed killed him InshaAllah Allah will accept him as a shaheed and the shaheeds in Islam don't die as Allah promised in the Quraan.

sister herb
09-30-2011, 07:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll

you make me sick!

btw what's your creed?
Religion Undisclosed
Salam alaykum

Alqaeda ideology makes me sick too.

Islam is religion of peace. To him it wasn´t.

May Allah be mercy to him too.

sister herb
09-30-2011, 07:37 PM
Oh sorry this:

btw what's your creed?
Religion Undisclosed

I have forgot to change it when joined years ago. Yes muslim I am. Don´t be angry. :statisfie

09-30-2011, 07:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Banu_Hashim
In one of his most recent interviews he said that he views the US public at large as combatants and basically holds them accountable just as much as the US leaders and army, because they are technically financing the war as a united country. So, targeting any civilians/American public is legitimate even if they are 'innocent' and and not a threat directly. I dunno, is that something supported by Qur'an and Sunnah? I just felt uneasy about that.

I personally find that disturbing. I hope it is not true.

Most US citizens are not knowledgeable on foreign issues and do not have significant influence over their government. I personally do not hold US citizens accountable for their government decisions. The US government have been pursing their imperial agenda for a long time. Both major parties hold similar foreign policy views, does not matter which party you support. In the past, most citizens have supported the wars due to propaganda. Now they voted for Obama, hoping he would put an end to these wars, even though he is more hawkish than George Bush.

09-30-2011, 07:55 PM
I don't know much about Al-Awlaki, so I can't really say much here. All I can do is hope that he wasn't what the west portrayed him as, and that he is judged fairly and according to how he lived his life. Whatever he might have said or done, he was still a Muslim.

إنّا لله وإنّا إليه راجعون

sister herb
09-30-2011, 08:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll

wa3lykoum asalaam,

you're not acquainted with his work I can guarantee that.. for honesty' sake recall two of his lectures without googling them first. If you're honest with yourself & honest with us, then you wouldn't merely parrot words that are echoed through Zionist corporate media. There's a time for war and a time for peace even for a peaceful religion!
Being away from the eye of the storm doesn't mean we're safe or that we won't be next. Already the FBI is teaching that Islam is a cult, our prophet a cult leader & we're all 7c simpletons.. If you find truth in that I guess you'll find truth in whatever else they dish about any person they dislike!

Salam alaykum

I have right to think what ever I want. I know I am last to parrot zionist media. >< I don´t need to tell here why.

Best wishes and salam.

09-30-2011, 08:21 PM

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un

Allah yarhamu.

May Allah (SWT) forgive his sins, ameen! May Allah (SWT) grant him jannah al firdous and protect him from the punishment of the Grave and from
the torment of the fire, ameen.

May Allah (SWT) grant victory to the Muslims soon, ameen! May Allah (SWT) humiliate the enemies of Islam, ameen!

America has no right to go and kill someone without giving a fair trial. They think they can just go and do what they want... What proof do they
have that Awlaki did those things? Where is the proof!?

09-30-2011, 08:25 PM

"O you who believe! If an evil-liver bring you any news, verify it, lest you smite some folk in ignorance and afterward become regretful of what you did." (Qur'an 49:6)

So, if a kaafir tells us, about a Muslim, that he was a terrorist, he did this and said that, do we blindly believe what they tell us and hasten to put those accusations on a Muslim? Or, do we investigate to find out the truth?

I don't know much about him, and didn't know about this happening, and saw it was the main news this evening. The report said, "He is believed to have said xyz". "He is believed to have done abc." In other words, there's no real proof. Interestingly though, all the video footage they showed, was not of him saying the alleged thing, but of him quoting from the Qur'an, "They took their Rabbis and monks their lords..." (Surah Taubah, ayah 31) That suggests to me, that there actually isn't any.

Allah knows best, but let us refuse to taint Muslims with unproven accusations put on them by kaafirs, for we do not know anybody's status with Allah, and as such should not speak of those who have departed this earth in derogatory terms, when their affair is with Allah, and He is All Knowing. May Allah forgive him, and us all, our shortcomings, ameen.

Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raji3oon.

09-30-2011, 08:28 PM
^exactly, sister! Well said. I don't trust the media one bit! The kuffar like to spread lies.

ابن آل مرة
09-30-2011, 09:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb
Salam alaykum

one less person who spread alqaeda ideology.

They make islam looks bad.

May Allah gives him what he deserves!
The caravan is moving and the dogs are barking. Only Munafiqs rejoice at the death of a Muslim.

Our dead are in Jannah and their dead are in Naar.

So far AQAP or any Mujahideen sources did not confirm the news, so I won't take this seriously. Plus even if it is true, the Sheikh got what he was seeking, which is martyrdom. May Allah accept him and our brother Samir Khan who was with him.

ابن آل مرة
09-30-2011, 09:59 PM
Alhamdulillah the news is false, there was another Mujahid with the same last name who was killed in an ambush. This is not the first time they got mixed up with the names. May Allah accept that brother and protect the Sheikh.


09-30-2011, 10:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Banu_Hashim
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon. Ukhti is that quote from Khalid Bin Waleed?

While Anwar Al-'Awlaqi had some jurisprudential views that were very controversial and I don't agree with, I have no doubt that he was sincere in his belief and a great contributor to the field of propagation of Islamic knowledge in the English speaking world. Raheemahullaah.
He said, "Jihad to Muslims is like Apple-Pie to Americans and Tea to the British".

So extreme.

May Allah grant him Paradise and raise more lions who speak out against falsehood and oppression.

ابن آل مرة
09-30-2011, 10:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll
Akhi this doesn't say anything about it being a case of mistaken identity rather an event that took place sept 12
Yes I know sister, but it was not too long ago plus the Mujahideen did not deny or confirm about his death. I'll rather wait than accept news from the kaafir media. I posted that to show that they try to use opportunities like those events to spread false information.

