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View Full Version : Taliban to U.S.: End drone strikes in Pakistan, or no more polio vaccines

Roasted Cashew
06-18-2012, 04:21 PM
Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- A Taliban commander in northwest Pakistan has announced a ban on polio vaccines for children as long as the United States continues its campaign of drone strikes in the region, according to a statement by the Taliban.
"Polio drops will be banned in North Waziristan until the drones strikes are stopped," said the statement, released Saturday.
"Almost every resident of North Waziristan has become a mental patient because of the drone strikes, which are worse than polio," the statement continued. "On one hand, the U.S. spends millions of dollars to eliminate polio, while on the other hand it kills hundreds with the help of its slave, Pakistan."........


The News(Pakistani)

Agree with the Taliban that drone strikes are terrible and kill civilians and Nato should immediately stop them but the fact that Taliban have no problems bargaining with children's limbs speaks loads about them and their war strategy. TERRIBLE and SAD!

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Roasted Cashew
06-20-2012, 01:33 PM
Do you guys agree with the Taliban or do you think they should not have bargained children's limbs?

06-22-2012, 04:05 AM
hmmmmmmmm.. instant mass and random senseless death through drones vs. the possibility of contact immunization where one child immunized sheds the virus to protect 25% of those who come in contact with him or her?..
what do you think doctor to be? I'd say a no brainer?

06-22-2012, 06:39 AM
No polio vaccinations, no big pharma (Dajjal work). They need to rely on sunnah medicines. Black seed oil for example :) Prophet muhammed(SaW) said its a cure for every disease except death

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Roasted Cashew
06-22-2012, 06:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Mindset
Black seed oil
Ya, you give your children that instead of polio vaccination. Hell, you give them that for every disease in this world. I wish you and your kids all the best.

06-22-2012, 11:54 AM
Roasted Cashew......i don't think you are from Pakistan otherwise you must have a know how of the ground situation.As for vaccinations,I am with Jedi on this matter,If medicines can cure people than many will expense out their earnings of lifetime to buy health,Shifaa' lies in the hands of Allah alone not doctors.

06-22-2012, 11:58 AM
Do you actually think they give polio drops??

Roasted Cashew
06-22-2012, 01:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Mindset
Look at the ingredients they put in those vaccines, too horrible. Even doctors acknowledged this, it doesnt cure the disease rather it just weakens it temporary but when you stop using it, the disease will be stronger. To tell it short: It doesnt go to the root of the disease.
I just finished studying Immunology this semester. You clearly have no idea how vaccination and immunity works.

Roasted Cashew
06-22-2012, 01:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Periwinkle18
Do you actually think they give polio drops??
Oh GOSH, another conspiracy theory!

Roasted Cashew
06-22-2012, 01:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by SaneFellow
Roasted Cashew......i don't think you are from Pakistan otherwise you must have a know how of the ground situation.As for vaccinations,I am with Jedi on this matter,If medicines can cure people than many will expense out their earnings of lifetime to buy health,Shifaa' lies in the hands of Allah alone not doctors.
I am from Pakistan and I know the ground realities. Medicines DO cure people with the help of Allah. Shifaa indeed is in the hands of Allah but they both go hand in hand. When you take medicine, you are doing your part and the rest you leave to Allah. Don't tell me medicine is useless and people get cured by praying alone.

06-22-2012, 01:25 PM
you seem to choose the more skewed articles cashew, here's one that actually shows their reasons without twisting it in order to vilify them:

The Taliban has halted the polio vaccination campaign that was scheduled to be distributed to over 161,000 children starting on Wednesday, citing worries that the U.S. drone strikes are indicative of a possible undercover CIA operation tied to the vaccine campaign.

Earlier, terrorists in Swat had banned the vaccine on the premise that it was a Western ploy to sterilise Muslims.

suspicions about CIA links with the polio vaccination campaigns, and rumours they were a front for the sterilising of Muslims, had been around for a decade after 9/11.

Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population

(NaturalNews) In a recent TED conference presentation, Microsoft billionaire Bill Gates, who has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to new vaccine efforts, speaks on the issue of CO2 emissions and its effects on climate change. He presents a formula for tracking CO2 emissions as follows: CO2 = P x S x E x C.

