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View Full Version : Family and Afterlife

11-28-2011, 02:17 AM
First let me start of by saying, I do not understand death and do not know if there is an afterlife or what it is like if it exist.

If it exists will we get to see our families again, specifically our parents

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11-29-2011, 11:01 PM
Peace, Mellow.

format_quote Originally Posted by Mellow
do not know if there is an afterlife or what it is like if it exist.
Belief in life after death is part of our faith and one of it's fundamental tenets. We will all be resurrected on the Day of Judgement to account for and be judged for our deeds.

Are you talking about the situation in the grave, or the day of resurrection?

It would help if you could clarify what you're referring to.

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