09-30-2011, 10:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmed M.
Salam alaykum

one less person who spread alqaeda ideology.

They make islam looks bad.

May Allah gives him what he deserves!
sister harb - you were worried about how the enemies of Islam might perceive you when they have already proven that it's a war against Islam?

here's a verse for you:
You see Those in whose hearts is a disease eagerly they rushing about amongst them, saying: "We do fear lest a calamity befall us."
Ah! perhaps Allah will give (thee) victory, or a decision according to His will. Then will they regret the thoughts which they secretly harboured in their hearts.
53. And those who believe will say: "Are these the men who swore their strongest oaths by Allah, that they were with you?" All that they do will be in vain, and they will fall into (nothing but) ruin.
54. O ye who believe! if any from among you turn back from his Faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He will love as they will love Him,- lowly with the believers, mighty against the rejecters, fighting in the way of Allah, and never afraid of the reproaches of such as find fault. That is the grace of Allah, which He will bestow on whom He pleaseth. And Allah encompasseth all, and He knoweth all things.
55. Your (real) friends are (no less than) Allah, His Messenger, and the (fellowship of) believers,- those who establish regular prayers and regular charity, and they bow down humbly (in worship).
Quran Chapter 5
and since you feared he was making you look bad by being outspoken - here's one of his outspoken speeches - tailored for you:
it's about a white bull who was deserted for standing out, then they all got it.
scroll to 2 mins 25 seconds to avoid the arabic intro:


09-30-2011, 10:45 PM
Can anyone explain who is Anwar al-Awalki? I'm not going to google it because most websites are not reliable.

09-30-2011, 10:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tragic Typos
Can anyone explain who is Anwar al-Awalki? I'm not going to google it because most websites are not reliable.
He's an American Muslim scholar. I believe he went to Georgetown university, he's very well educated, probably around 36 yrs of age. He has several degrees and various lectures that you can listen to or download from kalaaamAllah website.. The U.S decided to put him on its crap list because instead of boozing and wh0ring himself with G town girls like is expected from liberal Muslims who go to prestigious unis. He spoke of Islam the Muslim condition, the much dreaded J word..they linked him to the fort Lee bombing, he either influenced the bomber or directed him to it and that was good enough reason to have him killed.. Most of the stuff they put out about him is their own concoction.. If you listen to him, he's very soft spoken, charismatic and obviously extremely well educated so that merits death..

What was the crime of the Pakistani Neuro scientist before him? Just put two & two together and you'll figure it out..


Darth Ultor
10-01-2011, 12:43 AM
If he's dead, then I'm a mongoose

10-01-2011, 01:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Perseveranze
He said, "Jihad to Muslims is like Apple-Pie to Americans and Tea to the British".

So extreme.

May Allah grant him Paradise and raise more lions who speak out against falsehood and oppression.
The neo-cons and the corporate elite want to divorce the concept of jihad from Islam and to make us all 'moderate' Muslims or Christians who turn-the-other-cheek.

Quran 2:191-193 And slay them wherever you find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers. But if they desist, then lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers.

Yes, Islam is a peaceful religion, but it is not a pacifist one. It may do some members here good to know the distinction between these 2 words.

10-01-2011, 02:05 AM
Shocking news. Speechless

10-01-2011, 02:13 AM
For those who don't know the difference between peaceful and pacifism, the following quotes may be useful.

"Peaceful societies are contemporary groups of people who effectively foster interpersonal harmony and who rarely permit violence or warfare to interfere with their lives." http://www.peacefulsocieties.org/

"Pacifism is a belief that violence, even in self-defence, is unjustifiable under any conditions and that negotiation is preferable to war as a means of solving disputes." http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USApacifists.htm

If Sheik Al-Awlaki, used the dreaded 'J-word' in his lectures, is that reason enough to snuff-out his life? Can jihad be separated from Islam anymore than salah?

10-01-2011, 02:58 AM

Inna lillah wa'ina ilyhi raji3oon

stop making tafkeer and stop calling other muslims Kafir - this thread should be closed

I'm sure Anwar al waki wouldnt want the muslims fighting over him. Its preety pathetic.


10-01-2011, 03:05 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Curious_muslim
What is this Liberal Muslims? I am completely unaware of this sect. There is either practicing or non practicing Muslims.
I hardly believe you don't know the term "liberal muslims"

Even here in Indonesia we have plenty of them.
Those are the ones who say jihad is wrong, homosexual relations is accepted in Islam (and some even support homosexual marriages), hijab is not compulsory, qur'an is not literal and must not be literally interpreted, women can lead men in shalah jamaah, all religions and faiths are the same and equal, etc.
Also, where did you get the idea that there are only either "practicing muslims or non-practicing muslims". Even during the time of prophet SAW, there were many categories for people who claimed they were muslims and they are even mentioned in the Qur'an (mu'min, faasiq, munaafiquun, etc).

and having explained the term, let's go back to the topic.

10-01-2011, 03:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Banu_Hashim
In one of his most recent interviews he said that he views the US public at large as combatants and basically holds them accountable just as much as the US leaders and army, because they are technically financing the war as a united country. So, targeting any civilians/American public is legitimate even if they are 'innocent' and and not a threat directly. I dunno, is that something supported by Qur'an and Sunnah? I just felt uneasy about that.
I don't know much about fiqh of jihad but I don't think Imam Anwar's conclusion is completely wrong. How do we define non-combatants exactly? As far I'm aware, anyone who insights hatred against Islam, speaks out against Islam & Muslims, supports war against Islam & Muslims is not a "innocent civilian" - such a person is treated as a combatant. Even if that person invites Muslims to have 'peaceful' dialogue with them, have tea parties in Churches etc. Let's have a look at current American people and it doesn't take long to figure out that Imam Anwar isn't entirely wrong.