P = People
S = Services per person
E = Energy per service
C = CO2 per energy unit

Then he adds that in order to get CO2 to zero, "probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty close to zero."

Following that, Bill Gates begins to describe how the first number -- P (for People) -- might be reduced. He says:

"The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

You can watch this yourself at:

here's the actual video:
just watch up to 5 mins:

Reducing the world population through vaccines

This statement by Bill Gates was not made with any hesitation, stuttering or other indication that it might have been a mistake.
It appears to have been a deliberate, calculated part of a well developed and coherent presentation.

So what does it mean when Bill Gates says
"if we do a really great job on new vaccines... we could lower [world population] by 10 or 15 percent?"

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/029911_va...#ixzz1yWlB3zAs
The Taliban statement also argued the polio campaign was just a front for the U.S. to spy inside Pakistan.

is this true?

Shakil Afridi or Shakeel Afridi is a Pakistani physician who allegedly helped the CIA run a fake vaccine program in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in order to confirm Osama bin Laden's presence in the city by obtaining DNA samples. Details of the doctor's activities emerged during the Pakistani investigation of the deadly raid on Bin Laden's residence. He was arrested from Torkham border while trying to escape the country days after the raid.

doesn't one wonder why they were taking dna samples from thousands of people and running them through databases?
when a "vaccine" doesn't even require exctraction of bodily chemicals?


think it's a "conspiracy theory"? here's the queen's husband:

Reported by Deutsche Press Agentur (DPA), August, 1988.

In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.

Prince Philip, in his Foreward to If I Were an Animal; United Kingdom, Robin Clark Ltd., 1986.

I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal whose species had been so reduced in numbers than it was in danger of extinction. What would be its feelings toward the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere to exist.... I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.

Preface to Down to Earth by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1988, p.|8.

I don't claim to have any special interest in natural history,
but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations in the number of game animals
and the need to adjust the ``cull'' to the size of the surplus population.

not to omit that he is a member of nazi families.


06-22-2012, 01:47 PM
yes, let's not get into an argument about the effect of vaccines themselves in this topic, this is about washington's deceptive programs.

but suffice it to know that the medical establishment itself now admits that mercury which they used to adamantly claim was safe - actually kills the brain and causes memory loss,


06-22-2012, 02:02 PM
thimerosal & mercury are removed from vaccines as well other ingredients which people don't know of since many vaccines are produced in egg embryos etc. can cause allergies. The Vaccines which are given to the military are different than those given to the general public and it isn't inconceivable that what they export is different still. It is easy to manufacture vaccines if the U.S wasn't bombing factories in our neck of the woods under the label of preventing biological terrorism.
And you're right this isn't a topic on vaccinations. It is an entire science .. and there's such a thing as biological warfare..
the only thing I'd argue against the efficacy of polio is the modification made so that it is no longer live attenuated to prevent it from reconverting in AIDS patients. Polio affects the gut, and is largely combated by IgA immunoglobulins not IgG and should be given orally. The big pharm did modify it to decrease its efficacy and mode of work for a group of patients forgetting the entire population. Can still be made effective in our part of the world.. That's what biotechnology and science is all about. It isn't a big enigma..
I have had all my childhood vaccines in Africa many for even rare disease .. I survived childhood.. I even have a 174 IQ although I am no god at chess I turned out alright.. al7mdullilah my parents spared me such things as Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis from something as stupid as the measles!

Cashew I assure you receiving a like from you doesn't flatter me.. since I am not on the same page as you!
in fact what ABZ provided above reflects my understanding of what is going on.. but it doesn't reflect my understanding of the science and like I said I am not going to put an entire science in a paragraph!

06-22-2012, 02:33 PM
Asalaamu Alaikum,

There's no actual reliability for this news. Unless a Taliban spokesman confirms, believing what western media reports is unwise.

