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View Full Version : I am jealous of the Prophets (pbut) an Sahaba (pbut)... May Allah forgive me

02-17-2012, 12:24 AM

First please keep all praises expect those directed entirely towards Allah away from this thread. And also personal opinions away from this thread

So, my problem. Whenever I read about a Prophet (pbuh) or a sahaba I cannot help but get jealous of their rewards and blessings. Like for example Abu Bakr (ra) who ALLAH titled the truthful one, or Khalid ibn Walid (ra) who ALLAH called his sword, or like Ibrahim (PBUH) who ALLAH called HIS FRIEND. Or Musa (pbuh) who spoke to Allah. May Allah forgive me but sometimes I am even jealous of the Prophet pbuh who has been promised a level ABOVE Jannah Firdous!!!

Now, these are men all derserved what they get, they really do. They were brave, and honest and fair. They shed blood for the sake of Allah, but I cannot help but feel that no matter what I do I will never even scratch the surface - But I want that type of reward! Maybe if I lived in THAT time when the Prophet (pbuh) was alive I would have been better and more worthy. I kind of feel its unfair sometimes, may Allah (swt) Master of the Universe who is indeed the most Fair and Just, forgive me and my greed and selfishness. But just some of the rewards Allah promised these men, what about me?

Please no personal comments whatsoever, they are of no benefit. What I really want are just quotes from authentic hadith and the Quran, that show that people like me have a chance. Is there any hadith that mentions how an average person can earn a prophets reward. Are there any people who will get to visit the Prophets (pbuh) platform above jannah firdous? How does that work? Is there any mention of some average person being promised jannah, specifally jannah firdous, for a seemingly small deed. Allah when the Prophet (pbuh) was alive passed a lot ot titles to worthy men and women of Islam, is there any mention in the Quran or Hadith of Allah saying normal people are would get such lovely titles?????.....

Hadith and Quran quote relating to that are all I want so lets keep it stricly that please. No personal opinions or praise whatsoever.


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White Rose
02-18-2012, 05:59 PM
This is a very good question. I hope someone can answer this because I was wondering that too a few days ago upon listening to the amazing deeds that Holy Prophet's(SAW) companions did.

02-18-2012, 06:28 PM
I posted a thread about I want to get to the Highest Level of Jannah and this is what I got
30 ways to Gain the Top Ranks of Jannah

Look it up and you will find it
May Allah(swt) reward you for your deeds!

Btw my thread is called
How do I get to the highest level of jannah.

02-18-2012, 06:37 PM
Those who obey Allah and the messenger are in the company of those on whom is the Grace of Allah,
- of the prophets (who teach), the sincere (lovers of Truth), the witnesses (/martyrs), and the Righteous (who do good): Ah! what a beautiful fellowship!

Quran 4:69

If you are very eager to join their ranks,
Maybe consider being willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of God,
Whether by words or by deeds,
Brother anwar achieved Shahadah just by speaking out against evil,

The greatest Jihad is to speak the word of truth to a tyrant

(Abu Daawud and Al-Tirmidhi)

Living in the west, your land does not have soldiers occupying it illegally for u to be able to fight,
So you can practice the jihad of speaking out against evil.

Another Hadith:
The one who loves my sunnah (method/practice) loves me
And the one who loves me shall be with me in Jannah

it is reported that Umar (ra) would always pray to Allah for Martyrdom in Madinah and beg not to become weak with age and dependent on others.
and his daughter Hafsah (ra) would ask him how on earth he expected to be granted martyrdom in Medina when he was the leader of the believers and Medina was the stronghold of Islam.
well, someone who didn't like his ruling came to him and stabbed him to death while he (ra) was leading the believers in prayer IN THE PROPHET'S (pbuh) MOSQUE!
so it is clear that we should never hesitate to ask Allah for what we want.

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03-11-2012, 06:08 AM
the word should be 'admire' not 'jealous', 'jealous' is for those infidels who are jealous that Islam is the only true religion from the Only True King and God Allah ;D

03-11-2012, 05:07 PM
Salam brother,

We will get double rewards than the Sahaba :)

Abu Jumu'ah said "Once we had lunch with the Messenger of Allah. Abu Ubaydah, who was wiith us, said, 'O Messenger of Allah! Are there people better than us? We have embraced Islam with you and performed Jihad with you." He (the Prophet (pbuh) ) said, "Yes, those who will come after you, who will believe in me although they have not seen me." (Ahmad 4:106)

This hadith has another route collected by Abu Bakr bin Marduwyah in his Tafsir, from Salih bin Jubayr who said that Abu Jumu'ah Al Ansari, the Companion of the Prophet (pbuh) said "We were with the Messenger of Allah! ten people including Mu'adh bin Jabal. We said, O Messenger of Allah! Are there people who would acquire greater rewards than us? We believed in Allah and followed you." The Prophet (pbuh) in reply said, "What prevents you from doing so, while the Messenger of Allah is among you, bringing you the revelation from heaven? There are people who will come after you and who will be given a book between two covers (the Quran), and they will believe in it and implement its commands. They have a greater reward than you, even twice as much. " (Ibn Asakir 6:368)

Please brother dont use the word jealous for any of the Prophets (pbuh) and the Sahaba coz they have set examples for us. We should admire them.
And certainely dont be jealous of the Prophet (pbuh), no one can be better than him no matter what. even thinking of it is a sin.