I personally also disagree with suicide bombing issue - I think the mujahideen and some scholars have made incorrect comparison & analogy between suicide bombing and jihadi missions which were carried out during the time of the Salaf. WaAllahu a'lam

format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb
one less person who spread alqaeda ideology.

They make islam looks bad.

May Allah gives him what he deserves!
Actually people like you make Islam & Muslims look bad. Whoever rejoices over death of a Muslim at hands of the kuffaar is a munafiq. You have disassociated yourself from the Muslims, please stop using your Muslim outward appearance to deceive people. Allah is humiliating Muslims because people like you have plagued this ummah.

format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb
Alqaeda ideology makes me sick too.

Islam is religion of peace. To him it wasn´t.

May Allah be mercy to him too.
But your ideology makes all sick and you have nothing to do with Islam and Muslims. Look at your own lovey dovey, fairyland ideology: please go shake hands with the kuffaar, invite them for tea party and then attend their dinners; have some cookies and biryani together. Maybe then you & them can save the world with your 'love & peace' ideology. And then you wonder why Muslims are being humiliated?

Who told you that Islam is a religion of peace!!? Islam is a religion of submission and it brings inner peace to those who submit to it. Oh did you know that jihad is considered 6th pillar of Islam. Oh look what Muhammad ibn Abdullah (sal-allahu alayhi wa salaam) said:

I have been commanded (by Allah) to fight the people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and they establish regular prayer and pay zakaah, then if they do that, then they save their lives and property from me except for Islamic laws and then their reckoning will be with Allah [Bukhari & Muslim]

I have been sent ahead of the Hour with the sword so that Allah will be worshipped alone, and my provision has been placed in the shade of my spear, and humiliation has been decreed for those who go against my command, and whoever imitates a people is one of them. [Musnad Ahmed]
Does this make you sick as well? Is he (sal-allahu alayhi wa salaam) also a violent person according to you?

10-01-2011, 03:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb
Islam is religion of peace. To him it wasn´t.
:sl: sister harb,

Islam is the complete guidance how to live our life and how to attain salvation in this world and hereafter.

The enemies of Islam have been trying to "tame" Islam and forced muslims to accept that Islam is only religion of peace in order to subdue muslims to follow the rules of men and godless society. They know that muslims can only be defeated by muslims themselves.
Yes, Islam is religion of peace, but is also religion of justice, of fairness, of human dignity, of individual, familial and societal harmony, and many other things as it is the complete guidance.

Unlike other religions such as buddhism and christianity who pretend that their philosophy is "turn the right cheek" which is absolutely impossible to implement in real world, and hence only became religions for the monks and priests, Islam acknowledge the complexities and full nature of human beings, and this is also an evidence that it is from the creator, and hence all humankind can follow and implement Islam in their daily life.

Yes, it is true that Allah teach us through the Qur'an to keep peace, to pray for peace, to honor peace and to forgive, but Islam also acknowledges that keeping peace is not possible when injustice and unfairness occur and we are commanded to avoid being unjust, and to fight oppressions.

I hope I am making sense, and I am sure that you really understand that concept through your experience in helping out the palestinians.

Don't forget that western propaganda and indoctrination is successful in making the word "jihad" as a dirty word, although that word is contained in the Qur'an and has been commanded many times in examples by prophet Muhammad (SAW).

10-01-2011, 03:34 AM
Some of the responses are way too harsh. Relax and don't get emotional.

10-01-2011, 03:50 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll
If you had someone rejoice at the death of your brother (even if your brother was a sick B*****D) you'd be very emotional.

I'm not even sure if Anwar al-Awlaki is dead. I'm pretty sure the government claimed he was killed a year ago. I have no issue with people being upset about the topic. I think it is not appropriate to get emotional towards other members in the World Affairs Section. If a member has some misconceptions, it is better to address them.

sister herb
10-01-2011, 03:58 AM
salam alaykum

hopely anyone here didn´t misunderstand my words. I accept totally that Allah gives all of us what we deserve.

I don´t rejoice death of anyone - not even my worst enemy. Am i munafiq then? Who has right to call me by that name?

10-01-2011, 04:09 AM
I need to edit and delete some posts. There have been quite some emotions, and misunderstanding that I'm sure we muslims brothers and sisters don't wish upon each other. I hope no one don't mind. :)

Also please everyone keep in mind that we are supposed to conceal the mistakes/sins of a person who died as a muslim and we are supposed to talk about their goodness and their amal when they were living.

sister herb
10-01-2011, 05:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ramadhan

:sl: sister harb,

Islam is the complete guidance how to live our life and how to attain salvation in this world and hereafter.

The enemies of Islam have been trying to "tame" Islam and forced muslims to accept that Islam is only religion of peace in order to subdue muslims to follow the rules of men and godless society. They know that muslims can only be defeated by muslims themselves.
Yes, Islam is religion of peace, but is also religion of justice, of fairness, of human dignity, of individual, familial and societal harmony, and many other things as it is the complete guidance.

Unlike other religions such as buddhism and christianity who pretend that their philosophy is "turn the right cheek" which is absolutely impossible to implement in real world, and hence only became religions for the monks and priests, Islam acknowledge the complexities and full nature of human beings, and this is also an evidence that it is from the creator, and hence all humankind can follow and implement Islam in their daily life.

Yes, it is true that Allah teach us through the Qur'an to keep peace, to pray for peace, to honor peace and to forgive, but Islam also acknowledges that keeping peace is not possible when injustice and unfairness occur and we are commanded to avoid being unjust, and to fight oppressions.

I hope I am making sense, and I am sure that you really understand that concept through your experience in helping out the palestinians.

Don't forget that western propaganda and indoctrination is successful in making the word "jihad" as a dirty word, although that word is contained in the Qur'an and has been commanded many times in examples by prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Salam alaykum

thanks about your response - I respect it and understand it. I better stop to post to this thread more as my opinions have caused some confusing responses. :nervous: Salam and peace equality to all members from your sister in islam.