06-22-2012, 03:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Perseveranze
Asalaamu Alaikum,

There's no actual reliability for this news. Unless a Taliban spokesman confirms, believing what western media reports is unwise.
That's another very likely possibility but I have no doubt that the west would like to exterminate as much of the Muslim population as possible through whatever means..
What's going on now in Syria or Bosnia before hand is a fine example of just how much they care.. They show up only after a mass ethnic cleansing to claim the prize..


06-22-2012, 03:53 PM
I know this isn't a thread on vaccines, however, the subject has been spoken of and I wanted to share a documentary ( I share videos more often because people just don't bother to pick up a books anymore, however there's plenty of literature out there if one takes the time to read it). I've personally studied this subject for along while, and opted out of vaccines for my daughter. We all need to educate ourselves and stop being dragged around. Don't choose to stay ignorant. Whatever your decision may be, let it be a wise and educated decision.

The doc does not focus much on the toxins of vaccines and their physical harm, but actual facts and medical research. It is a good place to start I would say, wish i had found this years back lol.

In this extremely informative video, fifteen people, including Dr. Viera Scheibner (a PhD researcher), five medical doctors, other researchers, reveal what is really going on in relation to illness and vaccines. Ironically, the important facts come from the orthodox medicine's own peer-reviewed research....

- cOsMiC

06-22-2012, 04:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cOsMiCiNtUiTiOn
Don't choose to stay ignorant
As you know autonomy is a pillar upon which medicine was founded, as such doctors can't force you to immunize your kid, but you should know that due to the opt out you'll deny your kid an education in the school system as it is a requirement before entry to present an immunization record and it is up to the individual school to accept or deny you but most don't want to put other children at risk. You personally are free to deny your child preventative medicine (since it isn't a life or death situation)otherwise if it were by law you'd have no say so it is also something to think about.. since one can lose their child to disease or the govt. have them be in some foster home and it is all things to weigh in when making such life altering decisions.
As a result of your decision and others who opt out we are actually seeing disease and death from otherwise preventable causes as well from viruses that have a latent response and become dormant in the sensory ganglia and become active at a later date when the immune system is under stress.. an immune system that hasn't built memory cells is already at great risk.. imagine contracting a disease or during pregnancy when one is already immune comprised not having any semblance of immunity.
Yes, there will always be those in the medical community that speak against this or that and somethings are actually true and should be questioned or not jumped on as if a fad true the majority is nonsense.
furthermore, nothing is without risk, people often look at pros vs. cons when making such a decision.
Yes there's always a chance that you'll fall in the shower and break a hip and die of a fat embolus, anything is possible indeed. We can concentrate on the 1-3% chance that something untoward will happen and be frightened and cause mass hysteria or we can make informed decisions since it isn't a decision that effects us solely but the community at large.

I am not undermining your decision to opt out, as stated patient autonomy is the foundation upon which medicine stands but it would be dishonest of me to know information and withhold it.

Medicine, religion, any science or art has its scholars and wanna be scholars. Do we take our knowledge on Islam from youtube, from google? or do we learn from scholars who have dedicated their lives to said study?
Same thing with medicine. Doctors aren't the enemy and the majority are willing to meet you all the way.. there's a reason why the schooling is rigorous.. so one can reason their way out of the bull!



06-22-2012, 05:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال
That's another very likely possibility but I have no doubt that the west would like to exterminate as much of the Muslim population as possible through whatever means..

When you say the west, who exactly are you referring to? The government or the people? You really show your own prejudice/hatred/mistrust when you come out with rubbish like that. You complain that non-Muslims fear Islam and suspect Islam is behind every crisis and yet some Muslims have exactly the same attitude to non-Muslims! We're behind the Syrian massacres, we want to sterilise Muslims, no Muslim ever comits a terrorist attack, it's just non Muslims pretending to Muslim.

06-22-2012, 05:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by LauraS
When you say the west, who exactly are you referring to? The government or the people? You really show your own prejudice/hatred/mistrust when you come out with rubbish like that. You complain that non-Muslims fear Islam and suspect Islam is behind every crisis and yet some Muslims have exactly the same attitude to non-Muslims! We're behind the Syrian massacres, we want to sterilise Muslims, no Muslim ever comits a terrorist attack, it's just non Muslims pretending to Muslim.
Perhaps you can show me where I have complained that non Muslims fear Islam and suspect Islam behind every crisis before the tirade? I'd find it hard to believe that I'd give a d@mn what anyone thinks considering!
Also perhaps you can write to me the list of names you wish excluded if your whole slogan merely revolves around word play or do you simply have a reading and comprehension impediment?
format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال
Any govt. that thinks dropping drones on innocents is all good and normal are frankly beyond PR campaigns.