03-11-2012, 05:36 PM
you want to be better than Prophet Muhammad pbuh? Wow.

May I ask you why you deserve that?

Did you become an orphan before being born?
did your mother die when you were 6 years old?
Did you have a rough childhood of loneliness and melancholy? Or your parents bought you all nice toys?
Did you have to herd sheep?
Did you have ppl stone you while you only wished good for them?
Did you have your own relatives boycott you and stop all food?
Did you see your best friends die in your arms by enemie's wounds?
Did you see your baby son die in your arms?
Did you go through all that Prophet Muhammad go through?

Think before you speak.

Your inflated sense of entitlement will only take you to the pit of Jahannum. The only way to Jannah is to let Allah be your Master and Your Judge and to let Him dispose of you in whatever way He sees fit.

03-11-2012, 05:56 PM
Well, I think you need to work on your attitude because that is a dangerous one. Allah choosed the prophet(pbuh), he sacrificed a lot for our ummah and he is our best example. The best thing YOU can do is to follow the prophet footstep to the best of your ability. Jealousy is dangerous and corrupt, so work on it brother.

03-12-2012, 03:01 AM

I'll keep it short. There is a simple way to solve your problem. Work on correcting your INTENTION.

There are two types of jealousy, one type is forbidden, and the other is acceptable. The first type is that you wish for what your brother has was yours and not his. This is Forbidden and a sin. The second is to wish to have similar to what your brother has while at the same time wishing that Allah swt continues to bless for your brother what he has. So we can easily turn a sin into a hasanat by simply correcting our intentions.

Secondly, you wanted to know if there is an easy way you could catch up with the Sahabah and those who have reached the highest levels of Jannah. Again you can reach their level if you only correct your intentions. If you sincerely in your heart hold the intention that if you had the Ilm of Abu Bakr(ra), Insight of Umar(ra), wealth of Uthman(ra), Courage of Ali(ra) that you would use it, spend it for the sake of Allah, and you intent this with Ikhlas, sincerity. Then by the mercy of Allah you will have the same rewards in your account even if you didn't physically do the deeds. And insha'Allah by the mercy of Allah you will also be amongst them in Firdaws.

So work on two - Niyah and Ikhlas. Intentions and Sincerity.

Now, You requested only Hadith and Quran sources, i intentionally didn't post any sources, for the simple reason that if you indeed have the the right intentions and desire to achieve Firdaws, then All that I've shared with you is in the Quran and Sunnah, it is upon you to seek it. This is the difference between knowing the path and walking the path.

Allah swt knows best.

03-12-2012, 03:16 AM
^ post of the day in my opinion... Alhamdulillah

03-12-2012, 05:42 AM
hahaha, Mashallah, once when i was a kid...i also thought the same thing...i remember, there was my class-fellow who was syed... every one give him special love and care... even once our teacher teach us..how to offer prayer and he selected imam that syed kid... the other day i went to my teacher, i ask... this is cheating... and i mean giving agruments... he ask me what is cheating? i said he born in syed family... so he gets gifted blessings...same way, Allah already selected his messengers and etc........... i remember...i also said that i born when no one is left..all sahab's left this world i cant even seen my prophet....... haha my teacher smile at me and he said me to go home and have some rest... i wonder about that.... the next day when i came back... My all senoir teachers, students start calling my name with the starting word Syed ........ haha i feel so shame...but still i met them they call me syed....but in that period i stuied my prophet and sehab's character...their life... i fall in love with them... especially when you read Hazrat bilal R.A life... Hazrat salman R.A...Hazrat Abu bakr, Hazrat Ali, Hazrat abu zar R.A.....every sahab's life increase your love for our beloved Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.... the truth is that reward is hidden under humblness (ajzi-0-inkasari)... when you will inshallah cry for the love of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.... inshallah you will earn a good reward...For me, those eye tears r the reward and i feel happy that still i have a heart which knows how to cry and weap in the love of my prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.... so dont get jelous start loving them...see their response whom u love... Asalam-0-Alekum

Hamza Asadullah
03-12-2012, 10:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by bamboozled

First please keep all praises expect those directed entirely towards Allah away from this thread. And also personal opinions away from this thread

So, my problem. Whenever I read about a Prophet (pbuh) or a sahaba I cannot help but get jealous of their rewards and blessings. Like for example Abu Bakr (ra) who ALLAH titled the truthful one, or Khalid ibn Walid (ra) who ALLAH called his sword, or like Ibrahim (PBUH) who ALLAH called HIS FRIEND. Or Musa (pbuh) who spoke to Allah. May Allah forgive me but sometimes I am even jealous of the Prophet pbuh who has been promised a level ABOVE Jannah Firdous!!!