10-01-2011, 06:25 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Dagless
Can anyone post a link where he has said anything which could be considered to incite violence?
Yes, Mr Obama said so. Is there any stronger proof ?
Mr Obama is said to have personally ordered his killing last year.
Mr Obama said that as the leader of external operations for AQAP, Awlaki, born in 1971, had taken "a lead in planning and directing efforts to murder innocent Americans" and was also "directly responsible for the death of many Yemeni citizens".
"This is further proof that al-Qaeda and its affiliates will find no safe haven anywhere in the world, " he said.
Who's the next man to be killed to "prove" that "al-Qaeda and its affiliates will find no safe haven anywhere in the world" ? another muslim, preferably having some popularity to upset the maximum number of muslims and to narcotize the biggest number of US Citizens.

10-01-2011, 07:12 AM
Inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon.

I used to live in fairyland where everything was alright. His talks made me realize that 'many things' are not as peaceful and good as they proclaim to be. May Allah have mercy on him and forgive all his sins.

10-01-2011, 07:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by MSalman
I don't know much about fiqh of jihad but I don't think Imam Anwar's conclusion is completely wrong. How do we define non-combatants exactly? As far I'm aware, anyone who insights hatred against Islam, speaks out against Islam & Muslims, supports war against Islam & Muslims is not a "innocent civilian" - such a person is treated as a combatant. Even if that person invites Muslims to have 'peaceful' dialogue with them, have tea parties in Churches etc. Let's have a look at current American people and it doesn't take long to figure out that Imam Anwar isn't entirely wrong.
I don't agree with this at all. A combatant is only a soldier as far as I know; not someone who doesn't share the same ideology as you or speaks against you. Paying taxes doesn't make someone a soldier no matter how you look at it. This is the same way some Muslims try and play around with definitions so they can kill other Muslims and then say "oh it's ok because they weren't really Muslim since they didn't share the exact same ideology as me".

edit: Forgot to add "imo".

10-01-2011, 10:49 AM
:sl: hey moderators please close this thread.. No use fighting over this issue, some of us can't even recite the quran properly yet try to make conclusions on things were not expert of. Aabiru sabeel, where are U!!!

10-01-2011, 10:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Samiun
:sl: hey moderators please close this thread.. No use fighting over this issue, some of us can't even recite the quran properly yet try to make conclusions on things were not expert of. Aabiru sabeel, where are U!!!
How do people become expert if people don't advise them of their mistakes? Let's close the whole forum down in case there is a difference of opinion :p

10-01-2011, 01:29 PM
He who is not concerned with the affairs of the ummah is not one of us.

This man gave his life for the concern of the ummah
i pray that he is among the highest prophets, relaxed and discussing his experiences amongst us.

Indeed, the ink of a scholar can be mightier than the blood of a fighter.

And Obama has proven that it is more fearsome to him.

10-01-2011, 01:34 PM
And btw, those who support what happened to him should now call for the execution of Obama, Netanyahu, and Cameron - who held the people of Iraq, Palestine, and Afghanistan responsible for crimes which they themselves committed,

10-01-2011, 02:27 PM

Innalillahi wa ina ilaihir rajiun

But has it been confirmed? i don't believe the biased medias did any arabic or islamic websites confirm? I wept when i first saw this on the news. One of the rarest Sheikhs who stood up to tell the truth.. who dared to say things the way it was mentioned in Quran and Sunnah.. I love him for the sake of Allah and May Allah if he really is shaheed grant him Jannah Ameen.. But do let me know if its actually confirmed..

Sadness has swept because one of the most amazing sheikhs of the Ummah could be gone.. one more leader could be gone

10-01-2011, 02:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll
I don't think they'd say he was unless they were absolutely certain he won't pop out of the woodwork on some 'tape' & embarrass their alleged 'intelligence'. I'd address a misconception indeed I am not without fault but how do I address a vitriolic assertion? The dead can't defend themselves & the other side only knows the language of death.. so it doesn't leave much room for creativity for the rest of us..

I listened to his lecture and he's a nice man. He's very knowledgeable. I would like to add, members should listen to his lectures before judging him. There is a lot of propaganda against him, so watch out for that. Also, I hope he is not dead...

10-01-2011, 02:48 PM
Here's his complete works DVD:


Includes lives of the prophets too,
Misses some of his interviews etc, still - the most comprehensive works I've found.
Please download and distribute

10-01-2011, 04:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Souljette
But has it been confirmed?
I read somewhere his brother said it wasn't true. My sister is good friends with his sister, but I've yet to get hold of her. I wish it isn't true. Despite all the bull**** that is stacked up against him he is one of the few to speak the truth without fear.

10-01-2011, 04:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ghazalah
I read somewhere his brother said it wasn't true. My sister is good friends with his sister, but I've yet to get hold of her. I wish it isn't true. Despite all the bull**** that is stacked up against him he is one of the few to speak the truth without fear.
OMG you know them, hope they're ok...imsad

10-01-2011, 10:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ßlµêßêll

I don't really care about half of the so-called scholars out there who think monarchies are OK and to rebel against tyrant regimes renders you a non-Muslim.. there comes a time in ones life when one has to put their head to work for them instead of being led around like sheep by enemies inside and out!

As-Salāmu `Alaykum (السلام عليكم):

A statement we can finally agree.


ابن آل مرة
10-01-2011, 10:09 PM
On Al-Fida' Forum

What the brother's from Yemen are saying:

May Allah bless you my noble brothers. The news is true. We say, may Allah have mercy on our sheikh and our beloved, Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed this morning in the area between al-Jawf and Marib in a Hilux 2005 vehicle, along with six people accompanying him.

We consider him as a martyr and we ask mercy for all the mercy who fell with him in this raid, which was carried out by a plane that monitored the movements of Sheikh Anwar al-Awlaki for three days, according to what was told by local residents close to the incident.