06-23-2012, 01:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال
Perhaps you can show me where I have complained that non Muslims fear Islam and suspect Islam behind every crisis before the tirade? I'd find it hard to believe that I'd give a d@mn what anyone thinks considering!
Also perhaps you can write to me the list of names you wish excluded if your whole slogan merely revolves around word play or do you simply have a reading and comprehension impediment?

You may not have said it directly this time (although I have read other posts on the board saying exactly that), but what you say speaks volumes- the west wants to exterminate all Muslims. On these forums the west is accused of just about everything. You have shown your own hatred and intolerence when you called me and other non-Muslims filth last year.

06-23-2012, 02:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by LauraS
You may not have said it directly this time (although I have read other posts on the board saying exactly that), but what you say speaks volumes- the west wants to exterminate all Muslims. On these forums the west is accused of just about everything. You have shown your own hatred and intolerence when you called me and other non-Muslims filth last year.
You have no credibility! None whatsoever- It is inconsequential to me what others say or what you think others say, as it turns out this too is very much like your Taliban fiasco from the so-called Afghans you know 'personally' on that other thread- you should still feel disgraced from it and it is a conundrum your inability to learn from such a public experience where you've been humiliated due to frank lies you concoct and can't evince. You miss the whole concept of a debate, how to counter an accusation raised with logic and even when rude you don't do it with finesse!
If you want to make a point --- try to put your money where your mouth is. If you want to evince something about my person, then don't bring me what 'others' say.. it seems you are having a difficult time sorting through the facts, understanding what is written and distilling a logical conclusion from what is presented you!


06-23-2012, 06:12 PM
This thread has turned into yet another slanging match of personal attacks. :hmm:

Has anybody yet commented on the original discussion whether the Taliban is right in threatening to deny children the polio vaccine in response to the drone attacks?

06-24-2012, 01:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
This thread has turned into yet another slanging match of personal attacks. :hmm:

Please address points made by each other, not personally attack the person.

Roasted Cashew
06-25-2012, 08:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Has anybody yet commented on the original discussion whether the Taliban is right in threatening to deny children the polio vaccine in response to the drone attacks?
They won't comment on that because they are weak and don't have the willpower to stand by what's right. Instead, they will spew conspiracies, will target me or the source...Anything but answer the question and stay on topic. Bunch of hypocrites.

06-25-2012, 03:14 PM
I addressed you in the first post.. what is this intellectual bullying? NO to drones, they can always get their polio vaccines from else where- they're not only manufactured in the west.. try to use your mind to assess what is a priority-- believe me your mind is an asset if you use it right and a complete determent if you use it as you've displayed.
You're amusingly funny.. almost as much as parrot and me too.


06-25-2012, 08:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال
as it turns out this too is very much like your Taliban fiasco from the so-called Afghans you know 'personally' on that other thread- you should still feel disgraced from it
I am not disgraced by what I put in the other thread, what I wrote was perfectly true and if you just simply claim I am a liar because you don't like what I put, maybe you should feel disgraced.

As to on-topic subjects. Is this story actually confirmed? How can anyone think denying children polio vaccines is ok, just because it's the Taliban? Same as Americans shouldn't think drone attacks that kill families is ok just because it's America and they are the "goodies" as some see it. And I don't believe conspiracy theories that the vaccinations are secretly sterilising Muslims. :hiding: It just seems to scraping the barrel for reasons to defend the Taliban's actions.

06-25-2012, 08:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by LauraS
I am not disgraced by what I put in the other thread, what I wrote was perfectly true and if you just simply claim I am a liar because you don't like what I put, maybe you should feel disgraced.
A liar is someone who makes a deliberate prevarication to save face but can't back it up. I have given two examples or rather I made an example out of you twice!