Now, these are men all derserved what they get, they really do. They were brave, and honest and fair. They shed blood for the sake of Allah, but I cannot help but feel that no matter what I do I will never even scratch the surface - But I want that type of reward! Maybe if I lived in THAT time when the Prophet (pbuh) was alive I would have been better and more worthy. I kind of feel its unfair sometimes, may Allah (swt) Master of the Universe who is indeed the most Fair and Just, forgive me and my greed and selfishness. But just some of the rewards Allah promised these men, what about me?

Please no personal comments whatsoever, they are of no benefit. What I really want are just quotes from authentic hadith and the Quran, that show that people like me have a chance. Is there any hadith that mentions how an average person can earn a prophets reward. Are there any people who will get to visit the Prophets (pbuh) platform above jannah firdous? How does that work? Is there any mention of some average person being promised jannah, specifally jannah firdous, for a seemingly small deed. Allah when the Prophet (pbuh) was alive passed a lot ot titles to worthy men and women of Islam, is there any mention in the Quran or Hadith of Allah saying normal people are would get such lovely titles?????.....

Hadith and Quran quote relating to that are all I want so lets keep it stricly that please. No personal opinions or praise whatsoever.


My brother it is praiseworthy to have the highest aspirations, as every Muslim should want the best in the hereafter and want to gain the most rewards and highest level of Paradise. Allah favoured certain people to become his Prophets and he picked them due to their qualities. It maybe that we would have failed miserably to fulfill such a notoriously difficult role and therefore Allah favoured us to be normal people so that he does not burden s with more than we can handle. But what we should also realise is that Allah has favoured us because firstly he has given us imaan (faith) when millions upon millions of others die without imaan. He could have created us in a non Muslims destined to die without imaan, but instead he favoured us and gave us imaan. What a gift and it is a gift that we do not appreciate like we should do.

Secondly he favoured us so much more than countless others that he made us of the ummah of the greatest Prophet of Allah - Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Every Prophet wanted to be born in our Ummah and only the dua of Prophet Isa (As) was accepted, so he will enter upon our Ummah soon inshallah.

So blessed is our ummah that we have recieved the greatest book of Allah - The Qur'an. We are also the best of all the 70 nations: Hakim bin Mu`awiyah bin Haydah narrated that his father said that the Messenger of Allah said:

You are the final of seventy nations, you are the best and most honored among them to Allah. (Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and Al-Hakim)

The Ummah of the Messenger of Allah, Mohammad (SallAllahu `alaihi wa sallam) will also enter Paradise before others:

Prophet (salAllahu `alaihi wa sallam) said: "We are the last, but we will be the first on the Day of Resurrection. We will be the first of mankind to enter Paradise". (Bukhari)

On top of that Allah has given us wealth, health and a family when so many other Muslims do not have such blessings. They can only dream of having what we have, so we should be appreciative and thank Allah. So we must never think that we are not of the favoured because if we look at all of the creations of Allah then we will realise how much Allah has favoured us out of countless others.

What we must also realise is that EVERYONE of us has the chance of reaching the highest level of Paradise which is Firdaus al Ala:

The Prophet (salAllahu `alaihi wa sallam) said: Paradise has one hundred levels which Allah has reserved for the mujaahideen who fight in His Cause and the distance between each of the two grades is like the distance between the heavens and the earth. So when you ask Allah for something, ask for al-Firdaus which is the best and highest part of Paradise. Above it is the throne of the Most Merciful, and from it. [Bukhari]

But what we must realise is that achieving even the lower parts of Jannah will require being patient, persevering, striving and remaining steadfast through trials, hardships, suffering and much anguish. The Prophet (salAllahu `alaihi wa sallam) said, "Hell has been veiled with desires, and Paradise has been veiled with [surrounded by] hardships."

Paradise is very high; the greatest blessing of Allah; thus, it requires much exertion. The way to Paradise is filled with things that go against human wishes and inclinations. This needs strong determination and willpower. It also requires us to have the best intentions and sincerety in EVERY single action we do.

We must also try to attain the highest level of ihsaan (worshipping Allah as though we can see him).

We must also realise that we will not be able to get into Jannah with our deeds alone: The Prophet (salAllahu `alaihi wa sallam) said: "No one of you will enter Paradise by his deeds alone."

They asked, "Not even you, O Messenger of Allah?"

He said, "Not even me, unless Allah covers me with His Grace and Mercy"

Nobody will enter Paradise, no matter how good he was, through his deeds. Good deeds will only be the means to acquire Allah's Mercy and Permission to enter Paradise.

So we should ask for Jannatul Firdaus in every dua. I hope the following thread helps us all to be able to achieve the highest level of Jannah:

30 ways to gain the top ranks of Jannah


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