Peace be upon you my dear brother. By Allah, I am from Yemen. Allah is witness that this news came upon us like a thunderbolt, but we consider him a martyr, because he was martyred along with another person, an American citizen of Pakistani origin who specialized in programming. The news was confirmed to me, and I apologize for the delay, because I was praying.

10-01-2011, 10:40 PM
As-Salāmu `Alaykum (السلام عليكم):

Al-Ma'idah (The Table Spread)

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ كُونُواْ قَوَّامِينَ لِلّهِ شُهَدَاء بِالْقِسْطِ وَلاَ يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ عَلَى أَلاَّ تَعْدِلُواْ اعْدِلُواْ هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَى وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ إِنَّ اللّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ (5:8)
Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo koonoo qawwameena lillahi shuhadaa bialqisti wala yajrimannakum shanaanu qawmin
AAala alla taAAdiloo iAAdiloo huwa aqrabu lilttaqwa waittaqoo Allaha inna Allaha khabeerun bima taAAmaloona

5:8 (Y. Ali) O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred
of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah.
For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.
__________________________________________________ _____________

The same brush that is used to paint the obvious indiscretions and failings of the West should be
applied to our corrupt governments who accept billions from the West and squander and pillage
these funds, brutalize and kill our people. The Arab Spring could have used many of our opinionated
forum members.

Anwar al-Awlaki was born, raised and educated in the United States. His families country
of origin is Yemen which anyone with a sane mind knows is corrupt, despot and
lackey of the West.

The practicing Muslims should present the same zeal displayed in this forum
to promote Allah word as superior as they appear to do with those who Allah has

Be careful of promoting men instead of the word of Allah. That is a form of

An-Nisa (The Women)

إِنَّ اللّهَ لاَ يَغْفِرُ أَن يُشْرَكَ بِهِ وَيَغْفِرُ مَا دُونَ ذَلِكَ لِمَن يَشَاء وَمَن يُشْرِكْ بِاللّهِ فَقَدْ ضَلَّ ضَلاَلاً بَعِيدًا (4:116)
Inna Allaha la yaghfiru an yushraka bihi wayaghfiru ma doona thalika liman yashao waman yushrik biAllahi faqad dalla dalalan baAAeedan

4:116 (Y. Ali) Allah forgiveth not (The sin of) joining other gods with Him; but He forgiveth whom He pleaseth other sins than this: one who joins other gods with Allah, Hath strayed far, far away (from the right).

10-02-2011, 12:30 AM
As-Salāmu `Alaykum (السلام عليكم):

Ukhti Bluebell:

We have made every attempt to remain impartial regarding the death of Anwar al-Awlaki.

We condemn any government, people or groups that oppose Allah legislation outlined within
the Quran and implemented by Nabi Muhammad.

Reread our post and ayat. We are witnesses even it is against ourselves to justice. We
don't justify wrong with emotions or conditioned thought.

The killing of non-combatants, women, children and elderly is only justified by
apologists of tribal and cultural biases and not Quran and Sunnah.

Allah is the only superpower we acknowledge. We don't have a third
world country view and conspiracy theory on why the Muslim world
is experiencing a decline. The Muslim can solve their own
problems and have created many of these issues experienced.

The illegal abolishing of the Khalifah was done by Muslims.

Don't confuse our outline of truth as supporting the enemies
of Islam. Islam has many enemies from within that think
they are actually helping.

Reviewing our posts on supporting the rights Allah has
legislated to women, not supporting currupt governments,
etc would provide an accurate view.

Our voice against tribal and cultural indoctrination usually
offends those who continue to neglect their own country
of origin corrupt regimes.

10-02-2011, 12:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by sabr*
We have made every attempt to remain impartial regarding the death of Anwar al-Awlaki.

We condemn any government, people or groups that oppose Allah legislation outlined within
the Quran and implemented by Nabi Muhammad.

Reread our post and ayat. We are witnesses even it is against ourselves to justice. We
don't justify wrong with emotions or conditioned thought.

The killing of non-combatants, women, children and elderly is only justified by
apologists of tribal and cultural biases and not Quran and Sunnah.

Allah is the only superpower we acknowledge. We don't have a third
world country view and conspiracy theory on why the Muslim world
is experiencing a decline. The Muslim can solve their own
problems and have created many of these issues experienced.

The illegal abolishing of the Khalifah was done by Muslims.

Don't confuse our outline of truth as supporting the enemies
of Islam. Islam has many enemies from within that think
they are actually helping.

Reviewing our posts on supporting the rights Allah has
legislated to women, not supporting currupt governments,
etc would provide an accurate view.

Our voice against tribal and cultural indoctrination usually
offends those who continue to neglect their own country
of origin corrupt regimes.
I've asked you this before, but didn't really get an answer... Why on earth do you keep referring to yourself with the plural? Do you just not understand how the Royal We/Majestic Plural works? Or are you writing on behalf of a group somewhere? o.o

10-02-2011, 01:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Dagless
I think that's the point. Other than the news story saying so there are no videos of him saying anything which could be regarded as treason. A lot of the things alleged appear to be supposition... unless you can show me a link where he actually says those things?
I don't know for sure he didn't say them, but he seems to have been found guilty, sentenced, and executed without evidence or any trial.
I heard about this on the CBC on my drive home yesterday. They did play an audio clip of him calling to his "fellow muslims" to "stand up and fight" people in the US who are "against us". Not sure if that means violence but it sounds that way and I'd be inclinded to believe it was meant that way. But, I also agree that this is very disturbing that the executed the man without trying to capture him or having any sort of trial. More details may be coming out later?

10-02-2011, 03:25 AM
For anyone who's interested, here are Yasir Qadhi's thoughts regarding Awlaki's assassination:

An Illegal and Counterproductive Assassination
Yasir Qadhi, an American Muslim cleric, is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Religious Studies at Yale. He blogs at muslimmatters.org.