Roasted Cashew
06-26-2012, 06:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Perseveranze
There's no actual reliability for this news. Unless a Taliban spokesman confirms, believing what western media reports is unwise.
format_quote Originally Posted by LauraS
Is this story actually confirmed?
Another Pakistani source below. Here it also shows Urdu-language pamphlet distributed by militants in Pakistan’s tribal regions which has warned health workers to stay away from polio vaccination campaigns or face dire consequences.


06-27-2012, 06:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Roasted Cashew
Do you guys agree with the Taliban or do you think they should not have bargained children's limbs?
If this is true, it is just odd, and it is hard to see the Taliban here as acting any more morally than the US is. They are trying to ward off the US's vile behaviour by threatening to do even more harm to themselves? Seriously? Its like saying "Stop punching me or I will start kicking me!" If the US is as evil as they say, then why would the US care if they harm their own children?

06-27-2012, 10:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis
If this is true, it is just odd, and it is hard to see the Taliban here as acting any more morally than the US is. They are trying to ward off the US's vile behaviour by threatening to do even more harm to themselves? Seriously? Its like saying "Stop punching me or I will start kicking me!" If the US is as evil as they say, then why would the US care if they harm their own children?

Then I don't think the Taliban are any more moral than the US. The whole case of west v middle east that seems to be going on is grey. Like I said further up feelings of intolerance, distrust ad violent hate are there for both non-Muslims and Muslims. Unfortunately for some Muslims whoever fights in the name of Islam must be right no matter what they are doing in the process, whilst some Americans believe they are a nation of heroes who can trample where they like. And I hate this the President of America is the leader of the free world business. :skeleton:

sister herb
06-28-2012, 08:28 PM
What kind of connection there even is with drones and polio vaccanation? "If you don´t stop kill our children by drones then we let polio kill them"?


Senseless news.

06-28-2012, 11:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister harb
What kind of connection there even is with drones and polio vaccanation?
that's exactly what the taliban are asking, though it's being skewed and mis-presented by the lamestream media.

they have noticed a relationship between the vaccination campaign and the drone murder frequencies.
and they have also clearly stated that they suspect the vaccination campaigns are being used as a cover to spy on the ground before sending in drones.
they are demanding the drone murders stop before they allow them in any more.

don't let the dajjal media fool you.

here's one where they dispersed some of the actual facts amongst a miryad of conjecture:

Leaflets distributed in South Waziristan on behalf of Mullah Nazir, the leader of the Federally Administered Tribal Agencies (Fata) accused health workers who administer anti-polio drops of being US spies.
"In the garb of these vaccination campaigns, the US and its allies are running their spying networks in Fata which has brought death and destruction on them in the form of drone strikes," the leaflet said.

Earlier this month, Hafiz Gul Bahadar, the leader of the Taliban in North Waziristan, made similar claims about polio vaccinations being used for spying and banned any further work until drone attacks end.

North and South Waziristan are where the vast bulk of US missile strikes by drone aircraft have taken place.
The leaflet raised the case of Shakil Afridi, the frontier doctor who ran a hepatitis vaccination campaign in Abbottabad as cover for a CIA effort to find intelligence about the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden.

Afridi, who has since been arrested and jailed by Pakistani authorities, provided important help in the hunt for the US's most wanted man, the former director of the CIA has said.

But humanitarian organisations have been outraged by the use of vaccination as a cover for spying, saying it has entrenched suspicions in the tribal areas about their work.


i would say the taliban have a valid point on this issue, the drone strikes are murdering hundreds of thousands of innocent people, while they are using the cover of saving a few dozen people from polio to commit these savage atrocities.

'Abd-al Latif
06-29-2012, 09:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Roasted Cashew
They won't comment on that because they are weak and don't have the willpower to stand by what's right. Instead, they will spew conspiracies, will target me or the source...Anything but answer the question and stay on topic. Bunch of hypocrites.
Please avoid calling others hypocrites or anything of the sort.

I personally doubt the actual truth of the story, it sounds to me more like tabloid news. Hence, why there isn't much of a serious response.

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