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View Full Version : Ignorance and Islam and Sharia Punishments and Sinning Question ?

05-08-2012, 04:19 AM
Can a Person Muslim or Non Muslim or a Convert to Revert to Islam ever be excused or exempt from being punished in this life or in the next ? I know that there are things in Islam that are up to Interpretation but I would be correct that all Muslims agree that Alcohol is haram correct thank you ? I know under Secular laws being ignorant of the law is not a excuse. If a non Muslim does haram things such as zina and he or she never heard or knew about Sharia or Islamic Law and Punishments let us say this Man or Woman converts or reverts to Islam living in the Secular West this person before becoming a Muslim was ignorant is this Person Punished in this life or the next thank you very much ?

But in Monday's ruling, judge Mohammed Tambari-Uthman said that because the alleged act had taken place before adultery became a criminal offence under Islamic law, her case should be dismissed.


The ignorance for which a person may be excused is ignorance of the ruling not of the punishment

I understand that intentionally leaving prayer out of laziness is major kufr and the one who commits it is a kaafir unless they have the excuse of ignorance. But what is meant by the excuse of ignorance, ignorance of the obligation of salaah? or igno orance of the fact that abandoning prayer intentionally is kufr?
Please explain with some quotations from the salafi ulema.

Praise be to Allaah.

If a person commits zina – for example – and does not know that zina is haraam, he will not be punished and is excused for his ignorance. But if a person knows that zina is haraam but he does not know that the one who commits zina deserves the hadd punishment, then he has no excuse and the hadd punishment must be carried out on him, if the conditions for that are met.


The Conditions for Takfir
How a Muslim becomes a Non-Muslim

By Sami Zaatari

With that said we now move upon the ignorant Muslim, the Muslim who does not know his religion and the shariah. For this Muslim we say he can be excused, for instance if he commits a sin and doesn't think its haram because he is ignorant and does not know, we say he is not an apostate. However so what we do is we educate this Muslim on his religion, and the shariah, and when we make it clear to him what is haram and what is halal yet he still persists in his misguided wrong beliefs even after the evidence and proof has been given to him then we say he is an apostate. Now having said that a Muslim who worship's idols and so on we say he is not even a Muslim, even if he thinks he is a Muslim and is ignorant, we still say he is not even a Muslim, what we do is we teach him the religion as it seems he does not even know what Islam is!


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