New Haven

ANWAR AL-AWLAKI, the Yemeni-American cleric who was killed Friday in a C.I.A. drone attack in Yemen, appears to be the first United States citizen that our government has publicly targeted for assassination.

The accusations against him were very serious, but as a citizen, he deserved a fair trial and the chance to face his accusers in a court of law. Whether he deserved any punishment for his speech was a decision that a jury should have made, not the executive branch of our government. The killing of this American citizen is not only unconstitutional, but hypocritical and counterproductive.

The assassination is unconstitutional because the Fifth Amendment specifies that no person may “be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” A group of policy makers unilaterally deciding that a particular citizen needs to be targeted is, by no stretch of the imagination, due process.

The assassination is hypocritical because America routinely criticizes (and justifiably so) such extrajudicial assassinations when they occur at the hands of another government. We most certainly don’t approve the regimes of Syria or Iran eliminating those whom they deem to be traitors. In fact, Al Qaeda’s own justifications for murder stem from the notion that its members are qualified to be the judge, jury and executioner of those whom they view as enemies. America’s moral authority is undermined if we criticize in others what we do ourselves. It only reinforces the stereotype that the United States has very little concern for its own principles. Even Nazi war criminals got their day in court, at Nuremburg.

It is ironic to note that those who have actually attempted terrorist attacks on American soil and been caught were read their Miranda rights and went to trial, even though some were not United States citizens. Yet Mr. Awlaki, who has never been accused of himself directly attempting an attack, was not given this chance.

Lastly, the assassination is counterproductive because it feeds into the martyr mythology that makes Al Qaeda’s narrative so different from that of most other terrorist groups.

If our policy makers studied history, they would realize that Sayyid Qutb, a founder of radical Islam, while popular in his life, only achieved his legendary status after the Nasser regime in Egypt had him executed, in 1966. Instantly, his books became (and remain) best sellers. Killing people doesn’t make their ideas go away.

Mr. Awlaki was born in New Mexico in 1971 while his father was pursuing graduate studies. Though his parents returned to Yemen when he was seven, he later returned to the United States to pursue degrees in engineering and education. Eventually, he became an imam, or leader, of a mosque in California and later in Virginia. During these years, it is alleged that he met multiple times with at least three of the 9/11 hijackers. But for many American Muslims, he was only known for one thing: the telling of stories from the Koran. He lectured about the lives of the prophets of God, drawing from traditional Islamic sources (and sometimes even Biblical ones).

His captivating lecture style and copious quotations from classical sources made him extremely popular, especially among American Muslim youth. During these pre-9/11 years, these lectures, still available online, became some of the hottest-selling items at some Islamic conferences across America. At this stage, he was not publicly associated with any radical views. However, after 9/11, he adopted a more adversarial and anti-American tone, eventually moving back to Yemen. He was jailed for two years (and rumored to have been tortured).

It was only after his release that he publicly began supporting Al Qaeda and issuing messages calling for attacks upon the United States. It was alleged that he came into contact with or inspired a number of people to attempt terrorist activities: Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army psychiatrist accused in the 2009 killings in Fort Hood, Tex.; Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalib, accused of trying to set off a bomb hidden in his underwear on a 2009 flight to Detroit; and Faisal Shahzad, who tried to blow up a car in Times Square last year.

Mr. Awlaki’s ideas were dangerous. His message that one cannot be a good Muslim and an American at the same time was insulting to nearly all American Muslims. His views about the permissibility of killing Americans indiscriminately were completely at odds with those of mainstream Muslim clerics around the world. He needed to be refuted. And that is why many people, myself included, were extremely vocal in doing just that.

Mr. Awlaki needed to be challenged, not assassinated. By killing him, America has once again blurred the lines between its own tactics and the tactics of its enemies. In silencing Mr. Awlaki’s voice, not only did America fail to live up to its ideals, but it gave Mr. Awlaki’s dangerous message a life and power of its own. And these two facts make the job of refuting that message now even more difficult.



10-02-2011, 03:43 AM
The U.S is a lawless *****, but let's face it, they couldn't have done it without the aid of Saleh & that's precisely why he went back to Yemen after that exit.. They want him & he thinks they'll save him. Well Al'Awlaki comes from a pretty powerful & influential tribe & the folks are already sick of that SOB..
my predictions are:
1- U.S will pursue a war with Pakistan! (Afghanistan & Pakistan) house the largest number of hafiths & that by their standards is the worst thing ever
2- Tea party nutters will probably & in all likelihood win the election.
3- Israel will become a super power instead of the U.S
4- the dollar value will continue to sink
5- Egypt will have a secular democracy per U.S wishes but it will fail miserably, then Islam will come back with vengeance the camp David treaty will be burned & Egypt will with the Palestinians liberate Palestine Insha'Allah..
6- Alot of blood shed of innocent people at the hands of their rulers..
7- China, Iran & Russia with Putin will unite against the U.S & her poodles (I don't know the outcome of that) because both teams are like the Gog & Magog of our generation..

this is just my opinion for the next couple of years from what I am seeing of current events..


10-02-2011, 04:13 AM
I forgot to make dua for the other Muslims who died along with Awlaki. I already made dua for Awlaki , so now I want to make dua for the other Muslims who died with him.

May Allah (SWT) forgive Anwar al-Awlaki and the other Muslims who died with Awlaki, ameen! May Allah (SWT) protect them from the torment of the grave and from the torment of the Fire, ameen! May Allah (SWT) grant them jannah al firdous, ameen! May Allah (SWT) forgive all the Muslims, ameen!

May Allah (SWT) protect us all from the Torment of the Grave and from the torment of the fire.

Indeed, the punishments of Allah (SWT) is more severe than any pain and punishment we experience in this life. May Allah (SWT) guide us all, ameen!

10-02-2011, 06:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Tyrion
For anyone who's interested, here are Yasir Qadhi's thoughts regarding Awlaki's assassination:

An Illegal and Counterproductive Assassination
Yasir Qadhi, an American Muslim cleric, is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Religious Studies at Yale. He blogs at muslimmatters.org.

New Haven

ANWAR AL-AWLAKI, the Yemeni-American cleric who was killed Friday in a C.I.A. drone attack in Yemen, appears to be the first United States citizen that our government has publicly targeted for assassination.

The accusations against him were very serious, but as a citizen, he deserved a fair trial and the chance to face his accusers in a court of law. Whether he deserved any punishment for his speech was a decision that a jury should have made, not the executive branch of our government. The killing of this American citizen is not only unconstitutional, but hypocritical and counterproductive.

The assassination is unconstitutional because the Fifth Amendment specifies that no person may “be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” A group of policy makers unilaterally deciding that a particular citizen needs to be targeted is, by no stretch of the imagination, due process.

The assassination is hypocritical because America routinely criticizes (and justifiably so) such extrajudicial assassinations when they occur at the hands of another government. We most certainly don’t approve the regimes of Syria or Iran eliminating those whom they deem to be traitors. In fact, Al Qaeda’s own justifications for murder stem from the notion that its members are qualified to be the judge, jury and executioner of those whom they view as enemies. America’s moral authority is undermined if we criticize in others what we do ourselves. It only reinforces the stereotype that the United States has very little concern for its own principles. Even Nazi war criminals got their day in court, at Nuremburg.

It is ironic to note that those who have actually attempted terrorist attacks on American soil and been caught were read their Miranda rights and went to trial, even though some were not United States citizens. Yet Mr. Awlaki, who has never been accused of himself directly attempting an attack, was not given this chance.

Lastly, the assassination is counterproductive because it feeds into the martyr mythology that makes Al Qaeda’s narrative so different from that of most other terrorist groups.

If our policy makers studied history, they would realize that Sayyid Qutb, a founder of radical Islam, while popular in his life, only achieved his legendary status after the Nasser regime in Egypt had him executed, in 1966. Instantly, his books became (and remain) best sellers. Killing people doesn’t make their ideas go away.

Mr. Awlaki was born in New Mexico in 1971 while his father was pursuing graduate studies. Though his parents returned to Yemen when he was seven, he later returned to the United States to pursue degrees in engineering and education. Eventually, he became an imam, or leader, of a mosque in California and later in Virginia. During these years, it is alleged that he met multiple times with at least three of the 9/11 hijackers. But for many American Muslims, he was only known for one thing: the telling of stories from the Koran. He lectured about the lives of the prophets of God, drawing from traditional Islamic sources (and sometimes even Biblical ones).

His captivating lecture style and copious quotations from classical sources made him extremely popular, especially among American Muslim youth. During these pre-9/11 years, these lectures, still available online, became some of the hottest-selling items at some Islamic conferences across America. At this stage, he was not publicly associated with any radical views. However, after 9/11, he adopted a more adversarial and anti-American tone, eventually moving back to Yemen. He was jailed for two years (and rumored to have been tortured).

It was only after his release that he publicly began supporting Al Qaeda and issuing messages calling for attacks upon the United States. It was alleged that he came into contact with or inspired a number of people to attempt terrorist activities: Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army psychiatrist accused in the 2009 killings in Fort Hood, Tex.; Umar Farouk Abdulmuttalib, accused of trying to set off a bomb hidden in his underwear on a 2009 flight to Detroit; and Faisal Shahzad, who tried to blow up a car in Times Square last year.

Mr. Awlaki’s ideas were dangerous. His message that one cannot be a good Muslim and an American at the same time was insulting to nearly all American Muslims. His views about the permissibility of killing Americans indiscriminately were completely at odds with those of mainstream Muslim clerics around the world. He needed to be refuted. And that is why many people, myself included, were extremely vocal in doing just that.

Mr. Awlaki needed to be challenged, not assassinated. By killing him, America has once again blurred the lines between its own tactics and the tactics of its enemies. In silencing Mr. Awlaki’s voice, not only did America fail to live up to its ideals, but it gave Mr. Awlaki’s dangerous message a life and power of its own. And these two facts make the job of refuting that message now even more difficult.




Realy good article.


10-02-2011, 07:45 AM

i used to listen to some of yasir qadhi's speeches - but now believe he's another of their tamed pets.

he made it look like the u.s government and it's terrorist accomplices are the gods of the world with the moral authority to judge people.
and that people who said tit-for-tat (although i believe mistakenly) were in comparison a lot worse - if not the only criminals - simply because they were Muslim.

he believes the murderous us government and it's stooges have the morality to give someone a fair trial?
i pray Allah has saved the Imam from this evil fitnah.

maybe he's not aware that people are being harassed just for being or looking Muslim - and this is being encouraged.

Imam Awlaki himself didn't like the idea of killing "innocents" even in retaliation - before they unjustly imprisoned him,
psychologically tortured him and made him give up any lurking hope that America could be redeemed.
and even then - he kept it in context and mentioned the crimes which were millions of times worse,
and he made clear that there were reasons for this resentment - despite it being misguided resentment.

before unjust imprisonment:

regardless of whether he's wrong on that issue - the us government is a million times more wrong - if we are to condemn anyone i believe we condemn them in context - just as the brother did. not like boot-licker Qadhi did

what kind of image did Qadhi give of Islam - anyone who hasn't looked beneath the surface on this topic would take it to understand that the u.s's war isn't against Islam, and that any resistance - lawful or not - is wrong.

and do you know how many hate filled posts i see on youtube and other sites about Islam, when someone puts up a video of dead palestinian children - some haters come and say: terrorists children deserve it, bomb mecca, nuke mecca, kill all goat**** muslims, f**k iraqis, ****Allah, ****Muhammad etc?
do you know we'd be branded terrorists for saying stuff like that on the other coin?

and if you still need proof that the u.s government is engaged in a war against Islam - just read the newspapers or go to a news site -
they claimed that by killing him they had scored a triumph in their fight against "Islamic militancy",
no - not against atheist militancy, not against zionist militancy, not against illegal u.s militancy in Iraq, not against chinese or indian or russian or european militancy - but against Islamic militancy.
thereby proving that they disdain the idea of Muslims having a nation based on faith, is this not a war against Islam.
and Qadhi goes along with it? when did he last say that the people of the world should murder the zionists for having a military?

here's what brother Awlaki went through and i'm now quite glad that Allah saved him from the fitnah of this boot-licking generation of "scholars" (wolves in sheep's clothing). just like Allah raised Isa (pbuh) from another generation of Roman boot-licking rabbis. it was only after that that the Khilafat was taken from the Jews.
i just hope his family are given steadfastness and ease in this life and in the next.

notice the slurred speech - characteristic of one who has been either drugged - or is struggling with sleep.


10-02-2011, 07:46 AM

al awlaki?w245&amph300 -

Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments;

and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.

Revelation 3:4

10-02-2011, 07:57 AM
^abz, you really should watch your tongue (or fingers?) when it comes to speaking about your brothers in Islam, especially those who are students of knowledge. Disagreeing with them does not give you the right to refer to them as "boot-lickers", or any other name for that matter. This isn't the first time you've let your emotions get the best of you, and your complete disregard for adab/manners is starting to get irritating (and a bit embarrassing)...

10-02-2011, 08:01 AM
and regarding the non-combatant thing - although i believe people should try to discriminate a little more between those who they have a duty to share guidance with and those who are killing their brothers and sisters - it is very difficult to do so when one suffers injustice at the hands of tyrants while the ones hiring them sing and dance - imagine your parents were killed by some murderers - how would you feel? would you feel rational? do you even know?

and it wasn't the Imam who said this first ....................... it was bush.
you are either with us, or your with the terrorists.

well i think many made a decision then and there - and when it turned out that Amerika is the terrorist - they continued in that decision, they just sat in the same place and flipped the board around.

here's what someone on infowars just said:

patrick gragg says:
October 1, 2011 at 2:40 pm
An unconfirmed source tells ABC news …………………………………
The official spoke on condition of remaining anonamous………………………….
He was heavily armed but “submitted … without incident or resistance,” the force said. It did not detail how they had identified Khan……………………………………………
“This is a blow for the Haqqanis,” the Pakistani official said, requesting anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media………………………………………..
Khaddaffi Rebels unconfirmed reports they are close to capturing or killing Khaddaffi………………………..
unconfirmed sources inside the Pentagon say……………………..
Unable to independently confirm the following………………………………………….
the MSM just take the word of whoever they want to win the conflict and pass it off as the gospel,lying ba$tards,
What is worse, most American homes believe Dan Rather, inc. et al, like they were the local church pastor or something!

10-02-2011, 08:09 AM
^^ i don't think Qadhi has any Adhab before God for his "embarrasing" comments, calling a respected scholar who at least spoke out against real terrorism and mass genocide - a terrorist, and i believe you do better on the puzzles and humour threads.
i've given up worrying about being ashamed to speak the truth for a while now - as the kuffar made me realize that they'd persecute me anyway.,
so don't entertain the mis-conception that i am blushing......................

If you're not ready to die for it, take the word "freedom" out of your vocabulary.
  • Chicago Defender (28 November 1962) Attributed to Brother Malik El Shabbaz - Malcolm X

10-02-2011, 08:17 AM
how about i say:
we can't kill all kuffar - so we must win as many hearts and minds as we can.................

what do you think would be on the papers the next day if i said that in public or within earshot of a fox news reporter?

"radical extremist fundamentalist islamist muslim wants to kill all non-muslims - but benevolently chooses to win as many hearts and minds as possible while fighting".

but maybe Qadhi will say "he's only talking about the violent ones" - well so am i

10-02-2011, 08:27 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis
I heard about this on the CBC on my drive home yesterday. They did play an audio clip of him calling to his "fellow muslims" to "stand up and fight" people in the US who are "against us". Not sure if that means violence but it sounds that way and I'd be inclinded to believe it was meant that way. But, I also agree that this is very disturbing that the executed the man without trying to capture him or having any sort of trial. More details may be coming out later?
Can you provide a link for this? Was it in Arabic with translation or in English? Let's assume for a minute he did say this; at worst this would be considered incitement, and may possibly result in jail time if pushed. It is certainly not worth the death penalty; I've seen people say worse stuff on youtube.

10-02-2011, 08:52 AM
oh my God!!! i am so sorry - if he really said that he must have been!

"fellow muslims" to "stand up and fight" people in the US who are "against us".

"Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loves not transgressors. And slay them wherever you catch them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than fighting... But if they cease, God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful... If they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression" (2:190-193).


10-02-2011, 09:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by abz2000
oh my God!!! i am so sorry - if he really said that he must have been!

"fellow muslims" to "stand up and fight" people in the US who are "against us".
I don't know what he said but I was giving a worst case scenario that Obama could have used as justification.

10-02-2011, 09:46 AM
190 Narrated: The statement of the Prophet: Whoever takes up arms against us, is not from us."

i guess it works both ways - dunno why yasir Qadhi still uses "us" when referring to the murderers of Muslims, AND Muslims though........................

i guess he disagrees with bush - making him a terrorist anyways..........

got this from another sister:
If a Muslim leader would say to Obama "We want George W Bush dead or alive", because he killed many innocent muslims.
Do you think he would hand over his brother from another mother??????

10-02-2011, 10:35 AM
here's brother awlaki speaking of himself and family and specifically you and me and the "scholars":


10-02-2011, 07:32 PM
First of all, no member has done anything wrong. all the posts have been appropriate.

However, this is a very emotional topic and as such we will have members say things out of feeling and not rationally. To prevent any misuse of this thread and possible misquoting of members I am closing the thread and will be deleting some of the posts that I think will be misunderstood.

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